Choyoyu Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Episode 3-5 Enen no Shouboutai Houkago Saikoro Club Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 15-19 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-6 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 2-3 Rifle is Beautiful Val x Love Episode 4-6 Watashi, Nouryoku etc. Beastars
It seems like no Vinland again this week. Whether it's because of delays or other reasons they've really had a lot of breaks in its production. But at the same time the production's been consistently good so if they need the time to keep the level of polish up, they should take it.
I really liked what they set up in episode one. It seems that at least for the start of the third season they're stepping away from all the stuff concerning Sybil and doing more police procedural/detective work.
This new little guy MC is really reminscent of the character designer's MC from her Shounen Jump series, Kateikyou Hitman Reborn. Oh there's no I in the name I guess I couldn't quite remember it correct.
i had to take care of something but im here now! gomen
snow sure is a cold thing
i dunno what he expected
I got a bit caught up myself too hah hah. I've been following the episode though. The short MC's ability to fully step into another person's mental being is pretty cool, if totally implausible.
The thing they did earlier though, about giving the blonde woman a Japanese name when she fully went through the immigration system though, reminds me. That's actually a kind of thing you have to do even in Japan these days if you want to become a full citizen. Not that they really let a lot of gaijins become full citizens anyway though. But you'd need a formal "Japanese" name if you wanted to be a full Japanese citizen.
id pretty much have to become a japanese citizen to play in Mleague it's really, really hard for gaijins
she's cute
Yeah. The make-up she's got for her stage acts is a bit much for me but she's got some good style here.
Oh we've got the onee-san giving the intro speech this time
What a faux ikemen.
she's so cool
Mary Morstan in the original Sherlock stories eventually marries John Watson. I guess they played with that with how he got seduced by her feminine wiles in episode two but I wonder if they'll stay particularly close to that in this series. It kind of plays fast and loose with the original elements of the Sherlock Holmes stories already.
i don't think he'd even break a bone falling that high
Well if he landed feet or legs first the weight of the rest of his body bearing down on that might break something.
>making 4million yen in two weeks i need that kind of work...
Even if it involves working with the seedy underbelly of Tokyo?
yeah id probably be really good at that stuff
Man you have to be a particular brand of idiot to walk around with two million yen so carefree.
This Sherlock's habit of talking to himself is great. He's a fun, eclectic character.
She's such a good onee-san. Working all these dumb jobs for the sake of her imouto.
yeah she's so cool
Who ever heard of a wandering sumo vigilante.
The little riddles at the end of each Rakugo performance are great too. They can be kind of poignant at times.
Hah hah hah I guess there are worse things in life than working in a host club. Not many though. Working a host club can be a pretty soul-draining job.
>>769761 I watched a documentary on host clubs for a class of mine last year and it really painted it a dour experience. There's a big alcoholic party culture involved there and it's not uncommon for hosts to be downing several bottles of liquor in a single night. Plus they're basically constantly seducing women but always having to stop short of it being an actual relationship. Their job depends on it. Kind of like how aidoru have to be attractive and, well, idols, for their fanbase, hosts live in a similar environment of never actually being able to reach over that limit of building a close personal relationship. The loneliness of that, contrasted with the need to be these charming individuals for their job is what creates the intensely draining experience of being a host. Or at least that's how the documentary went.
Interrupting myself to say this is some pretty interesting commentary on video games versus board games in Japan.
Oh if it's an original game that'll be interesting. So far it's just been cameos of real life games.
He's being a bit of a bully to this Japanese highschool girl he just met.
Though I do agree with his sentiment about designers wanting people to play their creations.
he makes good points though you can't finish stuff completely in isolation
Yeah, I mean, I agree. But he doesn't have to be such a dick about it.
Her earrings are so cute I lover er I love her design
You lover the clover?
Though I guess they aren't really clover-y this time around.
She's got this pretty well-thought out at least. There's a few intricacies but most of the stuff is simple or clearly defined too.
ideally they should have been play testing every step of the way so the game develops more organically
Yeah, but Midori has a bit of an independent streak. She needs to get over that before she master the process.
Hm, I guess that was supposed to demonstrate the "whoever picks the largest income doesn't get to go shopping" rule. And imply that it's kind of hard to remember? It felt pretty straightforward to me.
You've got to be careful what you wish for. If you want direct honesty you've got to be ready for direct honesty!
this is a good demonstration of this concept im glad they're paying heed to it
I was worried she'd take more negatively to the criticism but she embraced it pretty well. Nothing is ever created in a vacuum.
A little girl like this shouldn't be wandering into a bar! Even if it's a board game bar!
Yeah, I get the Endro vibes too. A bit less of a parody but Endro was also a straight fantasy.
>I get the feeling if you give this as a gift the recipient won't be very happy Those kinds of tourist-y trinkets really are best bought for oneself and not for other people.
This series seems to sometimes be unsure of if it wants to be a happy-silly-isekai adventure or touch on some more serious tones. It creates a bit of tonal whiplash at times.
It makes for some easy villains for your story but after a while you gotta start asking WHY exactly there are so many of them. Large numbers of the population don't turn to banditry just because they want to. There's got to be some underlying reason for why!
Aaaand here's our reason why. Good to see this author is thinking these things through. It makes me happy to see that happen.
He's secretly some veteran master spy from another kingdom that's living as a sleeper agent in this city, using his cover as a merchant to travel around the country disrupting things as he moves.
>>769692 if 0080 isn't enough indication i love things that are painfully realistic and deal with heavy fucking problems failing that anything super weird and out there is cool