>>810888 I finished the Hell Train arc and stopped right at the start of the next (which sounded pretty fun but I didn't keep going) I should pick it up again Princess shows up.
are you guys talkin about your japanese child shows again
Nah we're talking about our Korean ones this time Tower of God baby
fuck it ban 'em in 'Straya too
>>810890 I think I read ... most of Hell Train? It went on so long man I can't even remember anymore
>>810892 Feels like I've heard this name in every single "good manwha" list/countdown somewhere
>>810895 It moves at a trickle at times but the story arcs as full, complete arcs are fantastic, and it's got some absolutely insane worldbuilding. Honestly you might dig it, it's got some Hunter x Hunter vibes at times and a kinda sexy male MC. At least once he grows up.
My lecture Wednesday afternoons on the Gothic novel is always so NOISY before the professor comes in. As he remarked two or three weeks ago, you really can hear the class' raucous energy from way down the hall as you approach it. It's kinda funny.
>>810932 The professor of tge class next to mine on Tuesday and Thursdays is really loud and we can always hear him even with tge door closed. My teacher sometimes goes over and closes his door but he always opens it again so she stopped.
It's rare I finish these in-class essay midterms before the clock's up. Even rarer I'm not the last person left writing at the end. Came as a bit of a surprise to me.
I mean I still wrote under the minimum page length for the essay but I'm hoping the fact that I write really cramped compensates for that.
This entry level newfag upset all his Chinese cartoons aren't like Death Note and Cowboy Bebop How about you lurk more before you shitpost in the Australian Parliament
yeah pretty sure it's been illegal for ages ask lawyerman marsh
I was looking oover Wikipedia's list of books banned in Australia but it wasn't on there. American Psycho was though. And it said The 120 Days of Sodom is still banned.
Also I find porn of Simpsons characters to be abhorrent.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>810982 The book? No. It's not. You can find it in the classic sections of any bookshops.
>>810984 Yeah. It's some weird shit. I don't approve. Hell, the picture of the guy looks like the sort of person who would jerk off to the powerpuff girls But It shouldn't be illegal to be into weird, degenerate shit if nobody else is getting hurt.
Generally I find rule 34 of stuff that I liked as a child to be disgusting. Like I don't read doujin of series that I like either Excluding fighting games, for some reason
>>810975 oh you mean the book I thought you meant lolicob n the book is fine though there was a case of someone being arrested over the story they wrote in Tasmania iirc
>The Commonwealth Criminal Code prohibits the sale, production, possession and distribution of offensive and abusive material that depicts a person, or is a representation of a person, who is or appears to be under 18. It is unambiguous.
Hrrrrrrrmmmmmmmm Sounds like the government just cherry picking.
*is just
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>810986 It is disgusting. I don't want to see if, I don't want it anywhere near me and I won't want to be around anyone who gets off to it. Still. There's a gap between that and pushing criminal charges. >>810988 My readout on it, and if you look at the wording of the laws, is that it's all technically illegal any depiction of minors but it's pretty low down on the priorities of law enforcement
Especially when you have lots of actual pedophile shit like degenerates sending crypto to the Philippines for live shows of child abuse They're not going to waste time and money tracking down people who got trolled into watching Boku no pico
>In March 2011, a Tasmanian man was convicted of possessing child pornography after police investigators discovered an electronic copy of a nineteenth-century written work, The Pearl by Anonymous on his computer. Harper Collins is the most recent publisher of The Pearl, which is available for purchase within Australia.[11] However the conviction was overturned on appeal.[12] that's what I was thinking about
The focus on Japanese media feels a bit racist desu senpai.
I think a lot of Australian politics operates on racism
>>811022 Or maybe it's a powerful insight into how in the pursuit of preserving a self-perceived righteous position, "good" people can do some pretty awful things. Or that even the best people aren't impervious to character faults and actions of questionable morality.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha saying kylo ren is abusive has resulted in like 10 reylos swarming me on twitter and just making irrelevant comments about how i hate women or something >>811025 yeah for real
Idolized people having character faults is like THE DRIVING PLOT ARC of The Last Jedi for fuck's sake
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
RIGHT how do they miss this? there's no legend, just people
Too busy ogling all the Reylo service scenes in the movie I guess.
>>811037 Venomous Also it's non lethal It is however supposed to cause the most painful venom induced pain of any vertebrate venom. Also I just had this conversation with two other people. Anyways the gila monster is incredibly slow so they're pretty easy to catch and handle without getting bitten.
Incidentally the insect with the second most painful sting on the schmidt scale for insect sting or bite pain is also endemic in arizona. The tarantula hawk But tarantula Hawks are relatively docile.
Oh but gila monsters will bite down really hard onto you and are hard to remove, they will also chew you a little bit. One good wy to get them to let go is to submerse them in water.
i was hearing that song in my dream, but i haven't listened to it in probably a decade i wonder why it came up
I always liked the song as a kid so I'll play it every now and then. I think the band my friend's in that I've gone to a couple lives of did a cover of it at one show. Which was a neat surprise to me.
ive been so tired i couldn't see straight last night it felt like my eye was going lazy and it hurt to try to focus on stuff i lost my balance a few times trying to walk too but i wasn't drunk or anything, just tired i dont even remember falling asleep but i wish i'd done it with another blanket or something
did i miss anything notable in anime
Probably just Itai Iya, which was a consistently pleasant episode as usual. Everything else was kinda the lesser shows of the season.
oh so that's who sings that song and also that's the title mystery solved
a lot of people seem to think it's a '70s song for some reason??? i dont see how i'm in an advantaged position having been alive when it came out so i remember though but it still sounds as '90s as you can get to me
i don't see the seventies vibe maybe a little but it wouldn't be my goto guess
i ran 60 regressions today next i have to go do an IQ test for some 6 year old and then i have to call my dissertation chair so i can spend the following 24 hours finishing my dissertation and sending it out
BUT I JUST WANT TO PLAY A VIDEO GAME 40 hours until temporary freedom
onboarding is a nightmare i dunno how people function maybe i have some special talent for arbitrary menial tasks or something but they're screwing up on stuff that's so easy and it should be obvious
that would be hilarious a secure blazing facility put some airtight person sized cannister and some kinda oxygen filter and particle sequestering machine with its own power source oh god
i think im gonna have to can this person i gave them a second chance and extended deadline but i have a feeling they're gonna squander it i dont get paid enough to deal with terminating people
usually people pay pretty well for you to terminate people they don't like
i wouldn't mind, if im getting paid for it this is just an applicant though who just signed a contract and is still doing the onboarding they didn't put in the effort so i gave them a chance to review their work and fix it
it's possible that i have excessive expectations. i dont really know since ive never seen other people's work maybe i underestimate my own work and don't realize that i'm doing an exceptional job so im setting the bar too high
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>811192 my cpu is a neural network processor. a burning computer. i will fire anyone for you, for i am the consulting terminator
>>811197 Wow, wrong and disgusting, a new combination >>811194 Neural Network that reads termination scripts and makes more >>811193 Having to compare other people's work to my own even just subconciously is why I hate watching other people work when I am
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the 2B for smash movement is strong
but strong enough to overcome nintendo's censors?
>>811198 eldritch abominations are cute or has 2.5 taught you nothing
i just spent 5 minutes trying to figure out what mistake i made in my code that stopped my regression from working BUT it's because i named a variable ZDTS_MEAN_Aborb instead of ZDTS_MEAN_Absorb when i was calling forth my variables for analysis orz
Stealth roll to escape with my new cat friend #d20+5 (7 + 5 = 12)+4+8 oh i can't add all these mods also it turns out every time I've done stealth rolls in /gmroll format, I've forgotten to add my level, haha
===Tommy Lore=== Tommy was born with fucked up teeth. Everyone made fun of him so he became a teeth inspector, dreaming to one day find someone with teeth like his own, so that he might finally find someone who loves him.
normal teeth are vertical you retard, your gums are horizantal >>811278 What a cursed existence, I'll end this quickly. #d20+10 (6 + 10 = 16) vs AC damn >>811285 Yes but the teeth are in a vertical position, the way they grow in is vertically, they start 'up' and come 'down' Tommy's teeth start 'left/right' and go 'right/left'
>>811283 Yeah and the teeth come out o the gums You don't have like a column of three teeth coming out of your upper gums You have a row of teeth Row means horizontal
>>811283 he counters because of your nat even he pulls out one of his teeth. his hair turns bright blue and a halo appears over his head. "it's tooth fairy time" he says #d20+15 (11 + 15 = 26) if that hits your PD he aborbs one of your teeth
>>811283 So you're saying if I put a bunch of lego blocks onto a thin plastic lego thing even if I put them in a row they're still vertical because I had to place them vertically?
>>811287 Lego blocks have more width than height, so no. >>811290 Wow, I still I had two actions to pet him with! I pet him TWICE #d20 (8) #d20 (20) >>811292 I wouldn't know, I haven't touched legos in 17 years. >>811293 Finger guns
>>811291 he looks up at you "nice pet" he says in the voice of louis armstrong he activates his blades which are sprouting out of his body from all angles they glow red "throw me at him" he says with his teeth
#d20 (14) I hope it isn't a hard save >>811307 155 left, I'm good to go! I'll use my last action to pet SL #d20 (1) oh.... oh no.......
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
#8d10 (9, 10, 6, 8, 4, 6, 6, 4 = 53) you take 53 psychic damage
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you smash SL into the ground SL screams NYAAT THE F*CK and takes #10d20 (10, 6, 17, 14, 14, 20, 10, 8, 12, 15 = 126) damage SL can't move because of the pain SL loses HP because of spider's parlor #d10 (2) SL dies
No..I get it now..I have to do this for SL. I pick up Jorōgumo has gained a better control of the blood it secretes for this form. The blood now oozes just enough to form a serrated edge to the blade to allow it to hook and rend the flesh of victims. whoops forgot I rewrote Spider's Parlor's Stage One and copied it Anyway, I'll pick up Jorōgumo and activate Spider's Parlor. Then I'll attack Tommy. #d20+10 (6 + 10 = 16) god dammit tommy we're fucking useless #d5 (5) for the parlor damage
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you cant use spiders parlor its a daily
Spider's Parlor is an encounter! Vacusous Nightmare is the daily
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah that's right well this is the same encounter
But I used it before the Encounter and Initiative was rolled! Oh well, I can beat him without it. Mizu-Ryū to reroll my attack at a +2! #d20+12 (7 + 12 = 19) nice one whole nat number up
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he laughs as you fail to hit him his teeth expand and wrap around him it sinks into the earth he is gone
I finished most of my 3.0 character and it's going to be a really dumb meme Two of the Cleric buffs are just 1st level. The only downside is that basically everything the Cleric has is DAILY???
cast all your spells at the first encounter and be useless for the boss
>>811344 This was kind of my frustration looking through some -looking through the vanilla magic classes for Thirteenth Age. They seem to predominantly do away with some of the standard magic mechanics of tabletop games and do this weird "Everything's daily" thing. I kinda much prefer the D&D-y style spell slots mechanic.
Biden really addressing all those core issues in life. >>811346 Yeah, it's weird. I can get making some of the bigger feeling spells and abilities Daily, but something like Bless is a Daily even though it's just +2 attack to an ally or +1 to three? But then there's a thing with one of the Invocations paired with its feat where every encounter I can add the Escalation Die to an ally's AC, PD, and MD if I take away the reroll from everyone that still has one? The reroll being the basic function of the Invocation. Meaning I can Invoke the Domain, let everyone but me use their rerolls and then just sac my own reroll to make Big Beefy Boy Tank. Every. Single. Fight.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>811348 dude is so deep in dementia it's amazing he's actually beating trump at having brain degeneration
Until it reaches critical ideaness and then it becomes HORRIBLE
you mean A Good Idea At The Time (tm)
Also it might be too late but her neck is really off-centre for her head. It looks like she's in the middle of that dance move where you shift your head back and forth.
Either the neck needs to be widened on the right (our right) or the head needs to be moved right (her right). Of the two I'd vouch for widening the neck since it's pretty slight compared to her broad shoulders but either/or would work.
I don't have my tablet immediately on hand so this is a lazy job, but does make the neck's off-centre-ness more measured, I think. The eyes are a really, really useful device for measuring the facial symmetry.
I feel bad for ruining my parent's holiday. They were planning on going to Sri Lanka for a few weeks but they called it off Because of me I haven't been doing so great recently and I *there have been some visible signs.
I suspect they're worried I might kill myself if I'm left by myself.
Do you think you might've if you were left to yourself?
>>811502 i did a combination of moving the eye in a little and making the neck a little larger. It still doesn't line up perfectly but I guess I can hate that some other day
That looks way better! Don't get too worried about it; I'm in particular super anal about details like symmetry and I have to remind myself that it's fine if things are asymmetrical a bit. I was starting to get a bit worried I'd been too needly with the comments hah hah
yeah, it's just that when i tried to make it perfectly symmetrical it looked TOO large and that's when I realized I could bring the eye in a little it's all good, I like it like this
It's really annoying for me when drawing, since realistically, the neck's width generally lines up with the ears on a real human body. But in Japanese-styled stylization that almost NEVER ends up looking nice. But I'm also trying to envision a head attached to the neck in three dimensions and without mimicking the realistic notion of one it always ends up feeling wonky.
the neck always bothers me because it's just "where? Where does it GO?" and then I just give up and move on and then it's like oh okay, I know where to put it now
Aaaahh gosh the more I see of the new Animal Crossing the more excited I am. Everything about it is just so absolutely POLISHED
Was hoping to send my dissertation out tonight but I've been working nonstop for a week every day I got no motivation I'm burnin out If I had motivation and could focus I could get this done in a few hours There's really not that big of a difference between sending it out tonight and sending it out tomorrow or Sunday night though So maybe it's okay if I slack off a little today
yeah, i think i'll just organize my work and take a rough inventory of what i need to do so i can get it started tomorrow more easily
for some reason if i wake up after 6am i become essentially incapable of focusing my sleep schedule's been fucked all week because my dissertation chair got me working until like midnight and then i can't just sleep if i don't relax first so i end up fucking around for an hour
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
really all i have is the results and the discussion which is really easy to write albeit time consuming because i have to format tables and graphs and shit like that the only complicated thing i need to report is a big manova with a three way interaction
i gave this person a generous deadline and they screwed it up with subpar work i told them to take another day to double-check it and extended their already generous deadline with a ton of wiggle room, basically spoonfeeding them a path to succeeding, and they've squandered it again
i said to email me with any questions or concerns, and they never did, so there's no reason for them to have the work be insufficient im really aggravated by how hard i tried for them. i feel like im the one getting burned now i gotta terminate them unless they get this stuff to me in the next minute and it's spectacular
that's pretty frustrating sometimes it feels like the more work you put in to helping someone, the less they appreciate it like you help them along because you want to help them do what they need to do well but they see it as a sign that you'll help no matter what and that you're nice enough not to give them consequences
i'm sure on some level i'm really just helping myself making sure i offer sufficient opportunity so that, if i have to terminate them, i don't feel guilty about it or maybe the underlying drive is the same either way and it's just a matter of perspective that's putting an arbitrary label on it
it's pretty disappointing though. im only onboarding one person at a time, so it feels like a wasted week, and wasted time for me, wasted money for the company companies waste money though, that's just what they do
The way I see it is that I'm helping people do what they need to do effectively because if they can do that, then I don't have to do it. I want to train people into people I can trust to do what I need them to do so I don't have to waste my valuable time on things that other people can do and spend time on things that only I can do. I care about them doing well for themselves but primarily, my biggest priority is making sure things are going well for me so I can do what I need to do.
Yeah, that can be pretty disappointing. It feels bad to have that situation because it can look lie a failure on your part sometimes even when you did everything right.
im doing more than just recruiting and onboarding. im designing the onboarding system, so to speak
the last thing they were doing was a lot more brute force, like blast advertising, then corraling the applicants who met a certain threshold, then funneling them down to the good ones. it was really time-expensive and financially expensive, and i felt like i could pull a lot better and more consistent results with a more appropriate target population, a very small amount of personal vetting, and extra individual focus on onboarding
to design a system that can do a "slow trickle" approach to new recruits with minimal manual work and it'd be working out perfectly fine if this person wasn't slacking off maybe they're actually trying really hard and it's just my expectations are too high. maybe i'm absurdly good at this stuff and just think i'm average, so i'm incorrectly flagging everyone else as below average/insufficient idk
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have you reached out to them?
yesterday when they submitted the stuff, i said to look over it and have it back to me by noon today it's noon:20 now im not worried about the lateness honestly but considering it only takes about an hour or two to do the entire project, i dont think they're taking advantage of the opportunities im presenting to them
idk if they're like a single mom working three jobs with five kids or something though but if they can't commit the time needed for the job, then that's an objective barrier right?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
unless they didnt realize theyd have to move time around or something maybe they can make adjustments for it but it might be an objective barrier too
i offered to schedule it around their time constraints if they had any. they said it's fine though oh well. it's a transition period for me still so i'll get used to this stuff thank for input
no, i had to drop the majority of shows i was watching to make time for everything going on after my dissertation is done im gonna spend some time marathoning stuff
itaiya is pretty wacky i usually pick stuff from the early 2010s when we're watching stuff although we're gonna be watching twin peaks occasionally too
dorohedoro is great. i might see if jan and anyone else is up for a marathon of it at the end of the season
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is it getting two cour?
it's only slated for one, but it's so good and highly anticipated/highly received that i can't imagine it won't get continued at some point they can't do very much with one cour besides establish the sense of style really and touch a few surface plots
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i haveb't watched since ep3, are they keeping that pacing? they're not rushing are they
they just did the baseball episode seems like they're taking it easy it's like an appetizer sampler
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wait, is somali the one with the robot that's dying
uhhh im not sure what you mean oh i guess it is then
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean dying isn't the right word but they talk about it in episode 1 or 2 that golems have a specific lifespan
oh okay i missed episode 1
>>811561 yeah, I only saw the trailer for it during AnimeNYC but I completely forgot the name until now
i think you'd like it blue it's a pretty solid show
I've been playing Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE for a while now. I only get like an hour or two in most days since I'm pretty busy but I like it a lot. It started off slowly and I don't think it's as refined as a Persona or SMT game but it's still pretty fun with good characters and a decent story. And good music. At its core it's kind of a story about self-growth which I like.
no haha. it's someone's application test i get weird stuff like this sometimes by foreigners the other person did good enough on the test to pass through that first entry barrier
they were two hours late now i'll have to take time out of my weekend to review it and give them feedback, and the process is going to carry over into next week (if it continues) when i wanted it to be done this week
cocks in a box
it's the 29th of February
its still the 28th
yo how can i get this bg used for the posts i wanna use it as a wallpaper thankssssssssssssssssssssssss
>>811603 About that, it's actually kind of funny because when my mom told me at first I was like "well shit I guess we have to disappoint my grandma but not coming this week" and then I remembered wait this is the uncle that was kind of a shitlord and was basically having compensated dating with his daughter iirc, why are we going to his funeral.
And then I remembered that my aunt, despite having bouts of arguments and whatnot, still seems attached to him. >>811604 yeah if I remember correctly they were fucking and he was giving her money so
I can't wait to tell my colleague from Kentucky about my friend's incestous family. He's always getting mad that people think people do incest in Kentucky.
the problem is that on both sides of my family, there's like 5 siblings minimum on each side, so with having about 10 aunts and uncles I've got an OBNOXIOUS amount of family
>>811630 wine bottles actually estonian brand. not even that good white wine, but due to the variety in bottles they have a collector following
My dad's family had six siblings and my mother's had four or five. I dunno I think there's a lot of people of that generation that had that many kids. They were kind of the spawn of people that fought in WWII and those guys FUCKED
>>811642 Huh? How old are your parents? They were born in the 50s? Your parents are boomers?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what if you lived inside her drills
>>811644 My dad is older at 1960 but both my parents were younger kids on the -in the family. My dad's dad was the one that escaped Poland as the Nazis were occupying it and ended up serving in the Polish subdivision of the British army. My mom's family comes from a farming background up in rural Ontario though and that probably also explains the larger family.
My parents waited until they were like early-thirties before they started having kids so that also probably fills in a lot of the time between WWII and now.
i have 2 uncles/aunts on both side in terms of blood relation well had
the idea's that nobody wants christmas cakes but i can't see myself marginally interested in anyone under 25 like that'd probably be the minimum they're just in a different phase
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh hey Korone of Hololive did a metal slug stream I bet Rei would be ecstatic
>>811658 Yeah, I agree. But honestly, it's hard to imagine myself with someone under 30. People around 25 are all into drinking and smoking pot and shit like that.
i was almost about to date someone who is 23, we got along real well and i understood them well and everything but like, the more time we spent together the more they felt like an imouto or something and it just didn't feel right
they're still a close friend, but like i dont wanna be alongside someone who's still figuring themselves out ive already gone through that myself. those people deserve someone to have that journey with and i deserve someone to have a different flavor of journey with
>rfw you realise newgame+ glorifies crunch culture of japan
The crunch culture is prevalent in video game industries world-wide, not just Japan. Anything you saw in New Game are things that plague people working in video game studios all over the world.
thank you captain obvious
But then why single out Japan for having it when you're aware it's a global problem?
cos it does vary from place to place and it is japanimation
The new episode was a good bounty of Himeko "Hah?"s and "Eh?"s
five days sober don't feel super sick anymore but I dreamed about drinking and smoking weed (?) last night for some reason thanks for reading my blog
>>811667 some people actually like crunch time apparently hard to believe but i guess if you're already ready for gold, crunch could be an awesome opportunity to squeeze in random bits of flair devs want to work on
i still gotta get my sweets fix i keep caramels in my desk at work and i eat them when i get cravings
Jelly beans were on sale at the bulk goods store I go in to every few months to get candy by the gram. I stocked up on more of them than I would rather admit. Makes for a nice sugar fix.
I like pistachios and I like eyes cream but I don't really like them together. But I also don't really like nut or nut-adjacent stuff in it, the cream and cold temperature always makes them taste and feel funny.
Yeah, it helped me get through the first year. But you have to be really careful with it because a lot of people use it the way they used alcohol, just to hide from their problems. And they end up addicted and kratom has pretty bad withdrawals.
>>811705 >>811704 it just doesn't seem like it makes me feel "high" or intoxicated i guess it does help me relax and numbs muscle aches a little but not like real pain killers
if i take a big dose it just makes me sick and vomit
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's not a high but it helps with anxiety and depression by numbing
i overdosed on it only once lol I didn't throw up bc i lied in bed motionless for six hours until it wore off
kratom just seems like it stabilizes me gives me an appetite and stabilizes my mood
i still think it's most valuable as harm reduction, keeping your cravings in check it doesn't seem too abusable in its own right
it seems like it's the only thing getting me through this last 8-ish months of being unmedicated though, and ive been off benzos for a year and a half it's possible that it's normalcy that i'm feeling and im ascribing those effects to the kratom, but even if that's the case, im okay with that it's helping me stay there and keeping my neurotic self somewhat contained
>>811711 Have you considered it? Working as a professional chef can be an intensive and stressful position but for those that can be passionate about it, it can also be really rewarding. Also if you're personable and a good talker you could even end up working in television or other cooking show industries.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>811711 have you been enjoying there better than your last one btw?
>>811714 The most consideration I've given it is considering not doing it. I don't feel like I've got the creative drive for making my own recipes with cooking. Maybe that'd change with schooling, but it seems like a waste just to go to school to find out I'm already right. >>811715 Significantly. I really enjoy the plating work that goes into this place that the other place just didn't do. Everything there was always just "slap it on a plate as fast as possible." Here I need to be quick AND presentable and I like it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
That's really good to hear.
>>811716 As someone who studies in creative fields, schooling won't teach you how to be creative and innovative. What it would do, however, is push you to master the skills and make the foundations of the field so second-nature to you that you could understand on the fly how the various components of your dish cooperate to create the sensation of the finished product.
And honestly just possessing that would be enough for a culinary career. The additional advantage to that would be since you don't have to spend time thinking on how these various parts work together, your brain would be free to consider innovation and "what ifs" that people without a comfort and familiarity have with the field.
But really, while I don't have a particular familiarity with the cooking skill field, I would assume most people that go study im cooking school don't end up doing anything innovative or groundbreaking. They just attain skills at a high level of polish and maybe over years of cooking develop some flairs here or there. It's less about pushing the boundaries of the field and more just existing in a high level within it.
>>811716 If you want to go further into this field I'd suggest moving to vegas at some point. Cooks and servers are unionized there and get benefits. I have a friend who works in the industry that just moved there.
I didn't mean for that to be so long winded the tl;dr is not being creative is fine, I think instead you should ask yourself if being a high-skilled chef is something you'd be interested in making a career out of.
>>811718 >>811721 I don't know, I feel like that's all just things I'd learn and gain from just years of experience, which I'm already six deep in. I guess I'd learn more about pairing ingredients and such in culinary school, but I also feel like I can just learn those things from talking with my chef or sous-chef. I honestly feel like he's only asking me because I know he's gotten tired of how lazy and intermittenly how much of a fuck up the sous-chef is and he's hoping for a replacement. I guess going into culinary school would be just as beneficial or not as my current plan of going into trade school for a trade I haven't even considered yet. >>811720 I'm not much worried about unions or anything.
You're probably absolutely correct, nothing you can learn in school isn't something you can find and acquire through independent study, or in culinary fields, practice . The advantage to a school environment is that there's direction and structure to the learning, which for -most- people, is a boon for learning at a faster pace. The second advantage is of course the dumb, arbitrary piece of paper you get for finishing the program. From the sound of it, your chef seems to have a hard time getting hirees that aren't accredited to the position? Or would it just be you're not quite at the sous-chef level yet and need a bit more skill development? But either way you could work in kitchens your whole career, and likely build skills and gain references that would let you move up the chain of kitchen staff, and maybe end up in a relatively good placement over time. Having studied the trade though, you'd probably have an easier time with it though. All theorectical though, unfortunately. It's how it -should- happen, but eh, you know. Skilled cuisine is as much a trade as anything else you can study in a trade school so if it's something you think you could have a persistent passion for, maybe it's a safer bet than something you haven't even tried yet though. You have an advantage here since you're already familiar and it's probably easier for you to envision yourself doing it for another ten, twenty, or even your entire working career years, and seeing if that's a feeling you're comfortable with.
>>811723 Well I meant that they get paid better and get health insurance.
>>811724 Yeah, I guess that's true. It's probably a lot different from 'regular' schooling too, I guess. Maybe I wouldn't hate it like I did college. Also true, I didn't really think about how the degree itself just looks compared to raw experience in people's minds. I feel my vision on those two comparatively is skewed in that sense because of the sheer number of people I've seen come and go in a week's time through the years. I don't think he's every really looked for hirees for the position. To my understanding it hasn't really become an issue until really recently. But it's also that I'm almost certainly not at a sous-chef level, at least not that he knows. He was skeptical about hiring me to begin with, even just for dishwashing, because he wanted somebody with more experience than just my six years, I guess. He's apparently been nothing but impressed with me, though. Culinary fields is probably where I'll just spend my life since it's so easy and I don't have to build a new 'skill' set for it like I would for anything else, but I'm not sure how much I'll aspire to climb the ladder, I guess. I've got bad issues with just getting complacent. >>811725 In terms of pay, I don't know about insurance, I'd probably be better off somewhere like New York.
I don't want to app shame but parents have been able to deal with their babies for like hundreds of thousands of years without apps. I guess ttthe point of apps like this is to make stuff easier ...
>>811734 That's really nice of you. I hope you can use the time to maybe unwind some of the stuff that's been getting you kind of taught.
survivors have been able to deal with babies for thousands of years
>>811738 There was a manga I was going to ask you about but I forgot.
I haven't read anything in a while so the answer is probably no
>>811742 If you give me the device nameand manufacturer and some other info I could probably find out how to reboot it But you should call your boss first Or your company's IT.
>>811756 I've seen Animal Collective live twice. The first time was really good. The second time wasn't that great though.
what's your favourite album
Mine is Cool & Creative
>>811758 By them? Probably Merriweather Post Pavilion. I barely remember their other ones. Spirit They've Gone Spirit They've Vanished I remember liking but I can't remember any songs from it. Same with Uhh I think it was called Strawberry Jam or something.
>>811772 America has to CHOOSE To stop either Covid-19. Or Bernard Sanders.
the joke is that's not far from the truth
whoever wins, stocks lose
oh no sqiggly line go down
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pax east supergiant concert is nice
https://www.twitch.tv/nilixblue/ i'm just gonna stream making banners and stuff for my Twitch since I'm probably going to stream a lot more. Also, live SuperGiant concert + me singing = live SuperGiant karaoke
>The earliest known reference to a vending machine is in the work of Hero of Alexandria, an engineer and mathematician in first-century Roman Egypt. His machine accepted a coin and then dispensed holy water.[2] When the coin was deposited, it fell upon a pan attached to a lever. The lever opened a valve which let some water flow out. The pan continued to tilt with the weight of the coin until it fell off, at which point a counterweight snapped the lever up and turned off the valve.
this shit always amazes me
but vending machines as we know are no surprise a british invention
>>811815 i want to find a stable apartment here in ny yea but i dont mind living a nomadic thing for a little while
whole pizza at 711 today only $2.29 it's a pizza fucking leap year come get your pizza only two bucks whole pizza seven eleven pizza two pizza dollar pizza pizza whole
hello rika did your boyfriend manage to patch things up
>>811819 that's all? more. I am not the least bit thankful. two dollars for a whole large pizza. and you only buy one. you will buy three more and donate two of them to the food bank right?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>811818 can i get uhhhhh twelve pizzas and a Crisp punch to the jaw
>>811826 ok so do you want my mean ass right hook or a little love tap left jab? you can supersize that to an axe kick to the chest for only a dollar more