Well this is pretty dystopian. I haven't been downtown since shit hit the fan but apparently all the big billboards at this big commercial/social intersection have been completely overtaken with Covid-19 warnings
In funnier news AirBnb is now banned from letting people host short-term rentals in the city until the emergency period is over. RIP everyone's marginal investments in housing. Free that stuff up for us actual people that live here you fucks.
>put down my phome in another room *phone >decide to sit down and work really seriously >decide to refill glass of water really quick before resuming essay >pick it up too fast and water gts on my keyboard *gets Fucking shit
A little bit got uunder the keys but I was able to dry most of it off before ut *it seeped in But I still turned off my comp I put some dessicant packets over the area where the water made it in.
note to self all finnish buses contain atleast one medkit
>>>/watch?v=h01J1z1is-0 The Toronto Zoo's got a live stream of ring-tailed lemurs running right now. I always liked lemurs as a kid.
>>828005 I was actually writing an essay on those.
>>828010 Because I find them to be slightly more interesting than many other primates. Also there is a great deal of scientific literature about them. By the way, this mamga is good. *manga https://mangadex.org/title/3921/megalomania
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
activating geass real quick
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
trip to interior BC wish me luck on the ko ki ha ra
i made a joke on twitter about ancient egyptians having light bulbs (it's the subject matter of an ancient aliens episode) and some rando archeology student found it and has been driving himself insane trying to prove me wrong >>>/@idlematts/1247613095524151297
thats is clear misinformation they used fluorescent tubes
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i originally said fluorescent lighting but then i started calling them lightbulbs and the dude didnt notice
>>828021 acctually you should go out of your way to say "yes i was wrong they used gas lighting"
education makes you a cog a pawn self educate, medicate
A CoG, a pawn
Self-education is largely insufficient for most people.
anyhow, i think some people just have sticks up their arses and unless somepne goes out of their way to remove them they will live like that through their lives >>828033 disgustjiro
i made this diagram in paint through screen share while running that last group if you can figure out what the fuck is going on in it you are probably a demigod
you'll probably need this for most new games due to adaptive triggers
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if it comes in all black it wont be bad
Honestly even if not. It's just the controller it's not like you spend time looking down at it. If it feels comfortable in the hand and works, that's really all you need from it.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they're saying the controller has built in haptic feedback
>>828064 i need dark colors because if my eye catches the white it gets too distracting same with like, clothes i can't wear certain colors or i get distracted haha
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>"We adopted haptic feedback, which adds a variety of powerful sensations you'll feel when you play, such as the slow grittiness of driving a car through mud," Sony's PlayStation said in a blog post. "We also incorporated adaptive triggers into the L2 and R2 buttons of DualSense so you can truly feel the tension of your actions, like when drawing a bow to shoot an arrow."
It's a cool notion that I'd like to see how it feels. Especially if there becomes native support for it in Steam and some Steam games start experimenting with it too.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Sony says it changed the angle of the hand triggers to make the controller feel smaller than it is, and updated the grip. It's also reduced the weight of the controller, worked on how to make it retain battery longer and added a built-in microphone array to chat with friends while playing.
How are consoles still relevant? :)
>>828069 >to make the controller feel smaller than it is Aren't Playstation controllers ALREADY really small.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i'm interested in giving it a try but i have concerns >>828071 they're the perfect size for me
but then again any controller that isn't a joycon is gonna be a disappointment
Yeah same but I don't have large hands. The Switch Pro controller is also pretty comfy. A bit on the weighty side but I kinda like having weight to things I'm holdingi -holding in my hand. This notion of making everything as weightless as possible kind of annoys me.
>>828070 because consoles dont crash as often as my pc
>i recovered a good amount >time to relax >BLUE CAN WE PLAY GAEMSZ
>>828081 i kind of want pizza maybe later this week >>828086 then i just wont eat pizza >>828085 chapter 6 is literally just 4 boss fights doing two of them was oof yesterday so ill probably be dling the other two today
doing minigames with him is a lot easier playing the story he can just choose whatever he wants to play and when he gets bored he can choos e another minigame
>>828081 My imouto and I have ordered out twice in the past week and we're still fine. I would imagine restaurants are keeping an even higher level of cleanliness these days because no one wants to be saddled with "We gave our customers Covid-19"
want to watch this nonsense
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's incubating tilde it's INCUBATIN
In Kyubey's tin?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's fucked up that 5 guys charges $5 for delivery through door dash. like. what the fuck
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's already expensive ass food i can get a steak for the same cost thanks to that delivery fee
you should come here most of the places here that do steak are also doing free delivery
>>828104 i'll be able to pay off my loans within 5 years without any noticeable effect on my living situation >>828108 there's an interest freeze right now if you submit financial hardship stuff they'll let you put it on hold for now due to coronavirus
>>828112 Yeah, I work full time as a doctoral level clinician right now while I finish school to officially get my doctorate. The only thing I hate is school since I'm pretty far past the level they expect me to be at. I'm already working as a consultant, too, and I make $100/hr doing that.
>>828113 sounds like a great gig to have - school always does suck when you realize it's more about regurgitation than knowing your stuff if you had a million dollars (read: financial independence) what would you rather do wit h your life?
We both know you won't, bub
>>828117 It's a pretty narrow mindset to think all school is regurgitation. >>828120 Hey bud let me finish my point before you run off on completely the wrong point.
A lot of education is built on conversation and understanding how to develop strong logic and good arguing skills. I know a lot of lazy memes like to shit on the arts but this is exactly what those kinds of classes are designed to do. And because of that you can't really just regurgitate information because that's not developing logic and arguing skills in the slightest.
>>828119 school != education but I think academia is fairly diseased - sure you can always add extra exceptions to any swiping statemnt
>>828122 If I had a million dollars, I might take a little less time with clients to focus on research or something occasionally, but only for short periods of time because my workplace can't function without me (literally) and my clients need me.
>>828119 you raise a lot of good poitns; I don't really know about these classes that teach these strong bouts of logic: it seems most schoolings have some source of "truth" that you must abide by - that frontier "unknown" spirit or questioning everything seems to be mostly gone as for whether or not it's worth developing arguing skills, I'm not sure. I don't really like arguing with people, for the premise usually assumes no one will listen to each other and just try to prove what they know
Either way, developing cohesive logic can be formed from extensive reading or studying yourself, no?
>>828126 Arguing skills are a blanket skill that goes far beyond just arguing with other people. Understanding how to make a strong argument and phrase your intentions in the strongest possible way is almost universally applicable. It also extends to making clean, exact points, which in a lot of work environments is crucial. Not just office jobs and fields like that, but even in scientific fields; too many people that enter thoes fields don't tke the time to learn how to make good arguments -- oftentimes because they can be dismissive of "The Arts" -- and suffer from poor communication skills on a professional level. Being understanding of good arguments and clean logic is so useful just for being a decent human being that I really wish people took it more seriously.
As for developing cohesive logic, you're not wrong, but at the same time effectively ANYTHING can be formed from extensive reading and studying yourself, providing the material is available or you know how to obtain it. What school and academic environments do is offer you an environment designed to deliver you those resources and help you build social links with others studying it and provide access to those who have studied it for years, decades, etc. Like sure, you can wander around in a dark room and eventually find your phone, right? But why not grab a flashlight or flip the lightswitch and use the infrastructure already in place to accelerate you finding it?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in my view the majority of academia is to serve as a gateway to certain professions although most people agree that i'm well beyond qualified, for example, i still have to complete school solely to get a piece of paper that says i can get licensed - there is no other benefit to it for me at the same time, most of my colleagues in my graduate program are extremely underqualified and dont know basic health care terms like level of care despite being in the same place in the program as me in fact most of them are "more successful" than me in the program
despite that i'm the only person that has any post-doc job offers despite not even having my doctorate yet and i have two of these offers i also work as a consultant for the courts and do program management and development
but i haven't "done the time" yet so i'm still considered to be at the same level as people who can barely get through a suicide risk assessment without crying
>>828128 >"more successful" for school measures obedience over merit at least from what I've experienced >>828127 The stem-brain meme is real, I understand what you mean. There's no longer a reverence for mostly anything than utilitarian causes other than* utili-
>>828127 That's a great metaphor for the phone - as for a reason I wouldn't want to use the infrastructure in place is because of either two things 1. it takes way too much of your time 2. the infrastructure is at ends with your goals
for one, schooling or in general many academic environments I've been have such a snail's pace
for two, I have a lot of distrust in those that may control the infrastructure, for their motivations for providing this environment are not that sound Most colleges are just trying to be for-profit, which is why we see a crazy amount of people with student deb t and little means to fix it
>>828138 i can dig the changes but dualshock is built into me at this point it will be missed
>>828140 it didn't work in xbone why would it work this time around
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>828140 probably because the old way the mic worked sucked and they thought this would make it better >>828144 half of that is literally changing the shape to change the weight and stuff though
>>828138 They could've done much of that without changing the shape. And why would they want to make it "feel smaller" >>828143 Yeah and changing the weight isn't very important, unless its for the haptic feedback.
>>828143 it technically works but in the end, it is like using a headset mic as a table mic
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
push to talk on controller when
>>828146 now THIS would be innovative either being able to map a button into push tot alk for any game/program or having a dedicated button for it
>>828139 Well the metaphor holds that using the infrastructure ends up saving you time because instead of being clueles as to the most efficient route to educating yourself, an academic environment is efficient from centuries of practical experience as to how to impart this information onto the student. There are a lot of for-profit colleges out there, sure, I think it's important to do your research and see if the place you're looking into is something like that or if it is actively producing an academic environment. Maybe your local situation has it that most education institutions around are shallow and for-profit, but in my time studying at university I've found absolutely no shortage of faculty and support systems that earnestly want me to succeed and engage in the academic environment. It's hard for me to believe that universally the education system is shallow when I objectively have evidence to the contrary right in front of my eyes.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>828147 maybe tap-to-mute would be simpler double tap the touch surface to mute and unmute or something
remember when i used push to talk during tabletop and all my sentences wouod
>>828149 Sounds like a recipe for unintentional muting or unmuting.
Jitsi doesn't really have a mute button easily accessable, so it is fun when you can hear people go get water from kitchen or shit while shooting sand people
>>828154 I think that's a grossly cynical and fundamentally simplifying obervation of the situation.
>>828154 Yeah sounds like a great idea Doctors don't need to ggo to medical school Just have them train under doctor *a doctor It's not like they'll ever have a patient with medical issue other than what they saw in their apprenticeship.
>>828154 apprenciseship especially is a lot better in any hmm job you use your hands with technicians, electricians, metal workers and so on you prolly learn the job in few montsh completely compared to sitting 3-5 years in the academy, doing maybe 2 months of on the job training
the error in a lot of reasoning here is assuming that a Job is the best way to live a life, I think...
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>828157 speaking as a clinical professional with a lot of experience i can guarantee you that a large amount of what you see in actual practice looks nothing like what you do in school and you quickly have to learn to do your own research to learn how to treat people with little to no advice from other professionals other than what's written in treatment manuals and scholarly articles
>>828159 yeah for sure 5 years of school is hardly necessary a doctor could have 4-5 students and train them over the course of a few years and they'd be more capable than anyone straight out of med school
>>828157 >>828162 definitely wouldn't work universally ofc but slashing some years people spend in the academy and making some of those apprentice years would imo be better and prolly save money for everyone
and my brother has aj ob in the IT, with basically just on the job education with a very minor 3 year study +1 year study in some basic coding *3 year study in web design
he prolly has never really needed his academic studies, and just what he has learnt on his own instead and through education sponsored by the employers
>>828169 tfw my job gets in the way of studying japanese
>>828170 this is the current illness of the college institution: there's ambiguity to its purpose. Currently the idea of preparing the next workforce is what its purpose is, when it's older purpose of just exploring ends of knowledge has been lost
i got fantastic training in my first year of grad school, i was basically taught one-on-one how to do assessment and developed the skills necessary to teach myself virtually any clinical assessment without the need for further extensive training with the exception of a few assessments
everything after that, i have barely gotten anything out of it's all been lecture shit that did not translate to reality with the exception of two professors who actually made an effort to teach real usable skills
>>828187 On that note, I don't think the catholic church does it taht much either it is justi n their organisational requirements to have 1 official exorcist per bishopship or something
But this doesn't stop people who aren't them from doing exorcism, ofc
Not like there's an International Board of Exorcists approving who can and can't be an exorcist.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there is however a board of paranormal investigators that does
I mean they're both equally hooky but at least paranormal investigation doesn't prey on the mentally ill nearly as often as exorcism.
i am almost 1/3 of the way through my work werk week
>>828194 Maybe not historically, but right now at least in the first world people selling paranormal stuff prey upon people with mental illness quite a bit.
God I'm so mad I spilled water on my keyboard. The essay is due 11am on Thursday and I've lost hours of time I could've been working.
>>828191 Well if you believe the early canon, only catholic priests can do exorcism this heils from how Peter was given the keys to heaven and the bishop of rome, the pope, is his successor and thus only his followers, those ordained by the pope can actually banish the evil spirits and demons from people.
>>828198 There's other religions aside from Christianity.
I mean I don't believe ANY of the canon, early, mid, or late, so really any Joe off the street can do exorcisms. I'll disbelieve him equally though.
>>828199 We are strictly talking about christian exorcism here, tho
>>828200 There's historical basis ffor some stuff in the Christian bible and the Torah. Although they aren't meant to be taken literally for everything in them.
>>828200 mmh but the point here is that some exorcist are more professional at it if you want a catholic priest to do one, they will throw you into a mental asylum etc basically they say "you crazy man, go get your head checked" and only after exhausting all worldly ways of medicine, will they actually look at your case seriously
which is a respectable point in my view, even if I usually dislike most things catholic
That's a bit nice to know, I guess. I suppose if I ever know someone who's so bonkers they think a situation needs an exorcism and I can't convince them otherwise I'll try to encourage a Catholic one. If I just don't walk away from the situation beforehand.
funny fact our church doesn't do exorcism they say "go to the catholics, they are ordained for it" which is bit funny, since one of thep oints of luther was to deny pope's authority and so on but apparently the bit about "who can banish daemons" stuck
I should ask my former roommate about orthodox view on demons and exorcism they do do it, but that is prolly age old canon
well orthodox church has a lot of mythic stuff in it anyhow, which is quite either capturing or alienating depending on your personality
but it is indeed bit more fantasy church than any protestant church for example and while being pompous and golden as the catholic ones are, with lot more restrictions to it too, for example no oneaside priests behind the altar and so on and the weird saint things which I still argue is aform of idolatry they aren't arrogant I think atleast, as the catholics (atleast in the past) seem to be
ofc I am biased since I have a lot of orthodox friends
just found it hilarious that latest chapter of poisongirl had her want to visit a morque wield a hoe as a weapon use it as a weapon want to dissect a body and then lusting after a ressurrection drug
Well C is just better than the mini micro or whatever they are called
has way more lifetime than the micro-usb atleast
I wonder could you replace usb 3 ports with usb-c or similiar tech no need to fumble around directions, when both sides work
oh that’s lovely less shitty connectors are the best
also considering I have REMOVED the connector part by unplugging an usb device from my desktop not once not twice but THREE TIMES in the last decade I do have some issues with the usb port design
>>828231 There's already some trends towards that. A lot of Google devices are shedding the larger USB ports wherever possible. I think Apple laptops don't have them anymore either. USB 2/3.0 is pretty much only the domain of PCs and bulkier laptops these days.
Well you could probably consider it a modified crossbow for stat purposes. At least with 5th Edition you'd likely want a Fighter class character who's experienced with bows to take advantage of the fast firing though, so you can get multiple attacks in one turn.
>>828241 Not a clue. I'd probably just call it a compound bow.
well yeah making what do you anglish call the compound bow with the pulleys?
guess it is just compound bow those things can pack a punch
I should get one I got revealed, that it is ILLEGAL to use crossbows for hunting in finland but you can use service assault rifles but not crossbows
he was all "I dunno" when I asked when he was in university in helsinki, he used his compound bow to hunt cityrabbits they had a freezer filled with rabbit meat when they moved out I got few kgs for myself, as they couldn't possibly take it all
and I mean like a big freezer
saved them, two students, a lot of money when the meat they ate was mainly game hunted by the guy
a bit of backstory, during the worst case of rabbit boom here, caused by people freeing their pet bunnies we had like tens of millions of bunnies, so one of the solutions was just "anyone with a bow and a hunting license can easily get a permit to hunt them" and well it did start working
but then the green party gave the pest animals, even within city limits, a period of no hunting, basically the main BREEDING SEASON so it was back to drawing board
amusingly, the problem solved itself by having some disease, rabbit plague it was dubbed here, kill basically 99% of the population
these eggs need to FUCK OFF
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
at least the rate was lowred a little
and those that didn't die, were so young they starved
Come to think of it, the rabbit plague kinda scared the fuck out of people for a while how it just was basically "ctlr+a, delete" wonder if it got some of our experts to take the plausible next epidemic more seriously too
amusing side effect of the dead rabbit population was how city foxes also died out either left the cities or starved
and a giant boom in that year's corvid population, crows, ravens, magpies they all had o much rabbit meat to feed, prolly no chick starved that year
>>828248 If it's any consolation some of the stuff you can craft with them apparently sells pretty well. In case you've got things you want Bells for.
long forgotten daily finnish lesson varis - crow korppi - raven harakka - magpie naakka - jackdaw mustavaris - rook (we ran out of names) närhi - (eurasian) jay kuukkeli - jay, but not the other jay
I had to actually dig up the lasto ne, since I didn't remember it from memory was it a corvid or not
When I went to the grocery store I saw so many people outside. They really need to start fining people for being out without a good reason. (jogging is not a good reason)
are you in like quarantine-quarantine or do you have a curfew or
>>828280 Stay at home order But no one is getting in trouble for being outside so no one is following the recommendations Although cops did shut down a football game in the city. >>828282 Yeah it's not like walking to work or the grocery store or the drug store are important or anything.
Physical exercise is literally the only good reason to be outside
Yeah, nobody cares about the stay at home order here.
>>828283 Yeah. The problem is congregating together, not being outside.
People SHOULD be going outside. Being cooped up indoors is horrible for the mental health of most people. Go for a fucking walk, take a jog. There's nothing wrong with that. Just don't group together with random strangers and people you don't trust to keep sanitary.
I should correct myself and say that I've been seeing people congregating outside.
Gof *God I lost basically an entire day (6 hours) to getting my keyboard wet
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you doing seder, rei
>>828289 I wish I mean its not too late to do one if someone buys the brisket tonight or tomorrow.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i'm missing it too i'm gonna do one via zoom on the third or fourth night with some folks though even though none of us will have a full plate lol
At this point in my life I mainly do Seders for the food. >>828293 It's a very famous feminist thing. In response to women wanting to become rabbis a prominent Orthodox rabbi said "Women belong on the bimah as much as an orange belongs on a Seder plate" and people have been putting oranges on Seder plates ever since. I'm only slightly surprised you aren't familiar with it though. Cause on the one hand you're really pro social justice, but on the other hand (as far as I know) for most of your life you weren't very religious.
All I really know as far as seder goes is the traditions my family has. The extent of Jewish leftist circles talking about seder usually goes into ending capitalism and stuff like that, like the Jewdas seder a few years ago that people tried to turn into a scandal for Corbyn.
The transit here has laid out rules for riding buses during the pandemic, mainly that because they don't want passengers coming within two metres of the bus driver, passengers can no longer board the bus at the front unless they need a boarding ramp. Which creates an issue of paying fare for the ride, since the fare box is at the front of the bus, if the passenger is paying with cash or some other quantity medium. So the commission just says "Okay if you're paying with cash, tokens, etc.; you can just board for free, but please pay your fare as soon as you can (e.g. at the station). But if you pay with the transit's card, please tap at the device at the back doors of the bus.
But the thing is. There's no one who can really accost you for getting on the bus without paying. And even if they do, they can't really prove you have a card that can be tapped. So what they're effectively saying is, everyone who wants to ride the transit for free during the pandemic, can pretty much do it and get away with it.
my parents are probably going to do lord's supper over zoom or skype or something and i kinda want to join but I'm incredibly tired and also kinda dont think I should be around people
i'm gonna lay in my bed and if it hasn't started before I fall asleep then good night
Here they just said fuck it and made buses free since the only people who are meant to be using them are essential workers If there's going to be issues with paying for fares then might as well make it free, is the reasoning I guess
>>828300 Transit here is pitifully under-subsidized by government at pretty much every level so the commission is pretty much always looking to make as much money as they can from fare. Recently they even had an advertising campaign trying to intimidate riders into not committing fare evasion and hired on a bunch of fare inspectors to stalk stations and busy bus lines to make sure people weren't skimping. It was not received particularly well, and they've even taken off the fare inspectors during the pandemic. I wonder if they'll just not reinstate them once things are normal. But because of that I'm not surprised they're going "Okay we can't actually catch you if you're trying to ride the bus without paying when you really could but pleasepleasepleaseplease pay us"
>>828295 Oh nvm that's apocryphal Here's the real story https://forward.com/opinion/172959/an-orange-on-plate-for-women-and-spit-out-seeds/
I can't decide if I should try tto work on my essay tonight or not. My ADHD meds are definitely no longer working and I think working without them won't be very productive and will just be frustrating.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i usually dont even try to work when my meds wear off it's just a waste of time usually
>>828302 really makes you wonder if the additional revenue outweighs the costs of paying the fare inspectors I wonder if they'd be better off if they just like, put up a bunch of fake cameras and maybe some posters saying they're watching for fare evaders
>>828305 Yeah, I think I'll try an all nighter tomorrow night.
We have cameras here and I see fare dodgers all the time.
>>828306 The posters are already kinda what they've got going on with the ad campaigns, since the ads are entirely located on station and vehicle ad boards. It's kind of intimidating, but honestly it doesn't hold up to a bit of analysis. Like hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people use the transit every day. Some of the station entrances and exits are PACKED. Even if you catch on camera someone evading paying, what are you going to do? Catch them next time they come through with the dozens of people in a short moment to harrass them about the money? Do the cameras even have good enough fidelity to catch the features of or concretely prove fare evasion? Like I know they'd be fake cameras they don't need to work. But if the evader can rationalize that a real camera wouldn't be a detriment to their evading, a fake one's not gonna intimidate them either.
Catching fare evaders and fining them a few hundred dollars could work though. Just catch a few and put them on posters and say how much they were fined.
>>828310 yeah it's certainly not something that I'd expect to stop every fare evader But it's cheap enough that it'd only need to stop a few for a net gain
wow get on my level There's not a night that goes by that Nier doesn't cross my mind
>>828345 I mean I didn't say I don't ever do that. But I try not to because I have low self esteem and find it unrealistic that they'd bbe in a relationship with me.
>>828348 The answer is yes but it might not be as intense as I tried to make it sound. >>828346 Oh. Here I figured you were going to say you try not to because you don't want to >>828347
>>828349 That's also a thing Although in general I try not to fantasize It just makes me feel bad wen I return to reality *when
Nonetheless I am more comfortable with a nation mining space resourecs than a coproration i don't like either monopolising it, but I think a nation is easier to hold accountable and have them change their policies than a mega-corporation
What makes you think that
>>828379 I'm having ttrttrouble deciding iif what he said is accurate or not
>>828381 Google is still subject to laws and shit How are you supposed to hold a nation state to account for anything What are you supposed to do when America decides they want to blow up the moon
>>828383 >google moves to china and has free reign
>>828382 >china >becoming space power before it collapses again yeah
just to keep the world order in place, I propose, that we restore the steppe tribes arm them with tanks and shit and have them continue raping china occasionally to keep them in check
>>828387 No I meant in terms of nations not being held accountable for their actions
>>828389 shitholes rarely get to be first in anyplace and I do believei n progress rather than regression in terms of nation building sure there will be setbacks occasionally, but the trend is towards betterment so far.
>>828393 By this I mean, that the nations that get there most likely are properly, atleast somewhat - looking at you USA, behaving countries that have atleast on paper a system on place that prevents most fuckery
All china can do so far, is take other people's inventions and make them cheaper and shittier
I don't expect China to get astronauts to the moon. I think they'll die on the way.
>>828399 damn anyhow if you want me to spoil it for you, it does have an interesting way of tackling the radiation issues that come up with mining on moon
>>828406 they clone an expert and have them run and maintain the moon base, aside from supply runs and so on each clone in the movie has around 2-3 year lifespan, which is not mentioned why, but if you actually know how radiation sickness, it is clear they die from that
damn good scifi movie btw especially how "15 minutes in the future" realistic it is
gerty best robot
jan r u there i found a man playing guitar who you may enjoy listening to >>>/watch?v=IL0dxX_z2qc
hmm would that be where "whom" is the right choice
they made me wear a mask today and it was the
cheapest shit ever it actually made it really hard to breathe and gave me a rash they better let
me wear my own mask or something
guys i have shaving it makes my skin all puffy dont give me advice on shaving pls i just have sensitive skin
Fuck off use better razors and don't press so firmly.
die you stupid retard
>>828418 Also use better shaving cream They have shaving cream for people with sensitive skin >>828422 AAnAnd aalalsalso aafaftaafter sshshashavshave sststustufstuff tththathat hhehepheppheppshelps ttotoo
i'll beat all you fuckers to death
With what, your soft, SENSITIVE skin
no my jagged, rusty razors
>>828418 haha you got bitch skin i bet you shave with a women's razor instead of a battle axe like me
>>828424 You won't get very far beating with razors dude.
STOP IT NOW YOU ALL STILL HAVE Stubble after shaving
i don't actually shave i trim it back sometime though
actually a good question if you shave, do you use a razor or an electric razor?
>>828430 Get a good one I would suggest my brand but I can't remember the name of it It's a target brand I replace the razor every few weeks.
>>828431 what if you can shave perfectly with super cheap ones
tho disposable, as in you dispose both of the blae and the ... shaft? is waste of resources
get a good shaft+blade pack I don't spend much more than like 15€ on my razor + 10 blades, but it is still decent enough not that I need to shave that much, just the stache and some face parts and the neckbeard
and most of time I use either my trimmer or electric razor to cut those short
Hell would actually become real and then freeze over before she would give me her number
dual sim with a burner number for moe stuff
Either way that would be an international communication and I'm not that loose with my money.
I have never understood how that works it is damn expensive to both, to one or ?
Depends on your plan. Generally I think it is always expensive for the caller though, and while I'm not certain I think texts only cost the sender. Since that would be an easy way to wreck someone financially by spamming them with international texts.
>>828448 that is actually a common spam herei n europe either someone maliciously calls people from say africa etc or uses some weird satellite phone, where the caller is billed 500€ or more by just answering it and ofc the callers own the company the money belongs to
>>828449 I remember reading about intetesting phone scams similar to that made by hacking into hardware at telecommunucation hubs. Shit I can't remember the details.
>>828441 that you did I was going to download it anyway but I accidentally downloaded it
Goblin Slayer absolute good time, still don't get the whiny controversy over // that happened at release, it was really tame compared to what people made it seem
>>828455 It's a subject that can be extremely distressing for people to encounter unexpectedly, often even expectedly. For the people that weren't expecting such a sharp turn in an anime -- when was the last time a fairly hyped and in-the-limelight anime had such a brazen example of rape in the first ten minutes -- it can be extremely unpleasant.
>>828460 Well that's kind of the added problem here. Rape's a sensitive topic to begin with and using it as shock and awful material to catch viewers is arguably VERY FAIRLY a poor taste choice.
didnt they just like throw in a disposable character to get raped for the shock value?
>>828458 Correct me if I'm wrong but don't strwmi *streaming services have content descriptions that let you know what type of shit it has Like not quite "ratings"
>>828458 I can see that, but the majority of the controversy I'd been exposed to were just people going "you can't be THAT graphic!!!" Which is why I say it's more tame than I was lead to believe. The way those people were acting I was expecting a full on rape scene.
>>828455 it starts grimdakr and then becomes just dark fantasy people who made it into a controversy saw the first episode or parts of it or never saw it and just heard of it
and that was it
the show and the novels aren't that grimdark as the first chapter is
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whoops idk why i wrote "just" but yea it's kinda yuck
>>828462 You have to understand it doens't HAVE to be graphic to be sufficiently graphic to resonate with the people that have emotional trauma or severe displeasure with the material. And for the people that don't have such an aggressive reaction to the material it still comes off in bad taste because it's just thrown at the viewer without any warning and any build-up. The whole opening scene to Goblin Slayer is pretty much just "We're gonna drop you in blind and have fun seeing how terrible things are before you get to see the positive parts" For plenty of people, that's not an issue, myself included. But I think the people that had a strong negative outlash to it were completely reasonable in doing so.
>>828460 NO this wasn't thrown in it was in the novels from the start
sets the tone it sets the tone of "what happens if our heroes ever fail" the men get killed the women get raped
the priestess you liked raped the high elf archer raped goblin slayer killed dwarf killed lizardman killed
and so on it sets the stakes
sure the initial party that the priestess joins are ALL throw away characters they all get killed in the 1st chapter not just the warrior that is raped but everyone else in the party too
>>828465 People being offended wasn't my problem. People calling it bad because of one scene was. People calling for it to be removed from streaming services was. People saying that people who enjoyed the series are bad people was another problem I had with some of the people offended by it.
>>828471 A mistake, obviously. >>828473 The CGI doesn't bug me after Dragonball Super Because THAT was bad >>828475 Yeah, seemed fine to me, I liked it. Honestly disappointed the anime doesn't get into who/what his master is. Looks like a rat fuck mix of a goblin and kobold >>828476 They put more of it into the him getting up part instead of the him after it drops part >>828465 That's why I'm saying I understand those kinds of view points. I mean it really literally when I saw the controversy I saw was just things like "that's just showing too much" as in, like, "wow, you can't just show all that sex like that" That's why I was saying I expected it to be a full on scene and not what it was. The people I saw complaining weren't, or didn't seem, worried about it from a morality standpoint or how it might affect the mental health of others. It seemed more like they were complaining about something akin to "too much skin"
Only bad thing about Goblin Slayer anime is its low quality CGI and the laziness the animators do
there are several bad ass scenes they just fucked up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we stoke the fires we want to BURNISH
>>828472 Remember the scene where he rises half dead after killing the giant goblin in the water town
Makes sense why Sword Maiden doesn't show back up after Water Town in the anime, then And also why the Hero's Journey seems so constantly out of wack with current events.
>>828472 I think the complaint of "That's showing too much" stems from the fact that the material is sufficiently volatile that using it as your shock factor in the first ten minutes IS showing too much. Pacing the depravity and dark parts of a story are important and generally, starting your story off with a scene like that is like shoving a large fistfull of fresh clive Ah whoops. A large fistfull of fresh chives, just straight chives nothing else, into someone's mouth. It completely pollutes the palate for the rest of the meal.
It was entirely unnecessary for establishing how awful goblins are to visually demonstrate that scene to the viewer. Plenty of parallel storytelling mechanisms are available for demonstrating it, and the choice to visually show it happening is a deliberate choice of the production staff.
yeah a bad one got em >>828480 I don't know, I think it's an important thing to give early, though I agree some form of warning could have been addressed, because it prepares you for the next couple times you see it and things like. Like Sword Maiden's flashbacks to when she was 15, Goblin Slayer's flashbacks to him in the floorboards watching his sister, the elf in the shrine ruins, nearly high elf archer, the literally woman chained to wooden planks being used as shields in the farm attack, etc.
Rather, I think it's important to give so early because it let's you get out sooner if that's something you want to avoid watching more of, something a warning would have also assisted in
In writing there's well-known term of "Show, don't tell", because to form a strong empathetic or engaged understanding of content, it's generally better to demonstrate through action rather than tell through word. This is why 90% of isekai and fantasy anime are garbage because they dump ten minutes of exposition through a character lecturing or an omnipresent narrator. The thing is though, some times it's better to NOT form that strong empathetic or engaged understanding, especially when there is already a FUNDAMENTAL HUMANITARY UNDERSTANDING of just how awful something is. You could have a character describe to us through a character lecture precisely what goblins do with the women they capture and no viewer with a decent grasp of their emotional faculties would not go "well that's just fucking awful". Pair that, especially in that first episode, with a tease of the traumatized Sword Maiden's flashbacks showing the absolute state of brutality she was in, and viewers will understand clearly that goblins don't fuck around (pardon the, erm, pun).
We can end the disastrous end of the Priestess' first party with the dead guy and the girls being dragged off and everyone knows what's going to happen but it's not being shown, which is the insulting factor here.
>>828490 >>828491 yeah the warning policy they adopted after ep1 should have been in place already that was sily of them unless they wanted the controversy to get the publicity
oh yeah tilde
which do you think is easier to start as a newb, not you since you already had xp anyhow, but from your point of view dnd 5.0 or 13th age I think you have xp of both systems, yes?
almost certainly 13th age no pre-req issues outside of feats, no weight managment, i dont think flanking exists in 13th age, generally no team aoe hits, etc
>>828496 yeah it seems very user friendly and no need for the players to study tons of shit
not to mention ofc I already know the books cover to cover
I totally disagree I feel 13th Age is pretty horrible for people getting into tabletop with no prior experience. 5th Edition makes it very clear you don't need to concern yourself with finnicky things like weight management if your group doesn't want to. And the advantage of Wizards tailoring it for broad enjoyment means that the books are very easy to read and the mechanics are fairly consistent and translatable across classes and races. 13th Age in contrast has very unique mechanics fairly consistently from class to class so if from one campaign to another you want to pick up a new class you pretty much need to entirely learn from the ground up how it works. Also compared to stuff like weight management the 13th Age mechanics of stuff like Icons and letting the players come up with abstract backgrounds they can boost rolls with are as elaborate as anything like weight management, and the backgrounds in particular make for an extra headache for the DM since rather than know the set list of skills the players can roll with they now need to keep track of the backgrounds and how they would interface with a skill challenge the DM comes up with.
In addition as far as the text material goes I really don't appreciate the 13th books. They're not very clear at times with information and often needs a good studying to understand how to allocate resources like talent points or picking feats. Comparatively when I've needed to quickly jump into the 5th Edition PHB I've generally always quickly and clearly found the relevant information I need. In both 5th Edition and 13th Age I've played caster characters and while all my skills are Kirara's homebrew in 13th Age, I found it really quick and easy to grab the spell information from the 5th Edition PHB.
Also as a personal taste element I particularly don't like how 13th Age handles magic systems. They're all weird and have lots of rules that don't share consistencies. 5th Edition has a much, much more elegant , understandable,
I would need to look at the 5th edition stuff but 13a spells feels pretty simple you get x spell slots for two different levels generally and then they have the similar usage of most abilities where its either use as much as you like, recharge, or full heal
But it is funny to see both you and pan say the opposite thing just now basically
>>828505 Yeah, it's not difficult. The D&D stream I watch, before they started streaming, played homegame in Pathfinder which I think has a native gunslinger class? That or it was some homebrew. >>828508 I know hold on the anedote's not done yet. When they started streaming they transferred to 5th Edition and the player that had a gun user basically tweaked the Fighter class with some minor tweaks to incorporate the gun mechanics. Those guns in question were not quite modern, more early stage flintlocks and single shot rifles, but if want modern firearms that can fire numerous shots before needing reloading I don't think that would be hard to homebrew up either. Players/DMs would have to keep track of shots fired and probably need to use a full action or something to reload, you could get as noodly with this as you wanted like having to roll a Dex roll to ensure your character doesn't fumble the reload like a dumbass but all that's not HARD.
I see a lot of complaints about 5th Edition being overly simplified compared to some of the other popular tabletop and while that might go for the basic mechanics there's literally nothing stopping you from making things elaborate as long as the DM and the players are on equal understanding how the mechanics work. Like if I ever do a 5th Edition campaign I'm totally gonna steal 13th Age's Icon system because I think that's a really good model, despite my earlier criticisms, for mechanizing roleplay between factions and the characters that lead them.
I am minmax in the worst way I am minmax BULK on a character that is murder happy >>828513 Yeah, he was minmaxed toward damage output but lived his life as a tank, he was backwards to Noto
I was laying in bed for a bit while I was waiting for Rika to show up and kinda short-napped for like ten minutes around midnight. Now my brain's fairly awake and getting engaged in this hasn't helped.
"Yeah, sure, you can have one intelligence, fuck it, it'll be funny." "oh god oh fuck he can't communicate at all" "You have this magic arm that eats magic now." "oh god oh fuck literally everything after this point is magic it's a holy grail war"
He's not a gem, he's a construct. He is mentally formed into such an idiot because every personality exists at once and nothing gets control Also he touchs it with Imagine Eater which isnt really part of his body Since it's a magic arm that formed in the place of the arm he lost
Pretty much nothing at that point, she was killed by the immortal killing Timey-Wimey Mortal Blade Jan full on slapped or i guess cleaved her and the orb Poor ero-jin or whatever never stood a chance
>>828552 no that was the projection of her soul they just killed an image
her real self was inside the orb bones and all
>>828552 After we killed the Empress, from that point on the actual soili was the orb and the soili on screen was a projection no matter what would happen to the "soili" that would never affect the actual orb-soili
and since you absorbed flight from the orb or levitation
it was still alive, meaning you actually absorbed the full on orb
>>828560 Because he was eaten by fungus Glacatus and since he didn't really have a consciousness of his own it's not like there's a Lee to 'bring back'
ofc good part of that lies on MYSELF for being such an ass to ton at the time
If there's not like there's a Lee to "bring back" then isn't anything you bring back sufficiently good enough
>>828562 there is Husk of Lee to reanimate with a ton of souls but not Lee
>>828564 Of course not, he wouldn't be Lee. But for fungus Galactus, she probably can't tell the difference anyway so who knows with her >>828567 Lee's probably too stupid to realize what was/would have been going on anyway. Man tried to eat the same electricity trap 3 times convinced it was magic. >>828571 Then he'd just be a husk! It'd be like in Nier when their memories reset to an old backup. They're not the same 9S or 2B! >>828569 He was supposed to sacrifice some of/most of them in a ritual cast with Charlotte to help Chaska's people's ressurection, but then ToN didn't do it
and later on just went "oh you have a fuckton of souls inside you, don't mind if I do nom * nom *nom*"
>>828568 it would have been visible to everyone else too
I think the most funniest part was, when we were in the final dungeon of ToN and there were traps preying on each of us character's weakness' and then came the trap for my character, but my character was DEAD and I was playing a husk and so, there was a wall of fire to pass through
If he didn't have a consciousness of his own then if you can make alive an identical recreation of his original body, then haven't you succeeded in bringing back all he was?
I’m sure the eldritch power of Ammutseba could manifest some sorr if sort of Lee projection
>>828572 What if the absolute power of death also kills him?
>>828568 But with no consciousness originally, what made the original Lee more than a husk in the first place? If he has memories and can remember, that's indicative of conscious thought, so lacking a consciousness means there weren't any memories. And if there are memories then there is a consciousness and by extension an objective thing to bring back.
>>828574 Any formation of memories come from the amass of souls within him, but when he died they'd have been released. I guess in theory you could collectively regrab all the lost souls into a new body, but fungus Galactus isn't that smart, probably.
and if ton would have listened tot he one fucking thing >don't give me an alchemy gun >give me the materials to make one >but never do it
and then he gives me an alchemy gun
and is surprised that I am super pissed off and YES i am bringign it up cause i dunno if it was ever told o the other guys
>>828586 i mean some parts of it were fun but most of it was pretty tense and melodramatic and like, i like melodrama but charlotte didn't do it very well i don't know that it was veryfun
shovel-kun bursting through doorways like that "I'VE GOT A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU" jontron skit
I'm emotionally dead inside so melodrama is just popcorn to me at this point.
wait what were you asking then? to me it looked like "do you know why you enjoyed it" and then i said why i enjoyed it >>828597 well i would assume it's mostly because it's a kusoani but i remember the person who was attached to a character
yes there is a good reason why kokoro connect isn't liked here
I think most people that watched Kokoro Connect here are capable of separating the show from Inabun. If that's really what's tainting it so bad for you then man, learn to separate media from its fanbase.
yeah i mean if someone was attached to a character from a GOOD anime FORMERREI IM TALKING TO YOU and they were a massive shitlord HAHA GET WREKT it's not like people would think Eva was shit for that reason
>>828591 i probably should have but then your skeletons became increasingly more difficult to kill so i would have to have noticeably focused aggro on them
as much of a moefag that i am a lot of the time two of my favorite anime ever are Daily Lives of High School Boys and Ping Pong which are like all male cast Daily Lives IS moe but it's not like girl moe
>>828602 Oh yeah if you want a show that's kind of a girl's side to Daily Lives of High School Boys check out Joshikousei no Mudazukai or Asobi Asobase. They're not really moe shows either but they're kind of the same absurbist normalcy.
fucking daily lives of high school boys is PURE ART
>>828608 who was that? and I bet I was banned when that happened
also check 'cord
you know what else was a dumpsterfire that I had a very good time watching? Guily Crown watching that show with /a/ was probably one of the most magical anime experiences i've ever had
>>>/watch?v=00zguIZOXlA I knew I recognized the vocalist for the Hamefura OP But it's been so long since angela did an anisong that I'd forgotten about her.
>>828613 I do need to right them, but I made sure to save the notes just in case this time. Since I try to write the notes/recaps from Noto's perspective it's not in there because he doesn't care It's why there's little hints of things that he does/has happen that you guys don't wind up getting the info on all the time, ie his talks with Fugo, talks with Orochi, talks with his sword, him cutting Michiru, etc
>>828615 and it idn't work well you did kill me... twice
Ah, damn, I should go all the way back to my original 3.0 character idea, I forgot how much of a meme it was He had Lancelot's Knight of Owner concept of being able to turn anything he grabbed into a weapon and was going to use the SPACESHIP at some point >>828623 I might look into it. I've been considering finally watching Firefighter anime since Kirara told me to and then I didn't
>>828628 Yeah, Enen no Shouboutai was the other one I was looking at figuring you'd like. But also figured you'd have seen it or at least knew about it.
no matter what i put behind me zoom's virtual background basically replaces all of my colors with this image while leaving my outline producind // producing a very surreal image
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i was told the red room was "not a very professional background"
>>828653 Wait, you gys are using zoom for tthe therapy stuff? *guys
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no, for class we use something else for telehealth most places use zoom though
Yeah they shouldn't, its not hipaa compliant
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
zoom is hipaa compliant
>>828657 Well I heard otherwise from a healthcare professional tgis morning. I wouldn't be surprised if they were wrong though.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i've spoken to zoom reps and lots of other clinicians there are different levels - you have to pay more money to get hipaa complaint zoom and there's a lot more set up
>>828666 Hail Satan also as much as I like Bernie and want socialized healthcare this is actually good for my grandfather's business I mean they sell other types of insurance too, but still
as long as someone is profiting
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
also >that feel when you find out that one of the species of animal you are writing about actually got reclassified into at least three distinct species and now you have to go through all the papers again and make sure they are talking about the right colored animal on the specific corner of the one tiny island they are native to in Indonesia and your paper is due tomorrow
sure am glad i graduated
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>828668 it's just hilarious to me that people are voting biden during an epidemic
the entire movie is about finding a shipment of ventilators
>you mean to tell me there's only one >only one >in this whole shipment >yup >on this whole boat >mhm >what are all these other boxes then and he just laughs and laughs as he walks back into the boat
Occam's drug shipment that saves the day at the end by burying the ventilator thieves in tons of cocaine Which they will then be falsely charged for smuggling too
>>828700 The global pandemic is making it really annoying, all the borders are closed! How am I supposed to smuggle drugs like this!? COVID, we gotta put a stop to this thing.
>>828701 In the end, the drug dealers start up their own health insurance company providing hydrochloroquine to people with diseases it's meant to treat and subsidizing it by charging everyone else who wants it 10x more
It sure is. The Yahrzeit is in a few days. I'll have no problems lighting my candle this year since I'm working from home.
Passover starts tonight, too. I wonder if Hashem will be mad at me for doing a tabletop game instead of seder! Although a rabbi told me that it's a mitzvah not to do everything right now, we're getting a break, so that works for me
At least you're not Jewish. I have to go find our calendar to make sure I get the right day.
April 9th is easy to remember. It was a Thursday the year he died, too. I drove to school sobbing, worked with some people on research while pretending I was fine, drove home sobbing, bought some liquor while pretending I was fine, etc
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Well, I did that the week after he died, since we didn't find out for sure until the 16th
Options are something similar in color theme or something more colorful. . actually there are two specific ones im thinking of. let me wash my hands of this bleach first.
What's going on with the edge between those walls.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
looks like a cord taped to the wall
a wire yeah
yeah there was internet there was.
>>828749 does your nephew ever comment on the anime
all these posters were in bins that were hiddenout of the way so no or stacked in the corner on the table by >>828749 covered under an Abby playmat
Won't he be commenting on them now that they're all hung up on the walls
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I have this coming in the mail. >bad image REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE fucking image magick is broken all the goddamn time I have images that work fine and they just don't work on /moe/, tano or ios devices
i just put booette underneath the Diamond poster and it looks nice but im thinking that I can put it right behind where I sit and make it even more perfect
>>828762 Oh I thought you meant underneath like behind it anyways here's the poster I just ordered https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0246/4453/products/necro-poster-smaller_2048x2048.jpg I've turned my friend's dining room into my office and I'm planning on hanging it on the wall behind me so people can see it during video conferences I might need to move the table over a little bit so its visible though
fucking shit even if I get a perfect score on the final exam I need to get B's on the paper and the powerpoint in order to get a C I fucking hate classes that only have a few assignments
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
oh its no longer the state rock song https://pitchfork.com/news/50300-the-flaming-lips-do-you-realize-no-longer-the-official-state-rock-song-of-oklahoma/
i will just have to try loud music that isn't disruptive
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i will probably be ok though im only doing one session tomorrow since it's the anniversary of saku's death i cut back dont have work until 2:15
>>828813 Well if you've got free time tomorrow or some time soon check this out https://mangadex.org/title/24104/sono-bisque-doll-wa-koi-wo-suru It's a super cute manga about a gal who's really into cosplay and a guy who makes cosplay outfits for her.
>>828798 at the end of one of the routes in Saya no Uta Fuminori successfully kills his friends and impregnates Saya or some shit and she blooms and covers the whole world in some kind of alien parasitic lifeform that consumes and converts everything on earth into a fleshy conglomerate of alien organs
in the end card for that you can see several telephone poles that have become parts of this alien infested earth
Kek I'm actually a bit surprised wwe have people who aren't familiar with Saya no Uta though.
Foxgirl and co. were working with the Sirens because that was "the only way to get enough power to save the Sakura empire" but the whole reason the empire needed power and the thing they needed protection from was the Sirens so why would you work with the enemy to get power to protect you from the enemy?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
maybe it would make more sense if you understood the BROADER CINEMATIC UNIVERSE
>>828920 No. The members of the Sakura Empire speak in Japanese and the Germans speak in Japanese and the Americans speak in Japanese and the English speak in Japanese.