lots of people are trying to pick up the discarded fish from the trawler minigame but I'm Big Brain I time when the drops are going to appear with the stopwatch add-on. And I'm always the one who gets it
To the victor goes the spoils
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>846353 I am still trying to unpack this complex metaphor
i must have seen it almost a hundred times by now and it still gives me such insane goosebumps the song itself is so good (god bless your soul, wowaka) and the choreography of that show is chilling and powerful it makes miku alive to me, whoever came up with that routine is very good at what they do i can die feeling that much more fulfilled knowing this exists
but hey at least she's more plot relevant than taokaka
just a litte bit
>>846434 Who is your favorite girl from Blazeblue then?
his is the doll
Ada Clover?
>>846435 Izanami, although Rachel is the "best girl" in my opinion But Izanami is my persona favorite
personal too
Should I play all the games to get the whole story or are some of them redundant?
some of the games summarize the previous ones like continuum shift extend has a shortened calamity trigger story and chronophantasma has summaries of ct and cs
youll miss out on smaller stuff and fun scenes, but might have a chance of understanding the plot, but honestly understanding blazblue's plot is a massive headache and even after reading a detailed digest from someone who seems really well informed I only kind of get it
also Izanami is a spoiler among other characters
izanami is great would date
my favorite girl is probably jin
it's kinda hard b/c the best character designs on the girls tend to have the least appealing characteristics for me i really really like bullet's design, demeanor, and moves but she's kind of a dick and a nobody in the story i think noel is really cute but she's also really broken and it'd be hard to to pursue anything romantic with her she's more of an imouto-type i guess i hate mai b/c fatal counter 5C can lead to 2-3k by mashing C and that's honestly bullshit makoto is top-tier makoto is probably my the most dateable blazblue
Terumi would probably make a really shitty friend but would be the most fun person to go drinking with whereas Ragna would probably be a really valuable friend but would probably be boring as fuck to hang out with Jin probably wouldn't want to hang out and he'd probably refuse to ever play blazblue with you Hakumen would probably be pretty cool when you can get him to calm down about justice and shit Tsubaki is probably kind of bitchy and annoying most of the time but i bet she's fun at parties
tsubaki dog shit tier absolute worst character
damn she's hella flawed but idk about that
pretty much vtuber tier
look man if you hate vtubers, it must be out of ignorance or because you've only had experiences with some of the ones that don't suit your style
korone is a pure girl and her heart is beautiful and she inspires me
>>846446 >Makoto is the most datable Too bad she's a slut.
I compare blazblue and umineko in my brain because they're both complicated stories filled with characters whose plots make my head hurt but have kickass music and are good at hype
But Umineko's story isn't that complicated. Ambiguous, sure, but not complicated.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
awkward momwnt i am recalling
anxiety begone hello how are you i am a human beinbt
day one hundred and something: my roommate still thinks the google home randomly plays songs unprompted and not me randomly requesting that or he's keeping up a long charade
Yeah it's a pretty great pun really. Doubly so when you remember Bieber is Canadian.
I wonder how many more there is I know tom nook is supposed to be a play on tanuki iirc
His Japanese name is literally Tanukichi, which is Tanuki with just a generic ending to a male Japanese name slapped on. So yeah, a play, but a good few degrees less subtle than Justin Beaver.
To anyone too lazy to look at it, he listed them as "double traitor".
neil druckman too
Kek Fuck Neil Druckman though. He canned that really good writer, I forget her name. She wrote Legacy of Kain aanand a bunch of other good stuff. He also said Uh Shit I can't remember the exact quite *quote Something about not wanting to make games that are fun.
that's a shame
It was a pseudointellectual artsy statement iirc.
But like, yeah I guess it can be okay to make a game that isn't fun but you shouldn't proclaim as head if a studio (that has made some really fun games) that you don't want to make fun games.
hell yeah you're in for some fun times you'll escape the bronze room hell in no time!
add me if you want 125333486
oh fufu you're talking about someone else i thought you were saying "fufu" like a laugh, then "got on that mahjong soul game" as in you did excuse my blunder
i may or may not grab it. not many people play touhou mahjong anyway so it's okay at least not in my timezones i can give him your id if you want. i'm gonna take a shower and play some xenoblade
i dont know who that is
mahjong soul is really popular since the vtuber events, but it's chinese japan has hime mahjong which is cute and a more generous gacha but it hasn't really taken off like mahjong soul has
Not the most astonishing view, but my brother's apartment does get a slim look towards the downtown skyline. It's a nice apartment though. I should probably take up the offer to house-sit it while my brother and his girlfriend take up residency at my parents' cottage.
Haha, that's kind of funny. Here balconies are often screened but that's because it's necessary to prevent mosquitoes from getting us. But those are pretty fine screens so bugs can't get through.
Yeah, I've never seen screens like this before, I think.
>>>/@CongBaseballFan/1268484778405158913 this protestor barking military orders at the national guard and the natguard not knowing how to respond because they're trained to immediately respond to the way the guy is speaking is pretty funny
>>846609 Me neither. Maybe to prevent kids from falling off?
Oh that's a good explanation, yeah. I was five stories up.
Stopped by one of the few remaining Dairy Queens this side of the city on my way home. They've got a good system of only letting a few customers in the store at one time and then ushering them out to hand off their order from a window.
Is kind of nice to have a reason to be out and in the city though. I'm pretty much content to be a shut-in but I do also enjoy going out in the sun.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It looks comfy. tropical storm this weekend here Rainy all day yesterday and today
View is a typo, they meant vote. https://old.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/gw91mn/my_36f_son_9m_has_been_looking_up_pokemon_view_on/ *Vote *vore Fuck autocorrect
>>846623 Wow I can't believe you'd support the inhumane action of taking Slowpokes and lopping off their tails only to throw them back out into the wild.
I skimmed the Bulbapedia article on real animals in Pokemon It suggests that they are just mostly offscreen. They allege that the meat the characters are seen eating are made from real animals.
>>846630 questionable pretty sure there's a seen in black/white or black2/white2 where regular ass yellow birds fly across the screen
there are normal ass non pokemon fish in pokemon
also that safari zone guy almost shot ash
>>846630 linked you bestiary 2 on discord, if you didn't have it
well my jewish friends it's good to welcome you under the wing of christianity i guess ive got a brand new section of religious canon for you to read now that you're here, I havent even read it myself yet but i'm sure it's a banger as the kids say
>>846659 adventure is the worst who knows what might happen! i want to have a predictable evening at home with planned home-cooked dinners in a familiar and safe environment i'm allergic to excitement
i wonder how that'd do for a bio maybe surprisingly well
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my power is "fuck you im dead" then ghost forever
>>846663 don't get too attatched, I'll probably like your dog more than you! >>846664 I imagine you'd get less overall hits but generally better compatibility
my power is actually being dead but letting my ghost continue all my comms for me
that's a pretty neat power honestly
yeah nobody has to grieve then and they can't really distinguish the AI me anyway
and ghosts don't gotta pay taxes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
knock knock its da phantom of da IRS
ghost audit division
Damn I couldn't find my copy of K&R. Only my copy of SICP. I guess I'll just have to learn Scheme instead of C.
Well speaking as someone in the fold, ignoring stats and meta building, I think there's something inherently interesting about artificial races practicing things like magic or being a bard, which draws on creative themes you normally don't associate with, y'know, robots. Kind of similar to the dichotomy of a Gnome Barbarian or something. Mosto -Most of the tabletop races are pretty human, even the more fringe ones like Dragonborn still usually assume some pretty human-poi features to them. But robots don't fit neatly into that "Yeah I could still call this humanoid" since they're not organic creatures in the first place. And I think that gets some people's brain's tickling at giving them weird occupations. Dunno though.
Yeah robogirls are cute And unique characters are good so Michiru is both cute and good
i picked it because the racial fit into the shonen protag meme lee was designed around
Yeah I'm kind of running with the assumption that PK's player is probably more like me and built the character as a creative concept rather than a mechanical one. Mostly because I can't fathom elsewise why you'd mix Forgeborn and Bard together.
I hope I get enough chances to playtest them out with or against my players ofc I will actually have to make the character pdf at some point Might post it to the site for others to use, if I like it enough
ofc it will prolly be renamed to something like "blood mage" etc instead of combat maid, heh
most what I am worried about is the points at low level the class really doesn't have many to use, and at high level it will be in 30+ range
ofc, the class feature is, that you don't regain points except through abilities. full heal doesn't bring back points, only blood
basic idea is similiar to druid or diabolist where you pick talents to gain more benefits of the path, in this case usually -1 to cost of spells
This person in an adjacent apartment is coughing every 4 or 5 seconds for the last three hours straight it's consistent and at the same intervals every time no breaks or anything it's like that every morning
i just have very sharp hearing it's not the wall's fault
i thought about sickness too but it has been going on a while and not getting worse i think they just wake up and smoke a lot of weed right away it sounds like a weed cough
When I lived briefly with my brother, that house had thin enough walls to hear coughing and such >energy efficient houses, we build thin walls so we can save on ventilation >and it will be fucking freezing during winter to make it all nill Who the fuck approved of that plan, I do wonder
I can hear a lot of the sounds in this apartment complex, but it's not too distressing. None of it's too bothersome, just sounds of daily living. One person practices their guitar. Someone stays up late and talks a lot with people. The family below me has a toddler, who is very precious, but often cries. The mom is really attentive to it though, so never for long at once.
Yeah, when people close the main door or the stairways it's very audible. behind their own doors, it's much more muffled, but i can still make it out. my hearing is very sensitive and i try to wear protective hearing as often as possible noise-cancellers or earplugs
I hear showering and bathing from one or two appartments above me, noises that resonate through the piping and heat piping and then when some stuff falls on floor directly above me, which is damn weird property of all finnish legobuildings and then ofc the stairway corridor sounds, since that is right next to me too
in this zoom call there's someone named Dr. Goldsmith and every time someone says their name i think they're talking to me until they finish saying the name
there can only be one brandish your doctor sword and challenge them into a mortal duel
well it is still less damaging than bullets etc but it can ofc ruin your hearing
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah the rubber bullets they're shooting us with have a 3% mortality rate and a 15% disability rate
LRAD is just so cruel though it'd rather have rubber bullets shot at me honestly idk LRAD is terrifying
well that is the idea behind the weapon to quickly disperse crowds with minimal physical harm ofc the stampede can still cause same amount of damage as traditional dispersion methods use but atleast it will be faster
>On November 5, 2005, the luxury cruise ship Seabourn Spirit employed an LRAD to repel pirates who attacked the vessel with rocket-propelled grenades about 115 km off the coast of Somalia.[37] The effectiveness of this device during the attack is not completely clear, but the pirates did not succeed in boarding the vessel and eventually fled wew
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
someone on twitter is suggesting that you may be able to direct LRAD back towards the operators using a corner reflector
partially propably but at that rate quite a lot of its force has disperesd I think it has >Small spherical "point-source" acoustic devices follow the known inverse square law, which predicts the loss of 6 decibels (dB) per doubling of distance from the source, solely due to geometric spreading and whatever you use to reflect it back, will most likely disperse it completely
and I doubt that the weapon would have an easily counterable solution
>>846752 I walked past at least 20 police officers. On my last working shift ...I think they were arresting the homeless people in the area. Arrest is probably the wrong word but it's likely what actually happened...
also i missed out on a lot of money i could have made yesterday because i had to babysit and I'm kinda upset about it doubly upset because everyone in the house is looking at me crazy for not having bought into it like, if one of yall would handle this child instead, then maybe I'd have another 20 grand but noooooooooo
I don't know how I could have time to watch vtubers every stream I have coem across has been 3 hours, 5 hours or even 7 hours and needs my utmost attention
welp at least this rando groyper account got suspended
>>846753 Not yet, no. Subs only started coming out yesterday and I guess I didn't sell it hard enough on Rika. It's got a weird release schedule of five-episode batches since it's a Netflix show, which also means it'll only get fansubs for the time being, so who knows what the reliability of its sub releases will be.
>>846792 i'm still up 6k my dad is up 20k boeing had a jump and I bought it for him that by itself is like 16k of his jump today
because it had one of the largest falls. Boeing's price is usually sitting between 360-390 the crash brought it down to about 100. with the vaccine news, the country (and a lot of the other countries) opening up, people are going to be going on vacations again. So airlines and car rentals are jumping Boeing has increased by $80 this past week, 40 of that happened today I bought 10 options in Boeing for my dad yesterday at 3.26 ($3260) they are currently worth somewhere around 16-18 all in one day
i didn't even buy any for myself, i was expecting it to be gradual. like "okay dad, I'm gonna give you this call that's 50 dollars out, and we'll see how it does in the next two weeks" and today, it just... exploded
>At least 20,000 tonnes of diesel leaked from a power plant near the Siberian city of Norilsk last Friday and spilled into the Ambarnaya River. Russian President Vladimir Putin has imposed a state of emergency in the region as maritime specialists clean up the mess.
maybe i should get into stocks just to make a little bit of extra money i don't need to maximize or anything but a few thousand dollars would go a long way
>>846822 lol imagine if i had time to pay attention to stocks i'd probably have like 3 hours i could do it on mondays and maybe 2 hours on tuesdays everything else would be like "oh boy done with this client. time to check my numbers. oh i lost $4000"
Apparently one of the clients at our sober houses has started drawing pictures of me. Multiple pictures of me. The house manager told me about it this morning. She doesn't know why the client is doing that... It's not even my client, just someone I occasionally see in group.
Any reason to think they might be fascinated/infatuated with you?
i don't really care about retirement though i'm not the kind of person who will ever retire in the traditional sense but i just want spending money rent money etc
https://files.catbox.moe/95zegx.mp3 just bumping the right thread
>>846837 it's not really about 'retiring' so much as you don't have to worry about calculating taxes on your roth IRA since you aren't taxed until you take the money out. and if you're using the money to buy your first home, that's supposedly untaxed as well. I need to read up more on how that works but that's what i've been told about it. I need to funnel money into one myself.
is it really? damn... i made some mistakes >boeing peaked at 370 in 2019 aaaa... life is too cruel
>>846846 yeah, my friend was explaining it to me saying that you 'triple down' on your taxes since you aren't paying on your roth ira, aren't paying it when you use it for the house, and something about the debt on your house also lowering the amount you pay in taxes? Probably some kind of tax reduction on paying the loan down?
I'll have to do some research into it. I should have a big payday coming soon since the courts are moving again and I'll get paid for some work I did in February. I'll have some money to play with (although if I fuck it up I won't be able to pay rent in a few months lol)
I'm gonna get a massage next week. I'm excited, it's been five months since I had one. My massage therapist has been sick with blood pressure problems and the hospital kept fucking her over and not really helping. It'll be nice. My shoulders are so tense.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>846850 gof i would love one of those i've only been using this KNEADING MACHINE my dhouldersssss
I'll get you a deal with mine! She's amazing. And she's got like Mystic Eyes or something that let her see the electricity in your body or something (according to her)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow wow okay lemme steal across the border real quick
thr city where i livr is opening up too so maybe i can get something
i got my first one like in november or something? and it's a game changer
i did learn that my body doesn't really feel pleasure physically though just pressure my massage therapist says it's because whatever chakra in my forehead and the one above that are locked or something lol
I'd like to! I don't feel pain or pleasure in my body, really. Just pressure, mostly. When it comes to pain, stuff that she says makes other people cry out in pain is only a 2 or 3 in pain for me because the threshold at which pressure turns into pain for me is so high.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
But I think that's related to my nerve damage somehow?
CUCKOO I was worried tgry wouldn't nest here this year due to the construction sites
>>846857 nerve damage is gay i keep finding bruises and scrapes on my arm that are fully mysterious to me
>>846863 well you could speak fp'or your state, twat
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my rent is going up by $50 in a goddamn pandemic
that is a dick move
>>846866 idk about him but the state bird is actually this in Texas the northern mockingbird they mimic hundreds of other wild bird songs with many of the horny males going through their entire repertoire from midday until occasionally after the sun has long set, in an attempt to attract a mate by impressing her with the amount of songs he knows usually you can tell when they're around because the songs they sing will rapidly change every 30 seconds or so
>>846862 'Round here it's not really birdsong but crickets and cicadas definitely hallmark the evenings of late summer. There was some birds making noise out my window earlier but I was in a call with friends so I wasn't paying much attention to them.
arctic loon and cuckoo respectively >>846869 thst must be weird
>>846870 i get bird song 24/7, with exception being durimg construction hours kinda why i am really stsrting of thinking to permanently live in the outskirt region, instead of moving back into the city silence is golden
>>846871 >>>/watch?v=RNH62PyZBA0 Kinda funny how different the loon sounds are. I really like loons. One of my favourite birds.
>>846872 how due to singing on lakes, their voice reaöly echoes long and our loon does the singing quite rarely, so it just is a kuiik ku kuiik every odd minute or so
>>>/watch?v=4ENNzjy8QjU Narrator aside this is a good example of the calling. I dunno about loons over there in Europe but loons here mate for life, so generally there's just two birds to a small-ish lake Their call has such a great tone to it. Loons are great man.
There's a reason loons are a Canadian cultural staple, and are imprinted on each and every one of our one dollar coins.
>>846874 that is definitely your loon equilevant of oura similiarly how tgis sound is in movies, shows, etc to indicate the wilds
>>846878 but i do wonder about full context why did thr cop pull up his kid is this actuslly a scumcop or just a guy doing his job etc
>>846881 are they pulling it? I haven't seen anything about that
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>846884 they're all scum tbh if they weren't, they'd quit instead of hurting innocent people or doing nothing while others do it
>>846885 That's the rumor. The Evo Twitter referenced the incident. SonicFox made a tweet supporting the game and saying that he'd hold Mike responsible for anything like this in the future.
>>846886 what can a cop do beside being a cop tho also out of job in this economy?
Who the fuck is setting off fireworks?
florida man
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>846888 yeah it's almost like cops are worthless in just about every way maybe they can go learn some skills that don't involve killing poor and sick people
>>846891 Yeah cause no law enforcement is such a great iiidea and aalall ccocopcops kkikilkill ppeople.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the majority of human civilization existed without police the modern police forces in the US literally evolved from slave catching forces they are designed to hurt people and that's what they do
>>846894 nah nah soldiers are useful every single soldier i know has engineering skills or leadership skills or medic skills all of them learn something they can do after military
>>846891 becoming a cop is like soldiers a very specialised carreer path, wgere your skills are only applicable in its own field
>>846893 The majority of human civilization also existed without modern medicine too.
>>846893 >the majority of human civilization existed without police no sure in the past cop/guard/cop roles were interchangeable, but they are the same job in the essence, just specialised
>>846898 Yeah it sure sucks that people who catch criminals exist Maybe criminals should just be free and not punished
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
any single thing a cop does would be better served as a public safety issue than a criminal justice issue
>>846900 cops don't catch criminals very often they are actually quite bad at it
>>846898 the us law enforcement is corrupt shit cops as they are, are just individuals serving the system they are in and following its rules institution is always at more fault than people and while institutions are made ip of ibdividuals, they are also made up of rules, creeds, traditoons and culture shaped by years and wsy more people than currently fotm it
your cops maybe part of an evil whole and tjis isthe norm in corrupt places i mean i live nect to russia and have actually witnessed bribing when there
but say our cops here they actuaöly serve their intended purpose, the ideal behind a cop
>>846901 It's better than no criminals being captured at all
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>846903 when cops are gone, crime goes down though as evidenced by new york city police strikes
also criminality exists because of social ills we would be better off working on those social ills and helping victims of them than we are perpetuating them and throwing people in jail
>>846906 yes it will, and it is. several cities have decided to completely do away with their police forces due to these riots and pursue public safety models without cops
>>846907 a man murdering his wife because she cheated on him hit and runs arguably wage theft rape sexual assault
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>846909 cops won't stop any of those either cops actually protect wage thieves - that's their job cops solve like 8% of hit and runs. it would be better to find out why these happen and work on that cops rarely solve rape and sexual assault and are in fact frequently perpetrators of those very crimes
>>846910 No but they do catch and punish people involved in four of those crimes.
as someone originally terrified of the idea of no police im looking forward to seeing how those places with public safety models fair
... *fare?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>846911 they don't though the only ones of those they punish is the first one
>>846914 So you're telling me that no rapist has ever been arrested and convicted? You're moving the goal posts
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you solve 1 out of 300 crimes how are you better than someone that actually prevents crime by going after the source it's not moving the goal posts, these are the same goal posts
>>846916 I named five crimes that won't be prevented by fixing social ills.
best way to prevent crime is to avoid breeding criminals this os a fact but you still need someone to enforce the law
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>846917 right but if they won't be solved by police either obviously that's not an argument against public safety models
>>846919 Four of them are discouraged by the existence of police. And whatever you are suggesting to fix social ills won't happen overnight
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no, none of them are. deterrent models of crime prevention do not work and have been documented to not work
in fact that first one you listed is likely to BE a cop 40% of LEOs are domestic abusers or admit to domestic abuse at least the police forces are so horribly diseased it doesn't work and can't be reformed
you lot really need not just fix societal issues causing crime but the societal issues within cop deps that cause your coos to ve state sanctified criminals
>>846921 but yoy still require some firce to enforce the rules or be paid to stop crime
say i see a house being broken into, what incensitive do i have to risk my ass to stop them? easy solution is to call someone whose job and skills are to stop it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@ajplus/1269002731798228992 cops tried to murder this elderly man and then when they got in trouble, the whole force resigned in protest of facing consequences for attempted murder
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>846923 the people who respond to that can just be people in the neighborhood the incentive is that by helping your neighbors, they help you it's community oriented and works better than cops
you'd have to force these ideals into culture and forcefilly shape it so much easier to tackle corruption at that point
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're forcing the ideals of using cops on people no matter what we do ideals are being forced on people one just is less likely to result in corpses
i am forcing the idea of having a tool for issues you need many tools to run a civilization cops is one but ofc, sometimes some societies evolve to use a hamner for every problem
>>846871 I've heard it my whole life so it's not so weird but I imagine some people would be thrown off by it
>>846927 i trust people who do it for living more than a mob of people but i do hail from very different circuimstances
I also have trusted people who do it for a living and I've been working at unraveling that trust the last week or so
Everything falls apart if you can't trust cops
tryst *trust is valuable, maybe most valuable thing gluing a society together
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when i worked with the feds pretty much every case i looked at (and i saw hundreds) was super skeevy manipulating people into admitting guilt for crimes charging people with assault because the cop fell and broke their thumb while responding to something tricking people into going outside and then hitting them with public drunkenness charges starving people and bribing them to confess with food
it's all just sitting there, festering and the longer you wait to chop off the limb, the further the necrosis spreads if you want to save anything, you gotta just let that piece go as soon as possible there's no way to put new life into it. it's just festering, slowly killing you
but well no place is ever perfect we had thr chief of poluce run a drug smughling ring as a side business thr case is still on going and has been for like 12 years hard to investigate yourself, especially when it was a highest up doing it
he js in jail tho
>>846933 well one solution is slas and burn sometimes you fo have to tear it all down, even the foundations before you can rebuild
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you allowed to get out of your car if a cop pulls you over? someone just told me you can do that in Europe there's no way though they're just taking the piss, right?
yes, but it's more like thry don't ususlly give you shit for it but you aren't ment to do it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf if you do that here you automatically get a gun pulled on you
>>846938 cop trusts you to be a good customer, you trust cop not to america you simple as
Honestly as a white guy I could probably do that here too. Sure like it probably breaks etiquette and would put the officer in a weird mood but like, I can't imagine they'd demand I get in back in the car.
Would not expect that same grace to extend to people of colour though.
i mean here the outrage when cop shoots someone is usually "do it sooner a d why are they getting in trouble aftet saving lives" cause each and every use of firearms gets investigated and judged was it necesary last big case was a shot to the leg when a guy was stabbing his wife to death on a high way
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you basically get investigated for not shooting here
although honestly every time ive actually needed a cop they didn't show up and had to handle things myself
Like the presumption on the officer's side here if they're pulling you over is that you're not armed, unless they 're chasing you because you committed some kind of incriminating offense. So if anything, I'd argue you getting out of the car is more ideal for resolving the situation because you can't just floor your car to get away. And what, you're gonna punch a cop over a driving offense? In what world is that a smart response to the situation?
>>846946 i somehow think usa mever got the idea of trust build society, when it comes to institutions
>>846947 If there's "actual research" I'd wager it's entirely that it's a lot harder for people to not be intimidated by the police when they're stuck sitting in their car, usually lower to the ground, than the officer standing over their car's window. And that intimidation implied compliance. Can't have two people standing eye-to-eye in a traffic dispute, that's almost assuming that the officer and the civilian are on equal footing.
i still rememver when i first got pulled over had had my license for maybe a month the cop car had been tailing me for 10-15 minutes at that point and i was around 50m from my home when they finally signalled me to stop
they should just be able to hail your frequency like a space ship
>>846956 Solid, yeah. A total dick move? Also yeah
o dunno i'll rather not get off my arse, sit in the car show my license and do the breath analyzer and be on my way without ever getting out of the car
>>846959 I'm not going to enjoy being in a cramped space like a car with someone looming over me. Like I'm not even all that tall to begin with so it's not like 90% of officers are going to suddenly be dwarfed by me if I get out. But in that situation at the least I have open space behind me. It makes me more comfortable, which HONESTLY would do miles for my peaceful compliancy than being intimidated. Plenty of people get tetchy rather than submissive when intimidated, whilst people who are made comfortable tend to be by far more content to comply positively.
corone her virus
>>846962 That's not funny my brother died that way.
>make a second swamp punishment map >hmm what else fun I coudl do >I know, a SWAMP section in the hedgemaze >okay time to make that office in case they go there >hmm what would be fucking annoying but in a way cool environment to have a fight in... >STAIR CASES
>>846976 Apparently my best friend didn't know about Cow Tools or that Garfield strip where Jon drinks dog semen.
>>847009 HI sammu How was you're Friday night? Or is it still in progress?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>847010 sup rei i went to a friend's place played some dominion went and goofed around at the beach solid friday night hbu?
I didn't sleep Thursday night and slept from 1pm to around 6 I spent a wwhwhie watching the science channel and got takeout from a restaurant i like a lot I also played guilty gear for a bit and have been on /v/ a lot Still haven't tried to fall asleep yet D&D is likely canceled because the DM is sick so I haven't felt the need to go to sleept at err goto sleep yet Oh no I used a goto
I want to sleep But I don't know if I'll be able to fall asleep anytime soon I'll probably get off my phone and try sleeping in the next thirty minutes or so.
Often late at night wen i should be sleeping my brain is going like a mile a minute aaand i can't relax. I'm thinking about all the stuff I was thinking to do after I get up and then so the next few days. And other stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brain goin a mile a minute never gonna fall over
I brought my copy of SICP over to the place I'm staying and I plan on reading through iit and ddodoing the exercises >>847019 Night
Oh one more thing My copy is signed by Stallman.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i gotta sleep i lent my SICP to a friend in SF and never got it back rip bon nuit
My sister was supposed to take it over to MIT (while she was in Boston for uni) and get it signed by sussman and ableson but she nneer did *never ;_;
I donnnn't think so. It bears some resemblance to the roundabout out front the Museum of Art but that's not the museum next to it. The fountain and pool surrounding it doesn't strike me familiar though.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think we might have driven past that i don't remember being close to any of those big buildings with the columns in philly
Yeah I'm not recognizing the architecture there, nor the company signs on the buildings either. Might be neat to track the spot down next time we're there though.
Yeah it's definitely not that kind of show. Koisuru Asteroid was last season's Doga Kobo's Cute Girls Doing Geoscience Things show which was pretty nice.
what was that one that was going to be like a SoL isekai?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
that's pretty vague
Yeah. Uh, Isekai Shokudou is kind of SoL-y but is instead about a guy and the ... demon girl I think? he hires that runs a Japanese eatery whose front door opens at times into locations in a fantasy world. It's not really CGDGT-y but it's quite nice and relaxing.
>>847060 Man I wish I remembered all the OPs I post places.
>>847061 wait why isn't the plan to stop the rebellion ahead of time by improving conditions?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
other than the obvious answer realistically cuz the pentagon's job is to deal with threats with force i guess? or psyops and shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>"In the future the most valuable thing will be silence" --Voltaire
>He went on to say "check out this sweet deal I got on these sony WH-1000XM3's via my Amazon afilliate link below. Don't forget to smash that like and subscribe for future philosophical updates."
yea ranking things out of 10 is incredibly subjective and says more about the person doing the ranking than the anime
at my last job we used this system to somewhat approximate a x/10 score into something useful if you give a 9 or 10 its good 6 or less its shit that's it
>>847078 >>847080 the one where one gets more sales than the other one
>>847072 Took way too long well not the boss fight, but to get there the boss fight took about as long as I imagined
but I didn't get to really mess up with the players, due to 1) the roll20 fucking up with escalation die randomly TWICE, having 4 rounds TWICE without escalation die, due to weird bug 2) me punishing players for their bad luck and actions with SWAMP PUNISHMENT
Split reality: The eidolon splits the party into different realities. Each player rolls a d4 for their character. That PC can only perceive and interact with the eidolon and with other characters who rolled the same number. That means PCs in different realities can’t communicate or affect each other in any way. For the rest of the battle, each player rolls a d4 at the start of the round to see which reality their character is now in. At the start of each round, the eidolon can choose which version(s) of reality its allies are in. Warp time: At the start of each round two combatants swap places in the initiative order as determined by the eidolon. Alternately, the eidolon warps the momentum of the battle and the escalation die value is determined at the start of the round with a d6 roll. Reshuffle space: The eidolon swaps the position of two creatures in the battle at the start of the round. Alternately, if you are using minis and some sort of map tiles you can rearrange the tiles with the minis still on them.
I really wanted to isolate the party and pick up one or two of them only one that I isolated was the NPC companion...
but GOD am I irrateted ar the random bugs >escalation die->escalation so escalation DIDN'T WORK IN FUCKING 5 ROUNDS of a FIGHT THAT SHOULD HAVE ENDED IN LIKE 3
and then the next encounter after that ESCALATION GETS STUCK TO 1 FOR 3 ROUNDS
what the fuck
I think my dm did a tesseract dungeon once. Maybe not They've definitely done non Euclidean space dungeons on multiple occasions though.
Okay I guess tgats ssort of non Euclidean But I meant like hyperbolic geometry Oh one of the other things I was thinking of that my dm did was a dungeon where the rooms were connected like stuff on a 4D structure. So still Euclidean but not 3d.
This forest they started at the upper most corner upper left corner the mid left path led to the right path the right up path would lead to the uppest most left path and so on with some additional maps added in between
guess who forgot their little sister's birthday this faggot
Oh no I hope she's not too upset over it. Better late than never though.
she doesn't give a fuck lol Tyler is visiting for her birthday so she's plenty happy
i dug four bucks out of my jacket and was like happy birthday buy yourself something nice and she was like yaay I'm gonna get a soda from the vending machine at work lol
i can remember my girlfriend's birthday but not my sisters and I've only known her for like four months
>>847139 I actually only remember my mom's birthday because its ten days afyer my best friend's birthday. I remember my dad's because its near martin luther king day.
i don't remember dates for shit except saku's birthday because it's right before mine and dash's birthday rip dash it's the same day as mine
i don't remember my sisters or my dad's or my mom's birthday usually someone reminds me around the appropriate time
actually my little sis told me the other ones birthday earlier and I fucking forgot already
I have actually forgotten my sister's birthday despite us being tins. *twins
haha that's great
My dad's birthday is five days earlier than mine and mine's on Christmas so it's a nice square number to remember. My brother's is the same date of a different month. My mother's is today and my first younger sister's is the same number of that day but in the month and then the date is double the month. The only birthday in my family I have a difficult time remembering is my imouto's because there's no easy way to link it by association to anything. I think it's November sixth or eighth.
My problem is I never have birthdays loaded in my conscious memory. I could tell you any of these birthdays when asked but it's easy for it to slip my mind the day of because I'm not actively remembering whose birthday is when.
Night /moe/
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bye rei >>847147 what i do is i know what the birthday months are so when august rolls around its time to start plannin for a gift for my mom
i don't fucking remember what month who's is in lol
Another funny coincidence is my parents managed to have all four kids in the cycle of seasons. I'm the oldest, born in winter. Then my brother, born in spring. First sister, born in summer. Youngest sister, born in autumn.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mans dont give a fuck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>847153 he means separate years and unique seasons dude
>>847167 for real though they had swords that were very similar to sabres with one edge but no curve and occasionally stole weaponry so they kind of had sabres but not intentionally
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
vikings had curved sworeds (boat paddles)
what the fuck are you on about
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my brother took the bottle of jaxk its nerf or nuffin he has like 50 boxes of ammo in the basement tho im scared
i dont know anything about guns all the ammo shotty shells mostly i think he sold all the auto stuff cuz canada just outlawed a bunch of blam blam shootys
fuck they gonna do send cops with Glocks to take your ak47
just shoot the cops pussy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
canada hasnt reached that stage of rebellion yet we're still skating to work and hooking up in sugar shacks
you can help advance the level of jumanji in your country
tony is the best cop if every cop was Tony nothing would be wrong mfer is built like fucking shrek and looks like him in the face too but he's really nice and patient and doesn't keep his hand on his fucking gun all the time cause he's confident
one time i watched him talk a schizophrenic dude down after he had an episode and threw some shit at Tony and he ended up huggin it out and shit what a nice guy that shrek is too bad nobody except gary is like him and Gary is on detective work now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ayy tony pizza pasta
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's too bad they should have cop olympics only the criteria is de-escalation
Tony would win every time I'm not kidding he's fucking seven feet tall and heart of gold
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's a tall cop that's a fair cop
he told me once he wants to quit cause he feels like they want him to be too mean
if Tony quits I got nothin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hes gotta convert the rest
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god DAMN ana de armas
>>847204 fuck i wish if cops were all just like Tony everyone would be so happy tbh
but they're not and they make the one awesome cop i know want to quit
my brother was a cop in Dallas and he quit to join the air force cause he felt it was less violent
Pull a Star Wars and make a Clony army
From what I've heard even the basic army training teaches better de-escalation procedure than police training down there.
cops are literally allowed to commit acts that would be war crimes under the Geneva Convention
such as shooting medical personnel attending to an opposing force or gassing crowds with biological weapons
explain that shit to me
>>847208 if every cop was a Tony clone everyone would be happy with the police no fuckin joke
Thanks for the help, i didnt wanna get it from steam since they ruin games with their censors >>847228 i think its ragu
also hihi rirara
I can't stand her books
i dunno waat she did but smeone posted atwit pic of that tag trending #istandwithrowling
my roommate listens to needlessly drawn out video essays on HP amongst other things do not ever get the fascination myself
you need to sit with him and watch one family time
though he's on the spectrum so that might explain some of it
>>847244 I've seen them all except that spinoff anyway there's already a whole bunch I could watch instead of channeling nostalgia I still haven't finished lil witch macadamia
Like if it's present in a neighbourhood? Household? That doesn't feel to me particularly applicable information, but maybe I'm just not seeing the right angle here.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you could see if an outbreak is coming in a city
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm gonna go camp in thr sewers wjth my robin hood account and a high school chemistry kit pray for meeeee
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Did you guys know that If you drink your preworkout out a cup with a cute anime girl on it You get twice as much energy