Oh sorry I was still wrapped up a bit by Kirara's tabletop. He's thrown an annoying boss at us that's slogging on hah hah
How was your weekend?
Arte Gleipnir Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 20-22 Kaguya-sama Listeners Nami yo Kiitekure Shokugeki no Souma S4 Episode 1-12 To aru Kagaku no Railgun Yesterday wo Utatte
Lemme go check and see if we've got padding for five throughout the week. I'd say probably not though. Eh yeah we can probably do four. If we're gonna do anything as a fifth it should probably be Honzuki.
See, she is upset he let someone else inside. I would be too.
I don't think in his situation I'd be as freely letting people in at least. He's got a good nose he probably could have ran through the forest by himself tracking her scent to find the wallet. So having her tag along was pointless in the first place.
Though in fairness not pointless in the end. In retrospect if she wasn't there he'd probably have just gotten crushed by that brat and that would have been the end of it.
Wow but this girl is a SNAKE
This is probably what she means by Clair and Shuuichi can't become one. Clair can get in him and use his body but they're too incompatible to blend properly.
Mm, I'd suspect that as some big climactic moment. Or after the two of them go through some major character development.
>You're not a bad person! I dunno the verdict is still guilty on her having killed her parents. She might not be a total villain but I think she's still a pretty bad person.
Yeah, there will probably be some moment where their hearts align.
I'd doubt we'll see it anytime soon though. I haven't been dropping in on chatter about the series so I don't know where the manga's at, but I'd bet a big moment like that's not happened yet or is sufficiently deep in the manga that we won't get to it in a single cour.
There's a lot of cryptic hints getting dropped though. Like the onee-san seemed to be hinting there's already someone at the pinnacle of the power these coins seem to grant and they're threat she's trying to fight. And that maybe the MC was helping with that before whatever happened that edited his memories. its enough tantalizing little hooks that I end up pretty invested.
The metal has to be an after-addition. So your kid just arrives with a gaping hole in the shape of a giant jack somewhere on their body. Must be kind of horrifying.
I guess this episode is going to end on the same moment we saw in the last episode. Some kind of mind-controlled or unleashed Mu going berserk.
This is the kind of series I wish had a bit more time. Maybe it doesn't need a full two cours but some more episodes to flesh out the roadtrip adventures Mu and Echo went on.
I think Moon might've wanted to do this one solo. Ah okay we good then
My brain's so fuzzed right now. Aside from a few sparse minutes at my desk earlier tonight I've been awake since 22:00 Saturday night. I'm realy tired by this point hah hah
Oh the time of reckoning is upon us. The restaurant manager and this psychonii-san are out of the hospital.
This girl's been a bit of a wild character. She kinda felt like she wanted to intentionally drive a wedge or supplant Minare at the restaurant, and kinda succeeded when she got the guy to invite her over. But learning about her brother and the ridiculous problems she's had kinda round her out a lot more sympathetically.
Yeah I guess with this we've gone full circle to the start of the series
Okey dokes Elections are over, time for ... I'unno. I don't always follow the manga closely and I think after the elections I might've drifted away for a bit again.
And the girls are being just as engaged in it as the boys!
They're really not giving Iino a good first impression of the student council.
My hands are pretty sensitive I think. The notion of someone being all close and touchy with my hands is a really unpleasant one. I bet it would feel nice being done though.
I don' don't really know what having sensitive or not sensitive hands would feel like my hands are my hands
Yeah that's why I made a point of it being just what I think. But I have problems with tactile feeling and sensory distress with my hands that other people seem to not, so it's something I feel might be accurate.
Oh now these two are spoiling it all too. I mean I get how it feels you always end up wanting to gusha -gush about the exciting parts of something you got really engaged in.
Huh what. There's still like seven minutes left what's up with the ED
Nah Hayasaka is the strongest. Fujiwara is the Chaos Factor so you can't really gauge her strength by conventional measures!
Oh wow apparently I can't even count to like eight without something going wonk. With the two shows we'll be getting tomorrow we'll have six shows for Monday and Tuesday nights total. Unless we can find something else to add in or Asenshi gets their next episode of BNA out.