i believe tilde is alive he's online on steam at least
Yeah I'm around Was just fixing some food so I wasn't here here so to say
Go-toubun no Hanayome Idoly Pride Episode 7-8 Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-6 Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Log Horizon Episode 6-8 Mushoku Tensei Non Non Biyori Show By Rock Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 7-8 World Trigger Episode 6-7
There's of course much more than this that aired over the weekend but I was a bit pressed for time getting anime tonight so I made do with the essentials If we've got Bang for all five of his shows tonight then everything we need's on there.
I wonder what this place is going to be like looks like desert I guess
Yeah, looks like Utah, or Australia So hell on Earth really.
if he summons water and drinks it does it hydrate him
I'd assume so I'd suspect the author for this series is probably a TRPG nerd, and by D&D rules, water and food you create through magic is nourishing, if not particularly nutritious
Well, Roxy can pass for human and doesn't have a gem in her head so
i think there's a lot of different clans of demons i'm guessing their hair color is the defining physical genetic trait sylphie is half-demon or demon, right?
Her entire tribe of people are really good at taking things in stride Roxy was the same way with Rudy's antics.
Eris is just happy to have a new sword
man i'm always sad when this show ends
It unfortunately only slated for one cour right now Hopefully they can get the support to adapt the series properly. I know the director in particular would be all for it, he just needs the funding.
i would really like for it to be adapted to completion but the moment i think it's gonna be too long before the next season you better believe i'm going to read it
wait a second wasn' the cliffhanger that awkward-nerd-chan is DEAD
Yeah Meaning either we've been bamboozled about the identity of Kumoko, or Kumoko will "die" before too long and be reborn as something a bit different. Which creates an error in the elf-sensei's monitoring program that lets her move unaccounted for.
well she was about to die in that episode too
So Fei keeps silent around people who don't know about reincarnation, eh
oh wait OH WAIT
were they reincarnated as babies? did kumoko die years and years ago
Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone was reborn, not just popped into this isekai Which is why I think there's a time disjunction between this human-side of the story and Kumoko's side.
i kinda had a theory like that at some point but i've been confused working it out now that they mentioned the spider silk scarves it seems pretty obvious though
that or the elf told her she was dead because she didn't want them to know that she had become and evil spider god
Oh she does need a hand though
uh oh
wait this looks like a really fucking terrible idea
Yeah but some times in life all you've got to work with are terrible ideas So you just gotta kinda run with 'em
so you just kinda gotta open a dimensional demon portal to suck all the lava out of the underworld
Well it's not like that lava was doing anybody any good
i just thought maybe there would be some ecological ramifications
Is it? I mean I get why she looks similar. But I dunno if that's the same person.
And yeah, the Maou is a reincarnated student But at this point I feel they're laying on the hints that the Maou is Kumoko so heavily that it HAS to be a red herring
Oh I guess his brother died
well that's a way to find out...
man what the actual heck is going on this is spiraling out
see i feel like aoi is kind of a weirdo you can't just tell someone to date someone else like that and setting it as a goal is weird it like completely discounts the feelings of kikuchi that's like literal objectification even if she likes him and wants to date him, deciding on some kind of mission like that without her involvement strikes me as sociopathic on aoi's part and ignorant on nerd-kun
>>925082 It's not, but it is kinda slovenly fashionable He's in clothes that for anyone that gives two whits would be only like, casual indoors clothes.
Telling him to date her is kinda weird kinda mean to her isn't it
that's what i'm sayin
Well they're both game nerds who are too wrapped up in the GAMER mentality to see it as anything else.
oh and now it's all just prep for dating fuka alright hinami is a sociopath, this is now my headcanon
She's just trying to have fun messing with him and his reactions aren't quite delivering.
she's been borderline since episode 1 she's actually a sociopath now i'm convinced
Even on their dates they're Smashing
I get that though Even just sending friend requests or similar contact requests is anxiety-inducing to me It's hard for me to just do something like that.
i'm going to reeeeeeeeee REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Hah hah hah I think Aoi didn't correctly how fond Kikuchi is for him Er didn't correctly estimate
She's not wrong here Plus an overnight barbeque social event sounds fun
>>925100 That's the first thing you do in a guy's room.
Kinda pointless in western culture though because everyone just looks at porn on the computer.
I have some of the stuff I bought at Comiket that used to be hidden away in a corner of my room It's up north at my parents' place right now though.
thanks for reminding me to restrict viewing my history on my phone
This goal Aoi's given him to mess with the other guy is kind of a problematic one Messing with people is best done naturally If you feel pressured to do it you kinda end up just being kind of a dick
Nothing weird about a guy thoroughly massaging another guy's hair
Oh no he's a GAMER
>Hinami is crazily serious about cheese Aoi wrote those for him to boot too She's letting him tease her about her love of cheese behind her back
oh wow it's happening now
>>925108writing conversation topic flashcards for your friend is whack af writing conversation topic flashcards for your friend is whack af
What about writing conversation topic flashcards for yourself
it's okay if no one ever finds out but if i find out i'm gonna send you a text message with a giant WeirdChamp image
Okay, but is writing them out really any different from rehearsing them in your head? Like just thinking them up mentally and practicing them by yourself.
oh this is scary
Yeah he kinda flunked the movie deito Or maybe just barely, barely passed. She might like him a bit but she also might just be a bit of a high-level social encounter for him
ah i see she's just being awkward aw she's cute
She's definitely very sweet
this fucking bogdanoff conversation with his handler while walking home from his date "she didn't love you enough, train harder"
poor fuka
where's hachiman and his quest for the real thing
I don't think if they get together and date that it's not real There's obviously some mutual ground and feelings between each other And if Aoi didn't slap some sense into him he'd have never even TALKED to Kikuchi
>>925122 obviously yeah but i feel like tomozaki needs to stop letting aoi crowd his brainspace he's capable enough now i think the best outcome is if tomozaki and kikuchi just spend more time together it's obvious there's some natural chemistry but tomozaki is being too heavily influenced and sometimes it's hard to tell when he's being himself i think she was picking up on that also the way he and misuzawa got along was almost despite aoi telling him to mess with him or more like fortunate coincidence
if a girl went looking through my room i'd probably have said something already like "go ahead and look all you want, but there are things in this world you can't unsee once found" or something edgy like that
really all there is to find is a dildo in a shoebox
oh wait i un-oranged
I'd have to figure out something to hide Because what fun is looking for something when there isn't anything there?
I am not telling you to explain the dildo cause I don't want to know but when someone finds it you should probably explain most girls own helpers like that but it's weird for a guy to have a dildo
damn he is _not_ happy that they're trying to work here
Well one of them is Nino who is difficult to be around even when she likes him And the other is Miku who's a cooking abomination
Oh, now they're all in the same class as him I think in the last year it was just Itsuki?
now that i think about it, yotsuba and miku are the only ones i'd worry about not being able to hold a job well nino kinda but only because she's not mentally stable she's definitely capable
I think Itsuki would be able to hold a job, but might have a hard time finding one Since she's so serious and kind of a perfectionist Finding the "right" job might snag her up
Oh I know At the warehouse I'm working at, like a year back one of the buyers bought like thirty -three camera bags, but the vendor messed up and sent us thirty It took like a year for them to get sorted properly.
uh oh
>May-san Oh wait yeah that's absolutely Itsuki
Yeah Nino is going HARD I guess I can start to see why some people like her so much
I can't deny I like when they're a bit aggressive.
if someone committed a felony against me i don't think i'd be putting up with this behavior i'd have put nino in jail back in season 1
Is it really a felony in the Japan legal system though
Wow so all the girls just carry around a disguise case for each other.
i don't think they have felonies the way we do poisoning is a pretty serious offense though and in the japanese legal system, her father would've had to pay a lot of money to make it go away or she'd almost definitely be convicted of attempted murder
Hah hah hah Come on Ichika Did you really think asking FUTAROU of all people to skip class would work.
also i like how you can see her pink eyebrow underneath the miku hair
There's some good attention to detail in this season Much better than the QUALITY fest which was season one.
here goes komari saying something she's aboslutely goign to regret later
Oh right Rika here's something you might be interested in >>>/@anime_maousama/1368156066492473346 Hataraku Maou-sama, season two For some reason, eight years after the first season aired It's been announced!
guess i better watch season 1
i've been meaning to for a while there was a cute anime girl that made me interested in the show i think
Hataraku Maou-sama is pretty good It did reverse isekai before isekai was cool
That net feels very inadequate for catching a ferret
we have ferrets at the house they don't look this big though
I think Natsumi would laugh at you for running around the house trying to catch a weasel with a bug net.
defeated by a weasel
Wild animals are powerful creatures!
komari you dunce
Knitting is pretty hard work though I mean the basic action is easy and comfy to get a repetition for But shaping the piece into an actual article of clothing is rough
>Natsumi, help Does asking Natsumi for help ever turn out okay
... Honestly this one is on Komari What on earth was that supposed to be.
yeah i don't know
he doesn't even have a voice actor, does he
Nope In the English localization credits roll at the end his name is listed but for seiyuu it's just ??? I haven't ever looked at the ED credits to see if there's something there.
he has anime figures in his room
Well he does kinda look like an otaku, doesn't he
Oh she's already getting in waaaaaaaay over her head
Maybe the Japanese use milk instead of cream for curry But curry as I've seen it that needs a dairy addition like that pretty much always use cream or yoghurt.
the japanese recipe i followed last time, i didn't use milk or cream i don't think but most the time when i make a curry i use coconut milk
Oh yeah, that's true For more SEA-based curry they'd probably use coconut milk
indian ones too, pretty often but i also hate being traditionalist about it i tend to just appropriate flavors and ingredients into my own way of doing things i made a japanese curry with sweet potatoes and chicken instead of regular potatoes and beef once and it was pretty great
Well yeah, no need to be stiff about food When I make minced chili I tend to make it more like a curry or jambalaya
also i add the magical trio of soy sauce, mirin, and rice vinegar to almost everything i make unless i'm going with a mirepoix kind of package or a mushrooms and worcestershire package
Looks like next episode fast-forwards pretty quickly into the heart of winter. Seems like a lot of snow.
this episode was pretty okay hard to beat the last two though those were some of the best NNB episodes yet
Onii-chan doesn't even have credits listed in the Japanese ED credits roll Why did they bother including him in the localization credits