Idoly Pride Episode 7-9 Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-6 Log Horizon Episode 6-9 Show By Rock Soukou Musume Senki Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 7-9 World Trigger Episode 7-8
this is a good exercise for them because they get to practice with incomplete teams and injuries
Also being unable to rely on Kuga to close the fight might help Osamu and Chika buckle up a bit.
Her tone clearly belies how little she cares about this Not to mention she's chewing out the wrong person Osamu's kind of just along for the ride here It's Chika and Kuga who have particular reasons for trying to get on the expedition.
oh right I remember something about Kuga's fake body being his real body right doesn't Kuga only have a trion body
Hm, yeah, that could be correct I can't recall seeing the information but it would definitely make sense to be a thing So if you remember it, I'll trust it.
He's the same kind of power Shiroe and this monk girl are on They're all max-level in their class and have been playing the MMO for ages before it became an isekai
This enchantress lady here sure is snaky I can't tell if she's an adventurer or an ex-NPC
The quality on this kinda felt a bit old-fashioned in the first episode Like it felt like kind of a like a small project from the mid-00s or something.
I wasn't terribly engaged by the first episode but since we'd watched at least one episode I figured I'd keep it on the list.
I've been thinking about seeing if I can convince Kirara to show up for at least one show Thursday night Since he's been watching Higurashi too and we've been really enjoying it. He's usually up pretty late Wednesday nights because that's tabletop night this campaign so it might be easier for him to carry that over a bit for Thursday too But that is also a bit much of sleep deprivation for him.
Man I really don't want any part of my body to randomly turn into food products.
This doctor really enjoys giving people with the ego to expect easy cures their just desserts
I feel like this show is trying to be bishounen but the guys don't look all that good
As far as demographic goes, it runs in a seinen magazine I think Oh actually it was in a shounen magazine
At the least I think the main character is supposed to be sly and a bit unpleasant. But not actually ugly Like the kind of person who likes a bit of a scuffed guy would like.
Losing your chikuwa as penalty for sleeping around sure would be harsh
>>925954 Oh really that may be why it doesn't appeal much to me
It's , I dunno This guy definitely deserved some kind of punishment for being an unrepentant womanizer But the story is definitely a bit too nice Like people get their appropriate desserts and learn their lessons and things are all okay in the end.
Yeah I think /moe/ had a hiccup or something. I got bumped too
Their squad doesn't seem to be particularly dutiful hah hah Instead of dropping off the extremely dangerous weapon/power source they've been carrying around, they just went on a shopping tour of the city.
That's the second time someone has asked "but what about Armored Boys" and everyone kinda just agrees it wouldn't work
They been kinda recapping without recapping a bit this episode. And a whole lot of broader world exposition It's been a bit without hearing from the girls at all
Really it's kind of a weird choice from the anime studio I'd assume whoever's watching this show is doing it for the cute girls, not some stuffy old guys sitting around arguing with each other.
Their car's AI might be a snarky bastard at times, but he is a good uncle for these girls Hearing how he talks about the girls to the army brass does a good job of reinforcing that.
Kind of a weirder episode than usual When they didn't have the OP play at the start of the episode and just rolled credits over a scene I thought it might be a serious episode But it was just a bunch of government officials sitting around a room talking.
Yeah I've been wondering that too They're identical jackets
Oh and they're not even in their band costumes, they're in athletic gear
Really it doesn't even seem to be a musical event in the slightest
She's such a chuuni brat I remember her from Show By Rock season two She and her band were the big bad there Back when this series still had monsters and evil things the bands had to fight with the power of music