best things: the woman in the peek seat ahead of me is watching five strippers strut their stuff liveblogging a basic economy flight for six point five (6.5) hours straight
that's kind of odd guess I'd film maybe the view outside if I had a windows seat for a bit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's hollywood baby we've come so far that a movie about a bunch of half naked girls supporting each other and taking turns on da pole... can be almost boring
oh wait I fucked up now I gotcha been a longish night
i still get aloof when sex scenes come up in a movie couldn't watch something like that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
worst news: they are playing parasite but i have no wired headphones
maybe a kind stranger will give you some
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hell news: some sort of medical happening, oxygen tanks and a request for a doctor has been issued
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's behind me somewhere but i dont wanna rubberneck
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>809653 lucky ive always wanted to be on a flight where someone shouts IS THERE A DOCTOR ON BOARD
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>809644 that's a long ass flight i guess that's ny to la though no layovers? impressive sasuga cities
seems like the problem was resolved in the meanwhile i finished parasite that's a pretty fucked up movie, i have various emotions such as disgust - well mostly disgust honestly, for all the violence and fucked up shit in the movie, but also an admiration for the film, it's pretty creative
On all the flights I was on last month, I mostly stared out the window the whole time. On all six flights! It was really amazing. I did work on tabletop game stuff a little, though. When there were too many clouds to see the ground.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>809674 how meditative! i like having the window seat but i was given the aisle today and the guy kept asking me if he could go to the bathroom
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
which is fine but i was just surprised by the format of the question never thought i'd be an elementary school teacher
I had to work hard to reach this point. I've become someone who can entertain themselves just by looking at the clouds. I've freed myself from the confines of my old need for constant stimulation!
but i know that you'll expect me to do something predictable in an attempt to be unpredictable!
but i know that you know that im bad with you being predictable and i always think that there has to be more to it! like with the reflect fumi mechanic and me being convinced there was more going on
>>809705 originally i was going to send you guys to a nice japanese post-wwii bar with some enka playing and you'd be like "wow it's the future" but it'd be like "oops too far back" but i decided against it
Anyway, you should know me well enough to know that I'd never kill off a member of the cast while you were away. You have to be there to see them suffer first!
Hachi ;_;
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she'll always be with you and she's still alive!
I'll have to sacrifice Tsu since she ate the burger and make kaisei fix it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ritual cast tsu and the apple to bring hachi back
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hachi just rips out of tsu
Pin Tsu down with the rod so she can't escape Have Archie assist
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"don't worry, friends. ive been doing this since before you were born"
I have an attention span that has been shattered and pulled a million different ways by modern society.
I have a hypothetical question. Let's say you're in a sorta-kinda thing with somebody that may be friendship or something else and they've been cold to you lately and they gave you the cold shoulder recently and you basically stormed off and told them they knew where to find you and to contact you once they grow up And they contact you a day or two later and ask you to come to a group movie thing without really acknowledging the thing that made you upset in the first place.
What do you do?
ignore them but im spiteful
>>809746 I would feel like they're trying to mend the problems but have a hard time admitting that since it would mean sorta that they don't want there to be a problem but there's already a problem so. At that point I guess I would have to ask myself if the problem is big enough that brushing it aside like this is kind of only making it a bigger problem. If it isn't, and I think it's just a light bump or something, and I wanted to go see the movie, sure, but I'd probably be a little cautious around the person. I'm normally kind of a coward but if I was feeling like it was worth it I might pull them aside since we're now face to face and press them on the problem. If it is too big of a problem to just sweep under the rug I'd probably be pointed in my response and say something like "Is this you trying to get around growing up" or something, or just repeat the message I told them when I stormed off.
>>809746 I ignore them because they clearly know they made me upset but refuse to acknowledge it and just want to act like it didn't happen. I have too much pride to allow myself to be mistreated. If someone wrongs me and I tell them I'm upset but they want to pretend like that didn't happen, I can't help but get mad at them. That's like little kid level emotional development.
He said "stop moping and come to the thing" He sent me another message that just said "you should be there since you wanted to watch it"
He's definitely emotionally retarded but I think he's probably trying in his own way to fix it. Though I think he is aiming for the status quo still.
Ah gosh wording it like that would REALLY get me wound up. If I AM being a bit mopey but the person who's kinda making me mopey is telling me to stop being so without explicity trying to help then I am probably gonna get ANGERY
Yeah, that wording is super invalidating and dismissive. I would read that as "I know you're mad but you're being stupid. Just forget it and move on". I would be mad about that.
If he is trying, he needs to do better! If you give in, then that reinforces his current level of emotional functioning. If you want him to develop more emotionally and he actually cares, then he needs to try harder, in my opinion.
Personally, I don't want to spend time with someone that doesn't value me and can't engage with me at the level I need to be engaged with. It's not my job to teach a significant other how to express themselves emotionally. If it's only a little big, then it might not be a big deal but there's a point at which I see a big gap in emotional functioning and just say it's not worth my time.
That kinda wording just sounds like "it is your fault, I don't need to change" I wouldn't go in that case, unless you want to meet the other members of this group
Like I agree that it does seem like he's trying to help in his own dumb way but this roundabout and inexplicit way of trying to fix things really isn't actually fixing things. I'd probably give him an earful about that since I'd likely be seething angry at this point hah hah
Though of course I know my explosive-y temper isn't exactly par the course.
>>809746 im a little bit of a pushover, so i think i would probably take what i can get and try to work with it i have such a hard time with cold wars and crave warmth
if i felt like it was going to stay cold and be dissatisfying though, i'd probably turn elsewhere for that warmth
I think you're similar to me in this respect moon. I'm a pushover to a very large degree and I desperately want to fix it.
He's been cold lately and I think he's getting bored of me but I also think he's probably missing my presence right now because I went dark completely.
Get angry! Being angry is good some times!
Well you know what they say. Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.
>>809757 I had a situation where someone kept doing dumb stuff and wouldn't try to fix it, and I tried to be generous and accomodating What ended up happening is they took the mentality that I'll forgive anything they do and are beyond accountability
I didn't like that very much. A lot of people mistake generosity of people like us for weakness and will keep treading on it if they remain ignorant to the severity of the situation But if you try to highlight that severity, it gets looked on as petty i really dont know what to do about stuff like that!
>>809761 I often feel like people take my patience and forgiveness as something that's always going to be constant and they expect me to be those things past my breaking point.
As someone who I think has gotten pretty close to that breaking point of yours in the past some times it's not about expecting you to always be that way and more an unflailing belief that I'm right. And that self-righteousness is more important than anything. Not that it's a good mentality to have and I don't know this guy well enough to attribute my stubborness to him, but it is how I found it in those situations.
I already did break, I screamed at him and told him he had commitment issues and it was his fault things were stagnating and that he was getting bored and that if he decided to get over it he should reach out to me.
Are you wanting to leverage the distance in order to incite change, or in order to end things? As sad as it is, I think a cold war ends up hurting people like us more than them it sucks to be a pushover but im not sure what you can effectively gain
I think the best end would be if he would take this and start being a little more considerate to me. He doesn't reply to my messages sometimes even though I know he read them and he played a dumb jealousy game with me on friday that really pissed me off.
but if things can't be fixed I'd like it to end so I'm not dragged over the spikes anymore because it hurts.
I think jealousy is something that everyone feels and I definitely often feel jealous, but I think I've handled it well. I think I've done a good job letting him have space and letting him interact with other females and not been too bad about it. He ignored me and danced with someone else on friday though and it set me off big time.
>>809769 He's great when he's not doing stupid stuff and playing distance games. This stuff started kinda recently.
Yeah, I said to him that this was the last song and he should dance with me but he didn't do it and went to someone else. I think he was pretending not to hear me but he totally did.
>>809773 Yes, after it was over I yelled at him and told him to grow up and stop having commitment issues.
if he's doing that to get // if he wants your affection, hurting you is an immature way to try to get it
i think little things like that leak into greater behaviors over time that are going to create a big divide and i think you'll end up trying to bridge all of them over and over and giving him too much authority that way
at least that's what id be afraid of if it were me
It's a really dumb game of control too. Like, he'd probably be all salty in your position if the roles were swapped. So it's fine for him to do it but not you?
The problem with stuff like this is that isn't not an individual behavior. It's always a pattern of behavior. Meaning this is going to happen again and again.
There's a humongous difference between making peace and avoiding conflict. Avoiding conflict typically prolongs a lack of peace while fooling you into thinking it's peaceful because you're not doing anything.
>>809780 I'm not sure. I think he mistakes my kindness and hmm I think you guys have a sense of this but I think he mistakes that hmm that way I tend to mess things up a little bit my kindness and my tendency to sometimes make airheaded mistakes as weakness.
I know you don't like conflict Rika, but it really feels like you need to decide what you want here. If you want to keep with the guy, I think you -need- to tell him there's still a problem. A big problem. Keeping silent on him probably isn't going to reinforce that to him, if he's thinking "oh she's just being mopey", this silence is going to reinforce that, not that there's a serious problem here. So I don't think staying silent is a good option for that.
I'd worry if you can't make that decision yourself this situation is just going to keep stringing along until things are stuck in a horrible situation or worse. And I don't want to see you in that.
Kindness is defintely a weakess // weakness if you're being too kind as a result.
>>809783 Human relationships are only successful when both parties can navigate conflict effectively. He sounds like a piece of shit to me, but you're definitely not going to help the situation if you won't be assertive. You have rights and needs, and it's going to be next to impossible to find someone who will respect and meet those if you aren't able to assert what they are.
It's uncomfortable to start allowing yourself to engage in conflict, but it's necessary if you want a healthy relationship.
If you don't assert yourself and don't set boundaries, then people can't really respect you the way you deserve to be respected. You've always set good boundaries and have been assertive with us on /moe/ so I know you can do it. It's harder in person, but you have that strength.
yeah rika was always super assertive about my dark deeds shenanigans, be assertive now
I'm not sure what to do. I'm angry but more than my anger I miss him and want things to be the way they were. It's pathetic I'm like this after a day or two.
I don't want to push too hard and accidentally end it. It's hard to let go of hope and feelings.
I haven't replied to his messages and I have about an hour to decide if I'm going or not.
If he's not willing to put work in, and he's just expecting you to do it all yourself, what's the point? Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't think you're worth pursuing?
You're not pathetic for missing him. He's the one that's pathetic, here.
>>809793 I'm seeing three general routes here. You keep radio silence here, and if your belief here is well-grounded, the relatioship is over. You go to the movie, he does't learn his lesson, and things don't get better. Or you don't go but keep communication with him, which might circumvent him not reaching out to you any more.
By my personal standards the second route is a bad option, and I'd strongly encourage not taking it. The other two are I think better choices, but if you want to relationship to continue you need to be aggressive and probably conflict-y. Just pretend you're me or Kirara and too dumb to know when not being angry is a better option.
Is this thing he's suggesting doing tonight his way of reconciling things, trying to do something you want to do to make up for anything? Or was it happening anyway
do you think you can do something like say "I'll come if we can talk about this afterwards"? sometimes that can be a show of good faith that you're willing to appreciate each other now but communicate that it bothers you enough that you want to clear it up
im not great at this stuff either since i'm also a pushover but i know what it's like to miss someone
>>809797 Yes, I do think this is his way of trying to make it better and it's probably the best he can do because he's retarded. It was something pre-scheduled though.
It's a group activity, though, right? That's not really a good setting for reconciliation. Idk, I just don't get it. I don't think I could tolerate being with someone that doesn't have the ability to provide the things I need.
>>809796 This is my assessment of the situation as well.
Although for me it's not just about anger, it's about self-respect.
Well I get angry because I have far too much of a self-important mentality so it's kinda the same soil, different seed.
People are always praising me and telling me I'm great and that I do a good job and that I'm saving the day and stuff. I wouldn't be with someone that doesn't appreciate me at least as much as friends and coworkers. But I'm an idol, so it's a little different.
>>809796 there's the option of trying to solicit a response now and then going to the movie too going to the movie as a show of good faith with the conditional that things are going to be talked about afterwards
Group settings are in fact the perfect place to completely avoid having to reconcile because then, you in this case, would become "that person" that brought up personal issues into the group hangout
What's the movie anyway?
(This has no bearing on my thoughts on the actual problem I'm just curious)
Sorry if I seem intense. I get really protective of friends that I think are getting mistreated. I've become really protective in the last few months. Much more than I used to be.
I have no strong feelings one way or the other, I'm just sharing my thoughts
People don't just suddenly start acting like that. Even if you think they were great, he might not think so. You're probably right that he fears commitment.
>>809816 If there's anything I've learned from spending the last four months trying to make online dating work for me, it's that the majority of people aren't looking for a relationship that will last the rest of their lives. People are actively looking for relationships that will last a few months to a year.
I don't really understand it, but people are like that.
This is gonna be me being probably a bit unscrupulous, but between you and him, who do you think has more social capital with the people you'd be going out to see the movie with?
Basically that they want something for 'long enough' and then they're done until next time
I had a professor who has been a therapist for like 50 years tell me recently that it's amazing how deprived of love I have been as a child and it's weird how I can be so loving. It put a lot of things into perspective for me.
Yeah. I totally lost my chance when Cecilia died. Finding people interested in long term committment is like finding a needle on the moon.
I've been holding onto hope that I'll meet someone on my internship or something. But I don't think I will.
you're just gonna have to rebound to 2009 shawn
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm not gonna ask sandra for nudes
but that was the hip thing to do, you didn't have to be shawn it'd be more like mope about jasmine for like a year and a half and then every time she comes back around act like you hadn't been moping
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
shawn really was a character
yeah shame he died in that growing older incident ;_;
Not quite, after some deliberation he brought them back as a regular person fortunately he's not playing his necromancer but a completely different kind of person
>>809847 I also shot another guy in the leg later on he got better
and now in this encounter I jumped off a cliff, forgettign that I can't safely land with just teleportation from how high we were and then combat began on the plateu I was just on
also I tried to mindrape someone who asked us to "show her something funny" she was fine
>>809866 This It's a very simple construct in Conway's game of life.
>>809866 In this situation, a very rudimentary hang-glider. His character jumped off a cliff like a total doof right as a brief fight was starting up in Kirara's game and was stuck down there for pretty much the entirety of the fight because there isn't exactly an easy way to cover like a hundred metres of straight vertical distance.
what a magnificent folly
everyone was meditating and mid meditation my character got the best idea to use the 100+ metre rock as a way to test hang-gliding too bad he had the material to make the cloth material but no wood to make the frame so he just jumped down to get wood
>general #1 walk in and accidentally snap one guy dead fix it by snapping him back into life through time manipualtion noto joins fanclub tsu is useless >general #2 shoot the minion of the general testing us in the leg, nearly killing him he gets better due to me undoing this >general #3 asks for interesting/funny things I decide to potentionally wipe out her mind with a shocking revelation and then waste a daily in a card trick that wasnt' impressive enough eventually she warms up to us being killed by our employer >general #4 got bored of waiting for her meditation, so tried to learn human flight miss the entire fight and my hang-glider and myself crash into the rock wall and my glider made out of 100% unique material gets burnt show up to just heal up everyone and the fight ends
>>809963 dude don't make promises you can't/don't want to/don't intent to keep howabout more like "no getting drunk at home" etc
you can't gor from 100-0 in an instant well you can, but usually you need close help with that mats had his gf if you are using him as an example of someone who did it
idk saying i can't/don't want to drink ended up with me drinking every day soon enough after
>>809969 but can you actually do 100-0 you did with other stuff so there is that
>>809968 i can and have and did it with Coke and pot too and i am trying again
well if it doesn't work, do something like I did when i was completely out of control "you can do it during full moons" it gave me a day or two when I could do it but otherwise I kept 100% sober
i don't really even want to do it anymore i - i am going to refrain from anything further about it on moe though i just thought it might be a good idea to have my favorite discussion board know matt said accountability is important
Well that is the better the BEST way to do it I am just saying that if it does seem hard it is better to set up disciplined checkpoints rather than relapsing completely
atleast that is my advice
from someone who has been threading the needle between alcoholism and normal drinking since 2009
i have only ever really been either a binge drinking alcoholic or not drinking a couple times not a lot of in-between for me
and don't slip up coming from mr. "february is when I early start lent no... 2 weeks before lent 1 week I am walking towards store to buy beer for today am I not on 23rd sunday, when lent is on 25th tuesday?"
right without the 000s >>810006 who doesn't have that mind set to be honest?
IN a way this mindset is the source of most basic inventions like are you good at practical solutions, random creative ways of solving shit and so on things that to you seem like "well this is how you do this" but anyone else at the moment, seem to lack the mindset to realise?
i guess it is probably pretty common but i fail to even do things i actually want to do and that's the problematic part
one donald duck comic I once read had a perfect analyzis of this where donald and scrooge went after some thing to make scrooge millions and they found it
but however, the thing turned out to be 100% unprofitable, due to the very nature of it relying on people being PRODUCTIVE and it making people super unproductive and Drace *Drake von Duck came to Scrooge to point this out
and you think about it was the person who invented wheel a person who wanted to be more productive or someone who wanted to less work I would be everything i own and will ever own on the latter
oh yeah jan wanna hear an AAR of yesterday's rpg session from my point of view of how to be useful and useless at the same time?
sure ill read it
k pasteing it from tano where I posted it
Today in kirara's rpg campaign >delivery/hire quest of 4 npc supporters for our cause >bust in into the first place bit too aggressively so everyone present goes full combat mode >we decide to NOT attack them and my character is all "so that means I shouldn't like *snaps fingers* snap some- wuups >proceeds to 1 hit kill one of the enemies dead >chaos ensues >it got better when I ressed the guy back into life, though he did experience a very unsavory afterlife experience
NPC #2 >he tasks us to take care of some mystery sneak thief stealing his stuff >is a mirror yokai thing, that can steal stuff from the otherside of mirror >we manage to drag him out of the mirror >he tries to flee >I shoot him in the leg >starts to bleed out >the NPC we try to recruit walks in "the fuck y'all, that is one of my dudes and this was a test" >"In my defence, you only told us to get him to you alive, not unharmed" >success nonetheless
NPC #3 >this time I just go fishing to not "accidentally" fuck it all up >the npc is all cool with joining us, but wants to see something interesting/fun from our party before accepting >I quit fishing after a while, party has not managed to conjure up anything worthwhile >I join them up "hey I have an interesting thing I can show you" >proceed to reveal eldritch knowledge to her that can potentionally drive her completely insane >she was fine
>but she was not AMUSED, just extremely disturbed >show her an impossible card trick using a daily ability >not amused enough >"party members mention how we once died to our current boss" >she gets intrested >show her that memory instead >it worked, I was once again useful and solved everything in a totally inappropriate way
NPC #4 >we meet her on a 100m+ tall plateu >she ignores us meditating, so we join her meditation, I get bored and start to build a hang-glider our of some material I have to try human-flight >realise I lack material to construct the frame >there is forest down below >jump down, teleport closer to ground, and then realise that I only covered 50% of the distance so far >manage to get stuck on a tree branch >meanwhile: the NPC hire-ee stops meditating and challenges the party to a fight >i climb the tree down, construct a glider, lit an enormous forest fire to work as an updraft to get a headstart back to the plateu >meanwhile: party getting fucked because main healer is elsewhere making SCIENCE ala Leonardo Da'Vinci >when I finally get back on top, I have lost my glider by smashing into the plateu due to misreading the winds and just pop up "why y'all dying, let me fix that" adn the fight ends anyhow
just off in the background crafting some looney toons shit soili would be proud
the #2 one was funny too though technically correct so sounds legit to me
funny thing about Inari is, that he could perma kill Soili in one snap even with domain of death
It was fun getting to be kinda exasperated with Inari. You neglected to mention the part where you spent a good moment trying to kick down an UNLOCKED DOOR
Yes in the first place, I kept kicking a door down that was a slid door and unlocked
or well how the party had to deal with a quite dangerous boss, without having their MAIN healer around
I can heal pretty decently if I need to. You're just usually so eager to heal since you can usually damage off it too so I don't have to dedicate actions to it. But yeah there's a reason Tsu and Noto were both unconscious towards the end of the fight. After that real good crit I did try to get them up and moving though.
btw dunno if you stuck around, but the "share heal" way of mending, now at epic level is always Maximum amount
Yeah I was getting up a lot from the PC after the session wrapped since I'd had to use the washroom for a while and had other things to do. But I was popping in and out while doing so.
>>810036 Without that crit, I was thinking all "Huh, so i finally get to experience how it is to do 1v1 with a boss, eh"
>>810039 at lvl 8 it is 72 which is one way or shared quite much
Also this encounter meditation Shared Pain, Shared Hope As you mend the ripples in the tapestry that were caused by conflict, you and your allies regain your spirits. Close-quarters spell; Once per battle Always: You gain focus until the end of your next turn. Effect: Spend a recovery to heal. All nearby allies heal the same amount as your roll without spending a recovery. Epic Feat: If the escalation die is 4+, your recovery is also free.
oh and +3 escalation I can get focus as a free action once per battle and I can ump up the escalation int 7 for one round
>water >out or not hot enough 75% of the time >internet >never higher than 70% of promised connection >health >have to use capital region services anyhow >electricity >so far no problems
Spotify gave me a pop up message saying "You're in the top 3% of MAN WITH A MISSION listeners w..." But nothing I could do would expand the message and tapping it just opened their Spotify radio. The curiosity for what it said really bothers meeee
it's nice they gave me a cool hotel for tonight no celebs that i know of, just lots of LA lookin people who could probably be models or actors or something had some tasty tacos there's a rooftop pool gotta get ready for the interview tomorrow
i might get a raise at work they are going to ask me to take over the sober houses and it'll come with a raise although idk if it'll be enough of a raise to justify the extra work i only make $1000 a month right now which is below minimum wage and i have a masters
it seems like that would be a lot of unpleasant stress i'd imagine they're asking you to take it over because the person who's doing it now doesn't want to be doing it? i keep getting hand-me-down duties too that everyone else can't figure out how to do so they keep getting pawned off on me
it beats bein homeless though shitty work doesn't really cause me much anxiety anymore cuz i know i got a place to sleep and stuff i think im doin pretty good
Honestly if you're full-time running a sober house I'd argue that (really it already is, from the sound of it) is a full-time occupation. And them not paying you a living wage to work a job like that is pretty much criminal.
>>810146 It's kind of because I'm competent to do it. I already run point on putting out all the fires that go on and I live close by.
>>810148 It would just be an additional duty. The houses primarily run themselves. I would just need to get them running more smoothly and implement more rules and guidelines to protect us and the clients.
>>810149 Wakaranai. I'll probably find out tomorrow. They didn't officially ask me yet.
I rediscovered a court case I had forgotten about.
It affirms the 1st amendment right of US citizens to mail pornography to the offices of congress critters.
Or basically anything that isn't illegal (such as threats or explosives).
sober house sounds the like the straight edge sister house to animal house
>>810155 Heard about already. Still gonna give him an F though Truly he died the way he lived, being a dumbass.
I still find it a bit confusing that someone who doesn't believe in gravity can build a rocket Like why did he think he needed to build a rocket in the first place if gravity wasn't real? The amount of cognitive dissonance in these people is scary.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
People who don't believe in gravity typically believe the Earth is accelerating through space at a speed which causes things to "fall" because the Earth is moving upwards into it.
It's kinda funny how that's a bit of a hodgepodge of pre-existing gravitational physics mechanics.
>>810159 That's literally the same thing as gravity in classical mechanics. What do they think is causing it to accelerate? The mystery deepens.
>Morales insisted during the sentencing hearing that he was nonviolent, but U.S. District Judge Vanessa Gilmore said, “Everything I read about you makes you seem like a scary person,” reports the station.
Wait why isn't that purple? Anyways I didn't really find any info about him so I'm really curious about what made her say that.
the crime dog has a troubled past
>>810186 There's actually been a bunch of people who played him though.
I have a long history of developing chronic coughs. I had one for four years once.
I think I am fighting something off, but I also have a habit cough, so I somatize stress into a cough. I think my dissertation and stuff has just stressed me out enough that the two coughs are joining together.
But I'm so used to coughing that it doesn't really get uncomfortable most of the time.
ive known kirara for a decade and he's had a cough the whole time
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
isn't it fucked up
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my trademark fuckin cough
the most fucked up
but what is more trademark the cough or the JUNGLE
jungle is massive
that's what me and shawn always said the jungle HUGE
i wasted all my time and had 10 seconds (+3 increment) while they had 4+ minutes left but i started playing sonic speed and for some reason he joined me in some kind of empathetic battoru and then he lost all his pieces in blunders RIP
>>810222 a swamp is a swamp because you can't get out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a swamp is a swamp is a swamp unless it's a FARM.
Escape the swamp in your mind.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's hard to escape the swamp is made of eggos leggo, my eggos
>>810383 it has all the qualities of a normal hotel but also it's a partner for life the ground floor restaurant is called BEST GIRL
do they got toasted ravs tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
toasted road vehicles??
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i ate some duck breast same difference
sounds yum good night sam enjoy the angeles
Acute angelos
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
meanwhile various people i know are going ham on supermarkets prepping for a coronavirus pandemic hmm good time to have no lease and be out of town
The Covid-19 scare is really just ridiculous. As I said previously the people who are really at risk for the disease are not the ones with the free time and money to go around prepping for the apocalypse at the supermarket.
coronavirus can't kill me if alcohol withdrawal and this cold work together and kill me first
so many people must not understand the masks stop the spread of it and // from people who have it to
its an airborne virus tho
nobody is gonna go to GDC 2020 cause of Coronavirus big laff
let me rephrase the masks only help the people with the virus already iirc so potentially there's people out there without access to a mask who have the virus because all the masks have been bought out by the people without the virus
ah ye the discharges from an infected patient being stopped would greatly reduce the chance of infecting others though a mask would do nothing really to protect you from infection unless you have a habit of walking around with your mouth wide open so people can spit in it
/moe/ i have this female friend who has a crush on me and i want to stay friends with her, but i feel like i should address the crush context: she has a long term boyfriend
isnt there some ds3 player-made covenant about worshipping the bleed
reading Wilder's anger over throwing in the towel when he was getting brutalized for 7 rounds is pissing me off like "I'm ready to
I just watched a really good documentary about flat earthers. It's called Behind the Curve.
>>810464 "I'm ready to die in the ring, no matter what" supposedly he tells his family and trainers that
shut the fuck up you goddamn asshole that Warrior Spirit can't hold your kids, it ain't gonna comfort your wife knowing you chose to be in the fucking grave
maybe it's hard for him since he's never gotten so completely swept professionally but he needs to realize you can't always win the fight and there will be more bouts to prove you're better
is it chill for us to be going to the gymnastics gym together and wouldn't it be considered me leading her on if i hang out with her knowing that she like likes me
If you're friends for more than just because she's crushing on you, it's not leading her on if you're doing things together AS FRIENDS. But if you're confident she's only friends with you because she's crushing on you then, eh, you should probably make it clear to her that you're not looking to date anyone who's already currently seeing someone.
If she tries to bring it up just give her the ol' "HUH, WHAT WAS THAT?"
give me a script /moe/ because what if i'm like >hey i don't wanna date you and she's like >you have completely misinterpreted our past interactions, as i am in fact not attracted to you whatsoever, and now you've simply made it extremely awkward for us to spend time together anymore
>>810479 it's not leading her on to go to the gym together it's leading her on to give her mixed/false signals to the point where you guys are having a spoken discussion about it just dont do that and be chill she's probably not gonn amake a move if you dont
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just ignore it yeah no need to address it if it's not a problem
damn these are some respectable adult opinions okay i'll go to the gym with her but if i end up in a affair, that's on yall
in the first place don't if you don't like being cheated on, don't get in a relationship that involves cheating
if she says she likes you, just casually say "that's probably a mistake" and play it off like not a big deal that's what i do and i'm still friends with some of those people
>>810483 No it's on you for being a coward too afraid to say no.
>>810469 well i dunno probably helped the relatives of shamed feudal lords or samurai but there is no dying honorably in combat sports. the whole fucking point is that people DON'T die doing this shit
>>810472 someone didn't watch the how to make a consumable only build video
look it up on YouTube it's got Viable Faith PVP*
or even get injured that badly especially permanently
>>810488 but Old Man-Senpai always tells me that Faith Builds belong in the grave
time will tell i'm sitting here while chair re-runs all of my analyses and goes through them very slowly because she won't accept that i ran 56 ANOVAs today even though she told me i had to
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she also does it more slowly than me because i can manipulate SPSS code to run my analyses and she has to use the dropdown boxes
At what point does it stop being your dissertation and more hers because she's got her fingers in every crevice of it.
She's sitting here, getting the same exact results as me, and continuing to check every single result.
>>810502 Well, technically she's not doing anything but checking my work. Slowly. Over and over.
All I fucking need is for her to help me with this ridiculous regression she wants me to run. That's the entire reason I'm meeting with her tonight. I can interpret everything myself, I don't need anyone helping me interpret my statistical analyses. I jsut need help figuring out how to run this regression. And then I can write everything up.
I've been trying to get this regression done for three meetings with her now. It's the ONLY analysis left.
wanst that a damn ridiculous thing too for that matter?
i think we're almost done i asked for help with the regression and she started showing me by doing a completely different regression than the one i need to do?? so i was like hey why dont you teach me using this regression we have here that we have to do anyway and she said "no i want to show you" eventually she dediced to do it and it turned out the thing i was trying to do isn't even necessary and i thought i had to do it because she documented things horribly
>>810518 did you show off your fantastic TECH prowess at your interview did you replace interviewers with neural networks yet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i uh did alright the first four hours and then the next four were kind of a hot mess of overcomplicating thhe problems i feel like it's a 50-50 i get an offer
>>810520 if they can't handle you at your worst then they don't deserve you at your best
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so sleep deprived luckily i get to sleep in 3 hours,.. when the plane departs
Get your shut-eye a thousand miles high in the air
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>810520 wow an eight hour interview was this some kinda cuhrazy start up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's moving FESHT and breaking STUFF yea it's stealth tho i cant talk qbout about it but really full day interviews are normal in this line of work im usually ok but wow i ran out of gas
oh shiiit do you know a good artist? got a design in mind?
>>810509 well my head isn't quite clear i actually keep hearing distant noises and stuff that kinda sounds like speech but it's better than feeling all foggy i guess?
>>810538 i just want a nice, comfy mushroom an amanita
idk the artist yet i haven't seriously started looking yet but i have some friends with tons of great tats i'll probably ask for their recs maybe i'll just get more and more mushrooms over time until i have a whole mushroom forest on me idk
>>810578 Dunno, he might not have quit hs day job I'm hoping he hasn't because hes bipolar and has this idea that he'll quit his high paying job and go live in a small yurt commune with his friends in Colorado in order to reduce his climate footprint.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently mayo pete is trying to copy obama's speech mannerisms now lmao
I'm often worried about him because amongst my irl bipolar friends he has the worst record with respect to staying on his meds.
i read an article today claiming someone took 1100 micrograms of LSD and had a seizure but it also cured their bipolar disorder
>>810583 He develops software, he could probably reduce more carbon emissions by writing more efficient code. Well maybe that's a stretch but there are measurements you can do regarding that.
>>810580 But yeah I saw this too. He doesn't really seem to be doing a great job of it.
>>810584 >I'm not manic or depressed so my bipolar must be cured Fucking dumbass
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean if you go a decade without any bipolar episodes your bipolar is in remission enough that it might be ok to say cured
>>810588 Oh I ddididn't know he went a decade Yeah that sounds interesting I wouldn't recommend that to anyone though
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's probably a very rare case i imagine if you took a hundred people and gave them each 1100 micrograms of lsd you would have poor outcomes
Anyways I've seen a lot of people go on meds for psych stuff and then when they feel better they stop the meds because they think they're cured.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that is typically what happens yeah meditation compliance is low because nobody explains medication to people medication compliance*
>>810592 I've seen it happen with people who've definitely had it explained to them.
>>810597 finally an action game where i can punch godzilla as ultraman
>>810580 gaybutt? yeah from what i listened to the nevada? whatever depate he sounded very much like he was trying to imitate obama
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh my work wants to pay me an extra $1000 a month for the housing stuff
>>810606 there's no pronunciation he literally does focus groups to see what pronunciation people respond best to and he uses that he's changed it at least three times
Seemed like one of the only normal people running for demo candidate tho he also has that same weird wibe that obama had who also was quite crooked person in the end
he did do some few good burns tho like "of the people standign here, I am the only not-millionnaire" tho I doubt he is anywhere near poor, even without being a mayor
all im saying is how could you not want to vote for a guy with the last name Booty Gig
if all the options are bad, why not vote for the guyw ith the most amusing name I think there are far worse things to base your vote on, if you know it has 0 weight on the result
>>810605 On top of the thousand they're already paying you? Two thousand dollars a month is almost not poverty salary.
i mean at the point im hinging my vote on somebody's name being amusing i might as well be one of the braindead retards who does write-ins for low quality shitposts like "harambe xddddddDDdd"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>810619 yeah but it'll depend on how much extra work they want from me the sober houses are really dangerous right now if i hadn't been there someone would have died on Friday i would have to institute sweeping changes to make them safe enough for me to feel comfortable being responsible for it im still thinking about how easily i can do that
if everyone who could vote voted and everyone who didn't want to vote for any of the candidates I wonder how large of a share would end up as illegitimate votes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why so disenfranchised id vote if i could even tho mine doesnt matter wouldnt
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im not allowed to vote in primaries and i don't think voting will change very much
in fact i think bernie winning will lead to long term loss of our rights under our noses not because bernie will do it but because his policies will be easy to erode without us noticing
but think of the sick sticker
>>810631 yeah bernie seems like favourite, unless the party decides that he won't run also I'd pay attention to his VP pick cause dude is ancient even for a US president
i just don't give a shit to vote if my vote doesn't directly and immediately impact the result of the poll and affect my city/county/state
yeah can't blame you at this point but mindset like that does erode the point of democracy in the end and lead to where you are
i just don't see the point in entertaining the cronies in the senate and house pretending the public opinion is a factor in their own poll i vote for every local legislation because i know it actually is useful to the poll
god damnit the bread did burn just enough for it to taste on the ... crust not much and not badly, but it is there
isnt burnt bread just toast
well then i have a huge loaf of toast it is delish enough still so I don't care, but it did answe my long since bothered question "how much more than an hour can I bake a bread before it burns?" and the answer is around 15 mins
Yeah I figured it was a whole loaf of bread that just got a bit too crispy on the outer shell.
>>810594 pic here you can see that it is a tad bit too dark
looks like pumpernickel
what does an american call a gun on the front of his car? bumber nickel
I guess whatever makes people feel safe. I've never felt particularly unnerved while flying.
>>810665 i feel like i have only ever seen people do this ironically
>>810667 one time i was sitting next to some random woman who burst into tears and cried for like a fucking hour after we took off i was pretty uncomfortable
I was on a plane in December and there was a guy in front of me who was afraid of flying. Apparently it was his first flight. I think his wife told the crew and then they congratulated him when they landed and a bunch of people clapped.
>congratulated him and clapped this soundsl // like a fake meme greentext about murrika
>>810672 I'm serious though. I find stuff like that to be really cringey. Like clapping at movie theaters.
murikans just love clapping fuckin burgerclaps
>>810676 Hey Jan you wanna watch this week's Pet like right now
>>810676 Yeah, we're called Clapistan ffofor a reason.
>>810704 Enjoying your flight? What sort of stuff did they have you do during the interview process?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
flight's alright pretty quiet it was a lot of react frontend stuff and then some like coding challenges and product work idk i think i flunked the product portion unlikely to get an offer tbh i need to level up my corporate BS
no it was stuff like writing little parsers and shit messing around with some basic data structures
>>810714 Cool Fizzbuzzs sound patronizing but from what I've read they're useful in rooting out people who are otherwise great at faking technical skills.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea but there are much better fizz buzzes than fizzbuzz
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if they fly you out they have already screened you for that idk i cant imagine anyone being ssked that anymore
>>810719 Yeah I figured, I just wanted to make sure.
>>810721 Very famous difficult programming problem that involves abstract algebra that people are asked to solve in interviews.
Just kidding It's a famous very easy programming problem that seperates people who only know how to copy and paste code together from people who actually program.
The problem is to make a program that goes through tge integers 1-100 and print (as in display oon screen) each number But there's a catch For each number that is a multiple of three it instead prints fizz and for each multiple of five it instead prints buzz For numbers that are multiples of both 3 and 5 it prints fizzbuzz. And then you would be surprised at how many self proclaimed programmers can't do this.
Its really easy and the method the expect you to use involves the use of the modulus operator (remainder). So its basically Start by checking if 1 divides into 3, check if it divides into 5 evenly, it doesn't for either of those so it prints 1 Then does it for 2 and so on It's something like
so basically for x in y if mod(x,3)=0 && mod(x,5)=0 etc
The comments from the simps on her blog are really good. Like the guy claiming to have a phd in physics or math or whatever alleging that the modulus operator only comes up in abstract algebra. Come on dude You're not gonna get laid by reenforcing this woman's belief that fizzbuzz is hard and defending her from "trolls".
>I mean – I would be suspicious of someone who could solve fizzbuzz off the cuff. They are likely to: 1. have too much time on their hands 2. had too many interviews asking that question 3. be unsufferably arrogant 4. or all of the above.
>>810740 if you whiteknight enough, one day it will not work
>>810733 hey if my pickled brain that has literally never written a functional program outside of needing to for an online class can figure it out it probably isnt very hard
>>810742 seems like it really is ment to wait if it is damn easy, does it even servet he alleged purpose of sorting outpeople who can't code, but claim they do?
i think the purpose is just to stop people who copy and pasted their way to a degree
I think fizzbuzz is - well a similiar thing to it - is in some yaer 1 coding excercise in aalto university courses.
i am pretty sure i had to do something like that in the first few weeks of the MITx intro to computer science 101 course i took
Unfortunately people who can't program have started to memorize it. Luckily there's a way to sirt those people out is ask them to do a fizz buzz with 5 for fizz and 7 for buzz If they can't do that they don't actually know how to program.
>>810797 hey how are you doin i heard you were havin a rough couple a' days
>>810798 im doin alright i guess really upset that i ruined my brand new pants gonna return them tomorrow and maybe buy a different type hopefully it'll hold up to the wear keep getting urges but i have contained myself alright so far
Fucking lol I ended up on the OSRS subreddit looking for an answer to something and the targeted ads between posts were for mental health assistance online
>>810800 considering reddit that is good advertisement
>>810799 oh dang how'd they get ruined? that sucks i got a new pair of pants that were kinda expensive but i needed a good pair to look decent
im sure you know the dangers of cold turkey but if you start feeling kind of seizury or anything go get checked in somewhere they can give you valium to safely manage that stuff don't die on me or anything
>>810804 i was bending over and my FAT ASS ripped them idk how the hem managed to get destroyed by me bending over but the knees were already starting to rip after only using them for like 3 days too
if i have a seizure i'll make sure that i die somewhere that isn't on you or well i guess i can't have a seizure and die on anything either
my joke didn't work
anyway don't worry, i wouldn't die even if you killed me
there's a dad w 2 little daughters here tryna take up 6 seats total so they can lie down and sleep and defending them with the ole "they're sleeping right now do you want me to go wake her up so i can move her i'm just a parent trying to manage my two daughters" shit ugh bREEEders
>>810807 they better!! dorororororororororororhrohroehehehrreherhrorhorhoeroheorhoerhreorhordoro anime looks good
Only one-cour announced so far. Netflix is the financial backer though so who knows. They've placed higher risks on weirder IPs.
basically, hope it sells I don't know how popular dorohedoro was in japan during its run
I think it's actually selling ridiculously well though. The fantasy brothel reviewers show is at the top of the sales charts but that has a lot of things driving interest in it, including all the talk and media buzz about it. But Dorohedodo is like in the top four or five selling shows this season last I checked. Pre-order charts, at least.
>>810809 it's incredibly good i was so skeptical about how anyone would even go about animating dorohedoro but the CGI actually looks wonderful and they preserved all the charm and style of the source material very well
it is one of the few shows where it prolly benefits from cgi otherwise it would be too expensive to make, atleast for most studios
>>810813 fact that it even got an anime POST-run does imply that it is popular
Well I think they've been trying to get an anime of it for a long time now. And it was ended kinda abruptly since the magazine it was running in shuttered up pretty suddenly. Wouldn't be surprised if they've been trying to get the anime off the ground since while the manga was still running.
it could have used maybe 5 to 10 more chapters to pace it out better, but itwas a very dorohedoro ending
I wouldn't know I haven't read more than the first volume. Just been watching the manga otherwise.
>>810817 at one point Q said the manga wouldn't even get the chance to finish there was doubts about the serialization continuing and she was having a rough time
i was almost certain it was fated to die in obscurity, which would have been a dreadful shame i consider us very blessed to have an actual factual anime now
Another thing that would make me unsurprised if Dorohedoro got another season at least is that Beastars got greenlit for a second season in the first season too. And it's kind of in a similar position to Dorohedoro; a kinda-niche manga adaptation paid for by Netflix that uses a fairly unique reliance on 3D CGI to compound its aesthetic qualities. If Netflix is willing to take a chance on more Beastars I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same for Dorohedoro.
I have the feeling that dorohedoro was always more popular abroads than in japan
But there are weird cases at times like Parasyte getting an anime
the parasyte anime was fucking great
yup but it was like what 20 years after the manga ended
yeah something like that never expected it to get an anime
same especially how gory the series is
Pet was a manga that ran 2003-8 or something and is only getting an anime now. Ping Pong too, was an old manga that took a while to get an anime adaptation. It is uncommon for old series to get adaptations but it does happen.
I think Shi Ki was a similar situation, though it might've been a novel, not sure.
did vinland saga sell well btw? since it might encourage them to adapt Historie, well start adapting it
also can't wait for people who havn't heard much of the series witness the FARM SAGA in fully animated glory ah dem memes >berserk: still on the boat >vinland: still toiling fields
>>810829 a mystery conspiracy paranoia themed thriller anime about people who can get into the mind-worlds of other people, and break their psyche to assassinate them or control them its pretty good i like it
i dont want to do this dumb shit work today every day there's another setback. i waste so much time trying to simply communicate with people that it feels like nothing ever gets done
simply transcribing in my own peace and privacy beats the hell out of this
it is just night the summer is way cooler seeing the sun do its weird flip you see a "setting" sun in one spot a "sunrise" in th other and the sun in a third place it looks so weird
>>810862 I find it funny that people think you can ban media in this day and age even china can't do it
also you'd think that by now people would know that banning things just encourages black markets of various kind not that it matters much with anime, that is mostly black flagged outside of japan anyhow
It's not like this is the first time some irrelevant senator has said dumb shit to get media attention
>Centre Alliance, formerly known as the Nick Xenophon Team (NXT), is a centrist[6] political party in Australia based in the state of South Australia. It presently holds two seats in the Australian Senate and one seat in the House of Representatives of Australia. so really these two barely deserve existance in parliament
Would you participate in the CIVIL UPRISING to save your waifu?
>>810869 anything to extend their stay long enough to get that sweet sweet pension >>810872 sure let's join the gun party and convince them to overthrow the government
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>810872 id participate in civil uprising for just about anything