Rikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa There's too much to watch to only be watching shows like three nights a week
Dorohedoro Episode 11-12 Boku no Hero Academia Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Kyokou Suiri Plunderer Episode 12-13 Show By Rock!! Episode 11-12 Tamayomi To aru Kagaku no Railgun Tower of God
--Spring 2020 Ahiru no Sora Arte Fruits Basket Gleipnir Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Jashin-chan Dropkick' Episode 1-12 Listeners Nami yo Kiitekure Princess Connect! Re Dive Shachou, Battle no Jikan desu! Yesterday wo Utatte
Ahiru no Sora Black Clover Fruits Basket Gleipnir Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! Honzuki no Gekokujou Houkago Teibou Nisshi Jashin-chan Dropkick' Episode 2-12 Listeners Nami wo Kiitekure Plunderer Episode 12-13 Princess Connect! Re-Dive Tamayomi To aru Kagaku no Railgun Tower of God Yesterday wo Utatte
--Winter 2020 Dorohedoro Episode 11-12 Kyokou Suiri Show By Rock!! Episode 11-1
>>828804 Have you been having sleeping difficulty lately?
not having much structure in life is making it hard
i see some new shows on here gimme a sec to grab it all
I can sympathize with that at least. It's times like this when external influence can't really give us much structure to our lives that it's important to have our own ability to structure it. But making your own structure is hard. I don't know how to have the dilligence to do it.
The necessity for it is becoming more and more apparent though...
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
watch listeners
Oh I was gonna tell you to come in here and pressure Rika to pick it or Princess Connect but you took care of that before I got back.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah watch pricon too listeners is super cool pricon is a nice goofy show
For some reason the Japanese translate's Baam's name into "Yoru" It's accurate translation since they both mean the same thing but it's weird to translate a proper noun like a name like that.
For someone on a battlefield he really was weak to a cape flip
Rak is kind of the atypical "Low INT high STR" character. It's also a good demonstration of how capes are always a bad choice for an outfit.
The lizard girl is a cute character. I like her flexible sword too.
Also I always figured Rachel's name was pronounced with the hard "ch" sound you normally get from a spelling like that. Weird that it's practically a silent 'c'
This show has really hard lines on the characters.
It's a pretty clever game, first having you decimate the population to two hundred and then forcing the survivors to find groups of three to team up with. Also means two people will inevitably be losers regardless.
>>828840 Yeah. The original webtoon's got thick lines in the design but the colours aren't as sharp as they are in the anime. So that does take a bit of an edge off it.
When this first came up and the talk about people that have successfully climbed to the top of the tower came about I kinda thought climbing the tower would be less of an insane prospect than it's kind of been made out to be. But nope. It's really an insane thing.
Oh yeah hah hah Baam's weird as fuck. This magic water stuff didn't affect him at all.
The Tower attracts all sorts of weird people though.
There's a few elements to this series that kind of mirror other stuff that's come out in the past. The way the Tower's passive environment gets more and more brutal is pretty reminscent of the abyss from Made In Abyss. And I've kinda likened the power systems in this to Hunter X Hunter where it's kind of just "Yeah the magic can do anything but everyone's got their unique flavour of anything"
Miss Terry They kinda wrapped up most of the stuff from this final arc last episode. Wonder what they'll do with the final episode.
Well there's still the question of why the lady was going to all this effort to make real Nanase's ghost. That's to me been more of a pressing mystery than Nanase's actual story.
Sweet to see the acting like an affectionate couple here.
It is definitely not really a happy ending for everyone. Terada got killed by the actual ghost of Nanase and now there's nothing to chase down and hold accountable for his death.
That's kind of a fair objective of Rikka's. I can sympathize with the desire to be a normal human bean.
Iwanaga's a very Lawful Neutral character type. Whether it's a good outcome or a bad outcome. Things must always obey the natural order of things.
Yeah, that was pretty evident. Rikka now knows there's someone out there who is determined to stand opposed to her. She'll probably make a dangerous opponent.
Man I'd love to live in a city like that. Where you can just look out from a hill over the city and just see it sprawling across hills.