Hi hey hello Congratulations on getting through Monday Give me a moment and I'll have the list
Oh Detective Conan's hit a thousand episodes of the anime Man that's a lot.
Beastars Back Arrow Horimiya Idoly Pride Episode 7-9 Jujutsu Kaisen Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-6 Log Horizon Episode 6-8 Show By Rock Tatoeba Last Dungeon Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 7-9 World Trigger Episode 6-8 Urasekai Picnic
I thiiiink that's everything It was a bit confusing this time since I had to account for the stuff we watched last night It's always much more difficult when I can't just grab everything at once.
It really doesn't feel like he buys his own excuse Hard to be convinced anyone can levelly aim a crossbow like that and pull the trigger, and not have intent to hit the target they're aiming at
The not Chinajapanese empire sure likes their emperor
Well just like with Dr. Jekyll, it becomes harder and harder to control his want to be Mr. Hyde Until he doesn't even need the potion to turn When you've got all your foul parts all locked up like that, sooner or later they're gonna burst out.
>And the scent in the vault that's easiest for me to reach, is Louis-sempai Legosi that's hella gay you're practically dating a girl but you still remember a guy's scent better
The show characterizes herbivores as weak, but the kind of animal Louis is is pretty strong too. They can be dangerous because they're strong and stupid.
There are a lot of pretty vicious herbivores out there But with the exception of a few, it's generally defensive. Or yeah, like you said, they're just too stupid to not act aggressive in a panicky situation
Once a theatre nerd, always a theatre nerd That speech about moving towards the light was totally Louis' theatre soul aching to get some release in this underworld
Yeah It's usually the Legosi/Louis and Legosi/Haru scenes that are the highlight of this show
Hah hah the bear is totally goading Legosi Oh it worked though
This ram is really working overtime to keep Legosi from making a mistake. What a good friend.
I guess the bear sees in Legosi and the ram, the relationship he had with the alpaca he ate So seeing Legosi go at it without a hint of the wariness I'd assume most carnivores have around herbivores, probably really grates against him
Good music can really make an anime series You can even have sub-par animation but if the music is good it's still fun But Jujutsu Kaisen has both, which is great.
Hah hah hah Mai is amazing at being an instigator
I guess Megumi is going Oh he bunted I figured he'd flunk the swing if he went for it
To be fair she is a bit too wrapped up in her obsession with Lloyd to interact with the village Even like you said earlier, she's not particularly fazed by it So she's not scoring points with anyone.
Sasuga Lloyd
I wonder what answer that old man is looking for, going around asking everyone "what do I look like to you?" He's obviously looking for a specific one he's not getting.
I always enjoy seeing what part of the paranatural they explore
Oh yeah she got told she looked like the Satsuki lady and it seemed like it was messing with her
Ah man that long hold on the shot of the mirror was giving me some proper horror anxiety I was totally expecting to see something in it even after she'd walked off
I hope we get to see Sorawo make good on her musing about growing her hair out before the season's up Long hair is nice
Just goes to show how close Sorawo and Toriko have gotten That Sorawo can tell Toriko's still carrying the regret of leaving those American soldiers behind in the Otherside
Oh no the karate kouhai girl managed to stumble into the Otherside hah hah How did she manage that.
Ah whoops Spooky
Actually sounds like she got off the elevator before it arrived at the Otherside? Wonder where she is now.
Hah hah Poor Kozakura She accidentally jumped in on a trip to the Otherside
Yeah, she kist wamts she just wants to take it easy too
Come to think of it, this probably isn't good either Akari has been shown to be pretty suggestable when it comes to paranatural stuff She went kinda berserk back when she still had that cat talisman in her stomach And then all it took were a few words from Sorawo to set her off too
Mirrors again I KNEW I had a bad eel with the mirror at the start of the episode.
Maybe it would be a power-up if only they leaned into it
It's always kinda funny how guns seem to kinda work against these paranatural things Even when they don't work work, they still kinda have an effect. Maybe it has to do with the faith humans put into guns, that notion of them being the great equalizer and all It creates sort of a psychic relevance that allows them to effect the paranatural.
that was a good episode the whole gang was along though
Got to bring in the support characters every now and then But I think the kouhai might be a bit more regular than I was expecting She's obviously got something a bit broke in her that needs handling before she can semi-retire.