Time for some finales tonight! Providing Bang's Internet is alive again
Idoly Pride Episode 10-12 Log Horizon Episode 8-11 Non Non Biyori Show By Rock Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 8-12 Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wonder Egg Priority
--Spring 2021 Joran The Princess of Snow and Blood Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui Mars Red
Ought to be, I'd be surprised if he forgot about Wonder Egg's finale In the meanwhile we could mayybe start with something we don't need him f Ah well there he is
i'm gonna fetch water real quick should be just a minute
Joran is a period supernatural sort of ghostbusters series, taking place in 1930s Japan Koi to Yobu is a jousei romance drama about an adult salaryman and the teenage girl he ends up trying to romance Mars Red is a vampire series taking place in the late 1920s Japan, that apparently has a very Shinbo Akiyuki feel to the animation. If you think about what makes SHAFT anime feel so SHAFT-y, it's his visual style which has always made that the case.
Those are all that's available from the new season at the moment.
fuck it, i'll try them all
oh yeah i remember koi to yobu it looks like trash from the PV but PV are often missing a lot of post and touch up i mean the premise is whatever i mean the animation looked bad but it's a PV
tonight i have time and apparently the internet cable was physically damaged ATT guy came out while i was at work nice that my roommate works from home
egg final egg >>931253 it looked like chewing but it was hard to tell we recently had fiber installed so part of our cable is outside just kind of in the elements they're going to come out eventually to dig a hole and stuff but apparently they're backed up >>931256 what do you mean
The more dressed up of the dummy guys seems like the bigger jerk.
oh god
>>931262 To be fair he's the one that's suffered the worse of the two He's the one that married that lady in the flashback last episode only to have their created daughter kill his wife and unborn daughter There's very grounded reasons for him being fuuuucked up
being Acca is suffering
Oh wait his daughter survived but Frill killed her via suicide eventually anyway
All it takes is one friend and you might not kill yourself This Ai seems like she's still kind of a problem child
Drowning yourself in the school pool sure is a way to send a message
Oh Yikes
This evil Sensei is basically all the things that's easy to assume about him I wonder if it's actually accurate or if he really is a decent guy.
im thinking the twist is that this parallel ai had an interaction that wasn't so nice and that's why he's her endboss
Well it fits the pattern we've seen so far It's the worst abuse the girl suffers that manifests as their endboss
This Sensei is maybe even more evil than the silly paint one One that's obsessed with a kind of "pure" love that he encourages girls to kill themselves
was that the last ep? It definitely needs a continuation because the story isn't complete
>>931290 unless a 2nd season gets greenlit or there's a movie on the way then i feel like i just got trolled
https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-03-30/wonder-egg-priority-anime-gets-special-edition-broadcast-to-conclude-story-on-june-29/.171306 June 29th
oh ok so there's one more episode and they're saying that it will be a conclusion that's good i'm not mad now
As a special edition broadcast it might even be more than just one episode Or like a double-length episode The wording is a bit vague Either way, yeah, we'll be getting at least one more episode that will wrap up the story.
I think this is an anime-original work Which is nice As much as some of the best things are usually adaptations, I always want to give original stuff its fair shot
Carrots are one of those things Japanese kids don't like Which is weird to me I can get their dislike of bell peppers, since I wasn't a fan as a kid either But I've always loved carrots.
Karasumori is also probably spelled with the Kanji for "crow" and "forest" too At the least I don't know any other Kanji that have readings like those.
uhhhh snake man
He's more of an organ man
Oh no
well i'm definitely gonna keep watching i'm not expecting much in the writing department but maybe i'll be pleasantly surprised the setting and character design is really cool and interesting the style is very over-the-top though i wonder if the quality will remain consistent, i saw some hiccups that make me worry i really like the style though i hope they can keep up with themselves
It's the studio's first serial work Which often lets them be a bit reckless with putting in quality.
oh if kirara likes it then my expectations are very low
This is more a historically accurate Tokyo for the 1920-30s Japan It's wild to imagine it being so open like this
this guy is so dead this guy is SO dead
Well yeah If he was early-twenties in the late 1920s he'd be over a hundred by now On top of having to survive Japan through two World Wars
Pneumatic tubes! It's such a cool method of object transportation Too bad it's completely irrelevant by now.
wait do you not have drive-thru banks in canada
the banks here have drive-thrus that use pneumatic tubes to transfer documents with the teller inside
She's got a bit of personality for someone who only seems to actually be able to communicate with playscript
he's definitely not going to
He doesn't have to! The older guy left it up to his own discretion when she's of no use or a danger As long as he doesn't judge her either he's got no reason to dispose of her!
I like the little bits of her actual personality slipping through
alright well that was 10/10 i have literally 0 qualms with what i just watched which as i'm sure you know is not very bang-like
It was a pretty solid pilot episode I also really like that they went with a more traditional style of vampire Can't cross running water, sunlight is certain death to them
miyuki sawashiro was really cool the boy, i forgot his name but she did an excellent job there misaki's VA also did great
Yeah she doesn't get to flex her shota voice all too often
Oh yeah I heard the audio mixing for this episode was kinda clunky Either the studio published the episode with the wrong audio track, or they just had the seiyuu doing the voice recording at home
Well that sure is convenient
wow that bento looked good now i want a bento
still thinking about that bento
Oh this guy is a hard M What a poor situation for the girl to end up in
>>931406 Komari is used to it she lives with the pain
>I feel like it's been a long time, but it's been no time at all Yeah because this series has been active for TEN years
This is a weird moment of suspense for a final ep- Oh right her mom was pregnant This is sure is a crisis for a bunch of kids
wow they animated the emergency flashers and then the turn signal
It's easier to do those kinds of things on a 3D model
it probably isn't that hard on a 2D image either, but i feel like you almost never see it outside of like initial d where they rarely use signals anyways
Yeah I was thinking Shiori is probably gonna be starting grade one at their school this year
And that's Non Non Biyori Kind of a sentimental thought that it's done and over It's been a long time since season one.
what a great show if someone asked me what i thought the best SoL was i'd have a hard time deciding between this and hidasketch