Nanatsu no Taizai Ahiru no Sora Darwin's Game Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Hatena Illusion Episode 5-6 Itai no wa Iya nano etc. Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 4-7 Murenase! Seton Gakuen Episode 5-7 Plunderer Episode 4-7 Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 6-8
sorry for missing last night i just slept straight through everything
We had some Chihayafuru saved for the occasion so we went through that and the Tuesday Shounen stuff. The only thing of maybe particular note you weren't here for was Pet.
>>808359 You should watch Ikuhara's more recent show, Sarazanmai. It's got some pretty Penguindrum-y vibes to it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
SARAZANMAI i should do a bunch of 🍄🍄🍄 and binge it
Demons in this show really are dumb levels of hacks. They always have a pocket power-up to throw out when they get beat once. Or twice. Sometimes even thrice.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
engage pocket sand
>>808362 As long as they don't keep it hard from following the plot. Sarazanmai's got a kind of sweet writing to it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh very difficult it'e all about da momeny so i hope the sweet writing happens on da micro
You put hatena 6 on the list, but shouldn't it be hatena 5?
Both episodes are out, six was last Thursday's episode. We'll be seeing episode seven unless Hatena was one of the shows I saw getting delays because of Covid-19.
I guess the two kings are gonna job to this chubby weirdo to give the Sins a chance to run. Though considering the name of the episode from the last's PV for this episode, dunno how well that'll work.
The bits of skin where the Faerie King's wings join his shoulderblades is really unsettling to me.
His stomach Stomach's looking surprisingly good for a body part that just got light-sabre'd. The giant just outright lost his arm and foot.
It doesn't really feel like the two of them won that much time for the Sins.
Meliodas is still comatose, Merlin is still a tiny girl, Escanor seems still incapacitated after his fight wih Meliodas, Diane is still tinier than tiny, and Gowther is pretty close to dead too. In terms of able fighters they're really only down to Oh I guess they fixed Merlin and Diane. Still with just King, Ban, Merlin, and Diane they don't have good odds.
Kinda reminds me of that chubby baroness lady from Maou-sama Retry
time please? i froze and had to restart thanks
3:10 3:15 3:20
Huh, the USB drive had the blue strip of the 3.0 line. That's the first time I've seen it show up in stuff.
that crest looks like it might be something else
I've honestly never actually given the crest's design a close look hah hah I'm aware it exists in the show and I know its relevance but I've never actually looked at it.
Pretty mean of the green-haired girl to call her a doll.
The lead heroine reminds me of that girl from that comic show where she's a childhood friend and a manga author
In terms of Comic shows the only one that comes to mind is Comic Girls but I know that's not it.
I guess Yumemi's properly inherited her mom's ability to make these Artifacts or something. Hatena doesn't seem to have it though.
Oh no. IT
what the hell
Yeah the fuck. Oh I guess it is actually her mom though. Just magically appearing at home. I thought the servants had some kind of fake recording thing going on. That would have been pretty awful to do to Hatena.
Their warehouse is so comfy it would be nice to have a place like that
probably hard to heat during winter though
Maybe in the nice weather we've currently seen them in. Yeah I bet winter would be pretty rough. Honestly in the brutal Japanese summers it might get pretty stifling in there too. Though it still seems to have a lot of holes so maybe it has decent ventilation hah hah
Dealing with these two creatives must really be a lot. They really don't listen to reason well.
Gosh I'd love to experience rain like this some day. Just an absolute TORRENT that comes on ridiculously fast. We've gotten some stuff close before but not at the pace and length you see in Japan.
Hah hah hah Poor Asakusa. She became the dummy for her animation research.
This girl probably has WAY too lenient parents though. She doesn't seem to have a lot of sensible restraint.
Man this whole part of their city is completely adorable. Super cozy.
you have to catch your own crawfish? that's really cool but what if you dont catch any
>>808459 I guess you just select from the non-crawfish options on the menu.
I totally get the notion though. A rampant imagination can really run away from you.
>I just won an ARGUMENT with Kanamori
I don't really have her eye for motion but I can definitely agree with her on it. There's some things in motion that are just so captivating they absorb your attention.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
No orbs here Samu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
DUALCAST crash x crash
Kanamori's really funny too. She's such a stick in the mud.
im buying VR for my mom so she has something to do during chemo treatment she's gonna get really bored being bed all the time
>>808474 Do you have any ideas on what you might set up for her to use it for? Does she have experience with games that aren't what most middle-aged women might be familiar with?
man my chrome keeps freezing up if i open task manager it borks too i have to open up edge for now since i dont want to restart again
>>808476 games are a little outside her comfort zone i think she just wants to look around environments and go to the beach or see outer space and stuff
Taimu toriaru
Hah hah Maple keeps finding ways to break this game. The devs really didn't try too hard to smooth over exploits.
>>808478 That could be cool, yeah. VR has some great potential for immersion.
Yeah, like Maple putting all her points into Defense they did the same but with Strength.
Having a dedicated equipment smith for your guild must be convenient.
kurisutu hammaa
These people seem to have nothing better to do than play this game in their free time I don't entirely knock them for it but it does seem to take up a lot of their time.
Oh when I saw the hammers had a size up ability I thought it made the users HUGE This is a bit more boring.
Fighting offensively with a shield is pretty kakkoii. Maple's kinda dumb so she didn't do a lot of fighting with her shield until she got skills and is more of a tanky caster than an aggressive fighter. So this guy's playstyle neat. Oh I guess he got a sword in the end though.
This OST track's start kind of reminds me of this old song. My dad was always fond of it. Oh, yeah, Moondance by Van Morrison.
These ones really act a bit more like what you'd expect NPCs to act like hah hah The writing did a good job of putting in that kind of railroad-y NPC dumbness.
This is exactly what MMO quests are like hah hah Go here get this go fight that go investigate a site that's barely off the beaten trail and should have been looted long ago sensibly to pick up an item that's been sitting there for centuries.
It's kinda funny though. By this point I think everyone, from the characters to the viewers, are long past the point of being surprised by her getting more and more OP. The way the characers were commenting on her power-up was definitely leaning on that.
I imagine there will be rival characters that are just as op
kyokyo okya lets start
It kinda sounds like the other guilds are planning to beat their guild through other means than a head-on confrontation with Maple though. So maybe everyone knows it's just not a good option to go toe-to-toe with her.
had to restart again... okay kyokou suiri
This talk of monsters existing through how people remember them really reminds me of Pratchett's Little Gods or the Monogatari Series.
she thinks that just telling people it's not real is gonna make people go "oh okay i guess it's not real"
Well I think she covered that in her monologue. She acknowledged that just stating the truth plainly wouldn't be enough to quell the rumours. So they need to provide a story that's true but still more interesting than the urban legend of Steel Lady Nanase. >>808515 Ah, my bad.
the prosthetic leg and eye is kind of moe in its own way too
I'm fine with the leg but the eye gets a bit to me at times. They've shown her empty socket enough times that the image is present in mind whenever her eye being fake comes up.
but yeah kyouko suiri has a lot of detective elements in it
these summations are a lot more interesting than the sherlock ones
This show presents itself closer to a mystery than a detective fiction too, I'd say. There's still a degree of the Mei Tantei going on since we don't have Kotoko's experience and being on the same wavelength as the supernatural creatures. But most of the "evidence" is provided to the viewer and we can kinda play detective ourselves. That's what I qualify as the difference between mystery and detective fiction, at least.
Can you really avoid fast falling steel like that anyway
Probably not, but the detail in question was that she didn't even try. Which, in addition to the other circumstantial details of her situation, does lend to a reasonable interpretation that she just accepted the death in a kind of suicidal fashion.
The strings in this OST track are really nice. I like that kind of peppy playing for violins.
This got pretty wild pretty fast. But I guess when you've got a main character with pre-cognition powers it's important to outline exactly what kind of power it is.
>>808526 Though that was a flashback to when she just got accepted to his university. I think he's graduated now so it's somewhere inbetween those first two arcs and this one? So all those photos of his soul drained from his body are probably inbetween that scene we just saw and now.
Either way though yeah he seems comfortable around her, in a fashion.
>As long as the one thing that absolutely can't happen doesn't happen, we're good >The one thing that absolutely can't happen, does happen
oh no it's gonna ruin everything if she yep she did now everybody's gonna talk and it's gonna get huger
Poor Saki too though. That detective was the one that was kinda mentoring her.
I've been really enjoying following this series. The writing does a good job of hooking my mystery-excitable brain. Maybe I'll check in if the LNs are getting official translations if there isn't any more confirmed after the cour is up or a bit after.
yeah i enjoy it. it's good and it has a lot of cute images to snag too i wonder what'll happen i think the ghost will get stronger from the new hype that's about to be generated
It also means their previous plan of supplanting the urban legend with a more interesting truth is kinda out the window now. Physical ramifications to the urban legend lets it dig its hooks into reality all the more deeper.