>>775140 im home >>775141 nah our neighbors called to say their id say 30’s daughter hit my car and i finally got to see the damage im upset but i forgive them but i also say how tf you hit the side that isnt the way you would drive to exit the driveway
i equipped the riot shield while trying to complete this mission to kill people using a pistol and started having so much fun with the stupid shield i completely forgot about what i was trying to do in the first place
just fucking existing with a shield is enough to make almost everyone stop thinking about everything except how to kill you! i got like 20 goddamn assists just now because people don't even pay attention to the rest of my team if they see me and got gunned down haha
1v1 you have to work a little bit more to kill people unless you have tac grenades to blind or slow em but it's a neat way to play
some guy just said i was cheating and/or using wallhacks every time i killed him
bruh i'm using a fucking shield i can't even shoot people why would i even bother what possible benefit would seeing people through walls give me when i have to get up on their dick to do any damage
And why would you even use cheats/hacks anyway when you can be SHIELD MAN
>>775295 fucking right i don't even care about this pistol mission anymore this is fucking hilarious
watching someone empty their entire magazine into my shield for no discernible reason and then panic when i sprint at them as they reload is more satisfying than any quad feed
so far i've only had one rando actually big brain enough to just melee me to death since shield melee is slower than firearm melee you can just straight up smack the shield dude twice and kill him before he can hit you twice but nobody does they just panic and shut down
one other guy just saw me come around the corner, didn't even shoot at me and threw a molotov right under my feet and i burned alive too
I think a lot of people adopt the belief you're a meat shield and if they sink enough damage into you you'll go down. Too bad for them the shield eats up all of the bullets and none of them actually hit you.
I was talking with two of my co-workers on the way to the subway after the holiday meeting today and for some reason or another I ended up referencing the poem Ozymandias and -neither- of them even knew want I was talking about even after I gave the name of the poem.
One of them was also a fan of Watchman where Ozymandias literally takes his name from the poem. I'm confused how that one at least never came across the poem after having read/watched Watchmen.
>>775299 dude waht ozymandias quotes the fucking poem in the comic directly not sure about the movie though
I guess the reason steam was selling doom so cheap was go get people HYPE about the new game in march and get them excited to buy that one for full price it worked
but worry not o chikdrennof finn winter is years away
>>775306 it takes a temp drop of around 10 degrees from 5-10 into -5 to -10 and cloud coverage with high moisture and end results still vary
>>775308 sat here might have some cool things pop up too
>>775307 I mean this isn't exactly a novel practice. Previous games in series go on sale pretty often when a new game in the series is coming out soon.
>sneak up on a guy >flash him >sit in front of him until the flash wears off >he rapidly fires at me >then pulls out a fucking RPG >shoots it at my shield and we both fucking die 200 iq
>encroach upon some guy >he slowly backs away from me as i slowly crouch walk towards him >after like 20 seconds he throws a semtex sticky grenade directly onto the top of my fucking head >it obviously kills me 300 iq
hey /moe/ there's some particularly stressful stuff going on that ive been putting off talking about for a while i think im probably going to have to sooner than later though i keep thinking about just not doing it at all since it probably won't make a difference anyway not right now though
Everything in due time Just make sure you're comfortable about it before talking
Yeah, im not really sure every time i start to, i get pangs that feel like people are getting impatient or irritated with me or that exposing vulnerability is going to cause an undesirable situation for me or for others
i tend to think people don't even notice when im not here for weeks at a time anyway and it's probably smoothest just to walk away from everyone not just /moe/ but other communities too kind of all around i get kind of caught up in racing thoughts and it's hard to tell what's true. if i trust my instincts then it's telling me a lot of stuff isn't right
one thing that's going on though is that the landload // landlord to this place sold the property to someone else just a couple days ago, so that march moveout date i had as a deadline to figure out what to do, suddenly got moved up to like a few weeks possibly sooner depending on how terrible of a person this new landlord wants to be
so i have a very short window to both find somewhere to go and save enough money to facilitate a move it's a really scary situation to be in, especially right in the dead of winter holidays my roommate responded to this abrupt change by simply moving his departure date to japan up to mid december, so im truly all alone in this situation i feel like im alone in all my facets of life for the past few months i'll probably figure something out so im not asking for anyone to worry, more just that bad end might be around the corner soon so temper expectations which you've probably all done anyway already
Does your city have any kind of tenant's rights or something? Getting to kick current tenants out short just because the property changed hands feels like something really outlandish.
my brain: it's like 4am should go to bed also my brain: wait she's watching ncis talk about my immortal and other harry potter deepestlore for three hours
>>775331 can't wait to get in a for glory match where the Freeman player just gravity gun gimps me for three sucks
>>775344 this happened to me the other day the thing I wanted was held in place by another item so I bought that item then that second item got suck stuck then I hit the machine and it fell
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
sickly ex-tumor boy attacks vending machine for oreos (gone sexual)
should have taken some drink with the 2€ coin i had found would have saved me 1,5
price of free candy is 1,5
>>775345 too many people at the station to hit it and it is insidd some fucking bombshelter that prevents you from hitting the sides don't dare to hit the plex glass cause might break it
hah knew it sailors union joined the strike all ships sailing undrr finnish flag stay docked indefinitely
>thursday to saturday all dock workers are on strike say good bye to trade
jesus this can barely grow anynbigger
>ceo of posti - finnish postal service has a solid small wage of 990k a year jfc the average worker earns like 25k a year and also they want to slash atleast 20% off of that btw when i worked at posti, this guy earnes only 660k
posti has been on deficit since early 00s but i guess you can still increase fatcat wages for "job well done" >finlans is not corrupt, it is the lay of the land
is moon's twitch name RenaldoMoon?
I don't think Moon uses that handle anymore.
must be someone else then
i believe it's the_sand_witch?
Ah, the anti-abortion nutjobs are making a display on my university campus again.
take pics ofbanything particularly amusing
No thank you. I would rather not risk catching their attention, or worse, ire.
>>775461 Laz the devourer of blankets. -Cue dark souls music- >>775462 Salut! Samu mon frere!
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
*cue dry dry docks* ENTER THE SUB
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>775463 what's new, played any fun games as of late?
>>775466 No really! I've been trying to keep on top of uni work atm. Although! I did play We were here series of puzzle games which was fun. I do have Yakuza 0 to finish too. >>775468 Wait you are making a doujinshi for C97 wow, how far you've come.
>>775468 Wow You're submitting something to C97? I'm so proud of you.
>>775468 Ring fit adventure looks fun. It actually made me think about getting a switch. I wish I could afford one. I mean I probably could but hopefully it gets cheaper >>775473 That is still super neato! Please insert egg omake for the dedicated fans.
>>775471 I'm part of KoiKoko REV. I got a 2pg manga to put together. >>775467 Not a whole doujinshi yet, just a joint project. BUT I'M GONNA BE IN SOMETHING SO IT COUNTS
>>775473 Yeah, I know its a collab. You gonna go there and sell it?
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
wow you have to pay 800 yen to cosplay at comiket? i wonder why
>>775474 I'm not going to go sadly. But it'll be for sale. If you've ever seen me melt over KoiKoko SP, it's the same organizer This will be the 4th joint >>775472 I already have an omake page in mind but now that I think about it, i CAN add an egg to it.
>>775497 Dante should be in Resident Evil DMC was originally a resident evil game anyway, take our boy home
Woo got trained for cashier work at my store. Though that's less about getting trained (since it's all pretty straightforward stuff) and more about being allowed to jump on open cashier when the need arises. Plus they don't train all seasonals on the cash so getting the training is a good indicator the store likes you.
Ah man the past few days have really run me ragged. Low sleep, poor sleep, broken sleep, class, work, paper-writing, chasing after academic accomodations so that paper-writing isn't all for naught. At least I get a bit of a breather until three tomorrow afternoon and then more of one afterwards. I don't have a lot of hours scheduled next week too, which'll give me plenty of time to do my take-home finals.
>>775507 Well, 'tis the season. Hopefully it doesn't get much worse and take you out of commission.
From the inventors of the innovative lunch box comes a brand new, revolutionary new concept: The Munch Box!
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
from the firm that brought you xoca xola and dun chips
In fourteen and a half hours Stardew Valley should be updating to 1.4. I've been on a bit of a gaming itch I can't really scratch well and I'm hoping the game with its new and revisited content will help with that.
cocaine submarines that is kinda metal
>>775518 They've actually been a thing for a while.
apparently inonly just came to knof of them cause they found one in spain
Yeah I heard The us coast guard and navy catch a few every yyear.
something bothers me about the stpry they don't talk about the crew jyst that it is 6m undewater and one diver has retreived some coke from it they estimate it niggt have 3000kg of coke in it
I opened the calculator app on my PC to do some math and looked away for a moment. When I looked back, the app's window, which was in the corner of the monitor, had this huge orange blemish that slowly transitioned back to normal monitor display. So I was panicking for a hot moment, confused as to why the monitor had suddenly and without external prompt, started miscolouring.
And then I realized the calculator app is just translucent and there was a photo of some guy in an intensely orange coat behind it.
There's a whole lot of paper bits strewn around my desk and a small bit of the rest of my room. I was looking for an order receipt before I left for work and was kind of just grabbing at any scrap that might've fit the bill hah hah. I guess I should tidy them up.
I actually got a pretty solid grade for my children's story about Vaping and fortnite
... Did it literally feature vaping and Fortnite.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The elite super spy, Chad Alpha, gets trapped inside a videogame by Lord Vapermort and he has to get the victory royal to break out
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It's really profound stuff, let me tell you
I just feel you can tell a corny kids' story without having to rely on such disingenious content. Like maybe someone else could make that work but knowing you I have a hard time seeing it be something you're earnestly engaged in writing.
Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](9 KB, 189x267, images (6).jpeg)
How dare you I poured my heart and soul into this Mastah Peise
See it's that kind of attitude that kind of grinds me. Like you've got so much good actual experience that can transition into kids novels like travelling and mountain climbing. I just can't fathom why it's more comfortable to grab for cheap pandering and stuff you don't really feel involved in.
I'm sorry if you find it upsetting that i chose to write satire instead of attempting to be profound
It's not about being profound. Satire and profoundness don't exist on a linear scale after all. Kids are a lot more perceptive than you'd think. If it's a cool experience and something you're really enthusiastic about kids can pick up about that. On the other hand satire is the kind of thing that's more likely to go over their heads.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Did Chad Alpha take the W or not man I need to know
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>775557 If it GRINDS you that i preferred to have fun with something stupid over constructing serious prose then so be it
You're still not really getting what I'm saying here, are you. I bet you could have fun writing something from the heart instead of a throw-out like this. Nothing about being serious prose. It's a kid's story after all. But a kid's story can still be written about something dear than just some pandering satire.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Yeah but writing from the heart is for faggots
I mean if you really believe that, I guess that's the end of it.
whatever gets the As imo
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>775573 I'm not going to bare my soul for some stupid school assignment That's all
You're exaggerating the circumstances again. There's nothing baring your soul about writing what you like.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I like taking the piss out of things
Why? What about it is really so enjoyable?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Idk People seemed to think it was funny
this is my blogpost since4 i don't thonk there's really anyopnne around i can talk to i went to the CORNER STORE and boughrt COUGH MEDICINE i didn't use very much because my cough is not very strong and i am scared of using too much, but it was cool for a while. i just thought some parts of it would last loonger
matybe i'm not as COOL CALM and COLLECTED as i feel, but i'm doin okay
I'm up because I made some poor decisions and probably won't be able to fall asleep tonight.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i'm playing some marth
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
ow i hate alcohol
Wow what did alcohol ever do to you.
killed his brother
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
it's actually retarded that alcohol is legal
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
It's actually legal that you're retarded
yes but not at retarded as alcohol
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
fair 'nuff
good talk, thanks
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>775650 well seems like the USA already tried that
okay i mean like i know prohibition of pretty much anything doesn't work, but alcohol is so straight up so fucking bad for you and you can just buy it like anything else at the store
It's alright. If everyone drinks and I stay sober then we're all on the same level of brain power
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
when i'm sober i'm galaxy brain 5head impossible to communicate with normal human beings this is why my personal drink of choice is the pan galactic gargle blaster
lawyer firm, I've been seeing lately one was made out to look like someone had hired the billboard to break up with their husband the most recent one was just "have you ever trier arguing with a woman" so I presume the head hauncho is a woman they're funny even though I don't exactly remember the firm's name they catch my attention
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
It's only relatively recently that you're allowed to advertise law firms at all in Australia
really? I did not know that guess my life has been missing the whole INJURED? ad history >>775679 oh I see
>>775329 I dont especially want to explain the details, but yes we have tenant rights. Some. I have no means to legally defend those rights though. In fact, we could stay. The landlord wants us to stay. They want us to sign a new lease under their new landlordship that is completely unreasonable and pay a ridiculous safety deposit which we can't even afford, all unnanounced and with a couple days' notice.
We can't pay that security deposit and will not bind to a new lease when my roommate would normally be leaving the country in March for a Japan job, and breaking the lease would be extravagant in cost. There's no reason for that and it's not the agreement we had with the prior landlord. We didn't have a lease with the prior landlord, just a verbal agreement, and he really screwed us by selling the place abruptly like that. The new landlord is screwing us by forcing us to pay a gigantic security deposit and signing a lease, which we wouldn't be able to do even if we wanted to. So we're not going to. My roommate is going to just leave for Japan in December instead of March, and we'll be out of here next month.
The landlord is extremely hostile about this for some reason and is abusing our tenant rights in ways that we can't do anything about. We'll be able to leave in december, but they're demanding that we pay the wholemonth even though it should be prorated for half of the month. They won't prorate it and are threatening to take us to court if we're even a day late on that rent on the first, which I call bullshit on but it's still stressful. So fine, we can pay for that month in full but also have to move out that same month? Move-out costs are expensive. Getting a new place means setting up new utilities -- it's winter, mind you -- and paying a security deposit, first + last months' rent up front, and also application fees just to apply for residence.
My roommate is fucking off to Japan so doesn't have to worry about any of that, he has people to stay with. I h
I can't do that. I dont have anybody. In addition to having to pay the upcoming rent, I'm going to have to acquire enough money to pay security deposit, first + last, and get utilities set up, all by myself -- or find a stranger as a roommate. Even if I go with the second route, the reasonable expectations for the first scenario apply when viewing this situation that the landlord has put us in. I don't have anyone to help me protect my tenant rights. I certainly dont have the time to do it myself, as I have to now try to make ~3,000 dollars this month with NO notice or grace period, no expectations of having to move in any capacity until just two days ago.
Can I do that? idk maybe, im going to take on an extra job to try i dont know what the fucking point of any of it is thoughi i dont have anyone. i dont have anything to look forward to. im socially bankrupt i keep suffering so much abuse at the hands of other people and i dont feel like i want to endure any more of this i keep holding out hope that there will be something but there isn't it just gets worse as time goes on and people who did value me grow more distant and despondent
also i probably contracted e coli from this romaine lettuce recall but i can't do shit about it have to work like 70 hour weeks. and all the money that im making im not even going to get until the 15th of december ive got 20 bucks in the meantime, can't even buy a bus ticket at the moment if something happens and i have to leave in the next week which tbh seems like a real possibility because every day that passes, this landlord finds a new way to be hostile
what do i have to do to have a fair life and be appreciated i guess reroll
kirararararara in the terminator 2 sarah connor has a "do her best for 6 months to see her son" goal in mind basically, do your best to get into less security or visitor status in prisons etc
is this kinda thing true and would denying it be the absolutely worst in terms of mental health be, well obviosly I guess
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
been sleepjn all day these days its baaaad gotta get some sun sunhow
>>775732 i've been mostly avoiding the search, but ostensibly, yes
My sister might be moving to nnynycNYC for work. I can't remember the name of the company but its like some evil financial entity that owns large amounts of shares in various petroleum companies and DoD contractors
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
new nickel yitterbium nice yolky chicken NEW YORK CITYYY
>>>/watch?v=zYphZvRHm6Y /moe/ you should watch this video it's the best video on addiction i have ever seen it's so good i feel like it will help you understand me
I-I didn't want yuh Jerb anyway. I'll go out and find a better one.
Wrapped up my first real full-day shift today. My feet are absolutely beat. I wish it was easier to get a job that doesn't involve so much fucking walking and standing.
It was with the University. It's like... "peer assistance". You hang out in the library, and like.. help people structure essays and find information for assignments.
Did they have any of you demonstrate your essay-structuring and information finding in the interview, ? It might just be someone else had really thorough experience or accomplished results in essaying.
>>775802 i know some guys in construction that make like 40-60k a year it's not awesome but it's pretty good guess that's like 59k-88k aussie funbucks a year
>>775800 Yeah but minimum in other countries is closer to a liveable wage than where you live.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>775807 http://www.salaryexplorer.com/salary-survey.php?loc=13&loctype=1&job=163&jobtype=3 pretty close
cr1tikal is looking more and more disheveled by the day he's gonna look like norman reedus instead of keanu reeves soon
Oh no What a terrible fate.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
the curse of the fleshlight blade it sucks life energy out of its master
wow the Norman Reedus from AMC's Ride with Normal Reedus?
>>775817 straight up if he wore a dumb ass flat cap right now he would look like a young norman
one of my friends told me they've sold like 4 copies of death stranding to moms who came in saying they dont play games but norman reedus/mads mikkelsen are so hot theyre gonna steal the tv from their husband norman reedus' milf quest continues
I mean, they ain't wrong
the best part is they'll love it because you don't usually have to play the video game in this video game
you just stare at norman reedus' ass
trucking simulator 2019 + a movie
I've been thinking something similar. The professor I have for one of my literature classes, I bet she doesn't play games much. But I'd be willing to bet money that The Beginner's Guide is so straight up her alley that she'd love playing it. I saw a play through of that game the other day and man.
>>775823 straight up this non-game is my game of the year
I really wanna play it waiting for PC release, gonna buy a mesh trucker hat and reunite america
Yeah I'm hoping the PC release is full on MAX VISUAL POWER. I wanna hike across that terrain in gorgeousness.
oh wow whoa blizzard has a black friday sale! you can get uhhh games that were released 3+ years ago for 20% off
wow what a deal be sure to buy some hearthstone packs too!
but wait call of duty black ops 4 for only 50 dollars that's almost a brand new game except the actual new one that's actually good is only ten dollars more!
>>775824 it's a pretty great one I liked it more than the stanley parable I can see lots of people who aren't normally into games enjoying it
wait i haven't heard of the beginner's guide is it like the stanley parable? cause I thought that game was pretty neato
It's nothing like The Stanley Parable but if you like how that developer does stuff that really messes with the notion of narrative and constructed storytelling and how he plays with 3D environments that close off or change when your back is turned or don't make sense from a geometric perspective, then it's real cool. And it's got some real deeply laid stuff that when it happens just makes you go "Oh. Fuck."
it's made by the same person but it's not really similar in tone
well, one of the two people who worked on the stanley parable made the beginner's guide
well which one was it that worked on beginner's, was it stanley or was it parable
It was Davey.
ole davey "parable" stanley
I always find it neat to see the different people who interpret zombies as either "supernatural" zombies or "science fiction" zombies. The supernatural group always, to me at least, assumes the zombie is in it for the brains and that's where it's gonna go for. And the science fiction group expects it to be some kind of viral or infective epidemic so they're just gonna munch whatever and you need to protect the full body, rather than just the head.
supernatural zombies are created with voodoo as mindless thugs who obey the witch doctor's every command science fiction zombies are cannon fodder
>>775852 >>775854 These are the ones i got as part of signing up for that scientific experiment Which they never actually called me back for
So i didn't choose em
im watching this australian faux news called a current affair and this stuff is incredible
people are dying and their homes are burning down and shit BUT THIS WOMAN'S CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ARE SO AWESOME, HER NEIGHBOR COMPLAINED
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
ACA has been synonymous with sketchy journalism for decades
it's fucking hilarious though
it's like abc mixed with the onion
man throws lasagna at capitalist car wash boy steals mom's credit card and flies to bali
Sounds like he Bali got away with it.
my favorite so far is the one about vegan vegemite and if it tastes the same as vegemite as far as i was aware vegemite was made out of entirely fucking vegetables spices and yeast so it's already fucking vegan
>>775869 do vegans eat yeast are there some that count it as an "animal" product?
>>775871 yes single celled microorganisms aren't "animals" or at least not alive enough for vegans to care much like vegetables are still alive but vegans are okay with it
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I was going to link some ACA stuff from the Chaser but it doesn't really hold up over time
>>775872 well if you find out who's buying vegan vegemite let them know I've got some great gluten free carrots to sell them
Make a wish foundation but all the wishes are made on a monkeys paw
I wonder if I still have my Chaser DVDs abc stuff is annoying to find especially after they closed.the chain down though it was all too expensive anyway
thought i'd watch konosuba finally but guess it isn't on fin netflix
also bashed the brains out of a mouse good way to startba morning
>>775979 haha no when i played it all i talked about was how badly designed it was the gameplay mechanics were fantastic, but every single boss and every single level was so poorly designed that it was a miserable experience the bosses were all really boring and souls clones need interesting bosses to be good one of the levels is literally all black-and-white and the assets all look exactly the same so you never know where you are because it's also a maze and also this is the largest level that you'll be spending several hours in i didn't even finish code vein, it was so bad
ton enjoyed it a lot more than me it was so bad that i got headaches playing it sometimes
it has cute grills and you can be a cute grill
Kirara 🍄
it does have good character creation
but i wouldn't recommend paying more than 20 USD for it
I'm all right. A bit exhausted, the past four days have been a lot of standing and walking and I'm just about drained. Though I should get a good bit of the next week or two off so I can recharge hopefully.
>>776043 I really need to get my dissertation and internship applications done. I'm just not feeling it today, though. I think it's the Thanksgiving blues.
All those holidays give me the blues since they're so family oriented and I don't have a family. Thanksgiving is also the anniversary of when I first got together with Fish!
But I'll be okay. Working is really important for my mental health, so I'll probably be back to tip top shape on Friday when I go back to work.
I had some plans for tonight but they got cancelled. Which is kind of disappointing, too.
thanksgiving is pretty okay i guess
My biggest grief with Thanksgiving was that it deceived everyone in North America into thinking you can only serve whole turkey on one weekend of the entire year.
idk we always had turkey at christmas too
Kirara 🍄🤡
Yeah, turkey is eaten lots of times like Christmas you can order it at restaurants and stuff too
>>776051 speaking of which i heard you quit you're job
>>776055 fuckin lmao we could have found time to play then!!!!
>>776055 What do you think you want to do now with the free time? Look for less horrible work? Do some schooling? Throw yourself into a penniless hobby?
>>776057 ton was busy failing to breath right/coming to the session those past few times! >>776058 probably find new job that ill hate less
>>776061 Yeah. I haven't really dated in like six years, so I have to get used to putting myself out there, you know? So it's kind of disappointing when stuff doesn't pan out.
>>776055 wow I feel so late to the knowledge party
>>776067 You don't have to explain why to me, but I do find it weird.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
maybe kirara doesn't want to date exclusively jewish people
>>776069 wtf we told you yesterday in the store you knew before these guys
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>776072 I know but if you quit two weeks ago I still feel late
>>776071 It's not like I'm saying "only use Jewish dating sites", I'm saying "try this". I know he's using tinder. It's not illegal to use more than one dating app.
>>776077 I've been trying Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid. Tinder is okay. The people there seem really weird. A lot of people say they don't want hookups, but I haven't managed to have a full conversation with any of them. They've been telling me I'm going to hell and stuff like that. Someone unmatched me after I answered their question of where I grew up.
Bumble seems much better but people randomly stop responding there a lot.
For some reason only gay men are messaging me on OkCupid even though I told the service I'm not interested in men right now.
>>776079 Honestly, they suck. I know a lot of people find people through online dating but I don't know if it's right for me. It doesn't feel like anyone is taking it seriously.
>>776083 It's a bit hard for me to describe what the fight was about since it was essentially over nothing. I think it was about something like fear of commitment or fear of letting someone get close since things are starting to get more serious.
I think any plan initiated by your mom is sure to go poorly.
surely he's a bit too old to be fearing committment, it's not like he's 22
Fears don't really have an age-restrictment; this isn't a theme park ride ya dweeb.
Anyone who doesn't fear commitment on some level is insane. I have some fear of commitment too, but my fear of being alone outweighs it. Fear of commitment is something I can understand though.
>>776094 I'm going to try, but I'm not sure if I can. He's very complex and a bit smarter than me too, I think. It's a rare case where I feel like the heroine and not the protagonist. I think the decision of whether I make it through or not is not mine to make.
I think anyone your mom met at a gun range is sure to be crazy. I'm looking forward to the story.
>>776095 So you feel powerless, huh? You just have to stay strong! You're pretty stubborn, so I think you can do it.
I know you love those stories. I'll be sure to keep you updated. I don't have any hope that she'll mesh well with me but maybe she won't be that crazy.
If she's to your mother's tastes I'm banking on her not being a good match hah hah
If she's to his mother's tastes I'm banking on her shooting him at the dinner table
... Getting shot at the dinner table is something for you to look forward to?
My late student loans/grants were supposed to come in between yesterday and tomorrow but they still haven't shown up yet. I'm annoyed that it's taking this long on top of already having taken a while.
>>776102 Some days, yeah. Thanksgiving is one of those days!
>>776104 How scary. I don't think I'll ever meet my match again.
Well you thought that after Teacup and then are thinking it now. So on the bright side at least history trends to you being pleasantly surprised on that account.
>>776078 >I just don't think the kind of person who would use a website dedicated to being part of a specific group would interest me. Then why did you use OkCupid? Isn't it literally the nerd dating site?
Kirara 🍄🤡
no? okcupid is a normal dating site
>>776142 I've never heaed any stories about normal people who use it. And it's definitely heavily marketed towards nerds.
Kirara 🍄🤡
if you look up the top dating sites it is literally in the top 3 most used dating sites
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Rei please
Kirara 🍄🤡
and even if i did use a nerd dating site there's a world of difference between connecting with people who share interests and connecting with people who share a religion or ethnicity
imagine being that stupid
Huh I read their wiki article They've done some interesting unethical stuff.
The new Pokemon games has a new special form that makes Pokemon BIG, right? In parts of the overworld you can fight as four trainers against one of these BIG Pokemon. Beating them gets you a bunch of useful items on top of capturing them. There's even some Pokemon that have special new designs in these BIG forms that you can only get from catching them from these raid fights.
Yeah, the boss has a healthbar we all go after. Our individual pokemans have their own health bars. If four pokemans faint, you lose.
The BIG Pokemon has a much larger health bar than what you'd normally get from a Pokemon at its level. The BIG form also boosts other stats so it'll be hitting harding -harder and not necessarily taking the damage you'd expect.
Kirara 🍄🤡
They all have big barriers they get, too. So you have to cooperate to take down the barriers so you can really take it down.
Hopefully there's still a raid culture going on once the Ultra takes on the games come out next year. Apparently the AI trainer help are kind of clunky.
>>776177 Nope, so yeah, they might not do one. But considering how unfinished lots of Sword/Shield can be at times, I wouldn't be surprised if this follows the same design pattern as Sun/Moon. Where the Ultra ones fleshed out a lof of the stuff that was a bit unfinished/unpolished with those games.
Alternatively they might make a return to the third version and put out a Pokemon Spear.
Kirara 🍄🤡
Did those get announced already?
Really the pipe dream would be a full on Sword/Shield 2 like Black/White that adds in all the Pokemon they didn't put in the first ones and really expands on the post-game content while tweaking things up throughout the game. But I have zeeeeeeeroo faith.
Ugh I want to eat but there are people downstairs and I don't want to interact with them.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
interact with the down stairs and eat the people
https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2019-11-21/planet-with-satoshi-mizukami-launches-new-manga-in-january/.153509 New Mizukami manga in Januaryyyyyyyy
Someone made a beat saber level thats just all the audio feom Shrek. *from >>>/watch?v=s3irWcAJhyU
>>776222 So, Which one did you pick? Bikini, Savage Bliss, or Happy Hat?
>>776228 we may never know the answer to this pertinent inquiry
it's been what thirty years almost though where's my modern tm solution fuck >>776228 I would honestly just go in-store if I was that desperate that's also implying I'm a degenerate that fugs
salt waters good for ulcers right? I have one bugging me right now and I'm about to end this fuckers life three hours from now
>>776231 yeah salt water can kill the bacteria it hurts a bit but it will help if you rinse it every couple hours or so
pistols or even rifles are allowed for hunting I believe there's probably not much we could have done about the koalas maybe better conservation or something but yes the government is pretty irresponsible these days