
Thread #827097

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Hey, people. I've been pondering a project.
I'd like to collaborate on a language with some people.
Unfortunately, most glossopoeists are inflexible in their tastes, so it is best to gain traction outside the hobby-sphere.
Would any of you be interested?
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Is there somewhere to follow along with the collaboration and process?
I've seen some similar projects come and go
i could keep an eye on it but i can't promise any commitment
>>827097 (OP)
cool picture
We could just do it here. It would be open to whomever wanted to contribute and wouldn't require an account unlike Discord.
this site probably isn't the best place to coordinate long-term projects and catalog progress
do you have a group of people or any rough plans?
I was hoping you all would be that grouo of people.
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You might be disappointed here. There aren't many people browsing here. I don't think they'd find it too interesting
I've never had a desire to construct a language, but i am interested in natural language so there's some overlap.

do you have some foundation to go off of?
have you seen bibliaridion's dos & donts?
the second link is a whole playlist
Working on a conlang sounds interesting, there's definitely a lot of rough edges around existing conlangs
Do tell.
>>827597 I don't have a ton of experience with like less popular conlangs, the two ones I've really messed around with are lojban and toki pona. toki pona is really elegant, and the creator of that language did like a really good job of creating something minimal that's incredibly easy to learn. Of course though because of the limited vocabulary there's a ridiculous amount of ambiguity and it's really hard to communicate anything. lojban feels much clunkier, the grammar isn't quite as clean and it feels like there's parts of it that are tacked on, but the vocabulary is big enough and the grammar is expressive enough to communicate pretty effectively. It really feels like there should be some way to simplify lojban + make it more elegant, some base grammatical rules that you can derive everything else from.
>>827599 Oh do you have to manually break lines on this board
since the liveposting mechanic works by the last two words in the line, manual breaking is implemented so it doesn't immediately break the line and submit the quote live
just press enter
alt+s works to close your post instead of clicking done, as well

I haven't been on any other live boards yet :)
The grammar can be expressed in computer code, so that seems elegant enough to me.
Anyway, most of the logic nerds are learning Toaq instead of Lojban these days.
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lojban is barely parseable, there's got to be a way to make something simpler. I really should check out Toaq, it looks interesting but I'm not a huge fan of tones
Toki pona is terrible. It feels like a language to limit the intelligence of its speakers. Like newspeak from 1984.
*language designed to limit
Shut the fuck up, you non-lurking shit.
Research before you express your ignorance.
Oh so I was wrong about it having a limited vocabulary?
And a very limited set of words for numbers?
And one word for everything below the waist?
I might be wrong about that last one, heard it second hand from my friend who complains about Toki pona.
*I heard it second
>one two and many
Yeah sure its a great example of minimalism in language. But can you imagine being a person who only knew Toki pona?
It's terrifying, you would be so limited in your ability to express things.
So yeah, I did you a favlr and refreshed myself on it and I found that I was in fact correct.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
build a language that fits neatly into tensors
Strings are one dimensional arrays of characters and one dimensional arrays are vectors. So it would be weirder for a language to not fit neatly into tensors.
Build a language that fits neatly in to ten sores
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but something that natively works
for strings you gotta process and do word2vec and shit and deal with all the deduping and BS of english
and then interpret the sequence or whatev
make a language with a series of idea vectors or something
Mite b cool
>>827993 >>827996
if your language doesn't directly map to prolog then what's the point
Prolog suxxx, lol.
so do you have a purpose in mind for this language
what prompted you to seek out collaborators and want to create a language? what's it going to be used for?
a technical or conceptual language to be used in the real world? a fictional language for worldbuilding in a fictional setting you've created?

i'm assuming it's just a general desire to explore the process itself, but assigning a purpose is going to be a good starting point
im a fan of minimalism personally so i can resonate with some of those sentiments expressed earlier
I would like a "stealth"/secret language but without being a code or relexification.
What would you all like as the purpose?
that sounds interesting and doable
A request: do not start wtih the phonology. It always causes arguments. And anyway, it can be fine-tuned later.
What types of sentences are there other than predicates and exclamations?

Those seem like a good starting point grammar-wise
What else is there?

good question lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
make a statement.
ask a question?
... fragment ...
if you have a condition, you can make a conditional statement
clause and clause
broke meme jalopy sentenc
Aren't most of those just predicates?
Yeah I think most of those are predicates

Hmm, but I'm not really sure where to start, it seems like all the parts of a language
are entertwined.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if everything's a predicate then the utility of the concept of predicates is kinda low
True, all things everywhere are interconnected but not all connected in the same way.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta start somewhere and can't get it perfect on the first pass
So where do you want to start?
