Gekidol Horimiya Idoly Pride Episode 7-9 Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-6 Log Horizon Episode 6-8 Show By Rock Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 7-9 Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wonder Egg Priority World Trigger Episode 6-8
oh i wasn't orange i'm ready sorry i was just sitting there waiting lol >>925602 yeah i feel like a dummy >>925600 i can't wait for dragon maid s2 >>925602 i thought it was slated for this summer
Yeah, summer KyoAni's first return to TV anime since the arson attack
Wow they're both really bullying Neiru Ai's just all for it though
rika's scheming
So Plati is supposed to be this world's equivalent of, uh What's that extremely pretentious organization Yeah
mensa? but it sounds way more culty than that
tilde you or i could probably get into mensa with a bit of effort it's like a big deal but it's not like impossible
I was basically a non-affiliated Mensa student as a student From grade four to graduation I was in the gifted program
Hm PC just froze up I'll have it back running in a jiffy
neiru is not about it
Could I have the time Had to reboot my PC after >>925614 this
7:35 40 45 50 55
this is quite a twist....
Real mad scientist there though Don't have any willing test subjects for your near-death experiments So you do them on yourself!
Most people in comas are just in beds she has a really fancy iron lung thing
>Scientists who can't believe in God are incompetent I dunno about thaaaat
>>925621 I think she's in a state that's like five steps ahead on the scale of comatose to actually dead A bit worse than just a coma
wait what the hell is going on
I wonder if this means the statues are more in the mentality of the dream diver than they are as an existence of the dead girls Because it sounds like this girl is Neiru's statue, but she's also wandering around alive.
The show's also building up to its big climax in the next episode or two as well So they need to put the foundations together for that Most of the questions it posits usually get answered within the episode they show up in This is stuff that's probably more supposed to be climactic revelations.
The author really worked their hardest to come up with a way to massacre ten thousand people as morally as possible Not only is the army marching fully with the intent on eradicating Tempest, but they've already committed a horrible transgression against its people
>maybe we can teach the humans and erase the demons between monsters and humans >says the man who is about to slaughter 10000 humans
Well yeah but those are the "bad" humans!
I think it's notable here that Rimuru has been addressing them all as a slime, not humanoid I don't know if it was mentioned in the original material, but it's a smart touch for the visual adaptation.
Honestly from what we've seen so far, most Maou tend to be pretty indulgent creatures. Rimuru's just got somewhat more different indulgences
Does the orc king still have his devouring power? I feel like he lost that.
That feels vaguely familiar, yeah But I think once he got some of that Rimuru juice that upgrades all the monsters who serve him, he ascended and got other powers because of that.
Oh hah hah >We maybe have been born at different times, but we will all die together Is a slight permutation on a classic Romance of the Three Kingdoms oath Said to reaffirm the bonds of brothership between soldiers. I think the real oath is more along the lines of >Brothers may be born apart, but they all seek to die together
Here you go Rimuru It's good to get angry every now and then
yeah, should be a good ep world trigger 6 okay let's start
Time for more of a fair fight for now though
Yeah see there's Chika's "sniper" ability She's no precision gunwoman, she's more of an artillery cannon hah hah
Oh right, I remember now She can't pull the trigger directly against other people, it's just not in her psyche
I feel this is all still within Ozamu's chessboard though Hyuze said they were making a big commotion and drawing attention to themselves And I can't help but expect that to be the point.
I get Osamu isn't the best fighter but man Underestimating him on his own terrain is just plain ego
I think there's going to need to be an arc where he gets confidence.
Honestly I think he's adequately confident for his ability. He's not actually physically able, he's just really smart and thorough in his planning. And he fights in the way that best compliments that ability. Maybe as he continues to work and grow up in BORDER he could be fine in time, but for the time being I think he's as confident as his strength supports.
Yeah these wires are really awesome for Kuga. He's already got that mid-air jump he can do, that combined with the wires gives him a crazy playground to go nuts in.
The purple team is being fairly dysfunctional as usual, hah hah
Having highschoolers working as defense agents against interdimensional threats is already kinda weird. But having elementary school students do the same is REALLY weird.
>>925666 That is kinda weird but nobody really says anything about it
oh kuga down that's the worst case for them
Especially if Chika can't lockdown the girl who's coming for her. I'm pretty sure Osamu still has a plan for the 1v3 he's in at the moment, but without Kuga then it's hard to be certain if Chika will be okay.
So it was the onee-san who pushed Doll off the roof back then
Did Kaworu have a time traveller or alien in her class in that flashback? That girl she was talking with did remark that it was her first time using pen and paper.
The light blue uniform with the yellow hairband does look somewhat haruhi-esque
Maybe that's the go-to outfit for reality warpers
Actually sounds like Kaworu might be one of these time travellers or aliens too
Really though with the flashback it's kind of clear that Seria is supposed to be Miki, and Izumi is supposed to be that student council president who's probably the girl they're looking for.
Pft Why are they having the advice session in the bathroom
Hori's public facing nature sure attracts a lot of guys Though I mean I think her personal nature would probably attract a lot of guys too She's pretty cute when she's being herself.
Yeah I guess I can rationalize it that everyone's always been so nice to her, or at least ambivalent So maybe that's made her a bit curious to what the other side is like Or I dunno it's a funny bit either way.