It It's Thursday! The night of the week has arrived!
Dr. Stone Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou Black Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Idoly Pride Episode 7-8 Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-6 Log Horizon Episode 6-8 Show By Rock Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 7-8 World Trigger Episode 6-7 Yakusoku no Neverland Yuru Camp
I don't think it will be as easy as the other side giving up in 20 seconds
Well it's also one thing to secure the cave, but a whole 'nother thing to defend it against Tsukasa. Senku and the village are quite a way from their base of operations, even if they did mostly pick up the manufacturing side of things and moved it with them when they began their assault. They can't just grab a few jars of the nitric acid and expect to be done with it. Any worthwhile invasion of this cave requires them to hold it for a period of time And that means making Tsukasa yield.
He's got some kind of plan but I guess we won't see till next week
That's the usual way these shounen series go It's never right in the middle of a chapter that they come up with their keikaku Or even if they do it's always at the start of a new chapter that they show it off.
Oh I just noticed the jack-in-the-box is in the OP I wonder if thats a new addition like this or if it's always been there Because that would be cool.
I guess Satoko hasn't quite settled into her MO of killing Rika as a part of the Watanagashi festivities Or manipulating things so that she ends up dead
Yeah I mean she was always mentally unstable because of her family history But she's sure gone violent fast Though so far she's only been killing herself, aside from the first murder-suicide with the chandelier
I don't know if Featherine's just slovenly or being relaxed about it.
Also it seems maybe Satoko's loops aren't reaching back to the actual time period Rika was looping in
Oh Featherine's finally spilling the beans on Rika now.
Oh seeing all the loops is definitely going to mess her up
In the Umineko VNs there's a point where they reference a murder mystery novel "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni", and Lambdadelta cuts in to tell them to stop talking about it because she hasn't finished it yet Maybe Featherine gave her the fragments and she hadn't finished them
HEY WAIT They reference the Infinite Monkey Theorem in the Umineko manga too
Satoko is crazy This is definitely leading into Umineko
This is nice though We haven't really gotten the main cast going crazy all too much Since it shifted into the stuff between Rika and Satoko.
Talk of understanding the rules of Rika's loops really smacks of Umineko too One of the important parts of the later VN episodes is teaching the reader how to arrive at the rules of the gameboard.
I've been talking with Kirara about this series since we've both read through Umineko And we've been wondering what the Logic Error in question "Bern's master" trapped her in during what is undeniably the events of Higurashi.
I don't think Ryuukishi had all this stuff in Gou planned out when he was writing Umineko, like maybe he had an idea that Satoko would ascend to witchery too But I think the Logic Error in question is probably just the normal events of Higurashi. But it's also interesting that it could plausibly extend to these new developments in Gou.
Also those names that Featherine was rambling off at Satoko at the start of last episode, I had my suspicions about them so I went and did some snooping later on, and as kind of expected, they all had pretty obvious meanings connecting Satoko to Lambdadelta.
Vier - Character from Ciconia (new When They Cry series) who looks like Lambdadelta Mitsuyo - Mitsu (3) Yo (4) LD 3105 - Lambda Delta 3 (Sa) 10 (To) 5 (Ko)
>>924427 Yeah, he'd never give an honest answer either can't give it away!
okay lets start
Apparently on a Q&A livestream Ryuukishi did say that this Featherine isn't actually named Featherine, but at the same time declined to answer whether they're the same person or not Which, considering his trickery with names he got up to in Umineko, is still pretty much saying it's totes her.
He also really likes the notion that different names can belong to the same "person" that can make them different "people" while being the same physical entity. Like Beatrice, for example, is a very real person in Umineko's main cast, being another name of the human being she is. But she's a different "person" from the other named people who are that physical entity
It's all really weird and kind of hair-splitting at times, and one of the reasons I think some times people like to shitpost about Umineko after it finished. But within the internal logic of Umineko, it's all actually very sound.
So far we're not really seeing how this is torture. But he also might be a special case anyway.
Wonder why he's coughing blood too Maybe since the kids are raised as food, they were genetically modified to not live longer than they need to for food.
>Doesn't say no Come on man you could at least deny the allegations of being divine. Otherwise it goes to your head.
Emma is still way too trusting that Norman won't just kill the demon girl as soon as they find her. He doesn't seem to be wavering in the slightest in his objective of genociding the demons.
Oh they're run into another one of these big scaries again. Looks like it'll be another rescue from the two demons
Ah but not before Ray gets a pretty solid shot in on it.
They may not agree with what Norman is up to but it's really the only option it's really a kill or be killed kinda thing
I still don't agree There's literally another option presented to them It's incredibly, INCREDIBLY more difficult. But I don't see why that should rule it out.
Hah hah hah this is gonna fuuuuck with Norman I guess the old demon might be one of the ones that got some of Mujika's blood in the past. Since he seems to not be suffering from the poison.
There's going to be genocide either way The demons basically have to eat humans
They don't, that's the whole other option The demons can be freed from the necessity of eating humans to retain intelligence I'm not saying it's easy, and as Norman said last episode, the demons in power know about the option and actively suppress it But that's a damn poor excuse to go around genociding the civilian demons who barely eat humans in the first place since the resources get trickled out as a way to keep them all subservient and in line.
His friend really helped balance the show, it won't be the same without him.
There's really been a lot of cell death in the series Of all the characters that have shown up with any degree of regularity, the only ones that remain are the MC and the White Blood Cell trio
It doesn't really look like a germ though More than anything it resembles the kidney stone from earlier in the series.
Wow, they got arms this time.
This lady probably isn't the person he needs to see right now.
A red blood cell's life sure is a rough one You work until you can't and then you're dropped dead
Title drop! Kinda
Well it was pretty obvious it was gout from the PV in last episode I guess that's why it's so similar to the kidney stones Since they're both precipitates of things the body can't process
The whole body is having a tough time! I'm not exactly blaming the body's owner, since I'm pretty sure the owner also works for a Japanese black company and is being abused just as much And doesn't have a whole lot of wiggle room for living healthily But the body's owner could probably do with doing what he can to have a better body.
Oh I guess that other guy that started with the MC and his friend is still alive This guy with the sideburns I'd kinda just assumed he'd died at some point hah hah
This is the result of working for a black company! The absolute stress and psychological damage, combined with the total consumption of your time leaving you with no time to unwind and do the activities that are a bit more time-consuming but good for your physical health like cooking good meals All that together can ruin your body at an extremely young age. Like I've said before I don't think this body is -that- old. Mid-thirties, early-forties at most. But decades of working like this, and a life of smoking, will turn you from someone who should still be in good health into a misfunctioning mess.
Also sounds like it might be heading towards an early death next episode That should be, well.
Nadeshiko's probably not the best suited to solo camping She's a bit too much of a social creature for it, hah hah Even when she went solo camping she ended up making friends with the other campers.
Oh no, final exams. Easy to forget they are winding up towards the end of the Japanese school year. I wonder if they're currently first or second years. I don't remember.
Cute Shimarin
Oh their birthday was both today Or well yesterday Happy birthday Aoi and Nadeshiko
It's cute that her dog has also caught the camping bug
There's some nice alternate hairstyles this episode Scrunchy-ponytail Rin, bathhair Aki
They call it a USB holder, I thought it was just a phone holder But i guess it also comes with a charge cable that can plug into the moped's battery That's real neat
What a good granddad Instantly assessed the problem and went off to fix it. It's a good thing he did too A moped's battery probably isn't as sturdy as a motorcycle or car's It would almost definitely burn out if she was careless.
Yeah, I think these days its easier to get bikes out the dealership that can have stuff like that installed. It's a good thing to have, especially for nagivation.
Rin's mom used to be a biker chick, eh I'd like to see that too.
>Twelve Store >Logo is an 8 I mean the parody is obvious but they could at least try a little harder!
Maybe Japan clarifies seasons differently but I dunno if I consider early-March "beginning of spring" At least 'round here it's usually pretty reliably the last big hurrah of winter. Though this year it looks like we might be getting an early spring, which is nice It wasn't a particularly long winter this year, but all of 2020 was kind of a metaphorical winter because of the pandemic. So there's something nice about an early spring coming in.
>>924490 Yeah, it was a really nice scene too Rin's got such a sweet family.
Hah hah hah You gotta be careful who you gossip with Some people just can't help but chatter.