hi yuu im working on a big project tonight so i won't be able to join yall this time gomen
Ah good luck with the work Moon.
Ahiru no Sora Chihayafuru Choyoyu Episode 5-7 Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Episode 3-7 Hataage! Kemono Michi Honzuki no Gekokujou Houkago Saikoro Club Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 15-20 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-7 Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo PSYCHO-PASS Shinchou Yuusha Val x Love Episode 5-7
Well this midget seems to make a hobby out of getting beat up when he's not playing basketball.
He's just going around beating up everyone, eh. I get this is fiction but I don't get why even if he mellows out a bit why anyone would want a guy like him around.
And they get saddled with a pretty awful advisor to boot. These kids can't really get a break.
Yeah this is the kind of thing that doesn't really sit well with me. I'm fine with people striving for forgiveness and all. But that has to be a gradual effort on their part and not just other people going "Oh maybe he's not that bad". It annoys me.
>I'd make more progress playing a team sport on my own Yeah, sure, kid.
They all go to a school caused Kuzu (shit) High, so that's probably the intentional motif.
Well once this shithead's arc wraps up they just need the probably girl? who's probably their team manager or something and the full ED cast will have shown up. I think this show's gonna run for a decent while too actually, so it won't be one of those one-cour bursts.
He's assembled some real monsters to fight all these humans.
It's kind of advancing his eventual goal of bettering relations between humans and monsters at least. And once they're accepting of each other it'll be easier for him to sell animals in his PETTO SHOPPU
Hah hah hah That was a good bit. They've got some pretty good pseudocamera movement in this episode too.
Oh, she's horrible. but it appears they're both strong
Yeah, Genzo's evidently strong but Carmila is the right-hand vampire to the dracololi for a reason. She's probably average -probably stronger than your average bear.
Hah hah poor wolfboy though. He really doesn't actually want to be here. Not that his fears aren't unfounded.
In a sense. Too bad all of Shigure's kids are so bad with money.
Genzo's rival seems to be taking this world far more in stride than he did. But I guess he has been promised a revenge match so that's probably all he needs to be satisfied.
I imagine the villains will be disappointed with the results of the revenge match. Neither of them seem to take their duties very seriously.
I imagine Genzo would at least answer the call for a match with MAO if he demanded one though. It probably wouldn't be wha the evil people are expecting but it'll be something.
Oh she's a crown princess too. Probably a nasty mix of idealistic, naive, and overly enthusiastic.
I wonder how old he actually is by now. He's spent so much time in the time compression Divine Realm that a good bit of time has probably passed for him.
Yeah that's an unsurprising result to that kind of aggression.
Ah things are starting to get a bit beating the dead horse again. I really don't think they need to put so much focus on him beating people up.
Hah All these visits to the Divine Realm seem to always end up in some minor cheating or rule breaking. At least the kids are getting it this time instead of just Seiya.
Yeah he really broke this goddess this time. The fighter guy was a rough break but this is outright psychotic.
I think she'll probably fall right back in love. He's just that kinda guy.
I guess this is the flipside of his absolute tactlessness. He can show no fear towards someone who actually wants him dead. Which is ironic considering how paranoid he is normally.
Oh I guess we'll see what this archery goddess really has up her alley next episode.
Yeah I was thinking it's a good bit arrogant of the two of them to think she's either of theirs or both of theirs. People aren't anyone's but themselves!
Kyoto is a really great place to go for a tourist experience. All those temples they mentioned are pretty gorgeous places to visit. I'm envious that they all get to visit in autumn. It's a nice view even in early January but I bet all these autumn colours are spectacular.