>>929194 It seems like saving these petrified girls is more about letting them pass on to death rather than bringing them back to life Which is a bit of a false sell on the part of those two mannequin guys
These Dot-girl-things seem to have an MO Brutally murder the familiars of the girls, terrify them in a psychological way, and then force-feed them the meat of their familiars
Man Acca and Ura-Acca sure were getting up to some weird shit while they were human
There's definitely something about two single guys making basically a a near-human kid by themselves, without a woman, that does make things a bit weird.
yeah that was a really good show can't wait for more i think there's some real despair waiting at the end of the story.
I'm hoping they can reach some kind of catharsis though Maybe that involves some kind of despair, but at the least having things end satisfyingly would be nice.
today i got spoiled on kumo desu i don't know if i'll be able to recover
i'm kind of hoping the last episode of wonder egg has some happy ending but i'd also like to see them go in a very dark direction it would be an unforgettable story if we get a dark end
Hah hah hah Tsk tsk tsk Bang Don't go looking for spoilers you can't handle~
>>929227 i just wanted to find good images in the thread but then i moused over one too many spoilertexts and gazed into the abyss.....
the post was literally like Ariel Spoilers: how was i supposed to resist
>>929229 By refusing to look? I dunno man I've peeked in on Spider threads once in a while and still don't really know what's up with the characters I've got a vague notion there's definitely some red herrings going on and some actual evidence too But other than that I'm entirely clueless And at least until the show wraps I intend to keep it that way.
i might be caught up on slime before the next season
thanks for anime, see you friday uhhh sunday i meant sunday
We don't watch shows on Friday!
Yeah hah hah See you Bang
Rimuru's mass-murdering spell sure is intense Hah hah hah wow After that one guy tried talking so big
Huh, I did kind of expect at least that sorcerer guy who stole the Japanese guy's body to put up a bit of a fight Since they played up his card at the end of the last episode.
This bald priest was also pretty responsible for the massacre of Tempest He orchestrated one of the spells that kept the monsters weak and unable to fight on par with the humans.
Hah hah hah It's definitely difficult to feel sorry for this king His arrogance is pretty insulting considering the slight already demonstrated towards Rimuru
yeah it's probably the mage I don't see him just dying like a chump
Yeah, the skill the Japanese guy got before his body got stolen was a ridiculous capacity for regeneration and survivability I assume he kept those skills even after his body got stolen
Sleepy slimeball
Oh the Great Sage is speaking out to all of Tempest That's the first time that's happened.
I'm guessing the sleepy may be part of the evolution I know kumo spider always fell asleep
Rimuru's monster followers all evolved in their sleep too So yeah, evolution in sleep definitely seems to be a consistent in this world Rimuru's evolution is just REALLY big
Oh Rimuru instantly threw away that Merciless skill to make Gluttony even stronger
I'm a bit fuzzy on the backstory between this demon and Rimuru I remember he had a bit of an arc in the first season but I'm totally blanking on the details.
I wonder if he's actually not a slime anymore and has this as his main body
When the Great Sage was doing the big information dump on the state of his evolution, it did say Rimuru would be able to choose his physical and spiritual body at will
Also this doesn't sound like Rimuru talking right now The tone of voice sounds more like the Great Sage I wonder if her evolution lets her act through Rimuru
Yeah I voiced my concerns about them bringing all the monsters back to life after killing them before this all began, but I like how the author handled it There was a distinct gravitas and narrative weight to the task which did a good job of counteracting the way reviving people tends to dispel narrative weight
>>929268 It's in part that Rimuru's a big Mary Sue that the narrative weight needs to be handled carefully Tempest getting attacked and everyone getting killed was a big failure on his part, because of how he's always been a Mary Sue It created a bit of a betrayal of expectations, since we all expect him to accomplish things without loss like that. So to scrub that out and revive everyone is a betrayal of a betrayal You sell the viewer on the concept that maybe things aren't so easy for Rimuru but then say "lol nevermind they actually are still easy"
So I like that things remained serious and he had to literally murder ten thousand souls to have the power to revive them Because that sort of thing keeps the serious tone set by the loss of the Tempest people while still allowing the author to bring them back.
I dunno I get this sorta thing doesn't quite get other people excited But I really like narrative analysis of literature And I think even if the specifics of the writing for isekai LNs are kind of popcorn-y and simple, that doesn't mean the actual narrative structure can't be handled well.
>all's well that ends well good name foth this episode i think
For a show all about the theatre, ending on a classic Shakespearean turn of phrase is apt Also man the world really is going towards Instrumentality
Keikaku doori!
I still wonder why she ever bothered with the cane though Her cyberleg clearly doesn't actually impede her ability to walk and move around And it obviously blends in enough to the human body to normally not seem suspicious
Oh okay back to what I was about to say I wonder if the way Seria is sorta ad-libbing some stuff into their re-enactment of this event will distort history And screw with this plan this time-travelling girl is setting up.
Ah, they're breaking character on stage too What a shoddy play hah hah It's awfully funny that the time traveller's whole big plan was foiled because a few girls couldn't maintain character on stage.
Well it's a show for the audience at the very least
Seria at least is doing her damnedest to keep the play on track though Even when she was trying to keep the other two girls from fighting on stage she was trying her best to maintain character.
That was a thoroughly unique series And fir -for an anime-original work, pretty well done I think it stuck the landing it was aiming for
Time to see if Osamu can sell the brass on letting another alien join his squad
Honestly I think in any remotely sensible argument so far, the board's reluctance to let Hyuse join is the correct option Hyuse has consistently shown a total obstinance towards cooperation And his attitude is difficult Nothing about him seems obviously beneficial to the expedition.
I get the feeling Hyuse isn't fully comprehending the degree at which his world threw him under the bus when he got stranded on Earth Maybe he'll be more open to cooperating once that becomes apparent.
They're not without their risks As the fat guy was insinuating, Chika, while being a massive Trion battery, isn't a combat-ready operator. And the Neighbours have already made it clear they will specifically target her because of her Trion reserves.
They could bring an actual operator along extra with her extra power though.
Well ideally her whole team comes along on this expedition Which is what Osamu and them all were intending in the first place.
I'm guessing despite their team getting locked out of getting to A-rank before this expedition, this new revelation means they still have the opportunity to join.
So they need to win more if they want to go I wonder if they can use Hyuse in their matches
Juding from what he said, they need to place top place in two of the three remaining matches to reach the ranking to join the mission
>>929294 Yeah, having the actual combat prowess in Hyuse would be a big help And it sounds like he wants to help with that.
Osamu is such a good chessmaster character too hah hah I like how well he handles himself in these manipulative parts of the series In addition to his planning when fighting.
Oh they don't have Hyuse for the first of these three battles I wonder if they'll lose this one or at best do poorly Leaving the clean-up of getting them to the point where they're able to join the expedition heavily up to Hyuse.
>>929297 The way this show usually works is they'll do okay but not great but manage to get in anyway.
I think with the incoming Hyuse they can afford to lose this one hard Since it'll create additional pressure to perform when Hyuse can actually join.
Someone I know actually did some of the animation for this week's episode of Wonder Egg I thought I'd seen him say something about it on Twitter but it was in Japanese so I didn't get a perfect grasp of it His name's in the credits and everything
oh, that's neat I know that there's a vtuber that lives in that area that has done art and stuff for anime/games
we're both orange let's start
Episode TEN (10) of this
>>929304 Nope, he's, uh Actually I'm not sure. Some Asian ethnicity but I haven't seen him in a while and I never asked. But not Japanese. Last I knew he was living where he'd grown up, in B.C. on the West Coast, but I dunno if he's moved since then And either way it's not uncommon for animation studios to get in contact with independent animators to get cuts done for animation I know another guy in Australia who got contacted to do some animation for a show a couple years back. Though I think he passed up on the job.
Oh, yeah, duh Yeah Ina lives presumably in Victoria, I think Judging from her roommate's history. I totally blanked on that hah hah Thought you were referencing an indie one.
She has the accent too that's what gave it away to me I have a friend from BC that speaks that same way
Yeah. Her accent's very clearly B.C. Korean B.C. is a lovely part of the country I'd like to live there
She was streaming the new Story of Seasons game earlier today I didn't watch since I want to get into it myself, but maybe once I get into it I'll go watch the archives
>>929316 I wasn't tracking the release date since so i didnt know it was out i'll check it out
We're still on track to get a new Rune Factory some time soon too Though I don't think that one even has a Japanese release date yet.
Oh they all got abducted into space I feel the organizers of this concert could have made that a little more clear.
Isn't this the Friends meme Where one of the girls makes one of the guys repeat something back to her syllable by syllable only for him to mess the whole thing up
yeah I need to look at SoS I'll take a look tomorrow
It has some elements of the crafting genre that's gotten popular since the last time they made a console Harvest Moon game, and I think it definitely also brings in some of the stuff Stardew Valley made popular when it came out.
I'm also excited for the new Monster Hunter, which is coming out later this week on Friday But I dunno if I'll be able to get it since it seems to be sold out eeeeverywhere