Boku no Hero Academia Chihayafuru Darwin's Game Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Hatena Illusion Episode 5-6 ID INVADED Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 4-6 Murenase! Seton Gakuen Episode 5-7 Pet Plunderer Episode 4-6 Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 6-8 Somali to Mori no Kamisama To aru Kagaku no Railgun T
We could put in Dorohedoro episode six instead of Pet. None of the subs for it are trusted on Nyaa so it slips under my radar pretty easily when I'm gathering stuff for the list.
>>807332 Also get Dorohedoro we'll be doing it instead of Pet.
... We haven't really gotten an opening reel like this for the show in a long time. I had to go check my Downloads folder to make sure I hadn't opened an episode from a season or two ago.
They haven't really had a chance to do anything school-y all season. Since we launched straight into the Overhaul arc pretty much straight off the bat. I think it would be neat to see what sort of school festival antics a bunch of superpowered kids could get up to.
>>807353 What would the others be, Kyokou Suiri and Hanako-kun? I'm pretty sure Kyokou's one you're referencing but I feel I'm kinda blanking on the second.
what about the hatena illusion magic scarf
>>807355 railgun has some detective elements so does dorohedoro i didnt have any one in mind but i figured it was a safe buffer
is sherlock still going
It's kinda neat that they're throwing a bunch of the serial killers into this now. I expected it would just the one Mei Tantei we were introduced to at first but I like the various characters.
>>807357 Yeah, it's still working through a second season. I didn't count it when I was trying to guess what you were talking about.
As far as stuff we're still watching that I would consider predominantly mystery or detective fiction, it would be this and Kyokou Suiri. Hanako-kun's got some really good mystery elements though with the questions around Hanako's death and how each school legend turns out.
ID-kun's scary is really good tho it waves in the wind
This guy is really channeling some HARD Uminkoe vibes right now, trying to talk meta-mystery problems within a mystery story.
Hole-kun looks like he considers himself Dracula or something.
... Oh.
Saka Ido Ana Ido I don't know what the Saka is supposed to be but I'd stake money on the Ana in Anaido being "Hole". Ido being the Japanese word for Well as well as how they'd pronounce "Id" So we've got Saka Id and Hole Id.
This also makes the fact that Hondomachi's Mei Tantei name being a full name last episode a bit more of an anomaly.
Well okay.
It's kinda funny that even in the Well Sakaido really apparently hates Hole-kun's guts.
He looks like Shirou when he's on the way to Archer
They seem to conserve their resources for impactful scenes. Most of the story arcs in the show have resolved on a considerably more dynamic and active scene.
>>807366 Yeah I see what you're getting at. Pre-Archer Shirou did his own fair share of desert wandering.
there's no quicksand in the DESERT
Anaido seems a bit of an idiot maybe he doesn't know that.
Anaido seems to be rubbing off a bit on Sakaido. It's not like him to let loose like that.
Having well diving inside of well diving is some real Inception shit.
i dont think anyone will ever be able to do that again without being compared to inception
It's probably fine. Having a nice, concise memetic reference for the trope like that is useful. As long as you're not trying to copy it, being able to reference it is convenient.
noi is an absolute freak of nature in a world full of freaks of nature
Oh ow
nikaido hits a real MOOD in this op
She REALLY enjoys tenderizing that meat.
I love the CGI in this it's so good
it makes the action scenes so smooth
Hot damn Nikaido
>>807389 It's definitely grown on me. Kinda a bit like Houseki no Kuni. They detail the CGI models in a way you don't normally get from anime and it's pretty fantastic.
Hah hah hah she just fucking decks him
Oh no Nikaido
Shin had a pretty cool style as a kid. Though I suppose his current style is pretty suave.
Guess that's where his catchline of taking out the trash comes from.
gps signal seems like something that half of the people's powers in this show could obscure or exploit
i like railgun and stuff but consistency is a general flaw with superpower shows in general
>>807420 The series does play kinda hard and fast with some of the more heavy realism aspects. It's probably only more apparent because, especially with Railgun, it is a kinda sci-fi setting. So scientific "transgressions" stick out more sharply. But there's also rule of cool so it's probably fine.
It's nice when you get to see less overpowered characters do things.
The mind control girl seems to have done a somewhat lazy job with brainwashing the other girls. They all have a lot of unresolved threads involving Misaka.
oh no ive been ANALYZED whatever shall i do
This water power is pretty cool though. I like the way it snakes around her.
all right yeah that's one easy way to deal with it
We're probably getting to the point where Misaka goes berserk. Yup. It's always fun to see a Level 5 on the warpath.
Clever girl
This guy really likes to suck his own dick.
when you try to constantly show off what you know, you inadvertently show all you dont know too