>>774326 → >WC3 AI how bout that very hard where they not only micro faster than you could possibly hope to and also build faster and start with troops that game's ai was fucking cancer
>>774359 Porygons would be quite good infiltrators wait no fuck I meant dittos
>>774364 Honestly you could be playing as a ditto and you wouldn't even know All of Pokemon could be some fucked up dystopia of dittos that have killed humans and taken their places
i have but one problem with this paper thus far it says SSBM is undecidable but it is absolutely impossible to win against an AI performing frame perfect reflectors on the character Fox due to the special properties the move has a flawless AI could waveshine combo you from 0-death 100% of the time as soon as they get the first hit due to the mechanics of the special move and the game though they haven't made a perfect Fox Bot yet, you can still get out of the waveshine occasionally with the strongest one atm
>gets reminded of say tekken 5's Jinpachi, that could only be damaged on a very brief window left in there intentionally >and otherwise was 100% ass rape the whole time
>>774382 Yeah but if you had two perfect ai fighting against each other as fox it would be undecidable
>>774384 ahh fair enough two perfect fox bots would just end up never hitting each other if they kept going for the shine since shine gives you invincibility on one frame when you activate it if they were waveshining as optimally as possible the only choices would be either to get hit or waveshine again so that you can avoid getting hit since shine comes out frame 1 with a damaging hitbox and invincibility frame it wouldn't actually go anywhere makes sense now
Wait I'm too tired to know if that was right I think I'm right
Gonna drop this sicc D&D story and go to bed http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/17120844/
>Although some open-world sandbox games such as Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress can support the construction of Turing machines whoops
what kind of fucking supercomputer would you need to run dwarf fortress AI on that shit already fucks my $500 CPU in all kinds of new holes
There probably isn't one you could get your hands on unless your uncle works for Intel or something. Dwarf Fortress' biggest problem is that it was never written to utilize multiple processor cores. So for a sufficiently complex fortress you'd need a processor specified for single-core ridiculously fast computations.
Though I think Toady might be entirely re-writing the way Dwarf Fortress works to be able to utilize multiple processor cores, so maybe things will be different once that's implemented.
>>774398 clearly we need intel to make a iD dorf-core series processor delivering 5.8GHz single-core performance
Toady's been supposedly working on a multicore confluent version of the engine for a few years now but the game is so damn big I can imagine such an undertaking is difficult Even with his sufficiently advanced level of autism
>>774410 He might be getting help with this one, not sure. With the announcement of Dwarf Fortress getting a visually-improved Steam release I think he's outsourcing some of the non-development work to other people.
>>774409 I wasn't aware it was a question particularly seeking an answer, hah hah, sorry. I never watched season one but I'm sufficiently familiar to follow along and recognize returning characters.
>>774416 Wow, I feel like you missed out on something special. Idk about S3 but S2 is kind of irrelevant to S1 anyways. You should watch the original Psycho-Pass. It's really really good, I promise. It's about the only anime that can actually flex an Urobutcher influence and then follow through on it. Also the ending is fucking satisfying.
Though you do miss out on finding out the true nature of the Sibyl System a bit, the character interactions are really what made S1 fun. There's a lot of subplots, and Akane gets so much growth You should watch season one.
I'll keep it in mind for the winter break. Between work and school I don't have a whole lotta sink-in time for a two-cour show.
also guessing it was an automatic and tge dog pushed it from park to reverse etc good thing the wheel was turned
Kirara 🍄🤡
the wheel wouldn't lock in place and keep the same angle like that this was probably intentional
aa true tho dunno about modern cars
well hard to say how the wheel kept locked like that, but otherwise my hypothesis is right, unless the owner lies considering he has to replace all of his neighbors mail boxes and some lawn damage, i doubt it was some stunt buut >florida
cybertruck is just a big meme apparently even to muskman himself
no brakes on this train
Kirara 🍄🤡
best part is when he said the windows were unbreakable and then told his intern to throw a ball at the window to test it and the windows immediately broke and he had to give the rest of the presentation in front of a vehicle with broken window
>>774457 --- somebody got fired for this also imagine being the intern
unbreakable windows doesn't sound like a goid feature anyhow what do if trapped in car break windows oh wait
yeah read vommenta's apparently some apps that let you access work mail etc work both ways don't mind tgat having wotk stuff on a privatephone is a major security issue anyhow...
also gotta love how they know something like this is a lawsuit impending, but they can just go "bring it on, we can drag it for years and millions private individuals don't have" never really imagined war of attrition to be a court room tactic when i was younger
Kirara 🍄🤡
we are usually pressured into putting work stuff on our private phones in america if we don't, we face consequences for not being able to be contacted outside of work hours
>>774504 prolly a n early dev interview or a joke or it doesn't have pedal brake but a switch etc kinda like older cars had gear stick behind the wheel
but there isn't imo anything hard about stick all there is to it is getting the feel to using the glutch in a way automatic is weirder, as it keeps going even without pressing on the gas
>>774527 Hey Blue you got a new drawing tablet from Xp-Pen, right One with a tablet screen.
Artist Pro 15.6
Have you found it to be a good device? I've been considering a screen tablet for ages since the disconnect between a tablet and a monitor throws me off real bad. But Wacom is, well, Wacom With Black Friday coming up I'm putting together a list of things worth checking out.
it's lovely The only "issue" is the number of ports it needs which is two USBs and an HDMI But I had enough slots after I plugged out the external HD I wasn't actively using so it's all good. I think XP-Pen's Black Friday sale is happening around now actually or maybe it was only during the con and they['ll put it up again but I got the 15.6 100$ off grabbed the shortcut remote too because I lack space to use it and my keyboard simultaneously. I need a wider work area But the device itself is working wonderfully
Is/Are the cables for connecting to the computer a good length? My tower's on the right side of my desk and I need to keep tablets to the left because left-handed so it's a bit of a problem at times if the cable's not long enough to thread behind my monitors.
yeah. it's actually better if it's on the right side. Mine is on the left so it has to curve around. but it still reaches
ohh so you have the buttons on the right side, right? Cable should still be long enough
I'm seeing the extension cord in the package too so it'll probably be fine. If things still don't make it I could probably get a longer extension for cheap. ... I don't know why I never thought to get one before ...
Kirara 🍄🤡
I am a model who's also strong in battle - that's who I am
Man I'm so tired today. Had to be up early-ish for me to make a morning shift so I didn't get much sleep last night. And I can't really get an evening nap since a friend of mine has a live performance I said I'd be there for hah hah. At least I'll have plenty of time tomorrow.
if I can manage to stay awake tonight, maybe I can work out my issues with page 1 on paper i have an extra week but I also don't want to be at the last minute
luckyy I only get mine once every two years and when I ordered mine they didn't fit so I asked them to resize them and they never did the work shoes are incredibly uncomfortable though
>>774589 a multipurpose tool can hold hundreds of drugs or even your little sister
maybe kny and mushishi are in the same world except mss is in pseudojapan and kny is pseudochina
Kirara 🍄🤡
well mushishi would take place probably 40 years after kny so it could be same place maybe the box was handed down
good point mushishi seems more pseudochina
or SEA maybe
Well that was fun. Went out to watch a friend's band do a live performance and then killed some time chatting with friends over nachos and drinks. Ended up maybe getting invited to a dinner party some time down the line.
phone posting is the worst let's throw all our phones into a river of lava
no a volcano
>>774603 hmm I dunno about that 30c is quite a lot if they do it for just a little bit while everyone is jumping to the races they can pull a quick SIKE before we can all (metaphorically) grab a five finger discount
>>774608 i'm telling you as someone who gets to experience the fluctuating prices from petrol distributors and hear what they know about the price their distribution company buys from refineries they do it every single year and also for other minor events locally part of it is from the increased natural demand because people drive much more around the holiday season between mid-nov to mid-jan and part of it is just a little extra greed they can get away with. gas stations usually try to undercut the shit out of each other but there is a bare minimum cost they need to cover to make at least a few pennies off commission. so in any area with multiple stations in proximity the price is bound to the manufacturer cost + distributor fees. a normal spike in price due to high volume sales like when big events come to my city and attract tourists is only 10-15c. but the holiday spikes are usually like 20-40c. The largest non-event spike I've seen was during a mass panic when the major refineries in my state were endangered by a hurricane and everyone went out and literally depleted damn near every station of gas, and the distributors could not replenish fast enough. The price only went up by 40c, except for fringe cases where stations would gouge by several dollars. Those were few in number, since that is actually fucking illegal apparently. Most of them just got told to lower it or face legal action but some were brought to court. So since obviously there is still plenty of fuel to go around every year for the holidays, it's logical that the spike is coming from within the supply chain.
not to mention the global speculators and oil sheiks who might spike the price of barrel up on a whim because some azis bkew hinself up somewhere or because putin had a bad day
updating this new CoD is the most cancerous fucking process first you download the update then you boot the game up then it applies the update then you restart the game then the launcher finishes applying the update then you boot the game up then you wait for it to install shaders or you get like 15 fps in any new content
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
anyhow NOT derailing the conversation canadian whisky is ok
>>774618 god dammit kakyoin stop trying to fuck my mom >>774615 huh i didn't know actually always wondered but thought it seemed kinda rural and untamed for japan
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
imagine needing to eat bamboo 24/7 or else you die from malnutrition
you could alternatively find and eat meat but your whole tribe will ostracisize you
sloth is the best creature in the animal kingdom >>774624 yes
koalas eat eucalyptus. it is the only thing they can eat. it is almost void of all nutritional value too. so they basically always have to eat constantly or they fucking die. it's a miracle the species survived in the wild but I guess the ecosystem all works out for em.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
it is time to start a cross koala-human chimeric bloodline
>>774628 well they needed to be up in the trees to not get murdered the shit out of by kangaroos and stuff i guess. not a whole lot of junk to choose from in the australian tree i guess? >>774626 imagine being a human that can only eat corn
cobsidering koalas are still around it isn't that bad specialisation
>>774630 For now lol Bushfires have been destroying the koala's habitat and around 80% of it has burnt up cause the australian government decided to just stop doing controlled burns and let nature take its course Naturally an uncontrolled series of fires started burning everything down since their native habitat has a lot of easily combustible shit and it's very hot there
If this keeps up the koala will be extinct outside of captivity pretty soon
these guys are awesome though imagine taking it so easy you just eat whatever happens to be close and it doesn't matter cause you basically don't need to do jack shit to survive imagine taking it so easy your potential predators literally cannot see you because you are just too slow
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
it is a charmed life an evolutionary atoll what are their natual preditors?
just look at any picture of a sloth they look fucking proud of themselves like they just thought of the funniest joke
>>774636 mostly hawks and large cats are all that can really get to them as they hang out in the canopy or understory basically their whole life but they hunt via sight the sloth is so fucking slow that algae grows on its fur, giving natural camoflauge, and their lethargic movements make it difficult for sight based hunters to notice them among the trees
imagine being a titan sloth not only you don't give a fuck, you can also fuck anything
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
predators* >>774639 sir is everything ok >>774638 so once in a blue moon a leopard looks up and pounces directly onto an immobile lump of algae?
holy shit the update is done ive been installing this since i started writing >>774609 like half a fucking hour
>>774640 well it's not immobile, sloths can move somewhat faster than what you usually see them getting about at if the sloth is immobile it's almost impossible that any of its predators would be able to see it, since they rely mostly on sight and their olfactory senses are not suited to hunting as well as the sloth smelling like algae unlucky sloths move at mach sloth speed and happen to be in the line of sight of a hungry cat or hawk and get got (mach sloth speed is about 5 inches a second lol)
>>774638 also each time they go take a shit, they are at risk of being killed by anything
>>774653 yeah, they technically can move a lot faster than they usually do but their diet consists of low nutritional leaves basically whatever they feel like eating off the trees is good enough. they have a very very slow metabolism so even negligible caloric intake is enough to let them chill out for a long time. that's probably the fastest Millie is gonna go all fucking day, probably gonna go back to the normal trees after she's done playing for a few minutes and be still for the rest of the day they usually let the sloths play a bit a day so they don't get depressed, they're somewhat social creatures despite barely doing fucking anything
in the wild they also have the instinct to be really still whenever they see anything that isn't a sloth as well so they don't often move even compared to captive sloths
fuck i got kicked for inactivity because i was talking about sloths
not that i was doing shit all that game i am so bad at sniping but need to get 30 more kills
i don't remember making this image but here you go guys >>774666 well there's a non-zero chance that it hasn't grown stomach evacuating bacteria maybe he'll be okay but he'll probably feel really bad
i think i was talking about this guy i met in the australian osrs server we talked for a couple hrs while mining then he went to log off
rip thug, he was my nigga
everybody at that spot on the aus server last night was really nice actually we were all sharing mining spots and not competing there was a lot of helpful and friendly bants maybe oz osrs is based
i made all my money running laws and selling iron i think
selling lobs
wow 3 back to back headshots from me and play of the game goes to some dude spraying a bunch of guys close range with an ak47 lol
guess he got more bonus xp modifiers cause of close range and one headshot all i got was 3x elim 3x one shot one kill 3x headshot he got like 11 modifiers total i think
>>774688 you get a bonus to your score for shooting someone within melee range because melee does like 70% of target health in damage and is much faster than any gun
clearly what i did was much more lucky but that's how the scoring system works
i wonder which hane started the insta or near insta melee kills
>>774690 think it was CoD4 or maybe WaW i don't remember melee a lot from CoD4
is been insingle a lot longer but in multi it is more recent i think yeah
ah okay yeah CoD 4 was the first instance of the instant bullshit button only in mp
previously melee was kind of crap in CoD3 also you could melee with a grenade lol
so fucking glad melee isn't instant kill anymore that was the thing I hated the most about call of duty multiplayer in every game
they don't call it a potato smasher as a joke
you can take an attachment on some guns that gives you an instant melee kill but mostly it's guns that you can instant kill at a larger range like shotguns and such so you can actually get close to people without just getting into a knife fight
time to get 35 handgun kills now the choice the 1911 because the 1911 is sexy or the .357 because it's actually a good sidearm
what's with that fucking ##MAAAAAAGNUM
FUCK forgot to ##spoiler omg samu fixed the [ spoiler][/ spoiler] to trick the board into thinking it was a newline my shit posting is fucking over
ok now desert camo or wood camo as if anyone is going to not notice the guy firing a fucking .357 magnum
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
what the ##fuq
you used to be able to type [*spoiler][/spoiler*] without the asterisks to allow you to start things that required a newline on the same line kind of how 4chan worked for a while
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
that makes a lot of sense from a coding perspective but consider this, i havent touched the code in at least a year
i can't believe that you somehow managed to fix that shit on accident what did you do between adding bigtext and last year
i wonder if you can >quote shit midpost too
w0w it doesn't work
samu please add code to replicate the older shittier code that let me do fun things
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
it's MAGIC I ain't gon explain shit
doushio has become TOO ADVANCED it ALMOST WORKS
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
it's become cursed and i have to put it down before something terrible happenz
fuck yes i unlocked the k98k in mp the first gun i ever shot irl
doushio is self evolving
>>774711 you're kind of late on that boss there have been many terrible things happening
>>774716 I'm too old too have shot an ar as my first gun, realistically. It wasn't anywhere near as popular as it is now when I was a kid.
>>774716 i straight up never touched an armalite until i was like 23
talkibg about asslt rifle not your shitty guns
i shot the k98k my dad had when i was like 13 cause i would go with him hunting deer
>>774720 Yeah cause people totally let 13 year olds shoot assault rifles here and its compltely normal and incredibly common for private citizens to own them. >>774723 The ar-15 isn't an assault rifle unless it's been modified to be fully auto.
they straight up do my uncle let a 14 y/o shoot his AR-15 lol
>>774722 i read assault rifle as ar because assault rifles do not fucking exiiist
>>774725 Assault weapons don't exist, assault rifles do Well, technically "assault weapons" exist but "assault weapon" usually means "scary looking semi auto rifle"
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
> This Japanese hotel room costs $1 a night. The catch? You have to livestream your stay
>>774726 assault rifle is a misnomer the media made up because automatic rifle doesn't sound badass enough i guess
"assault rifles" i.e. automatic rifles for infantry use such as the SCAR/M16/M4A4/AK47 are not even fucking used for assault or siege combat
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
the whole "assualt rifles aren't real" meme is a waste of time
yeah it is but it makes me laugh to talk about it they should have just used automatic rifle
automatic rifle is good enough and also scary
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
it's too late, assassassault rifle has already adopted a new meaning
Unrelated but who wants to see a fun post by ton?
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
anyway who wants to go to fukuoka and do some skits in the 8-tatami studio
>>774732 i dunno about that one el capitan there's a pretty large split of people who accept the terminology and deny it
i don't really give a shit what they're called i know what you mean when you say it but i think it's a pointless new term for something already defined which is SILLY
anyhow it is just an evolutuon ofnthe weapon submachine gubs were assault weapons as in close rabge weapons and when a rufle was developed that could fullfill the same purpose they named it aptly
>>774739 that term is a functionally different entity from the modern term
>>774744 You are mixing up assault rifle and assault weapon. And yes assault rifle is also misused a lot by people in the media.
evolution of a rifle has anyhow come from long ranfe weapon, to repeating mid range weapon to short range automatic weapon and any short range fighting is ususlly considered an assault in military terms
most rifles perform at midrange even these days except for spaghetti slavshit
yep but a non automatic weapon is shut in an assault
you could meet up with bang and touch swords in the street
>>774757 in my state it is legal for anyone over 18 to carry a knife up to 5.5 inches anywhere that does not expressly forbid and has obtained the paperwork to condemn knife carrying
Ugh I need a new knife. >>774761 My state and county have dumb knife laws, I can't remember the length limit but its bullshit. You can't have them on ppublic transit either.
i want to open carry an ax
if you obtain an open carry license in texas you can open carry any bladed weapon of any size anywhere that does not prohibit open carry laws
i wanna kill a man with my bear arms
>>774764 II'm surprised you guys need an open carry license to carry bladed weapons of any size in Texas.
>>774766 You can carry small blades of any size without an open carry license but you need a license to carry any bladed weapon larger than 6 inches blade length
it takes about 30 minutes to get licensed assuming you have not actually assaulted someone before
I still think people should be allowed to carry swords without a fucking license. Not that they'd be particularly effective slf defense weapons. Just more of Like we're i the 21st century, why do we have laws restricting people from carrying large bladed weapons.
>>774768 Little less than 3 kilos yeah Probably the lightest rifle I've ever used anyways
>>774770 You can straight up carry an authentic german zweihander in texas if you get that carry license not that anyone fucking does lol
it's much more effective for self defense and just as easy to get to obtain a concealed handgun permit unless you have a criminal record
>>774775 I'm saying yu shouldn't need a license, yeah a concealed handgun permit is much better
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contest_to_kill_100_people_using_a_sword wowee look what I found was looking for this though https://edition.cnn.com/2014/03/01/world/asia/china-railway-attack/index.html
>>774776 i think it's silly to let just anyone go about with a sword and such that puts people on edge knowing they had to get screened to walk around with it makes it much more comfortable
one time a guy came into my store with a machete now look that's a misdemeanor regardless of license i told him that and he was like oh my bad sorry i didn't know and paid for his drink and left and everything was great
>>774803 hei absorbed his sister bai who had the ability to manipulate quantum mechanics by consuming things and it's consuming his life and humanity constantly so he can manipulate quantum mechanics basically i aint got to explain shit
>>774807 Her renumeration was sleeping and she paid it of completely which is why Hei can use it without renumeration. The eating thing is a red herring.
fuck you right i forgot lol
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>774807 that is horrifying how can i prevent super humans from casually tearing me limb from limb
>>774808 hei is fucking hungry because he uses a lot of fucking amphetamine and he is awake 24/7 so he gotta eat
>>774810 That wasn't even from darker than black. The gif is from the 2000s birdy the mighty anime It wasn't even a real child It was a terrorist frog alien disguised as a human child
how many times do you see Hei sleep tbh its like 3-4 times in 40ish episodes/ova
>>774819 needed some bullshit reason to allow a pissed off Hei to not immediately resolve the problem considering he stomps everyone in the OVAs there wouldn't really be a storyline if they just let his canonical powerlevel into the new plotline
the only conflict in the OVAs is only coming from his lack of interest in fighting back and he wins basically immediately after he loses touch with Yin then S2 starts and there wouldn't be a very compelling intrigue if he kept on
chinese electric batman go
>>774820 or yoy know write better using less shitty tropes depowering is almost always bad
>>774820 Doesn't change the fact that the bullshit was bad writing. If you have to write around a character's powerlevel in order to not immediately resolve the plot you've already made a mistake.
I'll probably finish s2 at some point I forget where I dropped it.
>>774822 they could've made the quantum bullshit gate-only and that'd be more compelling to have hei fighting with suou in S2 with normal electric powers but they fucked up in S1 already since the writing already stated he understood how his contract worked properly and shit
not a lot you can do to make that god-tier manipulation power compelling in combat against your typical contractor i think
>>774826 yeah that's what they should have done but also depowered hei was a fucking champ
then switch characters and don't even have hei appear
Although violent alcoholic hei is pretty cool I just dislike the premise that created him
hobo hei is a fucking awesome character but they could have had a better reason for him to get ghettofied
i love yin far more than the next guy but it doesn't make sense that losing her for a few weeks drives him to complete self destruction and alcoholism and shit anyways
should have just made shion the culprit of his contract being stolen or something it makes more sense that he can create worlds and shit if he stole hei's quantum manip
huang, mao, and yin are the only characters who are always on hei's side no matter what doesn't make sense for him to give a shit about anyone else and huang is dead
i have a certain picture for hei and mao lol so the only remaining logical partner is yin
>>774853 i had to look it up to remember her name but yeah it was Alma and she lead a cult and shit in S1 she was basically mystique from X-men except she used her powers for scientology instead of espionage
>>774854 i got a job through a cop after they were about to fire me for getting robbed and not following protocol and also i did a lot of coke in the bar's bathroom with an off duty cop
so basically only good experiences with cops sure is great to be white
right now the only cop i hang out with is a guy named tony who looks like what shrek would look like in real life he's about 6 foot 8 and 350 pounds of muscle and belly and has to turn sideways to get into normal sized doors really nice guy but i'd probably hit the floor faster than light if i heard that mfer say "you're under arrest"
they straight up call him shrek within the local force at first when mike and gary told me about "shrek" i was like haha okay funny nickname then i fuckin saw that mother fucker
two games in and i've racked up 9 kills with my pistol
>>774868 blops 4 did not have a single player mode at all
and the multiplayer was really crap half the maps were recycled and the other half were bad by CoD standards it didn't have new modes or even most of the standard gameplay modes and the weapon balance was super fucked up
basically treyarch and infinity ward swapped roles from the rehash crap that was MW3 to BLOPS4
the games inbetween we don't talk about i only played them because i got them for free officer
why do they call it CoD: Ghosts? cause it doesn't exist lol
might get the new Hitman if not for myself than for my brother as a pretend present
got 6 kills that round the "hold up riot shield until they start to reload and then shoot them" strat is prevailing
someone that round said "this game need to buff FMJ" i do not quite understand it already gives you like 10% more damage and lets you penetrate slightly stronger substances
maybe he wants to be able to shoot straight through steel with his smg cause it kicks ass idk
when we won he also added "please tell developer please"
t.n. you can shoot straight through concrete with the m91 because it kicks ass and with fmj there is literally no such thing as cover m91 kicks ass
does kind of turn you into a slow cunt though just make sure you're still alive when you finally get to the good spot*
if all goes to keikaku doori I should be hanging out with morsh chan in a week or so then I also have a festival to go to in the new year with my cousin
so at least I h ave those things to look forward too
that is mu in general but the only tame impala album I liked was the beatles tribute one I can't remember the name that one is okay I guess just never listened to the full thing
tame impala makes me think of a nineteen year old white girl from wisconsin wearing a headband smoking week in a bikini at some shitty music festival
crazy that nobody has died in space maybe some animals but challenger etc never made it to space
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
marth is too fun
nerf marth too fun
what a waste of money rhe v8 track is local govt could have spent it on some better infrastructure but instead they spend it on a track so we can watch cars g o v r o o m >>774913 iirc but I have been wrong many times over
>>774884 wish i could hang out with Marsh and touch his huge mountain climber calves make a pass at them in my honor
>>774909 we almost had many dead IN SPACE but astro and cosmo nauts worked together to stop the fire on that joint rus-usa space station and the day was saved except according to the Russians nothing bad happened shut the fuck up
>>774952 real talk putting hand warmers in my pockets and sleeping bag was the comfiest rest in sub freezing conditions of my life fuck the instructions if you catch fire at least you'll be warm
also winter camo experiences >make huge efforts to keep stove on and hot during your shift >next guy lets it go out and is cold in the morning fucking every single time
reminds me of when i went camping here when it was raining and my pals called me a pyro cause i kept getting more fodder for the fire
fuckers never complained about it being cold though
>>774961 same we gotta go camping again soon i have to travel for interviews all january but maybe we can plan something early summer again let's fuckin go to alaska
>>774959 mid tier strength moderate duration high propensity for abuse but less prevalent than xanax
Kirara 🍄
valium can stay in your urine for like 10-15 days so watch out
>>774963 I'm down for whatever i don't give a hoot alaska is fucking beautiful would love to see it myself
just alt f4 your job and get a new one near where i'm doing my internship
hmm now I bit regret my decision to chop all the bits in the soup so that I would blend it into a mush this would have been damn nice when chopped to edible sizes and with more potatoes and carrots oh well
>>774974 sounds good to me I want to find a different job anyways there is no future in this for me except franchising my own store and fuck that
nitpicking asshole or made to hear constant complaints from more advanced nit pickers the people who move up in corporate structures are a waste of my fucking life
>>774986 conscript them if they refuse they choose the noose
>>774985 nice board ate my posts couldn't do this as a lifetime career
some guy in NY got a tank sent after him and surrounded by SWAT and shit last night because someone claimed he had a 30 round magazine somewhere in his home cops claimed they heard gunshots as an excuse to raid but then said they found no gun fuckin bullshit
mm elish soup
but alas this would actually have been better as just soup and not mashed soup
yeah I bet there are long term exposure risks with tear gas no matter its composition
did they the bill canned yet or are they still trying
Kirara 🍄🤡
the bill was canned but a lot of people are trapped by police in buildings people can't go back home because they'll be arrested and the people are fed up and refuse to stop fighting
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i just played like 30 rounds of marth against this ike who just would not quit no matter how many times he lost
we only like ike
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
marth ma boi
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
what a trooper i farmed 2 mil GSP
i should get snake Amiibo and the other Isabelle and uh a switch maybe
>the broadcast version of Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure censoring Jotaro Kujo smoking as he is 17 (Japan’s minimum smoking age is 18). The censorship was done via a heavy shadow across the lower-half of his face. wtf that's 4kids tier
>>775018 the problems it has dont completely detract from the regular experience but it just could have been bettee its fun but some animations are eh loading issues very short postgame no national dex of course likely rushed overall
it just could have been so much more bjt it was still very fun
Then I release them into the wilds first they eat the mice then mice like critters then rats and grow larger and larger then the cats and the dogs and then the people
and then there shall just be I and spiders here and finland will be perfect
>>775048 >WebP’s lossless compression, a new format unrelated to VP8, was designed by Google software engineer Jyrki Alakuijala there is always a finn behind everything
except it's not compatible with shit
I need a bb or something to shut that fucking bird up outside
when I still did bbs, I used birds as target practice quite oft taught the fuckers over time not to fly near our yard, and even few years after I quite, no bird came to shooting range of our house. Was useful, since it saved our cherries and black and red currants all for ourselves.
What do you think you do with bb guns? you shoot other people >>775062 that is teens for you but farmers anyhow shoot birds that eat their crops what is the difference a slight "ow" vs "dead"
This isn't even the most recent popularity poll, in the most recent one she's got like 12000+ points and blows Furuhashi out of the water by like four or five thousand votes.
Anyway, I seriously was wondering about my life having some PROFOUND thoughts
before you idiots distracted me with all this talk of anime girls
>Why the hell is this phone so expensive through Newegg >Ships from the United Kingdom Oh.
I wonder if it's worth spending an extra thirty dollars to get a brand new phone instead of the same model but refurbished. From what it sounds like the seller some times replaces the battery during refurbishing, but not always, so getting it refurbished might mean I'd have to spend money on a new battery earlier than usual anyway. And maybe the brand new option comes with the normal product box, where the refurbished one only comes with some third-party stuff instead of the original charger, cable, etc.
It's only like an extra four percent price increase relative to the refurbished price. At that point it feels close to negligible.
>>775102 Ogata was my favorite before sensei was introduced. I think they're tied for me now.
Or I could get refurbished shopping through eBay and get it for 70% of the brand new one I see elsewhere. Man I wish I had the freedom to not care about these kinds of price evaluations and guesswork.
what about all that big dick Book money I assumed you were rolling in it
I was pretty much at penniless when I got the job and if you count what I had on credit technically in debt. And I've been only making like 120 dollars a week for the most part. After transit fare and various expenses I don't really get to keep a lot of it.
I've got some late government grants/loans for the semester coming in early next week though and considering they're supposed to help with expenses I've already paid out of pocket I feel justified in using some of it for expenses I'd normally cover myself.
I been outta whack all day. This morning there was an ambulance with it's lights and sirens on and I was the only one who pulled over for it. I got mad because if my loved ones needed help and a bunch of shitters cared more about going to church or whatever they were doing, it would kill me. Then I eventually saw where it was going, and it was a really bad car accident. It was really triggering.
To my surprise tonight's the store meeting for the holiday period. I've never seen so many employees in this store before. Some of them I've -never- seen before.
It's a pretty cozy experience so far and hey I'm getting paid for it.