Arte Fruits Basket Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 20-22 Princess Connect Shokugeki no Soma S4 Episode 1-12 To aru Kagaku no Railgun Yesterday wo Utatte
Okay my brain Brain's probably properly spun up now.
could we move honzuki or yesterday up? i have a really big day tomorrow >>843621 first three preferably you can keep hamefura/pricon together and put either yesterday or honzuki before or after
I'd figure we could put Fruits Basket in last; we've been watching the show without you for a while and I don't know how up to date you are. It can be a decent comfy closer anyway. That would probably let us swap some other stuff around.
The best kinds of drama shows always end up revolving around a bunch of people being stupid.
>my relatives loved the wedding photos i mean who's gonna say otherwise and trash on the wedding memories
Well with stuff like photographs at least it's easy to use them as a positive distraction for how boring you found the wedding otherwise. Like even if a wedding's a bore you can at least appreciate the production quality of photographs.
Sure would be nice to have someone cute to pull my dead-ass along.
Aw the blonde guy cut his hair. It was kind of a doofy look but it was at least his look.
cute boots
The entire first half of this episode has kind of had this exact same moment on hold. Like it's almos the same moment they left on at the end of the last episode.
She always seems to go straight for the stove when she comes over to their place.
poor haru
Yeah. I think Rikuo is particularly bad at trying to pick the most evasive way of saying what he's trying to get across. When you try too hard to be delicate you kind of come off as insensitive.
what feels urealistic to me is that people are finding people they like within local geographic proximity
i feel like, given the variation and all the types of people, that really doesn't happen... it would be convenient though so you could just take leftover foods and do thoughtful things all the time, but realistically those channels for sentiment never get to be explored
Yeah. Make sure you've got episode twenty yeah All good.
Lutz is probably still a bit too young to be roughing it on his own. He's only like seven or eight years.
Geez his entire family is making a mess of this. Just let the boy do what he wants.
Maybe it's just some inconsistencies in that scene but it felt like Lutz was taller compared to Main than he used to be. It would make sense he'd be getting taller but it would also make sense the animation might just be clunky.
She's managed to get called into the lecture room pretty much every episode since it was unveiled.
>I don't want to tear apart his family Having the church pretty much forcefully have parents relinquish their child -would- pretty much be tearing it apart.
She's really dragged a whole lot of excess people into this dispute though.
It's good that he's making somethingof himself though. Being near her gave him ambition.
Honestly while I think Lutz's dad is being kind of a stick, I do think Benno is overstepping his bounds talking about adoption.
>>843654 It's been a good experience for him, yeah. Plus being around Main was what got him a contact in Benno. I think he wanted to be a travelling merchant regardless but without that connection I bet he'd probably not have gone for it.
It's nice there's contrast between Main's family and Lutz's. Main's can be so saccharinely sweet at times, where Lutz's is a bit more of the normal slightly dysfunctional way families tend to be.
The Head Priest is really funny to me though. Like he barely ever, if not never, smiles. And it was particularly notable in that exchange with Lutz's parents, he really doesn't seem to get what people mean unless it's explicitly spelled out for him. And then when it's an emotionally complex situation he just seems outright confounded by it. I wonder if the author intentionally made him out like that, he's pretty much like some kind of high-functioning autistic person.
thanks for doing those early i have a big day ahead so i must be off please enjoy your shows >>843657 nobility is probably expected to control their emotions and think patiently and carefully if he's keeping his purpose in mind, he won't be getting wrapped up in the feeling of the occasion
Yeah, I considered that too, but on the other hand we've seen other of the blue-robed nobility caste that act more like the sneering, haughty way you kind of stereotype nobility to act. So either he's just excelling at the task compared to others, or it's more natural to his personality. I think either could be accurate it's just funny to me how it lines up that way.
Nah, the other yellow girl. The flower themed one with the yellow and orange dress.
Oh, Mary. She's engaged to the grey-haired prince, from what Katarina mentioned from playing the game I think she plays second fiddle to Katarina as the villainess of that route. But with how she's totally waded into the plot of the game and wrecked havoc Mary seems to have gone full gay for Katarina. So far she seems to kind of doing a similar thing that Katarina is doing, though in her case she's trying to ruin any heart scenes between Katarina and the guys.
I guess this is the kind of thing Geordo has been trying to do the whole story long. For once he didn't have the guard dog Keith cockblocking hi-
Wow okay. I'd wager this is probably more what Keith was like in the actual game. Before she destroyed his incoming playboy personality.
Well Katarina's also in the book. Satisfying her desires would also clear that spell's commandment.
And she probably has a much more wholesome desire to fulfil.
Oh shit Tuxedo Mask
The rest of them seem clueless but Katarina seems to be keeping a bit of a recollection of what's going on.
Also so far we've been seeing the desires of the other characters. Which mean's Nicol's secret desire ... is to be Tuxedo Mask?
Bakarina is too powerful to fall under the sway of a magic book. Everyone else has completely forgotten about the school but she still remembers.
That's kind of sweet though. Everyone else had very self-serving desires but Alan just wanted to play the piano.
You'd think an interesting item like that would be a part of the game.
These two kind of have a nice relationship though. Like this doesn't even need to be a particularly romantic thing. Though yeah it inevitably ends up being one. They've been friendly rivals all throughout their childhood I think a moment like that could be nicely platonic too.
This series really does feel like a more wholesome KonoSuba at times. That's not a criticism of KonoSuba or anything it was just definitely an entertaingly crass show at times.
The style and character designs are similar to konosuba too. It's better drawn/animated though. Konosuba had a lot of QUALITY
Animated on pennies! I'm pretty sure DEEN just shoved the project off onto like their C Team or something, not expecting much out of it. And then it went on to be a cult hit.
Oh that reminds me the KonoSuba movie came out I don't think I had that one filed in my list of movies we can turn to if shows run out.
>Menu 9 A Gourmet Getaway ~Fragrant Tentacles on the Beach~ I guess PriCon's next episode is a BEACHI episode Not sure what to feel about tentacles being involved though.
I'm fine either way. Up to you! How's the list looking?
Arte Fruits Basket Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 21-22 Shokugeki no Soma S4 Episode 1-12 To aru Kagaku no Railgun
Is where we're at if we don't watch it. Tomorrow is Wednesday though so we'll be getting ... four more shows at least. Plus with two on Thursday we'll have eh this can wait.
Yeah we'll have eight shows (setting aside Honzuki in case Moon can't make it) to split between Wednesday and Thursday, if we watch Fruits Basket tonight. So if it's just the two of us we can do four shows per night and add in an episode of Honzuki if Moon's around.
Glad to have you zoned back in
Man being Kagura's guardian must be a pain in the ass.
You'd think as the Cat he'd enjoy digging in the sand.
I'm sure we'll find out in the next few eps and then she'll mellow out.
Prrrroooobably. It's fun rediscovering this series. I read it over a decade ago so the details tend to be pretty fuzzy but going through it again like this has had little details slowly drifting back in. There's still a lot I don't remember at all though!