>>811881 not bad considering how bad a cook I am the texture of the meat is a bit weird though
i had some kangaroo summer sausage before it wasn't remarkable they're muscly fuckers so yeah their meat texture is weird. kinda similar to wild boar (male)
have been up all day all night except for a nap hrgh what am i doing awake
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but i wanna live in the sun
found my glasses
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
becom meguca /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no thanks im not a terrorist
It seems despite the numbskulls that are avoiding Corona because of Covid-19, there's at least a slim number of people that are buying it particularly because of the humour in the connection. Or at least that's what a few retweets from Japanese Twitter are telling me.
you mean the beer? or what
yes the beer
idk maybe people were buying an actual corona or something how am i to know
Yeah, the beer. Judging from the text in the Tweets it's definitely them riffing off name similarity.
corona is a meh beer anyhow
Though it's also a decent bit of bleak humour for the Japanese since they're in a fairly high state of emergency from the pandemic. Lots of businesses are interrupting normal activities and schools have closed for like a month to decrease disease spread.
How so? Compared to living in some Arctic forest in the middle of nowhere, the Japanese are far, far closer to the origin point of the disease. And Japan is a HUGE place of tourism interest for Chinese people, nevermind the considerable business exchange that goes on between the two countries that sees a large degree of travel of people from both countries to and from each other. If the Japanese government has looked at the infection numbers and gauged it reasonable to cut back on school hours (the businesses are making their own calls), that's not an overreaction. If anything it shows a sensible caring for their people, putting the people first over economy and productivity.
hey yall just wanna say thanks for being cool people generally
thanks blue you too whats good
drawin streamin enjoyin rd-sounds music how's it been
oh neat drawing streams are great background while i work ill come chill s'good
eatin healthy, yknow porkchop potato and asparagus one night fish, acorn squash, and cottage cheese the next
eatin real balanced meals
Those are pretty well-rounded dinners yeah. Not sure how fish, squash, and cottage cheese all plays off each other but the first one sounds like a perfectly normal dinner.
it was crunchy fish filletsp the idea is just a vegetable, potato, or other side and a main protein not a huge portion of protein. mostly vegetable or root and stuff all home cooked it's nice to be able to cook
making proper meals for my mom since im caretakin, and i get to eat em too
She won in the anime, which from what I could see, just fast-forwards in the last episode to the final few chapters of the manga hah hah. And that ended in, man I guess December by now, eh. So it was fairly likely she was gonna get the OTP in the manga too.
It's not really regret, but I am realizing the implications of buying cheap ten dollar earbuds off Amazon. There's already a loose wire somewhere near the insert that gets activated by just the jostling of me walking. The earbuds have a mini-remote on them and that loose wire activating triggers the phone to think the remote is being used
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
why would you ever want to read nisekoi it's obvious from the start how it ends badly, just like it's writing :)
it is I've spent 8 hours today just filling in information from tables
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i will probably be writing for another 12 hours the next 4 is probably finishing results then i have my discussion to write that might go faster bc it's actual writing but idk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ahhh MIRRR i should set up a switch playing station in my storage unit
>>811980 i do nt think so but i hear there are tutorials online about how to tap into building power lmfao
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha nice
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently this is a thing?? storage livin? so said the task rabbit guy who drove my stuff
>>811983 living in the storage? i doubt they'd allow that but if you mean like having most your shit tgere while bunking elsewhere, yea it is common even here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea its super sus probably incredibly illegal and gross
yea is illegal, but if the storage owner doesn't care and take action who cares
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah agreed of course there is a risk of some kind of horrible liability lawsuit but some are ok with that risk i guess
the legality of it anyhow is a weird thing those laws were made to protect lanowners from leasing not-livable places for people to live in, but equally they prevent down on their luck people from living in garages etc
>>811987 i think tge storageowner can sidestep it with rge contract readibg "not fir living" and saying "never notived" and escape with a minor fine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sure but the law is about preventing degenerate situations, in more wholesome arrangements like garage living i would hope the law turns a blind eye more often
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>811989 yea possibly it depends on whether the landlord could reasonably claim they had no idea tho
>>811990 i read about this stuff while trying to figure if i could live in a storage space once since those are like 100-300/month for a decent sized space
>>811991 if it is a large warehouse thing with hu dreds of stprages welp... but if it is a garage or shack on the owner's premises
some storages here are 24/7 open and automated with only limited personnel on location mainly for new customers and leaving ones
so while tgere are cameras ofc, i don't think the footage is reviewed unless there is an issue
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i can get into mine with a code
the banking app is quite good it even has a feature, where if the phone is moven quickly in anyway, it signs you off instantly does still lose you a phone in case of a yoink, but they won't have access
>>812006 Considering the lazy-ass and in the last sometimes even non-existent localization, yeah the game is definitely half-assed at times. But hey, don't need localization to attract whales.
>>812007 i don't like the unit chatter tbh i turned it off it got really repetitive and annoying the lines usually run on way too long when you like level up too
inb4 ton comes along with "but that is the best paaaart!
I will say that the few times I've placed Ch'en on the battlefield and she yells while slicing through enemies like butter I get all fluttery. >>812027 Go to the add thing and put in my thing ToN#6869 and it should work
>>812068 That's just the anime propaganda and you've FALLEN FOR IT >>812070 just slap the ugly luck boat into your other ugly boats
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>812069 You can, through single rolls and >>812064 You can also craft almost any 5* or 6* in the game. ToN crafted the best vanguard unit in the game today, for example, Siege, a 6*.
RIP Kancolle
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>812073 kancolle is trying to not die >>812075 RNG get Top Operator in your tags and use other related tags https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tools/arknights-recruitment-tag-filter
>>812078 you can pick tags on recruitment to get the hella good shit you need to get lucky with that sick top operator tag
the webpage lets you click the tags you have in your recruit thing and pick tags from them based on what you can possibly get Unlocking the uhhhhhh Human Resources something in your base lets you earn rerolls on the tags over time.
do you guys have any idea what would cause someone to spontaneously vomit red and brown phlegm
asking for a friend
I can't say I do, no.
I wish I could say you should talk to a doctor about it since they would probably understand the situation best, but, well. That kind of shit annoys me more than anything honestly.
yeah i would just go get checked if i had money or health care that could cover a check up i think it's just excessive aspirin and energy drink consumption upsetting my stomach badly guess I'll have to cut that out and let my stomach heal a bit >>812150 what do you mean annoys you? i am not trying to be annoying sorry
>>812151 both of those exactly aren't stomach friendly keep it up and you might get a stomach wound
>>812151 Oh gosh not you no. I get really annoyed that the universality of healthcare isn't such that people can't go and get stuff like this checked out. I know you're probably good at not letting health concerns like this get to you too much, but for a lot of people, I bet not knowing what's going on is probably a big stressor on life.
>>812158 oh okay it does kind of bother me but I can usually reason it out to be a minor problem and resolve it myself thankfully nothing chronic has presented itself other than some stuff nothing will resolve really i wish i had health care i had it a couple years ago then my auto payment bounced and they notified me they would cut my coverage off by November 5th on an email i received November 5th
that also resulted in me getting a $350 penalty to my tax return that year after paying in $80 a month for 9 months and not using the plan a single time lol
>>812157 yeah i will have to do something else about the headache and lethargy maybe just suffer through it since it's probably gonna get better soon
>>812158 my only useful skill is not feeling bad about things i can't control
Yeah but a not-so-useful skill is convincing yourself on what you can or can't control. Or at least I know that's one I've relied on far too many times.
>>812168 hydrate a lot i guess but do take care in what you eat, with your body and prolly yourself too being under a lot of stress, that might mean you stomach isn't regening properly
>>812171 idk i either know i have control or don't or if you wanna get advanced i could control getting in control of something i don't control >>812172 yeah I've been drinking a ton of water like 10 bottles a day cause i keep sweating like crazy
>>812171 much of my mindset is so based in gut feeling and instinct i am fuckin bad at explaining how it works honestly
The VA for gohan in the latin American spanish dub of Dragonball Z died. https://www.cartoonbrew.com/rip/luis-alfonso-mendoza-spanish-voice-of-bugs-bunny-and-gohan-killed-in-mexico-187083.html
Chuck D fired Flava Flav for complaining about Chuck D doing a Sanders rally. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/02/entertainment/flavor-flav-chuck-d-bernie-sanders-trnd/index.html
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tomato soup who toucha wow covid 19 in nyc yay fun good great time to be jobless woo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
commence operation mission starto entombing myself under grand central station until this blows over
*star fox announcer* good luck
okay, let's figure out what to do today before I pass out into sleep land
>>812267 [ ] Draw [ ] Ring Fit [ ] Solo Karaoke [ ] Existential Dread
draw koishi playing ring fit while anticipating her upcoming karaoke date but suffering from existential dread imagining that she’ll have to go alone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
with toast in her mouth
koishi is existential dread
Existential dreadlocks
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
COVID-19 confirmed in Manhattan RIP new york gonna look like the end of Prototype soon
rip blue
En ... Eh Covid-19 has been here for weeks and I'm not dead yet.
Yeah I dunno the swipe autofill on my phone does some dumbass shit some times
it’s funny to me because ive seen some translators use en and not un recently for that uh... affirmative grunt i guess is what id call it?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>812273 damn i didn't realize playing all these loot and shoot games would have practical application
walking thr streets of brooklyn with a cough in my lungs and a sneeze in my elbow
Honestly you should probably be coughing into your elbow too.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I cough directly at pigeons and gutter punks it's a net improvement in cleanliness
C'mon Samu this is Covid-19 not the avian flu. You think a pigeon is scared of your coughing?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all aboard to Man Hattin >>812305 my iguana caught it too
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wear a mask
Encyclopedia Dramatica is supposed to be back online tomorrow. I'm kind of excited, its been huge pain in the ass to browse it on archive.org because the .se got delisted from google so it was a pain to find articles.
>>812301 vr is gamer eugenics weeding out the people with motion sickness and toaster pcs
>>812314 good luck get in deep so you can pull me onboard too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wouldnt mo e // move there ofc but id have to visit every month or so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
japanese waitress apparently has japanese autism becaus she came up and re aligned my sushi board to be aligned with the table instead of diagonal i wonder if i was causing great dishonor to the chef
I wonder if that will ever come into play, considering the size of the main sword? attack hitbox, but still
fair fair don't forget to strip for every loss with your bro really wish fighting games would just implement rollback already, there's no reason not to
i mean he pretty consistently goes on 15+ loss streaks against me in Blazblue, so I don't want to see that
>Pan fully clothed >ToN stark naked, sobbing into his hands >clueless wanderer walks in >>812351 It helps that there was a full second delay in my inputs.
>>812349 ton is bad at fighting games, I know this too
>>812360 I do not suffer this problem because I play, at least for BB, in a 'natural' way where I just combo on the fly with what I know works or what I want to test to work Whereas ToN generally learns a couple different combos but all of them start with a different move so I know which one he's about to start immediately The closest to a tell I have is when I 236 // 236D as Terumi because I always follow it up with a super
that is a summary of one wc3 custom map game, where you could backstab any "ally" at any given point when everyone else was defeated and it was just me and my friends left
>>812362 In naruto ultimate ninja storm series, you can quite quickly pick up on the teleport/kawamiri habits of your foe even within a single best of 3 match bit of a good/bad part of the game
NUNS seems to just boil down to Punch your opponent so they teleport, chakra dash Punch on reaction to stop them from getting a hit in so they have to teleport, repeat until they can't teleport, spam punch until you're on hit X of your Y hit combo, ally swap to pick up from hit A of their combo, repeat again, they're dead
>>812366 the allyswap is cancer mechanic since it takes half of the gamplay, which is actually getting good with your chakra usage and tp most people really use it as a "panic button" which annoys the fuck out of me
not to mention, the building up SUPER TEAM MODE which can with some combinations become to broken to beat
>>812366 But what NUNs actually boils down is >everyone uses broken as fug naruto/sasuke/4th/madora nonstop and even if you perfect play against a noob, you can still lose due to them killing you with 2 combos
sometimes i feel like i only play this game to dress up my girl
That's a real nice fashion style though. I really like it when games let you get all stylish with the outfits. It's the main reason I always pick a girl avatar in most games that offer fashion diversity.
>>812416 very anime I do think it lacks a hilight tho ie. the emblem on the jacket being of a bit more impacting colour or something
yeah i kinda wish the emblems on the jacket and boot were gold instead of silver the back side has gold highlights but the front changes color with dye for some reason
The upcoming Animal Crossing game has a lot of fashion options but they also don't gender-lock any of the style choices. There's literally no difference in picking your gender beyond how the NPCs in the game will address you by, probably. So I'm kinda stuck on whether I want to still do my usual "Just make a female avatar" or make it a guy and just dress and style change whether I want to look like a guy or a girl. It's kind of a weird dilemma I haven't really ever faced before.
>>812441 I use butt factor as my decider usually >do I stare at my characters ass a lot, if yes female, if no male also sometimes I use mustache factor too if there are no cool beards, I won't make a man
i like playing male characters if they let me be a big badass manly man if i can only be a girly boy i might as well just play a girl
that too
my first character in this game was a big manly dragon man then i made a significantly less manly pretty catboy then i just made a catgirl
>>812441 Correction, I like looking like a GIRL, I don't know as much being one. Male fashion just doesn't really excite me in the same way.
I typically always make a male, but it also never matters because if I can customize my character in a way like Dark Souls or Elder Scrolls, I just fuck the sliders until the character is an abomination.
Other factor is do I play as myself in the game or do I want to rp a little it is easier to play a character when it don't look like you >>812450 also this even if I do like some fashion stuff for men, if the game has a lot of dress up, I like to rather do it to a girl than a man and also women generally have better options
I spend an incredibly small amount of time actually looking at my character, so it's never mattered to me. Even in something like WoW I only glance at my character long enough to see if I have to move.
i spend an incredibly large amount of time looking at my character because i play the immobile turret dps Black Mage
Even when I played Rune of Power Arcane Mage in content I was strong enough to ignore mechanics of I didn't look at my character. I looked at the meters so I could bask in the glow of my BIG DICK DPS
huh... the launching point for season's don't fear the more than a feeling journey is not from the first search result of "season's don't fea the reaper" but the second now damn youtube algorythm
in case you are confused well that time kansas was first after it
is taking that song, hitting autoplay and see where youtube takes you the journey is over when one artist/band plays more than 3 times in a row
>>812541 but are they as leggy as the legend himself, Moist Pinkness? >>812542 cat liek burg
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you gonna get ff7
I wonder if any of my friends are gonna. The ones that I played through Kingdom Hearts III with, a couple of them are pretty big FFVII fans too. If they get I wonder if I could sit in on a bit of it.
I'll probably see if they do an anthology release of the two if not more parts of the game once the PS5 comes out. I get a feeling they'll polish it up for the PS5 regardless.
I really don'tget why square wants to reinvent their combat for each of their games
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they didn't really reinvent it it's just the FF15 combat the engine already existed
Static turn-based combat is also pretty archaic as far as single-player RPGs go. Players kind of expect there to be more dynamism and action to combat these days.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a prefer turn based these days ): i used to hate it
I dunno the game they did in retro style with turn based combat did rake in a good amount of money
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
octopath? true but it was only really popular in japan
More so, nothing about the Final Fantasy VII is retro. They've made it pretty clear they've overhauled everything about the game to update it to modern capacity and design. To have such elaborate characters and then just have them ... stand in place waiting for their turn. It's such a waste of the resources.
Besides if you want to play FFVII with the classic turn-based combat they've ported it to literally every flavour of platform you could possibly want.
there was bravely default too
but guess that was just a squeenix published title
also octopath sold 1,5million copies I don't think that is a "minor success" ofc greed nowadays can deem "3 million copies" a disappointemtn and the death of a series
>>812557 Only thing I wonder is, if the game will be carved to bits will ff7 remake be all of ff7 or will it be say cd1 only?
>>812561 No on a relative scale that is definitely a minor success. If it was an indie game, or maybe a decent-level developer, then yeah, good success to fantastic. But Squeenix is one of the biggest developers in Japan and is a sprawling producer with studios located world-wide. It's important to keep the scale of the people making it in mind when evaluating the relative success.
>>812564 There are going to be at least two parts. The game that is releasing this month is only going to cover the events of Midgar, where as last I heard the second game will focus on the rest of the world.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i might get a ps4 to play it if the economy gets real bad probably someone will sell me one and wveryone will be shut in anyway
>>812565 I wonder how much octopath would have sold, if it had been given "final fantasy" name being part of any big series always does raise more interest in a title afterall also octopath is switch only exclusive, when compared to say every FF game which are released on all platforms
well 7 will sell as hell, since it has been long awaited ff7 remake is prolly second most expected game after hl3 afterall
test test nande aitsura wa pinku? doubuts-en de omou to pinku tabemono de, sou nanda! jitsu wa watashi wa tarako ga daisuki purasu ebi kani tabeyo pinku iro ni naru no dakara minna chigau iro
I've got some friends that totally do that too. Especially whenever they're talking about people they like or romantic problems it always comes with connecting it to starsigns. It's a bit tiresome hah hah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha yup
ima start saying stucf like "stonks sure are pisces tonight eh"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
friend was supposed to show me an apartment but has gone dead so im just drinkan nearby like a schmuck
Imagine if he shows up just super late and then you've got to do the apartment tour inebriated.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds Great except the part where i get real pissed and alienate them forever but other than that YEEE
>>812617 oh no where will i get my daily reddit stonks "I've ruined my whole life and now I'm homeless" posts now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>812630 you'll have to make do with "reeeee where the tendiez at" for now
Maybe since PAN's too busy being a responsible functioning human bean I could go lay down for a bit. I won't have much chance for sleep tonight anyway.
>>812676 it's an online (mobile-only?) brokerage where you can buy and sell various US stocks and other financial instruments they had a very large outage yesterday that caused a lot of people to lose a lot of money
oh right haha guess that's the risk you run when you stonks
no they were incredibly negiglent and might go under from this they suck real bad
In recent time they've also had a few gitches in their app operations that have made it really easy for users to trick the app into practically giving them money. Honestly their reputation is pretty poor but there's definitely people using it precisely for stuff like this.
>>812678 good i say hope they jump out windows like good wall street wannabe rats
maybe that was a little too mean
i do enjoy watching stock brokers suffer though
squiggly line go DOWN
>>812685 guys help my continued ability to stay alive is dependent on imaginary shit represented with a squiggly line and SQUIGGLY LINE GO D O W N
I just see every loss as a business opportunity :)
I should code something that just shows the various squiggly lines and whether they're D O.W N
>>812684 stock brokers are the intermeditaries between an exchange and a non-proffessional client, i think you mean stock traders trading is kinda evil but i think it's way less evil than the businesses that they finance. also it's like 4D poker which is sick >>812690 relatable >>812691 yeah something like that lots of brokers are evil with their various fee schemes and referall programs. if you're not careful they'll steal any of the gains your capital has made
>>812689 yes that is what i meant i got the two mixed up because i am a fucking retard and my brain is gay
afaik brokers just work to try and invest for people who aren't sinners like them and can't interface with the markets
>>812715 he did say the other day he was on the spectrum I could believe it although he's pretty socialable and functioning I like bringing up random tidbits of info I find interesting like the other day I found a secret train on one of my runs it was an old defunct carriage set that someone owned
>>812716 >>812717 I have not seen it yet it's on the backlog with Requiem for a dream >>812718 probably at least that's where I assume he is after work >>812723 it's a weird correlation in this universe wonder what it is about it that attracts autistic people
it sounds cool but in reality it's probably a bunch of nerds >>812737 they make lay on the tracks in between the gap where the train doesn't hit as initiation
you'll never shine if you don't glow
what do you get when you have a train at the cross walk
you get what you fr*cken deserve
on time departure
>>812735 Some of them could be Chads. You won't know iif you never go. They're probably all nerds.