mobile phone detection fines are real now 3 month grace is over >>812782 are you relinquishing your dogsitting for the meantime?
anything pet related can snatch a pretty penny like this dogwash thing we were trying to get done like 60+ dollars just to comeout and wash these dogs each
for when you're driving guess it must be quite the problem here
they had a 3 month grace period after introducing it where all they do is send a letter and not fine you or take points off your licence it's like some sort of ai thing I think not really sure my friend thinks there's someone on the other end who checks the detected photos
>>812789 so they just take pics of all drivers at some points or? feels like a fuckton of wasted money for not that big of an issue
'less of course they are counting on it to rake in money
no they wouldn't take photos of all drivers just the ones that meet certain conditions I would suppose then someone on the end checks it to make sure but it probably would make good money makes me a bit paranoid though honestly
one way to do your civil service, atleast in the past, was to go through traffic camera pictures speed limit and red light and note down the register plates etc I wonder has that become an entirely automated process now.
>>812794 At one point, there was a new policy of "sending a warning message to slight speeders" like say 66 would be a fine, then for anything between 62-66, you might get a "letter of warning" to your home
turns out after sending letters to practically EVERYONE, they realised how stupid it was
I think mobile phone cameras were considered here, but deemed silly as there was no reliable way of doing it even cops don't care if they see you openly talking on your phone, unless they have a really shitty day
>>812791 there has been surveys done and results of guys who jerk it while driving so maybw imagine being the cop to pull that bloke over >>812798 I bet you can do it manual too just like put on cruise control
yes cock zero cinnamon I don't know why they keep persisting with these offshoots coke zero is probably doing alright but coke ginger?
not bad sctuallu dunno if it has any cinnamon in it or just flavouring
i am a sucker for limited editions, especially when they are on sale
I wonder how well Coke is doing with all these different Mother drinks I had Kiwi Apple? and it was okay >>812813 Coke owns a brand of energy drinks called Mother
>>812826 shut up dont make fun of samurais bad code
>>812824 i think it was the guaranas/taurines etc the initial products of many companies had way too much of those, to make themselves stick out what do those things even do, aside smell?
I have guarana tablets lying around somewhere they have some effect but nothing on nrg drinks which are heaps of sugar+caffiene+guarana
i do wonder what gives the enerhy drinks their smell is it guarana? or taurine cause so,e brands reaaaally smell and others don't
i once drank 8 5 hour energys at once like an hour later my hands and feet stsrted to lock up and curl up i had to lay down
>>812829 guarana apparently is some plant with cafeime etc in it
40 hr energy
5hr energy was complete bullshit tho barely having anything in it aside sugar good marketing tho
oh god guy next to me opened up an energy drink and now frommhim emanates the disgustingly sweet aroma of it mixed with way too much of some cheap perfume
and now he is actually sitting next to me and not finnish next to me
5 hour energy works tho
>>812838 for an hour or two as most energy drimks do
is common manners to let people exit the train first, but some people seem to not realise lifting yourbslow ass from the bench and then slowly waddling out is rude and slowing everyone down get to the doors before they open ffs
is common manners to absolutely btfo everyone in front of u
dropped wtf bad pic cuz i suck i ended uo buying some other drank
gonna buy me akit kat from this vending machine to spend my lst 100 yen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>812863 i drank some of my acid infused vodka about 3 hours ago?
ruh roh
>>812868 nice brother saame batch( ? they got some weird green pingles in this bending mmachine or a donut a couple tjings i cant read
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>812870 yea we're gettin close to the end of the bottle i thought it was entirely degraded by now but turns out its not dosage: unknown feels about 1 ug
Sour cream and green onion is a pretty solid chip flavouring. We've had it up here for decades.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cute asian snax
dosage: samu kyubey is fricked up
i hope i get abeach view rom i reallu doubt it tho my room was 169 a night that doesnt sound like beach view
Sounds like a nice room though.
im staying at the hilton on waikiki beach its got a pool arooftop br and a "hip 24/7 rrestaurant" i just wanna run shirtless on the beach and work on my tan and swim
gonna try to see pearl harbour gonnna eat at dennys dunno what else
Eat at Jollibees
hmm hour walk what kind of fod they got
Dunno all I know is they're pretty much just a Filipino famires a la Denny's. My Flip friends says their peach mango pie is great.
i swear to god GPT2 actually knows things about our lives
has he been watching us
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>812896 *giant 1.5 terabyte pile of noodles watches you judgingly from afar*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
literally has OpenAI crawled so much text that they know that whoa + samurai = maru?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that was my first attempt too let's try some more
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whoa: u remember how you predicted that the satellite would crash so we would see you in the time jumps? whoa: I told you we would show up even when the sun was going down whoa: and as u well know its all good youve been reading this long enough whoa: of course i know whoa: we even explained the methods of time travel to nancy you helped write it whoa: well you know the space boin would be able to pick up your signifiant flying whoa: I know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is this the plot of the girl who leapt through time?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok its just getting incoherent nvm first was best
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samurai: we do the same on tumblr Chara: cool Samurai: you don't? whoa: I do whoa: You make the hobby a big deal whoa: fucking srs Samurai: no it's not samurai: even though I make cartoons and stuff Samurai: it's just what I do whoa: as a hobby whoa: am I an artist? whoa: ok then samurai: my dad made me draw whoa: ouch whoa: your dad doesn't want you to
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
(chara why are you here)
chara who the is that sstephanie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh man stephanieeeeeee i would like to extend an apology to her
wait did u do something u didnt tell me about or was it just aout ur state of existance at that time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whoa: i am very upset by the failure of amiibos to sell whoa: I want my amiibos back everyone: awweee whoa: great :) whoa: i had a blue garchomp and it was just about to rot! whoa: :'( whoa: you should make a new character for kratos xerox whoa: DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB
wow the neural nets just made up an invalid imgur lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>812907 yea sorry no extra gossip there i just meant that situation
comin' up on a one year anniversary fast
i am boarded on the plane :)
theres a man in the back of this place hes the one who is doing it i can see him through the wall i can see his face
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the AI is figuring things out about the world
whoa: Wait wait, holy shit anime isn't a stable orbit it's a orbit but it can change when you change the inclination of the orbit it can change when you add or remove mass on the object at the orbit boundary it can change when you stop flying/living or die or if there's wind or if you're not flying/living it can change whether the object is dark or day at a given time or on a planet at the height of its equatorial plane it can change if it's south or north of the equator or what direction the sun is shining from at the
>>812935 i read about some CULT where people are tryna become SUPAA SPREADERS because they want everyone in the world to die of disease but covid-19 only kills like 2% of people over the age of 65 that get infected so it's not really a good choice for your death cult virus, right?
It's basically nothing more than a persistent nasty cold for anyone decently healthy. In fairness it's still a concern for people who get it and they should be free to recover safely if they come down with it but, hey, capitalism.
why can't it the powas to be it hit too bad they've all got decent healthcare surely there's some antivacs to be hit though
>>812943 The problem is that it's ridiculously contagious. Especially now that we know dogs can carry it! And there are a lot of old people, people with AIDS (especially since we got another HIV epidemic coming down the pipe), people on chemotherapy, etc A lot of people will die if it's mismanaged but it turns out you can't get treatment for it in the US. If you think you have it, nobody will really care. There's a covid-19 hotline but they won't talk to you unless you get transferred there by a medical professional and even then, they won't talk to you unless you've been out of the country in the last 14 days. Covid-19 testing costs $3000 a pop, but nobody, not even hospitals, can tell you where to get tested.
Probably in part because the president gutted the CDC and also believes covid-19 is not real.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
feels like i got it i can even pinpoint the moment when it started affecting me lol it's a normal cold
>>812945 And nevermind put his "Pray away the disease" secondhand man in charge of handling it.
>>812947 It's like a parody of those epidemic films where they start the movie with a montage of news broadcasts talking about how everyone is trying to stop the spread of the disease and failing. But it's real life, so it's way stupider and instead, everyone is just rubbing their hands on their faces because the news told them not to and refusing to wash their hands because germs aren't real.
Airborne, son of Arathorn, rightful king of Gondor
>>812948 Even ignoring health concerns I don't get why people don't wash their hands. Like after handling your washroom business isn't it a comfort to wash your hands too. And like your hands get so awful feeling just from daily activities that getting that washed off feels nice too. It doesn't make sense to me.
Sometimes I have to do observed urine tests with clients (I don't look at them while they're going, I just have to be in the bathroom while they do it) and they'll just like, run their hands under water when they're done. What's the point, dude? What are you doing.
My hands don't really start to feel gross or anything throughout the day. I think you just might as well wash your hands while you're in the bathroom. I mean, it's right there. Even then people don't know how to actually wash their hands well. A few years ago the CDC put out some instructions on how to do it and claimed that you're supposed to wash all the way up to your fucking elbows? And everyone stopped taking their instructions seriously lol
>>812952 Honestly you don't even really need to wash your hands properly to considerably improve your chances of catching or spreading germs. Doing it properly helps the best, sure, but even a brief massaging of soap into your hands and scrubbing off follow-up will be more than you doing your part. Contagious diseases happen when their organism maintains more than enough numbers to form a consistent colony in your body, and for a healthy person, even someone kinda unhealthy, the natural immune system can handle small numbers of them.
>>812955 FOX literally had a guy go on TV and say he hasn't washed his hands in 14 years because germs aren't real and he's fine.
They also had a covid-19 survivor go on the air and talk about how it wasn't a big deal while he held his young daughter, coughing relentlessly, and then shared a bottle of water with her.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>812951 sometimes it's a macho thing really stupid i know
>>812950 Eldarion, son of Elessar, the king name of Aragorn, just as a fyi, was the king after him.
>>812954 It's better than nothing, but it's still not enough! Covid-19 can be completely destroyed simply by exposure to even the most basic soaps so it should be. It's not hard to wash your hands properly and because we know it is spreading extremely easily, we need to be more wary.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>812954 yeah honestly water is a great solvent and that plus mechanical rubbing really does 90% of the work
It's been around long enough that there are people that can have caught it and survived it. Survived is probably a bit dramatic of a term for it but it's technically correct.
No, Pk! They're not selling panic. Fox is selling calmness. They're telling everyone that covid-19 is something not worth being afraid of, because it's not real. Which may be where our president got the idea that it isn't real. Which is why nobody is treating it seriously.
>>812974 It is far more contagious than those right now which is why it's so dangerous. Covid-19 is a serious concern because it does have a high mortality rate among vulnerable populations and spreads like wildfire.
it is about as dangerous as any influenza, those ofc are kept contained by group immunity through vaccination' >>812973 cause vaccines
there is reason for concern and quaramtine but no reason to panic
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right, and very few people are panicking in fact, they // there are a lot of people pretending it isn't real
>>812956 the cough after corona isn't something to entirely worry about unless
>>812976 biggest panicers are people losing money due to it so far lol
No I'd say the biggest panickers are the common folk that are kind of uninformed or fed too much inflamatory news. >>812980 [Citation needed] Somehow I doubt that.
here at least, i might add
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
corona beer is failing in sales because of the coronavirus
I did see some people on Japanese Twitter that have been buying Corona precisely because it's a silly joke in the current environment.
>>812979 I'm constantly over fear because for the last 15 years I've constantly believed 2020 was the year to either make or break society than this shit happens. I personally think we're doomed and this is the end as we know it. I mean what are normal citizens among the world really supposed to do to prevent a major happening anywhere? I feel as if society is about to collapse and I'm going to deal with "bandits" barging into my home raping everyone and killing me with a raid.
I think you're displaying the same poor sense that the people panicking over Covid-19 are demonstrating.
>>812983 Haha, what? Society is at least 10 years away from actually collapsing. It won't happen until climate change is more directly affecting things and causing widespread famine.
>>812977 Yeah but it minimizes it to show that on TV.
So, what exactly should I do then? On a serious note. I was just getting ready to go look for a job so I can stop being a NEET and I don't want to end up going homeless as I'm broke and can't get on NEETbux.
Well then get a job.
What if I can't get hired because there's nowhere to work after a while because of the outbreak?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
If there's an outbreak and people can't work, there will be even more jobs for people who can work
infect your interviewer shake their hand
I wish I could have your optimism I really really do. I'm always thinking the worst possible outcome in almost any situation. I mean this Friday I havet to go to the hospital to have my balls get an ultrasound.
'Cause, y'know, capitalism forbid companies give their employees who get sick and need recovery time, the time they need.
>>812991 You're really not though. The worst possible situation would be something involving your long, prolonged, painful suffering until you finally end up broke and on the street for years before the poor conditions finally break down what remains of your capacity to live and you die. If you really want to think up the worst possible outcome you can pretty much always try harder, scrub.
>>812991 I'm a doctoral-level psychologist who works with medical doctors. I'm also a life coach and I'm a consultant! I'm an expert!
>>812993 I'm sorry if I've been a bother to anyone here. So, you're just more or less telling me to try to stay calm, live my life, find a job, and just resume life as normal the best way that I can to prevent getting sick but don't let it completely control me?
>>812994 You're not bothering anyone. But yeah, just take it easy. Getting sick isn't going to be bad, honestly. The bigger worry should be about avoiding spreading it.
>>812995 Thank you, I'm going to go get my second cup of coffee to try to calm down. I guess I'm more concerned with what the governments are going to do than the overall virus. Society scares me though. I guess that's why I've been a NEET for the most part of 10 years now.
>>813004 I'm thinking of applying at a bookstore. Somewhere calm where I can just catch my breath and organize books , some light cashier work, and light cleaning.
there is worry, some ofc do stock up on disinfectants etc but there is no food rushing or anything visible on the streets or public traffic
state side, they are following due procedures in a calm manner with no overshots everyone ofc is also preparing for the worst just in case, but in the same manner say we prepare for a blizzard etc
I think that's an advantage of having a well-funded, relatively apolitical public news agency. I know I can go to the CBC and get relatively unsensationalized, quality reporting on issues like this. And because that exists it helps encourage other news agencies to keep a higher bar of quality unless they want to be considered tabloid trash.
It's funny that people are wearing masks to avoid infection when that protects others from you, not you from others.
öargest issue would be if it starts to pop up in the rural country, as medical care can be hundreds of clicks away and quarantines would ve harder to arrange thankgully, finbs have commonly a utilitarian mind set and do report up, or self-quarantine if they think there is cause
>>813011 yeah my view is that there are people with corona who wear masks as they should then there are people who don't but do because of disinfo leaving a good amount without masks and who have the virus to easily transmit the virus
>>813011 To be honest, it would be a great way to get away with covering your face in public to avoid cameras, etc.
anyhow, there are prolly like 200-300 people who have been quarantined sp far, many let go already ofc, and we have what 7+1 cases so far so they aren't being lax with it at all any suspected case is immefiately tackled with full seriousness
>>813018 You know me, gotta be ready for anything.
>>813020 Just a black fabric doctor-style mask like you'd see in Asia. Nobody ever says anything about it. I don't use it often, though. Don't really have to.
>>813019 That is an interesting question, we have that law/rule here as well.
>>813019 If you mean cities that have instituted dumbass laws to religiously persecute people who want to hide their face, it's a non-issue
>>813025 Hold your impatient shit you verbal diarrheic
It's still a non-issue because a facemask is easily removed. One can drop it and put it back up after identity is confirmed.
>>813024 no i mean no facemasks period has been a rule in some finnish cities incöuding the capital region since 80s or 90s
>>813025 That's how it is here, the only exception is on Halloween.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
They make exceptions here during cold weather. Cops have the right to choose not to enforce laws so they likely would ignore it during pandemic for the most part unless they didn't like you.
>>813019 of course they put it on pause for hing kong :)
they don't really enforce it unless you have like skimask etc well indoors some sec guard might nag you if they spot you but i was just thinking about the principle here if someone does do a crime with mefimask+goghles etc how would that affevt everyone else
I've been surrounded by police before over wearing a mask wondering around in a long trenchcoat. I was in the middle of filming a video and people had called-in saying I was massively scaring and disturbing the public.
Honestly yeah that sounds like a pretty awful outfit to be going around in public in.
during winter days my gear used to be the afghan scarf over my face, with visible parts covered hy sunglasses and a hood over it sll nevet got into trouble for some reason
Maybe because laws like that are stupid and the law enforcement knows they're stupid and will only use them if there's someone in particular they want to persecute.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Those laws primarily exist to stop protests and stuff like that, at least in the US.
A lot of other parts of the world, and probably also parts of the States really, also like to use then to fuck with people who cover their faces for religious purposes. It's real dumb shit.
I would think
Well there's your first mistake.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
No thoughts, head empty
Knees weak, arms spaghetti
I'm going to head off and find a bite to eat. I'll be back sometime later or tomorrow. Take care everyone.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Mata bye bye
>>813034 here, crime mainly, protests and demos get a pass the cops spend their time lookimg for weapons or makeshift ones, rsther thannunmasking everyome
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
here you can wear a mask or carry weapons as long as the cops like you
My university student union recently got formally disbanded because of some real bad financial embezzling and total inaction from the union to provide an insight report and commitment to accountability, so there's a bunch of posters up now for the new government calling for position voting. But there's only so many ways you can title a student union really, and the new government is clearly trying to distance themselves from the previous one so it kinda results in a funny new name, the acronym basically just the same letters from before just swapped a bit and then them sticking a C for Collective on the end it.
>>813061 how is that uncommon? graveyards errywhere
lotta graveyards at schools round here that's weird to me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>813062 yea but i dont often see them idk not like this one
>>813063 yea that is weird we just have graveyards around each church, well almost some have mausoleums built into them
and then there is pkaguepark, that has still some plague victims buried underneath from the plague of 18r'th century
Damn tunnel-vision bus drivers Pulling away from the bus platform and can't even spare a glance as I try to catch their attention. Now I'm stuck waiting for my shitty bus.
>>813067 i hate when they do that atleast you didn't have the driver shut the door on your arm open it due to safety and then shut it in your face and speed away
This sounds pretty cool.
Ugh, I really regret not seeing Kizu in rheaters but during the period the movies came out I was too depressed to even keep up with stuff so I missed them.
unfortunate that ive hit a point where id rather read the girls frontline stuff after the event rather than play them
>>813122 That's good Gacha addiction is a real disease.
But gfl’s real gacha is completely separate from the gameplay I just dont want to grind out story to unlock a thing ill need to complete event story eventually it’s almost more of busywork clearing the maps because they have multiple wincons you can do for different “endings” on this one
and since i have best girl and did her upgrade story all the stuff id care about is already on youtube >>813125 ok
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ima suck that spooky dick
>>813124 I'm glad you're beginning to realize the truth about mobage.
I stopped taking antidepressants for a while because I feel like they dull things like I'm not experiencing the full range of human emotion
But today I barely got out of bed. Only once to feed the dog. And then I went back again.
So maybe those pills are a necessary evil for the time being.
Have I said that before? Proably I've been on-and-off them for a while.
Honestly mate it sounds like even off the antidepressants you're not experiencing the full range of human emotion anyway. So maybe the selection you experience while on them is a healthier set than the ones you're experiencing while off them.
Also if that is a concern for you, it might pay to bring it up with the doctor who prescribed you them. There's a somewhat diverse assortment of antidepressants and maybe they might be able to prescribe you one that suits you better.
>>813217 i lost access to healthcare and fell off all my medications almost 9 months ago for one medication, 6 months for another it's absolute torture and id give anything to have them the feeling of needing them hasn't faded with time at all, like you might think you should probably continue on yours, or at least continue the process with the prescribing doctor of finding the right treatment
i don't want to talk about it at all though so don't ask any questions or comments about my situation
it's not like they fix everything anyway But it's a start.
i could probably use some lithium cause i've had some strange ideas lately
and haven't slept a lot
maybe i should be like that guy on reddit who wanted to buy industrial grade lithium for his bipolar l0l
I don't know if that's the best idea.
the funny thing is he asked if it was legal to buy and take industrial lithium and technically it isn't illegal to kill yourself in california so the answer he got was yes
It's dangerous to get so wrapped up asking if you could that you forget to ask if you should.
>>813237 all I remember is like 30 minutes of soap opera style drama or rather teen series drama similiar to say buffy and then 10 minutes of bad special effects the actors were hot atleast
>>813239 Ganbare yo Remember to live HARD. In all aspects.
VERY horny >>813245 my roommate does so it's background sound for me
>>813236 Dragon Slayer electric boogaloo is hard man if Robert the Strong is dicking you man you are in for a treat the dragons are gonna clap those raw cheeks and ride the wave in
>>813248 im not saying its impossible but galvek will most likely fuck you up you want like mid-80s combat stats at least
though the best way to kill him is with ruby bolts and arma/dragonhunter cbow so you can probably get by with just leveling up range and def and good gear
Just when i thought this little bastard had the hang of toilet training and was prepared to give him free run of the house I find a big ol' surprise on the carpet of the upstairs bedroom
it must get real hot in here in the summer there are no windows, just big fans
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also if you are incredibly drunk coming to bed or getting out of it there is the chance of falling down one story but hey that won't kill ya
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's actually pretty cool is this where you're gonna crash for a few days
>>813259 have barely worked on it took today off and took extra amphetamines so when they're in full force in about an hour im gonna go full autismo on the dissertation hopefully i can finish today, if not i have 2 more chances this weekend if i can get it out by sunday night then everything should be okay
>>813262 damn I might do something like this in the future a shelf stair I would make it bit wider and add a railing tho
>>813271 I get that they are going full on "no need to panic" to avoid economic damage or something, but if people actually buy into it full on, it will also mean that a very minor spread of the disease can turn into major, as no measures are taken
big part of countering infection rates is actually guiding people into doing what needs to be done ie. washing hands, reporting if sick, self-quarantee and so on there ain't a need to panic, but there is a reason to be alert
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wouldn't panic but also work from home if u can mferssss
>Salt Bae Burger Is The Worst Restaurant In NYC >Right Now
>possibly illegal "FREE FOR LADIES" Veggie Burger. >the Wet Burger, which is apparently a popular snack in Turkey and I had seen described elsewhere as being like a "sloppy joe," but this version is actually just a meager disc of meat sitting within a soggy, unpleasantly sweet bun. It's also tiny, but you can't eat more than a single bite anyway.
>And then there's the signature Salt Bae Burger, featuring a mound of flavorless "Waygu meat" with oozy toppings designed for Instagram. In fact, it arrives at your table sliced in half, camera-ready.
>And if you really want to wallow in regret, you can get a $100 version of the same, covered in gold leaf.
someone has brought a very insecure dog into this coffee shop and it has had outbursts twice now first time it was so loud and unexpected that a barista dropped a glass
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>"Recreational anxiety" Jesus Christ that's the most accurate descriptor for cable news I've ever read
I just saw a Canadian goose run into traffic and get hit by two cars. Didn't die though It made it back to the sidewalk. If you're gonna be dumb then you've gotta be tough.
>>813287' I once saw a duck family cross a road in a line first half of the ducklings get wiped by a truck the mother goes into panic mode and turns around having the OTHER half of the ducklings get wiped by another car and then finally the mother gets wiped by a car, gets stuck underneath it for 50-100km as we drive behind the car and then finally dislodges into the woodlands tragicomical moment
>>813299 ah yes, cannacitor, my favorite herbal tincture
>>813303 >photons hit nucleus Like that's not impossible but its pretty unrelated to how antennas work. Although I could be wrong, it has been years since I last properly studied E&M.
The most important thing I learned about in that class was a classified technology my former Airforce pilot professor brought up and used as an example that I couldn't find anything about. Not finding anything about it was wwhat clued me in on it being classified.
Err, and that he mentioned it existing on the stealth recon jets he flew in Desert Storm. There are patents for similar things but I was never able t find anything about actual commercial production.
Sam what's your policy on posting classified information on /moe/? Or in this case second hand classified info.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well if you have to ask the answer is no
Damn I guess you'll just have to wonder what it is forever. Now that I think of it I've probably posted about it before though. Well, the concept isn't classified
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I posted a plausible deniability version on tano if you're interested. *version of it
>>813309 You going to any concerts anytime soon? You're the only /moe/ who lives in a better city for music than me.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i really should but like jobs and housing and covid 420 and such is pretty distracting idk
wait what about bang does he xouny
jii new poison girl chapter
>>813312 Austin is not a better city for music than Chicago eexexexcept during SXSW.
This website is suspicious in its poor design but this is big if true.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god i shoulda bought $AMD years ago
sam please investments are a fuck right now i am making so much money that i am disgusted
>>813317 You wanna share? >>813316 AMD is just as bad, they have a similar thing.
>>813319 bro, i am scared i made an educated gamble and if I didn't hit day trade limit yesterday I'd have sold 30m ago because what the fuck EVEN ARE OPTIONS WHO CAME UP WITH OPTIONS THIS IS CHEATING
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I AM ALSO IN DISBELIEF *places two slices of bread around candlestick*
Could have been +2200 but I used all my daytrades yesterday and couldn't sell it at the peak. Gotta wait for tomorrow
>>813326 6'2" isn't that tall. But I definitely wouldn't mind a 6'2" gf.
Well actually I find short and average height women to be unattractive. I mean not completely unattractive but I consider those attributes to be inherently unattractive.
But there's more to people than just height, I don't consider it to be a deal breaker.
Oh, I started up nox to play azur lane usually the startup screen has ads for other games and such but today it was an infographic about how not to get coronavirus that's a bit scary
I'd say it's like a 25/75 split. I play on my phone some when i'm out and about but I do a lot of the heavy grinding on an emulator while I'm doing other stuff.
>>813346 Do the games link accounts across the emulator and your phone. I really haven't played mobage at all in recent years so I don't know how common account linking is with mobage these days.
Since i had some free time yesterday, I played the new Fire Emblem DLC. It was really disappointing and tedious. I don't know if I can even finish it. Such a departure from the main game.
>>813354 Nooooope! Then I have to prepare for my defense, then prepare a manuscript for journal publication. And I'm also taking over the sober houses, probably.
Sometime I'll have to see if I can enjoy using puzzle pieces as opposed to malleable units.
I downloaded the demo for the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon port yesterday since I wanted something I could play while loafing about my bed. It's kinda ... okay, I guess. Since it's the early part of the game it's all easy to the point of being kinda boring. I never played any of the mystery dungeon games so I don't know if they get actually harder or anything. Honestly if it does get harder it would still probably be kinda eh, since the actual game just plays so slowly and stiffly. Like there's so much QoL stuff they could do to improve the game that wouldn't detract from the mystery dungeon mechanics that they just didn't and that's REALLY iffy to me.
From what I know, the dlc has you use units without being able to really change them to your liking, and is also hard. So it's less flexible in how you complete things. >>813356 I might get it sometime for nostalgia factor, but the early game tends to be easy and the late game is "how many reviver seeds can you carry" and then there's the super dungeons which are typical tedious mystery dungeon fare
>>813353 The best thesis defense is a good thesis offense.
>>813358 You have 9 units you can use and no control over which 9 they are. You are not allowed to build those characters. No class changes, no gaining skills, no increasing skill levels. No side quests, no battalion purchasing. Maps are just you start off surrounded by tons of enemies and have to fight four or five waves of them. No freedom in how you complete the maps. The new characters are boring except for Balthus who is probably the best boy in the game.
Very disappointing.
Really though whatever I'm looking at for Switch games I know is just me craving something to fill the pre-emptive void of the new Animal Crossing. I NEED that game gosh.
>>813361 Oh, that seems like it removes a lot of the fun out of the game.
>>813365 A friend wants me to get animal crossing, I've never really played it. I only tried the mobile game for it and that wasn't fun.
The mobage is ENTIRELY incomparable to the actual Animal Crossing experience. It's just a bunch of generic mobage mechanics with an Animal Crossing brand skin.
I still dunno if Animal Crossing would be up your alley, it's kinda predominantly a "find your own satisfaction" game, giving you a bunch of peaceful, idyllic things available to chose from. Lots of visual aesthetics stuff like playing dress-up and putting out furniture and other things to customize your house and town outdoors. There's also collections to complete like catching fish and bugs and less prominent collections like furniture sets and whatnot. Game runs in real time so there is a degree of time management in that NPCs and some businesses won't always be available, but it's not like an oppressive worry. It's really just a lazy laidback game. If you like aesthetic satisfaction it might work as a thing to unwind with but the game itself doesn't really engineer much active satisfaction.
No, see, it's a good thing, because now you know not to waste money on it.
I much prefer turn based and active time like stuff to real time The AI that controls party members nnever feels good enough. But I haven't really played any jrpgs made past the late 2000s so it could b better now.
I'm a bit on the fence on whether I want to get the Rune Factory 4 port to Switch. It was a really fantastic game in the series, probably my favourite that I've played. But they haven't really done much in porting it to the Switch and in un-pixelating the game graphics it honestly just kinda makes them look kinda bad. Still it was a really, really fun game to play.
Either way there'll apparently eventually be a Rune Factory 5 so maybe it's better to wait for it since it's being developed natively for the Switch.
Palmon's one of the classics. Honestly I don't remember what it is in the slightest but I know for certain I'm familiar with that name from the original Digimon anime.
The rare flower girl that doesn't get impaled on a seven-foot sword.
kir aramon
Is there a Kinokomon
no mon
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have y'all watched the newest itai iya? it's so good
i will watch anime tomorrow today... i must go overtime. good night. >>813421 oh by the way, investing is dumb. holy cow numbers the likes no one has seen
>>813421 Probably tonight. We were a bit short on time last night.
>>813428 it was pretty amazing. athough while it was happening, I felt ill. like... it broke 1300 ad I was sitting there like "this is literally more than the paycheck they handed me today."
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hows it feel to have your hands on blood money
*washes hands like Pontus* no clue what youre talkin bout
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the siiiiiins never die can't wash this blood off my haaands
the shins never dry
let me get my soap if it can remove coronavirus, it can remove this gust.
anyway, they dont deserve that blood money. suck it losers, time to go fund indie video games. with AGENDAS
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
make an indy game called blood money about using money from the stock market for praxis
>>813439 I'm pretty sure there was already a game with bloodmoney in the name.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>813425 neato! how much collateral do they require for options trading?
>>813439 avocado money >>813441 i dont think they have a minimum but they warn you heavily. they do run a check though. i guess whatever risk assessment their system did said I was okay. i have like 17k in here. >>813443 initial investment of 10k and 500$ every two weeks for a few months last year. there's a reason I fly off the handle buying things and its because I am actively stocking it up in savings and investments. So everything extra is whatever the hell money.
i will say though. before I hit 2000 i had to stare -880 in the face within the first hour and actively believe it would turn around not for faint of heatt. heart i need a nap now bye
Pretty much the same thing with regular digimon, too. But Terriermon has such a great list of 'final' evos Like BlackUltraMegaMechaGarogaomon or w/e Or literally God's Protecter the digimon Or Literally God's Protecter but infected with a virus the digimon
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i need angewoman and that evil angewoman deviwoman or whatever the fuck
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ill obtain a digimon harem
>>813450 what the fuck i even assembled the council for this
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you were too late ): tell the council that i will pay with my life i shall take responsibility for denying its will
>>813460 the council does not desire your death. the council desires for you to DO BETTER.
Hey Samu, in whatever modifications I made to doushio, I've been getting "unknown event error" sporadically for whatever reason. Could you enlighten me on what paths would lead to that error?
>>813468 unknown event error uhh some kind of EventEmitter being weird i assume idk what mods would do that tho event emitters are used in several places in the codebase since everything is streaming