Aaaah the visuals for Animal Crossing look so gosh dang SMOOTH Really accentuates the game's super cozy aesthetic.
>You can customize the cushions of couches, bedspreads, and even designs on MUGS right down to their patterning Aaaaaaaahh
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's too much customization ill never play ;_;
You don't really have to go that deep. Most people probably won't but there are people who have used the customizers from the other games who are ... oh wait, they're watching it now
Yeah the game gives you a lot of simple customization options or even just an assortment - a HUGE assortment of furniture, clothing, and other decorative goodies to discover, or also I guess, craft in this one.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i can, i will
>Museum confirmed Hell yes this was pretty much my biggest reservation about getting the game. I fucking LOVE that completionist building.
my reasons for being awake have been stolen from meeeeee
That reminds me, notso recently acquired a copy of Animal Forest for N64.
Isabelle will be back toooooooo Cutest assistant.
It seems you'll even be able to micromanage where shops and other houses are placed on the island, if you want. Which'll be really nice for people that want to make a very particular town layout.
My connection kept dropping while trying to post this.
I think something else comes out that day too.
>You can customize the cliff faces and waterways of your island Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh
>"Or you can live a comfortable life, in a perfectly planned community" This game knows me too well
>>808574 I forgot to say this. Please do not sexualize the bird. Please do not sexualize the boat. Please do not sexualize the Chino. Please do not sexualize the cat.
oh did you mean Nier she doesnt always register as a cat in my brain >>808587 facts >>808592 erunes are pretty ??? but generally it ranges from cat to fox to dog like yuel and socie are very obviously kutsune but then you have ones like Lowain who is definitely catlike and then ferry anthuria nier etc who are ??? >>808591 oh karyl
i thought i was a big koikoko person but komeo is way too powerful. this is like... what the hell he does all this with mouse. this pdf is 514 pages He's got a Legend of Zelda parody. A Madoka Magica parody. Uhh, you know that game on the 3DS where you beat up ghosts? Like it's one of the Plaza games. but he's got a parody of that in here too. And it's adventure book styled.
wow what a character combo
And now I'm reading a Mononoke-hime Koikoko storyboard
I wonder how many vertical levels Animal Crossing will have. I'm pretty sure I saw at least three. It would be awesome if you could make a waterfall from the highest level down to the lowest.
I don't think I've ever watched this movie in one sitting. Like I've only gotten pieces and I don't know how the plot came together
Princess Mononoke is a pretty awesome movie. Gorgeous and tells an unfortunately timeless story of man's persistent mission to subdue and enslave nature.
I keep forgetting I'm pretty sure the music composers for Splatoon and Animal Crossing must share at least some overlap. Which means while probably not getting new Splatoon-y music for AC, we'll probably get something in a similar sound.
I got distracted while making my coffee and I forgot to do the press part of the french press surely this won't end poorly
It might be a bit strong but as long as you actually press it before pouring it should still be sufficiently strained. And if you pour it unpressed into your mug, then well, just pour it back in and do the press.
this 40 units per army mod has some interface issues
well I discovered a downside to that mod due to the game being old and the mod being old for WHATever reason, the modder forces you to play on "eyecancer" level of graphical quality and I like to look into the battles and see my soldiers reloading their shit and dying in gore not just weird pixel shapes
so i guess the double armysize setting is out of the window as fun as it potentionally could be
I think it generally would just be the player curbstomping the AI, when you get to build your dream super army of bullshit
if you trust some wonkier historical sources there were celtic warriors who fought entirely nude their penises flopping in the wind or maybe hard as hell to intimidate the foe?
>>808652 Anyone's would unless they're about to die from ingesting something so toxic that it would prevent ttgir body from rotting I take that back Those buddhist mummies before death would be able to maintain that for an extended period of tine without it rotting off. It would still turn black and die though.
not if you are alive
>>808653 that is because they were buried in special conditions
>>808655 Buddhist Do you not know what they do tl;dr they slowly starve themselves and drink toxic tea for an extended period of time before finally being sealed off (while still alive) and they ring a bell everyday while still alive to let people know they're alive and when tge stop ringing the tomb is made airtight
they trap themselves in odd places while close to death and meditate to death as in starve or thirst to death there and then some X days later they are dug up as a mummy
Yeah that stopled being a tldr *stopped But anyway its much more complicated than just starving or dying of thirst in a hole. It takes months if not years of preparation.
>play as sweden in total war >I will need to save money so I can conscript more finns to die for my empire ah. I have truly become a swede
>>808659 it's the right thing to do, they'd have to live their whole lives finnish otherwise
also >be Karl XII >get crown at 15 >turn 18 >as 18 year old birthday present Russia, Denmark, Prussia and Poland declare war on you >win all these wars >but invade Russia during winter despite being expert in Winter warfare and knowing this is a bad idea >inevitable happens >everyone rejoins the war >get shot in norway at 36 year old >18 years of constant war was your reign of 20 years
Karl 12th is one of those guys who you want to speculate with like imagine he had twice the population of sweden to play with or hell imagine he had an actual great power's population to play with A less successful northern Alexander
>>808682 I was really confused for llie a minute and I ws wondering what iit had to do with Pavlov and then I realized that thats the name of the game.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jaka jaka mothefuckers
did you know that ham is fucking great tho having to eat like half a kg or more of it in one go is bit eh
cat meme lsoer i was a cat once but i changed to bunny i miss my cat :(
haha he made a typo
>bunny ew
are you a transgirl irl now too
>>808705 its ok friend only $14.99 and you too can pay more money to play the game you already pay $14.99 a month the RIGHT way
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes? ive been one for a while
why do you think i havent been around
>>808710 wow the viera menace has claimed another innocent femboy
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i only paid 13 a month though but i pay for 2 more retainers
i also have like 3 fantasias i got for free since ive played since day 0 well day -2
i am running out of room on my retainers i really need to buy another one
i have two (2) fantasias sitting in my inventory
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i needed room until they made 999 the new stack size cause one of my retainers was no joke filled 100% by sparklers and then other fireworks once they cane came out with them
no one man should have all that sparkle
if someone casts a fire spell at your retainer it just causes another calamity
>>808892 have you considered watching dorohedoro with us? or even just by yourself, i think you'd enjoy it it's a great adaptation of the manga's style and humor
>>808934 hey jan have you watched dorohedoro at all? you could come watch it with us if you'd like it's a really good adaptation of the manga. we're enjoying it a lot. i think you would too
Dorohedoro's anime is only one-cour so far announced, so I dunno how deep into the manga it will cover. Moon's given me the notion that it's a decently long-ish manga though.
yeah but im still working haha ive been facilitating a transfer of my client to a detox facility all day
the fucking morons at the hospital fucked everything up my client had .259 BAC and 148/110 blood pressure we had an ambulance come and they were going to detox and stabilize him at the hospital and then bring him to a real detox facility but they fucking DIDN'T they brought him back to our sober house without communicating with us so he was completely unsupervised there and he drank five fucking white claws in like an hour and then i had to do all this extra work to make sure he got to the facility but then this moron didn't bring his ID or insurance card so i am collaborating with their intake guy to get them the information they need
>>808954 dang that sounds ridiculous eating up your friday night too how stressful
>>808933 Barely played anything, played a bit of a recent aliens light gun game, a little time crisis, a little bit of uh Gunforce 2 Or something with a similar name Beat a Japanese game where you play as a ninja with a gun and you aim in 2D but move around in 1D excluding jumps and its in feudal Japan and there's tons of anachronistic technology I was mainly showing my 62 year old friend different games. I had been trying to get him to come with me for a while and he had a lt of fun. I came home early though because I wanted a ride home and my friend who was staying later could only drop me off on the south side.
Anyways his favorite game seemed to be tthe JJBA fighting game. The Dreamcast one. He played it with someone else though. That is the only competitive multiplayer game I've played with other people there that I'm undefeated in.
>>808957 It wasn't really particularly stressful but it was kind of annoying! I think we're good now. The intake coordinator hasn't contacted me for like 40 minutes.
They were supposed to guvw *give me two pieces of ham. For a lotof stuff you order at this restaurant they gve you twice as much for free.
I pretty much always go to a diner near the arcade whenever I go (I go about 13-14 times a year). I have a monthly arcade trip with one group of friends and then I go every year on my birthday with another group of friends. And then I have a friend who moved away that I take to tge arcade whenever he visits. It's the largest arcade in the US, its called the Galloping Ghost.
>>809034 Also it's open 10am-2am 365 days a year $20 entry everything is set to free play except for games that have no free play mode For those they set up a button that adds credits. Here's their game list I don't think everything on there is currently set up though, they have a decent amount of games that nneed to be repaired that they take somewhere to be fixed.
Its definitely skewed towards older games though Mostly stuff from the eighties and nineties.
>>809037 It's a moon, hello. >>809039 Ah, it's been good, work is busy. Haven't been able to play as many board games recently. You've been well? >>809040 Hibye >>809039 Work + caretaker? Hope you have time for yourself as well. Ah, being busy like that would definitely keep one grounded. Well, on the off chance that you are bored at some point, I liked this recent thread on HN: Keep doing well (enough*)
how have you been? it's good to see you >>809038 i think i'm doing well enough. the last 8-10 months have been extremely turbulent. im getting used to a lot of new and difficult things, but i think im doing well. i've also been very busy with work. im being a full-time caretaker too. it's gratifying though so i can't complain about it.
i think the less time i have for myself, the better. i spent a long time in isolation and i need to keep from getting lost in my own head. ive set aside my studies temporarily while i adjust to things and try to find a long-term living situation. i hope to continue them and try to publish later in this year though. but for now i need to ground myself with some emotional and financial stability, and spend time with my mom while she undergoes chemotherapy
it's good to talk to you. i dont have a whole lot to say though i suppose
i'll take a look. and thanks, you too.
hello sayaya bye sayaya
>>808958 man I'm so shit at light gun stuff will never understand how people do so well at it
dudes got good taste the jjba fighter is sick plus you can spam kekyoins "kakatte koi!" taunt. flawless game 10/10
late ass reply but i was at work
>>809041 Yeah I like i t and lot. Back in highschool I could pull off the whole dio time stop knife throw stean roller combo while paying it on a Dreamcast. *playing
>>808966 psst hey kid wanna try some nekomimi? first ones free
>>809043 While I was at community college the other day I saw a girl wearing cat ears She had too many buttons and keychains on her purse and even more on her backpack.
>>809042 i used to be pretty good at it when i was a lad then a few years ago they released that rerelease of it with online play and i got dumpstered by random kids from brazil war... war has changed
>>809044 damn what a badass you should've asked her out >>809045 just one hit and you'll be nyaa'ing all night bud trust me
oh yeah when i got off work there was this guy who always parks in the handicapped spot but isn't handicapped and a service assistant cop blocked him in and started writing him a ticket fucker always said it doesn't matter cause he's never here for long
>$680 Oh damn I actually might feel bad for hhihim. That's a lot of money. I don't think my handicapped friend would want someone punished that much for doing that though.
yeah I feel bad for him but it's his own stupid ass fault he deserved it
It's always a pain when we're trying tto go out for food and the place we end up going tto has steps cause then we gotta go somewhere else. Lack of handicap access pisses me off.
it's literally the only wheelchair accessible parking spot if someone's there then if you're in a wheelchair you're literally shit out of luck
>>809052 be a Chad and pull him up the fuckin steps
>>809054 I'd rather not dislocate my shoulder again. Anyways I feel less bad for the guy now that I know thats the only wheel chair accessible spot.
he could have just parked like either side of it but he didn't cause he's a dumbass he works at the auto factory so he's probably got the money to pay it anyway still that made me laugh
>>809057 Damn, good for him Making good money from a factory job.
the GM plant here has a damn good union my little sister works there and makes almost twice as much as me per hour with 8 days paid vacation and sick days and cheap healthcare and so on >>809060 2 years younger than me so 23
>>809059 Huh, I thought you were 26 for some reason.
>>809059 Any chance of you nepotism-ing your way into a job there through her?
25 *26 at least
>>809062 absolutely not sadly used to be able to do that easily but the union decided it wasn't fair and lobbied to get employee referral priority removed
>>809061 I'm pretty sure I'm 25 yeah I'll be 26 in 6 months and a week or so
>>809062 would be nice if i could get a job there though but there's a ton of people applying and it's random who they choose to interview each hiring cycle
Yeah, and those kinds of trade jobs tend to get a LOT of people wanting in. It's a hard-knock life.
they have a really awesome program for people that want to get trade skill certification like how i was interested in electrician apprenticeship too they causally pay for all your classes while you work there on the condition you work for them for 2yrs if you finish your schoolwork and obtain certification
if they would send me that interview invitation that would be sick but I am not counting on it
>>>/watch?v=7kfYOGndVfU There's this OST track in the Itai no wa Iya nano etc. anime that I swear has an almost identical pattern of notes to the piano at the start of this song. Whenever it comes up in the show it lodges this song in my head. It's been stuck in my head since Wednesday night.
>>>/watch?v=_snpe3QmzCc Though more accurately it has the random insert of Moondance that these two stuck into the middle their song for this acoustic rendition.
>>809099 i did a dr weird skit including Steve or whoever the other day and people thought it was on point except for the guy who never watched athf the poor mother fucker
my dude quits er resigns the game while he's aheaed must have needed to pee real bad i was pressuring his fortress a lot but to be real i had no actual attack
What's that even from?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's the post game chess stockfish engine analyzer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Neato. I guess it's more valuable if you understand the information it's delivering you. Cool that they can do an analysis like that.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea it's very happy to point out all of your mistakes even categorizes them into inaccuracies, mistakes, and blunders
guy I once did a course with and laughed at me because he found out I browsed 4chan now just uses his fb to post pol/b/v tier stuff enjoy burning your bridges buddy
>>809120 idk if i find someone i can do that with without communicating other than zach I'll marry them tho
>>809129 Facebook is pretty much just /pol/b/ public forums now anyway.
the joke about the line branching off into different songs is something I'm aware of but I didn't realize they all had the same syllable count... and thus interchangeable in each.
>>809171 but does make you think could you fool a tesla/autopilot into accidents by placing a surprise stop sign or trafficlights at some high speed middle of nowhere road
>>809173 most likely a bit of reflective red tape on a wall or something would be enough to confuse it just painting some yellow lines on the road is enough to confuse these cars and send them into driving in circles reflective tape on a speed limit sign could be used to trick a car into stopping and cause an accident
of course the speed limit increase would be much less effective because these cars have auto-breaking if they get too close to something no protective factors from behind so the ideal is stopping them and causing the car behind them to hit them
my 16 year old client is learning to drive and he hit the accelerator instead of the break in front of the gate at his gated community when i was a kid that'd have meant plowing through that gate his car just stopped wouldn't let him do it
i don't really like that for a lot of reasons these computer cars are really bad imo overall although that individual incident wasn't bad
>>809178 kinda scary to think, people "driving" cars without really learning to drive from mjstakes
right yeah why learn how to stay in the lines if your car will do that for you why look at other cars moving around you if your car will notify you of whether its safe or not to switch lanes
mishaps, close cases etc those are the best tutors
>>809180 well the light thing is useful and the warning sound it is afterall called a blindspot, nut yeah check yourself and don't rely on the ,achine
my problem with it personally is that the cars can be used to force me into specific driving behaviors what if i do need to drive through a gate? what if i do need to run someone down? what if i need to drive unpredictably? what if my computer malfunctions and refuses to let me drive properly? what if conditions change in the middle of my lane switch and the car tries to reverse my movement which causes the car to behave unpredictably?
For ecample, when i borrowed my pop's xar i bumbed it on a trash shack, due to forgetting how automat cars work and relying on the rear camera, which didn't show me the corner i bumbed into if the car autostopped, i wouldn't have relearnt better how to control automatic cars and wouldn't have even realised mynmistake
>>809183 yeah, can you even turn those off? atleast in older cars you could switch some breaking or antislide options off but nowadays?
i drove a 2017 car when i was on my internship, well a truck, it was a Ram and it let me turn the steering correction and the rear camera off no option to turn off auto-breaking
!C0.PerkELE this thing
>>809186 what if instead of breaking you need to steer but the car breaks
>>809187 nah, you can't turn those off in newer cars
>>809188 that's one of my big complaints oh my name disappeared
if a car is coming at me in the wrong lane and i need to get out of the way to avoid a head-on collision, the car's computer will force me to stay in that lane or will at least resist me getting out of the way and will favor breaking because i'm quickly approaching an object it's a recipe for a head-on collision
being able to hack those cars is a serious problem too if an oppressive police state decides it wants to keep me from going anywhere, it can they can just stop every single car on the road if they want that's super dangerous
tech people don't think about these things enough i need 100% full control over my vehicle i do not need AIs doing anything and any computer system in my car needs to be completely isolated from any networks
support systems are good, but they should be optional even iRobot had their fully automated cars have a full control mode that saved will smith
>>809192 yeah i don't know whose bright idea was to hace the driving systems and gps navi be integrated it is just instant vulnerability as for patches, couldn't yoy just i'have an updste mode that is only availsble when the car is standing still
remember when a team of like 5 hackers utilized vulnerabilities in the internet of things to forced millions of microwaves, stoves, and refridgerators to take down some of the largest websites in the world like twitter and facebook to make a point of how vulnerable we are and everyone ignored it
'deed or those hacker vulnerability activists who demo what all they can do for living scaruest i know was stopping a pacemaker from 5-10m range not much, but still that would be a oerfect murder done in some cafe etc
people would paralyze in fear if they could see just how bad cyber security is right now
people see this stuff and it impacts their lives and they just ignore it and nothing changes
the way education and professional training goes too, we just keep teaching the new generation of people designing the tech to keep making the same mistakes the tech bubble doesn't want to see restraint and caution, they're all throwing money at huge new opportunities and not exercising any discretion and work forces are so lazy that people can't do simple stuff they know they're supposed to do
Everyone tells me it's amazing but my circle that talks about it is mostly leftists so they're biased since the movie is anticapitalist or something.
It isn't anticapitalist per se more like just critique of society elites vs peons that afterall exists in all forms of governmetn and economical systems
>>809206 I read an interview with Bong Joon-ho (i think that's his name) where he said that it was supposed to be anticapitalist He said all his movies are anticapitalist I've only seen Snowpiercer of his movies though and that was right after Cecilia died and I was wasted so I barely remember it just remember some guy's arm freezing off and weird train drugs
>>809208 yeaht hey defintiely are anticapitalist or well the modern paradigm especially the type you have in south korea the society is damn fucked up over there
but it isn't on the face or going like "this is baaad" and so on don't really want tot alk much since it does spoils ome of the story
ahh i think accidentally finding that the mod I was running for empire total war had an option "double artillery" was the best thing I have done this month
>>809209 I'm hoping to see it soon. I should be sending my dissertation to committee on Friday so I might actually have some time to watch the movie soon!
jfc christ I hate the older type of generals in total war sure it is realistic, but when you jsut have a 1/unitsize to get your general sniped you can guess how oft that happens to me >1 out of 100 dies >it was the genral stop jumping infrot ofb ullets you idiots
In later games they added some sort of factor to it, how low the general unit has to be brought down, ebfore the general can feed tho it does get kinda ridiculous at times, when the general unit is battered down to say 5 dueds and the 1 taht survives is the general always But it does avoid the damn annoying random general snipes
I can't believe /moe/ is fucking dead!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hello rei how ya doin
>>809216 I'm okay I'm going to my friend's for his fun D&D campaign as opposed to my other friend's stressful D&D campaign. Hopefully we also play some magic the gathering.
>>809250 all you gotta do is play the game until someone invites you to an active free company dude literally zero effort on your part to find people to play with
The izakaya I visit with my friend every other week or so is pretty rowdy tonight.
pretty lively at work for me too there's a bmx event at the stadium tonight
It's pretty nice since it means a bunch of cute girls around. Gets kinda noisy though when someone orders a sake bomb hah hah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just played a game of chess against someone who clearly gives zero fucks easiest game of my life but am in awe of this person's savagery
>>809290 Me too. Busy busy! Yeah. My dissertation chair fucked me over so I lost my opportunity to get that internship in Washington and I have to go through the process again. But my dissertation is almost done and I'll be sending it out to committee on Friday. And my couples/sex counseling class is weird. I was assigned a fake wife for it.
>>809292 Not really. I don't really like her. She's also already married! So it's kind of awkward. I've talked to her once even though we've been fake married for three weeks.
kinda unimaginative, hpw vitamin c pillsbare always lemon flavoured snd multivits are orange should use some creativity with this is artificial anyhow, sky is the limit
>>809283 This is an izakaya, not like a quiet dive bar or anything. Dumb party things kind this are pretty normal there. It's a good place, I would definitely take people out
>>809293\ weird fake marrying out already married people is weird seems like it would undermine the purpose of the experiment and why would a married person need to learn about getting married
>>809300 We're supposed to be a fake couple that provides marriage and sex therapy to other fake couples. For roleplays in class. But it makes me really uncomfortable and I can't drop the class unfortunately, haha.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do the stove top kettle into pourover myself
French press
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fwench pwess
Oh these damn subway tunnels cut that post off way earlier than
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just went thru a tunnel too! holes in the earth HYPE
>>809309 Yeah, basically. But for the sex therapy roleplay, it's supposed to be stuff like, we teach people how to improve their sex lives. I'm not too big on it. This is the only class that was available for me to take, though.
>>809311 We'll have to make up a sex life detailed enough to talk about it as clients. And then when we roleplay as clinicians, we'll have to talk about stuff like what sex positions clients should be using or how to masturbate. Stuff like that. I'm really not happy about it. But the professor is like 70 years old and kind of crazy so nobody will do anything.
Hmm, so you talk about sex positions? Why do you have to be fake married to do that? Or why do you have to be fake married to even make up a detailed sex life? One person can do that.
I don't understand the point of the fake marriage.
I think the fake married is just for the client side aspect and you probably have to be fake married because 70 year old teacher and PREMARITAL SEX IS A SIN BACK IN MY DAY
>>809319 Both. We're role-playing as clients to teach other therapists and also being taught by being therapists to other class members role-playing as married couples.
Yeah, seems like a bummer. Seems a bit mismanaged too. It seems like it would be more helpful and less awkward if the scenarios were preprepared and people just read them. Instead of pairing people off and making them be fake married. That's a bit weird.
Nah, I'm too proud to ask for help. I just keep pretending like I don't mind being single. In fact, I prefer it! Or so I find myself saying.
I guess I'm stuck on the opposite side of the problem. I'm pretty open about wanting a partner ... I think, but I'm too resigned to failure for anything to happen.
>>809333 i can't believe she's even more tortured by tsu trying to steal her dad! i also wonder how much we can impact the past and how much is going to be a 'preordained' happening
>>809331 Nah. To be honest, the class is pretty difficult for me so it's hard for me to get into the roleplays. It's very offensive to my sensibilities as someone who has been extremely committed to relationships that were stolen from me by fate.
>>809377 It's just the condition of my brain. I had to wake up at 6 until I was like 22 so it probably fucked up my brain. I could sleep later when I was drinking but I can't now. I'm doomed to be a morning person.
I usually wake up around 5:30. I wake up with plenty of energy usually. I'm a full blown morning person.
I wasn't a morning person as a kid, it's only gotten worse with my nocturnal habits as an adult. I joke about moving to the west coast or something to fix all my scheduling problems that keep me up late at night but honestly even if I was there I'd still probably be up to like two or three in the morning.
>>809384 hmm, stress probably has something to do with it I'm naturally a night person though. Rather than not being able to sleep, my problem is waking up. And not being able to sleep long though. It's weird to have both problems at the same time.
I feel like I can't wake up well enough on weekdays and can't sleep well enough on weekends.
>>809385 That's so early! I have trouble gettingu up around 7 or 8.
Hm, yeah, I kinda get that. When I don't need to be up at any particular time, I tend to stay in bed like ten or so hours. But it's like, a five hour sleep period, then I'm kind of waking up when I "should" be waking up, but I just conk out again and the next five hours is me coming in and out of these half-sleep states that don't leave me well-rested and just end up at the end of that ten hour period just leaving me feeling groggy and awful. Usually at least when I'm getting up because I need to be doing something I can get up, usually, but it's often after like three or less hours of sleep which doesn't make the rest of the day easy!
>>809401 If I don't take card )/ care of myself, I'll start having daily breakdowns like I did a few years ago. I'd probably relapse, too. I have to take care of my life or I'll lose it! It's not about diligence or anything. It's just how it has to be if I want to be happy.
I will be around for anime tonight, by the way! I guess I'll shoot moon an email. He may not know to show up.
Oh, okey dokes. I kinda had half a notion but yeah, good to know. I'll ping Moon where I can too. There'll probably be some stuff we could even do just the two of us anyway.
I can't stand these popular youtubers being just cruel and fucking with people and then claiming it's a prank or a social experiment >>>/watch?v=4UDD_yw-LLw
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>809595 i was at da bar and the flight is at 8:30am
where you flyin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im doin an interview in LA for a couple days
good luck
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Samurai goes Hollywood
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>809596 absolutely cursed video cute girls talking about cute girls
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>809600 thanks >>809601 it's a remote jorb i wouldn't actually live there but mite b fun to visit every so often