Darwin's Game Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! ID INVADED Magia Record Episode 7-8 Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 4-7 Murenase! Seton Gakuen Episode 5-7 Plunderer Episode 5-7 Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 6-9
did we already watch hatena 6? ah okay i'll catch up on it later then
Rika and I did it last night, yeah. Before you came in.
what did i miss in darwin from last night? just a brief overview is fine
Hm, MC saved Shuka and gave her some mouse-to-mouse to resucitate her. The rest of the gang apprehended and interrogated the water/ice girl/boy and forgave her for almost killing Shuka because the occasion lead to her and the MC's first kiss (not even exaggerating). That gang of punks that are playing the game are sieging the hotel the MC and the data girl were stuck in, and she's cracked the code the gem rings were hiding and is on her way to whatever that code entails.
oh sorry I tried to watch shows moon wouldn't miss.
darwin magia eizouken ID invaded rikei
that's ep 7 of magia ep 6 of rikei
Hm, seems like there will be a two-week hiatus (including this weekend's episode, so one more next weekend) for Railgun. At the least that might be why we haven't seen an episode yet this weekend.
For a guy that the OP and ED spoils as not really part of their main team, this florist guy has really stuck around a surprisingly long time.
Wang has some really weird ears. They're like really not human ears.
is it something like cicada now with these codes and events
I don't think it's that elaborate, at least not yet. But a couple episodes back the MC kinda realized the rules for this event don't
Geez well shit.
But the rules for this event don't say anything about players winning because they have the most points or anything like that. And each type of gem ring has QR code which gives off a string of numbers when scanned. Rein was looking at the numbers and noticed that the, I think it's ruby and sapphire rings, both have the same code number. Ruby and sapphire have the same Mohrs hardness measurement, so when she sorted the numbers by the Mohrs hardness of their respective gems , the numbers gave a coordinate location, which is where she's trying to get to right now. Their gang was the only participants that had a diamond ring, so they were the only ones that could complete the code.
They're really doing a lot of environmental damage with this game though. Like with all the explosions that have been happening in that hotel I'd be surprised if it's still structurally sound by now.
What a barbarous leader they've got here.
lots of panning frames
Good for saving animation budget.
>venom-based poison uhh hang on a sec
Probably a translation quirk.
These Eighth mobs seem to have the accuracy of Stormtroopers.
>>809931 Venon is usually venom is usually poison but there can be poison that isn't venom
That big guy pal of theirs is actually pretty impressive. Considering how fighting-oriented this death game is, and he's pretty much just a standard guy with a tommy gun. Unlike all these super-powered freaks of nature all his lets him do is know when people are lying to him. Which is useful, of course, but kinda limited in offensive
the BUDGET on this animation is so cheesy it's makin me laff
Looks like Ryuuji could use a hand.
What a pretty mind palace she's got.
Hah hah what.
The big gun guy seems to be a regular part of their little squad so I wonder what they're gonna do about his missing hand. I mean I guess it's still there, just completely separated from his body. I don't think they've got anyone with magic powers that can re-attach it or anything.
Honestly for a three-man animating team Probably even more a two-woman animating team, since I can't imagine Kanamori's doing much of the penwork. There's some really good animation in their piece here.
Ah that could be bad. Considering her parents seem to be particularly against her doing animation. Oh they caught her sneaking out too.
>>809973 doing all the legwork gives the other two a lot of freedom to just do their thing though
Yeah I'm not knocking Kanamori's contributions. She's just not literally doing the animation herself.
vulture festival
Ah gosh all this rowdy energy. I love this kind of rampant energy.
every time i watch this i think about joshikousei and miss it
>>810013 These girls always know how to have a wild time. They're such good kids.
oh they're live voicing it that's cool
Yeah. Because they couldn't get the animation done on schedule, they didn't have time to do dubbing. This ends up being a really neat alternative though.
Ah I love this OST track
Hah hah Auld Lang Syne The Japanese have a weird fascination with the song. Department stores will play it over the PA when they're announcing they're closing for the day.
They're straight back to thinking what they can do better for their next project. Aaaahh what good kids.
i went back and yeah they did have them holding the chopsticks crossed i guess she didn't know how to use them
>>810030 Yeah it was a neat detail. Asakusa pointed it out to her in that little campfire instant noodles scene.
Honestly you don't need to hold chopsticks "properly" to use them fine. I've been holding them improperly since I learned how to use them and I manage without much trouble.
I feel he could have planned out this second match with the Challenger better though. Like doing as he is right now is still probably gonna get him incriminated for manslaughter or some other crime, I dunno how the Japanese would prosecute this.
I'm interpreting it as him wanting to get some proper beating in on the guy he saw the results of him a-murdering his wife and daughter. Or at least I know the MC saw his wife or daughter in a horrid, beat-up state, in their apartment. He was the first one to discover the body. So he's been carrying that with him all this time. I'm pretty sure that would mess with his mental state a decent bit.
Yeah I was just about to say. This Asukai Kiki is clearly the visual base for Kaeru. I wonder why.
Ah what the shit.
he's just trying to save face
Save more than one face it seems like.
What the fuck is going on.
Hm. If they all have to kill her before she wakes up. Is this like the "prologue" situation of the id wells? Like Kaeru before she gets killed. And then it starts after that and the Mei Tantei shows up.
Ah yeah I was about to say. Funny that it's only serial killers that come to visit her in her dreams.
Hm, I wonder if in "reality" this girl is in some way tied to the Mizunohame or whatnot machine they use to do the Id dives.
nudity isn't very exciting in general it's kind of plain
maybe im desensitized from the medical setting it takes a lot more to get into the mood than just a slip of some skin though
Seems like my Internet is choking pretty bad. We're late enough that I guess it's fine but I really don't like having to type a lot on /moe/ with my phone.
Oh gosh
Ibara is a lot of chaos for such a tiny girl.
this doesn't seem scientifically rigorous
Ah looks like my Internet went straight out now, ugh. Guess I'll try and reboot it after the show's over.
oof good luck
>>810090 I dunno if there's anyway you could make this kind of investigation scientifically rigorous.
with a substantial number of participants you could at least have calculable margins of error
Hah hah those two just collectively kvetching about how much of a pain their lab members are.
There's been a lack of ponytail wagging this episode. What a shame.
Ah well I guess it's an unsurprising development. I wish I had my PC so I could be at least a bit exasperated.