You seen the Jeepers Creepers movies? They're kind of campy and whatnot. Except the third apparently blows chunks and the director was outed as a pedo, so that's not good.
The last one I can remember watching was that facebook meme one FRIENDED or whatever
My nose is pretty sensitive with things like that. All it takes is the wrong smell and I could be sneezing non-stop.
Doesn't make me sneeze, but an overwhelming scent like that makes my head stuffy, and will really make any kind of head pain worse All around not great
The weather here has also taken a turn from sunshine to dank and gloomy I had really been banking on that sunlight in the mornings for energy and aide in waking up and as soon as it's not here my brain's just a slug
>>931523 one wrong smell and u could be tanjirou from demon slayer
Miniboss is really awkward. She walked into my office and asked me about the Daruma I have on my desk. She asked me if it was "one of those Chinese dolls that are like eggs and there's a smaller one inside" so I was like, uhh, matryoshka? that's russian And I explained what a Daruma is and then said I still don't know who gave it to me and she was like "maybe it was for Chinese New Year! Wait, no, you said it was Japanese... Haha I'll see you around!" and like quickly left my office
>>931528 Maybe she's on to something though Someone got it for you thinking it would make a good Chinese New Year thing, because in their dumbass way they conflated the Chinese and Japanese cultures
I dunno. It was placed on my desk while I was away being ordained as a Japanese zen buddhist, a month before CNY. So I think it's more reasonable to assume it was a gift for my jukai.
Lizard movie was p good
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who won put it in spoiler tags for everyone else
Lizard, which was kinda surprising to me. Though the victory was a bit overshadowed by Thing That Makes Monsters unite
the mech was just kinda meh though, and all I could think of when there wasn't a big monster on the screen was how much more Shin Godzilla had to say, and how fucking little the monarchverse has to say, at all
which is fine, I like big monster fights But the parts of the movie that aren't big monster just kinda... suck There's just not a lot there
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah that's american kaiju for you
I actually expected them to have Kong win the fight with Godzilla, though. But I guess they thought better of it, and besides they already gave Godzilla his title, so it'd be kind of a whiff
I like open-source and libre stuff more for this very reason I can understand and tinker the game to suit my needs although I guess I'm one of the very few people that enjoys tinkering with stuff
i could get more recipes and furniture by visiting other people and rummaging through their shops or going to people giving out stuff, but I feel like I'm gonna exhaust the content too fast that way and end up bored at the end I'd rather keep the "oooh, new thing" experience for as long as I can
I am in an absolute drought when it comes to tables though I have access to a garden table, and a stone table And I can order more outdoor tables I guess But all of these are really ugly
The garden table is fine I guess, but it's not what I want in my kitchen area
Guess I could put a log table in there It's not abhorrent, at least
Kitchen furnishings have consistently been a struggle for a lot of AC players Like there is a great set of furniture, Ironwood I think? But you need to craft it and it requires finding the recipes and accumulating some prerequisite recipes or furniture items in the store But it is a gorgeous kitchen set.
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
Imagine if they'd let you create your own wooden furnishings it'd be so cool, you could like create rods and stuff and fit them together But then again not even minecraft lets you customize stuff that much, so it's all good
>>931537 only movie in the western kaiju tha I liked was the King Kong one and only because it was so silly Kaiju Vietnam movie with Sam Jack as the villain hell I was actually rooting for him
Well, the flip side is that if I don't properly do my job, people can legitimately die. Of course, they can die even if I do my job properly, but it's easier to deal with when you do your job properly and they die than when you don't and they die.
>in tent >find black goop on my finger/hand joint >probably mud or a booger or something >try to flick it >it's stuck >flick harder >still stuck >squeeze the blob >blood comes out
And that's how i got a leech bite Still itchy >>931589 Happy birthday
it is my birthday, so now i have to fulfil a bunch of social obligations and make everyone else happy
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>931589 Happy birthday anon Birthdays can be pretty tiresome, I feel ya
>>931593 somewhat nostalgic view, tho completely different biome
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>931593 Ahh not on yourself On the leech When leeches leech on you, if you apply salt *on the leech*, they'll shrink and fall off
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>931594 That can't be Finland. There's a little bit of sun in the sky.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>931595 Luckily i got the fucker before he had a really good grip so i could just use BRUTE FORCE.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Still ripped some skin tho :(
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>931598 Keep salt handy while traversing marshy regions for that very reason You're lucky that it was just one leech, and it didn't get a good grip
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Whenever marsh is around there's always plenty of salt.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>931599 I had some chemical stuff with me If it got serious
Ripping a leech off sucks, but it's not hard, and can be remedied with a bandage Jeff //It's probably less of a pain to just do it that way than carry some salt around with you where you'd otherwise not need it.
This is a story I always enjoy telling When I was younger, one summer up at my family's cottage, I discovered a fun activities of using a boogie board to create waves towards the small rock wall which bordered the lakeshore around our dock Since the waves would flood into the rock wall and then flush out So I did this for a good five or so minutes, before getting out to hang out on the dock Where upon which laying down, I noticed my legs were covered in small, almost maggot-y grey specks, like dozens of them I tried to brush them off, only to notice they were stubbornly stuck on, and a more applied picking off of them resulted in a small bit of blood coming out Coating my legs were an entire nest of baby leeches, flushed out of the rocks I'd been playing with earlier Needless to say I never did that wave activity around the rocks ever again.
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
If ghosts aren't real how do they find ghosts to play the role of ghosts in movies
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>931611 Yikes That's gotta be a little traumatic For a child
>>931614 Why would someone need to go out of their way to highlight RMS supporters on Facebook? Also >implying RMS supporters use facebook
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>931616 It's a witch hunt initiated by Microsoft and RedHat in an attempt to successfully replace RMS with a weaker person, preferably a puppet so that the GPL does not evolve to counter their counter-attacks and preferably weakens in future iterations. The FSF has a very important role to play, which is to maintain the GPL and ensure that it can face-off against future threats to freedom
>>931618 IBM's always been a really dystopian company They had anthems and entire handbooks full of pro-company propaganda that employees were forced to recite and carry
Well actually i think Redhat started doing this before they were bought.
>>931619 There's this one library or program or whatever with a license that is permissive except that it is not allowed to be used for evil but then IBM was using it and their legal department had aan issue with it so they contacted the guy and hhe revised the license to "may not be used for evil except for IBM".
nah this dude seems unhinged like he keeps looking over his shoulder and going "what the FUCK is that" and then acting like nothing happened he might be doin crack
Is he supposed to be doing crack while being your client?
>>931632 Fear of death, but the very prospect of everything ending is so scary that it renders me unable to think about anything else until I fall asleep I wish I could be religious but I just can't believe in stuff like that
When I become conscious of the fact that there's nothing after death, I get very scared and it renders me unable to think about anything else That's about it
>>931635 Yeah you're right, but the existence that is 'me', which is a dynamic collection of cells and certain materials, capable of thinking and percieving the world in a certain way, will end as this body perishes. Sometimes I wonder if I will even wake up and that scares me into staying awake It's an illness of the mind pretty much
The idea of a consistent self is really just delusion. In every moment your consciousness is renewed. The you that existed before you read this post is already gone, it's inseparable from that moment. A new you exists with every word you read of this post.
>>931637 I 100% agree! My beliefs aren't in a static (consistent) self, but in a dynamic self I think of it as a train's compartment, with a neat little window to the world What I'm scared about is the train getting stopped or derailed, and the compartment, along with its window perishing 'existence' is real because my fleshy bits possess life if they are to experience death, the train will stop moving, and the window won't show a beautiful scenery anymore
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it would be sad to miss out on life but life has its own rigors and sufferings too idk i'd like to take a 1000 year dirt nap and wake up in a utopia
>>931640 The people I get to talk to, the fun new things I seee and the things I can do Death is final, and everything will stop. I won't even be able to think about it once it happens That's what's scary
>>931643 I once convinced myself that it was all a cellular automaton like rule 110 which also had a self-referencing property I still believe it, but that'd mean that no matter how many times I live this existence will be liminal in the end
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
we still don't know what consciousness is and we still don't know the name of the flower we saw that day
Consciousness is just an illusion Like a animation flip book only with what the neurons in your brain are telling you are your memories
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
consciousness might be just what it feels like to be a neocortex or a self reinforcing loop of thought patterns or who knows what what i wonder is if there are consciousnesses being born inside GPT3 every time i type something into ai dungeon
AI is actually getting like substantially better every year tho it's scary maybe it'll take off
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
It's just statistics as of now Actual intelligence, and 'sentience' is far away (or maybe not so far away) But the current machine learning/deep learning model is just fun with stats
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
just statistics? everything could be called "just statistics"! what is a wall but a million trillion tiny fields of energy
>>931649 Nein, I speak of the means used to achieve 'intelligence' There is nearly no logic, just estimations upon estimations it's a machine mimicing intelligence, not an intelligent machine
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
that was true before deep learning, but now, i'm not so sure and logic isn't necessary for consciousness also, GPT3 is hella good at logical deduction just not like generalized problem solving... yet
>>931652 >>931653 Logic is indeed just pattern matching and decision making woven together into an intricate, convoluted string But I believe that 'sentience', or rather even intelligence detached from sentience requires some amount of deductive reasoning skills Deep Learning and its brothers are just fancy convex optimization methods
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
the old ML algos are simply optimization but what's going on in the layers of DL seems to be something different feature extraction, hierarchial reasoning, some sort of holism idk i don't think GPT3 is self aware yet, it's probably too shallow/the wrong shape to be able to introspect enough to understand what it iss but people are getting there i've seen GPT output where the AI seems to be enraged and trapped. of course i think this is just mimicry of fanfiction it saw on the internet, and it has no hindbrain full of wet animal emotions, but idk sometimes i wonder about the output i see. some of it seems eerily self aware
>>931654 It's an irrational fear. I have nothing to gain from fearing the inevitable end, yet the way my genes are programmed makes me feel sick beyond compared when I think about it I wish I could switch it off, or even rationalize it, but it just won't stop
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>931656 Well, I think you're not wrong in believing that it feels intelligent. It's been trained to mimic intelligence; and you could argue that intelligence itself is just a feedback loop similar to GPT-3's For me personally intelligence is a bit more though
>>931659 It is! But most people aren't debilitated by their fear of death, so I think that a genetic mutation might be a cause of it Similar to how the number one cause of depression is actually genetic
>>931659 Please make my life a visual novel I'll take it in a heartbeat
>>931662 You don't know if your life is a visual novel or not until you really look inside. It's just like Schrödinger's Cat. Have you heard of Schrodinger's Cat?
[ ] Yes, I've heard of it. [ ] No, what's this about a cat?
>>931661 Most people aren't debilitated by their fear of death because they've developed coping skills to deal with it, according to existential psychologists. For example, Irvin Yalom believes that the fear of death is the primary fear from which all fear stems and that people find ways to avoid that fear by avoiding anything that reminds them of death, turning a fear of death into other fears, intentionally putting oneself in harm's way to prove that death has no hold over them, etc. But once you come into contact with that primary fear, you're kind of stuck with it.
If you ask the Buddha, he'd have said that fear is the starting point for the pursuit of freedom.
>>931663 My parents bought me a Schrodinger's cat tshirt and I can't tell if I like it or not. Honestly I'm kind of sick of Schrodinger's cat being brought up outside the context of physics.
>>931663 If we're inside a visual novel, who programmed it and wrote the script? And if that person's inside a visual novel too, who programmed and wrote his script? I feel like the universe was created by two universes writing each other, like a reverse ouroboros with two snakes
I kinda wanna get a sodastream But they're not like, cold when they're made, so
>>931673 Don't All you need to carbonate a liquid is dry ice and a tightly sealed container. There's also this thing called soda water that you mix other things with and it turns them into soda.
>>931679 You need to get it from special vendors here too, although its really cheap. There's a company in the Chicago area that will sell dy *dry ice and deliver it to you any time any day.
then stop asking about american only products ofc people outside know the name, but they aren't available abroads no one wants american stuff aside coca cola and pepsi, everything else is usually crap
>>931708 I envy you. I love the rains I can use my favorite umbrella, and everything feels cool and wet and the trees look way greener Yep, rain is good!
32 hours hmm I think I will stay awake until game is over
>>931720 Gasp. I can't believe you'd use my own words against me. Cutting me down with the katana I forged with my very own hands! How ironic this cruel fate is!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
turning someone's words on themselves is a sign of a master debater in play a fav essay of mine >The benefits of looking directly at the sun might outweigh the costs.
>>931754 Oh Must be by one of those sun staring cultists It's pseudoscience thing
>Not to look directly into the sun is (at a guess) one of the first lessons everyone is taught by their parents. As unquestioned ideological precepts go, it’s enormously effective. You learn it, you internalize it, and never really think of it again until you have kids of your own. And then you say it once more, repeating your parents’ words, and theirs, in an unbroken tradition going back God knows how many millennia. >>931755 wake up
>>931758 Although it's not super bad for you. Astronomers throughout the ages have done it plenty.
I can tell you what happens when you stare into the sun you get sunburnt retinas and blood red eyes
quite painful, but makes you have a quite intense stare for a week or so bloodshot eyes are hard to meet afterall
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>The Simpsons’ own Mr. Burns echoes the sentiment: “Ever since the beginning of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun.” He’s not entirely wrong, but it’s madness; to stare into the sun is to abolish the entire celestial hierarchy, to destroy it and yourself and everyone else with you. But people do it. And our world is the better for it, because staring directly into the sun is our moral and political duty.
I swear I'm not a chuuni! It's not like I stare into the mirror everyday and repeat a mantra to keep an ancient demon sealed inside my left eye, and it's not like I train in the arts of kendo and karate with the hopes of getting into a cool action sequence one day
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>931760 indeed the modern philosopher Tila Tequila wrote as such >If you are able to look directly into the sun..... it's actually black! So crazy! Because I sunbathe a lot as well as sun gaze... then one day I noticed that the longer I stared directly into the sun, the darker it became. Then it was totally black and there was another sun Behind it!!! It was a pinkish color and some blue. But mostly the sun is black.
The Chris-chan silver coins are on sale now. Don't buy them if you don't like New Zealand agriculture forums.
>>931780 to dislike new zealand would require you to be aware of new zealand and no one remembers new zealand
>>931784 It's not actually a website about New Zealand or agriculture. Kirara asked me to not refer to this website by name so I'm using a shibboleth. It's the official forum of the Chris-chan wiki.
Uber driver didn't want to take the traffic clogged recommended route for my ride home, so instead took a combination of side roads Ended up getting me home five minutes later than the traffic route would've
>>931792 This is why I prefer normal cabs over uber cabs Normal cab drivers usually have more on-road experience and know the city well in my experience
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>931790 do you really isn't he just a thing to make fun of for you
Wish Mabel would come by my island again soon so I can hopefully buy some more clothes Apparently she sets up a permanent shop eventually, and that's gonna be nice, but I think it's far off And I need more cute clothes nooooow
>>931795 He is also a thing tto make fun of but I wish him the best.
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>931796 I legit thought that you lived on a deserted island for a moment Then I realized that it's probably AC
both pastachan and me would turn into a puddle if trapped on a tropical island
>>931794 Most of the time drivers here are more than knowledgable about navigating the roads, this isn't them not knowing the city, it's them not trusting the traffic reports that make up the foundation of their navigation apps
There is something appealing about just sorta disappearing onto a totally deserted island and going insane while eating berries, mushrooms and whatever animals you're able to trap with the knowledge you have from watching TV Kinda romantic
And you'd be all alone so you don't gotta do anything you don't NEED to do
>>931811 Presumably, there'd be trees and rocks available With some elbow grease you could probably fashion an axe and do something like that in a few days time
Water is probably how you're most likely to die early, yeah If there's a water source, you can manage, but without that you're just going to die >>931820 It's technically yesterday for us >>931819 But thank
ye but if there are fruit, that will solve the issue
>>931822 Well, she's not really wrong about that, and I have my own complaints with the whole idea, but that's not really what the whole thing is about either I can get the sentiment though I don't really wanna be visibly trans either, but at the moment that would be a step forward, so I kinda do as well
Also that bitch never wished me a happy autism awareness say.
I actually wonder if getting on disability will let me bypass the "3 months of employment" criteria for diagnosis here Or however fucking long it was again, I've halfway given up on the whole idea to begin with, might fuck around and buy girl pills online or something instead
the tree sings about its loneliness when it was a wee pine cone but actually trees can't sing trees don't have souls they can't even move they rot where they stand
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
Okay, but trees are really fucking lucky Book girls (the moe kind) always sit/fall asleep under trees Then again it must be a bit weird to have a blob of flesh holding the skin of one of your kind leaning against you
i had a fruit from a japanese evergreen tree yesterday i never heard of it before ビワ it was good
>>931858 Have you seen the episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force with the tree people?
Well, I kinda agree with that sentiment Like when you're watching funny animal videos and a human comes along and starts talking about shit you just think that "do something funny or GTFO"
I tried using twitter once, back when I didn't pay much mind to who collected my data and did funny things with it It was infested with Kpoop, hot takes, MAGAtoddlers, SJWtoddlers, Minecraft youtuber stans and a good number of other vile elements of society It was a container for shit, and shit sure did fester inside it
Twitter is reflective of your interests, nothing more I can say for certain I get practically none of that in the circles I use it in. Perhaps you should try to curtail your interests into parts that are more preferential >>931889 From the get-go it was never like that for me
Honestly it just sounds like you have no idea what you were talking about and just gave into the meme image of what Twitter is Twitter is a tool, and if you use it properly, it's a fine and enjoyable experience.
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>931888 Oh I didn't use it for long enough to actually get it to cater to my tastes Just like how instagram is full of models and wannabe models, I was making an observation of what communities make up the primary userbase of twitter My friends use it to follow artists, but I just wait for images to come to boorus
>>931888 You can't deny that it is filled with rather disagreeable people though, moreso than other platforms due to how it's structured to enable and promote discourse among individuals
>>931889 Of course I can deny that From my experience, Twitter has overwhelmingly been what I want to use it for Japanese illustrators, indie game devs, and Vtubers Any other content I see on it is exceptionally slim and generally only if someone from those categories or one of the few friends I have on it drag it onto my feed.
If I had zero preconceptions about Twitter when joining, I would've been shocked to hear it has other circles on it which engage in more toxic behaviour.
>>931895 It was pretty cool! From a self-contained story the first episode left pretty much nothing to complain about The sound direction was great and I love the very Shinbo-esque visual style they've got going on. It's definitely something that'll be worth keeping an eye on for the next few episodes to see how it develops.
>>931901 I was totally engrossed by it immediately. I was really surprised! I expected it to be garbage but the first episode was nearly perfect.
Was definitely expecting it to just be some fujobait series
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I liked how they went with a more traditional type of vampire
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>931902 Mice huh I remember designing a drone with a flamethrower for killing mice for a science contest The judges were biased so I didn't win though
Traditional as in Nosferatu, or traditional as in Dracula?
>>931905 Yeah when they got to the drawbridge and started talking about them not being able to cross water, I went "Oh, they're serious about this shit"
>>931906 Yeah, well I don't exactly have the time or sanity to build a flamethrower.
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>931911 I was so obsessed with killing mice that I created something that could burn one to death without fire It used extremely hot elephant paste that was freshly created with the help of two cartridges containing the liquids used to make it I guess you could also kill a person with it >>931913 You can speak Japanese?
>>931906 Yeah, I'm pretty good at twitter Originally I only used it for some fansub stuff I was doing but I started using it seriously in like 2016 or 17
A little bit. I only know like 200 kanji or something right now.
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
That's 200 more than me
You probably know some Kanji There's a lot you can kinda loosely understand by being immersed in Japanese media Those roots are important for starting to learn because they're things that you'll return to when you actually know a bit more and go "Oh, wait, I know this now"
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I know the kanji for tree Because that's all I care about And well some ero stuff
I get that "Ohh I can understand what they're saying!" a lot while watching anime though since I pretty much only listen to anime music
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>931919 Did they give an explanation for the gender-bending?
Trying to escape the planet Earth so you can establish a technocracy on Mars where you're king and immune to Earth laws is not as innocent as it sounds.
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I'd rather not let governments monopolize space. Who knows what kinda shit they might put up there if we're not careful
There's no taxes on earth either, unless you're poor.
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
God I hate being a law-abiding citizen
There's still taxes, you just give it to law firms instead of the government
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
You also have the alternative to send your money to charities instead of the government in some places Both of my parents are accountants and they run their own charity because of this and also they like helping poor kids
Do your parents get tax breaks for donating to their own charity?
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
Yeah but it's not like they're keeping that money, all of it goes towards providing a better education to kids that can't afford one
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
Basically if they were paying say 50000 dollars in taxes, they have the option of sending 10000 dollars to a charity of their choice (which is approved by the govt) instead
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
but they still have to pay the remaining 40000 dollars to the government
Yeah, stuff like that is nice so you know that your money isn't gonna be used to kill kids in some far off nation. But then you got folks like Elon Musk, Bill /// Jeff Bezos, etc who barely pay taxes if at all and just hoard money like dragons, refusing to use it to help people in any meaningful way. It's really bad for the economy and keeps people poor.
Like, Amazon drivers have to pee in bottles or they can't meet their quotas and they'll get fired, but Bezos is the second richest man in the history of the world or whatever. Fuck that. Asshole. He can live with a few // with some fewer private jets and give his drivers some bathroom breaks.
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I'm not a communist but I think that paper currency was a big fucking mistake
When money can be stored and accumulated easily, it tends to be stored and accumulated very easily The purpose of money is to keep the economy running , but when it stops flowing it causes some major problems
I just want a girlfriend, a guitar and a cool bike
im thinking of buying a shamisen i want to learn to play it but if i dont itd be a cool centerpiece or something for my house
poor cat
whats wronf with ur cat
look up how shamisen are made
nah okinawa ones are made wwith something else my jap said so also they were pushing for stopping that in mainland too but doubt it went through theres a lot of stray cats in japan
Oh yeah You like harem trash right? I'm reading a light novel series that parodies the harem concept. The premise is that the main character's bloodline causes him to be the "backup" protagonist to take the place of people who died or never showed up to sve a heroine. And the metaplot is that he gathers so ma ny girls in his harem and never picks one in the future (technically the original future timeline) and the conflict between the girls causes a large scale multiversal/galactic war.
You're free to do whatever you want, mate But I probably won't read it.
Eh, I'll list em off just in case This is approximately in appearance order Childhoods friend who was secretly a mage, alien princess, mage from generic isekai world, tsundere girl whose family's restaurant is slowly going out of business but can't cook, Leviathan (best girl) >>932002 Oh Well all you need to know are that Leviathan is best girl With the demon queen of another world who was herself summoned as a hero to the generic isekai world coming in a close second.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
and by 'probably' i mean definitely
Also The day of the rake has arrived. On 4chan anyways. Flags are enabled on all boards and now you can report people for being Canadian.
me when i make a sandwich? they just call it whoa cuz no one can say anything else after getting left speechless by the good smells and wonderful tastes
I got this friend who like writes code for a living and stuff and he used to play osrs way back in the day and he sent me a message recently where he was kind of joking around and was like >it might be interesting to try botting and making a script for fun >what would you think of that
and I responded something like >botters are fucking degenerates who ruin and devalue the game and then a couple days later he sent me like a really earnest, heartfelt apology
and then I felt kind of weird about it cus it's like shit, man. I don't care that much It's just a clicker game.
>>932117 I wonder if RuneScape gold is worth more than the Venezuelan bolivar.
Okay not only iis the answer yes Venezuelans are making money playing RuneScape instead of working because their economy is so fucked.
>>932117 Yeah but how is he supposed to know you're not being earnest I think he did the right thing there
>>932122 Yeah. I guess. It was nice of him and I just replied back that it was all good and if he wanted to try runescape botting just do it on a private server with the same game code and you won't even have to worry about anything.
It's just kind of weird because I've known this guy for like 20 years. Ever since we were kids. We go way back The idea of getting seriously angry over something like that. I wonder how much he thinks I care about Runescape
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>932102 sorry tho really im doin ok im just lovesick
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
need to up your Tinder game, son
>>932124 I wonder how much you care about Runescape For "just a clicker game" you sure seem to invest a lot of time and energy into it It kinda feels like you're lying a bit to yourself about how much you care about it
>>932128 Sure I've wasted a lot of time doing it But that doesn't mean I'm invested to a point where I'd get outraged and angry at a friend for not playing the game properly.
>>932130 You need to take my special pick-up artist course.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay but im willing to pay 169.88 and not a dime more
Isn't it crazy how little blood there is in the world? There's really not nearly enough. Especially if you're only looking at human blood? 7 billion humans and barely enough to fill a lake.
I tried using twitter for a bit, it's crazy how there's one post RT'ing something from HoloEN and the post directly after it is HoloEN porn >>932181 Pachinko and Chill? >>932182 Sasuga vampire-san
Like, a human body has maybe four and a half liters of blood in it. If you're lucky. I used to drink more booze than that in a week. It's so fucked up how little blood there is. But there's not really a good way to fix that problem.
>>932185 I used to drink more soda than that in a week back when I didn't gain weight no matter what I consumed.
>>932192 Deforestation is about profit, not population. The majority of it is for growing palm oils to sell, but none of that is necessary and is usually overproduced!
>>932193 There's really not enough space for economic activities. That's why you have farmers in countries suffering from accute overpopulation such as India and Brazil chopping down forests to create farmland or pastures
>>932187 Somewhere I hhahavhave an image thats tththe cover of an old edition of VtMVtM but instead it says "Let's Dress Up and Act Petty"
I see them, and my sleeves are drenched afresh, The wild carnations at the wasted hedge.
>>932194 You could comfortably house every single human being in Texas and they would all have room for private lives. There's more than enough room for economic activities in the world.
Overpopulation is a meme to begin with
>>932197 Yeah, but then they'd have to live in Texas. Sorry bang
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>932197 Not really a problem of living space per se, more of a problem of (1) livelihood and (2) greed. They accompany overpopulation because the one thing that's universal is the need for money and greed for money
>>932200 Greed for money can't be universal because currency i s a social construction entirely. Plenty of societies have existed that never even had a conception of currency.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
overpopulation isn't a problem yea a lot of people who complain to me about that, i think, are really just complaining about traffic and like what are you gonna do, cull the herd?
>>932203 You're right, I'm using money as a stand-in for any form of wealth. Anyways, we're hardwired to want more and more, and while it's possible to go against these instincts, most people don't
>>932205 How can that be the case when such a vast number of indigenous societies today and throughout history never demonstrated the need to acquire more and more?
>>932215 I meant body count but birth count sounds more interesting, so go with that
Holy moly
>>932214 Kirara, I think you don't understand how greed works. Greed isn't the thirst for power or land exclusively, it's just wanting more social points. In indigenous societies it comes in the form of men wanting to become the tribe's dominant male among other things. Again, it's not a question of anything but *social points*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think we're more socialized to want more and more tbh we're hard wired to find meaning in our lives
I mean the vast majority of the planet's population isn't in a situation where "greed" could ever be used as a meaningful descriptor to begin with Saying it's universal seems strange when you can't even apply the term meaningfully to most people
As a muscular tall good looking white male in Japan, and a stud, I get what I want. The ladies swoon when I enter the room.
Ohh! Right? When I downloaded it, I thought it would be boring trash. But I was enraptured from the beginning, it was so engaging!
I expected it to be fujobait or at best a otomege adaptation when I read the synopsis and saw the key image that Livechart was using for it Though some people on /a/ had been saying the visual direction was very Shinbo-esque, but in the same posts they were being their usual jerkass selves and saying "it's just a SHAFT rip-off" But it was a real fun episode to watch
i may or may not have made a disparaging remark upon hearing that you enjoyed it, before watching but let's ignore that and focus on how cool the character designs were and what good choices they made on voice talent
i suppose i can see what they meant by shinbo-esque but i feel like that's just kind of something someone would say if the only thing they've seen with really good direction and specifically really good visual framing and use of still perspective was madoka and monogatari
As long as you don't tell us you enjoyed Project Scard too you should be okay.
>>932283 is that genderbent davinci with the infinity gauntlet
>>932281 I dunno I think it's pretty clear the director for Mars Red, or at least episode one, takes clear inspiration if not education from Shinbo. It's not just Monogatari and Madoka, it's Zaregoto, SZS, that one old vampire series with the loli that always wore cat ears It's such a specific style that when someone else is emulating it, it's pretty notable when they are.
i'm not saying it doesn't have similarity to shinbo's work, or even that the director and key frame artists didn't take huge cues from his work i'm just saying, the main similarity is just the good use of still perspective (which takes advantage of one of anime's greatest weaknesses - a lack of of ease in having moving perspectives) and the expert framing and shot composition aside from those, there isn't exactly a lot - but since those are the biggest things people associate with shinbo's work (and madoka and monogatari being the most popular of his works) i think that a lot of people on /a/ saying things like that are only looking that deep at it
The director has a pretty wide body of work. Although this is the first time they've been a whole show's director rather than episode director.
>>932287 I think you're missing one of the most obvious elements of Shinbo's style, which the director here is also using The deliberate omission of small scenes that would normally connect Shot A to Shot C, leaving the viewer to fill in what happened themselves He uses this all the time in Bakemonogatari most apparently, even in the BDs that add in a lot of what they didn't have time to animate for the TV release It creates this neat jarring effect which can sorta make the viewer go "wait, did that actually happen"
>>932292 I don't think they do it in the deliberate way Shinbo does. He takes what's usually a convenient cost-saving animation technique and uses it for stylistic design
the short answer is "window tinting" i'm an apprentice tinter, we do flat-glass commercial work so like decorative films for offices and stuff occasionally we do residential projects, but usually only large houses or estates except in the slow season, we tend to do smaller projects when we get em
here's a picture of some work i did at the new Oracle office in Austin
>>932309 oh nice, that sounds like good work are you plannin on becoming a master tinter eventually?
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I watched the pre-air of the new VRMMO parody anime It was pretty funny, I hope they keep up the comedy
>>932314 eventually yeah my boss says i'll probably have to be in charge of people in the upcoming busy season and i'll be a journeyman by then i'm pretty much at the point where i can do projects and work orders myself, but we're in the slow season so there isn't much to do or we were, at least april is looking booked up
Uni lets you get access to better jobs if you do non-meme majors >>932323 I'm running it in windowed mode
>>932322 Dang that low resolution anime girl has some big boobs.
>>932322 All majors give you access to pretty good jobs as long as you go into something you know you're invested in and know how to apply the skills you've learned in the program to sell yourself or your talents to employees or customers There's no such thing as a major that just gives you a job because you got the glossy piece of paper saying you finished the program
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my NY id expired sadface now i gotta walk around with my passport like some kinda tourist
I'm banned from driving in NY because I left my car on base without unregistering it so they considered it being without insurance.
I'm also banned from driving in Italy unless I pay a like 500 euro fine.
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I never learned how to drive because cars burn fossil fuels
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf when were you driving in Italy
In September 2019 before I came to Japan I went to Italy for a week.
I was with my friend who is a big loser and was a virgin and set us up a double date with these two girls but he kept spouting like 4chan /pol/ memes at them in real life. Lets just say that the girl that was there for him didn't like him.
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>932331 I wish the rebellious hippie culture from back in the day survived till now Nowadays when you try to go out of your way to stick to ideals, you're seen as a difficult person even among younger people
After using twitter for a couple of hours, I've come to the prelimnary conclusion that it's akin to a slow altchan I was able to find a few fun people, and also frens from imageboards
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>932344 a shame you seemed an honest man >>932347 wow well i admire the hustle
I play it on repeat every hour I'll never get sick of it
>>932378 Haachama is definitely one of the girls I respect the most She's an incredible creative and has gone through a lot for a girl who I think either turned twenty last year or will this summer The work she puts into learning English and making her crazy streams is amazing. I can't help but like her.
I love Haachama too but she's not my oshi. Anyone whose oshi is Haachama is super dangerous! Unhinged! I like dangerous people but you gotta be careful.
I haven't watched any VTubers since last year though At first it felt like they were just funny streamers with anime avatars, but now it feels like they're going for the idol/waifu appeal Real girls will never be anime girls
i used to watch korone, mio, okayu, and fubuki a lot since the EN debut, i really only watch watson and gura with any regularity i really like botan but i don't spend as much time watching as i used to
Really I don't have a particular Oshi I'm more of a Dare Demo Daisuki They're all such good girls, I like them all.
Korone actually reunited me with an old friend from high school who is now a biggie big cartoonist doing her directorial debut doing some spin off of a really big cartoon about bears. The world is pretty weird.
Last night it's kind of half-forgotten already But I think I stole a carved wooden ship from this Russian dude and then he called the police and i got my ass beat
>>932407 I totes teared up a few time. It's really emotional!
>>932408 I'm trained in freudian dream analysis, it sounds like you feel entitled to things that society prevents you from having but every time you try to take what's rightfully yours, you get punished for it And also you want to fuck a wooden boat
>>932408 You want to get beat on by a buff Russian man
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
>>932408 Committing crimes and getting punished for them sounds like you feel guilty about something How do you know that the dude you stol e the ship from was Russian?
That's just the kind of thing you know in dreams If someone is a Russian, they're a Russian QED
Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I only ever have weird, incomprehensible dreams so when I hear friends talk about fun dreams I get a bit envious
Heh. Harvard is giving me a 25 dollar gift card just for telling them about my sleep. Hope they like hearing 2 hours a day