you managed to make it right before i was about to get off but unfortunately that really only spares the communication i can cram an episode real quick maybe but i have to be up in 6 hours
Four and a half hours is plenty of sleep for a day of manual labour! That's basically what I go through on a daily basis and I'm fine!
Beastars Back Arrow Go-toubun no Hanayome Horimiya Idoly Pride Episode 9-12 Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Jujutsu Kaisen Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Log Horizon Episode 8-11 Non Non Biyori Show By Rock Episode 11-12 Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 8-12 World Trigger
There is also the first episode of a new season of Hero Academia out, but by all mentions I've seen of it, it's just recap So we can put it on if you want to be brought back up to speed, I think I more or less remember where it left off.
Some kinds of bears are honestly kind of goofy, and while dangerous of course, being bears, are actually easily intimidated. North American black bears, and even grizzlies to a degree If you act tough and they don't have cubs around, they're more than happy to not bother with you. But brown bears are mean bastards and are really, really dangerous
This is getting really deep into carnivore psychology
It's one of the things I've found the neatest about Beastars How well it blends human-like sentience with the instincts and psychology of more animal brains.
Pina is still a surprisingly resillient creature For all his herbivore nature, he's good at not being hapless
Legosi went from being lanky and lame to looking really wild and cool.
It'll probably wear off as he digests Louis' MEAT
Legosi continues to somehow find the silliest way to express things
Yeah he's already back to being lanky '
Tsk tsk tsk Legosi It's rude to keep things from your girlfriend like that
No immediate announcement of another season, eh I wonder if they'll pick the series back up I know it does get a bit shark-jumpy later on, but I'm pretty sure the series at least in Japan was still consistently popular through the finale. Plus there's some -real- whacky characters that show up in the later arcs.
He's a special person in his own right I don't think Sukuna helps him very much
He really doesn't, hah hah It's basically the bare minimum of letting Itadori access his well of cursed energy Which is probably less "let" and more he has to since he's inside Itadori
I wonder how dangerous this third brother is Seems the eldest, which usually means strongest
A big upgrade but it seems like sukuna may be getting dangerous
i hope we get more of this
Well whatever threat Sukuna will pose, I figure it'll be on the backburner until they deal with Patch-face and his little gang of doofuses Sukuna feels more like an endgame threat
>>930128 Looks like they're leaving the door open for it But I know right now MAPPA are working on AoT and have an adaptation of Chainsaw Man in the pipeline Chainsaw Man'll probably be some good fun when it comes out.
I hope we get more ok world trigger okay lets start
Speaking of TRIGGER though, they've got a new show this season SSSS.DYNAZENON It's not a sequel to Gridman, and as far as I know it's not even a "same world, different story" situation But it is going to probably be a kind of spiritual successor.
The problem is, in most situations it doesn't do much more than what a direct hit with a normal shot would Especially with Chika, whose sniper shots are more like artillery cannon bursts If she was to land a normal shot it would still take the limb it hits clean off.
But she can't bring herself to shoot human beans so it's definitely a convenient back-up
Yeah, even though he needed a lot of back-up from Chika It was still a great moment for him hah hah And for the first time in a while, if not ever, it puts him on the scoreboard
Meanwhile man they're really bullying Kuga
Honestly I think coming across Osamu and Chika out in the open like that and going straight for them is a smart move Osamu can only have so many plans, and it's a safe gamble if he's on the move like that, he doesn't have an environment set up And Chika's a sniper, so she's not the best open combatant
They probably should be worried about the war since they're up against the nation of crazy strong warriors.
The China-Japan-y nation does have some strong warriors, but I think their bigger point is they have numbers Where as the nation they're with right now is more into quality over quantity Especially since they hack into the armbands that let them transform and seem to have made them stronger
This blue-haired girl is one of those exhaustingly narrowly-focused people Who can't see anything but their revenge.
He is a bit insufferable If he wasn't obviously not a bad guy, just a bit selfish and slightly disinterested in social norms. Then yeah, I could see where they're coming from But really they're just too content to relish in their own hatred and revenge that they don't see where he's coming from
No I think it's reasonable to be scared the Emperor Zetsu will move onto the battlefield He seems like a monster even just as a normal human person
Oh she's got wings too That's always a really useful thing to have
He's back to being his extreme self It kinda feels like Shu kinda took a gamble that his friend would remain lost in his own problems for longer than this And it's backfired pretty bad
And speaking of backfiring Arrow -was- told he couldn't use that special attack And he went ahead and used it anyway!
well he needs his own powerup act arc now that the enemies got powerups
It's also serving as a good mid-show climax Since this'll be two-cour They need something big to happen here at the midpoint
>Do The Heavens Cry When The Princess Rises? Oh will the princess fight next episode That might be fun I'm hoping she gets to return to her Berserker Mode when she gets in the robot
Hah hah yeah In Jaapanese convention that's definitely the guy's line, Hori But it totally fits here
Getting married right out of high school still sure is, well, a lot And really they've only been dating like a year or so I think some caution is important here!
It's at a plan at least she doesn't really have a plan
That's true, yeah And I guess she looks after her house a lot, so she could likely settle into being the house-side of the relationship But I dunno if she'd really be happy with that? She seems like the kind of person that needs to be doing something. Miyamura would be a much better housedad than she'd be a housemom