Ace of Diamond Black Clover Chihayafuru Episode 18-19 Darwin's Game Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Hatena Illusion Episode 5-6 Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 4-7 Murenase! Seton Gakuen Episode 5-7 Pet Plunderer Episode 4-6 Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 6-8
what's amazing this season might maybe watch something tomorrow
Eizouken's continued to be fantastic I dunno if you've been keeping up with it
Somali to Mori no Kamisama is adorable and kinda Kino no Tabi-poi. Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun is a great blend of light horror and Japanese folktale and tinges of mystery. Dorohedoro's anime has been pretty stellar but you'll have to go with an untrusted subgroup for it since Netflix means no HorribleSubs rips. You'd probably dig the male lead from Kyokou Suiri and it's a cool atmospheric mystery show with a bunch of Japanese folktale elements too. ID INVADED might be the right amount of psychological nonsense and cool guys being DETECTIVES to entertain you.
I think that's the shortlist for what I'd assume you'd enjoy out of this season.
we sub in eizouken for 4 and rikei 6 if moon appears
I'll go ping Moon might've just looked away because someone was so OSOI
>>807884 Somali and kyokou look neat idk about id I'll check it out thanks buddy
ID INVADED might take a few episodes to hook I dunno it's kind of a weird show. I think the characters are cool and the plot is interesting but the stuff around it is kind of a lot at times. But you also dug Boogiepop so it might work fine for you.
Also speaking of weird shit it also reminded me of Pet. Pet is fucking WEIRD. Also pretty fucking gay at times. That one might be fun for you too it's got criminals that dive into people's minds and fuck around with them.
i love weird shit texhnolyze and mind game are two of my favorite anime
Eesu >>807886 I think Eizouken being last might be nice regardless. Gives Moon a chance to show up for it better.
>>807893 It's a real blast. I still don't know what to feel about it quality-wise but the show does not fail to entertain and weird me out.
Oh I thought we got the new OP last episode since it had Sawamura with the Ace no.1. But we're back to the previous OP.
this is neet when do you guys watch pet
Hm, kinda all over the place. We've got so much backlog there isn't too much of a consistent time we watch stuff. Especially with shows that air over the weekend like Pet. Like episode seven's still on the to-watch list despite airing over the weekend.
Alternatively that does mean if you want to be around on like Sunday or Monday nights it would probably be easy to slip it in.
i am usually not available until midnight cst or later recently
might just lose my shit and quit my job soon though
Well I'd hope you have something else lined up if you're gonna quit but I also get the want to just pull the plug.
I don't really but I'm sure I could find something the idea of fucking everything up by leaving suddenly is appealing though cause the bosses and underlings are pissing me off
Sawamura's really setting up for a nasty failure it feels like. Pride cometh before the fall and all.
They're still all in training phase though. The show's been really playing up this summer season. I want to see the games! I've got a hunch Sawamura's gonna really choke BAD and waiting for that shoe to drop is getting to me.
It's rare that a show or any other kind of media has so firmly replaced one notion with another for me. Cheerleading will probably be CHAIR for me for the rest of my life.
I guess they've changed up the opening reel a bit to edit in the Wizard King's name. By now they could probably cut it though it's barely relevant anymore.
pet was exactly what i was looking for thanks tilde love you mate best wishes to you i know you can do anything you really want to just need to find that yourself
Yeah looking back at it I'm surprised it didn't come to mind earlier. It's got all sorts of stuff up your alley.
Thanks man, love you too. I'll try to keep that positivity in mind.
don't think about that just think about what you want to do and what you will do i know you're capable of anything you actually value you're definitely gonna do something you love
The Black Bulls interfering is a pretty unsurprising turn of events.
>>807940 Probably more of a heretics gonna heretic. I don't think something as lame as a Magic Parliament can stop the Black Bulls.
Everyone is saying their personality based lines again
That one shot of all them posing I think was the manga chapter's endpage for that week's chapter. So they probably figured they could get away with repeating it all the next week.
>>807943 would be kind of sad i admire your and her tenacity to keep watching this fucking trash
i watch it too but usually when I'm half asleep and often pass out during it
Oh some of the other captains are getting in the way of Yami causing trouble. Oh nevermind they're also sticking up for Asta. How nice of them.
>>807949 She got a nice spotlight moment in the last arc.
asta could've been touma tier badass but they write him as a retard
To be fair Touma acts like a retard pretty often himself. It's easy to forget he's actually pretty intelligent.
This guy really is a Lawful Asshole character. Reminds me of people who think the Lawful Neutral alignment is a free pass for them to be douchebags because you can't show a shred of empathy when obey THE RURUS
he talks like a retard and acts like a genius
touma does i mean
>>807954 using your alignment to excuse your actions is low tier
>>807955 He's a probably below average student but in Academy City even being below average probably makes him pretty fucking smart.
Yeah it kinda confirms what I was expecting with Damnatio. The writing tries to play his hardass nature as him playing the act he needed to play to get Asta out fine.
>>807959 idmg idk if you read index lns but touma is demigod level intelligence in terms of debate at least
I don't read them but I'm tangentially familiar with some of the plot details. I guess that means I don't get stuff like him being a master debater though.
in one of the late novels othinus destroyed the universe and he survived cos lol imagine breaker and eventually he convinced her he could fix shit without destroying the whole universe
Secre's pretty cute though. Kinda got the mopey goth character going on. Funny that she's been a person in the show for like five or six episodes and she's already got more of a personality than Noelle.
I'll join you tell me what to download I'll sync up once I've got it start without me
Oh yeah I don't know how far you got into the first episode or even remember where in it the OP plays but it's by that vocalist that did the Tokyo Ghoul and earlier PSYCHO-PASS OPs.
I swear at least a quarter of the show's dialogue is Chinese at this point.
I don't believe so. I think it's an adaptation of a light novel series. Oh, manga series. A complete one too, from back in 2003-5. So maybe we'll be getting a full adaptation of the story.
I'd say the Chinese dialogue is just them being good with story immersion.
This butterfly girl seems more like a moth.
Eugh that's a few way too many pillbugs for me.
ok time
7:35 7:30 7:35 7:40 7:45
don't look so glum chumbawamba
I guess for the completely isolated scenes they still have all the Chinese characters talking in Japanese though.
Giant lardsack of a man with butterfly wings. Every time I think I'm getting accustomed to this show it pulls the rug out from under me.
this dude seriously reminds me of sensui from yyh the spirit detective that wanted to kill all humans
the cartels don't give a fuck if you're dying do the job or evacuate yaself
>>807989 He's a fair bit more benevolent than Sensui. Though he's also done a lot of shitty things in the past that it kinda feels he's trying to atone for.
>>807991 just mean he kinda looks and talk like him not that he's got the same mindset
The waterboy model's actually kinda cool-looking getting a closer look at it. Much more tolerable than a half-fish, half-boy.
sensui is the best shonen antagonist ever imo prove me wrong
What a manipulative lil' shit. He's good at getting his pet to do what he wants.
>What's in this honey that makes maple syrup anyway
that's right kill tsukasa butcher him cook him into soup and feed it to that blonde fucker destroy his innocence like real Chinese gangsters
Oh another nice endcard. They're always a bit of a toss-up for this show.
pretty interesting will watch the rest if i don't have a heart attack or fall off a bridge before then cyaa enjoy yalls anime
Have fun with it You kinda jumped into everything being set up the show actually does build up stuff pretty well plot-wise. It's just all the asthetics which are weird.
I'm ready for Chihaya when you are Rika.
Rare for this show to start with some pre-OP scen Well I guess it wasn't very long hah hah
It's kind of a tough call story-arc-wise for either lady. The mom one could win and then officially retire. But -And there's also been a lot of hanging indications that Wakamiya is on her way out as Queen too. But they also kinda set her up as a raibaru for Chihaya so it would be weird if she wasn't there for her to play against.
Mom-chan's also playing pregenant it seems. That might dent her stamina before long.
Yeah guess Harada's sketchy playstyle might help him with the edge he needs. They are only on game three of five though. If the plot wants to push them to a full best of five Harada could still stand to lose two more games. That might deflate his momentum and stamina enough too though.
Shinobu really is eccentric hah hah What works for your memory works, though.
That's a pretty rough physical shortcoming for a game that benefits from good periphery vision though. Having tunnel vision because of bad eyes seems problematic.
>>808017 Seems a bit more disheartened than outright lazy, but yeah, still kinda amounts to the same hollow feeling, I bet.
okay chihaya 5 yeah haha I was thinking 5th of the nightg
okay lets start
That's quite the step back in the season.
>>808018 one time i won a weekly webcomic contest by being aggressively depressing it was a hollow victory
Oh the manga for Chihayafuru's still ongoing. I mis-interpreted the statement that was insinuating it was going to end in late 2019. The author was expecting it to end around that time but it's still going on. I guess they got pressured by their editors to keep it going, I wonder if that means it'll wrap up in the next couple years and we'll get a final season.
>>808021 This is a bit the inverse of that but yeah I get that feeling.
He's really having trouble now against the super effort of Harada
I've grown to fear greater things than my worthlessness now though
>>808037 Yeah but if that super effort can manage to overwhelm Suo's feelings of apathy and get him excited again it'll probably backfire.
See, Harada's already pulled his focus away from distractions and into just their game. It's a cautious game to play, taunting a man with a spirit yet unkindled.