I wish I had hair like that it'd be useful Imagine having hair that can move around at will and then solidify at will Like you could grab stuff or punch someone in the face with it
Kirara ๐๐คก
sounds hard to wash
>>777053 Just fill a whole bathtub up and soak it in there with soap
just dunk it right in there
Kirara ๐๐คก
that's not a good way to keep it soft and shiny and beautiful
maybe its maybelli wait wrong product
>>777056 Maybe the hair can wash itself if you can manipulate it at will
Kirara ๐๐คก
her power is actually wind anyway her hair is just also like that
>>777071 Noice Now those people can stop shitting up the rest of the internet and get back to 8/pol/ Also Ohio!
Samu ๐ฉ !KW2DbpWwls
Samu ๐ฉ !KW2DbpWwls
rein is best boy
Kirara ๐๐คก
pog champion
Kirara ๐๐คก
i watched the Irishman this morning it was really good but 3.5 hours for the movie is so much time it's a slow burn but it's nice and casual for a mob flick pacino, de niro, great acting and ofc pesci
Dark Souls question: If you're stuck on a boss, do you think it's worth grinding souls from low level mobs just to raise a few stats? it hardly seems worth it considering how hard you get chunked an extra fraction of a bar won't make much difference
Kirara ๐
it can be worth it if you need to increase your ability to roll good by increasing your weight limit usually you can just git gud and learn the moves - most dark souls bosses are super predictable and since you can just roll through attacks or block, it's not too hard once you know the moves
raising HP isn't that important raising your stats that affect your stamina, weight, and damage are more important but in terms of weight, you don't need more in those stats than you need to wear the armor you want to wear ideally you want to fast roll but mid roll is okay if you can't help it
kirara is qt
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>777084 Yeah. I'm trying to raise stamina That running out is usually what gets me killed.
I'm playing a knight so all my rolling is super slow
Kirara ๐
Everyone has their own playstyle, but for me, I like slow, big weapons. I hit a few times until I have like 25% stamina, then I duck out before the next attack hits.
If you're fat rolling, you're gonna die. Especially if you're new to the game. Rolling is the mechanic that you want to master the quickest because i-frames are the only way to really get through things reliably.
Learning to manage your stamina is important. You never want to get below 20-25% when you're in close to a boss. Stamina is your most important resource, more important than even HP, if you want to win.
What boss are you on?
>>777083 It helps yeah Getting in an extra roll, or being able to take an extra bit of damage, or reducing the amount of hits the boss takes to kill will always help. Look into restructuring your equipment though. If you're rolling slow then reduce your armour or equip Havels ring if you want to cheese it Taking %10 less damage doesn't really help when you die in two to three hits anyway, so you gotta focus on just avoiding those hits. If you look at your equipment load there's probably somethings that can be swapped out for lighter things without losing too much. If you're using a big shield consider dropping to a smaller one if the boss is too big to block against anyway
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>777087 h-hazukashii It's pretty early in the game to be stuck
Oh no Marsh is stuck on the skeletons he doesn't know
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>777088 >the weapon equipped in the second slot takes up weight too Well shit. Maybe this was the problem i wasn't even considering weight as a factor
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
It's the gargoyles on the first bell tower I can kill one easy but then they double team me
Kirara ๐๐คก
Oh, yeah, fights with multiple bosses are hard for me, too. It can be hard to monitor both for their positions. You just gotta play safe. Hit a few times, back out. Get hits in wherever you can.
>>777093 Honestly boss fights with multiple enemies are a bit of an issue in these games The combat doesn't really seem optimised for those sorts of engagements Either do what Kirara said and play it safe, or just try and bumrush one and kill it before its mate can really get going
If you want to play it safe try baiting them into attacking at the same time. I think they can't move around while they're doing that fire breath attack, which gives you a window to attack the one that's not fire breathing.
Now if you wanna look into GAMING THE SYSTEM then read up on https://darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Rolling Rolling has a few set tiers instead of gradually getting faster when you take off your equipment. Take off that second weapon, then check your equip load and see what else you can remove or swap our until you hit the next highest tier.
Kirara ๐๐คก
just go in naked with nothing but your wits and your black knight great axe
this mask looks like one of those ... yamaka? yamaca? I have no reference for what the actual mask of hope looks like and I don't know what to do with it.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>777096 so you think the benefits from getting into a higher weight tier outweigh having a bit of extra armor? because at the moment I'm walking around without a helmet or legs
>>777099 Yeah probably Consider dropping the shield. Can it even block against the gargoyles when they're so big?
I'm on summer break at the moment so a whole lot of TAKING IT EASY. How are you?
Taking it easy is good. I'm back to work on Monday. I've been taking it easy though.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>777103 I know exactly how you feel I need to be back at work some time in February
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>777100 ha I just summoned the Sun dude he FUCKED 'em up.
Well actually, he kept them busy while I fucked them up from behind.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Rehabilitation Arc!
Kirara ๐๐คก!PAN/yhxnGc
eagerly awaiting best full cowl
My phone didn't even last six hours out and about. I've been moving stupid furniture the entire afternoon. I hate heavy things. I hate big things. Why can't people just own small, lightweight things.
also used to get tranquil walk of peace before it was nerfed deservedly once upon a time it lasted 90 seconds and made you overencumbered so you couldn't even fat roll
reminder to buy Ace Combat 7
why it isn't gonna make them release armored core the only AC that matters
Fromsoft will see the sales and see that vehicular combat is a viable genre again Each sale of Ace Combat 7 actually increases the likelihood of Armored Core 6 by 0.0000001% You just gotta look at causality a bit deeper bro
>gee that Ace Combat game sure sold well >let's cancel Armored Core 6 and make a game about planes instead
>>777136 wait what if they just let you make a mech that can become a fucking fighter jet
>>777138 they kind of did that if you play as one of the macross characters in the Another Century games
I'd kill for a Battlefront game like that where like, you have to stand around in robot form to capture command posts and then you turn into a jet to zip around to the next part of the map Like in that beta footage of Battleftont 3 where you could get into a space ship on the ground and fly up to a space battle while the rest of the battle continues on the ground
YuuSamu ๐ฉ !KW2DbpWwls
>>>/watch?v=HPiQq-gxkAY lol shit like this makes me glad hideo does so many cutscenes in-engine
everything is so slow today even slow at work and it's Saturday
I'm stranded up north with only a shitty laptop and way too many books. Though at least there's functional Internet up here.
Spending this time up here though just makes me want to be back home more though. I wanna draw and write and not have cold-as-fuck feet because I can't warm my socks faster than my feet cools them off.
>>777143 put a hand warmer in your boots boom toasty feet
I don't have hand warmers and I don't want to wear boots indoors on this nice carpet.
I guess I should decide on which book I'll continue reading/finish next. Pick for me /moe/ and only do so if you're unfamiliar with the content of the books. The book I need to read for class, Confessions of an Opium-Eater, or the one I'm reading for personal pleasure, The Starless Sea.
>>777145 just clean your boots! or get another pair of boots one for snow one for carpet
Or I can just bring up an old pair of slippers next time.
the thought never crossed my mind i don't have any slippers actually only boots vans and sandals
I have plenty of slippers. Some of them I should probably just throw out, honestly. They're either really ratty or really ratty and falling apart.. Because I've got fidgety toes and heels and feet overall, lounge footwear like slippers don't usually last long on my feet.
i used to throw out my old shoes as soon as i got a new pair
well, by the time i would actually get a new pair the old ones were insufficient to even donate to charity when i bought my current boots my old boots had been glued and clamped back together like 3 times I think haha there were a couple holes i just covered with epoxy cause idk if it sticks things together it should fix a hole too right
thankfully i chose an actually good brand this time though they look a little ugly on account of the use but they're still 100% waterproof despite hiking working and climbing in them a lot
Slippers ain't exactly the kind of thing to donate to charities. Mine also just end up looking pretty grimy too since I wear them out of the shower some times or just barefoot when it's too warm to be wearing slippers and those things can get pretty toasty. Plus I almost exclusively wear black socks so the slipper fluff ends up snarled with little flecks of black that might be just lint off my socks but may also very probably also be dirt off my feet.
I've yet to discover the secret of keeping slippers remaining looking normal.
the secret is to clean them with warm water and a cloth or a little dish soap if they have gotten really grimy then tie them together with a shoelace that has a knot at the end so you can put it in the dryer without them getting knocked all around by clamping the dryer door onto the shoelace so the knot catches and they are suspended don't dry them for a long time though maybe 5 minutes for slippers or inorganic shoe material
for my boots i don't really give a shit though i just throw them in the washer and dryer with everything else haha
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
if you did cosplay on instagram people would probably pay a lot of money to buy your old slippers
you could make a lot more money more efficiently if you just sold jars of bathwater
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I need it for gamer fuel
wearing slippers out takes a while but you take a bath every day at least i hope
>>777156 I'm flattered you consider me attractive enough for that career path but I must beg to differ.
>>777167 if i saw this irl i would kill myself to avoid it killing me >>777168 that's 300lbs of pure muscle and anime sir
This new cottage is pretty dope it's more like a small-scale countryhouse than a cottage. There's something like five bedrooms in the main building plus a single-bedroom attached apartment. Big rec room downstairs and a pool table that's probably worth like ten thousand dollars plus that the previous owner just left us for free because she couldn't get anyone to buy it (including us) to take it away. Swanky quarter-circle staircase leading from the upper floor to the lower and because the house is built into a hill both floors open out onto the property. River access that leads to two different lakes quite quickly, and while not great for motorboating makes for an excellent kayak or canoe route. The previous owners were some couple that moved up north to start a car dealership business and lived here for like thirty or forty years and though they took most of the stuff with them there's a whole bunch of odds and ends like way too many mirrors and a bizarre assortment of clocks and lamps and even some old-timey stuff like a laundry chute. I found an old-ass analog camera so old that the leather carrying case it comes with was made in West Germany.
The entire place has a slight vibe of somewhere a horrible murder mystery would happen.
If it wasn't in the middle of Fucking Nowhere, Cottage Country I'd totally dig the place.
more seriously though just work out and cut your hair and dye it light blue boom gintoki he's canonically got a natural perm so his hair irl should be curly as fuck like yours i think
>>777172 is this how you obtain the waters of the fountain of youth
>>777171 But I don't waaaaaaaannnnt to cut my hair
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>777170 that sounds real comfy but also way too big to be a "cottage"
Yeah it's like ten acreage of land too. I mean my parents have definitely enjoyed living life on the lake in a cottage for like two decades but there's a lot of effort that comes with maintaining a lakefront property. I think a country house like this is definitely more what they want for their later retirement life. Plus it actually has a large kitchen, which for some weird reason my family has NEVER owned a property with a sizeable one -- they've always been tiny. So it makes my mother really happy.
There's also two three-car garages on the property since the previous owner was a big car nerd. My dad's not a card nerd but having all that garage space will be great for tools and workshopping, which I think is what he really wants to do with his retirement time.
>>777170 Stuff was still made in West Germany up through 89. That means its not necessarily particularly old.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
FUCKING GHOSTS leave me alone i just want to get uncursed
>>777178 Are you double cursed? Should you be in the new londo ruins?
>>777178 just buy the uncursed stones from the sewer lady
>>777178 bruh you can buy purging stones from oswald of carim in the bell tower ground floor after the gargoyles boss arena
they're 3000 or 5000 souls each i don't remember just buy a handful of em in case you fuck up later too
I had to fight the gargoyles cursed because I thought the sewer lady was a monster and hit her so I had no one to buy purge stones from
>>777174 but think of the accurate gintoki cosplay loving thots
>>777183 what the fuck is wrong with you delete your save
>>777185 fuck that I manned up and killed them with half hp and then got myself exonerated of my sin at the top of the church
>>777186 you killed an innocent old lady that just wanted to help you and sell you her tasty moss
>>777185 Well, yeah. I am. But that's a lot of work for just some thirsty lasses and lads.
>>777187 it's cool she lived and forgave me after I spoke to a priest God forgives all my g
>>777194 did you get the blade from the ghosts? they drop a little dagger that can always hurt ghosts even if you're not cursed or using transient curse. useful when going through that shithole for real >>777195 well you can't soul suck her but yeah free firekeeper soul bro
usually you can succ NPCs that are sitting down by kicking them but she doesn't stand up so you can't succ no idea why but it just don't work on people that are squatting down kicking doesn't do damage but makes people stand so they won't become hostile and you can get that free humanity
you can also kick that retarded asshole lautrec off firelink without him becoming hostile after he falls down you can reload your save and his loot will be where he is supposed to sit
i usually just kill him asap cause the shit you get from his questline is not super great the armor is alright for low weight builds but elite knight's is better stats wise i got it on a few characters i think for meme reasons
and losing that bonfire is cancer
i finally watched dunkey's review of death stranding and wow he hated it lol
Dunkey is a funny guy but a terrible critic
everything he has complaints with about the game is absolutely correct and on point but i don't care that the story is cut up into huge chunks between dozens of actual hours of gameplay or that the dialogue is almost entirely bullshit metaphors or that the controls and just playing the game in general is a constant struggle. I actually like those things. He isn't wrong in that they are things the game has, but he values games based on how engaging and interesting the actual gameplay or interaction with the game world is much more than the quality of the innovation or uniqueness of the concept and plot. Death Stranding can be difficult to play at times because the controls are a little fucked up. that's something he will never allow, and he doesn't care about the deepestlore and probably skipped most of the cutscenes anyways cause that shit isn't fun for him. He hated it but it makes sense to me that he hated it considering the reasons why he rates his favorite games highly and loves super mario fucking odyssey so much.
as an objective review of the game maintaining impartiality his review sucks but that's not what anyone with a sound mind would look for in a youtube funnyguy's game reviews. i think it's important that we have this kind of more thought out perspective from people who naturally couldn't find any use in what such a weird niche game offers. There's probably a lot of people out there who might have bought into the autofellating hipster nerds such as myself praising that shit as the holy grail of gaming but it requires you to not mind a lot of bullshit in order to show you some really cool new shit.
i agree with some of his other reviews like God of War and Odyssey too but this is a game that is truly just too weird for a lot of people to enjoy even if CLIMBING FUCKING WORKED
Dunkey annoys me because he comes of as trying to appear as a serious critic while also instilling a tonne of personal bias into his reviews. Like whenever he reviews a jrpg and he drags it for having turn based combat. Like yeah I get why you don't like turn based combat but there are plenty of people who do and it's a really shallow point to make Or often I get the sense that he'll purposefully exaggerate a games flaws to make a funnier video or he'll straight up play the game wrong on purpose. If Dunkey was just a guy making funny Internet videos I really wouldn't care but you can't make a living off of reviews and then turn around and say that you aren't acting as a critic. If he really does consider them to be nothing more than comedy then we can all safely disregard his opinions and if they're reviews then they're poor reviews
it's probably also really important to keep in mind that dunkey isn't a critic, he's a comedian he has several videos talking about how much he doesn't like critics and that somebody should play a game for their own to decide almost every dunkview is a shitpost to some degree
i dont know how anyone takes the dunkviews seriously when the one for knack II is just a giant shitpost about how "knack is a running joke on my channel even though it sucks, but knack 2? KNACK 2? GOTY, BABBYYYYY" like you'd have to be an actual retard
If Sony don't announce Knack 3 we riot
>>7772 โ woosp >>777208 some of his reviews are less epic joke than others
super mario brothers 2 baby now that's a game no joke though SMB2 is a badass game
>>777210 i mean yeah all of them contain at least some valid criticism tossed in, but how do you look at that Death Stranding review, hear "1 out of 5...bad game" and believe it's not a meme
>>777211 because all the rest of the video is valid criticism and the actual arbitrary score he's said he doesn't believe matters for shit before is a quick joke to top off the video
>>777212 yeah exactly, look at the KH3 one, he gave that 1/5 but didn't drop a "bad game" on it FF15 just gets "a chocobo" (aka 3/5)
>>777213 honestly as a huge FF fag FFXV on launch deserved a middling score the post launch chapters and content they added made it a good bit better all around
even though they cancelled a bunch of the DLC that was supposed to finish rounding everything out
XV straight up stops having gameplay after you get the ring lol
>>777213 also i had to straight up explain half the cutscenes in KH3 to my sisters because i was the only one that played the seventy trillion games between KH2 and KH3 that they assume you knew everything about before getting into that game i fucking loved the game but the story was full retard before during and afterwards
now the moist meter, there's a flawless video game funny man review scale i can always trust
>>777215 Make sure to tell that to retro next time you're both on rano at the same time.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I'm up to Blighttown I've heard people meme about this
The message at the front just says "good luck"
>>777217 retro is probably the only one on these boards that loves KH as much as me lol i don't mean full retard as in i don't like it i loved KH's plot but it was unnecessarily complicated and a lesser fanboy would have never played every single game in the franchise even the shit phone game
>>777218 Blighttown really isn't as bad as people say Just bring a lot of poison antidotes
>>777219 He also considers it to be very deep and wwewewell written
Also what frame rate do you play at? If you play at higher than the default frame rate poison gets you faster because ticks are tied to frame rate because the pc port had some bullshit
>>777218 wait stop right fucking there. do you have the spider shield or 5-6 blooming purple moss clumps? the enemies there can inflict a deadly version of poison. You are going to need one or the other or else progressing through the stage is going to be a huge pain in the fucking ass. Spider Shield is found in the Depths where the giant rat is on the battlements overlooking his cage. Blooming clumps can be bought from the undead lady in the undead burg to lower undead burg shortcut waterway.
The rest of the stage is fine, it sucked on PS3 because of the framerate shitting itself sometimes but on 360 and PC it's fine.
>>777222 They resolved that issue in the remastered PC version btw
if you're playing the original then you will still get damaged faster if you have a more stable framerate, even worse if you use the 60fps mod
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>777223 I have the spider shield and two clumps thinking about leaving to go buy more >>777220 So far I've only met one guy and he's already knocked me off the world twice
>>777225 I'm sure they did I'm not buying that though Well honestly I can't run either because my gralhics card is borked
>>777227 You're probably all set then, just move slowly ahead and watch out for those dart blowing mother fuckers. They don't respawn so if you find yourself needing more clumps later to be safe finishing the level you can go back and get them without worrying about it. >>777228 It's not worth the money tbh But I've bought Dark Souls 5 times so whatever >>777221 Also KH is pretty deep and well written it just requires you to have played 800 hours of games to understand what the fuck is going on
God I forgot about my dark souls folder Well Soulsborne folder No sekiro in that folder.
>>777227 honestly having a crossbow on hand might be useful just to deal with the poison dart assholes
>>777232 you can deal with them using melee and the spider shield or just running if you have really large balls
>>777234 I mean you could do that but you could also just lock on from range and snipe them without having to run up to them and deal with all the enemies around and in between them
>>777235 Yeah it's a lot easier to deal with them if you have a ranged option first time I went through there I used the Longbow I think
mostly just rush them with spider shield after that since I knew where to expect them
It's kind of ridiculous that there's even a queen in 2019.
Well don't worry, if those rumours are true there'll soon be a king!
Kirara ๐๐คก
Even worse!
I mean if the general opinion of the British is that they're indifferent or even in favour of having a royal dignitary, fully knowing they serve no administrational purpose despite living off the taxation of them, then , well, good for them?
>old woman calling up >refer to some details about her partner >"EXCUSE ME, he is not my paaaartner, he is my HUSBAND" It's the same thing jfc
>>777267 Irrelevant to my life. Get rid of her or keep her makes no difference to me. Would like to get rid of the governer generals role so we don't need every bit of legislation rubber stamped by her representative
If I was British I'd be livid though
>>777268 The opening salvo in this years war on Christmas
Oh shit, Dolly Parton has an original Netflix series now.
>>777266 and when I say "livid" I mean that as in livid they have such tax sucking vultures Repossess the palace and turn it into a museum or something Take the wealth and reinvest it in the public good
> The total Royal Household income for the financial years 2011โ12 and 2012โ13 was ยฃ30 million per annum, followed by a 14% cut in the following year > Forbes magazine estimated the Queen's net worth at around $500 million (about ยฃ325 million) in 2011, while an analysis by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index put it at $425 million (about ยฃ275 million) in 2015. That's honestly a lot less than I expected I thought they'd have a billion in pounds at least That's like %1 of what Bezos is worth
What use do the royals have for money?
Paying servants, guards, palace maintenance, expensive food You know the royal stuff
All that stuff is paid for by the British government. Which is a bit of a misleading statement. Britain is still a monarchy, royal power is simply deferred. Which is to say that that stuff is paid by Britain, which is the property of the royals.
I guess in this case taxation really is theft
I can't believe we still need the governor general to stamp legislation with royal assent Like yeah it's just a formality but needing the approval of a foreign queens representative is cuckshit
>>777278 just circle to her side and swing when she's standing still to do her lava thing How was Blighttown
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Quelaag pls
Kirara ๐๐คกMahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>777277 I died a lot but it wasn't that bad with a bit of practice All the enemies have really obvious tells so the main thing was just patience and pulling one guy at a time .
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
oh and I ran back up to the surface and bought like 10 things of moss
>>777296 >>777298 My guess it was created by some automated process. Like people who run online storefronts will come up with product design and then inout ut into their system which automatically orders a multitude of varieties of products with the design. This was probably made by the chinese.
oh yeah baby the true dark souls is growing within you
use your pine resin
>>777297 these two are pretty curious about most stuff I'm cooking, so I usually let them sniff at a little piece to see if they want to try it though I always make sure with my roommate if he's cool with me giving them anything one of them is getting some teeth extracted in a couple of weeks so once she recovers I'm gonna make them each a little fish and chicken pate
>>777315 she told me i had a good eye and said "lucky you" which was extremely intimidating but then she followed up by asking about my sense of humor so i was able to actually reply nothing too interesting though
Man Seasonal affective disorder is hitting me really hard this year
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>777312 I'll tell you what keeps fucking me up: she keeps spitting lava right next to the wall and there's no room to roll backwards
when you think about it, if humans are the real monsters doesn't that make us all monster girls?
This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind.
Kirara ๐๐คก
online dating is kind of difficult because the way i type comes off as kinda serious i dont convey tone well because ive been writing in clinical language for the past five years
i think i'm gonna try real life people again for a spell
Yeah I kinda get that. My writing is pretty formal compared to most people since I've trapped myself in an inescapable obsession with specificity and properness.
Though in fairness I'm also a fairly serious person so it's not entirely inaccurate, but I do know my writing has a real habit of amplifying that aspect.
Kirara ๐๐คก
I'm not a serious person, but I'm intense, so I hide my lack of seriousness by seeming serious, but then I seem too serious, so I cover that with an unserious mask, which is ultimately very confusing and ridiculous.
>>777345 Giving up is definitely not the right word for it.
Wouldn't giving up imply that he was truly interested to begin with
Kirara ๐๐คก
Almost everything that had a meaningful impact on my life was something I didn't want, so it's not like I was opposed to her. I just don't think it'll work out.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>the train that goes around the park every year has started >fortunately it has not begun playing christmas carols >however, a seemingly large sounding group of children effectively screamed happy birthday just now aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >>777347 Yeah I could have said that better
>>777342 my online writing used to be a lot better what happened to me
Kirara ๐๐คก
im not a real doctor but i am a real worm
Hi doctor worm
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
ay got 'er >>777324 this was actually good advice.
Kirara ๐๐คก
proud of you never let yourself get backed into a corner find a moment to roll through an attack and create some distance to keep control of the room
i was going to try to sleep but someone has a drill outside and it made me feel really paranoid Before I even realized it I had barricaded my front door
It feels like an awfully late time of night to be drilling.
Kirara ๐๐คก
Yeah. Which is why I barricaded my door. It was outside my window somewhere nearby. And I heard a voice I didn't recognize.
I don't think anyone is coming for me but I can't help getting paranoid sometimes.
The radiators in the bedrooms at the new cottage are kind of noisy and when they're running they make this soft, slightly-high-pitched "don" sound every few seconds. When I first started hearing it the sound was kind of spooking me but even after I realized what it probably was it was still kind of hard to fall asleep with that noise pinging off every short moment.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I also gained more Niers to use
>>777353 walk directly into the bosses face and Dodge into them to avoid attacks establish dominance
>>777359 wait why would you use a drill for anything shady gonna wake everyone up
i want to say that i like dark/edgy humor in my tinder bio without something something super cringey like "i like dark/edgy humor" how do i go about that
>>777389 >get out of our country >but also we're gonna keep you in our country
>>777391 Remember that one time they made a fake university and deported all those students because they technically weren't studying at a real school when they signed on
>>777390 i wonder how much of our country's money they fucking wasted on trolling people who just wanted a better life and better education
>>777392 Imagine if you just focused on charging companies for paying illegal immigrants less than minimum wage instead of going for the poor shmucks individually Just enforce minimum wage and dey werdent terk your jerbs
How much has been wasted on charging and incarcerating people for weed?
Now this is a good eel
>>777394 >wasted on incarcerating people for weed haha, you got it all wrong. except for federal correctional institutions, all prisons in the USA are for-profit. They make money from the government and free labor via prisoners. So the amount of money wasted on jailing people for drugs is zero dollars. A lot of law enforcers also get bonuses for that kind of shit dependent on state and shit, but it's pretty uncommon now with the slowly changing legislation. Federally weed is still illegal but a lot of local law enforcement don't really give a shit about it. The other day a friend of mine got off on a traffic stop with a few grams of weed cause he just told the cop he had weed in the car and he was like "Okay thanks for being honest please get car insurance and update your license."
Maybe in a nicer timeline we would have been wasting money trying to help people imprisoned but that's not how we do shit in the great US of A.
Also, we pay hundreds of millions of dollars to the prisons from ou r government and it is still dwarfed by our military budget. That's why the country is technically in debt, not that they will probably ever pay back the money we borrowed to make our military so wealthy and powerful. If you cut out the US military entirely from the USA's financial report, we would be making money from export.
at least we own 11 out of the 41 active aircraft carriers in the entire fucking world though
each one can support 60-90 fighter jets so think of how many jets we have doing nothing that's a lotta dollars sure would be cool if they were doing anything
>>777396 Well it may not be "wasted" money but it's still misused money which might as well be the same thing
>>777399 >>777398 It's fucking rad war is so cool At least you're exporting some of them which is technically revenue even if it's built off of dead bodies
Aircraft carriers are so cool and you have like 10 of them You can decide to just show up at whichever countries doorstep with 100 planes and bomb whomever you want whenever you want. It's mental. idk maybe you can write it off as the cost of deterrence
>>777397 What if you just like, stopped spending on the millitary but didn't tell anyone. Like foreign diplomats come over and you have an airbase with a bunch of giant inflatable tanks to fool them and you just cook the books so everyone still thinks you're top shit
>>777400 we could field about 850+ bombers with what we have but mainly we just fuck around because nobody knows how to liquidate half a dozen aircraft carriers and hundreds of jets can't just sell em off cause that shit caused a lot of problems already
i scrolled through many bullshit posts to tell you it's not worth it basement is full retard designed to just kill noobs
>>777418 it's just five titanite demons with end game stats and no good drops and it's all water so you move like blighttown swamp except instead of poison you get hit through walls
your reward is some flavor that explains why the gate opened but that's all
gravelord covenant was broken shit but it worked there at least
i got invaded by maybe like one guy while doing it over a year
it took him half an hour to find me but he didn't give up we had an honorable duel then i fell down the hole the boulders go in and he plunging attacked me and i got owned
he messaged me "Well played" what a cool son of a bitch
i miss the souls community when it was niche
Kirara ๐๐คก
>>777427 people who identify as stoners are almost as bad as gamers
>>777427 more seriously though his point goes from fuck the world to fuck you for hating the world make up your mind bitch
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>777428 how could you be so callus about an oppressed minority
Kirara ๐๐คก
>>777428 worse than being a stoner, he's a stoner and an egoist egoists are the most annoying people in the world
>>777430 haha right >>777431 sounds like he needs to do dmt and get some good ego death
Kirara ๐๐คก
>>777432 yeah man for sure but what he really needs is to get his ass whooped teach him a lesson
what he really needs is to get the fuck off my board ree >>777433 i mean I'm not opposed but psychedelics work to experience thinking without thinking of yourself and only maybe will fuck you up instead of definitely getting your shit fucked up
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>777431 do you just mean someone who likes the idea of there being a "me"?
>>777435 an egoist is someone who reads max stirner and says "oh. the only thing in the entire world that matters is myself. i am a god who can do whatever i want and so is everyone else" it's a pseudo individualist anarchist thing that actually is pretty far away from anarchism and usually just makes people unlikable any idea they dont like they claim isn't real and pretend like that means they can ignore it
>>777444 egoism is to be okay with psychopathy because everyone else is too solipsism doesn't even consider psychopathy real because you are all that exists objectively and what other people perceive is worthless logically
one is more insane but they are both a bit unhinged maybe it makes sense to other people i don't know
>>777445 I guess just things that we are made to feel are important but are actually not
read about it on the internet if you want an actual intelligent explanation that's the understanding of this retard
>>777447 things that aren't important aren't even spooky if it doesn't matter to you then it doesn't matter at all what you place value in is all that is real
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Sometimes I think I'm the only one in the world Then someone else invades and shoots me with their crossbow
>>777450 haha did you get owned by a raw avelyn chad
>>777452 First week in graphic design five years in graphic design
>>777454 bank your Shields keep a greatshield to swap your normal shield to
if the invader is doing shit melee but not casting magic go into menu and swap to gs block avelyn murder him during the longest reload animation in the game
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
It's usually a nonissue because I die too often to ever have humanity
if his off hand is empty then don't worry about cbow he's fishing for parries and is gay disconnect and tell him such cause they removed dead angle and parry in ds1 is op otherwise
>>777456 just you wait when you do the dlc content you will be fucking drowning in humanity
>>777460 And if these bow and arrow fucks keep knocking me off the edge I don't think I'll ever be leaving
>>777466 poison them if you want to win without getting mad
run up there and into melee with the right hand side knight shields up and watch him switch to sword and fall off if you have a large penis and time to waste
AnnoKirara ๐๐คก
giant dad doesn't even work anymore it hasn't for years
>>777467 no time to waste i mean >>777469 it does kind of but the pvp meta is about toggling and fishing and being a dex boi and everyone has fought so many zweihanders they could parry you blindfolded by now at least you can grief new players and get hard thinking about onlyafro
kind of hard to kill people with a slow ass zweihander when they can just toggle out of hitstun and beat the shit out of you while you pull your giant sword out of the ground
soulsborne pvp is retarded tbh
hope they stick with the sekiro formula where they just balance things based on it being fucking fun or not
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>777470 i keep getting assblasted off the walkways >>777468 this is a good image thank you for posting it.
>>777473 wait for their Lances to hit the wall time it so you start running up there right before they hit your cover if you get there fast enough the left Archer won't be able to shoot at you, and you can just stand in front of the right Archer until he commits sudoku
by wall i mean wait on the square platform that goes around that tower
it has to bea shield with full phys block absorb though but the knights shield is sufficient also i thought you had spider shield why bro that's the heaviest medium shield in the game for no reason
are they not there? are you talking a visible six pack or you talking the abdominal muscles in general
>>777491 Visible six pack He's one of Charlemagne's Paladins, there's no way he wouldn't have at least a six pack.
dunno thought he was always just a lean character
You can be lean and have a six pack. When I was really skinny I had a six pack.
this thing has my location down to the very small suburb I live in I would never get a lawyer from here because they most likely don't exist >>777497 lol
>>777496 I used to get an ad like that for lawyers but it had an image of Phoenix Wright from the live action movie.
time to wake up in maybe two and half hours hmm maybe less either way oyasumi
real quick q: how different is xcom 1 and 2
Kirara ๐๐คก
haven't seen moon post in a while
>>777499 2 has more features but generally the same game with different story
oh I see yeah he's been in quite a bit of a predicament
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>777500 have you spoken to him at all? I know he was going through some BS with his living arrangements
>>777501 >>777502 Moon I remember moon said a month ago that they didn't like it when people used male pronouns to refer to them. *I remember moon said
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
This is correct Moon currently likes they
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
or rather gender neutral
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
You guys got any tips for Ornstein and Smough?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>777509 If you're good at dodging big things lay the smackdown on ornstein as hard as you can quickly. There's a summon sign for Solaire if you need it but summoning does increase hp and they can double team on him pretty hard if you're unlucky.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
ha I turned human to summon Solaire and i got fucking invaded straight away
>>777509 run them in a circle sprinting away to get ornstein to break rank from
smough, he closes distance quicker if you get away so you can separate them like this and then take the opportunity to damage one of them while you have them apart from each other. if you kill ornstein first the fight is easier but if you kill smough first it's cooler.
My new laptop came pretty fast. Most things through Amazon come pretty fast for me, yeah, but this was even faster than expected. Their predicted arrival date was Thursday. It's Monday.
koi time
brought to you by the letter M
Kirara ๐๐คก
After spending all day trying to figure out how to do factorial MANCOVA i have given up and am going to try to hire someone to help me analyze my data
oh no, you need data analyzing software to make sense of these things? i mean, yeah, I guess you do but... it's not intuitive? How terrible...
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Why are you doing factorial on that city in Canada?
Kirara ๐๐คก
there's a city called mancova?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah I hear it's got like voice actors that go there like mancova mancouver uh
Kirara ๐๐คก
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It was a shitty joke but I liked it
Kirara ๐๐คก
>>777520 yeah i have to do data analysis, it's a study
speaking of projects i SHOULD be able to finish my 2 page comic by Friday. A day ahead of the deadline. things are coming out pretty okay. I wish I could settle on a style but I guess for my first effort work in a very long time, I can settle with what I'm putting out. I like it.
i'm completely out of napkins, paper towels, and most foods but i released my limiters this morning to work on my dissertation and now i'm exhausted and weak and probably shouldn't drive
>>777541 oh no get food at your work by means of PUBLIC DELIVERY
I haven't eaten because mum was out and about but then she calls after I fall asleep to let me know she's currently in another state and I'm like "ohhhhh" she's going to bring food but what do I do
>>777546 yeah she said she was paying a visit to someone for something and I iwas like "cool" and then she's like "yeah I'm in (city)" that isn't in this state
>>777549 i got so many people liking my comment on that haha the replies are so stupid so many armchair chemists that don't know what levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine are or do and that guy who is like bro it's the same look at the molecule that's missing chemicals
Here have this H2O2, it's just like water but with extra oxygen. It's like breathing and drinking water at the same time
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
bitch are you trying to kill me
Kirara ๐๐คก
>>777551 shit dude that methyl group doesn't do anything it's just there for show
>>777556 i fast forwarded through the trivial parts
Now I just nneed
Ah whoops
Now I just need to find a good sketching/drawing app for Chrome OS or Android.
Kirara ๐๐คก
i gotta unbarricade my door
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>777557 speaking of trivial I'm going to observe the contents of that skirt and you cannot stop me. >>777559 Yeah I would imagine it would be hard to enter or leave otherwise.
>>777554 the vice article by the neuroscientist finding out they're chemically analogous was funny too
Kirara ๐๐คก
you know what i need? some fuckin trazadone
sounds like next level toblerone
I should have gotten that shuten douji figure no, no I shouldn't have you did the right thing koi good job koi
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you're not too far off blue they're both relatively triangular.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh hey you're having figure regrets. I didn't buy that megumin that comes out next year I know that feeling. I instead am getting the ump45 figma at about half the price
I wouldn't have a place to put it I don't have a place to put the ones I have now but when i get a glass case, I will but even with one of those, I can't just have a ShuDo out in this house.
>>777587 I've already got it on PC. Thanks for the (presumably?) offer though.
tilde does boob i have seen it don't believe the lies
Just spent over an hour and a half dealing with insurance My COBRA payment was made on November 26th They processed it today Then apparently they mail information to the insurance company on Thursday And then it takes two to five business days for the insurance company to get it And then two to five days for them to process it and give me coverage And I run out of my $60/pill medicine on Wednesday These stupid fucks are stuck in the stone age
>>777600 Hi hey hello Sorry I was absent for anime last night. I'd been on 3-4 hours of sleep for like three days and my body just crashed.
Oh, that's okay. It just means we'll have lots of good shows saved up for tonight. I figured it was something like that.
Kirara ๐๐คกTalesof !NuKeSlvmWE
did you get food
Kirara ๐๐คก
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what did you get
Kirara ๐๐คก
some chicken
Kirara ๐๐คก
I'm not feeling well enough to cook
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I also got chicken
My new phone should be coming in tomorrow or the day after. It'll finally be nice to have a portable device that doesn't die in like twenty minutes of being exposed to cold weather regardless of battery charge.
>>777599 i lost my health insurance last year for a similar thing i don't need it to live though so i said fuck em
Kirara ๐๐คก
this dolly parton show on Netflix is really amazing
who am iiiiiiii!
>>777612 my mum was watching some of that not really my thing but she seemed to be enjoying it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Leon finally starts making good decisions after you pummel his butthole thrice
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Charizard's big dick move sets up a fire spin that affects your entire field and not just the target fuck
>>777614 dolly parton is great she is the most beautiful person
Would you wear it?
Kirara ๐๐คก
possibly once or twice a year i look kinda weird in sweaters though jackets suit me a lot better
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>you got a Battle Tower Uniform Did Leon just like strip in front of me
Kirara ๐๐คก
it's gonna be 39 degrees tonight in December it's so bizarre but i love it
I'm guessing it's normally a lot warmer?
Kirara ๐๐คก
yeah, we've had several weeks so far of 50 degree lows that's ridiculous we usually get a week of this kind of weather once per year and it's in january but it's so cold for florida this year hashtag blessed
Well it's still pretty mild here. It was -8C up at the cottage over the weekend but in the city here it's been hovering around -2C-0. Though the air and ground's gotten cold enough to hold snow now.
Kirara ๐๐คก
i want some snow
Two days of it and I'm already sick of it. It's going to be a long winter.
Kirara ๐๐คก
Where's global warming when you need it huh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't know the exact temperature but things are getting chilly up here.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara due to being exhausted I imagine you won't be trading with me tonight right
Kirara ๐๐คก
i didn't catch the other stuff you wanted yet anyway gomen
>>777639 Oh yeah, so about the dog in ac 7 Apparently it wasn't a still image It was a video But the dig was told to stay still during recording and was too still too really notice any movement. *dog
>>777641 where'd you read that? He has his mouth open so you'd think it'd move a little
I actually really like the heat mirage effect around the dog in that scene
>>777642 It was from an interview whose translation was posted on reddit
>>777635 no flames but I was definitely closer than this
I ain't gonna eat, I ain't gonna sleep Ain't gonna breathe, til I see, what I wanna see And what I wanna see, is you go to sleep, in the dirt Permanently, you just being hurt, this ain't gonna work For me, it just wouldn't be, sufficient enough 'cause we, are just gonna be, enemies As long as we breathe, I don't ever see, either of us Coming to terms, where we can agree There ain't gonna be, no reasoning, speakin wit me
>>777658 a great man once told me did you try closing your eyes?
sorry to hear that though it happens to me a lot when I'm stressed out
Kirara ๐๐คก
i think it's because i used more of my prescribed meth than usual to help with my dissertation my body's not used to 50mg Vyvanse anymore since i lowered my dose to 40
yeah that could definitely do it it certainly happens to me every time i did md(m)a or other powerful stimulants
if it makes you feel any better i won 20 bucks on a scratch off today
>>777664 someone ripped it somehow and nobody wanted to buy it i thought to myself, "just cause it's fucked up doesn't mean it can't be a winner!"
every time I've bought a damaged ticket i have won so far
Kirara ๐๐คก
"just cause it's fucked up doesn't mean it can't be a winner" is relatable
also the only time i buy lotto tickets
>>777669 Ah that could be pretty cute. Is there a body spot you're considering?
>>777675 it was an obvious move how could i not help out something that reminds me of me
i really only bought it cause nobody else would though nobody believed me it wasn't ruined and is still good even if it's been damaged a bit
I've got some brownie atop some Moose Tracks ice cream. Hella decadent dessert.
i saw a frozen thing at the store the other day that was a "deep dish cookie" i thought about buying it but i have never eaten a deep dish cookie and i am unsure
Ooh Hexes soon >>7777777 Checked
blowout soon fellow stalker
/moe/ is so slow at night i wonder if anyone will even get it
I would stay up but I really need to sleep
go to sleep you sleep deprived fucker try not to sleep for a whole day good night
wew lad I get a day off tomorrow
dunno what I'm gonna do though probably gonna do a rush job of Christmas shopping so I don't have to think about that for another 365 at least no wait 366
>>777725 Hell yeah mother fucker I have one more day of work then I get paid and have two days off to procrastinate on figuring out what to get my siblings for christmas Idk what now since my sister bought that pokemon game i was gonna get the steelbook of
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chanMaria
>>777733 I'm proud of you bro i hope my advice helped
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Don't be too proud. My buddy Solaire did most of the work
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I actually went back down Looked up if there was a shortcut through Sen's Tower Took the cage ride went all the way back down into the sewers and farmed up a shitload of humanity from the rats there.
>that bit where if you kill Smough first Ornstein crushes him with his hammer and you hear something crack I always like killing Ornstein first
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Then went back up and killed Smough first try
FINALLY someone accepted my digital licence as proof of ID
>>777744 >>777747 that's hilarious now you have all this humanity to spend on dueling people just go human in the second bonfire at the library after you get the lordvessel and go get murdered by seath
OH when you go to the Duke's Archives make sure you equip a ring of sacrifice after you light the first bonfire inside the area proper.
There is a mandatory death the first time you go there and I don't care that's a spoiler because it's fucking stupid retarded shit. You won't be able to retrieve any souls or humanity you lost at the mandatory death in the beginning of the stage until you beat the fucking stage. Get a ring of sacrifice if you don't have one.
Holy shit Iris.
Oh wrong thread this is hard to multi-thread drift multiple posts.
im not super far in/caught up but sins s3 kinda seems lackluster
I really liked the arc with Diane and King getting sent back to the past. It does a good job of painting in the tone for why things are the way they are in present time.
i'm like half way through that, i think im starting episode 5 soon:tm: so maybe it'll feel better but the searing white censor for blood is distracting
Who are you using for your viewing? [PAS]? I don't recall a particularly obnoxious censor.
I've got erai-raws because it was literally the first one i saw
Oh wait it's Chyuu not PAS for Nanatsu. But drop those erai-raws like hot shit dude and go get Chyuu's fansubs. I don't believe they've go a censor.
comments on nyaa seem to imply it is
Yeah, seems like it. Looks like Nanatsu's moved to a day-time airing so they're subject to more stringent content restrictions. Weird though; there's some pretty bloody moments later in the arc and I don't recall the censorship being nearly that bad.
It's kind of weird. Blood isnt really censored as much as bleeding, so to speak like coughing out blood is searing white light, getting wounded is searing white
Oh wait I'm remembering now, yeah. I think I just assumed it was the Goddess Clan having white blood or something hah hah. Made more sense to me in the moment.
I just assumed it was vomit the first time, but then the next scene had blood on whoever's face so i was like "oh no"
And I guess there was a certain scene that comes to memory now that probably could have been more clear about what happened. Even though knowing the present time of the series and what was being indicated in the scene before made deducing what had happened pretty straightforward.
Honestly I dunno man as far as content goes the show doesn't really lose anything from being censored.
I think Nanatsu is censored on some channels it's aired on
Glancing at the comments it looks like it might've moved entirely to day-time public television with this new season. Those channels always have some super-strict censorship guidelines.
wooooooow not surprising but lame
most mainstream shonen stuff does that kind of thing eventually they'll prob uncensor in the home video releases
Yeah looks like the BD releases will be uncensored.
even back in the day yu yu hakusho and dragon ball / dragon ball z got that shit
C'est la vie.
>>777824 I don't mind censorship so much as this specific way The bright white is a bad way to do it black fog would be way better, but still annoying
the nanatsu censorship is fucking annoying though it's like the black fog around jotaro's cigarette smoking scenes but more fucking annoying
i'll just wait and watch this season of anime i already know what's going to happen anyways
Wow Jan how do you get that kind of foresight
i read the manga because original content is fucking verboten this season
>>777843 What is PSYCHO-PASS season three for 200 , Alex
something i won't watch until i can marathon it
the Azur Lane anime is kind of like a half-original content. All the characters are pre-existing but apparently the story is all new stuff.
yeah but bnha s4 tho id honestly prefer to marathon it but im also too impatient to wait for it to come out
Samu ๐ฉ !KW2DbpWwls
i only watch backlog anime sometimes and play games waiting for the couple shows i give a fuck about atm
Oh yeah Kabukicho Sherlock is an anime original too. >>777853 Don't let Rika hear you say that you'll make her cry
>>777847 and it's fucking boring and i don't understand the references i might finish it anyway but i dunno
>>777852 probably not she's a responsible and emotionally capable adult as far as i know also azur lane is a fucking bad game
Maybe I dunno I've never played it. I can appreciate some of the character design though.
that's all the game has going for it just like kancolle sans historical buffs jacking off to representation of their favorite ww1 era precursor to battleships
>>777884 do you remember that bit between the catacombs and the tomb of the giants where it's pitch black and all you have to guide you as you walk along these walkways are these little glowing fairy lights
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
and then even if you're real careful the giant skellies knock you off anyway
Hoolly shit I only just realized that you can wield the skull lantern I've spent the last hour and a half playing through the Tomb of Giants in pitch black
>>777890 This is updating again. https://mangadex.org/title/24165/the-life-of-the-witch-who-remains-single-for-about-300-years
On the plus side As soon as I realized I didn't have to play through in total darkness I breezed through.
It's like battle training from a manga You deliberately put yourself through difficult conditions so when you need to actually fight someone it's easy.
>>777897 I guess the necromancer guy outside the skeleton smith It wasn't much of a fight though. He went down easy. Didn't even need to flask.
And then I spent the next hour dying a bajillion times in the dark
I don't remember the name It's like you fall in from the roof and he's there with a corpse and a huge pile of books and then the fight is him making lots of fake illusions of himself while he shoots fire
>>777931 man it would be a fucking amusing anime, if they actually had a proper war going and all the guns were gun girls
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
did you know that girls frontline does have a war going on and currently has an animated short anime but should be getting an actual anime at some point
that the guns fight I mean people fighting with guns and then you have the gun wielders get killed or the gun girl going like "leave me behind and just run" or your main leads killing enemies and finding their guns going all "why u do this"
moe+gore+horror of war=good shit
Kirara ๐๐คก
got my first paycheck from work they're gonna give me a flat $1000 a month which is basically minimum wage but it's better than nothing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
literally better than nothing as you weren't getting paid, right
Kirara ๐๐คก
>>777936 so something like 1/5-10th what you'd actually get?
>>777936 >$12000 a year wow stingy considering how much study all this work required and all the hours you do
>>777936 Even at a normal full-time forty-hour work week that's only like 5.75 an hour. Unless you're working less than that at the clinic it's still quite a bit below minimum wage.
1000 a month for a western nation is usually a part time job where you either can't/don't get full hours
Kirara ๐๐คก
>>777949 I'm doing like 30 hours right now but yeah.
>>777945 I'm doing better than i have been for the last week. How about you?
>>777952 I've managed to lower my hours a little. I'm doing 30-35 now.
Ah yeah okay. I thought you'd be doing like forty-plus considering how much work talk you do hah hah
>>777951 Oh, I'm doing okay. Happy to be off work.