>>769459 That's a good thing, man. I wish I could get that emotionally invested in something like that.
well to be fair i can't be sure of its accuracy nowadays i am too scared to watch anime or play rpgs or whatever because i will get obsessed with them and suicidal when they're over
IT can get weird in terms of work hours one of my friends works in a company that is 24/7 open, and you can freely (well in theory) choose when you want to push in your required hours
>>769494 Three by twelve is thirty-six, five by seven and a half is thirty-seven and a half. An hour and a half per week over a year is seventy-eight hours difference.
I was more snarking at the above post about losing the hundred days but there is hours lost in changing to the three day twelve hour format. If we were being paid a living wage then it really wouldn't be a problem but for a lot of people that loss of hours would probably be a bit of a setback.
>>769509 I bet that is the half that is 35 and younger
Kirara 🍄🤡
probably not America has a really bad problem where we just don't have real jobs They tell us that we have too many jobs, and Obama created jobs, but that's just semantics. Those jobs are all part time jobs. Most people work like 39 hours one week, 15 the next, etc. Because that gets you nearly full time labor without having to provide health insurance.
My professor's talking about linguistics and one time it came pretty close to being linguis-dicks and it's both dumb humour and also kind of poetic and I'm cracking up inside.
>>769512 aa clever, in terms of shady employers, but shitty in terms of being a human. the rental companies that have been popping up here tried to pull this off, but hammer fell down on some more outrageous/not good at hiding their books and the rest of them, somewhat, fell in line with our business standards
here's hoping they now obey our market laws or those loopholes they abused got fixed, but... >ineffective quite boushie parliaments since 2004 yeah don't think that is the case
and the current one is basically a leftist populist parliament whose leader don't know shit about anything.
I can accept USA exporting their culture, but could you stop exporting your business "culture" too
Also I kinda dislike the whole idea of rental labour companies you basically have a pimp that sells you to companies and takes a cut of that sure it does make getting employement, especially quick easily, but at the same time it makes it harder and harder to get those jobs OUTSIDE of those companies forcing people to apply to the rental companies and be at their mercy
You have anything like that over there?
>>769515 Oh and in terms of fairness to them, anyone "rented" to a company has a good chance of switching over to the actual company, if the renting company decides to do so But ofc, there still is a problem of empty promises etc
it is a method that does work both in favour of job seekers and companies seeking employees, especially for positions that quickly need filling. But unfortunately, it is a system that favours the companies more than the employees Even if normally there would be a sellers market in employment, the rental companies switch it into a buyers.
Waiting at the bus platform and hear a guy speak into his phone "Closest pawn shop". I'm not gonna judge his interests or means -or needs but I don't know if I could ever be so out in the open like that. Especially considering how easy it is to ... just type it in.
well you know I'm technically on holiday right now I could do FUCK ALL all day if I wanted to and nobody would really care
But you know.. I'm trying to stay USEFUL PRODUCTIVE.
There are a couple of essay competitions from various law societies that I am thinking about entering. Got my java programming class at the tech school there's stuff to do.
Also because it was all snowy for the first time this winter donned my toque to keep my ears warm. And then promptly forgot it in the lecture hall today. I'll check the list -lost and found when I'm back on campus (assuming we have a lost and found) but I won't be expecting much. Shame too it was a nice toque. Did get it on sale though so I'm not to beat up over it.
no wait i'ma code and have drink first i'll disco at midnight
Programmer by day, detective by night
Kirara 🍄🤡
working together with others in DS feels surprisingly good me and some other people have been rebuilding roads and stuff and then we all benefit from it when we're done
>>769579 Did you do anything special at the veterans group for veterans day?
Kirara 🍄🤡
i didn't j // i dont see them on mondays i did reach out to someone in the community to offer them pro bono services they're a vet and their husband was a vet but their husband was murdered by cops in prison and the sheriff's department is covering it up
Including criminal justice I was so happy when the last administration put in place stuff to eventually get rid of private prisons I'm a but excited for the new interim Chicago police superintendent though He was really big on fighting corruption And the feds are forcing the Chicago PD to go through some sort of long reform process to get rid of corruption and some other good stuff
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>>/@alemzs/1189246931492577280 TASER and cops have covered up like 80+ deaths in the past ten years by inventing an imaginary medical condition it's fucking ridiculous lol
>>769587 That really pisses me off I hate that tasers are branded as non lethal They're less lethal They still kill people And cops aren't usually properly trained on using them
Kirara 🍄🤡
yeah they kill people all the time if i got tased i would be at high risk of cardiac arrest
Kirara 🍄🤡
but what can ya do we're just lowly proles
>>769589 Did you know that taser international sues coroners who list tasers as cause of dath?
Kirara 🍄🤡
yeah haha
i actually can't publicly speak out against the sheriff covering up the murder because it would jeopardize professional relationships and ultimately prevent us from helping people lol
I read this really good article years ago about someone who had permanent brain damage from a taser stopping his heart for a few minutes The cop tasered him because he talked back to him and had had a few run ins with the officer before When the kid (he was a teenager) fell tto the ground fom his heart stopping the cop picked him up by his collar and dropped him and he busted a bunch of his front teeth He ended up spitting out a bunch of pieces of them after he woke up He now has really severe mood swings and moderate to severe memory issues Another really fucked up thing about it was that the kid's dad was also a cop in the same department So this cop permanently fucked up his co-worker's son over talking back to him Of course I don't think he got punished but I'm pretty sure the family won a lawsuit against the department
>>769592 Found the article https://theintercept.com/2016/06/07/tased-in-the-chest-for-23-seconds-dead-for-8-minutes-now-facing-a-lifetime-of-recovery/ It's somewhat graphic but I think its a really god article *good I think of it whenever I hear about police killing people with tasers
Also I misremembered some of it The cop did get punished
>>769626 well I guess I was wrong also I think you mean Sakurai is that from /v//
i know what I said and I said what I meant I dunno if it's from /v/ it could be, I saved it from it Twitter though as the filename indicates >>769629 ruh oh
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
uh oh I found his twitter >Please don't repost art without permission
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
like I sort of get it but still not everyone knows who drew every fucking meme on their harddrive artists who whine about it a lot irritate me I don't use twitter so I'm not going to get into any twitter beefs about it though
>the collector's edition is out of stock goddammit it just went on sale today
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
huh some online game store I've never heard of that specializes in flash sales is selling metal slug bundles for $4.99
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>769619 I really really appreciate you posting that image by looking at the artist's twitter account and clicking a link not only did I discover that a book just came out on one of my favorite arcade game series but that a 4 pack of that series was on sale too
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
https://limitedrungames.com/products/limited-run-285-metal-slug-3-classic-edition-ps4 >sold out fuck
Some Jame Bond villain looking motherfucker was going to call the cops on me because my credit card wasn't working and I didn't have enough Rubles to pay for my meal Then he let me pay in Aussie dollars.
I t took some convincing though I don't think he thought it was real money when I pulled it out. >Nah, mate. This is good, solid HARD CURRENCY
everything after Gen 3 was a mistake fuck you fite me
>>769666 Yeah, well he thought I stole the credit card probably partly because I was dressed like a gopnik and eating in nicer place and then I couldn't get the card working
cus I was like >oh, ok. I'll just leave my passport here as collateral, and go get cash out form the atm to pay
and he's like >ah ha. my friend >you are not leaving here until you pay >I am thinking maybe this card is not yours >do I have to call the police
Gen V is the pinnacle of Pokemon. Black/White were decent games by themselves but Black/White 2 were ACTUAL sequels, none of the Ultra remaking the games because we didn't finish them on time nonsense. Gorgeous spritework, the best music in a Pokemon game by FAR, tonnes of content outside clearing the Gyms, saving the world, and becoming the Champion.
And Black/White 2 were the only Pokemon games to date to offer a "Challenge Mode" that jacked up NPC trainer Pokemon levels, gave them more competitive movelists, and had them have Pokemon with held items they could take advantage of. I think it even added more Pokemon on to Gym and Elite Four trainers to make it seem like more of a big fight.
... Unfortunately they also hid this Challenge Mode away in a really obtuse place, in that you could only access it until you or someone you could touch DSes with beat Black 2 and then unlocked it for you to use on a new game or other copy of Black/White 2. ... Where as White 2 did the same but for an EASY MODO. It was pretty annoying since I'd bought White 2 first.
>>769669 yeah but it's different and different is bad.
Honestly your shitpost was a pretty earnest reaction to Gen V. Despite the sheer quality put into the games, they were generally panned pretty poorly, especially since their PokeDex was limited to Gen V-original Pokemon until after you beat the Champion.
Coincidentally, it was after Gen V and all the things it did to break the mould was so poorly received that Pokemon seems to have gotten more and more eh as time has gone on.
>>769668 the way you typed that does indeed make him sound like a james bond villain
>>769667 Can't wait to buy it and try to convince my sisters to not buy their own copies for a fucking month >>769674 Once upon a time I loved a game so much I actually wrote a fucking essay about how good it is It was like 3 pages long That game was God Hand well it wasn't like an actual essay but way longer than anything you'd see on a "real" gaming review
I've already made my peace with not buying it. Maybe if they do an Ultra take on it like they did with Sun/Moon, I'll buy that if the quality of the game seems to have improved. If it's been like a year and there's no news of a remake I'll just get a used copy. Sword/Shield seems particularly shitty this time around and I really don't want to give them money for the game.
>>769694 I hope Nintendo doesn't make the enhanced remake business a regular thing I would like if there was at least one major developer/publisher that delivered games that were actually fucking finished on launch Not that I don't love Capcom games and have no right to complain about the behavior I financially encourage lol
there's a fire pretty nearby from what I can smell
>>769695 Well amusingly enough Capcom seems to be on the mend for stuff like that. MonHun World after all put out the Iceborne expansion as DLC. It just seems to be GameFreak that remains with their record of short-term re-releases to finish games they couldn't put out in their yearly production schedule.
>>769694 Maybe I should probe my sisters a bit about it it's not too late to cancel my preorder That steelbook is fucking expensive I just don't know shit about pokemon and don't care except I know they love it usually >>769696 a bad fire or good fire? like, is it smelling like hickory and lovely or burnt electronics and death?
>>769697 They absolutely are not. World is pretty much the only game they haven't engaged in the usual hand-wringing money grubbing nickel-and-dime behavior on. Probably due to it being their attempt to get the larger public hooked on MonHun. There was literally $70 of DLC on DMC5's launch. There's like $130+ for the game now.
Though I have to give them commendations for restraining themselves with World, despite it having about $150 of DLC now that I have paid for, the microtransactions with the game are wholly inoffensive and unobtrusive. I just loved the game so I bought every single stupid cosmetic costume and sticker set and avatars and themes and shit. I felt like it was okay because I wanted to show with my wallet that World was the kind of shit we need to see.
I guess that's fair. MonHun also seems to have a LOT of creative freedom within Capcom that allows them to make their own business decisions.
>>769698 If your sisters love Pokemon as much as you're saying, it'll probably be a toss up if they're excited or upset about Sword/Shield, depending on their thoughts and how much of the leaked information they've seen. Some of the biggest problems for me are half the pre-existing Pokemon from earlier games have been taken out of the game, under a variety of excuses, such as GameFreak wanted to devote time to improving battle and other animations. But as people judged from pre-release content and stuff that has leaked from the actual release, the quality of animation in the game is still far below the quality we've seen from other Switch Nintendo titles like BotW, Xenoblades, Fire Emblem, or Odyssey. They've also done nothing to balance the Pokemon that have remained in the game, another reason they gave for cutting Pokemon to help balance the meta. They've also once again barely put any post-game content into the game, so once you've beat the Champion there's little reason to keep playing, doubly so now that there's far less Pokemon to go out and catch. Despite touting the Wild Area, the open-world part of the game, that -as a dynamic environment you can move around in and be surrounded by wild Pokemon, they only pop in at a fairly close draw distance and do pretty much nothing but wander around with idle animations. You're also restricted by your badge gathering to the level of Pokemon you can catch too, so if you can only have Pokemon up to level twenty-five obey you, for example, a level twenty-eight Pokemon you come across in the Wild Area will be literally hard-coded unavailable to catch. Mostly I'm just kind of bummed with the attitude the lead devs have had to the people upset by all this. They've been kind of like "Yeah we hear you but you're wrong you dumb fucks, we know Pokemon better than you
Honestly I don't even mind the MonHun rerelease syndrome when MonHun itself does it. Because the updated fancy versions of the games have all been so jam-packed with extra content it really felt like the $60 I spent buying the same game a second time gave me a whole new game's worth of content. I was prepared to buy Monster Hunter World G/Ultimate too but I like the value Iceborne delivers too, and the free updates to the game have added a ton of value in the interim.
>>769693 which journal has it been published in? I would like to read it. >>769696 don't die pls.
>>769703 ever will and your complaints aren't really worth considering.
Pokemon is the largest grossing media franchise in the world, and the fact that its mainline game developers aren't interested in making more polished and complete games is just kind of a bad taste in my mouth. Plus there's so many games to play these days it's not like I need more to play. I haven't even gotten around to buying let alone playing Three Houses yet. I'd rather play something that's more complete, polished, and shows passion for the product than what I've been seeing from Game Freak.
Anyway sorry this got kind of ranty I've been having a lot of these thoughts tumbling around in my heads the past couple weeks. They saw a good chance to spill out and did so.
The stuff in spoilers is that way because Tony wants to go in blind so if it's regarding stuff like that it's best to keep it out of sight if possible.
I mean it probably will be? Enjoyable is usually a pretty low bar to clear though. Just about anything in life can be enjoyable if you approach it with the intent to enjoy it.
>>769703 They probably do know pokemon better than most people complaining if they've been developing pokemon for like 20 fucking years. Gamers like to bandwagon on judgmental opinions about games even if they don't know jack shit about the game or maybe don't even play it. So I'd definitely believe they know more about the game than a lot of people complaining. That stuff does sound pretty disappointing with my limited knowledge of the game. Transformed into understandable terms or compared to an anologue in a game I love, Bloodborne, with its much touted Chalice system that promised new gameplay and delivered extreme disappointment as more info came out it would probably make me wary. But I'm a fromsoft fanboy so I preordered that shit after the first E3 teaser. Then the game turned out to be fucking incredible although the chalice dungeons were total garbage.
I think they're probably gonna play it anyways though they ended up buying every single other pokemon game since our first time playing on the gameboy color. Guess I'll pretend to be interested in that shit and ask one of them though.
>>769709 I straight up looked for like 15 minutes trying to find it on google but I can't. I reviewed it through the google shopping tab in like 2008. The oldest reviews I can find are from December '08. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough but it might have been purged.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>769712 do you have a bag packed in case you need to gtfo quickly?
>>769709 Let me put it to you this way though, God Hand is a true masterpiece. It does what it does so well, there isn't a single title before or after it released that does what God Hand sets out on the quest to perfect. Every single moment of the game is memorable and immensely fun. The systems it touts allow enough customizability that you can play the same stages ten or twenty times in completely different ways just because you equipped different moves. You have complete control over your playstyle with almost two hundred techniques, unlockable as you play through the game, that can be mapped to every available button combination to create custom movesets. On top of that the game features a beautifully done scalable difficulty, where if you score enough hits while avoiding damage the game increases in difficulty. Unlike many games, the "Level" system that scales difficulty is very engaging, it's not just a boost to enemy health. In fact, enemies don't gain any health or defenses at all as you scale up the difficulty, aside from the initial modifier applied when you choose to play on baby, normal, or hard mode. As you level the difficulty up, enemies gain new moves, become more agressive, spend less time idling when in a mob, and eventually on the max level, "Level DIE," they become terrifyingly powerful. It's a game that has a small game built into it that encourages you to get better to endure Level DIE for longer as enemies gain exclusive abilities, disregard the location of the camera and attack you from all available angles at once in a real effort to fucking kill you. There's not a single action game I've played other than God Hand that actually gives you the ability to play against enemies that never relent, don't care where you're looking, don't care if you're in a combo, and don't care if it's unfair. Contending with even normal enemies on DIE is extremely challenging. Moreso than any action game from the last couple generations of home consoles.
>>769718 I mean they certainly have the history with the series, but the attitude they've taken to the complaints has been rather arrogant. Even a studied master has things they can learn from an amateur and all that jazz. Plus the disapproval of the Pokedex cuts have been pretty much universal from the fans. Game Freak's also been kind of secretive about the cuts too. The first news of it came on this year's Nintendo E3 stream, which is English-focused of course. The news then spread through the English culture sphere of course, but a lot of Japanese Pokemon fans have been pretty much kept in the dark about it. But whenever they found out, the reaction was generally a disappointment at best too. So I mean, sure, the senior Game Freak devs might know Pokemon better than any one fan or angry bandwagon, but 1), that's a poor reason to be defiant and kind of arrogant about it -- at least with me it leaves a ad taste -bad taste in my mouth, and b., when the consensus is generally negative across Pokemon's largest fan bases, maybe, just MAYBE, Game Freak has made a bad development choice here.
>>769709 Winning against bosses when you hit level DIE is such a cathartic experience I can't really compare it to any modern game. Just managing to even stay maxed out on level is satisfying and so very exciting. But it's not painfully hard. If you're bad, you won't get there. You have to be basically mollywopping things from Level 1, through 2, through 3, and maxing out that string of near flawless play gets you into DIE. It's a little bit of a game in itself to try and maintain the difficulty and maximize the excitement. You'll drop back to 3 startlingly quickly if you get mobbed and don't have what it takes.
On top of that, the game is just fun. It's goofy and funny as hell. The story is stupid as fuck and the main character is a goofball, the antagonist is like a mallgoth and his edgy tirades are constantly interrupted in fun ways, it's just a game that embraces how fun it is to punch people in the face and there is never gonna be another game as good as God Hand.
>>769716 why would i want to emulate Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum?
>>769738 The best Pokemon game is Colosseum because the main character is a fucking criminal and doesn't give a fuck Second best is Pokemon Snap cause it was fun
>>769740 Pokemon Stadium Lite 3 doesn't count and neither does Bill and No Ted's Excellent Picventure
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>769723 >>769733 I can feel your passion. I'm glad you have such good memories.
The only thing I know about God Hand is from that Sseth video
>>769742 Memories? I replay God Hand like once a year or more. Like Yoshi's Island. It is a FUCKING. M A S T E R P I E C E. It has many flaws, that frighten minds who don't appreciate what it tries to do away. It is an ugly ass game. Even for the PS2 the level geometry is pathetic. The story is a joke. It's not even that it's not deep, it doesn't even seem to try. Plot wise it is a literal joke. But as a game, as something you play, as a source of entertainment, it is among the best of the best. The gameplay is indescribably extraordinary, and I have played a SHIT LOAD of action games. I love Fromsoft but they will never make a game better than God Hand when it comes to gameplay satisfaction. No one ever will. Platinum can't do another Shinji Mikami game. Vanquish was the next title he directed, for Platinum, and it was a little too difficult for the console audience they were aiming at, I think. Now he isn't with Platinum and the only game he's contributed to since is The Evil Within, which is an alright horror game. The situation as it is means there will never be another God Hand. It was a game that didn't care about the market, a game Shinji Mikami and the team which proceeded to form Platinum created as they were already preparing to leave Capcom and pursue more personal interests. It sold like fucking shit. The press either lauded it or hated it depending on how shit the reviewer was at video games, but it couldn't have ever been popular. It has only one thing it wants to do, it wants to be the most thrilling and engaging action game for the action game fanatic. It is. It always will be, too. If I could meet Mikami in real life I'd shake his hand and give him every cent I have. He was brave enough to not give a shit and make the greatest thrill ride action games have.
Vanquish is pretty good too though but don't play it on console you'll never finish the challenge rounds lmao
>>769719 nah I think it's just ditch all the shit and get out
Also you can bet on chihuahua races in God Hand. Name a single game otherwise that lets you bet on chihuahua races. You can't! That's why God Hand is the GOAT!!
okay i'm done sucking god hand's dick time to take a booze break and chug this
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>769750 >not saving all your cute anime girls on an emergency usb
Goddammit I want to play God Hand again now But I'll have to download PCSX2 and an image because it's like 25F in my garage and I am NOT about to dig through the storage totes to find my PS2 and games This is all your fault Marsh I hope you're happy cunt >>769763 >implying there are USB drives large enough to contain my anime screencaps and pixiv images bruh i had 90gb of screencaps and pixiv images on my laptop before it died lol
>>769772 i can't find a listing for a TB one but a 256gb one is only like $35-$40 so I stand corrected regardless i'll have to step up my autistic screencap and pixiv game whenever i manage to salvage my old images from my last laptop then frisbee toss it into a brick wall i spent like $70 trying to replace hardware that could have been preventing it from booting and no luck at this point i'm probably going to just excavate the working hardware and buy another HP system so i can try to transplant the more powerful hardware into a cheap ass laptop and use a usb-sata adapter to salvage the image collection before angrily destroying the rest of the machine
I guess you're not really interested in a PC, eh. The ease of replacing the modular parts if one goes down is a bit convenient. But having a portable laptop is nice too.
i have built many many PCs over the years literally at this moment i'm using a machine i built my dad in 2012 while my sister uses a dual monitor setup i built over 2016-2018 and nearby a tertiary build my other sister or mom uses sits, i built that in 2015 need to refactor this build next i think, it's starting to struggle and i think the RAM's gone foul in it since apps and games are crashing due to assigning RAM that can't be reserved probably got a couple modules on the RAM sticks themselves that failed and they just throw critical errors when accessed since the machine performs normally until it tries to reserve more than 6/8gb of the supposed capacity the HDD in here is garbage too it is like 5200RPM which hasn't been a commercially available rate since like mid 00's They just don't report what the actual RPM of the HDD is on the SanDisk website lol I had to use third party software to find out it really is 5200
I pfo // probably have enough parts categorized and stowed in my garage to build another PC but it is all old parts and stuff Wanted to revive my 2006 PC with the old CRT monitor I used to have and the nvidia 5200 to play WoW Classic but you need pixel shader 4.0 to even run the client they use for classic since it's derived from the modern WoW client and just uses vanilla WoW replicating scripts and such
I actually just bought the stupid laptop cause I'd gotten my tax return recently at the time and wanted something I could use when my family were occupying the other builds Spent way too much on it for no reason cause I basically never actually used it for gaming other than a few weeks I played Elder Scrolls Online haha In the end I only used it to watch anime and movies and shitpost while procrastinating on sleeping at a normal time
Yeah, I remember when you got it. I guess I've got it fortunate in that no one else can use my PC. If you don't really think you'd be doing al -a lot of gaming on it you could probably even downsize and not put in the effort of moving the old infrastructure over.
>>769814 If it isn't already obvious, I don't really care about the value I get out of it. It's fun to me. Messing with computer hardware is fun. I don't even use the machine I've sunk like $2500 in except like once a week, but I like putting stuff together and watching it work. I felt awesome when I upgraded the main rig with a second monitor and a 144hz monitor and got to see people marvel at how smooth everything looks at 144fps. Making it work and fixing the problems are what's the most fun. Except with my laptop, cause I had to order specialty parts and it took forever and it didn't work and nobody seems to know what the fuck is going on with that machine! That's why I'm gonna just gut it and see if I can use the parts elsewhere.
Trying to fix laptops has always been for me an exercise in futility. They're such a pain in the ass to diagnose and clean/repair/replace parts at times, and it always seems like the fix is just a bandage that falls off in like a month or two tops anyway. I guess at least none of mine have ever fallen apart so bad that I can't at least access the files. Not to mention I rarely ever have anything saved on them I'd care that much about not losing to some total failure.
My most recent laptop was just a cheap-ass Acer Chromebook for that reason. It was small, decent battery life, and can be used for typing and browsing the Internet. All I pretty much need it for. And all the data worth keeping is either in my cloud Drive or on the 64GB thumb drive I bought and stuck into it and rarely ever take out.
It's starting to show it's age and cheapness though. I've been trying to talk myself out of wanting to upsize a bit to a Pixelbook or Pixel Slate instead of just getting another cheap Chromebook but it's a losing battle.
>>769825 I've fixed laptops before but this one defies all expectations. Everything tests fine. Everything works. Individually, each component is capable. As a whole, they don't work. They don't even work enough to boot into a different OS installation, despite testing individually as competent materials. It defies everything I know about computers and shit. I don't get it. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but it almost feels like planned obsolecense. Since individually the parts work I plan to frankenstein them into a cheap ass laptop until I can figure out a configuration that works. If that doesn't work it's alright though, I'll just have to get new hardware. Maybe I'll make a stationary build for personal use for the first time ever. More likely I'd put it in a public room so people can use it when I'm not home since I'm not home a lot. I might just have to accept losing like 180,000 images I saved to remind myself of memories. Maybe it's ok. I'll forget why I wanted to save 'em eventually, too.
>>769834 i seriously envy you and want so bad to get the kind of experience you do but it is so hard and i can't just abandon them we don't have any money i had to do a bit of bad shit because of it and also i love you post more pics of cool stuff ok thx
Green grass and other sides and all. For someone that's hardware-inept I bet your tech whiz stuff sounds real cool.
it would sound lame if i explained it properly once you understand how it works it's boring if you're not a fucking nerd
electrical and hardware engineering is the only first world educational subject i can stay interested in though so i've been stuck on it.
what i really want is to see the rest of the world there's a lot of interesting people and stuff out there yeah i could make a living messing with hardware but what's it mean if there's things i haven't felt what's the fucking point when i live an incomplete understanding!
also there's nothing more fun than going off the known trail and just vaulting over the fence at the park's back patio so we can climb 3000ft up a mountain range with no trail and no gear and follow the range until we find a semi cavernous enclave that we can get up if we avoid the spiders and keep going despite matt saying it's getting dark and this is a bad idea until he falls on a cactus or two and i feel kinda bad and don't want to make him descend in the dark so we call it 3/4ths the way up a mountain with no defined ascent and get back down as the sun sets ten of ten vacation y'all it was lit as fuck even when i got heat stroke a few days later
It is a lot of fun It's also how you almost freeze to death and have to get airlifted back to a hospital in Kathmandu where they keep you under observation for two weeks and also cut off a little bit of your toe
i showed my family one of the videos he took of me doing retarded shit and then decided not to show much of the rest of the trip lmao my dad though the pic i took with my legs dangling off the cliff face in the restricted area of the park we went to after zion was sick though
>>769846 that sounds fucking fun i'd be pissed that i gotta learn to adjust balancing and clambering with a slightly fucked up weight distribution though >doc is this gonna fuck up my climbing tho
i've done a lot of what is there to do in my homeland not a lot of fuckin mountains in texas few mesas here that were really hard but like i said few
>>769845 that does sound pretty lit >>769850 It really was only the very tip they didn't need to do a full amputation. Just sliced away a few chunks I don't even notice it any more
I'll tell you guys something else kindda funny: right after I got out of the hospital I emailed the travel insurance company, asking about doing another mountain and if it would be covered by my plan after I had just made a massive claim for the hospital and helicopter bill
>>769851 It was fucking awesome and i was literally about to just sleep on top of that rock I climbed up After scaling something Matt was like "you can't get up there" and i was like "i bet i can" and then i did and he recorded it and he was like do the hero pose and i dabbed fucking lol
>>769852 haah waaw i d k about insurance claims though cause i've never actually had insurance lol i do dangerous retarded stuff with no safety net because it's fun bro you know it's fun we could have much fun together come to America we could climb the smokies or rockies or some shit
nothing like waking up at 2:30 in the morning and having a crisp canada dry(tm) ginger ale hahahahahahahhaha
>>769856 what do you think about those mars viable flora though they been around a bit figure it's nothing important enough for colonization here but what you think
>>769862 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7584643/Researchers-NINE-vegetables-successfully-grow-Mars-soil.html excuse the daily mail but i'm drunk and lazy
i'm not sure growing earth native derivitives is a good idea either but if we can habitalize mars i'll take pretty much whatever i'll live if our earthbound politics and systems die here or not but i'd really like to see humans seize interstellar foothold and with it ecological understanding
that time will probably come i dont think it should be rushed though. use the moon to thoroughly test that stuff out do all the research on martian geology and stuff before introducing any contaminant life
i mean, we could still colonize without doing that in contained colonies could grow stuff in a containment patch and stuff
we're all fucking doomed if it doesn't happen and i think it's pretty close to being actuated now too we've been working on it for a long time 'nough >>769864 researching bioavailabiltiy and atmospheric generation on the moon would be kind of a bad idea the moon is really important to the geological behavior of our current planet so i would staunchly be against severe interference of its geological and astrological purposes i'd rather they just try and maybe fail on the red planet if anything, without marring las luna
>>769865 >atmospheric generation i just mean the ecology of the contaminant life on foreign soils what it means to put that flora in that soil and the problems it could cause or obstacles that wouldn't work
>>769867 ah in that case you don't really need to worry we've already grown life in damn near perfect simulated environments based on rover data and beyond that grown minute flora in as inhospitable a climate we could imagine even considering the conditions on other planetoids what remains now is how to turn growing plants into an atmosphere hospitable to human life, and whether or not it hurts natural life on the celestial body we are not yet aware of rather you don't need to worry about half of it i guess we still don't know what effects it could have on life we haven't observed. which could be great. um idk you probably already knew all this ok let's make out.
aside from "life we haven't observed" introduction to life on mars contaminates our search for traces of life in martian soil more than just life, it contaminates the preserved soil which tells mars' lengthy geological history
we'd want to archive as much information on that as possible and know the effects of that plant on that soil (not just the other way around) before doing any of that stuff
you're right about it ruining potential historical inquiry about the properties of martian land. But geologists are already used to looking thousands of years into the past here, on our very own land, and painting an understanding of what might have been. I'm sure they wouldn't have much trouble if we introduced young plant life to mars. Something not even a thousand years as old as the average material they study. On the other hand, theyh have hundreds of years of information to work on top of with earthen climates. Martian soil has no such prior research. It could definitely be obscured by terraformation and atmospheric generation. But people are smart and they'll work at it until they get a reasonable conclusion. Also I love you john also kiss me I've missed that taste no homo though.
I might be a little drunk and I sold enoujgh I just popped the rest of the inventory though also I fucking love you Moon I'm so sorry man I lied like a bitch I really do I really really do
>>769873 Okay! I've waited months without saying anything, I can wait more. I'll be here. I won't go anywhere. You know me. I love you, but I also tried to hurt you. When you can't hurt me back. It's not really fair. Please do good for yourself and only get better.
>>769875 Game's down until whenever lol get fukt nerd!
At least it's not as bad as when I logged on to Nosgoth one day to find out there were no servers and also the game officially didn't exist, wasn't on Steam, the site didn't exist, nor the forums!
Why did they shut down that game it was funny
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>769876 this is the worst thing that has ever happened to anyone ever
>>769877 straight up miss nosgoth bad though that game was actually awesome good implementation of asynchronous balance the vampires were slanted towards victory but humans could definitely win with good teamwork and counterplay they straight up canned that shit halfway through bea // beta when it was pretty well received in alpha by testers such as mia and by general players in open beta gay shit fuck the world and extra fuck nosgoth devs took a beloved story and adapted it beautifully into asynchronous competition then deleted it forever
no actually I do but meh I can't drag myself to care enough wow this cool change is quite the wind luckily they put that fire out because it might aid it but probably sucks for those other fires >>769888 okay mysterious stranger I will buy your not drugged energy drink herw is my PayPal
if you tired act now i'll give you a deal two bags for $20 adulterated with only the most unnoticeable substances you won't even be able to tell it's crunchin when you chop that shit up
>>769887 wait whoops >>769890 night night mate sweet dreams and fuck shit up on the morrow >>769892 tbh i'll get you the real shit if you come over i don't think it's safe to say more even if i'm super drunk but if you want come on over I know some people in some places
>>769895 tbh if you're a lawyer or some kind of cop and your name is mike or tony or alfonso i do practice that homogay shit hmu i wont tell charlene or michelle or shawn
Kirara 🍄🤡
holy shit the panty stocking ost is on Spotify now
but i learned enough to make rudimentary conversation out of exposure and necessity
reading spanish twitter is fun it helps me learn unusual vernacular and also proper spanish since many people here speak bastardized spanglish too it's like murrican spanish // murrican english versus proper UK derivative english sometimes i end up counting shit half in spanish and half in english and when i notice it, that fucks my tallying up tho
>>769906 it's basically standard Kojima antagonist codename probably due to the average practice of exaggerating and labeling key figures in warfare to demonize and target them see: Fatman (retrieved 11/13/2001 Metal Gear Solid 2, see Guns of the Patriots)
i'm both feels goodman and also die hardman and you don't find it out until the dual boss battle where you never see both of them at the same time but they have seperate healthbars and get harder to kill the closer they are to death compared to their counterpart ego then when you beat them it turns out they were child soldier conditioned by the patriots to defeat the patriots and also kojima is god
>>769912 the secret is he developed bulletproof florescent transient material that defract light and he was the president's killer and he tried to break his helmet on the wall and it wouldn't come off and it's a metaphor for true beliefs beyond desire and also I'm gay buy my book
>>769916 It's so much better now I'm seeing a lot of praise for it
although I think the trailer shows off a bit too much but to their // to the credit of the cgi staff behind it, it's worth showing off considering how much it's improved
>>769989 well imagien this 3,95€ fan, with a 21€ shipping fee had I ordered it from USA
>>769988 It's pretty reflective of the logistics and infrastructure involved. The only reason international shipping is cheap for corporations is because they have the ability and reason to ship in immense bulk. You with your tiny limited number of products you'd ever want to ship at once can't even compare.
Nah, it is more of the method they just ship anyhow everywhere, so you get practically free shipping, if you just wait for a mass delivery to go which is why the deliveryt imes are so erratic, going from few weeks to half a year it all depends on how much stuff and how oft they send your way
also it isn't really "highly functional" it is similiar how some people can be ass blasted drunk, but seem quite normal you definitely aren't truly functional when lacking in sleep
I still remember in *back in high school the one exam week, that I was in high fever, so I spent most of my time sleeping and amusingly my grade average went from something like 8 to 9,5 in that period
Today was ridiculous again! I caught a client selling his prescriptions and he had like 10 rigs under his bed at the sober house and a ton of drugs he shouldn't have had and this crazy bitchy lady talked my ear off for an hour about how unreasonable it is that we refused to see her at 4:00 when she was 30 minutes late lol
>>770066 evening rika are you in the know in whats going on in my life right now
>>770068 Man when I was thirty minutes late for my appointment I just accepted my own fault for it. More people should be as earnest as I am!
Lmao she was going off about how she doesn't agree with the DUI laws and how she is going to go to her congressperson and blah blah blah She scared the hell out of poor intern-chan who was unable to handle it so I had to step in and take over But luckily I won't have to see her too often since I have intern-chan running groups now sorta she bailed tonight without much notice
I mean at least her response to not agreeing with DUI laws is kind of sensible with trying to get them changed. Rather than just saying "fuck 'em". But I guess if she's at your clinic that's probably something she does as well anyway, eh.
owo what's this >>770069 how.l how long until your surgery I know it's some time Wednesday
>>770073 so i found out last monday getting an ultrasound that i didnt have thyroid issues, but they found a blood clot but then did a ct to find out ive got (what we now know should be a benign) tumor, specifically a teratoma is what they can tellz .
im in houston freaking texas to get this bad boy cut out tomorrow, and because of how this thing works that should be the end of it. it’s kinda wild because this thing would have had to have been growing for a few years to hit this size, but by the help and miracles of people im here and getting taken care of.
you’re usually oretty busy so i wanted to include you in the loop when i could
>>770087 yeah dude it’s been fucking wild the last week
Ain't it more fun to live in interesting times?
>A teratoma is a tumor made up of several different types of tissue, such as hair, muscle, teeth, or bone. They typically form in the ovary, testicle, or tailbone and less commonly in other areas. Well you kinda dodged a bullet there at least.
Kirara 🍄🤡
we're all extremely blessed that it's gonna be ok i was really worried
>>770090 doesnt it sound like the grossest fucking thinng though? >>770091 i thank you so much for keeping in contact with me my guy >>770089 nit when theyre potentially expensive and worrisome! >>770093 tomorrow. if all goes well ill have a recovery hospital time of just three days, but where they have to crack open my chest to get to it ill be recovering outside the hospital for a while but my job says no matter what theyll take me back when i can
when's the surgery happening? hope it all goes well
>>770092 Yeah but it could be the grossest fucking thing that they'd be cutting open your balls to take out. The throat by comparison ain't so bad eh.
Kirara 🍄🤡
my job would make it ridiculously easy to get gabapentin i could have stolen 300 in the past week and nobody would know it's a good day im not doing it
>>770118 funnily enough guild wars starts in like a day im excused though, leader says for me to take care of myself first might try to participate a little, since its dark gw which is my specialty
oh is that like those keta smoothies i could have gotten
Kirara 🍄🤡
yeah let's all do ketamine together ton
>>770120 I mean you can probably take care of yourself and do your dumb GranBlue job too. It's not like it's a particularly strenuous activity.
>>770126 not as hard as crews would probably want usually you gotta work hard in grabble our dark goddess snacks went way too hard once, people were worried about them
middle-aged hispanic couples are the happiest because of all the domestic abuse
>>770193 Ever since we made it legal here it's demanded as proof of our patriotism to blaze it up as part of our daily routine. I can feel my lungs crisping to black already.
I kind of want a pipe or something but 1)I still wouldn't smoke much so I don't know if it's worth it, b.I wouldn't know what I'm shopping for anyway, and finally I also ... don't really care that much anyway. But in fairness I've found in my sparse encounters that a pipe makes for a more palatable experience than a joint.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>770212 i can't believe she's doing that call in a freakin library
i wouldn't smoke even if it was legal the smell is horrible
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>770213 i been usin a one hitter myself since i can only handle a small amount anyway
>>770213 pipes are the easiest way imo, and I'm petty sure I've metabolized weed in every way possible by now just look for a small glass piece and, if you'd like, a grinder
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i've never tried hot knives
I don't recommend it
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Oh shit she gave them an ultimatum!! They have until 5pm to "FIX THIS" or she's going to the ombudsman
Is she picking a fight with the librarians?
Oh wait energy company I've finally put it together now.
>>770232 oh no i'd like a gams where ito is part pf the staff
HE MADE IT IN Kojima really did bring in all his PT buddies.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>770230 The budsman is where you go to get the dankest kush
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
oh i remember seein him on a stream but i didn't realize it was him his mouth was animated strangely
>>770233 That was supposed to be PT or whatever the Silent Hill game that never was they were making before. Kojima, Del Toro, AND Junji Ito all on one dev team. It would have been beautiful.
Heading home from the Konosuba movie It was like a 7.5/10 Really fun though
>>770244 I'm hoping that the rumbling discontent with what we've been hearing about the game boils over after release and the development committee behind the Pokemon games series really takes a moment to check itself. Putting out a yearly game release on a single studio the size of Game Freak's is just untenable at this point. Pokemon's owned equally by Game Freak, Nintendo, and The Pokemon Company (maybe Creatures Inc. instead? This one is always a little blurry to me). They either need to let Game Freak slow down, expand staff, or even move development to a different studio.
Though also someone needs to really slap some sense into Game Freak when it comes to non-time-crunch-related development choices. Like I saw earlier today that you can't actually adjust the in-game volume for Sword and Shield until you acquire an OPTIONAL in-game item. Meaning you could walk right past the guy who hands it out and have to spend the entire game with your volume literally locked to the in-game default.
Putting aside the stuff that might've gotten cut or modified because of development crunch, this is kind of an entirely different beast which makes it maybe even more fucking stupid.
maybe Pokemon Tower Shield and Pokemon Greatsword will be better
I'm holding out for Unstoppable Sword and Unbreakable Shield. It lets you abbreviate to USw/USh to boot.
But yeah I'll be passing on this generation unless they do a touch-up version like that which fixes a lot of the stuff that's broke right now.
I'm really hoping for a competent developer to pick it up after this fuckin mess but enough people will buy sw/sh that they won't care and this level of laziness will become the standard from now until pokemon dies
What I'm kind of morbidly holding out hope on is that they've actually been almost entirely radio silent on the matter of cut Pokemon. The English sphere only knows about it because of it getting mentioned on last E3's Nintendo stream and the resulting media hulapalooza that followed. But in non-English speaking parts of the world, including Japan, they haven't even mentioned officially at ALL that there are cut Pokemon. So I'm kind of holding out on the kids who pick up the games will try and transfer in their favourites from Let's Go or Gen VII or whatever, realize they can't, get upset and get their parents angry with Nintendo. Because that kind of wide-scale temper tantrum might knock some sense into them.
Yeah. First console venture for the mainline Pokemon games and it's such a mess. I'm sure there's a lot of Game Freak employees that are really passionate about the game series too. Because it's pretty rare to survive in the game development world without passion to keep you going with how awful an environment it is.
But the Pokemon money-making machine demands a yearly game release no matter what, so they've got to ship it out even if it's incomplete.
Depression strikes
lmao depression weak af
Kirara 🍄🤡
it wasn't very effective
You know I was holding off making that joke thank you very much
this whole sword/shield thing just makrs me wanna play the older poke games that I skipped over I liked gen V so maybe I'll check out B/W2
Kirara 🍄🤡
the only pokeman i care about is mimikyu
>>770266 Black/White 2 are by far the best Pokemon games ever made.
All the Pokemon talk has had me wanting to play it again but I want the Challenge Mode available so I'd have to rush through Black 2 to get it just so I can play proper. And that feels like too much effort. I'd also kind of like to try that ROM hack, Blaze Black/Volt White but I don't really like playing PC-emulated DS games.
bw2 is fantastic if you liked bw top tier post game bw2 is great as a sequel too and you have so many pokemon options
Lots, nothing explicitly outlined though. ConcernedApe rarely details the new content of his update patches Though we were teased with buildable fish ponds for the farm, that you can presumably stock with caught fish and breed your own stock in.
In the blog post he posted today announcing the release date he said it's going to be a wide reaching update that'll touch most of the already implemented content as well, changing things he ended up dissatisfied with over time.
So in addition to new content it'll probably shake up what people are familiar with in the game as well.
my mom is playing a chandelier cover by toad from mario help
>>770295 CHAIR is pure motivation in anime form you don't need a personal trainer to become hercules just work out to anima yell every day
>>770300 when you go to the strongman competitions with your adonis like sculpt make sure you scream "HAI BUI" at the top of your lungs when you snatch
>>770294 neato I'll probably restart my farm, I spent way too much time in the mines my first year instead of building relationships just like real life
>>770303 Something about games like these send me into efficiency routine overdrive. Within like an in-game season I had a route and order of actions down pat that let me water crops, forage for goodies, and run around town to make sure I talked to at least like 80 of the townspeople and still have a few hours in the evening to go mining or fishing It's been a hot minute since I last played but I bet I could get back into the groove easy. Being so efficient bring me so much joy.
One of the nicest things about the game though is that you're never really punished for how you want to play it. You can take it nice and slow or focus in on one of the gameplay mechanics and the rest of the game's like "It's okay we'll wait for you to be done, no rush". Aside from your grandpa's examination at the end of the ... second year I think? But even that's something you can repeat later if you don't pass the first time around.
>>770305 I'll usually hyperfocus on one or two aspects until they're absolutely "perfect" or at some arbitrary level of acceptable before touching much of anything else soy first year in SV was spent clearing my farmland and plunging the depths before realizing I'd neglected to get to know the townsfolk and missed a bunch of social events
had a damn good maple orchard though I tell ya what
>>770307 Day one of Spring, year three, which is pretty much end of the second year.
I never really used the tree-tapping much in the game though. Like I'd put a couple up for each tree type to have some for personal crafting needs, but never in a large-scale production though. The Harvest Moon roots run deep in me. Gotta go with crops and animals.
Oh yeah In the ttrtrailers for other movie showings set up by the promotion company that set up the showings they had one for a concert movie of INXS performing at wemble. Or something that sounded like that
>>770350 i'm you from the future they're going to clone you and send me back into the past you have to do something
oh ok I'll do it tomorrow
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Heh. I found a paper by one of the judges of this essay contest
I guess i shouldn't quote him to himself That's kind of a suck-up move
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Or maybe he love it Tickle his ego
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
my transformation from a sad person to an angry person is nearing completion at least i hope so
I was a real fat cunt in my teens and early 20s though
that is okay and if it drove you to change your lifestyle that is very good too
marsh if i fall asleep and never wake up just know you mean lots to me
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
mate I've recently lost someone very close to me to suicide if you need help fucking get it and if you aren't then you shouldn't make idle threats on an anime message board
i was just expressing my care for you and
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>go to sleep and never wake up the fuck you are
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I don't want empty compliments. I want you to get help if you need it
and if you don't think you do then you shouldn't talk about this stuff lightly.
my main client hasn't had any work for me in weeks so i have to freelance but the freelance company i work with just lowered their pay this week by 33% im now working at under minimum wage to try to pay my electric and upcoming tax bill
i have to work nearly 40 hours just to make 300 dollars it's absolutely obscene
https://gizmodo.com/there-is-a-point-where-a-person-cant-do-anymore-1839808189/amp i can't do most other work because of my injuries and disabilities they're fucking over their own contractors and the industry as a whole
>>770504 We need to add to this analysis the time it takes initially to find a doable job among hundreds of files with terrible audio.
Oh I forgot to arrow whoops. But this is my biggest grief with it. Well I guess second now to the even shittier pay now. It's just ridiculously hard to find an audio file I can even parse through poor quality and heavy accent, though I'll admit the latter is mine own fault. But even if it's possible to transcribe at a good speed there's so much delay elsewhere in the work that the pay really drops off fast.
And it's also pretty gross, though expected, that they're actively quashing dissent and roots for unionized demands in the forums.
even with their crappier selection of audio, i'm able to churn out 10-12 dollars an hour there, prior to this pay cut it'd be more if i had my meds but that's another issue altogether
my normal client pays me two to three times that amount, 1.00 to 1.50 per audio minute, so 20-24 / 30-36 dollars an hour pre-tax
but i dont have anywhere i can stay and rest for a while or anything, so as shitty as you know it is to peruse all those files and pick one out, i dont really have a choice if i was on disability or cohabitating with someone this would be a totally different story and i could take the time to do client outreach and establish my own full schedule, filling up a regular 40-60 horus // hours a week with my own clientele and making good money but i dont have that leisure. i really wish i did. ive been searching and searching but i think im just out of luck in that regard
it would really give me a reason to go through all this hell in the first place too i dont even know what im doing this for there's nothing to look forward to and a lot to feel doomed about
Just gotta push through till you get those good contracts again.
any news?
>>770508 I had a pretty panicky night last night so I didn't sleep too well. My focus has still been having a hard time focusing on my schoolwork so I'm behind or tight at best on a lot of work. It's like every time I try to think about the things I need to write about there's just a solid wall in my head that turns aside any attempt to focus.
I'm feeling a good bit better and less fatalistic today now but that still doesn't magically shift deadlines hah hah
>>770510 for me? im waiting for surgery. not due to arrive fir a little hit but im in the waiting area just chilling
>>770514 Noice Did they ask you if they would let them do a case study? >>770516 Not what I ask
No and im not keeping it oh immean they can study it all they want i gave them permissions as long as its out and not near me by all means
>>770516 You might end up in a medical textbook. Having one in your neck, especially as an adult is incredibly rare.
thatd be cool kinda
>>770518 I'm assuming you don't want to know whats inside it?
Oh also they probably told you tthis already but teratomas are usually really easy to remove. Unlike other tumors, because of the way they grow they don't grow into othrr tissue and get connected as much.
>>770520 yeah exactly they suspected teratoma early on likely as it wasnt invading other structures
>>770521 theres no way game freak wont at least TRY to deal with this in the next iteration it would be insane not to like sure some people might be going too hard but like come now
Man I'm going to the arcade again this Friday Butast time i went my favorite machine was busted I felt really unsatisfied when I left and I'd been there ffor like ten hours.
Do any of you nerds like Metal Slug?
i just cant get satisfied after my ten hours of arcade unless i play my fix >>770526 not particularly because i havent really played it
>>770527 They have the first four gmes on steam. I got em all fkr $4 the other day. Although playing tem with a keyboard felt weird I really really recommend against playing them with a handheld controller unless you map stuff to the triggers and shoulder buttons though. Because they were designed fr an arcade stick its pretty likely that you could be pressing two or three buttons simultaneously
>>770527 The girls are cute too I'm irritated but also a little happy there's a mobage Honestly I think the mobage combined with terry for smash might be why they released so much stuff this past year
>>770529 F The ln author died before finishing the series
I'm actually getting a 430~ page book about metal slug as a late birthday present. It's by a publisher that specializes in videogame history. https://www.bitmapbooks.co.uk/products/metal-slug-the-ultimate-history You might be interested in some of their other stuff (this statement is directed towards /moe/s in general).
>>770535 nice and now i imagine it breaking up and starting to play those on iys own
>>770536 If that happened i could just break it permanently by putting it in the microwave for a few seconds
>>770537 heh, you know those cards that play music when opened thoae break up all the time was fub working in the post office when dozens lf them plaid xmas jingles
i also once delivered an animal book that had broken was amusing to have my bag go roaasr, elephant noise, mooo, miaow etc occasionally
>>770538 Yeah They also make ones that let you record a message But these are probably closer to sound drops.