they did curfew in philly too but philly was already setting stuff on fire at like 3pm they've almost gotten into city hall there and buildings around city hall are burnin
the washington dc folks keep getting closer and closer to the white house
in orlando the cops just started gassing people indiscriminately
salt lake city is also setting shit on fire
seattle, LA are breaking out into riots too also miami
it feels so surreal, i can't imagine what it's like to be somewhere that this is actually happening
Some mayors try to get ahead of the protests, some protests try to get ahead fo the mayor
This time Rome is literally burning while Nero golfs away
the chicago scanner is crazy too there's been at least 6 officer downs
why do regular brains need sleep one day I will break these chains
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The scientists ran computer simulations of a spiking neural network to find out what happened. They found that although it could learn to identify the data it was trained to look for, when such training went uninterrupted long enough, its neurons began to continuously fire no matter what signals they received.
>Watkins recalled that "almost in desperation," they tried having the simulation essentially undergo deep sleep. They exposed it to cycles of oscillating noise, roughly corresponding to the slow brain waves seen in deep sleep, which restored the simulation to stability.
>The researchers suggest this simulation of slow-wave sleep may help "prevent neurons from hallucinating the features they're looking for in random noise," Watkins said.
>These findings may help explain why all known biological neural systems capable of learning from their environment, from fruit flies to humans, undergo slow-wave sleep. Everyone needs slow-wave sleep, Kenyon said.
>"Our results make the surprising prediction that slow-wave sleep may be essential for any spiking neural network, or indeed any organism with a nervous system, to be able to learn from its environment."
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so basically all known minds need sleep to maintain sanity.. but that doesn't rule out the possibility of some other arrangement working without it
well, known biological systems, and spiking neural networks. but you don't have to use that type of neural network..
>>845313 technically i'm not supposed to tell you this but one of the packages i handled went to a street i used to live on that was kinda cool knowing that i was doing something that would effect somewhere iknew
>>845310 i was hired instantly when i applied a couple weeks ago tonight was my first night
>>845317 yeah i got an email offering me the job less than 30 seconds after hitting the "submit" button at the end of my application
by the look of the other trainees, they really are taking all comers but i'm not worried about keeping my position b/c it's super easy and i'm already killing it unfortunately it's also killing my soft, limp, mushy body because i haven't worked in two months but that's okay the pain will wear off i n a month or so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow are you movin packages around or what
basically yeah scan package package says where it lives put package in it's home scan home next package
like have my phone bug out and not be able to close this post please god im hitting return to leave and it keeps bringing ip the dang keyboard im gonna lose it
wow that was awful
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh jeez sorry for the buga
>>845346 it was probably a browser side thing maybe
mod kun someones posting probably illegal links on the front page again
oh it happened again any way to move that little report box to somewhere where I don't accidentally click the image too or even just make the box bigger idk
>lay down casually on bad >cat: it's free real estate
bed not bad
>>845354 It's a lot easier on a computer. Probably since when Samu designed the site he didn't take too much into account mobile accessibility, hah hah There likely isn't always a PC user around but I'm sure any of us will quite willingly report the stuff once we know it's there.
>>845370 It's good. How are you liking the Xenoblade port? Did you notice the censorship yet?
I don't know anything about either so shrug
>>845371 if you mean that one girl's ass that keeps getting posted all over /v/, it's not as bad as those dumbasses want you to believe the ass is now modeled instead of being a buttcrack texture, in proper lighting it looks better than before
I knew the professional assmans would be on the case
please, I'm no professional just an enthusiast
you're still a master of your craft that's for sure
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anonymous published a bunch of court documents of trump soliciting epstein's girls and also some stuff about princess diana being killed by the royal family after taping a testimony that the royal family was involved in sex trafficking
lol google is recommending me some kind of satire website now
Oh wow They canceled all police officers off days And called in the national guard Chicago hasn't called in the national gguguad for a riot since 1968. FYI we have like 14,500 cops , I'm not sure how they do shifts but the probably have a few thousand at any given time out on the street.
I mean, it isn't a tank. And I like how he says "used against people" when its literally for protecting the national guard and police from attacks by civilians rather than having a fucking cannon on it and shooting protesters.
Maybe he's got personal reasons for hindering the NYPD but honestly deploying mounted police into crowds of people is just asking for a horrible injury. Even worse a horrible injury to the horses which really don't deserve anything like that.
I might make jokes about the riots and protests but I'm actually really pissed off at the people who are looting and attacking cops. As well as being mad at the cops who are attacking protesters and press without good reason. And I'm especially mad at the arsonists.
orderly protest at the Vancouver Art Gallery (VAG)
dat's some nice social distance
>>845435 There was a protest march here in combination with the States about a POC who fell from a window and died while a member of the police was in the unit with them. From what I saw it wasn't particularly distanced but apparently the organizers came with boatloads of masks to hand out to anyone there who didn't have one.
>>845435 Why the fuck are people protesting in Canada?
we got the same problems here, but with indigenous peoples instead
>>845442 I know your government fucks them over a lot but I didn't think that your police were murdering them.
>>845442 Yeah, police injustice against people of colour is pretty awful here too. Like there is a LONG history of the police shitting on indiginous people. I know in the past there was a case of cops grabbing homeless indiginous people off the street during winter, taking them for a drive out into the middle of nowhere, and just leaving them out there. The abductees, obviously, froze to death.
And even in Toronto black citizens are still statistically more likely to get shot by police and still suffer increased persecution.
>>845439 Damn I didn't know Canada solved racism and police brutality
>>845445 Iirc they're a lot closer to solving police brutality than the US.
if that number isn't 0 there's a problem worth being upset over isn't there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>845449 alright less than the us but they're still oppressed af
>>845451 I don't know if you're aware of this. But it is actually possible for a cop to shoot an unarmed person in real self defense. Saying that its ait's a problem if tge number isn't zero isn't a good metric.
Look, Rei, I have some feelings about what's going on right now in the world, and there's a reason I'm not saying anything.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yikes police apologism?
>>845456 There's a big difference between saying "all cops are always justified for whatever they do" and putting forth the idea that maybe a cop can be justified in shooting someone.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how did you get here from >Why the fuck are people protesting in Canada?
isn't support protests a norm by now when big issues are really happening?
More than support this is kind of a thing that pretty much everywhere in the Western world needs to claim some fault in. Maybe it's a bit shallow and opportunistic to take a tragedy from another country to start your own indignation at the flaws in your own country, but I don't think that means it should not happen.
>>845459 I don't know if its ever happened at this scale before.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
people have and are continually oppressed, so protest and rebellion is the natural response. don't need any semantic arguments about what acab means or whatever.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>845460 it would be shallow and opportunistic if you were making money on it
seeing a flash point break out and adding fuel to it is quite different
Yeah I suppose for clarity's sake I don't personally find it either of those things. I can see the way someone would argue for it but on a fundamental level it's a push for the better.
this job is going to make me lose like 50. lbs lol
>>845478 Cool Are you in a big item warehouse? Or a regular one? My dad worked in a big item warehouse >>845480 Oh, your in sorting. *you're My dad worked in a I forgot what its called
ummm it's called a sortation center, dumbass
>>845478 Do your best to lift things in proper form. When I was doing packing at a brewery a year or two back it was really hard to keep up with the pace of the conveyor belt while remembering to not self-destruct my back.
>>845481 yeah lol it actually hurts to bend my back at all right now soi can't even try to pick things up unless squat
Lift with your legs
oops it didn't line break
always pick things proper or you het perma back injury
Maybe look into a masseause once it's safe to have total strangers rub their hands on your bare skin.
I'm just sore from being off work for two months I'll be fine
i already have perma back strain so be careful
co lol wow thanks phone
co I d showers have never felt so good
im pretty sure I'm properly hydrated but i started getting lightheaded a little bit earlier i think i should've had a bigger breakfast
can't really eat once I'm here unless i bring food for my lunch which I'm on right now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wvening shift?
yeah I'm over night every sat sun mon tue 6pm-5am
back to the grind
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
byee dont forget to pee
Also make sure you get your ELECTROLYTES They're what your body CRAVES, after all
electro lights
>>845478 unless you stick to a good diet - wait were you a delivery driver
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
taco tuesday every dat
People always talk about Taco Tuesday but they never go for Tempura Thursday
i wonder if the villager of this house will take the hint
Would kind of be nice if there was a better recourse for dealing with villagers you don't like. But I guess that inability to control stuff is kind of core to the Animal Crossing games.
That said, people always find ways to regain control. After all I did like a few dozen resets at the start of the game trying to get an ideal combination of starter villagers, island design, and native fruits.
i haven't reset anything i could have worse villagers. roy and phoebe aren't bad, but i could get better too i haven't really done a lot yet, but im finally sinking into it a bit. chemo appointments are 5 hrs long so that helps
i missed a lot of the early hype though, which i dont deal too well with anyway i guess
Sleep is canceled.
It's a great game for getting cozy with. Both the kind of experience you can do at half an hour or an hour a pop, or really go at it for a few hours. I saw a post someone made about their boyfriend's time in-game being almost five hundred hours but he still only had a small house and barely any of his island prettied up. His explanation was "I just really like to fish".
>>845637 im not making a whole lot of progress towards anything at the moment i'm just collecting DIYs and shop items to hoard a bit then i'll probably binge on it like one day a week or something, while otherwise just checking in
Yeah, I've been pretty good about not keeping stuff I know I'll never, ever want to furnish with or wear, but my storage is still chock-full of all the clothes I like and the furniture that I'm all "Well, I miiiight decorate with this some day". Fishing in the game is really therapeutic for me, but also kind of addicting, so especially in like the first week or two the game came out I was spending hours just running a circuit loop on my island catching any fish I saw. So i saved up a good bit of money just doing that.
im going to design some lolita coords with a friend with the custom designs, work together on that stuff that's one thing i'm really looking forward to it takes someone more excitable than me to build a following on social media to showcase that stuff though
I kinda had some notions to put together something like a Twitter account to photoblog some of the stuff I was doing in-game, or to show off the fashion coordination I put together, since I kinda like buying out the Able Sisters whenever they have new stuff in stock. Never got around to doing it, like most of my fun ideas, I guess.
the company i contract for is really screwing me over and not following through with comms im going to have to file 1099 contractor unemployment insurance soon but in order to get it, i have to file for regular unemployment and be denied first that's gonna take forever with all the people filing unemployment currently
they're killing people in DC the military rolled in, deployed signal jammers no feeds or comments anywhere out of DC in 7 hours photos before it showed military with suppressors nobody is tweeting that they got home or anything absolutely nothing. complete silence
I know how to wash teargas residue, not 109% sure it works on mace though. *100% Anyways You mix water with crushed up antacid And rinse your eyes with it.
so what kind of things do we know about the effect of loneliness and isolation on the brain? I expect we're probably gonna see some new stuff post quarantine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
isolation hits everyone different i don't mind it but i get bored lots of lonely people out there it's hard to maintain a 'normal' mindset like this so people will slowly drift until lockdown ends i think i was alone for a long time and i slowly descended into madness
>>845738 hmm I've been pondering what kind of endgame I want I was thinking of doing a joke one with a breakfast machine to parody all those movies that are fascinated with that concept might be a bit anticlimatic I suppose with all this time I could probably figure this out
oh wanna look at setting up a camera mod too I suppose one that has paths and whatnot
notso is quite well versed in them though we I tried to join his server he had an assload too many and I couldn't run it I think Ihe's revised it though so it might work
There's people out there that put together pretty well-assembled modpacks. You can get ones that are just kitchen sinks of content, ones that tinker with recipes to design a kind of progression system through the power tiers mods tend to incorporate, and ones that use mods that implement a questing/objective system to give you objectives to work towards and encouragement to explore the mods the modpack incorporates.
The main advantage of modpacks is that other people handle all the nuances of throwing hundreds of mods together and can usually squash out the worst incompatiblity issues and major memory leaks. But being Minecraft in the first place, and being amateurly programmed mods, you can't really escape the memory leaks in the first place, and they usually require you to allocate like 4-6GBs of RAM in order to smoothly run the modded profile anyway.
>>845747 do you have to generate a new map for mods
lol java memory heap size go brrrrrrrrr
Hm, short answer, yes.
While nothing's stopping you from throwing mods into a vanilla installment of Minecraft and just jumping back into the world you were playing, a lot of mods add worldgen content to the game that you'd have to leave wherever you've settled to go retrieve anyway. Plus there's probably some stuff that would go clunky and might block some aspects of the mod from being fully realized in the world. Safest just to do a fresh worldgen once you've got the mods installed.
For services like Feed The Beast which builds modpacks for people to use, they have their own client where you can download their modpacks, and at least in the old Twitch client, not sure about the new one after the split, could build your own Minecraft profile where you could experiment with throwing mods together without affecting your vanilla profile or other modded profiles. This is useful since a lot of mods these days rely on a third-party mod API, the most popular last I checked was Forge, but I think there's another one called Fabric, to integrate their mod into Minecraft. The Twitch client and maybe the FTB client can pretty cleanly be used to build profiles that use these APIs to take some of the build effort off your hands. Either way I've got no clue how a vanilla Minecraft world would take to being dropped into a profile with a lot of mods. Could be fine aside from having to go find newly generated terrain to get the mod resources, but might just outright corrupt the world.
The tutorial I used picked uhhhhh multiMC as the thing to install and run the mods if that's in the same ballpark
If I remember correctly MultiMC gives you a bit better of an insight into how your profile is running, but lacks FTB's mod database and capacity to build modded profiles within the client itself. They also have stopped supporting current-version Forge since Forge did ... something that makes it a nuisance to do so for MultiMC. I dunno what the division of mods that utilize Forge and ones that utilize Fabric looks like but it could potentially be you don't get crossovers from the two. I've used MultiMC in the past for a modpack a friend put together themself and it's a fine program. But since I'm a bit dumb techwise the utility the FTB client, at least when they were with Twitch, had for building and updating modpacks, was invaluable.
Minecraft doesn't have a mod API for the Java version, so Forge is a third-party service that does exactly that. For the past, I dunno how long, probably a good seven or eight years at least, Forge is how most mods have approached Minecraft. Lately I've been seeing talk about Fabric as a new API, but I don't know what the differences are and if some mods supported by one aren't by the other.
Beyond that I don't khow shit because I'm not really that informed on the stuff that goes into developing mods.
>>845784 Shogi's actually pretty fun. Plus there's plenty of apps you can find which will let you play against reasonably competent AI. Might be good for a bit of a brain exercise if you want.
would you wanna play tomorrow instead? I haven't played in a long time but I'd like to try it out again gotta make this gigantic sandwich for my roommate's bday tonight though
what's on the sandwich spill the deets or even the beets
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ they just had a stream of the white house rose garden and you could hear explosions nonstop in the background
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>845790 sounds good see ya maybe around 5 PT or later
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
trump just said that any governor that refuses to deploy the national guard to attack protestors will have the military flown in against their will (the governor's will) and used to stop the protestors
Uploading pictures before posts. Is there a reason for that. And the post box expands as I write stuff. That's so unusual. oH, how do I remove it? You can see what i'm writing. That's kind of shitty. What kind of conversation is this? ugh god. uggggg
>>845820 You don't need to upload a picture before you start typing. This board uses a real-time posting feature which is why you r post publishes as you type it. It feels weird at first but is really kind of neat once you adapt, since it generally emphases a stream of conscious conversational way of writing.
It's better for people to think out their replies one by one I think. Anybody outside of the conversation and reading it later will probably get confused if real time interaction affected things and substantial posts are discouraged. Well, I guess it's neat. I saw it before on the short lived pink-chan. It's because of nodejs, right?
>>845829 I mean there isn't really an objective right or wrong way to communicate man. And it doesn't really matter if people who come after get confused by the communication because this isn't a discussion-centric board. We just chatter amongst ourselves and so it's kind of unnecessary to need the posts be coherent hours down the line.
It's a liveposting not a deadposting board if you want to read a previous conversation that's one thing but if you're replying to something a decent enough time ago, that topic's probably long gone. So it's not an issue if replies are made in the moment
This is like simulated schizophrenia. Reading two seperate people writing at the same time is confusing and most of the little i've seen has been shitposts, which fits the format better. There's already irc for that though. Sorry for complaining. It's definitely interesting.
Fuck yeah chili night Time to eat an irresponsible amount of MEAT AND BEANS
Well, the reason the music iis associated with lewdness is because it had furry porn flash animated music videos. That musician anyways Modeus could be listening to something else.
Where are the rules? How is someone supposed to know it's sfw?
>>845894 kinda reminds me of smörgåstårta in concept
it's the first time I've made or eaten something like it, it's ridiculous absurd I love it >>845899 agreed >>845900 agreed >>845901 I'm 100% sure you would eat it >>845902 never heard of it but it does sound similar from what I see on google
>>845953 Kek Speaking of guns With the recent riots and looting I'm considering getting a shotgun for home defense. Although I would have to convince my parents first. My dad would probably be okay with it but my mom is from NYC so it'll be hard to convince her.
We also don't have room for a gun locker. However, my sister took our basement coffee table And I found a coffee table with a gunsafe built into it.
>>845973 Unlike on tano I don't actually report stuff here as a joke. Even if it does violate a rule I think is dumb. It is however irritating that sam spoiled my images and not yours.
>>845967 True. True. And this isn't one of the ones I really wanted anyway so I'm not too cut up about it. But still it would be nice to have a couple of backup options in case the one I really want doesn't work out. >>845976 a gamer?
>>846021 I'd be pissed if I had to smell weed all the time. My Err For a few months this year I was the only person in my immediate family who didn'tuse marijuana. But my sister's current employer has a 0 tolerance policy on drugs so now its just my parents.
dese cats are eating me outta house and hoem
>>846035 that sucks again I don't hate it but I can see how a lot of people don't like it
>>846045 >these cats are eating me out Is that legal where you are?
I'm getting scared. Things are escalating a lot on the streets. The NYPD has decided to completely hide their badge numbers. Everyone please be extremely careful.
what egg meal will you make runny eggs egg combo an omelette eggs benedict
and of course the classic scrambled eggs
i dont make the food but ill get the usual 4 eggs easy a hashbrown the protein of the day and oatmeal
I would love some egg combo
ok 1v1 me in skull girls and ill play the egg
or french toast or a toad in a hole damn I'm cravin eggs
they got french toast and pancakes but i dont eat them cuz im watching my dfigure gotta make sure my abs aee showing 24/7
its almost kayaking time i gotta look good for tinder pics
you're a catch with the ladies I bet
ok cya whoa
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuark i should have gotten up earlier missed my exit point AND missed whoa
>>846133 Ange and Lulu for Nijisanji and Suisei, Pekora, and Kanata from Hololive for the quick list of favorites. I like a lot more than just those though
>>846152 Pretty much, though there are some i avoid watching for one reason or another, usually just lack of interest but some // sometimes it’s stuff like Haato being really loud Wouldn’t hold it against the person but it just makes me not want to watch
>>846154 yeah I like just about every hololive Marine has been gaining space in my heart lately though >>846155 you mean those click the left or right image to sort them? there is one of those iirc
this one kid is like "how do i sharpen metal?" why do you want to sharpen metal... "for self defense" a shiv is not useful for self defense "ill get a knife" a knife is not good for self defense. try a baseball bat. "my parents won't let me leave the house with a baseball bat" well buddy if you go to a protest with a weapon you are going to get killed. you cannot defend yourself from cops "you're so pessimistic sometimes"
you might think that but it's not true! when you're really feeling the horny it reaches into your core and makes you think to yourself "wow I'm really horny huh"
>>846176 Well there's probable reliability that they won't get killed, since there have been (relatively) few civilian deaths from the escalating conflicts. I still think they're being a dumb fuck for bringing weapons to protests but at the least they probably won't end up dead.
>>846182 sometimes you have to exaggerate a little to teach an 18 year old not to do something dangerous if he pulls the shiv on a cop though which seems to be his plan, he will absolutely die for no reason
>>846183 horny isn't really the right word i dont see her and want to fuck her or anything i just really like her
maybe we'll get another surge of Marnie art when the dlc hits
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
helltaker's ost is god tier
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ >Complete Bullshit: Designers Of This Online Shooter Made It So This Guy Died Even Though He Totally Ducked
it feels like just yesterday sword and shield came out
Really? Time's felt a lot longer for me than that.
>>846208 People post images of girls in skimpy swimsuits that don't get spoiled on a regular basis.
Honestly the past couple months kind of feel like they've all happened at once but as soon as I breach that edge of the time period I suddenly remember that it's now been five months of 2020 so far.
I actually bought a copy of that album on cassette in order to get change at record fair (no one would break my $20 so I bought it for $0.50).
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Two limestone monoliths, interpreted as altars, were found in the Judahite shrine at Tel Arad. > On the smaller altar, residues of cannabinoids such as Δ9-teterahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol (CBN) were detected, along with an assortment of terpenes and terpenoids, suggesting that cannabis inflorescences had been burnt on it. >Organic residues attributed to animal dung were also found, suggesting that the cannabis resin had been mixed with dung to enable mild heating. >The larger altar contained an assemblage of indicative triterpenes such as boswellic acid and norursatriene, which derives from frankincense. The additional presence of animal fat―in related compounds such as testosterone, androstene and cholesterol―suggests that resin was mixed with it to facilitate evaporation. jesus blazes
I don't remember the majority of them so the socks one
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
with the shadow hair thing
Oh Filia Yeah she's cute. I've probably played as her more than any ither character. *other I need to get 2nd Encore once I get a new comp And also a new 360 controller
Valentine and Eliza are also really cute. Oh yeah Obligatory comment about Filia being a highschool student.
>>846291 Maybe a good time to go read a book or something good for your brain.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>read a book Wow are you calling me a faggot?
Yeah, sure am. Go read a book.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Can the book be animated in Japanese with sub titles?
>>846297 Just read a comic book. Have you read the official FGO Instructional manga? It's literally the only official media from the FGO franchise I consume.
>>846297 Sure, if you go watch something like The Tatami Galaxy. That's practically a book's worth of words in an anime.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>watch anime Wow are you calling me a faggot?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I've seen tatami galaxy
Yeah I had a pretty good hunch. If you haven't seen Night is Short, Walk on Girl, it's a movie adaptation of another one of the author's novels. A little less word-dense but still in the same spirit.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I'm taking 3gatsu really slowly with just one or two episodes a day but it's so good >>846305 Ok. Noted. I'll put it in my notepad file of things to watch/download
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>846299 You ask me that a lot and i always say I've read a few chapters but never the whole thing
3-gatsu is an absolutely incredible show yeah. I'd do a lot to get more adapted. Where've you gotten?
>>846308 Bruh It's really short. And it's so funny.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>846310 Around the middle. 14. I just watched one this morning focusing on a side character. Smith. Lost a game then found a cat. >>846312 Ok. I'll ganbate my best