it's still fine it's a brick oven pizza, was actually kinda higher priced, but there's still way too much stuff on it even after all that stuff slid off that's just how it is i guess it's good though, perfectly fine
mushroom sherry pizza with caramelized onion and some other stuff
I guess you can just flop the slide-off back onto the pizza. If it's still warm it's probably malleable enough for that.
>>807274 what the fuck who assassinated this pizza
probably the restaurant the driver was cool
for the first time in a gorillion years i have gotten home and not been in excruciating foot pain i guess having soles in your boots is a big deal for comfot
>comfot that's a nasty case of cumfoot you got there might wanna get that checked out
nah its cool more grime means more skill at melee and i've been playing it lately
im gonna buy my mom VR to help her with her recovery i still want my own though damnit
>>807282 Cool there's a 7-Eleven down near my university I pop into pretty regularly. They always seem to have a Now Hiring sign up.
Shit. Well there's also an H-Mart nearby but I'm pretty sure they only hire Asians.
I dunno my friend who lives over on the west end of the city got trained by this forklift training company that seems to be an easy leg up into warehouse work since he moved seamlessly from the training into a job in a metalworking building. Assuming he isn't lying out his ass to me.
dolphin managed to crash in such a way it was simultaneously unresponsive and locked to be above all other windows and it was impossible to kill the program so i had to restart my computer entirely weird shit
>>807295 i woke up late too i was like "oh shoot im late" but was actually relieved to see i didn't miss it
i got blown off on friday it kinda sucked but it's fine >>807293 What's an H-Mart? hentai mart?
Korean-style conbini. Much more like a conbini than most North American convenience stores. Though they also have a pretty thorough grocery section for all sorts of Asian cookery. We don't really have much stuff like that up here outside of British Columbia and that's on the other side of the country so. It's neat since they sell onigiri, or whatever the name is in Korean I don't remember, and stuff like red bean paste takoyaki. So I like swinging in every now and then to shake up my noon-time snack.
I've had this on my phone for ages since I figure it might be useful eventually.
>nose No.
What's it more like then?
>>807303 it looks a lot more friendly to learn than japanese and chinese for sure kind of like russian i guess
ive never actually tried to learn a language on purpose i just absorbed it
i should clarify i learned some jp kana but forgot most of it and never continued studying
The kana are pretty easy to pick up but also unless you're using Japanese regularly you'll probably have it slip before long.
i say take learning out of the equation and just use the language like a tool you can study a hammer and its applications but you could also just pick it up and start using it it's not real useful if you're not using it
>>807311 yeah that's how i picked up basic spanish seems like when people notice you understand a little more people try to talk to you in a language
There isn't really any application in my everyday life for other languages though. Like I do kinda osmosis some Japanese from watching anime but that's not really applying the language. And the rest of what I do on a day-to-day basis is more or less entirely in English. So it's hard to apply foreign languages.
study the sword by stabbing your party members
>>807317 there's nothing stopping you from going on 2ch or any japanese message boards and attempting to read/interact it might not seem worthwhile to you but i think stuff like that is really fun
Social forays like that are more a source of distress and unease to me than a source of excitement. On top of that, it's probably a good point to underscore that socializing is generally not a driving, conscious, notion to me. Like I don't really ever think "I want to go talk to people" outside of very infrequent and minimal circumstances. Probably when I've been so socially starved even I start to feel like I need some. I just don't think I'm particularly driven by social urgers.
>>807294 Shit like that makes me wish I could ssh into my windows computer and kill the process with the terminal.
Urges, even.
>>807324 it's more resourceful than social for me there's information encoded there and i want to access it it just takes the right probing to elicit the response you need it's an interaction with the greater environment more so than a peer-to-peer socialization
session '15' recap is almost as long as session '12' and ive only covered up until the night of the forest good thing all that's left is the tamehito fight
At this rate you coud -could publish the events of the campaign as a novel or something.
i'd have to get way better at writing and actually proofrea d
Well practice makes parfait
i have for the first time in session recap history began using synonyms i wouldn't normally bother using but only for the Nightmare portion of the recap
going through my dms with kirara is great because i can tell where each session starts and ends and in almost all of them since getting Jorogumo there is at least one "should i stab X" and him responding with "yes"
# of people who have told me im weird or some variation for being happy and complimenting them after geting fukked up on melee netplay is approaching 50
They just can't comprehend enjoyment without victory. What poor souls.
one kid started to say he thought i had just started playing and it turned out I've been playing melee longer than he's actually been alive funny stuff
idk they'll learn or abandon the game i still love it it's so fun
red bull natural big purchase mistake
i wish i could have kept all the angry voice messages i'd get sent over xbox live back in the day for fucking with people in blazblue and gears of war xbox gangstas be so angry all the time it was pure gold
Was in the washroom for one last cup of water before bed and as I was running the tap to let it change from warm to cool this spurt of grey-ish tinted water shot out in the tap stream. It was over in a second and I let the tap run a bit more to make sure it was clean. But I still think it was a bit too much for me and I opted for water from the pitcher filter in the kitchen tonight.
>>807475 i got about 40ish from twinking in demons souls in 08 i think got adjudicator shield anda ring idk don't remember the name and mirdan hammer infusef to blessed 40hp regen per sec at base lvl where people hit me for 20 funny fucking shit
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>807476 what's wrong with yuh pipes m8 >>807478 metal dragons are such a shit slayer task
>>807479 Normally nothing, really. But I doubt this plumbing has been renovated since this house was built probably at least half a century ago. Everything wears down with time.
>>807485 lol #why rip the entire brain stem >>807486 oh no its a sex thing
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
worse, she's part of an org that wore diapers to school to own the libs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well that's some quality cringe
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they stood around, no pants, just diapers inside those baby cages with signs that said "liberals need safe spaces" or something lol that girl also regularly brings guns to school and nobody does anything about it even though her school had a big school shooting
How will the libs possibly recover from being owned so hard
well that's some quality anime
whys everyone kyubey
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>807493 join the kyubey army all the cool kids are members
am i able to do both
lets find out
test nope
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how's the island life
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
livin breathing its been cold lately like 55 degrees wtf
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow so cold im over here having crippling depression in the darkness of winter muahaha they got you pushin pencils?
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah im in the clinic i see army dudes and do some exams and tell the doc whats up then we give them drugs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
any real fucked up shit there?
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not so much theres no er at my clinic ive seen some broken bones and really swollen things
just appointment stuff basically >>807504 yeah ahhh my back hurts for the past 6 years how do i fix it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's just like aa my back hurts or there's a feather duster in my ass
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lots of STDs they just go to the std clinic tho no real emergencies tho
yeah my last patient i treated had latent chlamydia in his patient note lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol savage
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that all sounds swell you got that relaxing island life with most things paid for
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea just been doin school mostly chilling gyming and schooling
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gettin SWOLE
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are u in canadia now? or u find another job in ny
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im still lookin around for one i have been procrastinating for quite some time
man im so BIG >>807519 her and the new kira kira archer are rivals so everyone is drawing her bullying her her being kira kira archer and her being purp raita
I've slept the better most of ten hours the past four days and not once have I woke up feeling well-rested and anything more than groggy and cottonmouthed. As in ten hours a night, the past four nights. It's starting to make me feel something's up.
>>807532 Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Oh you finished your post Nvm
Oh yeah, my sister brought back some Timbits from Toronto. I'm gonna ask her if I can have one later.
Where do bad folks go when they die? They don't go to heaven where the angels fly They go to a lake of fire and fry Won't see them again 'til the 4th of July.
The Death Grips renai visual novel is out.
aaaaah someone was due to come around and test the fire alarms at nine and I slept into nine thirty
what kinda firealarms you have? here we just buy our own and are trusted to keep em in good shape if we want insurance boys to not fuck us in the arse post fire
I think maybe it's through the real estate they seem to be through a company that come round and test them
like they order them from a company and that company tests them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gonna have a kangaroo burger pray for meeeee
Sounds like an unideal meat to burger but I guess people'll experiment with any cuisine they can conceive.
like a kangaroo meat burger? the meat tends to be pretty tough
Well burgers also usually involve ground or minced meat so the standard texture of the meat's probably less relevant. I'd be worried about the flavour being really gamey though.
yeah I've been told it's pretty gamey
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's a lil gamey not tough but not tender either i got it medium nowhere near as gamey as like deer or something
koalas are such an oddity how have they survived so long
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aren't they basically extinct now or expected to be in the next year oor two?
Species have rebounded, betraying expectations of extinction in nature before. I could imagine with a dumbass species like koalas it would also be more manageable to recover numbers in captivity and return them to the natural world in time. Unless Australia also manages to drive eucalyptus trees into extinction too then they're probably fucked fucked.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
btw a twilight movie is playing at this bar what the fuck is this movie lmao Edward's disembodied head keeps appearing in frame Bella pls
But what's a more certain indication of your affection for someone than manifesting your disembodied head in their periphery.
>>807625 They have koala back ups in Tasmania There was a big outbreak of koala Chlamydia on the mainland but the back up population in Tasmania is Chlamydia free. Some say that the fires were punishment for the koalas sins.
>>807627 is she trying to put herself in danger to see Edward that's uhh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there were a lot of werewolves doing a lot of glowering idk if she waas in danger o think all the dudes had beef w each other
if there's a baseball scene I'm pretty sure that's the first
There weren't any werewolves in Twilight though. They don't show up until New Moon.
rob Pattinson is pretty funny about those movies there's a MySpace interview with the lead singer of Paramore and him where he really doesn't seem to care for the movie
I'm pretty sure he took the Michael Caine about Jaws 4 approach to the movies. >I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.
he seems like a character of some sorts in general
>>807647 that wasn't to equate those two but to clarify the idea of the study but I guess I just accidentally did equate them anyway the whole topic is now riddled with pointless discourse
Yeah, sorry, I wasn't working with the assumption that you thought them equal. I just had an opinion that took what you were saying a little more pointed and detailed so I was building off it.
>>807689 i'm known by many names to some, I am the end to others, the beginning to all, i am everything, but nothing
to you, i am bang
>>807686 well he used to follow me and I definitely interacted with that post so I have a feeling he caught wind of it from that anyway I unfollowed him because I was sick of his shitty takes any ya
i haven't listened to their most recent yet but i've heard it's supergood i still jam Era Vulgaris
their self titled is my favourite anything up to Like Clockwork are still really solid albums
holy shit that Let It Happen cover always gives mii the deepest chills the way the lead vocalist gets so into it during the outro
I mostly listen to Songs For The Deaf and Era Vulgaris, but it's probably about time i went through the whole catalog again now I remember, like Clockwork is the one I really need to listen to, and I did listen to Villains when it came out and I liked it well enough
for some reason i thought they released something more recently though >.>
Would /moe/ be /moe/ without Samu's patented Word Improver
>>807753 i find this very interesting but i do like the original more
ye steel still tastes like straight piss urgh the things i do to myself to get dr0nk
>>807759 I'd never actually heard the original before until I was investigating the song because I'd heard the cover. The original's a bit too heavy for me, personally, and I don't really like how the lead singer performs it. This more toned down version is more my speed.
but that also might be because i used to play the guitar part while singing at the top of my lungs in Rock Band
>>807758 it would be a different /moe/ a worse off timeline
Rock Band did actually end down inspiring mii to learn drums partially because the drum peripheral translates very directly to actual drums
>>807761 julian casablancas s has a very unique style and by style i mean he literally can't sing worth a shit and he always sounds like he's having a mental breakdown
I know I'm getting old when nobody knows what a MGS2 reference is
>>807788 that's tru but windfury totem makes up for the dps difference in sword spec
pallies are just straight up better than shaman at everything though
windfury big dumb sword spec better paladin threat reduction makes down the difference fourfold as well
>>807785 Unfortunately Tanjirou is not a cute girl but rather a cute boy.
that's not unfortunate for me at least
i wouldn't say pallies are better at _everything) Elemental Shamans are definitely disgusting, in PVP and underrated in PVE
they are pretty much better at everything except ranged dps lol
though their insane pvp burst takes more setup and is lot less useful than elemental for sure they are still pretty great in pvp if you have someone to snare for you
in terms of dps in group pve ret is mediocre unless it's a really short fight and you get lucky
Ele Shams, in short encounters, and in AoE encounters, can outDPS the real casters similar to Spriests in that regard but longer fights kuso them over hard
spelladin is however fucking sick only problem is the autistic amount of setup and consumable usage to make it work
>>807797 ele was my favorite pvp spec in tbc i miss killing noobs in one global
but yeah i was havinga great time playing classic until i got a couple chars to 60 and did some dungeons and then didn't have any more shit to do except mc pugs since bgs weren't in the game yet kind of lost interest in that shit in favor of other games
wish I'd level that shammy i rolled on bangs server and found him accidentally it was a more fun place than my other server was but i was leveling that guy with my sister and her sub ran out
we do need shamans usually
maybe i should get back into it and level him up i do love shaman even though you have no choice but to go resto for raids pretty much
yeah he blows in the traditional sense but that's why it's good, the band just plays to that 'strength'
yeah exactly finally someone gets it
>>807804 I initially read shaman as shadman and got really confused.
it's that garbage quality of vocals with the edgy and innovative lyrics that makes him good
my favorite part is how most of the songs read like breakup songs that seem like they might actually be an allusion to drugs but then it's actually just about julian hating being famous
>>807827 That sounds a bit to depressing for me right now.
>>807829 fair enough it's pretty fucking depressing especially the part where the anime adaptation killed manglobe and I'm never gonna see the rest of it adapted
i should see if my dad's listened to this album it's exactly the kind of shit he'd love
" Structured around the barely-comprehensible concept of a paraplegic boy whose soul becomes detached while astral projecting and is then transplanted into the body of [MAD] monk Rasputin in Tsarist Russia"
i listen to literally everything anyone links here not that i mind but i will hear that after this album
my chrome crashed i think it's sitar or some kind of other string instrument
could be bass sitar maybe but usually they have more resonance when tuned properly if it was loose on the strings i could see it this song is sick quintessence
yeah looking at a bunch of reviews it seems like hardcore mastodon fans didn't like that Crack The Skye was so different from their previous works but i think a lot of their stuff is kinda boring, while this album is like a sludgy prog metal dreamstate idk, it's dope
Quintessential Quintuplets
>>807861 that always happens when a band does anything new and cool
80s comedown machine by the strokes was widely hated too but it was fucking awesome imo completely different to the previous albums but really good in different ways
>>807864 You mean Yotsuba? I've been skimming the chatter about the series yeah.
Too bad it turns out it was all a dream.
>>807865 yeah i might be having a stroke yotsuba wins btw
she's not my favorite but I'm alright with it
Kind of a weird turn by the mangaka though. Builds up these good cases for romance with two of the girls and then just NOPEs on them to pick one barely developed.
idk yotsuba has the most to gain and give to mc she's really dumb at book smarts and really good at socializing and motivating herself mc is the opposite they are a good couple considering their weaknesses and strengths
>>807865 Please use spoiler tags when discussing spoilers.
Yeah I mean when you look at the personalities of the characters it lines up. But like the author's written outright confessions from two of the girls and spent a lot of time building up their affections for the MC. Yotsuba hasn't had nearly as much romance build-up comparatively. Probably even the least aside from probably Itsuki
i mean if they're quintuplets it makes sense that they would all have similar tastes in guys though but only one of them is gonna be the most interesting to him, and yotsu is the furthest away from his comfort zone and the most interesting therefore
I watched the first season and we'll probably be doing the next one when it airs. Otherwise I just check in with the chatter about the series on /a/ when I feel like it. It's not the kind of thing I feel that invested in.
>>807883 i want her to have a happy end where she figures out what brings her happiness >>807896 i watched the anime then read the mango myself
i usually end up just reading the manga after watching shit
i'm about to go to sleep thought i'd leave you all with this the second movement of rachmaninoff's second concerto is probably my favorite piece of classical music right now, and i think i might like the piano by itself even more >>807909 you can wait until after it's 9 minutes
bye moe see you next time
what ok will have to pause my anime
>>807902 I haven't really done a lot of reading manga recently. I think the last series I really dove into was Kusuriya no Hitorigoto. Between anime and the novel reading I do for both class and leisure I think I'm pretty saturated on media consumption hah hah
>>807907 nah i will capture the moment anime is going nowhere
>>807910 between work and playing video games 5 hours a day i have only 6 or 7 hours to sleep and do everything else except for one day off can't figure out how to budget my time wtf lol
i find it easy to squeeze ina few pages of manger here and there though more difficult to watch animated content
Well it's similar for me with novels. I do a lot of reading in the empty spaces like when I'm riding the subway to and from class.
And I've literally built my life around the expectation that I'm gonna be watching anime in the two or three hour period that we've been doing it for most of the past five or so years. By now it's almost habitual.
But that's still a LOT of media consumption it really does get a bit like my stomach for fiction feels a bit stuffed. It's all useful to me though so I do kinda like it.
Putting periods in your email name will do it too. So like [email protected] or [email protected] It'll link to the same Gmail account but the sign-up form will think they're different emails.
>>807922 Yeah they all work for Gmail at the least. Dunno about the more niche email services/
althought a very tough contender is Rachmaninoff's 3rd concerto, as it turns out which maybe not so coincidentally also picks up very much during the second movement but that one is much better with the orchestra
bloodborne had a few live orchestra performance that are great
cute girl with the dyed silver hair and a border collie dam no wait that's a golden retriever duh quick i need a ring
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> The border collie is a working and herding dog breed developed in the Scottish borders for herding livestock, especially sheep. It was specifically bred for intelligence and obedience. It is very fetch-oriented. Wikipedia >Life expectancy: 10 – 17 years
wow same
Border collies are somewhat high maintenance dogs to keep. Since they're pretty intelligent compared to other dogs not giving them a lifestyle of quality stimulation can really depress the dog.
>>808082 gotta find inflation somehow fight every year the top 1% of the 1% siphons off 3.5% of this nation's wives families are having to acquire and maintain spare wives it's madness out here
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wait! this is perfect! we have to get into the wife manufacturing industry
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh hey i could program waifu physics
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mass production of humonculi wives
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we're weawwy excwited fow homoncuwives to awwiwve at a weetaiwl stowe neaw u
>>808098 what about anime girl flavor cookies >>808101 i got pepperoni, bacon, shedded parmesan and cheddar and one is philly steak, onions, alfredo sauce and the other one is thin crust, ham, pineapple take your pick
time to be a fat fucking bastard and eat all this pizza
Looks pretty good though. I'm too cheap to get elaborate pizza these days but it's also fine since I'm a big fan of just cheese for pizza toppings anyway. When I've got more money coming in I'll probably go with my chipotle chicken and onions again, it's been a long time since I got that.
it is pretty good i like the bacon and cheeses one
chipotle chicken and onions sounds like it'd be great too though
Yeah I get it with extra cheese since I fucking love cheese and there might be some free optional seasoning the pizza chain offers that I put on it that I can't remember since it's been so long. Even when I just get no toppings or just extra cheese I get the free sweet garlic and pepper seasoning they offer since it really makes the simple pizza surprisingly great.
>>808131 and the most amusing part was, how some of them went all "god damn incels" etc insulting everyone dishing money to melody while not realising that ALL of them were also people who shove money at themselves...
everything ive ever seen posted about her is her constantly clipping through herself
Nonetheless, who the fuck uses something like chaturbate or watches much less dishes money at twitch sluts >>808145 I think he just does vtubers, but then again what is the difference?
degenerates like ton
>>808144 yeah and probably gives them money so really where is the difference
vtubers are the same as camgirls
one preys on lonely virgins and the other preys on lonely virgins that watch anime
>>808163 wow are you calling me a thug also, ehh that doesnt sound too interesting really We've already seen guys in VRChat with all their girl avatars and deep voices >>808165 I don't think they'd go that far to get VR and not make their own avatar dark but you never know
>>808165 something about that seems weird to me Doesn't it cost like thousands of dollars to set this stuff up? Wouldn't they want their avatar to represent them?
>>808167 Nah. It doesn't cost that much. I mean, if you go the Hololive VTuber Idol route, that might take more money that's constant upkeep. But the actual setup isn't as expensive. Probably gets more expensive the further you go though.
what makes it extra weird is that she still exists i mean obviously right but Korone is just there lifeless meanwhile "she" is traversing the place and walking and talking and laughing all without "her body"
what happens when you just walk around while still connected to the thing
I don't really know the setup, but I think it might just be a camera or multiple cameras it's not a crazy setup, it's something they can do without having to be in a studio
technology has gone too far
because she's doing that stream at home, allegedly She went to go wake up her friend (who is also a hololive vtuber)
i forget if hololives use the same software but i know nijisanjis supposedly use mostly a phone app something important about that is, if theyre using their 3d model and not their 2d, the tracking isnt nearly as good if they arent in studio and are using their phone so youll get things like Gibara using it at home and her arms getting REEEEEAL weird
i should change same to similar because i doubt two different companies would use the exact same / share software like that when theyre technically competitors, though their employees can collaborate and have
>>808176 I think the weirdest thing is setting up the expressions and so on
oh I also don't have direct interested in projekt melody, nor have I given money to vtubers yet I might be considering those valentine's things but using youtube's membership or paying for highlighted messages isn't something I really want to do.
However, you have reminded me that, while they're ones I don't know, there are two vtubers who have apparently signed on for AV contracts. Which is weird and interesting with the advent of miss melody
>>808189 if a vrtuber does an av, do they actually do an av or does their model do an av does any real actor do anything or do they just get animated doing somehting? does a vrtuber make a sound if no one is watching?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>808193 you mean like those alarm clocks like the ones with megumin and whatnot they've been making lately >>808194 hence why I said this is interesting I am curious as to what it entails.
>>808209 It's based off an iCarly scene where the brother obviously has an ostrich or emu but when asked what he's got, brings up the smoothie. If I was at my PC I'd go check YouTube they've probably got the clip, but I'm on my phone.
how does the machine even detect that anyhow? it has a heartbeat sensor in the ring?
what do you even do with it
it has a heartbeat sensor in the form of the infrared one on the controller yku place your thumb on it after each level if you want
the ring is durable and flexible, but it exerts force back so squeezing it is part of the exercise regimen the other controller is attached to your thigh with a strap
is there an estus beer/energy drink/soda anyhow? I feel like it could be a decent seller or atleast could have been
>>808229 JJust drink SunnyD Actually I don't know if they would have that in Finland.
no and fuck that
>>>/@jasonishome/1230176933079584768 That's a 39 year old cis dude by the way. Apparently he decided to do diy hrt because he just wanted to be a feminine dude Iguess.
Reality is neither good nor bad! Such moral concepts don't apply to the total vastness of reality!
>>808237 At this point I can't tell if they're just unaware they're admitting their unhealthy obsession or being snarky about knowing they've got a problem but are wholly uninterested in solving it.
the drag and drop to itunes on pc was being stubborn and wasnt adding the metadata for the new akatsuki records ablum so it added them as like 12 separate albums >>808251 but y
>>808250 but what if I take a radical stance of rejecting reality and substituting it with my own
>>808249 microSD support means you can fit hundreds of gigabytes of touhou music oon your phone. Also you can use a mobile browser with adblock. And also FLOSS apps. Since apple doesn't let people make FLOSS apps for ios.
also your >feel of an android iphones and other flagship phones are pretty much 95% identical except iphones have less features
what kinda phones are you even looking at maybe usa for some reason doesn't actually import the phones of the world, but damn there are like 100000 companies doing android phones nowadays
yo the way this feels in my hands and the interface of the ios aren’t going to be the same on like most other phones
there are pretty much two designs atm and two feels glass or metal round or edge
>>808262 you can actually replace the android interface with anything else I am actually running a microsoft arrow on mine you can get the ios interface into an android if you want to
yea they're nice and yiu get a free pizza per purchase >>808313 idk if the high bar is jameson then i dont even want to know what
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the real lesson is inside you already
so what is the whisky in wiseguy? cause if it is any whisky you could get something nice with that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sadly it's just the bottom tier whisky i can see the bottle from here it's basically touching the floor and its so dark i cant read the label bottom shelf like my alternate universe gay doppelganger
nah lots of places don't even have sand anymore because they're so obsessed with tourism that they ship in foreign sand after hurricanes and it all disappears because it's the wrong sand
I really don'¨t get why they ship sand there I guess to appear like some bahamas paradise, but... well I guess just because of that and that is what tourists expect
local sand beach sand might be damn different, from the sand that a tourist expects >>808323 yeh sand here for example is very different from other places, due to being very well rock based
sand on some beaches is actually coral sand and completely different from the shit here
I think most atlantic shores have very different sand than say pacific or mediterraen "clean" sand paradises.
speaking of sand I think someone actually sold sand to some desert country which while at face value is damn hilarious, but the real reason was for some glass manufacturying thing or to use a better type of sand for construction work etc I don't remember the deets, but it indeed was "sold sand to sahara" case
sand me a man
I wonder if wrong sand is a problem in those "manmade islands"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
honestly if it works in drawf fortress then it ought to work in real life
I hate sand
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anny p.,LS do not get sAND is worst form of mattère enjOy basalt && columnar ROCC is not full of Snake
holy carp
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice platty form for moutain goat or leetle mathematics mascot
>>808437 Unsure about the music but the video is called congruent triangles, its some educational thing for the early 70's It says the name of the guy who made it somewhere in there and you'll find the source if you google his name and congruent triangles.
>>808451 Please wait until you've got stable employment again, for the cat's sake.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's ok i got that PROJEKT MIKURU money
but yea at the very least i should find a place to loce live first??
Yeah that's what I was gonna say next. You're thinking of moving soon it would be best to not stress out a cat with two big transitions like that.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also im mildly allergic to cat dander so that would be an adjustment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when im awake it isnt enough when im awake i cant switch it off it isnt the same but is enough*
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im takin a ride in a honda insight and this car is definitely emitting sound effects like when it slows to a stop it sohnds
like ridley's victory song in SSBU AAAAaaahh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh hey all EVs will be required to emit some kind of artificial engine noise by september bring on da UFO sounds it's wpw it's 2020 everything ought to be futuristic as possible
Someone's gonna mod their vehicle to make it blast DMX or something similarly ridiculous.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i know super cars have been doing this since forever but it's interesting that weve come this far
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's hard to sit around knowing there's someone out ther