
Thread #929644

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Hi sorry I'm here now
Are you still keeping tabs?
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yup, still here
Okey dokes, thanks for waiting
Dr. Stone
Go-toubun no Hanayome
Idoly Pride
Episode 9-11
Kai Byoui Ramune
Episode 3-6
Log Horizon
Episode 7-11
Show By Rock
Episode 11-12
Tenchi Souzou Design-bu
Episode 8-11
Yakusoku no Neverland
Yuru Camp
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no higurashi...

dr. stone
log horizon 7
yuru camp
It's going to be a loooong three months through the spring season
I think there's actually quite a few split-cour things coming out of this season that'll likely pick up in the summer
Higurashi, Slime, Mushoku Tensei
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yeah, long wait
they didn't give us any good reveals or anything at the end too

dr. stone
lets start
I guess the pink girl was still loyal to the spear guy
Also the new Monster Hunter comes out today (Friday)
But 'round here they seem to have severely underestimated the stock of physical copies
And even despite still being in the pre-order stage, the game's entirely sold out at all vendors. Best Buy, Amazon, game store chains
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Yeah, I know
I have it downloaded
but I have work tomorrow and can't skip
and a certain someone wants to play with friends and zoom ahead of me
so we may be fighting in 12 hours or so
You can play with me instead!
I probably won't have any chance to play until late tomorrow evening
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them being dead sure resolved quickly

maybe I will cause if he zoomes off without me i'm going to refuse to play with him
Senku at least pulled off his usual "lol I was actually thinking a dozen steps ahead of you always" and was never in any danger
I guess Tsukasa they just hand-waved him surviving with his insane strength
Though it also sounds like he's still in critical condition
Huh, so Senku thinks he can petrify someone eh
Judging from what we've seen, that might help Tsukasa reocver
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Seems like Tsukasa is really messed up
I guess they're going to have to go to great lengths to save him
We've seen the petrification seem to work on recovering bodily injury
It fixed Senku's neck after Tsukasa snapped it in season one
And being petrified allowed Tsukasa's imouto to heal from her literal brain problems
They're definitely handwaving that part of this whole situation.

But I guess for the time being they're just gonna cold-sleep Tsukasa.
Oh that's a smart use of the petrification
Long-term perfect food preservation
Well if you are really up for it, you know where to find me
I'll probably be around most of the weekend.
I'll be going up north for the weekend to my parents' place, but I'll have Internet and my Switch
>It's because he only thinks he's gotten big
That's an interesting theory on Mario
They referenced quite a bit of Japanese pop culture this episode
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Yeah seems like they have to unravel the mysteries of petrification
earlier in the series than i thought it would happen
It's good to have ambitious goals!
I'm pretty sure even if they're starting now though, it's a long-term goal
Especially if they want to
Make a full-on ship to cross the world.
>It's been two and a half years
Wouldn't that actually make Senku almost an adult now
I think he was like grade eleven or so when he got frozen, putting him at around seventeen or so
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Seems like this will get more adaptatation
Would be nice
Dr. Stone is a consistently popular series in Shounen Jump
Not super-popular, but it always manages to at least perform in the middling of the popularity charts
Honestly I think they didn't even really need to make this season one-cour, I'm pretty sure there's enough material for it to have filled out a full two-cours without running up against the manga.
Maybe they just had production issues because of Covid, like a lot of series.
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well it's a nice series
I hope to see more of it
I think they have more ti adapt, yeah

lets start
This has kind of been an underwhelming finale to this series
I was checking in on some of the chatter about it, and apparently the second season cut a few whole plot arcs of the manga (one in particular that most people seemed to think was the best part of the series after they left the orphanage)
And instead a bit of all that talking they did last episode was actually them covering some of the things that were important to the finale that they'd cut out.
People were already disappointed by the manga when it wrapped because they didn't really stick the landing
But this adaptation seems to widely be a disappointment on top of disappointment for the people who read the manga.
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For neverland? or stone?
Oh, Neverland
There's been very little chatter about the Stone adaptation
But that's probably a "no news is good news" situation
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oh yeah
well in that case I agree
I think this season of neverland has a lot less direction than the first
and the big punch line has already happened i think
Wow he really would rather die than not continue manufacturing children for demons to eat

Gutting whole plot arcs and having to compress the ones they did adapt is probably responsible for that
It's hard to maintain focus when you don't have the time you need to tell the story you want.
Plus it's the kind of thing that turns big cathartic moments like this into what feel like cheap, forced-feel-good moments
Like if we'd seen more of their House Mother this season, maybe seed the fact that she hated the human support for the demons in this world, it would've made her actually have a redemption arc
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yeah their mother showing up and being an ally is just kind of out of left field
At least this kinda makes sense
The main squad are all staying back to take on the demon institutions
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A lot of the loose baggage is leaving too
they can mvoe quicker and stuff

oh looks like their mom is escaping too
She'd be a smart one to take along, since the House Mothers seem to all be combat operators
But they do also need some adults in the human world party
Even if the kids are all pretty capable of handling themselves, having an adult or two along will probably make it easier for them to integrate into human world society
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Well it does kinda end on the radical change note that the first season ended on
It also seems like they just slideshow'd through the entire final battle arc!
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oh wait
they is a BIG timeskip
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Is that actually the end of the series?
I can see why this was controversial.
I wonder if the manga actually covered them attacking the demon capital and what seemed like a big final battle.
Or if this was kind of what they did in the manga too.

Like even if this was how it went down in the manga
Man it really feels like the author just went "okay I'm bored of writing this let's just cram the ending in all at once"
The first half of this season was pretty cool though
Them adventuring through the demon world and meeting Mujika and her bodyguard, the search for the first bunker they went searching for
That was all pretty cool
But I guess with only one season to finish the rest of the manga they had to cram stuff HARD and it made the rest of the season kind of spin out of control
Shame too
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Yeah that was pretty wild
I'd be curious to see what the manga is like as well.
I've thought about reading it, but, eh
At this point I dunno how motivated I am to
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log horizon 7
lets start
I think this'll probably be more of Krusty's adventures in China
Oh he probably meets up with Kanami
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Krusty is so OP
He was the head of top guilds on the Japanese server when Log Horizon was still just an MMO
Unlike Shiroe he was content to take on a leadership role
In terms of skill as a player, he's probably as good at his class as Shiroe is at being his
They used Kunlun as a place in this show too
I wonder if it's the name of some historical mythical place
Since Last Dungeon also used that name.
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Krusty seems like a stronger player than Shiroe.
>The Kunlun is a mountain or mountain range in Chinese mythology, an important symbol representing the axis mundi and divinity.
Oh okay that makes a lot of sense then
Maybe in terms of strength
Since he's a class that focuses on straightforward combat, where as Shiroe's is a support-based class
But Shiroe makes up for being a "weaker" class by being an absolute tactical genius and high-level schemer
Krusty's also kind of insane
He gets off the high of battle in a way that's probably pretty reckless for someone who has something to lose
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Yeah, Krusty is crazy.
It's been a while since they actually fought things in this series in a way befitting of an MMO
That chimera-esque creature they were fighting was a full on raid boss
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Yeah it did feel a lot more mmo than the last few episodes have been
Previously the role of MMO antics was left up to Scrub Horizon, who are all, well, scrubs.
So it's neat to see MMO activities at a max-level degree.
Judging from what we know about Monk-chan, who used to be Shiroe's guild leader, she's probably all on board to go with Krusty to the moon to fight raid bosses
She was always the lynchpin of Debauchery Tea Party, who rushed new content in the game whenever it came out to explore alien new experiences.
Oh speaking of Scrub Horizon, we get some of them next episode
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let's skip ahead to yuru camp if it's okay with you
i wanna go to bed
need to get up early tomorrow

let's start
Yeah, that's okay
We probably won't have too much to watch over the next week since most things have ended
Oh this looks like someone I'd love to visit in person
Cool geographical formations are always fascinating to see up close.
Oh it's already March there
The water's still pretty cold
There's a few locations in Japan that take advantage of the tide coming in and out for cool effect
You've probably seen one of them, that temple that's built on a beach that's basically entirely boardwalk
So that when the tide comes in you're surrounded by water as you walk around on these boardwalks
It's the place with the torii gate that is entirely out in the ocean when the tide's in
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I think this series is best viewed in winter
when it's really cold
the cold puts you into it

yeah that sounds like it looks nice
I've probably seen pictures of it before.
I've only really ever gone camping in summer
Aside from a few pre-Scouts groups my parents put me into as a kid where they had us doing some winter camping.
Though winter camping here is a much different experience than winter camping in central Japan hah hah
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I hope we actually get to see capybaras
Would be surprising to hint at them without actually delivering.
At least some times even knowing you'll be surprised is still a nice surprise
>Wooden cookware
? ? ?
I can get making dishes out of specially treated wood, but cookware?
That feels like it'll just burn eventually.
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well some wood is very hard to set on fire
It's kind of neat, if you look at this from the perspective of their Sensei's character arc
As far as a comfy SoL series can have a character arc
When we first saw her she was practically a raging alcoholic
And while she still seems to almost instinctually reach for a drink at times, she doesn't get that hammered
Instant miso soup early in the morning would probably be pretty nice in the cold morning like this
Miso has a very hearty feel to it that must be great for making you feel warm
Sunrises are nice
Recently here with the days getting longer, the sun's coming up just as I need to get out of bed
And the windows in my sleeping area are pretty much directly in my line of sight when I'm waking up
So I get to wake up to sun in my eyes

Which is nicer for me than it probably sounds
I really do love basking in the sun.
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This was a comfy episode but we didn't get to see any capybaras.
Sounds like we'll get them next episode though!
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A comfy wake up is a good way to start a day

im going to bed, good night
Yup yup, good night
Thanks for anime!
Have a nice weekend, if I don't see you aroun
