Gekidol Hataraku Saibou Horimiya Idoly Pride Episode 6-8 Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-6 Log Horizon Episode 5-7 Show By Rock Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 6-8 Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken World Trigger Episode 5-7
There's unfortunately no Wonder Egg this week Well, there's an episode, but it's a recap episode
Some good stuff tonight still though Gekidol is always a ride, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of the consequences of what's going on in Slime Isekai
This show is always such a ride even when it's fairly normal idol activities
I can kinda understand where that upset girl is coming from Izumi definitely feels kind of a flake She ditched their troupe for the big fancy one because it was the better chance at making it big And then as soon as that one kicked her out because its owner has a doll fetish she tried making a return to the troupe. That's definitely going to make people sore.
Hah hah she talked herself to exhaustion Though she did just wrap a stage production and then sprint after that other girl. So she was probably tired from the get-go
All the world's a stage, eh It does feel like the snake guy wants to cast a stage illusion over the whole world. That is kind of close to things coming tumbling down.
I guess since her life was literally being held hostage, Rimuru will forgive her But turn his attention to crushing this Clayman Especially since he seems to be messing around with whole nations for the sake of his own personal enjoyment.
Wow that's a hack way to use Gluttony I guess it can even "eat" wounds
It's hard to believe that the author would kill Shion and leave her dead. He seemed to be one of er She seemed to be one of his favorite characters.
It has the same weight for Rimuru too though He was extremely fond of her too
I guess to come clean, I knew this was coming. The manga adaptation of the series is running a bit ahead of the anime and a few months back scanlators dumped this chapter on /a/ Probably because of how heavy it is. I didn't know how rough it was going to be though I think they've handled the weight of this massacre with the kind of sentiment it deserves.
I dunno how I feel about that Generally I'm for happy developments, but there's kind of a limit to that If the positive is too large a swing back from a grim development, it cheapens the weight of the narrative.
The other trick I thought he might do is actually kill her, but with the circumstances surrounding Tempest, she could also be revived once Rimuru ascends to Maou.
Yeah, this is along the lines of what i was expecting no way the author would leave shion dead
I'll take it, but I do think they're glossing a bit over the fact that Rimuru's about to slaughter at least ten thousand humans for the sake of reviving his people On principle, it helps negate a bit of that cheapening of the narrative I was talking about earlier But with how lightly they're taking it, a fair amount of that negating is also being negated. Regardless of how grounded your morals are for taking an action like that, sacrificing ten thousand lives is ALWAYS a pretty heavy thing.
Judging from the dialogue in the informational part of the episode, there's also a squirrel that does things like that too. I guess it's not terribly uncommon for certain herbivore/prey animals to evolve species that can counter their natural predators But it's definitely neat when it happens.
I'm sure the remaining lactic acid is going to save the day
That's definitely what it feels like Oh they're already here I was gonna say "I don't know how lactic acid bacteria help deal with cancer" But I guess there are a whole lot of other problems the body is dealing with right now that they can help with.
>Get the cell out
>I wonder if White Blood Cell is all right Well he at least is safe, hah hah
Oh I didn't know cancer cells could end up being recognizable as bodily threats by the immune system I guess it's just rather the immune system can be too slow to realizing it, and by the time they do there's just far too much cancer to fight.
Maintaining a healthy gut biome of bacteria can really help you with digestion and support overall body health. Yoghurt is a kind of food that generally helps promote that kind of thing. Kind of expectedly, since lactic acid isa component of yoghurt
Very end-of-season feel to this episode But it's only episode eight?
Yeah that was the last episode of the season What?
He's got a fiery spirit Kind of a contrast to the cool Delmin
Wolf-chan is so absolutely enraptured by her dad hah hah He's totally on the same wavelength as him though With all the chuuni move names and stuff.
Oh I guess that was the expected turn of events. Ruhuyu kinda lacks the horns needed to shoot- Well okay maybe she's got some kind of potential desipte lacking horns.
That really is a lovely night sky though I'd like to see something like that again.
Two drummers seems a bit unnecessary for a performance Like basically any other instrument can be played alongside itself But two drummers feel a bit weird.