>>930240 Nakinyko? Yeah I was right Nakinyko's older remixes were better in my opinion He still has the same magic, but he lost a bit of it over the years
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>930241 i'll check em out i've been a little obsessed with Duvet recently but let me see what else they've got
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh yea i've heard some of these before tatami galaxy x timberlake
>>930242 >>930243 My favorite is the Joshiraku one And the Hidamari one is pretty good too He has also provided download links btw
if you remix a remix, so that it becomes just like the original, what would you call that?
>>930259 Sounds good. I heard that it's somewhat similar to CSM, and CSM was a fun read
Hm, I understand the similarities but I still wouldn't say it's particularly similar. Both are great series, and the Jujutsu Kaisen anime has some AMAZING fight choreography animation and sound direction. If you like intense and heavy action, you'll be done well by Jujutsu
one of the clients was really angry about some stuff and i was trying to normalize being angry with her and everyone had some stuff they've been holding back so i was like "let's go burn some shit" and then we did. i had them all do some art of the things they want to be free from and then we burned those things i'm such a good therapist
Coincidentally, MAPPA, the studio that animated Jujutsu, actually has a Chainsaw Man adaptation in the pipes So you can get a taste for what a Chainsaw Man anime might be like by watching Jujutsu
>>930266 Yep, that's what I was thinking >>930265 Sounds like a good workplace >>930268 It didn't feel as 'WOW' as Fire Punch, but it was a fun watch nonetheless
>>930266 I'm really looking forward to the Chainsaw Man anime. Although I didn't like the manga all that much. The manga probably gets better but a lot of the early stuff had a lot of boring compositions and I felt like really big things started happening way too quickly, the pacing was weird. And killing too many people off so early!
>>930267 Well, I wouldn't go so far as to call it a good workplace but I can do pretty much anything I want to and nobody stops me so it works for me.
I think those final two points don't ever really change The pace is always pretty wild and the series continues to be a bloodbath
There's a couple of scenes that I don't expect will translate well to anime, but otherwise it's perfect as a source material for an anime >>930268 Haha, that's good by today's standards. Bosses can be horrible >>930272 I love her.
>>930273 You sound like you've been in your business for a good while
>>930271 My boss is pretty much my bitch. There's a new boss between me and my real boss starting today though (a miniboss, if you will), and I haven't gotten a feel for her yet. But I'm invincible because if I quit, this place will have to shut down, so I think I'll be okay.
She's the best witch for sure
>>930273 My one (1) employee has unionez, what do I do?
It's funny because my boss keeps describing himself as a "union guy" But he's corporate's little bitch. You should hear him asking me for advice on how he should fix all the problems here. Buddy, you've been in this industry 20 years longer than me. I'm a punk who just wants to have fun. I have a sticker for a revolutionary union organization on my laptop that I use for work.
The other day he came to me, like, "what are we gonna do about this? it's looking bad" and you should have seen the despair creeping onto his face as I explained to him why he was mistaken and why things are so much worse than he thought. Of course I gave him a solution, but he's so much fun to bully.
Miniboss-chan walked by my office, and my door is open, but she didn't even glance into it. Usually you'd think you'd introduce yourself to the employees you're now in charge of but she's ignored me twice today! I wonder if my boss warned her about me.
The best part is that I'm a great therapist and I actually do everything I need to and more. So there's absolutely no reason for them to try to stop me from doing things my way other than to exert control over me.
I'd be afraid of me too if I were a boss though I'm uncontrollable and I only stand to gain by leaving this job. This job is like wearing a limiters.
People take so LONG TO SELL THEIR TURNIPS It takes 6 minutes from you get the code until you leave, why are you motherfuckers sticking around for 15 minutes at a time? There are two little raccoons, there isn't a line once you're in
It's not mine, but it's just common etiquette to do your sells, drop the tax, and get the fuck out to clear the line up I'm first in line now though so I'm up in a second
Most people just fence off the whole island except the path between the raccoons and the airport, too Cause SOME PEOPLE can't be trusted, and go treasure hunting while the host isn't looking
What anime are you guys looking forward to for the next season? I'll be watching 86, Combatants will be Dispatched and Super Cub There were a couple of others that seemed interesting so I'll watch an episode when they air
I have so much anime marked green on anichart, but probably most looking forward to nagatoro
>>930289 I'm a bit of an MMO junkie so I'm looking forward to more Kumo, and the one about a girl who kills slimes for three hundred years will be fun The final leg of the Fruits Basket adaptation also starts up this season so I'm really excited to have that all come together Er not MMO junkie, isekai junkie
I know there's a few other things but I'm at work right now so I can't pull up where I normally get my show sources from
Oh there's also SSSS.DYNAZENON, which'll probably be a spiritual successor to GRIDMAN And I think the sequel season to Megalo Box is airing this season too
as in someobe claimed on interwevs it happened to him
>>930298 so has it been confirmed or debunked, that say someone on tv saying "alexa turn off tv" would actually do so?
i miss mythbusters
>>930307 I know it works over voice chat. I did it during D&D to the Alexa being used by the guy without headphones. He's also retarded and couldn't figure out how to mute me.
Every time I see one of those kinds of things at an electronics store, my only question is how rich do you gotta be to get enough of these things for it to make any sense at all? Like, you've gotta be some sort of lunatic to get a google home hub just for smart lights, or a glorified HDMI cable How many of these things until it stops being you paying a thousand bucks or more just so you don't have to plug your laptop into the TV or reach of the light switch?
I can't even imagine myself going "alexa\hey google, what is x" or "add this to my shopping list" or "play this" It seems like something you do for the novelty after getting it, and then you forget the thing exists within your home because it's just... not actually that useful
I could shout while cooking "play this, next song, skip forward" etc it really is what I /what finns call "turhake" a combination of hyödyke - good(s) and turha - useless/meaningless it really doesn't change much how you do, just makes things al ittle bit more convenient
a similiar thing is smart watches do you really need those features in a watch, nah but can it be convenient to have those, yes do I use mine nope
It's somewhat more convenient I guess, but I'd struggle to justify paying anything at all for it
same as any smart-X like what do you really do with a fridge that can connect to your phone do you really need that "okay fridge, take a picture of your contents" that much? but some want that convenience
also the chocolate is super tasty they only use this recipe for the mignon eggs and "mignon confectionaries" and both are only available during easter, adding to its value
It is somewhat similiar to another fazer product, wiener nougat, but not 100% both are chocolate and nougat, but the ratio and whatnots is different
>3 days out of phone range >no text messages >no missed calls >2 emails. Both spam
I see how it is
Sounds like you're living the dream
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>930344 It would be fine except there's a job i was hoping to get and i thought maybe I'd hear something about it
If it was a non-service industry job, the past three days were mostly a weekend If I was waiting on a call from somewhere that would like have me in an office Mon-Fri, I wouldn't expect a call about an offer over the weekend
i got a four day weekend last weekend and next weekend im gonna go to a spa next weekend
I get a three-day weekend this upcoming one It'll be nice to not work
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>930346 That's still all of Friday, Monday and most of today For a call that was supposedly coming last Thursday
Are the 1080p releases of anime still just upscales, or have I been watching INFERIOR releases for months at this point?
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>930586 I only watch in 1080p, and there's definitely a difference vs 720p. If they're just upscales, they're really good upscales since they're better than MadVR
>>930589 I get 720 when I watch anime on my laptop and 1080 when I watch it on my PC.
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I watch old anime with no 1080p version with MPV on linux because upscaling them absolutely rapes my graphics card. otherwise, I have an external monitor that I use to watch anime
Miniboss' office is across from mine and even though she still hasn't introduced herself to me, she made eye contact with me by accident and then quickly looked away. I haven't even met her yet and she fears my power! I'm not even that scary as long as you don't fuck with me or tell me what to do!
I'm mostly stable but I get pangs of anxiety and depression sometimes. It's a part of life, I guess
>>930611 The last time I visited a therapist was in middle school. I kinda dislike them because they put me through some terrible stuff in elementary/middle school
>>930614 I admire happy and optimistic people like you. I personally don't really have anything to look forward to or be happy about apart from anime, which probably explains why I'm like this
I don't have anything in particular to look forward to. I'm just enjoying whatever happens as it happens. I don't really care about tomorrow! I'll worry about that when it gets here.
>>930617 I wish I could be like that too All it takes is a simple trigger and I spend the rest of the day trying to do anything but think because painful and scary thoughts come flooding in
>>930634 I found the story to be mid, it isn't exactly something you'll be WOWed by, but it's a good monomyth implementation nonetheless. It chooses to focus on the characters instead o f the story, which is why they're so memorable. It is probably the only show with such a big cast that manages to give each one of them a good amount of character development
>>930636 It's kept the old formula, so it was fun (at least for me). One thing to keep in mind while watching it is that it is one of the few shows you are not supposed to binge
>I once asked a guy on a date and he said he had to wash his hair. I said "No, I mean, would you like me to wash yours?" He said "No thanks, I'll do it myself." >We went out for coffee. I was gutted.
>>930637 Chemistry. I'm not very fond of it, but it's compulsory at my college >>930639 Gotcha >>930640 Anon, you're asking for the impossible. You can't spell erotica without erica
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>It is not easy to date in a pandemic. There are a lot of sick people. People with the flu. People with the flu who have the flu. People with H1N1 flu who have the flu. People who have a cold. People who have a cold whose colds have the flu. People who have a cold whose colds have H1N
>>930642 e-dating has gotten a lot easier on the other hand. It's the time for the internet nerds to beat jocks! >>930648 Is your course any fun? >>930650 I liked that anime too (manga version was a bit better though)
>>930649 i graduated a long time ago but lemme see i think i had a good time most of the courses combinatorics was cool i did a graphics course and i like opengl a lot but i didn't finish my project at all compilers was kinda fun but java suxx
>>930652 I've done competitive programming all throughout highschool, so I'm expecting it to be a lot easier for me I'm only a bit worried about the hardware part of the syllabus since I suck at anything involving electricity >>930653 It was the only anime I watched from start to end last season
yea i took a circuits course cuz i was interested but had to drop out because i missed a few classes and also didn't really study and couldn't keep up anymore
Miniboss and I still haven't introduced ourselves to each other, nor have we been introduced to each other. But we're occasionally acknowledging each other now as if we already know each other. I don't think we'll ever be introduced. So I'll chalk this one up as a draw.
>>930656 I feel kinda bad for RMS, the open letter accused him of some serious stuff with dubious citations
>>930658 I hope so. I wanna pick up Japanese and gain some level of fluency once I get the time to, and every minute I can spend not learning new things will be 60 more seconds to spend learning kanji
>>930657 Agreed, but most of them were either sequels or felt like a 7/10 at best
>>930666 I can see why you'd not like him, but I personally feel like it's necessary for him to stay as president,
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh man, I am so over RMS i signed the anti letter sowwyy
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>930665 (cont.) or at least a board member of the FSF, since none of the other members are as ideologically rigid as him >>930668 Same here, but funnily enough in my case it was the first season where I didn't have enough time to watch more than a handful of shows
>>930665 7/10 is pretty good in my book! Although this was the first season I've had time to watch more than 5-6 shows in a few seasons so I can dig not watching anything that's not amazing.
>>930669 I've been planning to watch the original and the remake, but so far I've only watched a couple of episodes I haven't yet watched a good number of 'classic' anime (such as higurashi) since if I finish all of the good stuff there won't be anything left for when I hit a dry spell or there's a boring season
Higurashi and Umineko are really wild rides. They start off kind of slow but once things start going, they start seriously going.
They will always be kind of dense though Ryuukishi, the author, has a habit of trying to hide important information in literal paragraphs of distracting exposition or scene events. It's not to say they're not exhilarating at times, but there is a lot to them
>>930682 Is that a streamer? >>930683 Sounds delicious, Kirara! >>930685 There's a new kind of GAN which easily lets you map 3D figures to other 3D figures, but they end up looking like characters
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
streamer, yes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
northern lion is probably a few kilometers away from me
I'm pretty hungry, too. I've got another hour before my next client gets here so I could go get something to eat but then I won't be able to eat dinner at a reasonable time. mou
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>930700 Bear the hunger Food is more delicious when you're hungry I hate ruining meals by snacking
I'm a habitual grazer If food is available to me I'll probably be munching on it as I work or play or whatever's occupying my mind
I usually only eat breakfast and dinner but my breakfast wasn't big enough this morning so I'm already hungry! Alas, this cruel fate!
Right now I've got a bag of Werther's I've been snacking from all day Hard candies are nice because they last a while and serve for a bit of oral fixation for me
I like eating, it's good shit. I've just never eaten lunch really. Back in the day, you know, I'd eat a little bit at school for lunch but not much. A lot of time, the teachers wouldn't let me eat lunch though wwww So I just ended up being someone who didn't eat lunch
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>930708 I skipped school all the time and did whatever I wanted to wwwww I was the class rep 5 or 6 years in a row
The school resource officers here would beat you up if you skipped. One time I got handcuffed to the railing in front of the shcool because I didn't properly say hello to him.
>>930710 Sounds rough I went to a private school so they were careful around kids And none of the teachers cared that much since all of us went to cram schools
Oh, my schools were mostly for poor kids and delinquents. My middle school was just a bunch of trailers thrown together, we had one hallway in the whole school and only 100 students. My high school was where all the kids who couldn't go to regular school went, but they let us do pretty much whatever there which was nice. I used to walk to the mall with my friends in between classes and stuff.
I went to a middle-class (I think?) private school, and then a cram school for entrance exam prep They expected great things out of me, they even put me in their special classroom But alas, I was nothing but average since I didn't study
In my case, I had a couple of problems which stopped me from studying like my parents would've liked me to I was despairing at my future prospects even if I did study, and I ended up not studying at all which worsened them a bit But I enjoyed wasting my time learning inane things and watching anime, so I guess it's not that bad. At the end of the day, the only thing money's good for is buying BD releases
Well, I neither have a girlfriend, nor do I have any money-consuming hobbies I can live a comfy NEET life if I work for about a decade I guess I'll aim for that
and if you have a place that is "can eat in" as it is designed for that, you need to have a bathroom available, either in your establishment, or shared by the nearby ones, in case of food courts etc
The bathrooms at my local mall have these lights that supposedly are there to keep people from shooting up, but it's kinda strange because like This is a very small town with only like, a few thousand people, 0 homelessness, etc >>930754 Yeah but EVERYONE who is ever in this town like, has a house here, and the mall is just in the middle of the town It's not big enough for it to make sense to go to the mall to shoot up instead of home Hell you probably bought it AT HOME, from a guy who came over
It's just weird, cause the mall in the actual real city that's 15 minutes away does not have these lights
>>930753 so 2nd option paranoia guess the owner(s) of the malls wasted some money on those lights and the installation due to being spooked by something happens
Maybe they were just coldcalled by someone who has my old job lmao Like "hey mr manager-san, ya wanna buy some UV lights for the restrooms? They keep the druggies away" And just close the sale before the guy is able to even think as far as "wait, we don't... have druggies shooting up here to begin with."
quote some statistics, make some good case and then sell it before they start to truly think
it is actually funny how many sales are like that from my own experience too, you hit it before they actually think about it
I mean yeah, if you let the customer think, you already lost Sure as hell is the case in my old job where I was trying to sell tiny bottles of disinfectant for a 500% markup, a price that's easily 3-4 times what you get by just buying it from the fucking grocery store
Sales is a scummy job, but I had fun the one or two times I managed to sell something I wish I had been better at it
ofc of the establishments using that tactic, about 90% of them are selling either something overpriced, useless or a bad deal in some way you don't need to cheat your customer, if your product/service is actually good and worth the price
What's fun though, is getting sales calls now that I've gone through basic training and being able to mentally go "no, man, you're doing this wrong. You're letting me dictate this, you're gonna wash out"
of course, most sales calls I get, I just tell them they have to talk to my landlord, cause they do internet and tv and power are all part of rent Ain't within my domain
I think best internet marketing call comes from one friend of mine >can I interest you in a DNA internet bla bla bla... what kind of internet do you have right now >well it is 1GB/1GB >Oh wow, that is quite impressive, how much does it cost >well around 350€ a month >wha.. that is quite overpriced >well it does come with an appartment >oh
I've gotten better again spinning my pen on my thumb Fell out of practice since I didn't have a pen in hand a lot lately, but with low motivation to work I've been twiddling pens again Which makes for good practice spinning
It was a non-ending A really weird choice for an adaptation that's not likely going to get a second season If they'd followed that ending up with a season two announcement, it would've been more exciting But alas
I expected something like that Since the source was too huge to adapt in a 12-ep anime
Well there was definitely a good, cathartic point it could've stopped at that would serve as a good bookend for a one-cour show It would've involved spacing some pacing out a bit, but it would've worked
>>930775 DDid you generate that trip for "Nap" or "uwU"?
>>930795 that's cock and ball torture did you get sick
yeah the last five days or so have been awful, mostly just chugging nyquil and sleeping starting to feel less shitty now but there's still a persistent headache and muscle ache, and taste is really dull
>>930800 domo not sure exactly where I got it but it was probably from work, a lot of customers are stupid or drunk so they'll pull their masks down to order all the time and the kitchen has a lot of people going in and out so it could've been from a coworker I can't even be mad, that's just how it is on this bitch of an earth
at least there's monhun for when I can stand to look at a screen
>>930804 Have you tried sitting to look at a screen? What about laying down?
I'm usually sitting for it, sometimes laying down when I'm using my phone in bed both usually suck
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the new monhun is pretty good although i've only done like 2 hours
It's so much fun I got two hours in and decided I didn't like my character design choices so I started from the beginning again so I could fix it!
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just got to 3 star quests gonna hunt some monsters later toniiiight
I just got to 4 star, it's really good but I feel like they made low rank XTRA easy this time around not that I'm complaining it lets you play around more with the extra movesets and skills you get, it's just weird fighting a new monster and then it dies before you see half the moves
Yeah, somehow I managed to kill the Great Baggi I fought yesterday before it even managed to try to escape once. Using the first bone dual swords Weak shit
I saw the Japanese Twitter for the game says there'll be a free title update for the game sometime in April So it's nice they're employing the World approach to maintaining the game and presumably filling out the ranks of huntable monsters But I also wonder how long until we see G-rank DLC
I'm assuming the usual 1 year after they're definitely going to be filling the roster out through updates before that though, // wait nevermind I won't spoil what's coming in april in case y'all want that to be a surprise looking forward to what they release though
Oh I guess the April update already got leaked then?
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>930813 She looks like the goddess from Cautious Hero
>>930816 nah it was announced officially earlier this month
run while you still have a chance >>930830 it is somewhat amusing how many cases there are of people basically admitting it and then later on getting caught in act I suppose there is some notion amongst them, that they can't be caught that they are above law and I guess most of them are right
Well if it's basically World but better, that's... great Because World was my first and only MonHun too But it also burned me heavily on one story quest with like,a REALLY big kaiju and some canons and stuff you had to shoot at it I don't remember the details anymore, but I stopped playing after that mission
lol I'm not sure Rise will be great on PC. The graphics are developed for the Switch, after all.
>>930839 in a few games you'll be an old monhun guy telling all the new kids about how you used to have to hit the mining node THREE TIMES to get all the resources the series has been really consistent with improving QoL with each entry >>930840 the zorah quest sucked but at least you only have to do it once they always try some zany big arena thing like that and it's hit or miss >>930855 filtered by kut ku
>tfw you only played monhun on psp I never got very far either.
Earlier today I was talking to this client whose son no-showed a session with me the other day, and she was like, begging me to charge her even though he no-showed which means I just played video games instead (which is what I would have preferred to do anyway) So usually I don't charge people if they no-show because I didn't work and I like goofing off anyway But she was begging me to charge her like some kind of fucking freak So finally I say okay and charge her 80% of what she usually pays, right
And then she goes "perfect. now i'll make sure my son pays me back for this." lmao
she was like "he needs to be held accountable!!" and i kept saying like, this kid has poorly treated ADHD, he is gonna miss stuff sometimes. it's part of the ailment but he's no-showed for me three times and i think she's just fed up with it so she wants to use me as a bludgeon against him or something moms are like that
On the other hand, one time this kid told me that he accidentally hit the accelerator when he was learning to drive and almost hit a wall, but the computer in his car stopped the car from hitting anything And I was like "wow, they didn't have stuff like that when I was your age" And this motherfucker said "that's because you're old: "
I'm not old! I'm only 27! At the time, I was 26! I'm not old! I'm not!
Kids are so cruel sometimes. One time this kid told me he wanted Animal Crossing for Christmas and I told him I've played that and it's fun. This kid is like 7 so I'm trying to relate to him and make friendly conversation. And he looks me DEAD IN THE EYES AND SAYS "I DON'T CARE" gaaah
Yeah I mean I started with lessons, too, cause my dad got spooked when I nearly killed the gearbox the first time he tried to teach me But once I started taking lessons, I was driving with him as well to get practice in
A THOUSAND HOURS is fucking insane though That's... that's 20 hours a week of driving for a full year
here it is either skoda octavius or... i think a ford model and then a wolkswagen all are diesel cars, which is kinda funny, since most finns drive gasoline so the first car they actually drive, will have a completely differently behaving gearbox
>>930870 No, it's definitely important. Driving lessons will give you an understanding of how to operate a motor vehicle, but they won't teach you how to drive. Driving comes from experience. And you have to drive with a licensed driver for a certain amount of time to get that experience.
A car is a super dangerous things.
>>930873 Your parent or guardian has to vouch for you.
There's no set limit here, you just can't take your license test until your driving instructor goes "yeah you're ready" Cause it has to go through an instructor, I think, or at least that's how it's usually done And you need a certain amount of time with the instructor I'm pretty sure
I'm still nowhere near 1000 hours, that's fucking insanity
a truck license btw costs 20-40k€ depending on how large
I don't remember and things have changed a lot since I did mine but it was something like 20? theory lessons and then 30-40 hours of *sessions of driving lessons and then slippery road and night driving and highway driving
mine was amusingly driving my instructor on his own car to another city, where he was going to meet his daughter and I had like 15€ deducted from the lessons for the train ticket back
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my license was $75 and it's good for 8 years
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
In my driver's ed class, we watched James Cameron's Avatar lol
>>930878 We watched Need EErr Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift.
I never got my license though. Back then my dad was too busy for me to practice driving with, and my mom would scream whenever I made a mistake so I just didn't drive enough to get my license.
the required lessons cost about 1000€ when I did it, it is a lot more expensive now and then a driving test is about 150€ I think and theory test is about 50€
and then you have to do a "part 2" test, including several driving tests costing you about 200€ and a slippery road test costing about another 200€ after having had a card for a year bare minimum, but at most 2 years bringing up the total cost to about 1500€ which is about what I paid for it
nowadays I think it is about 2000-3000€, with more lessons and more complications
a Driver license lasts forever, atleast mine does but modern ones need to be reissued every 5 to 10 years, because fuck EU
I wanna get a RWD car I like my car, but I wish it had RWD >>930886 Well yeah, winter is fun for driving, especially cause there's a ton of roundabouts here
>>930882 you can drift with anything when there is snow
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Or enough water.
Or enough blood.
the winter when i got my license was a long and fuckton of snow I had a lot of fun times just screwing around and learning how not to crash by nearly crashing on purpose
>>930885 It's pretty fun. I remember last time, we were all driving down the interstate and Blue grabs the aux and is like "check this out" and he starts blasting haircutting asmr in our Kia Soul
I got professionally paid for lessons like some kind of ojou
>>930892 MMy parents have talked about making me do that.
I failed my first test I had slept maybe 2 hours that night, due to it being on 1st monday of a week long vacation the instructor tried to not once, twice, three times but four god damn times to make me drive, on purpose, in places where you can't drive I failed the last time since I wasn't paying enough attention at that point
and we started the test by doing a pocket parking into a space, where the car barely fit, with like 10 cm to spare I had a slight bumb with the trailer hook of the other car, and that also arleady failed me
It's really fun blasting music with all your buddies in the car, everyone just singing along. I can't wait for covid to be done or for us all to be vaccinated so we can philly it up again.
>>930894 my second test was this chill guy who had me drive to a neighbouring town where I lived and then back
it was so jarring
no fucking roads that turn into one way roads after a turn, with no fucking clear symbol of it no trams no "you need to actually know that this is a thing or you are breaking the law" etc of fucking pasila and alppila...
Now that I have a somewhat stable income that's above my bare necessities, I'm definitely gonna come over after covid Though I have planned a camping trip in a natural park with dutchfriend as well, and that's probably gonna be first
Gonna get high as balls and watch the sky free of light pollution It's gonna be great
>>930903 Yeah Because I gave up on looking for work, I get more money now
'nyhow here the driver schools and driver testing facilities are known to just fail people on purpose, so that both get to milk money out of the would be drivers
can't really do much about it, since they all are just part of one giant cartell
>>930902 >Because I gave up on looking for work, I get more money now Isn't that the opposite of how a welfare system should work, excluding disability stuff?
You'd certainly think so, yeah But no, I get 12K a month now, plus living assistance Used to be 8K plus living assistance My rent is 8K So I haven't actually been able to pay rent on my own since like, a month or two after I moved out, my mom's bankrolled my whole life
>>930909 i don¨t know norwegian system anyhow I just told what the finnish one is like and how there is the absurd situation of >got a job, have less money and less time
It's just fucked
for example unemployed people, people who have never worked a day in their life and receive no union bonus etc
get more money than students
and students have a lot more costs, including various fees, books, travel, etc and those are supposed to be covered by the student benefits
it is kinda weird why students get so lil munies, when they have a lot more costs added to them than unemployed etc "this is what the student loans are for" well yeah "well they can always do low skill jobs" you mean the jobs that are all taken by the "Doctors from Syria?"
I did have the on-call work thing, but I had to just not accept that because if I accepted more than 2 shifts in 2 weeks, I got NOTHING from the government
So I was fucking stuck on shit benefits, scraping by by mooching off of my mom It was great for my mental health, lemme tell ya
I think I get like $300 per month for hhahaving autism. It ggets taken away if I have more than 2k across my bank accounts.
Here, the living benefit is something like 85% of your r ent upt to a limit, as in if you are living in some way too expensive place then you get about 300-taxes student benefit added to that for unemployed it is about 400-600€ a month, it varies
and you can also apply for temporary benefits, that can cover up to any and all costs that you have
>>930916 It isn't supposed to be enough to live on. It's supposed to help.
I'm en route to actual disability though, so that's gonna be fucking amazing I just gotta get rediagnosed, amp up my fucking exhaustion and inability to find work, get approved for disability, and live like a gremlin for the rest of my life As long as it happens before I tip 30 If it happens after, I might be screwed, but I still have a bottle of booze and very bad tendencies in my head, so there's a solution
But it'll happen before if it happens at all, is my thinking
>>930919 Oh, so it's not like disability or nothing, it's just a boost because you're deemed unable to do work "worth" enough to live on
>>930921 Yes, but also it gets taken away if I make more than a certain amount.
whenever you hear conversations about removing inheritance tax, you always get that "but what about those millionnaires" etc
well fuck that 90% of the time it will be ordinary folk getting a house or a cabin or just a car and then tax man comes >okay, now pay 25% of its value - deemd by us and no one else - to us and then you have to sell all of it
and mind you this is just fucking DOUBLE TAXING things, since all of it has anyhow been taxed already
complete and utter bullshit and it in the end just hurts the ordinary lads and lasses and not the big wigs, who don't pay taxes anyhow
>>930928 Yeah Although the financial asset limit is "no more than $2,000 simultaneously".
>>930924 thank god for foundations and trust funds the only way to get around shitty bureaucracy of state wanting to steal your already taxed money when you want to share it with your family and friends, be it while still alive or after passing
ie. if I say won 10M in lottery and wanted to give half of that to my close family it would be 25-50% taxed by the state
but if I put that 5M into a foundation of say "Perkele gives money to his kin fund" i can basically share the wealth for free, as long as it isn't given all at once
so fucking idiotic, but thankfully the rich families have laid out the foundation already
>>930934 The money from that trust is only allowed to be used for rent, education and medical bills. It's nigh impossible to get out of the trust otherwise.
i don't have much issue with taxation most of time, atleast when the money is then used to enrichen the nation and the people but I do have issue when the state double taxes you
I mean an omelette is just broken eggs though And heat
Never really understood that expression It's not like you break some eggs in the process Breaking the eggs IS the process, there aren't steps besides breaking the eggs
I like the outskirts of a city like where I live right now I can quite easily access the services of the city, while not having to suffer from any of the down sides, like noise or light pollution and so on
>>930983 Eh, there's virtually no public transport in the US. If you don't live in one of the big major cities, you've already got access to a vehicle.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
live in a city that has been designed around nature best of both worlds
i grew up in one tho so i'm kinda over it prefer to live in a big city with a good dating scene not this icy retirement village
Playing RDR2 had me very nostalgic for a past that never was, and also it was somewhere else whether it existed or not That was a strange emotion to experience
>>930988 also this why can't people just design their cities to have parks and greenery etc and not just chop down and fill every bit of plant life that exists
thankfully I live in a country where concrete isn't worshipped so much
>>930995 Yeah, well "freezing to death in an icy hellscape" wasn't very nostalgia rich
Wide open nature, mere dirt paths between settlements, and wild animals just living everywhere though, that had be kinda melancholic about the current state of the world I miss this reality I wasn't around for
>>930993 If I had to do something like kino, I'd probably pick a caravan Caravans are nice >>930992 The place I grew up in had trees on the footpath every 2m Cities feel soulless these days
But going back to "carless city" there are limits to it basically logistics you will have to have a ton of people still using cars, be it private or public or corporate
just moving your own stuff from place to place would require ofc a car or a moving company
and in the end, all the goods and 90% of maintenance services require cars to go around If you design your city to not have those, it will get damn annoying to get from place to place fixing shit
>>931006 Eh, Chicago area seems nice. London has a housing crisis right now.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
been to venice too up at 6 am watchin all those dudes lever shit over the bridges hardly practical but very romantic
it will be shame when venice is no longer a thing
>>931008 well its housing crisis is "rich foreign capital buying all the appartments and properties and sitting on them"
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
anyway gran autismo obviously when i say carless i don't mean zero cars
tell that to our green party, please, they actually plan 0 cars when they talk about 0 cars
>>931012 I didn't say anything about carless cities.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i mean if you drive a car you will hate your life and also pay a billion dollars a second pedestrian zones everywhere
and one day someone should make a city with fuckin TUUUUBES everywhere underground to move shit around
>>931020 absolutely not well if you mean having kids and living with them uh sounds pretty tough but i think those would be some of the best years of your life in retrospect yea
huh, gura's res2 stream is age restricted and google thinks I will give it my credit card or an ID with a photo to prove my age... how about you shoot your own kneecaps with a shotgun you cunt
>>931024 >>931023 >>931026 I don't mean just the family you're born into As long as you're able to find people you like and care about, I think they count as family
>>931034 i had a real good time living with my friends in college it feels like a whole different life now i could never do it again i'm a whole different person now
>>931046 uuh EEC? I forgot to translate the finnish name Euroopan Talous Alue European Economic Zone or something
pretty sure the age verification thing is a european thing, yeah I ain't gonna verify my age on the google machine they know how old I am already, they just want the details they can't scrape from my browsing
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
we'll all live together one day in tiny hermetically sealed pods full of life sustaining nutrients in a giant array of hexagonal chambers in a superstructure deep under the pacific
passed in november of 2018 with a 21 month ... transition period so it came into force just recently, huh makes sense
and apparently one of its clauses requires you to prove you are of age with a valid documentation if you are viewing age restricted content
>>931044 yeah i had friends in NYC but now i'm back in my hometown and everyone i knew is married with kids and this city is hell for getting new friends. it's possible (mostly with new people in town) but all the established peeps are suuper cliquey even i am a contributor like my high school friend circle is an absolutely impenetrable clique it's dumb
>>931056 That's possible, I guess, but I'm pretty sure "operating in Europe" legally means "people from europe are using your service" when it's an online thing
>>931057 well for example germany can sue any social media platfrom for like 20M a day for content that is illegal in germany I hear they are trying to push that for the whole Eurozone
>>931059 actually no operating in europe means it is operating in europe as in has offices etc in europe and is paying its taxes there or something like that
I am actually back on my bullshit with the spaghetti though, so It's just such an easy snack when the only thing compelling me to snack is I gotta like, chew on something I don't need Good Taste in my mouth, I just gotta like, snack On something
>>931070 i'm not like, hungry though Well, maybe I am
I don't really notice i'm hungry until I'm about to get a headache from not eating all day Don't register it
I've been thinking maybe it's some spooky "stimming" thing or something But I dunno
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
sounds like you might benefit from listening to your body's needs more closely! it could be dehydration or some other psychological unfulfilled need
Hrrrm Maybe I should go eat marshmallows right now.
It might be dehydration, but if it's some other unfulfilled need, man that's gonna take a while to figure out
Oh no Someone is watching tv downstairs Christ, I hate hearing other people's tv shows.
>ERGA should also be able to provide technical advice on any regulatory matter related to the audiovisual media services framework, including in the area of hate speech and the protection of minors, as well as on the content of audiovisual commercial communications for foods high in fat, salt or sodium and sugars. HAHHAHAH aa fucking nannystate
>>931080 >muh hate speech I see they still hate freedom, sasuga Europe.
okay there is a good bit there I don't remember the exact wording but the directive strictly forbids PREREVIEWING any footage when it is uploaded and applying any filters etc that would automatically prevent uploading content, that the article tries to prevent minors from viewing or that would be against the directive
so amusingly, it forbids the installation of filters etc, which is nice
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
They don't seem to have a good grasp on how the modern web works, but their intentions seem good. If they collaborated with actual experts while forming these laws, they could make some well-needed changes
this whole act is basically just a giant document of applying protections so that minors, who use internet more and more, don'ta ccidentally on sites that aren't primarily ment for adult content stumble on such content and in that respect I do say it is harmless
however, since it does annoy the ordinary citizen and forexample force them to give a credit card or an ID to google... yeah not well done
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>931087 God I hate lobbying How did it even become legal
>>931074 What, in your opinion is the best measurement for food-based energy? That is assuming you used calorie because it's the American standard and not because you like it.
Also each european union member applies their ownrulesofpoliticalconduct for their MEPS and EU employees, so it doesn't matter how well some members do with their things and uncorrupt they are if the rest are hives of scum and villainy
>>931094 basically I will have to review this document fully, but it is long as a hunger year and filled with so much bureaucratic nonsense, it is tiresome to read through
establishing and operating age verification systems for users of video-sharing platforms with respect to content which may impair the physical, mental or moral development of minors;
so this is what each memberstate has to add to their own legal system as dictated by the directive of course, each memberstate can do it differently
I'll have to ask zeeg if he has ran into this issue later
Okay I browsed through it and I find a lot of "content that can harm the mental, physical and moral development of a minor but never once do they specify what is actually content that does that they just say "what can harm" but they never outright make any, even vague, definitions of what such content may be.
that is worrying as hell
it was named after the calorie mate meal bar featured in metal gear solid 3 snake eater
Do any of you know what 1 calorie is? And don't say 4.18 Joules. It's a very specific unit.
Anyhow thanks to EU, any age restricted video will now require you to have a credit card attached to your google account if you are european >>931130 nothing is real outside my thoughts
i steal a few breaths from the world for a minute and then i'll be nothing forever and all of my memories and all of the things i have seen will be gone with my eyes with my body with me
kind of a rough way to start a song but that's mitski for ya
>>931154 My dad is into her stuff. I think he saw her a at Pitchfork. Speaking of Pitchfork might still be happening this year. I hope its a better lineup than was planned for last year.
Speaking of bad lineups Riot Fest Might also still happen but I'm really hoping their lineup gets charged. *changed MCR was going to play last year. I would really really prefer they have good headliners. Their lineups have been getting worse every year for about nine years now.
>>931162 My Chemical Romance? They're probably not the best headliner. I'd still be okay with seeing them if the price was reasonable or the other acts were good. Black Parade and some of their other stuff is good. >>931169 Oh, that's true, because they're returning after long time being dormant, people are bound to scalp.
>>931165 Ugh I'm so sick of them booking rappers. It's supposed to be a punk and metal fest. >>931172 It hasn't been confirmed that tthe city will let them have the festival.
be glad you atleast have lives or concerts and that you live inside "the world" of "world tours"
>>931171 Run The Jewels are okay. I like that one Lupe Fiasco song where he criticised Obama before it was cool but not much otherwise. But I can understand your gripe.
>>931174 BBuBut if it does happen its like the weekend after Pitchfork.
>>931174 IImI'm pretty sure I've seen Lupe Fiasco before at Pitchfork.
Hrrm I gotta see what lineup they have for tthe circle jrks. I hope Zander Schloss is still with them. He was in my favorite mmovie and so were the circle jerks and he ended up joining.
Also, jesus, AAR and Simple Plan are still are around? still around >>931180 I know RTJ2 pretty well, but I've only heard a little bit of 1&3, so same.
circle jerk the circle jerk
>>931174 I like Run the Jewels 2 but I haven't heard their other albums
Oh shit Zander did three albums with Joe Strummer. He's also still in the circle jerks.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
so many advertisements have a bell sound in them somewhere it's some kinda pavlovian brainwashing i swear pls like and subscribe ping
>>931178 HHaHave you heard Group Sex by The Circle Jerks? It had its 40th anniversary last yearm It's one of m favorite albums.
>>931182 or it is just common musical element in corporate music
btw who can I blame for discovery channel trying to lure me into subscribing to their discovery+ or whatever by marketing "EXES OF FINLAND WINTER EDITION" to me nonstop jfc, stop with the semiporn ads
What does discovery even air nowadays?= Discover the amazing world of reality tv of shitty people flirting with other shitty people's ex gf/bfs?
>>931189 Highly sensationalized "weird" stuff Like What on Earth I fucking hate Ugh Forgot his naje *name ANDREW GOUGH He's this fucking conspiracy theorist that pops up on a few of their shows. He should be on fucking ancient aliens.
>>931190 I really wonder how all the science and nature channels turned into "garage wars of gold rush pawn stars" but I guess that is what sells in USA
not that I really care since I don't watch tv, but if I am in places where a tv is and has good channels I will peek at them and most of time they are just >reality show X and nothing actually interesting
atleast that one... fuck was it called some two guys driving around USA and buying stuff from hoarders has some interesting stuff on it with the two guys knowing the history of the objects damn well >>931200yeah that both US and UK versions can be atleast good trash to watch
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>931192 me too i got bogged down and forgot half of the things that were going on also regretted missing out on the fridge quest or whatever that was about though i guess that's more of a second playthru thing most likely
>>931198 IIf you like that you might also like AAntiques Roadshow
I will never ACTIVELY go out of my way to watch it these kinda shows are "sit infront of tv an turn it on and see what garbage is airing" but if I am say at home rn and thinking of watching something I would never go and look at american pickers
I have no idea what modern cable tv is like, I haven't had cable in nearly a decade I imagine it's like looking into an alternate reality at this point >>931199 I got stuck trying to do every little thing and then there were too many details and subquests to realistically follow I'm gonna try to just do whatever falls in front of me this time, I think that's how the game is best played otherwise it's just information overload, so much of the game is just really nice noise
>>931203 YYoYou aren't missing much. I rarely watch tv. If I'm watching tv its because my friend leaves the tv iin tththe llilliving room on all day.
We had our own good stuff, but nowadays there pretty much just is Do you want to be a millionnaire
tho occasionally there are some amusing ones like City vs Rurals where you have a group from the city (helsinki) and a group from the rural finland competing how much they know about the other groups business
Trebek was really one of a kind, wonderful dude
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
una americaaano por favor
>>931211 Sean Connery died wwiwitwiwithin a week of Trebek which I thought was kind of funny.
well there ain't onehere really either but it is in the making and it wouldn't actually affect me, since I live just outside the city bounds but yeah, anything I travel to, aside from basic groceries, is in the city
Decided to sneak in some shopping on my break at our rival supermarket and some dude came up and asked me where something was. Guess he didn't see I was in my uniform and the big logo on my chest. To be fair, the online departments have pretty similar uniforms. >>931433 Go to sleep Kirara.