Ahiru no Sora Arte Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 21-22 Kakushigoto Plunderer Shokugeki no Soma S4 Episode 1-12 Tamayomi To aru Kagaku no Railgun Tower of God
If we're doing a fifth, which we could, there's plenty on the list now from missing two nights this week, we should be doing Kakushigoto. Otherwise we probably won't get around to it until Sunday unless your schedule is clunked.
winning high school basketball games is worth risking it all for
It's really about perspective. Training like hell for a month and being able to run right up to the last few seconds of the game tieing a team that's been seriously practicing for three years is impressive, even with a loss.
What a scoundrel, scouting players from other teams.
Ah ow. That's a pretty nasty place to get thwacked with a ball.
While they've got three possible pitchers it seems like the opposing team only has the one. I guess they're weird and have the whole "we want to end fast so we can go back to playing with ourselves" so maybe pitcher stamina isn't too relevant to them. But as soon as things go south like this it must totally exhaust the pitcher.
I'd say batting is. Though not necessarily the good kind of exciting. There's a certain terror to facing down someone throwing fairly hard objects at you at breakneck speeds.
Doing RPS with your backs to each other is a strange way to ensure a fair toss-down I guess. Can't like try to catch a hint of what your opponent is gonna play and choose yours if you can't see their hand.
how'd tower turn out so far? is it goofy or fun or dorky or what
I've been really happy with the adaptation. It's been a long time since I read the webtoon and I've been hearing they've been compacting and cutting a lot of stuff to cover the entirety of the first major story arc in the first season, but I can't personally remember what they would have cut and it hasn't really been hard to follow even with the compression and cuts.
It's a bit of a serious series that hides most of the seriousness in ... the background? No that's not quite accurate. The creator has put a tonne of worldbuilding and detail into the world and the characters exist more to showcase that elaborate world. But all that is narrative infrastructure and in addition to that the main cast is full of some vibrant and engaging characters.
It seems like a pretty decent adaptation. The animation seems good and I haven't noticed any really stupid stuff
From the get-go the second team really didn't stand a chance of succeeding as a unit. The first team at least could rally behind Kuhn's charisma and plot a plan that almost won. But the second team's just full of stubborn, uncooperative people and people that are more interested in backstabbing people than working together.
At least as a positive they don't actually need to work as a team to pass this test.
One of the few things you shouldn't do around Baam is threaten Rachel.
>But the Tower chose you But Baam's whole thing is the Tower DIDN'T chose him, he forced his way in.
I never got far enough I think to reveal why Baam's such a natural with the magic spirit water stuff. This early in the series he's just kind of an inexplicable whiz with it.
If this doesn't get more adaptation announced soon I might go back and read the webtoon again. Though I guess I should probably give it a pretty extensive grace period since the pandemic shut-down will probably slow down any new content being announced.
>>844524 five is fine with me I'm okay with either 4 or 5
okay lets start
Were you planning on a fifth tonight or did you want to close on Kakushigoto. Considering we lost two nights of shows this week we should probably do five. Plus it's still relatively early in the night.
I wonder if that's based off an actual occurrence. Considering the Japanese tendency to pretend things are fine I'd imagine even if the publishing industry was in a reccession they'd still insist on a fancy party.
>I sometimes forget what timeline I'm in Me too, bud
I thought we were gonna have a very SZS-y skit with Hime and her friends pointing out all the weird Sensei people of Japan but they moved on to the manga studio gang before it happened.
Eh, I feel this is a REAL gamble he'd have to take though. All it takes is one person to betray Gotou's expectations and reference him as a mangaka in front of Hime and the gig's up.
Paripi is probably a term that a kid shouldn't be using idly. Not that I know what it means in colloquial Japanese.
Ah yeah here we go. I had a hunch the sensei gag was gonna line up with something like that.
His editor really is a miserable human being
That lean Gotou does when he's in fancy wear is pretty dashing. Man knows how to pose.
There's a lot of manga magazines that do stuff like that, yeah. They put gravure models on their covers and in magazine segments.
I think I need to make this one my last tonight after all. Very sleepy.
Well if you're able to drop in over the weekend it would be nice. I guess it doesn't really matter since there really isn't enough airing to create an insurmountable backlog. This is probably just the efficiency autist in me being persnickety.
The connection between chandelier and Cinderella feels a bit of a stretch. Like chandelier would be something like Shanderie in Japanese, and Cinderella, Shinderera Even if kids are dumb with language some times it still feels not really something they'd naturally reach for.