Hi hey hello Congratulations on making it through Monday
Back Arrow Episode 14-15 Bishounen Tanteidan Episode 1-2 Blue Reflection Ray Boku no Hero Academia Dragon, Ie wo Kau. Episode 2-3 Fruits Basket Fumetsu no Anata e Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou. Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui Mars Red Nomad - Megalo Box 2 Sayonara Watashi no Cramer Episode 2-3 Shadows House SSSS.Dynazenon Suburashiki Kono Sekai The Animation Super Cub Tokyo Revengers
you should congratulate me on my monday i showed up to work and then we drove for an hour and then they weren't ready for us so we drove back and then i went home rough day >>939107 (OP) i'm taking this image
oh snap it's Mars Red day!
Congratulations? That sounds like an all around waste of everyone's time
>>939117 yeah it also means i basically had the day off congratulate me now thankls
Everyone knows the top military brass are the real monsters
Funny to see the military brass all talking about how if they don't up their game, their military competency will be overtaken by the navy Which, even in real life Japanese history, is obviously what happened going into WWII
Yeah, it's honestly a bit out of place in this time period Like all the other characters dress in a way that could conceivably be considered normal for 1930s Japan Though I guess there really isn't any historical time period that a Tokyo Ghoul-poi outfit would be considered normal, hah hah
awww what a moment
All these Japanese people are such gosh-darned romantics
mostly just build-up but still a good episode >>939153 he's so edgy, i love him
Sentimental stuff is always charming when it's not laid on too thickly This show does a great job of hitting that sweet spot on the bulls-eye
Oh this girl is in the OP didnt take long to meet her
Hah hah hah She's not a very good shot
i've got a bad feeling
oh no i have a really bad feeling now
It's okay look how happy she is
This Hayase certainly doesn't mince words
the hairy guards are really scary
They look more comical to me than anything
As a side note, there's kind of a layer of irony in her complimenting her She called the girl "otonashi", which is the Japanese equivalent to "obedient" But it derives its root from "otona", or "adult" So she's saying she's like an adult, being obedient Which is awfully cruel to say to a girl who will never become an adult
Oh I wonder if he's going to take her form and get sacrificed now
i hadn't thought of that but that sounds like exactly what will happen now
This is still within the chapters that I read but I'm definitely fuzzy on the details For some reason I thought he would show up as the spine-bear since he got mauled by it
He doesn't make for a very good travelling partner
The winning move is for him to copy her and get sacrificed.
>>939188 Yeah I think it will somehow happen though
Sure, but he doesn't know her circumstances And even if she knew he could shapeshift, it would probably be hard to convey that to him Since he clearly doesn't really understand language yet.
well that was pretty slow i wonder if this arc will take more than one more episode
I can't remember if I ever got to end of it or not But this is more the pace I was expecting from the series I was surprised when they covered the whole wolf-dog arc in one episode
i think if they didn't do that it might have been way less effective
what they did with the first episode was very powerful and probably pulled a lot of people in that might have otherwise not been so effected
I've seen some chatter that there's additional depth to this series if you're familiar with the original Dynazenon franchse Though I'm not clear on the details because the source I read it from didn't go into detail itself Gridman was the same way though, if you were familiar with the original Gridman you got more out of the series than someone who didn't Not that it was necessary to enjoy the show, evidently But more like icing on the cake
The girl is doing a better job of growing as a person than the MC is so far She's actually kinda facing her problems where he's still being kind of mopey
Hah hah I was mostly joking with >>939195 this but it looks like Glasses has really set his eyes on the MC
He's older than I figured him to be if a girl from his school got married and "it was a while ago" I mean maybe she married fresh out of high school but even then that would put him at around the early twenties.
Oh huh I didn't catch this earlier Sane lady
yeah i just noticed too
well maybe she's sane but idk
Same, even I've got limited desk space right now it's hard to type well
is that dude just eating a bowl of crabs holy shit
Yeah ... whole crabs
I wonder why the smaller kaiju are just appearing all over the place though These Eugenicists don't seem to be responsible for their appearance, and just take advantage of them appearing
i don't like the short red hair girl she seems like trouble
His co-workers are gonna get a real misunderstanding of who Ichika is
>>939232 I bet you wouldn't like 'em sumo wrestler-big though
their walking pace is just slightly too slow it's weirding me out
Well if she's carrying around a bunch of easels she probably can't move very fast But it's probably more that this show isn't particularly well-animated It's not bad but I'd say it errs slightly on the side of mediocre So lazy animation like that is probably inevitable.
wow rio was straight up about it
Yeah I dunno how appropriate it is to be candid about that
is rio up to something or just weird or dumb
I think she's just doing whatever She's not wrong that Ryo is pretty open about his crushing on Ichika. It's only fortunate ambiguousness that's kept it from being outright exposed. So she's not really obligated to keep it a secret.
He's not really that yab If he was half-competent he'd be much more yabai But he's such a dork that it dulls any danger he presents
it is kinda hard to tell what's going on in ichika's head but maybe she's having that issue too
Yeah I think she herself doesn't know what to think about Ryo's advances She's obviously fallen a bit for the "He's been persistent about pursuing me so I'm a little bit charmed" But he's also still kind of kimoi But also a pretty good catch? Like he's got a good job, he's handsome, resourceful, and reasonably intelligent
i just thought about something from the past and now i want to evaporate forever
You know I kinda first figured Rio's thing about liking sumo wrestlers was her just deflecting since she didn't want to talk romance with her friends But she really does seem to have a thing for sumo
That Arietty girl was a weird KanaHana role A very plain character for such a big seiyuu.
yeah if his OL friend finds out about the high school girl she's shacking up with that will be a mess
Under most circumstances I think it would go that way, yeah But I think in Kouhai-chan's mind she would get excited at knowing a secret of his like that Since it would kind of be a foot in the door into his private life.
wow kouhai is pretty cool
Yeah she's quite the romantic Not beat down by the crushing banality of Japanese office work yet.
Yeah, respectably honest He admitted to being attracted to her but not in love with her I think that's a good thing to be able to sort out Plenty of people get physical attraction and emotional attraction mixed up
wow this show is like mature just a little bit that's very refreshing
I really like the MC It's nice to not have someone who's either kind of weak and flustery, or hyper-sexual
he's like almost a mary sue but not in ways that feel unrealistic he's maybe even a little self-righteous but in a respectable way i feel bad for Sayu, she seems to have it really rough but this arrangement is definitely really good for her
i think i can tell myself that i'd be able to stand in the MC's shoes here without feeling like i'm lying but i wouldn't put my life on the line for that i definitely wouldn't be able to get my point across as well as he did
It's fine to be a bit self-righteous anyway You're the only person who can ever really think you're right anyway
>>939306 Oh I definitely wouldn't trust myself in his shoes I am not a person of his moral fiber
Most guys are suuuuuuuper cautious around young girls. His reaction isn't that weird.
i mean, i definitely wouldn't have put myself in this situation even offering a place to stay is outside my capabilities, i think i think what would have been difficult is to be approached and touched like that though that's when things get way more difficult, and the brain starts to lose out i think i'm pretty strong-willed in my convictions, so i'm mostly sure i could trust myself but not as powerfully as he did, or as tactfully definitely not as tactfully i probably would have been much more rude
I have no convictions! It's also much harder on me when someone is pushing what they want on me As long as it's not beyond my comfort or capabilities, it's hard for me to turn down something like that.