Hi hey hello Give me just one moment and I'll ready
Be ready even
Back Arrow Bishounen Tanteidan Boku no Hero Academia Dragon, Ie wo Kau. Hige wo Soru, Soushita Joshikousei wo Hirou Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Joran The Princess of Snow and Blood Sayonara Watashi no Cramer Super Cub Zombieland Saga
such a dark setting i wonder if swordgirl will kill all her coworkers by the end or if they'll end up actually working together
Yeah I dunno There's a building tension between her and the blonde lady at the least But the two guys, while not quite nice, aren't inherently a danger to her
And this Janome person seems to be a mutual enemy of them all So as long as he's alive, they probably can't afford to fall apart.
it's almost certain that the treasurer died because swordgirl was gonna find stuff out i think swordgirl is not-so-secretly hyperpowerful and the shadow org knows it
Well this is some obvious grooming of her Not in the sexual sense But he's very interested in molding her to be his perfect weapon
If not for the fundamental problem with a girl that young talking about trying to kill someone It would be kind of cute But there really is something deeply problematic about her boasting about trying to kill the lady
That was an unnerving mouth there
Hat bomb!
If there really is a traitor, it feels like it's this guy Meanwhile these two get a good excuse to trade sword swipes
Playing visuals through the ED makes me anxious But I guess she's not dead yet
what the actual hell is going on here wow oh ok wow wow wow wow WOW WOW
well ok honestly that one had less impact the traitor part
the grandma impersonation though now THAT's a twist
Well Janome's a right unpleasant bastard
He was supposed to get the little girl after her parents sold her to him though She only avoided it because the MC killed her family.
doesn't janome have way bigger fish to fry than messing with swordgirl though? or maybe not swordgirl does seem pretty important because of her blueblood
He's also, yeah He's hella horny for the MC because of her blood He's the one that killed her village because of it I figure he just wants to tie up loose strands
i'm gonna make a massive guess here i think maybe janome was part of the shadow org and then he killed the bluebloods to stop them from falling to shadow org so now he's a big traitor and MC is his big loose end also reverse-trap-san is just a complete wild card what's up with her, what's her deal
Thinking you don't need a cellphone is pretty wild for a highschool girl I mean as far as "need" goes she's right You don't need a cellphone But it does make things waaaaaaaay more useful
being a runaway sucks but yet she seems to have found a situation that for a brief moment i imagined as being liberating maybe it was throwing the phone in the ocean even if she's just a stupid teenager i can at least entertain the notion of fantasy that comes with eschewing the life we know for complete unknown
Plenty of people have various circumstances that make them want to run away Especially as a kid or teenager For most people it's the kind of thing you look back as an adult and laugh at yourself for being so dramatic But every now and then there's a kid out there whose desire to run away is legitimate
This is a cute kouhai Oh that does look good I slept straight through dinner time so it makes me kind of hungry
>>937936 Well the answer's not no But Yoshinoya is one of the bigger beef bowl chains in Japan You can get a pretty big set there for like eight dollars It's good too despite being a fast food chain
Glasses ain't wrong Some people gotta let you down once before you can really go for them
>>937944 yeah but you gotta be careful sometimes a rejection is only chance you get before the cops get involved and you could be completely benign
Everyone thinks he's dating now
But to be fair, he kind of is, without any actual romantic aspect to it
Like he's going through all the routines of dating someone without actually being in a romantic relationship
Boss-chan has some good eyebrows
Wow dude Even if you've been drinking that's an awfully forward thing to ask a female coworker
his BOSS even
what a situation
wow she's trying really hard
I wonder how much longer he'll keep smoking with a JK around That's the kind of thing that usually disappears when a guy like him ends up with a younger person under his charge
japanese salarymen who smoke only stop smoking when they retire
Or die
japanese salarymen never die they only pass on to the next isekai
this show makes me think and stuff with my brain and stuff
>>937960 hell no do you see how much money he's spending and real life JKs are terrible sociopaths >>937961 he did say he's been in love with his boss for 5 years to her face and he did get rejected
but yeah he's probably not unlucky, he just has been pursuing his boss for 5 years which is his own fault really
>>937961 He's also a salaryman his soul is slowly being sapped to serve as fuel which is the capitalistic machine that drives Japan Who's got time for romance in that situation
Honestly I've done some pretty dorky things while drinking but I've never been so drunk as to say something at all like that
>>937964 i think it's hilarious if only because at that point in the conversation he's making a pretty big gamble and if she reacts poorly, then he loses a little face but it's unlikely he loses much more and also gains information about how she feels but the upshot on the gamble is what occurred where he gains somewhat less reliable information about her feelings, but kinda gains points but his bluntness, and how unexpected it is of him as we know him makes it high shock-value and hilarious
Yeah the subtext there is that I'm way too much of a coward to take a social gamble like that Even alcohol isn't enough to shake me from that
Besides if they've been working together for 5+ years they're probably a bit more familiar with each other than the usual people who go out for after-work yakiniku So it's a safer bet than most situations
i'm one for making social gambles sober when i'm drunk i don't make social gambles just blunders really bad blunders that i spend years trying to forget
When this happened in the manga I remember it getting a bit of shitposting Since it's a bit asspull-y for Deku to suddenly get other powers, especially since most people are limited to just one or a set of physical attributes But it does kind of fit the whole shtick of One For All, back from when All Might first told the story of it merging with All For One's younger brother's pre-existing Quirk It stands to reason then that any other Quirks in later carriers of One For All would also merge with it?
I also think /a/ didn't particularly like Deku being special and getting something All Might did
I think they kind of hinted at it at the end of the last season? Deku woke up in the middle of the night and had black tendrils leaking out of his hand
Maybe people are fuzzy if they're still alive They only get to be proper Force Ghosts in One For All if they're proper dead
A lot of them have winter versions of their hero outfits
He's really an exhausting person
Poor guy Just because his power is mind control people kind of just assume he's a bit of a latent ne'er do well But he's a decent guy that just wants to be a HIIRO
Oh Deku gets a rematch against the mind control quirk Since he's on the B-class team Deku will be up against
Well it's like what All Might was saying A-class might've had a lot of crises that have given them a bunch of practical experience, but it also means they've missed out on a lot of actual school curriculum B-class have been steadily studying under pro heroes and with the school curriculum ever since starting at the school
I mean personally I think in the business of being a superhero there's no comparison for actually getting practical experience But I can understand the moral sensibilties of showing off how competent you are because you faithfully study and go to school.
Oh yeah look at this totally-Usada Pekora The ear and hair colour is off but the braids and carrots stuck in them And the Ton-chan scary It's totally supposed to be Pekora
I saw it earlier today too I wonder if they'll do more stuff like that throughout the show It's fun I'll be keeping an eye out in Osananajimi too To see if they sneak Vtubers into the background for it
His harem/party didn't have a cleric previously Not that it really needed one, with him around But I guess for the sake of looking balanced it's nice to have one
Oh that's a classic MonHun fight It was the big special Elder Dragon fight for the third generation of games
Yeah this has had a few monster hunter references so far
>>937998 >>937998 It's probably good to have a healer in your party
I would assume he's got healing magic on hand too But balance is also probably about having people who can focus on specific roles If he's not busy healing people he can just nuke things down
That's like the third or fourth "reaction" cut-in where they fill the screen with shocked faces This episode alone
Probably not But likely as strong in his own right as the High Priest girl Diablo is broken-strong, but there does seem to be a lot of normal-strong people in this world
Gun lady seems like the kind of person who'll flip eventually As a kind of dom break
The cricks and meat sounds when they're moving around are always kind of a funny touch They like to remind the viewer they're all zombies
Aw hell yeah
I think that's the first time I've seen them reference the Reiwa era of Japan Probably in part because most stuff is adaptations that started back when they were in the Heisei era
They've been doing a bit of a mirroring thing so far I wonder if it's intentional Like episode one had them playing the same metal club they did in the first season's episode one And then episode two of the first season was a similar slightly Saki-focused episode that culminated in the rap battle Where here we get to see how close friends she and Sakura have become
i do like it when a season 2 follows the same patterns it's nice when they start out like that
Well I hope they break from it a bit There's a few girls that didn't get a whole lot of focus in the first season Like Yugiri, the courtesan one, was basically as undeveloped by the end of the first season as she was at the start of it I'd like to see them get back to them