>>826993 i think it is but i think DEATH ROAD TO CANADA remains the most true to life simulation of day to day life
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
zone 2 out of 4 stars
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i had a. beer and chicken soup at the airport bar you can sit there spaced out the bartender kept talking like she's going out of her mind tho i think it was mostly a conversational gambit "just happy to see faces"
Maybe, but on the other hand, once she's been conditioned to see an absolute swath of people moving through the airport during the day, to have that suddenly taken away must feel WEIRD to her. Airports have been completely turned on their head from what was once the normal.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol yea thats trye
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she also has to work underneath some TVs that are delivering covid news her entire shift
Yeah I bet anyone that shows up has her going like "Oh thank goodness I can distract myself from the apocalypse for five minutes"
If you need to spend a long time standing in a bank, teleport to the Woodcutting guild instead of staying at the GE The aesthetic is much nicer and the chat log isn't getting spammed by retards
honestly, listening to people talk about smash bros reveals and speculation and development is tiring maybe i'm just over it
>>827023 are they ever even close to right anyway?
>>827024 I mean that's like saying America values private enterprise and capitalism, or France values liberty and equality. Or that Australia values criminals and settling hazardous environments for no good reason. It's practically embedded in the nation's cultural origins but doesn't necessarily mean anything.
>>827025 i don't know these gamers are tiring >Mega Man 2 is overrated people actually hold opinions
Lmao Boris Johnson got hospitalised with corona Where's the herd immunity now motherfucker
imagine electing boris johnson and then he tells everyone to just catch a virus and become immune and he just lmaos like a scorpion
Then imagine if he actually gets put in a condition where he can't even do his job anymore. Like not even short-term I mean all out "okay I gotta resign as PM because I'm fucking dead".
>>827037 >look at Saturn, have you been there? Oh my god he's right Other planets aren't real
Is the sun real? We're always told not to look at it. Now why do you think that is? Obviously because if we looked too hard at it we'd uncover the truth
I was ready to jump in with ONE WEEK SINCE YOU LOOKED AT ME
Despite the gravity of the situation, yeah. That fucking song is engraved in my memory that I can't see or hear "It's been " without my brain auto-completing "one week"
See for all of y'all that song became a meme on the Internet but you have to understand The Barenaked Ladies are FROM Toronto. My childhood had that song on auto-repeat.
that's what they all do. well, not all. but it's a low bar. you knew the guy though, so it makes you remember the good times. I'll be the not-sad one if you want one.
Death is a pretty effective means of humanizing all but the worst of us.
Her mom is probably gonna die, too. No immune system from the chemo but she was still working last I heard.
Maybe I should call fish. But she might think it's creepy that I know what's going on in her life even though I haven't seen her for a year. It's not like I am stalking her or anything though. One of her friends that I met a few times still talks to me occasionally and we started talking more recently.
Her mother's not tested positive for Covid-19 too, has she. I mean I get that being in working spaces while having a low immune system is really dangerous but as long as she's not at an infectious point there's still cause for hope.
>>827067 Send a "Get Well Soon" card so it's like you actually heard about him being sick but it makes you seem not up to date because he's already gone.
/moe/ , my senpais I want to start a thread in my class's facebook group where we share quick tips for the upcoming exam but i don't know how to word it without sounding like i'm asking for the entirety of their notes don't be losers
there are bad ideas and then there are fucked up ideas fucked up ideas were never Good Ideas At The Time but you shouldn't actually do that, considering your non-ignorance
>>827068 I'm pretty sure several /moe/s use Facebook.
>>827070 Just ask for all their notes. Say you'll give all yours in return. I hope you actually HAVE notes otherwise yeah you're a mooch and >>827077 Okay all right do nothing then. Have fun.
>>827076 people don't want that i'll look gross they'll be like "ew anno's notes gross"
>>827086 i want toplay video games and draw during this national crisis not become some kind of novelist can you imagine me, writing a whole ass book becoming a part of the canon of American literature or litritcha depending on where you come from
>>827070 Just do it. Who cares if you embarrass yourself or look like a loser. You'll never see them again anyway
>>827091 you're right the universe is about to end of heat death anyways might as well pass this fuckning class and fuck it
>>827090 Of course I can imagine it I can imagine anything.
>>827105 Her dad died from coronavirus this morning. I'm trying to offer my condolences.
>>827102 Your sins must be on display for the world to see.
>>827104 That has been a thing, again, for a good two centuries. It just existed in physical text rather than digital and there's really not an impactful difference between those two in this circumstance.
>>827110 Well, remember he had all those heart attacks when Fish and I were still together? His health deteriorated more since we've been apart apparently. So it got him pretty bad. I think he was sick with it for two weeks or something? Before he died.
>>827111 That's still pretty wild and fairly scary. I haven't heard of anyone I knew or was connected to in any way that died from it yet. Seems like things are going to start getting real in the next few weeks.
Things ARE getting pretty real in the States already. Please stay safe and stay sanitary.
So far the impact of it for me has only been in the news, and with less work. I need to start getting back to work and working hard though, so I may be in risk of getting it. I enjoyed the slow period but since it's clear that this isn't slowing down and time soon I need to get back to work.
>>827090 >writong a book No I expect you to create the greatest touhou doujin of all timr time
>>827117 Can't you work from home? If you get it, even if you survive, it has a high chance of permanently crippling you. I mean, I am working from home. That should tell you how serious this is.
>>827119 I've been "working from home" for a few weeks but it really just ends in me being lazy. And I'm getting to the point where I need to do things not at home.
Guys don't work we're gonna get trumpbucks
Why the FUCK am I not getting paid more for coming into the office during a pandemic
>>827123 I would really much prefer you being lazy and healthy than working and sick. I know it sucks mental health wise but doing stuff at home is the safest option right now.
>>827125 bro listen i work as a nurse aide on a med/surg floor at a hospital with confirmed covid patients and I'M not getting paid extra
>>827127 Yeah and you know what You should be getting paid extra
>>827130 I hope that when this is all over society takes a serious look at re-evaluating the pay rate of "essential" services I mean it probably won't happen without heavy restructuring but it'd be nice if it did
>>827141 Could be worse. Fish and her mom are probably not taking calls right now since he died today. I'm sure they'll get my messages.
I'm not trying to turn this into a "your dad died let's get back together" thing. I just feel really bad. As long as they get the message that's enough.
>>827147 I don't think I would choose death over a job. I dunno.
>>827147 Better than dying Usually anyways There's certain treatments for brain cancer that I probably wouldn't be willing to get because they can cause damage that limits you intellectually.
What if an olympic athlete chose to keep his legs and take his chances instead of having htem removed for a better chance to live? Would that still we weird?
>>827151 That's a really bad example because modern leg prostheses are good enough that people with them can run even faster than people with normal legs. Assuming that they're a runner anyways.
>>827151 I don't think her choosing to keep her breasts is weird. I just don't think I would make that choice.
If Fishmom bites it, Fish is probably gonna shut down. I mean, she'd suddenly have all that money and managing trusts and all that and her anxiety was already so bad. I don't want her to be put in that situation.
>>827152 I just think it's a poor comparison in general
>>827153 Yeah, I hope it doesn't happen to her. She'll be in grief with a lot suddenly on her place and I don't think she's equipped to deal with all that stuff.
>>827158 Even if she lets me, I don't know if there's anything I can do. I'm still so mad about it all. I should be excited that things are going badly and I shouldn't still love her! I'm stupid, though, I thought I didn't love her anymore and then I'm acting like this.
It kinda got tipped off by him lying to me about some stuff that was pretty trivial, but he was mad that I snooped and found out about it. It led to a conversation about space, trust, and hmm well space I guess and he called me annoying, said I cared too much and was too invested, and blocked and unfriended me on everything that we had linked.
>>827163 they're the important ones. you're not addicted to vtubers, you just found the gold.
>>827171 oh noooooooooo that does indeed sound as you described in >>827161
>>827171 That's really fucked up. Do you think that's fixable? Are you doin alright?
oh i should let you know /moe/, i did end up starting a notes-thread on my class's facebook group it's being just successful enough for me to not feel like a total buwahud
>>827174 Well, I've really got no choice but to move on. Since I'm blocked and unfriended and all that stuff, it's really up to him to reach out if he wants to fix it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If he does I hope it works out, but if he doesn't I hope phrasing this is hard that you weather the pain well.
>>827176 Life would be a lot easier if we could just flip off the love switch. Maybe there's a cheat code that does it for us.
I don't know the backstory or anthing leading up to this, but going out of one's way to actually block and unfriend someone is not usually something that occurs in a hopeful situation.
I have an acquaintance who is a big fat fucking loser who sleeps around with lots of gals and i want to haphazardly tell him that maybe he'd be more happy if he was like us (his guy friends) and spent less focus/time on girls
>>827178 For me, I plan to fill the hole with work, working out, and maybe coronavirus.
>>827179 Just me being clingy, I'm always clingy. He's the kind of person who wants space except for when he doesn't so he just kinda is close when he wants to be and cold when he isn't. I don't deal with coldness very well.
>>827185 That's pretty much what I do. All I really have is work! I just work, work, work. And it's been very successful. My boss is potentially going to spend tens of thousands of dollars to prevent me from having to leave the state for my internship.
And I was doing pretty good without Fish until this! Now all my love feelings are back.
>>827185 I kinda went through a situation that fits that description exactly back in 2018 but unfortunately we already lived in the same house, and it ended with me crying in the fetal position while they video taped me crying telling me that i was dangerous and blocking me physically from leaving the room so hopefully you don't have to go through any of that
Clinginess is relative, to some people holding hands in public is clingy, and to some it's such a non-item If you think you are clingy, maybe you are, or maybe you were just clingy in his eyes. The same can go for coldness - but I think that coldness is something that people develop.
>>827185 I'm think I'm that kind of guy as well! I have no advice.
>>827189 >ended with me crying in the fetal position while they video taped me crying telling me that i was dangerous and blocking me physically from leaving the room uh wtf
>>827188 The only thing I've learned to do when those come back is that you really can't do much. My coping mechanism has always been don't think about it and distract yourself, but if it takes up enough brainspace it'll creep up on you for a little bit. It's very much a "try not to let it get you down" thing for me, where I go "that sucked and now I'm bummed" for a bit and then resume what I'm doing.
>>827188 waking up from my nap and kicking down a door to rebuke this
I feel like there isn't really such thing as solid answer on how to get over something like a relationship. To some people, drowning themselves in something else to avoid thinking about it just blows up later, and for some people drowning themselves in thinking about just blows up right away.
>>827195 my reading comprehension apparently I almost thought you were throwing away an internship crawling feelings of love make people do weird things
>>827189 I probably am a bit clingy. Well, I don't know.
He pursued me first, I wasn't very interested but I warmed up to him. Then over time I fell more and more and enjoyed myself more and more and he got colder, commitment issues I think. And things slowly got to a place where I had it bad and he was cold all the time.
This sort of thing seems to happen to me a lot. I'd really just like someone who clings back.
It could be the obvious, that he was interested because you weren't as much, and as that inversed so did he. But I feel like that is a cheap explanation. You've never stricken me as the clingy type, at least.
yeah, i reread it and I was like oh nvm i thought it said you were going to do it until all this stuff happened and I was really confused as to what could have possibly happened in the past hour that would cause such a thing
I don't know how people can just toss aside things they claim to love. What's the point of it? It's so stupid. Hearts aren't things to play with. If you don't know what you want, don't date. If you know what you want, don't date with the pretense of something else.
i thought people dated because they don't know what they want of course, I did the exact opposite and now all I know is that I don't think I can deal with being with people.
>that one guy who is now in a steady relationship of three years because he DM'd some girl on twitter "how far can you squirt?" there is absolutely no good roadmap to how people on this planet work we're all one fuck up away from the greatest happiness of our lives
I wish I could find situations I could fall in love though. I don't even know how to get to that entrance point though. Let alone all the horrifying stuff that comes afterwards.
For me, it was sprung upon me without any effort given Both times it happened And both times it became reality-warpingly bad! But yeah I don't know that the entrance point exists exactly I mean if you put yourself into more social situations, it will increase the likelyhood but I think it's a Random Encounter type eventy
>>827215 I don't know enough about any of the situations being described except my own, so I can't speak to them specifically But to the general idea of heatlessness I think that often it's just hard to see what the other side is going through or has gone through I can imagine it being pretty hard for myself to fall in love or to want to commit to something after what i went through the last two years I'm more likely to leave someone else out of it and not put someone in a position to be hurt by me for it, but not everyone is like that, and not everyone knows what they're doing to other people It's likely that the person on the other side is just as disturbed from not knowing what they want and finding themselves i n a position with someone who wants way more than they themselves do as the person who finds themselves in the position of having a partner who won't let things get serious or committal
my ex accused me of some pretty bad stuff and tried to have me locked up for it and i still sometimes think stuff like "gee it sure would be nice if she was around right now"
>>827213 For me, falling in love is never something I set out to do. It's just something that happens to me. It always involves someone swooping down and surprising me with it, and usually leaving me all dead after.
>>827215 I think people are stupid and don't know what they want. Maybe it's this modern generation.
You know, I was so opposed to falling in love again after Teacup died. Fish knew that and just kept pushing and pushing until I did. And then after two years and marriage arrangements, I basically got ghosted. People just don't think about how they affect others. Some people see everyone in the world as revolving around them. They probably think we cease to exist when they're not around.
got em
>>827234 are u balding or at risk of it? i'm lucky i will have thick beautiful hair my whole life if my genetics can be trusted
>>827235 My dad is a baldy mcbaldbald and i don't know what my maternal grandpa looks like my brother 6 years my elder isn't balding yet but yes it looks like i'm pretty DOOOMMEEDDD
>>827225 it's definitely not our generation people have been not knowing what they want for centuries and a good amount of that time in the past, some didn't have a say in the matter
>>827235 my hair is gonna stay with me, if it even looked like I would start balding, I would get it all removed immediately. I don't really like doing much with my hair and it costs me lots of time and money that I would otherwise put elsewhere.
alright the drums are really rough i'll manually quantize them later but this is close enough https://vocaroo.com/3GiqB7L7bgL
>>>/watch?v=IepHPIntfvo i hope things are somewhat normal by october and maybe i can see my favorite aidoru hatsune miku
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
looks like i missed a lot
although i heard that on the american leg of their tour, they play a lot of english songs and only a couple japanese songs that would make me a little sad
i just mailed some cannabis from toronto to a city near here which is apparently totally fine except the mail delivery person is supposed to do an age check idk we'll see what bappens
Cannabis is pretty much the same as liquor in Canada so why wouldn't it be totally fine. If anything it's even better since it doens't come in fragile containers.
>>827334 >>827336 Have either of you ever watched Second City TV?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>827336 yea idk just because of precedent i had to like buy a smell proof package and i have no idea if i sealed it right first time for everything
>>827339 It's was a Canadian sketch comedy TV show in the late 70's through the early 80's. It was done by the Toronto branch of second city (the improv comedy school where all the original snl people were from) Although most of the snl people were from second city Chicago.
oh you recognised anons good jobbu I just assumed you didn't
Anyways it's where Bob and Doug McKenzie are from. I heard a song by them the other day. It had Geddy Lee on it and I think it was actually the highest charted single he'd ever been on.
The sketches with them were created when the American broadcaster of sctv requested that they add "recognizably Canadian content" to the tv show. Here's the song >>>/watch?v=8Jm4LoOaAWI Most of their sketches are about two minutes lng. *long The metaplot of sctv is that there's a regional tv channel with different tv shows and the sketches are the tv shows.
Despite being only two minutes each episode Bob and Doug ended up being te most popular thing from the series and had a movie made. I can't remember which bt one of them was played by Rick Moranis. They were also in beer commercials and pizza hut commercials.
question for anyone that works at home; do you get dressed up for work? I've heard some say it helps them get into the mindset of working
>>827351 can't say about work but during uni days dressing åroper kept me in work mindset same if i wanna do some productive say cleaning up etc i do put on some "cleaning clothes" etc would recommend
>>827351 It's a crutch that some people can benefit from using. Kinda like how it's good for some people to separate their computer or work/play environments from their sleeping environments. So that the mind doesn't begin to associate the two activities interchangibly. This is kind of that same effect only being worked to a positive benefit.
If you're doing some work-from-home stuff and finding you're struggling keeping focus, it might help to see if doing that helps.
>>827351 if i want to be productive i put my timbs on if i wanna be a lazy piece of shit i put my Adidas sandals on if i even feel like going anywhere and have to have shoes
the rest of the clothes don't really matter to me but boots make me feel like doing work
Stark naked aside from a pair of Timberlands
that's all i need to fuck shit up just my timbs and my manhood flopping around
>>827365 >>827366 It's the date more than anything it marks a full calendar year since someone I was really close to took his own life so my mind's been on that all day and because of it a bunch of petty, trivial stuff like getting poor results back on my coursework bothered me a lot more than it usually would have
I'm sorry to hear that man I hope you're able to turn something good out of the rest of the day
>>827368 I'm sorry dude. There's not much that can be said for that. He'd be sad if you were sad though. So don't think too much about things like coursework. It's done
adam sandler was good his last movie was good too never thought id say that
honestly, when you make a lot of bad shit, eventually you start making good shit
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well the thing is that he's not making it anymore he's an actor now which is probably why but he's a fantastic actor which is what fucks me up
Adam Sandler was a really good actor in Click too
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmmm where could a pack of wolves get a human object...
>>827397 fifty first dates was okay too never seen the squeakel
the thing about adam sandler is that he wasn't really a bad actor. He fits well into his silly movies His movies were just bonkers So you're really going to think about acting
>click was directed by Frank Coraci >written by Steve Koren and Mark O'Keefe yeah maybe he should stick to just acting
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hope he only does Jewish movies from now on
if they're anything near as good as uncut gems i welcome Adam Sandler remembering he's Jewish
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
his last jewish movie was fantastic too it's on Netflix
oh my God i forgot Netflix sub is coming out today fuck me
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my friend is in a movie going to be on Netflix soon
this is like the third or fourth time their charges are the only thing that my bank doesn't decline overdrafting
>>827405 I think his heritage has always played a bit of a role in his movies just a bit more now except that one movie he cheerleads the IDF
Ah, now I remember what was nice about Bravely Default coming up with these convoluted class combinations Like a bare knuckle brawler White Mage that gains mana with their fists which recharges their MP
>>827416 that sounds like my kind of class hit people to save your friends
or braving 4x multicut
I mean, really, Elvis is doing almost all the damage work and he's just been Black Maging things. I haven't done anything fancy for this guy Black Mage's specialty makes your advantageous elemental attacks do 25% more damage and it's just 4x Fira Fira Blizzara oh I didn't even need to get to my 4th attack, we outta here
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have y'all gotten them new maple cheerios
no, haven't seen them
>>827418 It's not even one specific class. It's the White Mage Main Job specialty + Monk's Brawler passive + Vanguard's Crit Boost passive for that extra damage and mana
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they're so good my man
i don't actually like Cheerios i prefer Chex for shaped corn meal and milk soup
the Cheerios Protein line was really good but too expensive to get all the time
>>827428 i only did it to get her to gift me Europa Universalis 4 this is how to own the libs
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is the way to be more strong
rock heavy lift rock become stronger than rock this is how strong gain
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
chris pawnch rock
okay, i felt like I was taking too much time practically grinding skills and now that I'm actually in the dungeon, I am finding out that that's absolutely not the case.
jrpg town Wasting time grinding doesn't actually exist here
It's so hot. I don't want to work. But I have a session in 30 minutes, then two hours of "practicing" my dissertation defense, then I have to do some call with a union rep I just want to lie on the futon all day
wow the CEO sent out a passive aggressive email saying that the company VP is leaving to focus on his "dream job" with dream job in fucking quotations like that
The AC guy just came and fixed my AC. He takes this fucking martial arts stance and just punches the AC unit once and it stops making noise and he's like "fixed it"
Talk about having a magic punch
>>827451 People need to learn to be happy for other people better.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
If it works it works
>>827452 animal crossing is hardcore when it comes to patches huh..
Ah! I just remembered some weird sleep thing I had I woke up last night and felt like the whole room was distorting and then I thought I saw a person in the corner of the room so I was threatened and I called out " if you're going to shoot me then shoot me" to the person I had imagined they eventually disappeared and I was left with the room still distorting and my laptop sleep light being on I confused it for someone with a small light
anyway I had to turn on the light to make sense of it all
maybe it was sleep paralysis because I was lying on my back
whatever that dude did when he punched my AC unit changed everything 65 used to be comfy and now it's so cold i can't stand it he fuckin freeze fisted my AC unit it's so cold now
>>827486 Have you been to Moomin World! *Moomin World?
no useless waste of money
>>827477 Boring possible explanation, being stuck in the apartment without aircon shifted your temperature acclimitization upwards making cooler temperatures feel way colder.
hmm latter half pf initial korona quarantine will be with a huge renovation happening to my appartment complex that should be fun
>>827501 Are you familiar with this artist? https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=amibazh They do classic art parodies with Touhou characters. Which is probably my favorite combination of tags for art.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
vague familiarity
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
may i offer you an egg egg egg egg EGG EGG EGG EGG EGG EGG EGG
Seven days have passed since I was absorbed into the digital world I am here with my friend, Birdramon, cleverly nicknamed Kirara which I'm sure the person they're named after doesn't lament. I've been trying to make ends meet working at a convenience store whose manager says has seen better days Each day ends with them complaining about the lack of profit as I continue to try and squeeze every last bit of money I can out of every customer trying to please them. Please help
>>827552 haven't touched it much today market went up think i made like 60$ since I pulled out of everything last week I didn't want to gamble on the direction
>>827556 Did you make that file 69 kilobytes on purpose?
Like Tower of God is good and once it's full I will -once it's done I will say it'll probably be better than Enen But STILL ONE EPISODE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I thought you said conventions and not conversations and got sad for a second
>>827618 yeah I don't know how good the anime is but ToG is winning on the back of the manga manhwa
The first episode covers the entrance test and the first game up to where Baam meets his gay best friend whose name I can't remember anymore.
ah man, I hope it fucking ENDS with them leaving the first floor. Just fuck everybody up
do you know how many seasons of anime it will get for doing such a terrible thing all of them
I can't wait. They're totally gonna have THAT be the season finale for the first cour. It's going to be so good. Blue you have to watch this please I need you to do this for me.
>S2: this shit is whack who are all these people where the fuck is baam >OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT
i'll watch it tomorrow to soften the blow of a really bad market open
>>827614 >Black Clover beating out Hunter x Hunter >Black Clover beating out Dragonball >Fairy Tail beating out Soul Eater >Sword Art Online beating out Gin Tama These motherfuckers wouldn't know good shounen if it hit them in the face.
Beastars is really good though. Maybe not take first place good but it's still really good.
>One Punch Man beating Eva Thanks anime kids yall know what the fuck is up
>>827636 I think she was often seen with a mask before this whole thing happened that image was saved last year so it has nothing to do with current events
I had this guy call up in regards to a letter he get from us saying that the ird told us to take $49 a week from his pension for child support And on the letter it says "from now on your fortnightly payments will be $750" And this idiot thought that referred to the amount he'd be paying for child support and not the amount he was going to be getting paid
Yeah. Black Clover beat out Hunter x Hunter and went on to also beat out Dragonball. Not that I have a lot of appreciation for Dragonball but I can at least acknowledge it's pretty much THE battle shounen. But that contest also had Fairy Tail win against Soul Eater so it's definitely lacking in taste.
>>827685 Literally what how All I ever hear about Black Clover, including from Black Clover fans, is how fucking bad the anime is >>827686 I like how almost all the shounen were on one side except for bleach and one piece
>>827687 show me your panties and scowl at me or whatever
>>827689 Honestly that competition is evidently not just deriving from anime. Since Tower of God had a good winning streak on it and that has ONE ANIME EPISODE out right now. People are obviously voting for it because they know it from the webtoon.
>>827692 That's probably the same reason One Piece gets as far as it does because Toei fucks the adaptation
>>827687 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Koisuru Asteroid Somali to Mori no Kamisama Vinland Saga Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama. Fruits Basket Golden Kamuy Boogiepop wa Warawanai
None of these are really junk food shows since I haven't really been watching much of those lately. Well I guess except for Plunderer.
Haha, I just noticed but Jojo lost to Bleach. I don't like Jojo, but even I can tell that's some bullshit
Mob Psycho is not a bad show at least they get that sort of right
Sword Art Online won out against Gin Tama. That's really some dumb shit.
>>827696 Aside from Haikyu which I don't know anything about aside from it's a midget playing volleyball, I can generally say most of the stuff that did well were deserving of it. Though like I said earlier I dunno if Beastars was first-place quality. It's a really good show, but maybe not that good.
I feel like I'd have to generally disagree, but a lot of it probably comes down to not seeing/not liking certain things. Like OPM beating out NGE. OP """anime""" making it anywhere HxH losing to Black Clover Soul Eater losing to Fairy Tail Mirai Nikki losing to Haikyuu
Eh I dunno about that last one. From what I hear Haikyuu is a pretty popular sports series. I'm not big on sports anime but I think I'd be more receptive to that than the shitfest which was Mirai Nikki.
I'm sure it's all necessary for storytelling reasons that the battleships need to be sexy
I guess it's better than late stage kancolle lolis
>>827860 Ugh I hate that those exist. I'm not actually into the games (I refuse to play gacha stuff) but I like the setting and many of the characters.
The character designs are the most important bit
>>827858 It's a meta commentary But I wouldn't expect most people to understand that Probably too focused on the tits to see past the subtext behind them
I've got this bit of what seems like irritated skin or something right in the space between my eyebrows. It's noticeably redder than the surrounding skin. Doesn't seem like a problem but it's really distracting to see myself in the mirror since my eyes tend to focus on details like that real easy.
>>827887 rest in peace, my pockets I think what I hate the most is that a lot of these moves go against my best sense. or maybe it's just the hindsight telling me that. no, i really did look at this and told myself how I should do thing and I did not do thing. I will do thing today.
>go in with cloth mask at my mother’s insitence >ask if theres a rule against it >get told masks are now mandatory so no oh
>>827890 well, I have to move smart now if i dip below 25k today, which I will, and dont get back above it, which is unlikely, I won't be able to do the easy day trade moves which I've been doing good on.
>>827948 I understand. That said, what I'm doing right now does not really say "I understand". I'm going with >>827890 for now Restraint will come once I reach the golden mark
as always, i am left to wonder. what it would have been like if I were to be prudent and only move when I know the moves will work. Seeing this go exactly as expected makes me really happy. It's like all those times I remember that I know how to draw.
Be careful not to get too attached to that feeling. Don't let yourself become a compulsive gambler with this stuff.
A lot of risks aren't worth taking. Just becuse you can potentially make more doesn't make it worth it! You're teaching your brain some dangerous stuff.
You're absolutely right. I want to let you know that the thing I'm doing right at this moment is something that I have looked into for hours. Checking the graphs for the past month down to the specific day to make sure of "how this works". As far as anything that I've done in the past, this one is the least gambly. Of course, it's still up to the mercy of people who are far more financially stacked than I am.
The stuff that happened yesterday was an honest to God grand mistake and I knew it was a mistake the moment it happened. I'll do my best not to do such a thing again.
don't be too worried, I'm doing better than most. maybe trying to retire in a year is nonsense but if I can work the way I'm working right now on a regular basis, I can at least manage to pull myself together properly.
Do you still have time to draw and stuff when you're daytrading?
usually yes, today, i'm being more vigilant. But that's a circumstantial thing due to what's going on right now. The pull out time for what I'm doing is 2pm. So I've got an hour and a half left of this ride. Unless it hits my sell point, which it is flirting with... but not actually kissing
Fewer eggs is nice but now I need them to give me more sakura DIYs before the time runs out.
Yeah, pretty much. I've been scouring my beaches for DIY bottles and when I can remember grabbing flights to mystery islands until I find the bottle there. Or fossil I guess. Non-egg balloons do appear more frequently on windy days I'm like 90% certain, and apparently they will alway fly from one side of the island to the other until 6:00 PM where the direction changes. So once you know which way your balloons are going you could probably set up shop on the entrance coast and just wait them out.
Though there might be some mechanics in place that eventually just force drops of craft materials like iron or clay, or bags of Bells, instead of other goodies. A lot of this stuff is still not really hammered out since the game's less than a month old.
Someone on twitter said that balloons spawn at every 10 minutes
It's definitely not hard-set like that. I think on a calm day they'll spawn between five and fiftteen minutes apart, but that frequency can increase when it's windy. I had two normal balloon blow in probably less than three minutes apart this morning.