Boku no Hero Academia Darwin's Game Episode 6-7 Hatena Illusion Koisuru Asteroid Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Episode 7-8 Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 4-7 Murenase! Seton Gakuen Episode 5-7 Plunderer Episode 5-7 Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 6-9
I haven't gotten a peep from Moon yet, so it might just be the two of us here.
He didn't reply to my mail either, so he's probably busy tonight.
boku no hero hatena darwin 6 orphen 4 rikei 6
Well there's still some decent stuff to watch. Could always do Magia Record too, since I don't think Moon cares too much for it.
I think Moon is fine with it, but isn't, like, in love with it like the sensation Madoka was.
But I might just be projecting my own opinions about it hah hah, since that's more or less what I feel. It's a fine show, and if it wasn't part of the Madoka brand, it would be okay. But you kinda expect more than fine from something Madoka-y, eh.
I think it lacks a lot of the charm of the first series but that's inevitable since they can't do the thing twice
okay boku no hero
oh, that makes sense too I can see where he wouldn't want to do the same thing twice okay let's start
I also don't think Urobutcher is writing for Magia but don't quote me on that.
Oh that first scene was pretty much how the previous episode started hah hah I was double-checking to make sure I'd loaded the right episode.
Knowing how much of a westaboo the mangaka for Hero Academia is, I can't help but feel Gentle Criminal's name is an obvious parody of a certain famous Smooth Criminal.
Oh, this is kind of a new type of villain. Most of them are just kinda crazy evil.
From the chatter I've seen people seem to really like Gentle and La Brava. I only know him by face and that appeal though. Don't know anything about his actual character.
He's really not drawing out a lot of it for having been at it for so long. but I guess that makes sense that he doesn't have to go out all the time
Oh cool this confirms what I was hypothesizing back when Deku went 100% thanks to Eri. All Might didn't actually ever use One For All at 100%, or at least didn't use it consistently. Which means when he was at that point thanks to Eri he was at a ridiculous level of power.
It's neat to see this level of progression though. Back when Deku was starting out trying to do a finger flick like that would break the finger. But now he's at the level of strength and control that he can almost reliably use a finger flick as a function of One For All.
It's probably the same thing but I'd say it leans a bit too much on dry tropes. The MC is the very Hayate-poi nice guy butler, there's a tsundere ojou-san with a doofy vocal tic. I like the imouto but hikki hacker girls aren't exactly a novel concept either. There isn't really anything the show does that "feels" original. Closest would be the stage magic flavouring the show has some times but it doesn't really use that often enough.
She let herself get backstabbed really easily too.
Whole little posse of magician thieves they've got going on now. Makoto, Hatena, Yumemi I wonder if that bratty green-haired girl will get a magic item eventually.
Oh yeah they've also got a combat meido. I guess she's useful before things get too arcane.
That ended up being another pretty easy defeat too. Just two little magic tricks and he was able to swipe her bottle.
looks like she got saved by tuxedo mask and imouto
Tuxedo Mask for once actually doing something.
This girl in the endcard kinda reminds me of that green-haired girl from Haruhi Suzumiya. She was kinda genki and had a fang, like this. The one on this show doesn't normally have such pronounced upwards bends on her bangs like she's got in this endcard.
Desu Geimu Guess we'll get to see the rescue of his girlfriend this episode. Wonder how long they'll hold the reveal of that girl ... boy? Seemed to flip flap on which it was.
Didn't take long. Guess it really is a split personality.
Hah hah it's kind of a Goto situation going on here. The //Both personalities talking to each other over the phone.
The deathmatch kinda thing doesn't lend itself well to teams though.
The girl of the two is pretty decent though.
>>809477 I'd imagine the UI probably keeps team members from entering situations where they'd have to kill each other. Otherwise there'd not really be much reason to use the team-up function.
Hah hah come on man at least find a flat surface to lay her down on to do CPR.
If she was really at a point of drowning that badly she would have vomitted up a lot of water after she regained conscious function.
I think she has the ability to summon chains? Didn't he say something about how she needed magic to move something so heavy when he fought her?
Well her power does seem to be controlling the chains. I just always assumed they popped into existence when she used them too. But from the looks of it, at least from her dialogue there, she needs to have them on hand.
Which does mean pairing up with our Shirou of an MC sure is useful for her.
Oh that's a level of finesse in water manipulation you don't normally see from powers like these. Looks like that big guy pal of theirs came to the same conclusion I was coming to too. If you can extract moisture from clothes to dry them, it's not much of a step from that to wringing the water from their bodies.
Or she could go full on Bloodbending and manipulate the water content in their blood to control their bodies like puppets.
I've never seen a water controller actually manipulate water in people's bodies probably too strong a power for anime
Well in Avatar The Last Airbender, there's a Waterbending that went a bit crazy and figured out how to do >>809488 this. But the show does make it clear the person needs to be extremely strong and skilled with the power to achieve it. Plus from a moral standpoint it's pretty morbid.
Setting yourself on fire in an elevator car sounds like a bad idea.
>>809491 Heyo Moon. We've got like four minutes of Darwin's Game, so next would probably be Magia Record. If you're here we could maybe also do Koisuru Asteroid tonight too. I don't know if Rika missed it on the list or was intentionally saving it but now that you're here it's a good comfy show.
They're both pretty good shows, so I'd be happy to watch them. We'll be getting Eizouken at least tomorrow too so we'll have something comfy to close tomorrow too.
i'm happy with those two shows sure
Oh that's a clever way of hiding the code they were getting from those gem rings. Requires a bit of geology knowledge. This current game has been a bit more elegant than I was kinda expecting from a death game series.
that dumpass police officer went and got himself whackt
Come on girl you're a police officer you should know not to be such an obvious liar.
That's a nice, subtle way of saying she was one of the closer people to him.
i guess you wouldn't keep all your prosthetics on while you're just hanging out
The glass eye sitting in a glass of water like a pair of dentures hah hah The gaping black hole where her eye should be is kinda messing with me. It's like a really stand-out-y tattoo. I've got nothing against them but I just CAN'T STOP LOOKING.
hmm I'm not quite sure. A person with no eye can open their eye socket, but most people close it or wear an eyepatch because an eye socket is gruesome
Yeah I'm not sure. I've seen a few blind people on the transit before, I think at least one of them might've not had eyes in the sockets, but I didn't really want to stare too closely. ... Which I guess doesn't really matter since they wouldn't be able to see, hah hah
The internet says they're hard to open when there is no eyeball in there. Which makes sense I guess since our eyes er our eyelids rest on our eyes and the eyelid is given shape by the eye underneat it
Maybe it's like how it's hard to squint -hard to not squint with an open eye when your other is closed though. Her working eye was still open wide so maybe the muscles were doing that.
But yeah, I dunno, thinking about the flappy skin that makes up an eyelid, it does feel like it would drape down without an eye to rest on.
steel beam nanase is gonna get really strong now with everybody hyping it up
Yeah, it's something they need to nip in the bud before she becomes memetic. I mean I guess as an Internet urban legend she already is kind of a meme. But once that reaches the general public consciousness she becomes kind of like the Christian/Catholic God. Even if you don't think it's real you still know of its concept.
>>809517 i feel like being a meme isn't strong enough to give her form interest and curiosity are fairly weak
i think people probably have to actually genuinely fear her
Also I kinda want to point out the nice little detail they had earlier, that Kotoko only put her prosthetics back on once Saki showed up. She's comfortable enough with the MC to just leave them off when it's just her and him around. Good bit of just wordless character building.
Oh this is really cool. They're constructing a mystery story, basically, from the evidence backwards. They need a mystery that's plausible and interesting, while answering all the evidence that's already been "discovered".
yeah i think she wants to upstage his ex a bit, or else feels more insecure when she's around MC doesn't seem like the type to care anyway i don't think i would much either
She does clearly have beef with Saki, or even really any girl the MC is around, but I would interpret it as her being at least somewhat self-conscious and wanting to look "normal" around people. But keeping that normalcy up is exhausting so taking it off is probably necessary. And she's come to trust Kuro so much that he can intrude on that "mask off" time without making her feel self-conscious.
well nanase has no eyes and she was jealous there
Honestly how many people build happy and lasting relationships out of dating relationships where they are dating their "preferred type".
I'm sure lots of people end up with people who are their type.
i think people are volatile and preferences change a lot anyway as they come across new experiences and information it's not hard to develop a taste for the type of person that you're in a relationship with
Yeah but going into a relationship with a pre-formed idea of what your type is, just feels like a recipe for a rocky relationship. No matter how developed that image of your preference you've formed, there's almost no chance the person will actually perfectly fit it.
>>809529 Well this is kind of what I'm saying. Kuro might've had a preferred type of a certain sort when he was dating Saki, but it's pretty clear he's adapted to have a taste for Kotoko too now. So what if he'd found a girl that matched that original type? Would it have gone over fine, or would he have realized it wasn't quite actually what he wanted.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Hold that though Thought >Steel Lady Nanase is gradually steeling her existence
I agree that holding out for your type is a bad way to get in a relationship but if your type comes along and you seize the opportunity that may be a way for it to happen
ready for asteroid im still reading your post tilde
i think you have to go into a relationship with an open mindset though if you want it to work out at all unless you're really powerful and controlling and have an imbalanced relationship i guess
it's not fair to someone else to try to mold them into what you want them to be if it's not what they naturally are
Yeah I figured as much. Honestly it was running on a bit too much for me and I wanted to cut it short but I couldn't find a good stopping point hah hah
The school president onee-chan seems to be pretty moe. Getting all excited because someone wrote an article on the fish she named.
are those macarons
I'd say they're almost certainly macarons.
School festivals like the one they had last episode normally happen in autumn, so I guess they're still about that time of year. Which means there's still like six or so months before the two sempai graduate. That feels a bit early for them to be passing the torch but maybe the Japanese university grind starts that early, I don't really know.
Stargazing seems like a bad thing for kids because it takes a lot of patience. I wish there was a nice place to look at the sky around here. Too much light pollution though.
There's really a lot of light pollution anywhere you go. A little bit of light pollution ruins the night sky in a big way.
The new cottage my parents moved into is pretty far south, and a decent ways out from any major city or even town. Er pretty far north. The previous owners even left a simple telescope in the room I got for my bedroom ! I kinda want to take it outside during the warmer months and see if I can do any stargazing there.
i like enjoying the moment too much to stop and take pictures
Oh that's cute. These - Ah oh no. Did I speak too soon. Would suck if she didn't get the acceptance.
I've gotten a bit more into taking photos in recent years. My two most recent phones have had pretty decent cameras so I've tried taking advantage of that. There's definitely a lot of stuff that I get too into still and forget to take photos though hah hah Plus it usually takes a bit of time to get into the habit of it. Like when I was in Japan I was only taking a few photos at first but by the end I was reaching for my phone pretty much whenever something interesting caught my eye.