Someone is just doing something stupid and I'm troubled about what to do. I think I just have to walk away and leave behind some things I care about though.
Anyway I think Tilde has a game with the others on Thursday night? But that should have ended a few hours ago i think i wonder where he's at
Ah sorry I'm around now. Just usually end up kinda tired after the game wraps up.
It keeps happening. I wouldn't be surprised if we did it all again.
I swear there's a song about that exact thing. Are you two at least still keeping communication?
>>773849 It went well, I think. I had fun at least. Did feel a bit rusty personally though, since it had been a few weeks. We're getting into some more meaty parts of the story Kirara wants to tell I think so it might be more fun too as things come up.
>>773850 I feel like I can't move towards any of the things that I want without someone else somewhere having a fit and making my life uncomfortable. It feels that way in all of my communities right now, in the professional/academic setting, and also in my friend groups, and even a relationship thing id like to pursue
it's so infuriating i feel like im suffocating anyway sorry let's watch some anime and forget about all that garbage
Azur Lane Choyoyu Episode 5-8 Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Episode 3-7 Honzuki no Gekokujou Houkago Saikoro Club Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 15-20 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-7 No Guns Life Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo PSYCHO-PASS Episode 4-5 Val x Love Episode 6-7
no gun life psycho pass 4 ore wo suki azur lane honzuki
All of the shows that aired today are -that are normal length are like 600MB. Where the double-length Psycho-Pass is like 400. The fuck is this encoding.
>>773863 All the episodes of Psycho-Pass in this season are double length, Rika. So that's like six episodes of time slots. I'm okay with it but I'm just making sure you're aware.
I'm good too. I saw the manga for this in physical release in my store the other day. Licensing companies seem to be really on the ball picking up release that are likely going to get big because of adaptations. And even a good bit beyond that too, honesty. I see in the manga section a bunch of series that haven't had any kind of anime or similar news. I feel localizing series that don't have something like that is a fair bit of a gamble on the localizers part.
ive actually got to work tonight so we actually can take honzuki off the end and save it for sunday if you want that's fine with me afterall
I feel like the mangaka for this series must have a serious fondness for cigarettes or something. Rarely an episode goes by without Juzo's need/want for them is touched upon.
I also really don't trust this discount Dr. Doom guy too. He just seems naturally fishy.
im not real fond of his design i mean it's a good design sure but it doesnt make me like him
It would definitely be interesting, yeah. But I think it would be confusing like you said either way. The models of the artificial enchancements are probably changing all the time, unlike the slowly-changing human body.
Ah Dr. Doom didn't take too long to turn. I guess he feels like he's got a justified reason for acting though.
An election in this kind of society feels a good bit to me of a "Game was rigged from the start" kind of thing. That or it's just all surface-deep and it really doesn't matter who wins since Sibyl processes everything anyway.
These theatrics they're doing for this event certainly don't help my opinions either.
time again i dunno why my page down button is resetting the video ty
23:15 23:20 23:25
You could go into the video player options and turn off the macro. I'm tempted to see if it's the case for me too but, well. I'll check at the end of the episode I guess.
This big robot is pretty advanced. And I guess it's a good way for people who watn -want to do crime to get around the Dominatiors.
The action scenes this season have some HELLA good music too gosh.
okay don't get mad but now i need the time too gomen haha
Hah hah hah 25:45 25:50 25:55
that bag would be way too heavy
Well this Joker-y kinda person has been having a rough time with it. Perhaps less greed would have saved their life.
Shimotsuki having a bit of fun with her two protoges.
Hah hah these two dorks. Clinking glasses after finishing each others thoughts.
There's probably a good bit of social risk with a Psycho-Pass detective having a relationship with a governor. Especially one that was once -- and probably still is -- an idol.
I think that social risk would apply to anyone in that situation, but yeah
Ah oh boy. Things are getting weird again. How exciting.
With this new girl at the end of the last episode I wonder if Pansy's gonna have to go on the offensive or something. The other girls so far have been non-threats (like Himawari) or hopeless (like Cosmo). But if this one is going to be straight about Joro then Pansy might have a hard time.
Unless this new girl also ends up being too weird for him.
Oh yeah that tsun girl that used to have red hair really cleaned up cute too. She's probably going to be more like Cosmos in how hopeless she is though.
Wow dude don't just shriek at a nice girl like this.
If the theme is that everyone is two faced, I wonder what her other side is going to be like.
Well it's not always two-faced but that some times people are hiding something weird. Like the reporter girl wasn't really two-faced, but was very self-serving.
some people will go really far to manipulate situations to serve themselves
His previous experiences with the weird girls around him sure has ruined his ability to trust them to be normal.
I mean of course regarding the themes of the series he's probably safe to do so. But it's still a little unfortunate that he can't just trust someone being nice to, well, just be nice.
Cosmos has turned into such a fucking nerd hah hah. I see why she's pretty popular amongst fans of the series.
Pansy though is really the master of playing him like a fiddle, hah hah.
Ah oh no. Didn't take long for him to lose her book.
Looks like thigns are gonna get real this episode.
I feel it's a bit of an abrupt changeover? Like even with all the fanservice in the last episode I don't think they set up that both allied navies were moving to a big showdown with each other. Maybe I'm just hazy because of the extra week break.
The little boat guns she's got are really funny. Like they could have just designed a gun that looks vaguely like a ship cannon but nope. Gotta be a ship.
With an attack like that it kinda feels like the Japanese navy is crippled. Maybe the serie will turn its attention towards the German navy now. They've been kind of ignored for the most part so far.
i have to give a webinar presentation thing today yeah but it's okay
i've got it mostly organized
This is -This episode was being hinted at being a pretty big moment too. Feels like the feelings Lutz was harbouring at the end of the last episode are gonna come to a head this episode.
if main already had magic before the memory injection, i wonder if this could really be considered "not main"
it would seem more like the girl used magic powers to summon the wisdom and experience from another life, rather than having that person taking over this body
Poor Lut-zu He really has to do a lot of the hard work involved in this enterprise the two of them are planning.
>>773979 That's a neat idea I hadn't considered. I would say if Main as we know her was is as unable to control magic then I'd have a hard time believing the previous Main, a child of six years, would have an ability to control it enough to summon the girl who's now become Main. But of course magic is magic and doesn't really need control to produce an effect. And perhaps it being uncontrolled is why Main's body has been entirely hijacked by our isekai protagonist.
But I would say it would be hard to persuade me that there's a scrap of the original Main left in this girl's body.
oh i thought it was bees for a second what the heckl is this
Interrupting myself to say what the FUCK is this plant.
He's gotten REAL perceptive of the things about her that are way out of place in this world and what should come from Main.
Though she's also making it pretty easy for him at times hah hah.
This was what I was kind of expecting to get from the people in her life though. She hasn't exactly done a good job of pretending she's Main as Main used to be. The way she acts is way out of character for a girl her age.
Kinda awkward when the isekai people figure out you isekaied
Okay yeah Main came to the same conclusion I was guessing. The original Main probably died in that fever she was having when this girl first came to this world. And whatever happened that let Urano isekai into this world just took her, well, sould -soul I guess? Awareness? Tomato tomato. And put it into the dying Main.
Well that was a very satisfying episode. I'd been waiting for a confrontation like that all series long with how Main has been acting. And the confrontation ended up being a very good pay-off.
I really like the writing in this series. It's tight and sets up big moments and reveals with good forethought and hints.