>>806424 → there's tons of jobs open but a lot of them are rough physical labor and aren't stable jobs due to the weather
the real question is whether or not i'll get around to actually getting another job before i run out of money lol
i have finally stopped being a lazy piece of shit and bought replacement soles for my boots and new work clothes now i will look a little less like a hobo they just hired 4 hours ago
You still work at the 7-Eleven right. Don't they have a uniform for you?
Well yes but the uniform is a short sleeve light polo shirt for my position and they told me to bring my own rest of the uniform
I wear my work pants and boot soles out quick cause I bend down or kneel a lot I guess
At least it's good to wear good-condition clothes. Ratty clothes can kinda be a drag, at least for me.
i have many almost brand new clothes but i usually wear the old ones because i am a fucking goblin and treasure stupid shit like that because i have good memories attached to me wearing a shirt at the time or something weird like that lol
some of the stuff in my closet i bought and wore once and literally never touched for 5+ years
I acquire clothes so slowly that I usually end up wearing stuff through since a full rotation of clothes only lasts me maybe two and a half to three weeks max.
Yeah but what, aren't you only like three or four years out of high school?
(13 years ago) >>806449 Yes They were big on me then now they're perfect fits
some were a little too small and i had to give them to my neighbor's grandkids tho
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>dungeon >need to clear some inventory space >see a guy on low health >offer him free food >he ignores me and teleports away friendzone again
Some of my shirts are probably around ten years old. If there's anything that survives from earlier than that I don't think they would fit me anymore. I never really had baggy clothes as a kid.
>>806450 Nice No need to buy new clothes, save money. Buying new clothes is annoying
>>806453 Yeah anything earlier than 12-13 definitely wouldn't have fit me now and almost all of it is already donated to my neighbor or salvation army
I had a real big growth spurt or something around when I was that old and have barely grown at all since my voice has also been almost exactly the same tone since I was 13 too
>>806454 i like actually shopping around for shit actually i'm just really bad at working up the energy to commit to anything tbh i'm lazy and change is work i'll do work but i don't want to commit to doing work even though i know i'll do it somehow
>>806448 I never said I didn't. I still have a few shirts from then. Only the random xl shirts fit though.
men's small and medium are good fits for me boy's large and xl are also ok
I like the notion of shopping for clothes but until I can be content with how I look it's probably gonna always be an uncomfortable experience. I suck at not being overly self-conscious.
wish people would have their numbers clear and visible on their house
>>806464 Recently the post office has been Err sorry Amazon has been delivering my friend's neighbor's mail to him and he isn't giving it to them He's really lazy and says that if he brings it to them that the amazon people won't stop because his neighbors need to complain Err, packages Not mail
>>806456 I find it time consuming Committing the energy to spending an hour clothes shopping on a weekend is annoying yeah Clothes shopping would probably be more interesting if you were a girl. They get all the interesting options.
>>806462 yeah you would say that wouldn't you you degenerate
>>806475 unlikely it might be hiding somewhere on my computer
>>806475 well a couple of them are deep v neck shirts that just felt really nice to me so i bought em some are long sleeve that fit well one is a special blouse
i got some booty shorts from my sister too
>>806471 I have a lot kf screenshots of ToN saying perverted things. Its one of the classic genres of /moe/ screenshots.
>>806494 oh ok well could you not kick my boy in the nuts while he's currently active posting here
>>806496 I can't ttell if you mean stop posting these in general right now or just not stuff that could be considered mean to post and make fun if *fun if
>>806497 i mean don't post those kinds of jokes like 15 minutes after the guy it's making fun of emotionally posted to be safe you could just not do that shit at all but pay attention to who is where and when maybe he doesn't give a shit and i know you have the auts but it seems kind of mean to me
then again maybe that's a fat laugh coming from this motherfucker
I think the only screenshots I have are when sam fucks with code and it cause a huge amount of post they're on my pc tho >>806505 is he gonna smash
just told my sisters bf to come to my house and fuck my sister think he's bookin tix now
I hope you remembered to say please
>>806504 i have a bunch of screencaps of shit i thought was particularly good
h e has already smashed tbh idk i just wanted to make him embarrassed lol gave him the good ol full metal jacket quote
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
trazodone plus alcohol good iidea?
>sedative and alcohol you know it's not a fucking good idea bitch
but i mean it prob wont killy ou
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my roomie gave me one (1) 50mg pill idk anything about it
its a strong anti depressant and minor sedative likely won't cause life threatening reactions in responsible doses combined but best avoided entirely
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i see i wonder why he gave me this
>>806492 i didnt say it was funny >>806488 >>806493 while true i would in fact really like a 3d avatar of blind to have sex with she was really attractive to me it would damage me psychologically though im sure
thanks for defending me though jan i still have dreams, some of which have been recent and thats annoyingly frequent, but ive been generally fine. the last things that kind of set me free were getting upset at the fact that she got married like less than a year after it would seem as well as just having a moment of clarity on a valentines day a while back.
it’s kind of annoying that she keeps appearing in my dreams cant i get some anime girls in there instead i want my zombie girl lap pillow back that shit was cash
>>806514 yeah i mean i got the idea im not retarded when it comes to social stuff im just retarded at logic you're welcome but it's nothing no need to thank me for white knighting you i just get offended when people cross an invisible threshold of personal insuling jokes i cant even dsicribe im fucking drunk l0l just wen 10-1 against this dude in project+ netplay
i had fun tho its fun playing aginst peo-p0le who are way better thyan you
i met a psychopharm guy yesterday who was really cool he was telling me that we have now discovered a new opioid receptor and that opioids that act on it can't lead to addiction and i'm like "but you said it was discovered 4 months ago. how do u know" and he was like "lol idk"
>>806548 there's a bunch of shit going around my immune system is s tier it'll fight this off
>>806549 man there's a bunch of cool shit going on in tests maybe one day I'll be able to see all that badass shit maybe even synth a new chem prob not
Kirara 🍄
maybe they'll test their addiction-proof drugs on me
>>806552 they'd probably prefer fresh subjects to test on you kind of know too much to observe results of non complex psychoactives and have a history of cessation from addiction which is important for this drug
they can test it on me to see if it is addictive who better to see if addicts can get addicted to it than an addict and then if i do i can say lol wasn't my fault and fool myself into thinking i didn't relapse on purpsoe it's the perfect plan
depends on if they want to use the drug for addiction rehab or alternative to addictive opioids testing for both would be prudent in the long run i suppose
Kirara 🍄
well we don't really need it for rehab because we have good shit for that already and something that's an actual painkiller wouldn't work in that setting like you would not be able to use these drugs for detox >>806557 methadone sucks naltrexone is the absolute best shit vivitrol for fucking everyone
we have good shit but they're still killing people with methadone tho
>>806556 yeah it sucks ass but it's everywhere for some reason vivitrol isn't ? maybe rehab centers are fucking broke
Kirara 🍄
because for so long your only options were methadone or bupe
you don't even need a real prescription for naltrexone or vivitrol although insurance won't help if you don't have one lol and vivitrol is $1500 out of pocket but most insurance companies don't even require auth for vivitrol anymore so you can get it pretty quickly
the big problem with vivitrol though is that if people don't know what it is actually doing to them they can die from drinking because they won't be able to feel any psychological effects of intoxication but they're still filling their body with neurotoxins and they can't gauge it so they just drink until alcohol poisoning i've seen it happen but vivitrol is a lifesaver for a lot of people, way better than methadone or bupe
>>806559 i aint seen it but makes sense to me in line with those people who die from alcohol poisoning thinking they aren't really drunk on meth or coke but i don't know the toxic interaction of vivitrol and alcohol i assume there's some interaction between them during metabolization like amphetamine or cocaine or do they just really drink to the normal fatal poisoning level thinking they aren't drunk yet? >>806561 ahh so they really do just drink to that level
Kirara 🍄
there's no interaction vivitrol blocks mu receptors and alcohol acts on mu but everything else from the alcohol is still going on like dopamine and GABA and all that shit so they don't have a gauge for what's going on and literally just drink to that level
that's pretty fucking impressive in a way it kind of takes a fucking shit load of alcohol to die from straight up toxicity and not aspiration of bile or a seizure etc
Kirara 🍄
usually people have been off booze for a few months before they reach that point so they do lose some tolerance but yeah it's crazy i had a client drink three box wines and two bud lights and we all thought she was having an opioid overdose because literally just straight to fucking sleep
wait hold up like, the 3L boxes?
even one 3L box wine is the equivalent of 20 standard drinks lol
Kirara 🍄
nah nah the small boxes they don't sell 3L here as far as i know you can't sell them in florida the like .5L boxes
oh ok probably 1L or 1.5L then? that's still like 24-36 standard drinks goddamn
Kirara 🍄
yeah people just go back to the way they drank before
they don't sell big box wine here like florida is weird about booze it's illegal to sell everclear in florida for example
they sell basically anything here but you gotta have a specific liquor off premise license to dispense anything take home that is above 13%ABV you can buy everclear and shit if you want but not after 9pm and not on Sunday cause it's illegal to sell liquor on Sunday in my city
you can even brew your own beer and even distill in some counties here texan freedumbs
i mean you can brew beer basically anywhere if you aren't selling it
Kirara 🍄
>>806571 well sunday is the lord's day you can't just drink on it!!
it's like the jews gathering manna in the desert we had to gather extra on friday so we had enough on saturday
>>806574 nah bars are open you just gotta go to service in the morning they open lighter alcohol sales at noon on Sunday same goes for bars they stay open till the normal time after that
i would like to gather mana
>>806574 thankfully alcohol can be sold an hour later on Saturday so this can be used to prepare for the Sunday drought
that sensory deprivation tank really did a number on my hair oceanwater isn't heard to get out of hair but an extra 5% salt really changes it up my hair's so stiff. probably because i have that thicc ukrainian hair
you got real nice volume
mines more average thick and straight imma find someone good to style it someone shown me this cool barber locating app
FUCK im at the rink and i just sat in the "express" line for what felt like an hour while a BOOMER leaned against the ticket counter scrolling on her tablet down an infinite list of emails finally she gets admitted and i show the guy my QE QR codr and he's like "oh you can go right in"
thwn i put my skates on and they're like "get off the ice zamboni time!!" so here we are
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
at least it'll be fresh
also my blades are developing rust on the bottom aaaa
but it's a nice noontime rn i can't complain forever
>>806591 You gonna dance all over these Americans with your Canadian skills?
the last time i put on skates, my right ankle went in a 45 degree angle outward from my shin wait 45 would potentially be interpreted to be a slight movement please this was the angle to my shin meaning the ankle was bent 135ish degrees anyways it hurt and i still limp and i hate skates
Made a check off a voice for my niggas in the trap
>>806602 too late i just maimed forty (40) hobbits
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Zume Pizza Inc., the startup that was going to have robots make pizzas in delivery trucks. That was its real pitch, it raised $375 million from SoftBank Group Corp.’s Vision Fund
>“In January, Zume cut 360 jobs, leaving a little over 300 employees, and said it would focus on packaging and efficiency gains for other food delivery companies,” getting out of the robot pizza business.
>Eventually, [co-founder Julia] Collins’s team gave up on the dream of baking the pies while driving to customers, according to two people familiar with the matter. The cheese tended to run everywhere as the trucks turned or hit bumps in the road.
>Presumably many local pizzeria owners have never heard of Masayoshi Son; presumably many more just would never have thought “oh we’re actually a pizza tech company and we need hundreds of millions of dollars of venture capital funding to scale.”
>But if you have the proper mindset, if you believe in yourself, if you are not a guy opening a pizza place but a founder who previously sold a tech company, if you hire a strategic and retail consultant, if you test out various combinations of “[giant tech company] of [broad category including pizza]” for the pitch, if you call your pizzeria “the Gigaranch” or “the Pizzaplex” rather than “Al’s Pizza & Subs,” and sure sure sure yes fine if you employ some robots to careen around town sloshing cheese around trucks, then maybe you can be the pizza proprietor to rake in Masayoshi Son’s millions.
>And then there is no stopping you: You run a pizza delivery business. You craft a pitch calculated to convince Masayoshi Son that your pizza delivery business will change the world. You meet with Masayoshi Son. He convinces you that you will change the world. Now you are all believers, all in it together.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>He hands you piles of money. You go home and weep to your friends, “I am going to change the world.” The friends are like “wait what with the pizzas?” But it is too late for skepticism, you have the money, the robots are in the trucks, they are fanning out across town, the cheese is everywhere, they cannot turn back.
Wanna come up with something to pitch them?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who needs original ideas when you can just steal from a neal stephenson book
yeah i wonder if the driver makes their kid go to the front doors that sounds dangerous
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it's a proud and loving parent training their child for their adult life
More likely I bet it's some kid who's scammed the app into letting them take orders. Or well I guess they'd need at least a sixteen-year-old accomplice who can drive, considering it's Florida.
>>806661 I don't think I get paid for breaks I'm not sure still nice to have it though
a succubus isn't much of a monster though a least not in that universe I'm versed enough in the lore of that show enough to know if succubi draw their energy from humans like they typically do
>>806665 i heard it was for BABIES which honestly is the majority of the Sonic fanbase might not go see it after all
>>806666 you can't do that no more Samu unbroke it on accident
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>806667 yea idk i was expecting them to make it for the millenial crowd too given like the nostalgia heyday timeframe but nope just a so-so buddy cop movie not bad enough to be good some odd choices in the script, but mostly formulaic of the 90s cartoon character plunged into IRL
>>806683 oh wow are you putting up a fight? the salad robe spade hunting gang never expects that
>>806682 i kinda wanted it to be horrible too because knowing they tried so hard and bankrupted the animation studio to make it good and it was still shit would have been priceless
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>806684 it's not running away it's a temporary tactical retreat
>>806686 wow running away from a The Mask wannabe looking lettuce robe gandalf boy get the fuck out of my wilderness you goblin hunting lumbridge bound beggar. you probably didn't even pay the Wilderness Tax to the Savage Prophets of 25 Buttholes, did you?
for real though just wear black Dragonhide and bring a magic bow, granite maul, and like 2 of each manta ray karambwan and you can probably kill any fuck boys trolling around to gank defenseless noobs like that shoot them with the bow till you get a fat xp drop then quick switch to gmaul and mash special attack basic shit is more than enough for salad men
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yknow what really grinds my gears stealing jokes from marvel movies??!?! they did the "haha im gonna pronounce ur name wrong OWNED :)" joke and the quicksilver thing multiple times kill me
he was alright in my eyes not giving it his all, but trying to channel ace ventura idk also his personality was to be a douche the entire movie, but not often in a funny way
Honestly Eggman is pretty consistently a douche in a kind of pathetic way even in the games.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's a dance sequence randomly thrown in for carrey in the middle it's a hot mess like he goes into a VR simulator to go skiing and also re-enact the jurassic park "must go faster must go faster" scene it's very randum
i heard a lot of people say jim carrey seemed held back or something compared to some of his more insane acting characters i guess
>>806695 a lot of his characters are probably douches, but sort of likeable at least
Carrey's best role is him playing Count Olaf in the Series Of Unfortunate Events movie fight me
i fucking hated that adaptation so mother fucking much
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>806698 yea he did, idk why, some scenes he seemed half dead >>806696 yea but at least that eggman is ham af
>>806700 I'll fight you not with text I'll punch you in the fucking tummy
honestly i thought he did good as olaf but the movie in general was a huge fucking disappointment, dropped a bunch of characters and basically skimmed through two books to Frankenstein them together into a barely recognizable story
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>806701 oh really? do tell i just remember the girl being hot isk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>806705 oh i see yea i could see that it had a lot of plot threads that were way too uhh cute
Pretty sure it was a bot because he didn't even try to run just stood there and took it while the other guy beat his ass
>>806712 I liked what I saw of the Netflix adaptation, though I only got through the first three episodes since I was watching with some /moe/ people and it kinda petered out. I think they eventually finished the adaptation? Yeah looks like they did. I should get back to finishing it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hello mr streamer :) do u like runescape??
>>806715 some of those are literally players that's how bad at video game people are in RuneScape
i have killed someone who auto retaliated and did nothing else except beg me not to kill him while he died then pm me crying about how he lost his armor
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
use coupon code MELCHIOR for 15% off dollar cock club
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>806718 yeah but even if you were as 60 IQ mouth-breather you could still go back down the ladder if nothing else
The commercial pizza joints 'round here stay open to 03:00 I could still go get pizza if I wasn't full as fuck already.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>806747 me me me me me me >>806748 if i lived in the lower east or bk i'd be laughing
soooooon hopefully fuxk i gotta house hunt
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's a 24/7 apple store lmao if you gotta have pods at 4:30 am
Man you gotta feel bad for the employees that have to staff a store like that in the dead of night. I wonder how many late-night tech support cases they get.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk some people like the night i'd like to think
realistically its just another graveyard shift job yea
still. like. 24 hour places are cool maybe i should love in like berlin
Sure, night is pretty nice. But do you REALLY want to be stuck in a bright-ass Apple store at like 04:00.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>806753 that apple store is particularly nice inside its entirely underground, moodily lit, with a big plant wall on one side
The only Apple store I've ever seen is the one in the Toronto Eaton Centre and it's pretty fugly. Just an open box of a room lined with tables and employees that probably loathe having to be there.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea the mall stores are all clones flagships are nice tho at least they get paid decent it's a relatively good retail job
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta drink all dat koolaid of course
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dying of hungr
maybe i should go to the store Right Now and stream it then shatter five ipads
rainbow six siege has a new character coming soon and his ability is to charge through walls and bust them down with his shoulder just like the kool-aid man
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aUdiO MeDiC
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>806759 sounds like my kinda character i do love me some reinhardt
>>806765 There really are people who shouldn't have kids though. People who have certain genes and high chances of having kids with certain birth defects or medical issues definitely shouldn't have kids. A good example is the bubble boy His parents should never have had a second child (him).
>>806765 >it works for dogs why wouldn't it work for humans Does he eat dog food too?
Dawkins is whack job on Twitter
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>806766 well yea i mean that's obvious he's making a really obvious point if you did eugenics on people, then eugenics would happen
where tf is he going with this tho
I have a friend who doesn't want to have kids because of a gene that runs in his family that makes it highly likely any children he has would have severe medical issues.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like is he subtweeting some evangelical nutjob who tweeted "genes don't real" or what
Also D&D went great tonight. Apparently I averted a major plot thing by doing something crazy tat the dm really didn't expect. Like a really bad plotline got avoided. And he had tons of plans for encounters and plot stuff that he basically had to throw out.
But tl;dr I summoned a demon and got it to knock out a character who had turned evil a month ago.
Err, for context its a demon anyone can summon for saying its name three times. But if you get it to do Err if you summon it your alignment moves towards chaotic evil, and if you are chaotic evil and summon him he kills you.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>806779 that's pretty cool he didn't just railroad it interesting
but why would a demon kill you for being chaotic neutral wouldn't they want to hit the bar w you or like drink a chalice of ichor
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I've been working on the railroad all the live long day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
chicken nuggies GET
>>806784 Because his job isbto corrupt souls. Plus he's chaotic Chaotic evil entities aren't all friends. That goes for all alignments. Although I also used to think that same thing.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>806788 oh true that chaotic after all >>806787 update: instant regret
what's to regret about chicken nugger I was going to get kentucky fucked on the way home but I decided against
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is NOT FOOD what IS this
>>>/@Focke_3/1228530363128930304 >>806791 Chicken nuggets rock Chick filet also has good nuggets Well What they call nuggets are really closer to popcorn chicken but they're still good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's like im eating idk warmed-over biscuits
>>806787 >>806789 You only have yourself to blame. Chicken nuggets are pretty garbage on a good day and middle of the night is never a good day.
On account of being night.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i blame the indian place that cancelled my order
and beyond that, i blame the person who decided that i should nap instead of going out and getting dinner this evening which was me
>>806804 Oh it's probably some default drum sound in some music making or audio effect software. It sounds a lot like the digital drum samples in Marisa stole the precious thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah sorry that is a bad example, that does sound like a drum hit
>>806806 Sounds like a bass boosted sinewave o something. *or
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you are technically correct
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's the dab sound effect, that's what you'd probably call it
Yeah I just realized what I said wasn't what I meant Like it's some simple alternating tone thing and it got bass boosted. Do you want me to ask some of the music making guys on tano?
>>806799 its usually either airhorn or the inception bass
he's not even good i'm just that bad why do i even subject ppl to my scrub ass no matter what they say i feel like tyhey aren't realy having fun beating me up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow well maybe MAYBE i'll just get that goin on my PC and we can duke it out
>>806828 there is no hard talk for me only fake and real i have no sensitivity i welcome pain even encourage and await to be crushed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there is only the TRUTH.
truth is this shit don't matter my life is another blip in an infinitely long wave changing nothing and knowing nothing much in the end I'm a passenger to the existence of reality as a whole and when I'm gone nothing here will really matter at all so everything is pointless and what's ideal is just to seek happiness before your invaluable spark is snuffed and forgotten by time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
careful with that edge!
if everything is pointless then nothing is pointless
or what I'll cut myself what a funny fucking joke to someone like me
nah everything is pointless and nothing matters so everything okay and you can do whatever you really desire
I'm not spaghettichan
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's one way of looking at the world!
certainly i'm atheist and very existential so i don't believe in anything higher
the distinction i make is that if 'nothing has any meaning' then a contradiction occurs
i believe in reincarnation though the next life will probably be so different nothing you learn will matter like a dream
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh as far as i can tell, this is it that's what i believe at laest so i figure life goes one of two ways either we die or we live long enough to live forever
i didn't believe in that shit until i thought I was someone else
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh really, what happened?
i tried to exsanguinate myself and
woke up in the ER ok internet is shit why I'm dropped
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ouch, ouch ouch
i have about 100 scars on my arms from depressive episodes
tried to butterfly most of em but I'm not too good at that shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok oof sorry about my comment earlier
so uh what other existence did you see?
i was a young thing and woke up i was very small i went outside, i was in something hayish i told someone big i dreamed i was someone else and just woke up they laughed i woke
now I'm sleep sry for getting uppity about the edge thing it's no big deal I'm just a fucking bitch ok but
wow I'll show you who's a FOOL but real talk is good and helpful if this place was nothing but an irony shitshow I would skip right past it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i need to find some more serious and wholesome peeps irl but i've always been bad at that cuz i wrap myself in five layers of irony and self deprecation
Maybe after I finish I'll come back with a bow and pop off a few rounds at these idiots Just because What goes around comes around. If I can't grind in peace you can't either
>>806860 imagine trying to tb and spec out people charging orbs and fucking dying for it that would be so embarrassing i would log out and never be able to look at that account again
he was probably trying to kill the bots or something though bot hunting is a popular sport for noobs getting into pking these days sometimes it's even really profitable
In before "It's injustices like this from women that turn people into Nazis"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oof is that actually real it's disorienting to see tropes like these materialized into irony free real ity
These kinds of tropes are only known because they exist irony-free in real life. Truth is stranger than figs shown, after all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess im too optimistic that like everyone would have been made aware about this phenomenon for so long that the culture would become innoculated against it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sunday evening time for shots???
I'm guessing you don't get the Monday off down there. But you're also not currently working so I mean hey, why now
I'm going to a school tomorrow morning to help break the news that a kid committed suicide and to talk to the kids if they need it I don't really want to do it but you know me I just jump in and agree
Sounds really a lot. I know a lot of kids these days try to lean too hard into the "It's cool to be jaded" mentality so I hope they don't, well, do that in regards to a death like that in their midst.
>>806937 I think the pope said something about it not being like that anymore with some caveats about mental illness and people who kill themselves having psych issues.
It's not even that I have a bad relationship with my parents we get along really well i just don't like the dynamic three adults living together.. kind of But I need some spaaaaaaaaaaaace
I can get that. I'm quite fond of my parents and I'm fairly comfortable here. But at the same time I would really like to just have some total control over who I let into my privacy, which I can't really do when I'm still living with my folks.
That said I don't know when I'll be able to live on my own this is an expensive city to exist in.
I think I get along with mine alright just I get uppity about my privacy and we don't see eye-to-eye on certain things
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bokutqchi waaa
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
moving out is good becomr MARU explain yourself to no one
>>807049 It's good but it's also unaffordable for the foreseeable future for me. Even if I was working I'd need at least a roommate. And I don't have social connections so where am i supposed to find that.
I have been given the reccomendation "Angel Beats" by roommate's sister she seems cool
this has been anime corner with anon thanx for watching
waking with with a sore, dry throat is the worst. not because of the physical pain, but because it means that i snored all night, and therefore did not have restful sleep. which in turn means that i lost all my gains, got hella fat, won't be social at all today, and will be stupid for the next 16 hours
why would you go to a cafe in VR? unless that flimsy little helmet actually jacks into their nervous system and they can taste the food They do say it's "oiishii"
But then BUT THEN a couple episodes later they're walking through the snow and they say it's not cold because it's 'just a game' so what's up with that? hmmmm
Maybe because it's "just a game" the game provides sensory details for the things that are nice, like food and drink, but doesn't do the same for unpleasant things like cold. Alternatively maybe since they're higher level and have good stats that translates into not being bothered by sensory pain like cold since they're effectively superhuman.
ALTERNATIVELY alternatively maybe they just want to roleplay the experience of enjoying some nice food at a little cafe in a comfy VR cafe. It's not like people don't already do stuff like that in real MMORPGs.
it is windows 10 ofc you can't install wc2 easily gah
Oh whoops Here's the https version https://sysprogs.com/wincdemu/
>>807113 You're probably going to have tto do it in a vm if you can't get it working with compatibility mode.
nah just going to grab a gog version >warcraft III prerefunded version lol
Oh, or that I guess.
hmm it was poweriso I have on my desktop some ancient version that works without installing that I prolly have on some usbstick
For real though, wincdemu is really good.
It can even add options to the right click menu so you can just right click the iso and select mount
I find it deeply weird it installed itself in finnish to my rclick menu, despite this os being installed in english I guess it checked the keyboard language?
>>807124 I hate how some shoes nowadays have their insoles sewn into the shoe bought a lot of extra time for shoes when you could switch them once or twice a year
Huh, do you know if it hurts her when she does it?
idk the vet said her vocal chords were weak and underdeveloped or something she was a runt from a litter my sister rescued cause their mom kept leaving them in the rain when it was storming hard for a couple weeks
Like most amusing thing I found myself doing out of muscle memory from yeaaars ago >grunt enters archer range >quickly move out of range before it gets the first shot >move trolls into range >they one shot archer before it can fire due to it derping between wanting to shoot and move humans are the easier faction tho, since in the harder missions when resources are limited as hell, they can heal their units orcs don't get that but they do get SKELETON WARRIORS
>>807161 fine i went to a, idk the word, an assembly sermon thing? but then they didn't even announce the kid's death everyone was acting like nothing happened i educated the school faculty on grief more than anything else
in my opinion it was extremely fucked up some of the kids close friends were upset and didn't have to be in class but overall everyone was running around having fun playing games etc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow why catholics gotta be so pent up about everything
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they didn't even tell everyone that i was a counselor and they could talk to me on Saturday, they told the parents that they should tell their kids that there will be counselors around lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im picturing you cruising the school hallways and doing drive by therapy
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hey kid, feeling sad? i got some therapy that will perk you right up. free sample
also the school's pastor or priest or whatever had jordan peterson books in his office lol
what church does peterson even belong to
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who knows i think he's dead, personally like legitimately dead
yeah last anyone has heard of him, he was put in a coma
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
his daughter says he's in a medically induced coma in russia because his benzo withdrawal was misdiagnosed
which is 100% a lie benzo detox is a routine procedure in hospitals benzo withdrawal doesn't get misdiagnosed lol and you don't need to be put in a coma for it
guess the life of spotlight wasn't for him
>>807177 well considering his weird dietary ways of tackling illnesses, who knows what else he might have tried
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he probably died from the diet and his daughter is keeping it secret so she can continue making money
prolly kinda sad man in the end
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha yeah it's a pathetic way to go
or if he isn't dead, he is in an actual coma
or braindead
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe he's on the run from the chaos dragon in the garden
it's good good story too not sure if we're the good guys or if we're supporting fascism yet but the villains are relatable which probably says a lot about me
naw that is just some random ad with a I guess some modern "washed up celebrity" and he starts with that and at 5 sec skip it ends always at "nothing"
>>807198 militarism isn't fascism, tho and since it is some military thing that prolly is a thing in the game but I know nothing except >ears
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well they're putting a specific group of people into camps and using them as slaves and stuff some people are at least and the villains are mad about it and my guys are just doing things idk our motivation they pulled me out of cryosleep with amnesia im just along for the ride we seem to be liberals and the villains are revolutionaries?
maybe it is a hidden chinese propaganda game for china's camps?
wake me up from my sleep with cute girls and praise me for my incredible commander skills when I definitely don't fuck up ever what are you talking about
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im a pretty good commander i completed most of the event except for the last two extra hard stages
I told my grabblepal that I started arknights and he's like "if you try hard you could maybe clear the event" and that's not a level of committment I feel like doing right now
however I think Fubuki probably cleared what you're talking about because she uploaded a map clear by itself on her channel
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk who fubuki is is that a vtuber
>In the game's dystopian, post-apocalyptic future setting, the world is plagued by natural disasters that leave behind a mineral, Originium. This metal's properties allowed civilisation to rapidly progress, but also infected people with a disease, oripathy. Due to the disease's 100% mortality rate, and its high infectivity at the time of death, hostility towards the infected became widespread, leading to their mass quarantine and expulsion by governments worldwide.
>The player takes the role of the unseen and amnesiac "Doctor", recently recovered from cryonic sleep. The Doctor commands a team of "operators" belonging to Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals, a medical and self-defense organization. As oripathy spreads, the team must search for a cure while defending themselves against both the infected and those who want to eradicate them.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah we're looking for a cure i forgot because chapter 2 and 3 iis just hanging out with fascists
the enemies have good nuance in the event you realize that your foe is just trying to survive like you and you join forces to give everyone a happy ending
but then you can't set the flamers to maximum purge and purge the unclean
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we're infected too most of Rhodes Island's operators are infected
guys i'm trying to help my father get a replacement copy of his citizenship certificate, but the form i'm trying to file for the replacement is asking me for the "certificate number", and all i can find out online is that its the number in the top right of the certificate oh yeah ofc let me just look at the certificate that is lost and needs replacing Fuck the feds