Arte Episode 8-9 Gleipnir Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 21-23 Kaguya-sama Listeners Nami yo Kiitekure Plunderer Shokugeki no Soma S4 Episode 1-12 To aru Kagaku no Railgun Yesterday wo Utatte
Not more than required. It's still corona season even if everyone else has fotgottne.
glepnir hachi-nan nami yo plunderer kaguya
I'm sure there's plenty of open space where you live! Go for a run or a walk for a bit. Human beans need to be outside or we start to eat our own brains.
>>845500 >>845502 Did you intentionally pick two caps that are practically the exact same pose in the exact same shot with the exact same expression.
This series has set up a lot of mysteries that I know it's not going to get around to delivering on before its one cour is up. That's gonna SUCK
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
get outta dat hamster cage
You can't tell me what to do you Samurai It's dropped back down to like 12-14C over the past two days I don't want to go outside when the weather's like that!
This guy's head is clearly a telescope, it even has that little mini-scope telescopes have on the side. But then he operates as a video camera and even has a replay screen.
Clair looks like she's already through with social dynamics of this little group.
This guy has really creepy themed lackets. lackeys I guess this team kinda sucks at fighting and has no experience too.
Yeah, that sounds like what the mask lady was saying. Plus I mean we've seen most of them in action. None of them have particularly good combat powers.
Well I guess the girl who can turn invisible could be the perfect assassin but I bet she doesn't want to get her hands dirty like that. But the rest have kind of scout-y or pacifist powers. Getting the MC and Clair on their team was probably honestly the best choice to improve their firepower.
yeah but i think i can't get my mom to her chemo appointment in the morning several roads are inaccessible and it's a lot worse on the other side of the river too
all the crowds are going to re-spark corona in the area too people aren't staying digitally safe either and it stresses me out
Will it be bad if she can't make the appointment? Like I know it'll be not good but would it be particularly concerning.
Man he really came out swinging.
I guess next episode we get them against Hyper Ape
i assume we're doing hachi-nan that's what im readied up for
It's a bit funny they have to go through the procedure of buying all the stuff the party looted from the dungeon. Their monarch must be an extremely bureaucratic person.
redistribute the health that's what i need
These old guys really don't have a reason to hate the MC aside from him being a successful, good-minded upstart. Which of course is a perfectly normal reason callous people come to hate people but still.
She's really trying her best to be but this guy is really good at getting to her heart hah hah
I'm geting the feeling this guy isn't a consciously bad guy but is just a total idiot. The kind that's so dense he creates problems without realizing it.
Though it does seem at least in the past he had a problem with repaying debts.
When a guy's ex tries to murder him it's usually a warning sign
Judging from his account that might've been the girl being absolutely fucking mental. Though him being so utterly dense that he didn't pick up on that is probably not the best indication of his character, yeah.
But then again he goes and says things like that. And kinda intrudes on personal space juuuust enough to extend his territory but not cause backlash.
Man that was a fucking ride. The characters in this show have some real, well, character to them. I guess I'm just used to anime having kind of stock characters or ones that employ more subtle characterization since that's a very Japanese thing to do. But this series really throws that standard out the window and has them be totally nuts. It's fun.
The last episode of this was pretty rowdy. They've managed to somehow not drop the kind of weirdness that started when they went back in time despite returning to the present.
This is maybe not the kind of reveal that should be done while she's in a swimsuit.
See this guy is not acting the way he did back in the past.
This doesn't quite add up yet though. He killed that guy back when they were all fighting in the war. Even if it went on for a long while, and they were all in their twenties by the time he died, there's still almost three hundred years between his death and this point in time. And Hina's only a teenager. Did her mother carry her in her womb for centuries?
Oh this long-haired guy is making a boast he definitely can't match. Though all these doofuses are getting out of control.
The army that doesn't kill really was an awful idea.
It's kind of an extension of amalgamating military power so that no one can defy you. Amassing power to intimidate people doesn't really work. Eventually you're going to have to use that power.
Yeah this was kind of forecasted by the OP. Goateyes and Licht are going to get a proper showdown.
This OST is really out of character for the show hah hah. It hasn't been this trumpet-y before.
I saw some chatter that this episode is extremely well-animated. Though I also don't know if it was being said ironically or not. I'm pretty sure the prior though.
Iino really has no clue what she's saying to Kaguya.
Her Ojou Power is ridiculously high. You can't have that kind of Ojou Power without being a strong tsundere. She does both the tsuntsun and the deredere flawlessly.