Wednesday's here This has felt like a pretty long week for me so far Two more days feels like a lot
Horimiya Idoly Pride Episode 8-11 Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 3-6 Log Horizon Episode 7-11 Show By Rock Soukou Musume Senki Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 7-11 World Trigger
world trigger soukou musume design horimiya idoly pride
slim pickings tonight
Well we're getting towards the end of the season And a lot of the heavy hitters have wrapped already At least we still have a few good things for tonight
The mangaka really does like their tactics I wonder how well it translates on the page I know there's some absolutely awful Hunter x Hunter manga chapters that are just walls of text separated by comic panels. I mean they're interesting worldbuilding or even actually fun dialogue But visually it's just static images of people standing around talking
Spoken sure like a cynical adult But I do think some precautions around Hyuse are a smart idea
yeah they'd be extremely foolish not to be cautious of him
Oh yeah I was thinking this last episode, but that red team did seem to have four members So I guess the teams aren't limited to a trio when participating in the matches That means being able to get Hyuse in their squad will be a real boon.
This blackcoat squad is being really clever They're gunning straight for Osamu from the beginning He's finally getting the respect he deserves!
Yeah I thought this might be Osamu's counter-trick Force an encounter between the other squads I guess they're not -so- concerned with Osamu that they're willing to make a truce to take him out
Kinda His squad still needs to be the one taking others out to score points after all He doesn't get any credit for setting up the KO And I think having the red team lose a member is less beneficial than the black team losing one Imagine if the black team had lost their member there Chika and Kuga would've eliminated the other two with ease
I could see it maybe having a pilot eject button But even then it would probably be a dangerous final attack to use Since any remaining monsters would be able to converge on you, now completely unarmed
I guess we're going to see what the self-destruct entails oh yeah it just desummons the suit
Well I think the suit blowing up entails a bit more than just desummoning it
Oh right, the thing anchoring her to this dimension was a part of her suit So it blowing up means she was at risk of getting pulled into the big fracture. Maybe that's what the old otaku was worried about.
What kind of design request is that even What a tiresome client
>Animal that's watching even though it seems like nothing's there Oh yeah the angel's on the right idea, even if he's got the wrong animal Sounds like it's a high-camoflage animal
I guess with how structured the difference between formal and casual Japanese is, if you get into the serious habit of talking to everyone in the formal manner, it gets hard to drop it so easily
I'm sure it's just like english some people have more relaxed speaking style than others
Yeah, that's fair I was kind of stiff a lot when I was younger And honestly I think my ability to speak relaxedly is something I've had to practice and observe to get.
Oh it's the kouhai again She's kinda fun
Yeah that must be bizarre Just someone coming up to you out of the blue and grabbing something out of your hands, without a word, and then running off once the task is done
I feel like all these characters look a little more chibi than usual
Yeah no, I've been noticing that too A lot of very chibi-esque faces
Man just to show how dated this series is The guy's flipping through a newspaper No kid his age would be reading out of a newspaper in this day and age.
He's a considerably different person at home than he is at school Feels much more serious and he's getting pretty mad for his imouto's sake
>>929511 I don't think Japanese newspapers have that much hard Kanji They are meant to be read by the masses, after all. At his level of reading comprehension he should get 95% or so of what's mentioned in them
Hah hah I guess if you see Hori and Miyamura in the same house without them being together, they would kinda seem like siblings.
It looks like Producer-kun was starting to put the pieces together himself
Also it's still weird how he's been haunted by Mana for like two years now but he still can't properly keep the fact that he can see her subtle
The imouto already had her near-spirit-break in this show Way back earlier in the series she almost gave up idol-ing So I can't imagine she'll do it a second time just because she's being kind of downplayed compared to her sister and the other leader girl