someone in kelowna is selling a PS4 + 2 games for 100 cad
>>828951 My understanding is the government is working on a good faith belief that people applying for it right now need it and will basically approve every application, and will examine the applications more rigourously next tax season. But there's also the problem that I'm not technically out of work right now because of COVID-19; my job dropped me at the end of January because that's as long as they kept seasonal workers, so I think there's a pretty good chance they'll find me unqualified and have me pay it all back in taxes next season. There's the argument that I could invest it after getting it and make more money than I get granted by it so it results in a net positive, but I'm totally clueless on investing and I don't know how much return I could make in like ten months that would make all the extra headache worth it.
And either way the government is trying to put together a benefits package for post-secondary students that would normally be looking to work during the summer that won't be able to find work because there's no economy, and that sounds much safer for me to apply to.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>828960 oic that's why its been so smooth to apply for neato
I kinda have a bone to pick that Limited Run's tweet references Sekai Project but not KEY, who ACTUALLY MADE THE VN.
>>828964 Limited Run Games' is called limited run for a reason though. They tend to produce a short batch and don't do reprints. So make sure your friend knows to be proactive on getting it.
>>828963 Yeah I'm kind of surprised it hasn't had a physical release here before. I guess a lot of niche products like VNs don't though.
Apparently for the Nintendo eShop spring sale there's been a few games set incorrectly on sale at $0. News about that's gotten out and either the rush of people trying to get free shit or Nintendo panicking and pulling the plug's had the servers shut down.
the plan was simple. do the same thing we did yesterday Buy on both sides. One side dips, the other side will gain at a faster rate. If you know how to space out the option gap, this is simple.
One side did not go through\ so now I have a bunch of money on one end without a catch in case it fails I'm really upset right now. I actually did the thing I know I was supposed to do to keep everything tight and right and minimize failure and the app itself failed me.
what makes me extra upset is that it's guaranteed volatility. The market doesn't open tomorrow for Good Friday. And there are supposedly important talks happening tomorrow. Buying on both ends could not fail on Monday. Now, it's up to chance. And wouldn't you know it, the side I'm on this time is the side that I've been betting and losing against. And everyone is telling me that the reverse turn is probably coming this weekend. i'm going to go draw now
That's not even the only person in the president's inner circle who have investment in the drug. Right from the get-go the constant shilling of this snake oil has been transparent as all hell.
The damn temperature won't warm up already. It's not so bad during the day but without sunlight it still gets a bit close to freezing. I just want it to be waaaarmmmm
how do people play that Jackbox party online these days I've heard people do some weird thing with Discord I'd like to wrap my head around it so I can play with my folks
>>829153 i went in expecting it to be god awful but it was actually kind of ok More comedy than just straight up fanservice and some of it was actually funny.
>>829163 its ok we built it until about midnight and gave up cuz the big fuckin heat sink fan assemblage is too thicc for my case it's gon scratch the acrylic window
>>829170 wow jealous I haven't found any new villagers in a while, I still only have five
Have you been putting down plots for sale? You can get them from Nook for 10,000 Bells each. I noticed too that villagers seem to dry up after the five before you allocate places for them to live.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
henry is the first one that visited my campsite! he's my first new villager my sixth
>>829178 ah I had no idea you could do that, I thought all villagers had to be found on mystery islands I was ignoring nook a bit since I wanted to save money before building infrastructure
I think you're going to want to put down enough plots to have a total of at least eight or nine villagers move in, in order to "beat" the game. Isabelle will give you single star island evaluations until you get a sufficient number of villagers on the island.
also for anyone wanting to play the stalk market like a fiddle there's this
Oh that's a pretty clean system for finding good turnip traders, neat. Funny to see waiting lines of like forty people to get at those crazy turnip prices hah hah Too bad I sold all my turnips yesterday to get a safe net positive on them.
yeah I sold all mine a few days ago too, so I haven't had a chance to actually try the app yet I've got a cool two mil in the bank for next week though stalnks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gaw damn im poor af i spent all my bells on infrastructure
Pretty much all my money's been going to house upgrades. I've got the second storey loan to pay off before I can get what I assume is the final house size renovation. But it's been hard to make money these past couple weeks because all the FUCKING EGGS muddy the water so it's hard to fish. Though it has been a lot better these two days after they nerfed egg drops.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i want to get inclines and bridges but i want my house upgrades first all i get is eggs no money only eggs
kill all eggs
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got twitch fisher guy today i think all the fishing during his challenges are fish and no eggs? which might help today
nice apparently there's a fishing competition on my island tomorrow, I guess that means fishman is coming back
Oh that would be a neat exception they put in. Though you'd have to consciously break the challenge rules to keep it running perpetually.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
basically what its doin is i get 3 minutes to fish the fish automatically go into a cooler and then i can sell them from the cooler
Oh that's a different challenge than the one he put to me. He wanted me to catch three large fish in a row. Failing a catch or catching a fish smaller than the requirement would break the streak. After that was wrapped though I could just sell to him personally any fish I caught and brought to him.
>>829191 Yeah, now that you've got the not-Town Hall there should be fishing tourney and bug competition every other month.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my turnips are 170 today notto bad
How much did you buy this week's for?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Oh damn that's a really good price. I haven't seen Daisy Mae come along with anything less than 101 Bells.
87 net profit per turnip is a really nice turn-ip-over
Apparently there's been Animal Crossing players that have chanced upon villager dialogue that has the villager talking about admiring art in the museum, or directly referencing Brewster, the pidgeon who in previous Animal Crossing games ran the cafe in town. As far as anyone knows there's no art in the game at the moment, a weirdly cut feature from previous museum collections, and Brewster and his cafe are not in the game either. Wonder if it's just incomplete features that left behind untidied references, or hints of what's to come.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
unfortunately i didnt have much bells last time she came so i didnt buy too many
It's not like Nintendo to allow something like that to go through even by mistake for one of their main games
In fairness, the art collection in previous games has been the most grindy and roundabout collection to complete. You could only get art pieces from a travelling vendor, Crazy Redd, who would show up with at MOST four art pieces the day he sets up his tent. On top of that there was a pretty good chance an art piece would be a fake, something Blathers would detect and refuse to put the piece up because of. A fake piece would also sell for barely any Bells, or in New Leaf actually require a disposal fee like trash you fished up.
Generally Redd's shop when he showed up in New Leaf would have at least one authentic art piece, but without using online resources the only way you could really tell which was fake and which was real was by looking real close at the piece in his tent and having reliable enough knowledge of real life famous art (all the art in the collection are famous paintings and sculptures) and -to pick out if there's visual discrepancies in the piece. For example the Mona Lisa Redd sells, if fake, has her hands crossed opposite to how they are in the actual painting, and his faked version of Great Wave Off Kanagawa has the small Mt. Fuji in the far background much larger than it is in the real piece. There were a sparse few paintings that wouldn't have fakes but that was maybe five or six tops in a collection of like forty.
On top of that, in New Leaf Redd wouldn't show up reliably. He has a condition to show up on one random day of the week, but it's not pre-set like Sahara or some of the other weekly visitors in New Leaf. And if there's a festival or tournament, or the random day that gets picks is a day where there's normally another visitor shows up, Redd takes lower priority and ends up being a no-show that week. So like, even if you had resources or personal know-what to always know which painting was authentic, the minimum number of weeks it would take to complete the art gallery is forty, almost a full year, assuming the near impossibility of
Redd showing up every week and him never having anything you didn't already have in the museum.
tl;dr collecting art SUCKED in New Leaf and I don't blame Nintendo for, if not cutting it, taking much longer to figure out a less painful way of collecting it.
>>829203 Couldn't you just change the system clock? People did that all the time for Animal Crossing on the GameCube.
maybe they could introduce like the ghost and have him help you complete the catalog
Yeah, they need to do something. I mean on one hand I get they want it to be a kind of unique collection mechanic. You're already digging for fossils, catching for both fish and bugs, just having random pieces of art in the Nookling's shop doesn't make much sense. Plus while I get it's kind of a poor mechanic for players overall as someone with a bit of an art nerd side having to look rrrreal close at the pieces to pick out the discrepancies was cool. Like it was never something lame like a mustache and glasses on the face of a famous painting or anything. The details were always pretty subtle. Redd's supposed to be a shifty motherfucker who's got no issue selling you faked paintings so his whole thing of "here today, gone tomorrow" fits too. It's like a whole bunch of details that make sense and are fine on their own but when they get added up overall it just makes for a bit of a miserable experience.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what if you had to find pieces of a painting and then there's a minigame where you puzzle them together to return them to the painter after they got shredded and flown away find them in trees, bottles, balloons sometimes just see them blowing across the screen
Yeah, it's a bit akin to the Gulliver and Wisp minigames but even that shows there's already some precedence for overlap. Another thing maybe is something to do like restoring antique paintings. Have there be a blanket stock of "old art" that you can't determine and Blathers isn't equipped enough to restore. Have someone who's capable of restoring the paintings, or doing something like take X number of your pieces idea and use them.
They'd have to do something about there being some classic sculptures being part of the collection, or at least there were some in the previous games' collections.
i like it building off that you could have an island that belongs to an old retired painter or artist and he did sculptures and paintings but he's been retired for a long time so now he hosts visitor's art (community displays that you can take and display in your home or whatever) and he has a stockpile of his old art that he will restore for you if you bring him the right stuff then you can put that stuff in your house or the museum if you like
In New Leaf you could undertake a museum renovation that would add a second storey to it which would open up a museum gift shop (staffed by Blathers' little sister, Celeste), and purchaseable museum rooms that you could put up your own museum exhibits if you so desired. So there's definitely precedence for something like that. I'm also positive that's why everyone expects there to be a museum upgrade that does something with that second level in the main foyer.
I know what day it is, I think I'd feel not knowing the day would be distressing. But my work keeps me oriented to that. But time just feels more natural to me right now. When I'm not working, I'm doing whatever I want, instead of sitting around at work or whatever.
I'd like this feeling but with being able to leave the house more.
>>829213 this is the only halloween skin i really want to buy
MMOs are probably gonna see quite the playerbase resurgence really. Especially free ones like RuneScape or ones you don't need a monthly subscription for, but even those'll probably see boosts anyway.
sometimes i feel like i'm being a mommy with clients though i'm always telling them how proud i am of them because it encourages them a lot but some of them are starting to rely on me a little too much haha
Well what better time to kick them out of the nest than now
But I want to protect my precious clients forever!
>>829247 i'd say every story on reddit is fake ir exaggerated beyond belief
Why would you say that though? What evidence do you have to the claim?
cause is the internet and upboat culture
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pics of ur unshowered gf or it didnt happen
>>829258 So nothing more than a falsely assumed universal rule and an unproven assumption. Got it.
which neither have so far failed me
But they are right there. Just get off your snarky high horse.
I mean I know you won't because you're stubbornly inflexible about your right to look down on other people so, eh
so not automatically believing wild over the top stories is looking down at people kay
What makes it wild and over the top? Just because it doesn't fit with your notion of the possible and impossible doesn't make it actually untrue. Truth is very often more stranger than fiction, you know. Believing someone is lying rather than telling the truth when you've got no good reason to do so IS looking down on them. You're calling them a liar without any provocation.
Why are there three bottles of mayonnaise in my fridge.
honestly kimetsu was the ultimate bait and switch all these lovable characters having fun, goofy , campy fights and then there's nothing but suffering for 100 chapters
>>>/watch?v=00zguIZOXlA Also this is such a FUN OP I always forget about angela until they do another anisong and then it's right "Oh right these people are great"
>>829288 wow that shit's for normies Even my friend's girlfriend likes One Pieces and she doesn't even watch anime
why don't you just fuck off back to reddit
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you know honestly despite how normie that shit is i have nothing but respect for someone who can watch every single episode of one piece like what the FUCK
>there are people on /moe/ right now who haven't seen all 7071 episodes of Sazae San fucking casuals
But why.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>On April 4, 2020, Midori Kato stated that voice recordings have been halted indefinitely due to COVID-19 concerns.[17] holy shit sazae-san is dead forever
>>829304 >we will be taking a more, ahem, direct approach to the aging population problem
>>829300 There's a lot of animation work that can be done in isolation though. Like animators in particular can pretty much entirely work from home. And production meetings can be done over calls like 90% of office work these days.
Honestly even sound dubbing sessions could be tweaked to do safely.
>>829305 lot of good street art here, but I never expected anime eyes bridge
>>829308 Yeah but first they have to restructure everything for that and work out the logistics of it all At the very least I'd expect lots of delays while they work everything out
Anime's a weirdly large component of the Japanese ... economy? Not quite the word I'm thinking of. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a dedicated committee in each big production company like Kodansha et al. that are brainstorming how to quickly and efficiently translate into isolationist work to produce anime.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how should i sauce these chicken wings & thighs for the BBQ
>>829316 If the spice cabinet is particularly well-loaded I'd say something maybe like Montreal spice seasoning; it normally goes on steak but my mother swears by it for chicken too. Otherwise probably just the BBQ sauce.
>>829325 You could probably split the sake component between the mirin and the rice vinegar and get a somewhat approximation of the recipe. They're not the same but they're in the same circle of products.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Final Fantasy XIV: Dad of Light >A father and son rekindle their bond through the online role-playing game "Final Fantasy XIV"; based on a true story.
>>829378 and that's why you're among the strongest
>>829379 it sucks too because im not caught up anymore but im actually interested in whats going on but toei...........animation..........
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
toei animation is a fantastic studio they just dont care about one piece because it will sell no matter how poor the animation is
The make it look really nice, but it's choke full of *thing happens* *character stares* *other character stares* *group panning shot of characters staring* *back to first person staring*
really i should just read it and get caught up that way but that's effort and // but then i could also actually read and catch up on demon slayer instead of just looking at these newest chapter and going "oh god oh fuck what"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah dummy
i spent 6 and a half hours counting things today it was so fucking boring i might die
I could ALSO catch up on HxH But I have plenty of time for that thanks togashi
You mentions covers a little bit ago and now I can't help but want to mention that >>829231 musicbot posted this earlier and I wondered if it might end up interesting you
>>829397 no way !? is the initial reaction indicating awareness and recognition that further action is necessary if ... comes before !? it means you're not aware
>>829400 okay think of it this way you launch an attack on someone and they respond with ... or !? Which response intimidates you more? ... is the response of someone who anticipated your attack and is calmly responding
>>829402 !? because it means they're aware and will respond accordingly ... shows that they don't understand that they're in danger which makes them much easier prey
I wondwe what birds will nest near me last year I think I heard about 15 different cries
i should try identifying them this year there was a woodpecker nearby the other day too, I wonder was it just scouting around or actually laying territory
come to think of it, I wonder will the nightly shotgun shots become a thing too...
>>829406 just be glad they're outside instead of inside
>>829409 oh yeah I ate NZ lamb today it was damn delish
hard to say it was from a premium meat vendor anyhow and my pop slow cooked it into pure mouth melting softness
but it was damn superb lamb, with none of that wooly taste.
I haven't gotten any new Bunny Day recipes in a while. All the ones I find are duplicates. Guess I filled out the set.
>>829411 also considering it arrived from the southern most country to the northern most country by boat and was still damn good, that is damn amazing to just think about
>>829414 Yes very true Imagine going back some centuries and telling your ancestors that you'd eaten a piece of lamb from an isolated island to the south
>>829417 the movie? Yeah it was alright I haven't seen the breed in person though. I haven't actually seen any live sheep in person for a few years. The farm near me just has cows now
I am bit weirded out, that one time I trespassed accidentally on their lands and luckily nothing happened, when it is their farm that shoots at some deer/etc each night with a gun to keep them away
just later on when I made the 1+1 calculation, was all "wait what if I got mistaken as a deer in the dark"
>>829421 Wonder if they'd be legally protected If you wanted to kill someone, could you just take them to a hunting area, shoot them, and say "whoops thought they were a deer lol"
>>829422 Ain't a blast having a total idiot in the highest seat of power in your country.
touhou artists draw frills all the fucking time and they're heroes because I can barely bring myself to correct mine christ
>>829472 go for it make the frilliest frilly frill you can
i already did it and I have no desire to add much more this is already frilled enough actually, I'm upset about how the frill lines look so nice and clean as opposed to the rest of my line art now this is what I get for watching a really good frill tutorial I can frill like a pro. and that does not mesh with the rest of my not-pro art
I read Koishi Magnum for the first time in a while the other day. A non h thing by that mangaka recently got scanlated. I had forgotten how funny it was.
>>829489 I mean being away from the body accentuates the kinda symmetrical design of the lace frill, which is what's making the zipper-y feel of it to me. Once it's on the body that hard line of the edge of it will fade into the body.
am grabbing FFF for s1 and doki for s2 what did you lot use when you watched it?
The only real option if you wanted to watch it day-to-day.
Er week-to-week.
que? prolly gon marathon it today
hmm the fff one was free leech, guess I can use this to boost my ratio
If a show's licensed by Crunchyroll or Funimation, or any other licenser save Netflix, your only real option with most shows if you want to watch it weekly is HorribleSubs.
>>829558 Is this what started the shoplifting discourse
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>829560 worried that it people will grow food and put stores out of business
>>829562 no that was a comic about shoplifting art supplies
That feels a bit of an extreme jump. The amount of people that would have to start growing their own produce, in enough volume to wholly subside on, would be a RIDICULOUS number before they start putting grocery stores ouf -out of business.
If limited service continues, I'll have another week off from apr 27 - may 1 bless the quarantine I'm eating right, sleeping right, losing this extra weight even faster. I've got time to draw. It's great.
You don't want to be a skirmisher in the Union army led by me >okay you lot, go there and eat cannon balls >why aren't you eating cannon balls GO MAKE YOURSELVES A JUICY TARGET SO THEY DON*T SHOOT AT MY ACTUALLY USEFUL UNITS
why are people talking about spoilers for ff7 you dense sons of mothers it's a fucking 25 year old game everyone basically knows what happens already
not like it's literally the most popular ps1 game in every country in every region in the world or anything
Honestly I don't actually really know what happens in the game aside from Aerith dies and Cloud was brainwashed or something and Shin'ra is killing the planet by using Mako as energy.
have any of you seen this one?
>>829598 yes. it's fucking hilarious. probably one of the funniest comedy anime ever. up there with Nichijou and danshi koukousei and cromartie high etc.
Oh yeah Hinamatsuri is a REALLY GOOD anime. Totally ridiculous and a lot of fun.
>>829596 It really shouldn't be the press for the game has been quite clear that this first release would only be the Midgar arc and the rest of the game is coming later.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
ok I' ll get it.
>>829596 i don't really care since it's been known for so long and also midgar is straight up the best part of the fuckin game anyway
other than that it's a lot of boring normal FF bullshit until nibelheim and the gold saucer then aeris dies you raid a bunch of really annoying dungeons dive into electric water sneak around a military parade go to not-China become retarded then become better then kill sephiroth
most of the game is just hopping from place to place at breakneck speed after Midgar so it's probably good to slow some of that unrelenting scenery change down i guess they were just excited to show off the fancy locations and backgrounds with the new style of FF cause 8 and 9 don't have nearly as many rapid scenery changes and feel a lot more coherent as stories
Pretty garden fare JRPG shit
I wonder if they'll take the time with the second half to flesh the post-Midgar experience out a bit better.
>>829604 Well the remake's also been in development for five years now. I bet Squeenix was leaning real heavy on the dev team to have -something- to put out before too long.
>>829605 i mean the original feels like they wanted to put way too many different scenes in one game and it suffers for it the new one is fucking awesome but with how long it's taken i feel like they inherited the FFXV curse
>>829605 and yeah FF7 is really basic JRPG shit even for mainline FF titles probably the most unique thing they did in the whole game was Cloud's backstory and even then FF6 already had a character with an artificial past they were just experimented on instead of just having brain problems like Cloud
even Aeris dying isn't new because FF5 had Galuf dying halfway through the game too, in a much cooler way to boot
Midgar is such a cool city I don't even care if part one of this remake is only like 10 hours long I love Midgar so much I'd happily just play that and ignore the rest
>>829609 oh well there you go can't even complain about it being too short
>>829607 Galuf is so based Going out beyond 0 hp to protect his granddaughter before passing his stats on to her
they added a lot of fucking padding to my favorite part of 7
>>829608 >FINALLY remembers who he is and what he's doing >shows everyone else up and saves them from the ultimate evil even beyond the brink of death what a fucking Foxy Grandpa
I'll be hopefully in a position to pick up the full game release when they port it to PS5. Though I guess even if not the remake will probably be one of the first things they get ready to be compatible with the next generation.
>>829611 >that part where Gilgamesh admits he respects Bartz before getting dragged into the void FFV is so good
>>829613 >you will never go camping with your bird-horse who also happens to be your only friend because you left your village at 18 for no reason a nd have been lost for two years >you will never have a meteor strike right next to you and see an old man crawl out >you will never kill an evil tree who is so possessed by angry ghosts he almost destroys the multiverse >you will never fight a gay halberdier and his pet chicken on a big bridge why even life >>829614 because people don't appreciate how awesome V is since it's not extremely edgy
>>829674 I don't even get this reference yet I think I get this referene
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry uhhh just waking-up brain tings
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tryna install SSD into brother's potato
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>I have no illusions; I know that today’s post will upset quite a few people. Why, might you ask? Well, it’s because there has been a long standing myth –myth– in construction that the pattern of a well-formed sleeve cap must be larger than the armhole into which it is sewn to result in a “couture” finish.
Okay fish swag's started repeating I think I got it all.
Aw I was hoping you could still sell C.J. fish at his premium after the tourney closed. Guess not.
>>829698 how much is there? I only got two and then gt occupied with other stuff
>>829700 I think somewhere around twelve. I remember C.J. had a special line to say and something that'll arrive in the mail for clearing a hundred points, so ten swag exchanges, and then not too long after that I started seeing repeats.
Honestly if you hard grind at it you could probably finish the collection in like an hour. I was getting usually like 6-8 points per tourney, which means the max number of games you need to run is around twenty.
I managed to get 11 while using bait but I don't tink I have enough left to coast all the way and no time to dig up clams
Yeah, considering the time spent digging up clams and crafting the bait, it's probably just about the same amount of time to just find like a circuit of water you can run laps around. My island's got a nice rectangular-ish shape that's half ocean and half river that I could just do that in.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
grrr my island is still stuck in EST
Yeah I don't think the Switch adjusts your clock to the local timezone... Though it does have an option to get accurate time from the Internet, which usually knows to adjust for regional timezone based on the information it gets over the Internet. Maybe the Switch doesn't do that part though.
Either way you can change your timezone personally in the system section of the options.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>829706 i changed it already a few days ago island is still stucc
Huh, that's weird. I know that the game read the date on your Switch's calendar for the in-game day, since people are still using that to time travel. Dunno why it's not taking the actual time of day too.
bunny day is tomorrow, huh i wonder if that wretched rabbit has anything horrible planned
Allegedly the rabbit has something special if you've crafted at least one of everything in the Bunny Day set. They all sell decently at the Nooklings so it's not too bad to just grind one of each out and sell it off to them.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Haha I doubt I have all the DIYs for the whole set
ah yes,, a 400MB control panel for my gamer mouse god i love windows
Only problem is I took way too much, as per the usual when I make food like this. And I also kinda flubbed the rice. Don't think I put enough water in and it cooked faster than I was expecting so it sat around for a long time while the curry was cooking.
I love casting Make Plank out of the lunar spell book for an easy afk 90k mage xp an hour
Oh god My best friend was making sauerkraut and something went horribly wrong. It smells awful The kitchen smells so bad I can't go into it. And that's just from him opening it up in there. He's taking it to the woods to dump it.
I don't think I've left the house longer than a few minutes for three weeks now. Maybe I'm going a bit stir-crazy. At the least I think I've shifted into a half-vegetable state. That's probably not ideal.
Well I've been a hikki shut-in pretty much as much my life could manage for almost a decade now. Eh, more like seven or eight years I guess. Not quite a decade. When the vast majority of your life for years on years has been contained within a room or a house, any notion of the outside world starts to feel a little bit intimidating. It's not so bad when I've got a strong motivator to get me out there, like enjoying friends' company or something like classes or a job which brings a feeling of satisfaction, or at least money. So yeah, it does predate these quarantimes but having all external motivators suddenly drop away like they did has been definitely kind of crippling.
Plus when I'm out there, what am I even supposed to do. This is less relevant now because there's literally nothing to do but even when there's activity and life going on. If I go outside without any real intention or purpose I just feel out of place and awkward. At least now I can't really loiter anywhere without breaking emergency by-laws so all I can really do is walk or run, which at least reduces the ambiguous feelings being outside makes me feel.
If only it would warm up I could go biking too. But I don't want to go around biking in 6-8C weather if I don't have to.
at least there is a decent amount of space to walk around in this house
Oh, the melatonin supplements I've been taking the past week or so are 10mg a tablet. I thought they were 5mg per.
I don't know what's more concerning, that I've been taking 20mg when I've been thinking its 10mg. Or that I haven't particularly found 20mg to be all that more effective.