Huh, Fridays have a pretty sizable release schedule this season. Never really stopped to count before.
Choyoyu Episode 5-8 Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Episode 3-8 Dr. Stone Enen no Shouboutai GranBlue Fantasy Houkago Saikoro Club Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 15-20 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-7 PSYCHO-PASS Val x Love Episode 6-7 Beastars
Honestly I wouldn't mind a lighter night than usual myself. I've got a 09:15 shift start tomorrow. So if we do three or four shows tonight I'd be pretty content with it.
could we do kono oto or something instead of enen?
>>774225 interesting is it as good as S1 though? ill probably wait till its over and binge it tbh
>>774242 I'd have no complaints if you think you've got the time for four shows. I suggested it for a fourth because you said you could watch for a little bit. That just suggested to me four shows might be a bit much for your time allowance.
Simple batteries are pretty easy to put together if you've gathered the necessary parts. They're just also not exactly great for storage potential/retaining charge.
i want to see them realize that light gives them longer work days especially with winter coming
maybe they'll re-invent daylight savings time
Japan's also pretty far north as far as these main islands go. Further north than any of us. They get milder weather because of other circumstances but it does mean they have longer nights in the deep of winter. So they'll benefit from electric lights even more because of that.
Ah yeah. Being able to make vacuum tubes was a part of their checklist for making radio communication anyway.
I wonder how many of these primitive lightbulbs their single hydroelectric generator would be able to run anyway. Incandescent lightbulbs even in our best attempts to make them energy efficient are still pretty bad in the electricity -> light process.
I bet they could pretty easily light some workshops Especially if they charged the battries during the day
These winter outfits they've got are kinda cozy. I like the coat the dwarf craftsman's got.
Yeah I had a feeling bamboo wouldn't be enough for the vacuum tubes. They really need something like tungsten, or ... Well I dunno this is kind of the limits of my scattered knowledge on the subject.
>>774243 I don't really know how they compare but I think it's been a really well-polished series so far. The double-length episodes are really good for telling a story in a different fashion from the usual single-episode length and the quality of the animation is really solid.
Nan ja kore
Ah he managed to get his hands on some tungsten in the end. That'll be really useful for these heat-sensitive projects.
Magna eh. I wonder if he'll try to off Senku and Chrome in the deep of the cave out of spite.
Is being emotionally oblivious just kind of a common trait of grey wolves or something. Though I guess the girl was't nearly -wasn't nearly as oblivious as Legosi though.
Hah hah poor Jack. Being Legosi's best friend must be weird.
Maybe pragmatically. But I think it's best to chase what you love than just settle for what makes the most sense.
>>774262 Sounds pretty good then, I thought you watched season 1 though. My main issue with S2 was the animation was shoddy and the story felt a bit rushed and didn't have the story arcs that played out while the main plot progressed.
Maki's little fire sprites are cute. Too bad the eighth's lieutenant HAETS FIRE
Oh that's a super-cool powerup for Maki though.
Te no kata would be Kata of the Hand, which makes sense I guess. I think Kata might translate loosely to Forms or Phases, maybe. Maybe stances? They're used in martial arts to represent to various routines you might go through as you're practicing the motions as a sort of meditative training.
Hah hah poor Arthur. He is learning from this but he still isn't enough to beat Benimaru.
Was pretty much a training episode the whole way through. Seeing all these characters from previous arcs has been fun though.