Do you have someone monitoring the thread for your name or something. This seems to have happened more than once.
Dorohedoro Episode 11-12 Boku no Hero Academia Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Kyokou Suiri Plunderer Show By Rock!! Episode 11-12 To aru Kagaku no Railgun
--Spring 2020 Arte Fruits Basket Gleipnir Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Jashin-chan Dropkick' Episode 1-12 Listeners Nami yo Kiitekure Princess Connect! Re Dive Shachou, Battle no Jikan desu! Yesterday wo Utatte
No it actually was just coincidence. I remembered about anime after just finishing something up
I'd appreciate it if you remembered it a bit earlier! It kind of wears on me a lot if I need to wait in radio silence for an empty night and then an hour. It's already Monday night.
Even just a "Hey I won't be here" would suffice so I can at least do other things than wait at my desk for an hour or two.
Anyway for the new stuff. Arte is a SoL maybe drama about a girl who wants to paint set in Rennaissance Italy. Gleipnir is a weird I think dark battle series about a boy that can turn into a giant animal suit and a girl who climbs inside him to fight people. Hamefura is something I've been looking forward to, about a girl who dies and gets isekai'd into the world of her favourite otome game, only she's not the heroine, she's the rival girl who gets in the way of the heroine. Jashin-chan's second season just dropped the entire season on us, so I guess we can pick at that throughout the season, there probably won't be more of it airing. Listeners is a cool kinda grungy series that should have a lot of good music and some mecha fighting. Nami yo Kiitekure I think is a seinen/jousei drama series. Honestly have no clue what Princess Connect is but I recognize some of the girls in it from social media and the design is pretty cute. Yesterday wo Utatte is ... I dunno. No clue. I think Doga Kobo is animating it but it's not a cute girls doing cute things show.
All Might didn't reall even struggle with a nomu, even in his weakened state.
Well this Nomu seems like an amped up one. It can even sprout weaker Nomus from its body.
Oh he's not out for the count yet.
Funny parallel. Now Endeavor is all fucked up on the left side of his face. Just like his son. Though I think Endeavor's injury is way worse. Looks like he's outright lost the eye.
They really do need a new hero that's a symbol like All Might was.
Well maybe after an insane display like this Endeavor might be able to shoulder the burden. I doubt anyone will be able to solo like All Might could but he might at least be able to fill the image of the symbol.
Yeah. I'd seen a lot of people being snarky about this being the mangaka's attempt to re-write Endeavor's character from the shitty dad he was earlier in the series. Never mind that it's perfectly reasonable for people to realize their mistakes and try to make amends for the way they were in the past.
My counter to that is that sometimes it's possible for a good person to be a shitty dad.
Well I think he was also a bit of a shitty person earlier too. Before All Might retired all he had was sights on overcoming him. And was a bit of a dick, as good as he did his job. It was suddenly no longer being able to achieve the goal of overcoming All Might that kind of brought him around.
I do think this is a really, really good repentance moment for Endeavor though.
Hah hah Talk about a real Avatar The Last Airbender moment here Guess that's all the previous One For All holders.
I bet we don't spend too much time in her childhood. The real meat of this story is probably gonna be her using all this knowledge of the game to mess with the pre-set story.
It's hard to tell if they timeskip or not since both ages are shown.
Might be a bit of a set of jumps. Like here at age ... whatever she's at, then a few years down the line, then some more, then finally into teenage mode for the main story.
Hopefully this series doesn't go the path of a lot of isekai that the adaptation only really covers the story's prologue.
Like most isekai protagonists she fast tracks to doing weird things that don't fit her character type.
He was definitely laughing at her there.
Who ever they've got for her kid seiyuu is pretty good. She's got this kind of squawkish tone when excited.
So she can just not be mean to him and not mess him up right that seems easy enough
Yeah I've been thinking something like that too. She could just take the game's story way off the rails to take care of all these bad ends that end up with her exiled or dead.
She seems like she's doing a good job not being evil though.
There's got to be something that happens though. I can't imagine we won't get to the point in the story where the otome game starts and the game's parameters aren't already in place.
Yeah Yuasa has a great knack for dynamic animation. This style was more consistent and normal than his normal style but the animation was still demonstrative of that dynamism.
Man I want to see more pieces from these three dorks. All the segments of their films were so good.
Oh no Such awful character development in the first episode
Well at least she was stopped from doing anything else dramatic. She's kinda cute with short hair though. Better than the weird braid at least, I think.
>Leo-san I wonder what the rest of his name is.
Oh yeah. Egg for preparing painting boards. Renaissance artists had to go through a whole lot of weird techniques for art.
Pft What a brutish way to wake someone up.
She's a very headstrong young woman.
Well, dilapidated state aside. That's a really cool place to live.
This was okay may be a good last episode candidate for the future eps
I like stuff that's set in historical frames like this that don't rely on the actual timeframe for plot. At that point it's almost kind of just a low fantasy story.
The story behind this getting a season two was kind of wild. I think the first season was popular in a way that surprised the production committee while it was airing, but just in terms of online chatter, and the individual volumes didn't sell all too well. But despite the poor sales there was still a lot of clamour about it so once the box set came out they posted on the anime's Twitter account that if the box set sold either 2000 or 3000 copies they might be able to get a season two greenlit. They followed that up with some pretty aggressive marketing including having the girls of the series do some VTuber stuff to drive attention. And right before the deadline they had to get sales by, they cleared their goal.
Yeah I was thinking that too. hah hah I don't think we'll get to the point in Kaguya where we get an internal council this season but that'll have one too eventually.
Well this series didn't waste any time getting back into its old machinations.