Apparently I don't feel pain like a normal person. The threshold at which discomfort transitions to pain is ridiculously high for me. She was doing stuff that apparently usually makes people shout in pain when they're as tense as I was but all I felt was slight discomfort.
She wanted me to tell her if the level of pain reached like a 7 and the highest it got was like 5.
The massage therapist is the lady who says God gave her the ability to see electricity in people's bodies. I was kind of skeptical at first but she was able to identify a lot of my injuries and my heart problems without being told about them and without even touching me too much at that point.
wonder if she was all >god damnit SHOUT ALREADY >that is what I live for!
>>770555 the heart problem is quite curious tho but injuries and such, if someone has been doing therapy like that for years, I bet hey develop an eye for it
Kirara ππ€‘
She said she didn't see much electricity around my heart, and my heart problems are literally that my brain doesn't properly send electrical signals to my heart very strange
oh no I was right she is absorbing the tension of people to gain power maybe all massagists are
If I go dark all out of a sudden, I was silenced let the WORLD KNOW
Anyone hear from ToN?
prolly knocked out right now
Kirara ππ€‘
he started getting ready for the surgery about 6 hours ago and i haven't heard from him in 5
Well some of the literature I need for my classes. I've -I take a lot of classes on periodic literature so a lot of my reading requires novels. A lot of that I can get from my bookstore's online store.
I'm also picking up The Night Is Short, Walk On Girl since it's the only of Morimi Tomihiko's novels that has been translated into English. Actually Penguin Highway might've as well.
>>770580 We have an audiobook shelf in my store location but it's pretty sparse. It looks like our online selection is less a selection and more a subscription with Rakuten Kobo though. So I'd probably have to go see what they offer to see what the online selection is like.
They seem to have a pretty standard audiobook selection but buying audiobooks by the book seems to be a pretty expensive option. The subscription is 13 CAD a month and gets you a n audiobook credit you can exchange for any book each month. It's not a rental either, once you pick the book it's yours to keep, though I don't know if they let you download the book in full or stream it, the information isn't readily available. They're advertised as good forlong road trips and stuff like that though so I'd imagine being able to download the book in full would be mandatory? At least in Canada the notion of "relying on stable cell connection " and "long road trips" aren't quite agreeable concepts.
But even if you can't get the actualy audio data permanent the twelve dollars a month is pretty decent, at least if you're only getting one audio book a month.
and does your store sell audiobooks too?
i just watched a server pour a packet if Swiss Mix into her fucking mouth
someone claimed to be an ikea chair someone said "im actually 47, i hope that's not a problem for you" someone told me im going to hell for meditating a bartender told me im stupid for being in recovery and someone wanted to hook up
there was one normal person i was talking to but she asked where i grew up and i said here and she blocked me?? so maybe she wasn't normal idk
online dating is way worse than just meeting people irl
I don't have any photos of myself so I can't even finish the precursor work to even test it.
I'm not really comfortable having my picture taken, doubly so when I'm the one doing it so it's real hard. It's so dumb but I don't know how to feel otherwise.
I'm usually the one taking photos but I started taking occasional selfies in an attempt to fit in amongst the normies. All my best photos of me are from Philly 2019, though. I look good in a scarf.
And luckily for me I took like 40 selfies with all the Jesus things in Philly.
>>770586 going to hell for meditating that is new jesus, who teaches the bible in usa, one has to wonder christ himself says that attitude like that sends you to damnation
Kirara ππ€‘
Christianity in America is a contest of who is the best Christian, where the best Christian is typically the biggest liar and thief
I don't use the boorus and similar imagesearch sites much so I'm not really familiar with a good tag. But if you have maybe at least one picture in mind that might satisfy what you're looking for you could see what tags it uses and reverse engineer off that.
ive never used the boorus. im just on pixiv female otaku would probably work yeah
it's weird though. situations like that make my mind kind of go blank, trying to use search engines for something precise
My problem with search engines is that whenever I try to find something precise to what I'm thinking I never find anything. I'm not really good at broad thinking; I like to zero in on particulars. But those particulars might not be addressed by the tagging system used by the search engine but trying to step back and guess at what broader concepts might still fit the particular I'm thinking about, always short circuits my brain.
what's weird about freelancing is sometimes these projects are previously attempted or partially filled out by someone else prior, and people make the weirdest mistakes. like they follow rules that make sense but apply them in situations where it doesnt, like omitting filler words like "like" and "Kind of" in places where they're being used normally. like "It's a different kind of ____ than i normally use", and someone just assumes that's filler and omits the kind of there
or the project im on, this lady is like "I interviewed him earlier, and I told him what im about to say to you" and someone filled in "I interviewed him earlier, and i told him, "What i'm about to say to you." " like it makes no sense but it's kind of cute in a pathetic sort of way must be non-native speakers doing that stuff
there's people that buy accounts and stuff too and don't even understand what the bare minimum entails people in india make accounts and sell them to people who just try to run it through voice to text and think they're brilliantly clever and just submit the whole thing as one ugly lump of text. but sometimes they'll do stuff like do a find and replace for all filler words to remove them, so every instance of "like" "kind of" and "you know gets erased which leads to some really ridiculous stuff happening
man i can't believe im stuck in this shitty career im supposed to be in switzerland doing research with IBM
>>770614 Honestly with the pay cuts they push through it more or less feels like they'd rather have these bought-account people doing their work than people who speak English natively. It's also creating a pretty miserable environment for the people who speak English natively but at least the company is getting precise the trash they're paying for.
con starts tomorrow gotta pick up my other pair of glasses preorder SwSh at the bestbuy in the city pack for the half-way hotel finalize the lazy cosplay outfit Get some of these panels drawn
My university's credits system is kind of convoluted with all the mandatory courses that need completion for specific programs but I think I've finally plotted out what I've got and what I need. I took out the course names for a bit of privacy but the darker colours are courses I've completed, the mid tones are ones I'm doing this semester, and the lightest ones are the courses I've got queued up for next sememster. I'm planning on taking up another two courses before next semester starts, which will leave me at the end of year two with fifteen credits left until program completion -- er, seventeen, and then I'm going to try and do some courses over the summer to knock it down to fifteen. Which means bar things going wrong as they usually do, I'll have the program complete in approximately two years from now.
The biggest problem is even with a bit of wiggle room in the upcoming semester I'm fast approaching the point where I'll have to make a final decision between sticking with my English major or changing into the English/Philosophy double. Mostly because if I don't want to take credits that don't go towards the double major I'm going to have to start paying closer attention to what I pick for my semesters. The single English major is easy to pretty much pick whatever you're interested in and accumulate relevant credits but I've kind of already expended most of my opportunities to do that if I want to do the double major.
>>770770 nice niw just the hard part of rememvering to stick to this plan
Well I've put it in my university folder on Google Drive so it's readily available at least.
Sword and Shield hitting consumer release in Japan and other early timezones. Wonder how that'll go.
yeah i kept seeing people playing on twitter its no fair
This new cafe I've been going to for coffee lately is a really cozy, comfy place, but -every- time I come in here for a cup the roast I ask for has like half a cup's worth or less so they always need to brew a fresh pot. It's not a bother to me in the slightest but it's so regular by now that it's become comical. At least I get a fresh brew for the trouble.
or it implies "small coin" I somehow have a feeling that the 1d marking should be different on the notes, but the message didn't get delivered to the drawing team from the writers
Some one editing in a completely obliviously excited Ichihime in the corner there would be pretty funny.
there's a team tournament this saturday teams are set by characters this time, one team for each of the f2p characters then one team for the collective p2p characters teams are already set but it'll be broadcast and streamed if you feel like checking it out
by teams, it's that saki style 5-hanchan thing with team points
You representing at all in it?
yeah i'll be on hag team (miki) im playing the 4th hanchan i think thats at like 2pm but im not sure
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
negative. latency.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i can't believe people are still goin for this Stadia/xwhatever stuff i have a hard enough time playin OW locally at 60 fps let alone streaming it
how does that work anyway i dont quite get it
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
game runs in google's warehouse and they stream the video to you at like 20 GB/hour apparently works ok for games like god of war or tomb raider that aren't so demanding latency wise can't imagine playing an FPS or fighting game on it tho
so like 70ms input delay on everything gosh dang that sounds dreadful
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i guess on the bright side it's like 10 bucks a month for a bunch of games i could see myself doin one month once in a while to play some stuff i can't get on the switch
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
wait wtf do you hsve yo buy hardware
There's a Stadia box but it's pretty cheap relative to other consoles. Like cheaper than even the Switch Lite and can run PC/PS4-tier graphics. Well, stream them, not really run.
dang that kills it i guess there's a lot of stuff i cant play since i dont have consoles and im poor what about stuff that needs a subscription/account though i guess that still works out
story games and stuff could be fun but i dont think id want any multiplayer biz on there like that new atelier
Oh looks like there's no box, but you buy a controller and a Chromecast dongle.
You have to buy the games you want to play unless you go with the subscription, but even then it looks like it's just a selection of free games they choose or curate. Well "free", since you're on subscription.
I guess maybe you can sign up for the Stadia service without buying the Stadia purchase? They're not being particularly clear about that.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
streaming games are this dumb idea that won't die cuz the game publishers are all like "UnBreAKabLe DrM???" i s2g
My Internet keeps bumping me for some reason.
Either way at the least you'd have to be spending the subscription price or buying the games anyway to play through Stadia. I guess that would let you play these console games without having to buy a console? That might be an enticing notion for some people.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i gotta rewrite this damn hunkajunk
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
Yeah, because I don't even have a full license.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
wowme2 canada won't give me a renewal for my expired cuz they think i live in a foreign country or ~something~
Just tell them you live in South Canada.
what do i have to do to become a canadian can i just marry into the country
Yeah, marriage is probably your simplest and most reliable route to permanent residency and then later citizenship. Besides that you'd be going through the standard immigration rigamarole I think, which is a long wait to a lottery for people looking to emmigrate from the States. Unless you have provable skills some employer is looking for, you could try to get in through permanent residency for employment.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
you can walk north from michigan and they'll collect you and give you a house once you get far enuf
I wonder if you could cross the border seeking asylum in Canada from the States. It doesn't sound impossible but pretty ridiculous.
>>770819 Didn't people try that after Trump got elected?
There's refugees that have arrived in America through other channels and then continued their trek through the States to reach Canada and have been accepted in. If your case for fleeing America is a similar dire situation then I dunno, might work.
Unfortunately I don't know if systemic economic deprivation would work as a reason for being a refugee from America. You'd probably have to wait until a volcano erupts or climate change makes life untenable.
tilde im gonna check out this old 1970s mahjong movie do you wanna join
shin janki supposedly there's a series too but it looks unpossible to find
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
this bar gives you a ticket for a free tiny personal pizza for every drink bought its OD and you can put a topping on it for $1 extra
you go to so many different places what a socialite id be too spooked
a medical professional i email sometimes always concludes their statements with a smallcaps J
i forget doesnt that mean something
>>770838 Basil's the kind of thing I like in moderation. When it blends nicely with the tomato of the sauce and whatever else is a part of that it's great. But add too much basil and all of a sudden I'm not tasting tomato sauce I'm tasting fucking pureed basil.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
this recipe calls for eight (8) cloves of garlic
Fuck It How About The Entire Bulb
are you getting a pizza with garlic cloves as a topping
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i was being merely theoretical and by theoretical i mean the chicken rice i made two nights ago
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
ok basil is happening note you get a pizza PER DRINK as long as the drink is at least $4 jt's tiny and mostly dough but like damn
This! Communication with a stranger. Is entirely in sentenced with question marks or exclamations points? This drama cannot continue imin such intensity?!
Yeah that's pretty nifty. The overall design is pretty similar to what we do for bills here in Canada.
rise and shine let's get that plastic
Going to any currency that's not plastic these days just feels weird to me now.
american trading sticks > european rfid citizen microchips
clearly it is far superior to have money that you can burn in case the world ends and money becomes worthless
Aren't American bills pretty resistant to flame themselves though?
love to wash my savings in the wash
wait a minute
Chotto a minute
>>770907 they are pretty resistant which is why it's a great idea to burn all the money for warmth
otherwise you'd have people's dryers catching on fire and so on I guess
it's actually illegal to burn money here though you could go to jail for 10 years and get fined
if you soak a dollar in rubbing alcohol and salt you can light it on fire and then it won't actually burn the dollar though
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
tipper is the best
>>770913 What, so if you manage to get a bill on fire it'll burn for a long time? I always imagined the hard part was getting it to start and after that it would just burn weakly or too fast for much value.
>>770920 it burns slowly considering how little substance there is to a dollar! compared to regular paper, for example, it burns like three times longer.
imagine how good fat stacks of bank notes straight from the vault would be for replacement firewood!
which isn't to say a single dollar or a pile would actually be much good since it'd be like burning a bin full of paper pretty much
would definitely be better to just go get some dry hardwood but pouring dollars in a dumpster fire for warmth is a funny scene
I kind of understand that feeling. It's weird to just say something that feels like a normal observation and then just have people look like you've struck them with lightning.
>>771008 lmao although animations is the least worryable thing aout the game to me. i heard aout some memory crruption thing. gonna grab a new sd card just in case.
>>771004 sounds like it's going to be a cool garbage fire
should have bought new shinier shoes. but new laces are an inexpensive second.
Just imagine how you can reiterate on the costume for the next con you go to
Is this just real life...
...or is this a rotting carcass?
Nah, that was too exaggerated a comment.
The third volume of nisioisin's Zaregoto series has finally gotten translated into English for a physical release. I'm so happy this series got picked up again the previous localizers closed up shop.
>>771021 i am trying to imagine cosplaying ever again and its rough friend
Yeah but there are people that do this several times a YEAR Surely you can play on their level
moe sure is dead
someone help there was a three houses hoodie that I wanted to get
i mean it's a few layers of abstraction and metaphor removed but hey dodging anti infiltration measures and using exploits to obtain control of remote kernels sure why not??
wow. I can't believe China would do something like that
A movie about a disenfranchised person weary of the abuse be suffers at the hands of his tyrannical society rising up to destroy that society? What's there not for China to like?
I bought a whole lotta stuff today. Getting forty percent nearly everything is nice. If I'd had more money saved up I'd have probably have gotten even more. But this is probably good for now.
i'm staying at work three hours late tonight because i need someone to sign something so they don't go to jail and they didn't come at 4:30 like i told them to they can't come until 8 i don't think they understand the importance of what i need them to sign
they are in possession of another person's prescribed medications because they have to hold on to them to manage those medications to prevent this client from relapsing, abusing them, or overdosing
but we don't have anything signed that grants the manager permission to be in possession of those drugs and we have nothing in place to log the management of those drugs so i drew up something really quick for them to sign but here i am sacrificing my precious friday night off so i can protect someone who was put in danger by the negligence of one of our other clinicians
someone on online dating is asking about willingness to be a sperm donor for a female/female couple but they are saying weird things and i can't figure out if they think that sperm donors have sex ?? or if they are just weird
Sitting around, being the only person in the building at work, makes me want to drink. Whenever I had a shift at the suicide hotline, I was alone 90% of the time, so I could just drink without anyone knowing. I'd go through a bottle every shift, sometimes a little more.
Natsukashii da I remember spending Christmas in a detox clinic
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
THOSE were the days
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I'll tell you what really sucks though I still have loose skin around my nerps from being fat a few yeas ago I don't think it's ever going away No matter how /fit/ i get I'll always have man breasts Feelsbad
Well once you're making those lawbucks you can probably get it surgically removed.
oh god and this one tastes like rotten watermelon the $2 steel reserve fruit booze tastes better than this crap omg >>771112 >>771113 it was only destiny that i claim the best 7-11 get
i think the worst thing ive ever drank was one of those budweiser clamato chelada things it was pretty bad
oh man those are pretty damn awful even if you like michelada but they're extremely popular for some reason especially with mexican women (?)
i think it would maybe be good if i had a big bunch of like chicken cheese quesadillas and beans and rice or something
usually michelada has like spices and stuff in it too instead of just pouring pisswater beer together with way too much clamato it's more like a bloody mary or it's supposed to be >>771117 i think it would still be pretty bad but i also don't like budweiser so it probably depends on your taste too
i had a michelada at the bar near here named poncho villa and it was pretty good actually tasted like lime and chili and tomato and beer it's not something i'd drink all the time but i tried the bud version of it one whole time and dumped half the can out so considering i can still drink this crap that's probably saying something >>771117 i realy want quesadillas dammit
i need desperately to do some grocery shopping i have to cram as much work as i can in to these next 15 hours and then hope there's enough left over after bills & tax payment to still buy food
you've got your own family to help i'm beyond help anyway
Man I was so tired earlier in the night. Conked out somewhere between 20:30 and 21:00. Now it's way early for me to be waking up. At least I don't have any immediate obligations for the weekend.
i can just imagine scoob doing his stupid "rihihihihiheee" before saying no
There's a new CGI Scooby movie coming out soon. It seems to focus on his and Shaggy's lifelong partnership. I wonder if they'll make time for a good ol' Scooby-Doo mystery.
scooby doo would probably have died around when shaggy was 24-25 cause he got him when he was like 10 in the LORE so maybe scoob was such a good detective he knew his life was almost over anyways and he sacrifices himself for his best friend pure pottery
*that would still make scooby doo almost the oldest great dane in recorded history too
Purebred great danes pretty consistently have pretty bad health problems, I believe.
yeah my mutt lived 7 years longer than the top end of the great dane life expectancy of 10 years scooby realistically would have bit it before scooby doo and the mystery solving team coalesced
>>771149 I'm guaranteed 44hrs a week on schedule and I'm still hourly so I can earn more though please let me know if you need help i can help you i don't have anything else justifying myself i don't i will help
Do they have to pay you overtime for going over forty hours in the week?
yes they have to
i turned my back on EVERYTHING the vultures want what's left of my and i sacrificed it so but I will fight until the WORLD. GOES. COLD
but I thought it was like Mario Bros when you unlock Luigi It's the same game except you're playing as a character with a slightly different appearence.
Anyway. Now I've gone back and played some of the other endings.
when did it get so dystopian has it always been like this i forget sometimes
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY [ ] true [ ] false
at this point i was having a conversation about this the other day at this point, the "we live in a society" meme only really serves as some sad punch line to itself in that it's not really an ironic meme anymore we really do live in a fucking society
my boss is apparently going to come with me on a few of my runs 'cause of the back injury thing although this is the third time he's said he'll have to attend my run so I'll be surprised if he does though maybe he'll follow through because workcover stuff is srs bizness
idk if i could handle a natural hot spring for two hours haha
no one can well if they hydrate and chill enough of their body outside the thing oft enough
I have dipped in "palju" which is a stove heated outdoor bath tub for hours like 4-6hours and gone to "cool down" in sauna from it but then again it was -15 to -25 outside, so your head and shouldersabove the water level was enough to keep you chill
Kirara ππ€‘
and my baby was floating in it too in his container, but still
Kirara ππ€‘
i want to go to a hot spring in below freezing weather that sounds like something everyone should experience
>>771266 the alcohol questions are throwing me through a loop >in the last year
what if I was going HARD for six months then stopped completely for six months
Kirara ππ€‘
the alcohol and drug questions are really bad lol my dissertation chair made me add those they're technically the "gold standard" for screening substance use but they're like 30 years old I'm not even using the alcohol and drug stuff in my study, my professor made me include those because she wants to leech off my hard work and pretend that my dissertation was part of her own larger study lol
i don't really care about the drug stuff my dissertation chair doesn't have access to my data at all and i dont intend to ever give her access even though she thinks she'll get it im not letting her do that with my hard work
this is probably the biggest mood I've had all year
aside from displaying my confidential answers on a public forum that is
I was bemused by the ones about extreme feelings where I couldn't say I was particularly effected. But then the ones about depression came around and I was like "Oh yeah I 'm all in on that shit
>>771276 she signed your thigh or you signed her thigh?
Or you removed her thigh and then got her to sign it?
how long are you doing this survey for i can send the link to some people but i feel like everybody that i know is going to have faced discrimination so it might be a skewed data set
collection will continue for a while probably I'm going to use the data collected as of tomorrow to start cleaning data and running analyses though I might come back to it later if there's significantly more data
I just hit 210 respondents so I should be ok, I needed 198 according to g power analysis.
lol my dissertation chair is so dumb, she had me email a bunch of transgender advocacy groups asking them to disseminate the survey and wanted me to email their CEOs and shit everyday until they responded i obviously didn't do that but it's so ridiculous she thought these CEOs would be like "let's go!" within a day or something
>>771310 yeah idk rev just cut pay across the board by 33% and the president or ceo or whatever was doing this PR stuff trying to spin it off as a good thing with a whole lot of bullshit virtue signalling even if they cared about whatever you're doing (they dont) they've got like messaging PR people to take care of that stuff for them i mean if it's a trans advocacy group maybe, but do those have CEOs? that's weird seems weird anyway
Kirara ππ€‘
yeah nonprofits have CEOs and stuff but even if they were interested there's so much red tape before they can actually do anything like that
"Beauty and the Feast" really thats what theyre calling it
>wondeer does this game have disengagement penalties >critical strike on disengaging well thank you for NOT informing me of this when you fucking pop up a first time tutorial note for just HOW TO DISMISS A QUEST DIALOG but NO WARNING ON "Hey you get opportunity attacks"
it is pretty crazy they actually redid the sonic movie now that i think about it idk is this a new thing for hollywood?
This degree of total overhaul in response to public disapproval? As far as I know, yeah.
Like they might've had occasions like this where they do a closed test screening and their test crowd might've said something that triggered a similar result. But as far as I know this is the first time the public has gone "What the FUCK are you doing" and a movie production has blinked.
see complaining on the internet makes the world a better place
Late dinner I-Can't-Be-Arsed dinner of rice and freezer breaded chicken. Honestly if I had some kind of vegetable it would be a pretty rounded out dinner. But it's still pretty minimum effort.
>turn on the stove >heat up the stove >take the skillet out of the cupboard >grease/oil/non-stick the skillet >wait for the skillet to heat up >put in the food >stir the food around so it doesn't burn and cooks evenly >wait for the food to heat up >take the food off the skillet and put it on a plate >spill stuff everywhere because I'm clumsy like that >clean the kitchen >wash the skillet
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
why don't I just start a farm and grow my own food if it's going to be that much work.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
oh >turn the stove off Can't forget that one
Well you could just not be a clumsy fuck. Most of your complaints are just about the time it takes and that's not even effort. If anything it's less effort since it gives you more time to do nothing in between.
the GRAFICS of this game's cutscene are crazy i straight up thought it was prerecorded or live action for a while until i had fps drops in a couple of them
I'm looking forward to it come summer next year. Assuming I'm right that it's Death Stranding hah hah
oh haha nope this is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) I heard it had a really good single player campaign and much better multiplayer than the garbage fire of Black Ops 4 and my boy was right it's damn fun
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
CAW DOOTY the game developers are all on speed and have gone eay deep in simulating wrinkly meat faces
they're under the heel of actiblizzard probably getting whipped on the hour if they don't add enough polygons to Farah's face for the cutscene-only LODs
though the in-game models aren't much less pretty at least on maxed out settings anyways maybe it's uglier on console or something probably one of or maybe the most photorealistic games I've played and it even has raytracing for the lighting and shadows even the random debris and rubble around the campaign maps look good, everything is really immersive
like these random tapes and table that's just decoration look good and there's extra geometry to make it look worn
though that's probably tesselation and lower specs make the table flat
It's nice that they're putting all this stuff in that current-level consoles can't really keep on level with. Like both Microsoft and Sony's next seem to be talking about really engaging in raytracing but as far as I know neither's current iteration is too good at them in heavy usage. Way too often games are developed for consoles and the PC edition is kind of an afterthought, so it's nice to see that they've gone hard for the PC version. Especially since they can just reduce for the console release.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
damn i never really played any CoDs but i must asmit they do kill it in the gfx department
>>771391 Yeah I'm glad I bought this on PC for sure Considered going console to play with my friends but this one has cross-platform multiplayer though I seem to only see PC players on the 10v10 gamemodes that might be special to PC or something I really doubt they could be pushing this kind of graphics on even the xbonex, even disregarding that ray tracing straight up isn't a thing for consoles. probably the first time I noticed RTX making a big difference in a game too the lighting is so much better with it on still not quite a raytracing worshipper but it's made a clear advantage now that I've seen it in action and done well at least
>>771392 I used to play CoD Black Ops on the PS3 a lot with my friends forever and an eon ago since then I've only played CoD:Ghosts (which I got for free) and Black Ops 4 (which didn't even have a real fucking single player and was so broken with the multiplayer unlocks it wasn't even fun) The Beta made it out to seem like it was a pretty balanced and fun experience except there were basically no other maps that weren't in the beta or lifted from previous games and the other unlocks you could get were so fucked up and broken it was unplayable for me
This one is way better so far, there's a ton of maps and the guns are fairly balanced and the amount of customization you can do to the individual guns is very deep Only gun I've found so far that seems a bit OP is the MP5 but it's got huge weaknesses outside of it being amazing at close range and fast The maps are also fairly interesting, all of them are new maps and they vary in design incorporating many types of environments so you can feasibly find close quarters, mid-range, or open areas on pretty much any of the maps to take advantage of your loadout's strengths.
All in all it's good. Fun game and the first one I've heard was actually really good from my friend that plays every single iteration of this franchise on launch since... Well, since Black Ops, lol.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
the recent game Control has some sick raytraced lighting
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
man: I eill take a vodka tonic bartender: ok any preference? man: yes, in a cup
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>yes, I prefer women
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
you say that but this man was clearly gay or maaaybe a hipster
>>771396 I was wondering why that game seemed to be getting good reviews but I didn't know jack shit about it! I might check it out! >>771401 Nah the golden age was when I was young and dumb and had a bunch of friends playing this gay ass call of duty shit and we could get on mic and act like retards together. Now they all have jobs or wives or I haven't talked to them in almost 10 years. Those guys probably got jobs and wives too anyways.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
so long as you enjoy Brutalist architecture and psychological problems
I'll make a special exception for Mirror's Edge and similar styled buildings though since they made their brutalist buildings really colorful and bright with primary colors everywhere.
I'm curious about Control but it got an Epic Games exclusive release and I'm refusing to engage in their storefront. So I'll file it away for when I get a PS5 as a good pick up for that platform.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
mirrors edge aint brutalist like Control is brutalist oh boy
>>771408 How so? Mirror's edge really downplayed the intersecting geometry for sure, but that might have made it even more confusing than it already fucking is to platform in first person >>771407 Oh god dammit. I really don't want to have to get another mother fucking digital game delivery platform. I already have fucking steam, Origin, Ubisoft, etc.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
ME at least has the bright colors and glass and light everywhere whereas Control is entirely indoors and 80s and destructible concrete exploding into wispy smoke
The Mandalorian is pretty fun. Good space western bounty hunting bonanza.
>>771409 Well you've got a PS4, right? It should be released for that platform. Sorry by exclusive I meant for the PC. It's also available for PS4 and Xboner
>>771411 Well yeah, I have two PS4s actually, since I'm a sony fanboy. But I was told this game had awesome raytraced lighting and that's why I was interested in it. There wouldn't be any raytracing on either of my PS4s.
Maybe on the PS5 Pro or whatever if that rumored dual launch model is true. >>771410 >destructible environment Okay Mr. Red Faction you have sold me. Can you collapse structures and stuff like Guerilla or nah?
I just really loathe Epic Games' "We'll literally throw money at you until you make your game only available for PC on our marketplace" strategy of creating exclusivity.
>>771413 Yeah I'm pissed about that. I'm normally for diversity in markets because thats usually good for consumers but since its locked to accounts having a steam account and an epic storefront account is a bigger liability. Because then you can get both your profiles Wait I'm not making sense
>>771413 Valve did the same thing with steam to get it off the ground except the financial benefit was leveraged in the form of pre-packaged multiplayer/physics/meta-game tools they would give to you "for free" if you published exclusively on their service. Only difference is they were trying to build up a system nobody had done before by encouraging developers with free useful frameworks to help develop their game. Whereas Epic/Ubisoft/EA don't give a fucking shit about your game they'll give you some monies if you publish through their platform though. >>771414 Steam is good for consumers in a way that any given online distribution is good, like you can install your games anywhere on any machine without the disc and have easy friends lists, built in chat, etc. It's also bad because you can't take a game you bought like when my dad bought Quake 3 and install it on over 10 machines and play it together because that shit is all tied to one account. You can share your games and let other people play them but you can't play with them at the same time and shit. Your game that you bought isn't even actually yours, and also it's not even really a game. It's a license to download a game to one account and if steam dies (unlikely but rhetorical) then your "games" don't fucking exist anymore.
EA and Ubisoft and Epic taut all the same weaknesses of steam but also have even more annoying shit surrounding them and only grow more difficult to use as more of these companies make their own platform. Steam was great because the benefit outweighed the deficiencies of just buying a disc at the store. These auxillary clients don't have that, even ignoring that origin spies on you and ubisoft hogs resources like shit.
Anyways Steam and epic are both anti consumer But I'd rather keep dealing with steam than dealing with both
More recently too I've seen instances of Epic offering an exclusivity deal to indie developers and after the dev turns it down, refuses to allow the dev to release the game on their storefront unless the dev takes the exclusivity deal.
Combined with all the other issues the Epic Games storefront has it just makes me really disinclined to want to use it. I'm all for competition and removing the near-monopoly Steam has on PC game storefronts but if you're not going to make an actually good service and just drive demand for your storefront by throwing money at the problem, I'm not motivated to use it, and you just make me more annoyed with you because of this forced exclusivity.
>>771416 Rather just go back to the days when I could take my games to my friend's house to install them for him and then we could play together and then valve would release a new fucking game L M A O >>771417 pretty cheeky of Epic to think anyone's voluntarily using their fucking platform >hey sell your game on my platform exclusively! I'll give you 10 thousand dollars >"uh no thanks i would rather reach a 90% larger userbase with steam and CD keys" >WOW OK FUCK YOU BITCH YOU'RE NEVER ALLOWED ON MY GHETTO LAUNCHER AGAIN
I straight up believe Fortnite's gonna die in like 5 years as all shooters do and Epic will have nothing lol they haven't actually mad // made a good game since the fucking 90s
Maybe that's why they're so desperate to make themselves into a games marketplace. Making good games is hard, they can just delegate that to the people that they get to sell on their marketplace.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
they make a mean game engine but it took them a LONG time before Fortnite was a thing
>>771420 maybe but i really think it's not going to work unlike valve who had several groundbreaking games and broke ground in the digital delivery niche, literally creating it in the process they have nothing to offer except money and they had no fucking money before fortnite microtransactions took off. They should go back to being a company eking by with sales of their engines and developing their unreal engine. This shit isn't going to work over a long time. People talk too much and strong arming developers only makes them hate you. Fortnite money won't keep them alive forever and they have nothing else to fall back on, since the engine that kept them alive is fucking free now.
>>771421 I really like their engine I also really hate Unity.
>>771428 Yes, they do. It's 5% on gross sales over $3000 per fiscal year. Say you sell 10 fucking million copies of a big name triple A title in a whole year. Fucking awesome sales there. Unreal gets like 25-30 million from that. Epic has 1000-3500 employees depending on who your data comes from. That's $12,000 per employee given 2500 headcount. In a fucking year. Assuming you have sold ten million fucking copies of a $60 game. You would need four of those games to make more money than I do working at fucking 7-Eleven and doing odd jobs.
That's not sustainable. Most of the games using the engine celebrate breaking 100k sales at like $10-$30 on launch.
I could probably look at the 50 or so games using it and take the math further but you probably get the point by now. They are throwing money around like they have no fear. They have nothing if Fortnite fails. It wouldn't even support their current infrastructure. They're fucking crazy!
>>771429 Wow That's a lot less than I expected I expected like 10-20%
>>771422 Gabe Newell had some really good relative musings about this kind of stuff way back in 2012 or something.
I've been seeing it pop up a lot with all the chatter over the new Pokemon games too.
People think it's easy to make a quick profit off of acting like this on the Internet -- and in fairness, it is. But if you look to the long-term these kinds of mentalities never really pay off.
>>771429 I would argue they're throwing the money around so much precisely because they're fearful. All that money will dry up quick once the revenue streams are gone. Better to use it now while they still have it to secure new means of constantly bringing in more money.
>>771429 This is also making the extremely ignorant assumption that Epic divvies up their proceeds evenly. They obviously don't, of course, but those are more assumptions I don't want to make. The math is already unfavorable enough to assume they can support themselves with UE royalty proceeds, it's a little pointless to go any further. Fortnite is the most profitable game in the world. Right now. As of mid-2018. There were many before it and there will be many more. But they don't appear to have a reasonable plan for after it wanes. >>771431 Valve knows what they're fucking doing of course. They're still insanely powerful, constantly profitable, and work on their own development with zero worry about getting the product released and selling and making a living another day. I'd say it's made them complacent as a developer of video games but as a business they are basically unstoppable at this point. It definitely shows considering they take a fucking 30% cut from gross profit on Steam sales and still are the go-to platform to publish anything on.
Also I don't remember the technicalities but I think they offer some special deal to people using the Unreal engine that release on the Epic Games storefront. Like they'll take less of their cut if the sales on your games are coming through the EGS.
From the first two episodes of The Mandalorian, it seems pretty fun. Definitely hearkens back to the classic space-western-y feel that was in some of the original trilogy. It's a series that feels very much like it's in the Star Wars universe and also just looks really clean. Wherever feasible it seems like they've used physical FX rather than CGI and it helps a lot with making the visuals be real. And there's a fun balance between corny and actually pretty decent cinematography too.
>>771435 i'm excited to see it and the grand finale of the new(est) trilogy tbh found them to be pretty dang fun
i didn't solve my imouto's laptop debacle but promised her to keep an eye out for deals i think are really really good in the price range more responsibilities aaaaaah ok will do boss time to hit the sack and work 12 hours tomorrow ok bye
wwwwwwwwwww hey wait i sent you a discord message you don't have to look at it now though, whenever you got time
i hope i actually find better deals tho the ones i scored today seemed kinda meh she just wants to play WoW on it but i have my pride also wanna show off my merchant guild skills
americans love when business owners can refuse to let gays into their businesses but hate it when it's people they relate to getting shut out they got no brain development
i would say more broadly, that americans and most people love hypocrisy and tribalism
america just is so well divided politically now, that its really visible vompared to elsewhere
Kirara ππ€‘
a nation of children probably actual deficits in brain development due to excessive untested chemicals in all our food and water
or poor education >>771480 but could actually be low nutrition or wrong kind of but kinda doubt
cause then ot would be mode prelavent in low incs and this kinda stupidity seems universal
Kirara ππ€‘
probably a combination
humans never really needed to be this smart until recently though the human created world is what made higher intelligence necessary
that's why i'm just a higher level of evolution than all of these fools that's why they bow down to me as their favorite super idol!!!
The new Halo collection that's coming to PC has a kind of interesting way of releasing the games. They're releasing them separately, over a period of time, but instead of going Halo, Halo 2, etc., they're releasing them in the chronological events of the game. ... Which really doesn't mean that much to the release schedule, just that Reach is the first game they're releasing before slipping back into the normal numbered structure. But it's still a kind of weird thing to do.
>>771483 man it would really be amusong of you could nap a child from 5000bc etc and raise them now would they be just like us or would tgere be some difference
ah shit the alien rpg comes out next month and is 392 pages it's gonna be so expensive i hope they have a pdf with it that i can send to people so i can run this
>>771487 well there are groups i want to play it with in person
>>771489 there is cinematic mode which is designed to be short and geared towards replicating the sort of movie-type arc and extended mode which is as long as you like
>>771493 Have you checked out The Mandalorian yet?
Kirara ππ€‘
>>771496 nah probably won't for quite some time got death stranding and my dissertation and work to focus on
Oh yeah makes sense. Would recommend when you get the chance. Off the first two episodes it's been pretty fun. First ten minutes of the first episode are a bit clunky but it starts rolling smoothly after that.
Also has Taika Waititi voicing this goofy bounty hunting droid.
>>771508 must have been somehype train crash when you think about it
Kirara ππ€‘
>>771508 it doesn't look that bad but the animations and stuff look pretty disappointing based on what ive seen ive only played one pokemon game since Gold, though so I'm not really invested in it And the only reason I played Moon was for Mimikyuu
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>771510 less a train and more a bunch of wood elves with hate boners taking pot shots from the treetops
oh no not the tree fuckers
>>771512 That's a bit of an unfair take on the things people were upset about with the game, come on.
it already is one of the first if not first pkmn games where you actually can't catch them all
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
ok yea sorry im bein a bridge troll
You could at least play Gin Rummy, the superior card game.
Kirara ππ€‘
>>771515 well you can't catch them all in any pokemon game except like rby but you can at least obtain all of them in the last entries
>>771507 FYI, it bricks your switch and your sdcard if you have online turned on Part of the way online works in it involves a lot of writing to the sitch's *switch's SSD (or whatever type of solid state storage it uses) and it erites so much that the sd runs out of writes
>>771527 probably untrue considering i know a lot of people playing it online
>>771529 Well I'll tell the person I heard that from its not tue *true
>>771529 There is however, a noted bricking problem that Sword/Shield has been having in regards to how it writes data to the Switch's SSD. The problem is that it's been difficult to pinpoint; some people said it was because of the auto-save function being turned on, then others followed up with saying they were getting the problem without having the auto-save enabled.
Kirara ππ€‘
i'm not seeing any reliable reports of it on twitter
Kirara ππ€‘
i do see a lot of people saying pirated copies are associated with bricking but idk i dont think any of this looks reliable
prollya rare hardware error some eu ps3 mpdels heated up and fries up real quick while otherds have no issues
most likely a tiny manufacturong error that gets triggered by the game
It seems the consensus is that the cause is using an exFAT formatted memory card rather than a FAT32 one. Okay sorry I'll shut up then.
Kirara ππ€‘
virtually nobody is even talking about it in the replies to the pokemon official twitter tweets
>>771535 i'm not saying it doesn't exist, i'm saying it's probably extremely rare and not actually a problem with the game
It's too early to sort out the real cause from the bullshit.
>>771539 It's a problem with the game because the game has a much higher regularity of auto-saves than other games for the Switch. The problem I was trying to talk about above is a consistent problem with the Switch but Sword/Shield has a much higher risk of triggering it because of the amount of auto-saves it executes.
i really wonder if game consoles still corrupt saves if you turn them off halfway thru saving
i would have thought they save the old and new saves, well, 3 copies really, but idk all these games still say "do not turn off while saving" and i'm like pls
>>771543 so why is it standard in so many cards and externals?
also a pure guess, but prolly how it is built as in you van't remove anything from it
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
does it have an SD slot? but probably because ninty would have patched whatever low level exploit previously used by the OG hack
Well there's some internal stuff that can be fixed between hardware models to solve workarounds. We saw this with all the PSP models that they put out over its lifetime. Hacks that worked for the earlier PSP models, like 1xxx and 2xxx, don't work for the later ones.
Kirara ππ€‘
>>771541 the second japanese tweet there isn't saying their switch is bricked, just that they got an error they posted about them continuing to play the game after they made that tweet the first english tweet had a hacked version or something, they were tampering with the game idk
>>771556 They don't wrk at all on the browser i use Although that's tweet embeds anywhere, not just here. Also if I open a new tab with a tweet thwt has a video and don't switch to it within a few seconds it crashes my phone.
>>771547 an update on firmware on lite and never models of switch now don't run older versions of the os or something they are "for now" not hackable as tge oldmethod doesn't work
>>771553 The second English tweet goes on to say these problems are arising regardless of the hacked nature or not.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>771557 gonna file those under Someone Else's Problem
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i wonder if we'll ever see consumer level memristor memory like we were promised non volatile fast mass storage plox gimme a terabyte of cache
>>771560 Oh definitely, uts something with the browser. I should probably update it but its been persistent through a few versions. I might actually report it to the devs. I haven't filed a bug report in a pretty long time. Fennec It's a FLOSS Firefox fork
then what's the error then though?? i thought it bricked the switch it ia deleting the SD card contents?
There's a really funny story about how this became my main browser. Basically what happened was firefox was originally my main browser on here but one day after an update it crashed really hard, probably because of an add on But I couldn't disable tge add ons And pages wouldn't load This would be easily resolvable if I were on a pc because firefox on a regular computer has safe mode. But firefox mobile does not. So I ended up switching to a firefox fork. Then at some point I could use that firefox again but I'm too lazy to move all my tabs over because I have way too many.
>>771568 or is that where they add a final touch fpr "made in japan"?
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
well maybe but more crucially its where the Toads live and work
The actual consoles might've been assembled in Japan, haven't looked into it. But a lot of the components will have come from standard points of origin for hardware manufacturing like China. For example when the Switch was first coming out there was a drought of the CPU chips it uses because the factory in China couldn't keep up with the demand that Nintendo was adding to the demand already present by Apple and Samsung for the CPUs they needed for their phones.
they do make or atleast designed the cpu i think i resd while looking into the switch hack just now
Kirara ππ€‘
death stranding is becoming increasingly less rewarding to play >carry 150kg of cargo 2,000 meters, through snow, across the mountains, in a whiteout blizzard that damages your cargo thanks kojima very fun
monero is chEATINg who wants a monero anyway build the lightning network and reconnect america
Putting the ERO in money!
Kirara ππ€‘
this wouldn't be bad if i could build roads to the place, or if i could bring cargo with me when i fast travel everything has been pretty good but this mission is ridiculously tedious
was monero the ibe china started buying?
>>771584 Bringing cargo while fast travelling sounds like it defeats the purpose of the game.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
$GRIN seems like the more promising privacy coin anyway >>771584 i really wanna play it even despite the slog it looks like my kind of game
Kirara ππ€‘
>>771586 no, because you are typically not delivering things to places you've been before for story stuff
>>771586 maybe if it is purely cobstruction stuff it would make sense as quality of lifebmevhanic
Kirara ππ€‘
>>771587 this is the first time ive felt it was a slog moving through snow reduces your speed by 70% and increases stamina depletion by 50% there's an active skeleton that makes it easier to move through snow but if i equip that over the power skeleton, i have to make three trips of 2000 meters through the mountains
at least let me use a vehicle if you need me to do this
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
<body> <h1> HTML test at the tech school today </h1> <p> shouldn't be that difficult but I'll be glad to get it over with </p> </body> </html>
>>771590 o o f can you make like zip lines or something
Kirara ππ€‘
in some areas but because it's so mountainous, it's difficult to make them and because other players haven't made zip lines very much for some reason, it limits my ability to make a working zipline network since i only have so much bandwidth that i can use to make new things if i had known id have to make a trip like this before, i would have put down at least a few ziplines while i was in other areas to make this easier on me
>>771606 idk what i wrote, i just wanted to write it
Kirara ππ€‘
i am pretty sure i will fail the delivery when i reach the location too they're so heavy that i couldn't bring anything to repair the containers from the nonstop whiteout timefall blizzard so they're totally trashed
>>771610 a device designed to repair a chiral relay broken down into 5 boxes, each weighing 30kg each
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
ur doing kojima's work
Kirara ππ€‘
there are times when kojima hits me with music while im making a 100 meter walk and i have to wait for the music to end by just hanging out otherwise it ends abruptly in the middle of the song
but here i am on a 2000 meter walk and no music whatsoever just silence the entire way nothing happening, just walking
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
something something walk 500 hundred miles
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i'm looking forward to the speedruns ive watchsd a couple and they take like 8 hours and are a spaghetti fest
Kirara ππ€‘
oh boy i have to deal with terrorists trying to steal my cargo too a warning would have been cool i would have brought some protection and would hve avoided walking into an ambush
i dont understand how such a meticulously crafted game can suddenly have such a poorly designed mission usually it gives me warnings about everything i will encounter on the way to the delivery
Kirara ππ€‘
i think i'm done maybe i'll play later when my frustration and tedium meters have filled up a little
I wonder if they'll have the models do the "You BITCH" expressions they had in the most recent Mario Kart when a player passes another one. Those were always really good.
>>771635 >Kokoro Hatano lmao why do they keep doing this they even did it right ...well, moderately right for Futo why do they attach the No on the Hata
>>771659 ToN had a five inch teratoma in his chest, putting pressure on his trachea and jugular, which has resulted in a blood clot in his jugular. He's in the hospital right now
It's been busy for me too. I've been working 60 hour weeks.
>>771661 He had the tumor removed on Wednesday. He's at the cancer center in Houston. He's been kept several extra days, though. It has been really scary! I was super worried.
That's good. I'll be less busy soon, too. My dissertation is almost done. And my boss is going to start paying me.
Some people get to travel for pleasure, Tony gets to travel for tumours.
>>771673 I remembered you mentioning something like that but I did wander off. How's the blood clot?
blood clot seems to be fine, itβs being treated with just blood thinners. i think i have to take them for like a month total
which kinda sucks ive been bruising like a banana
Kirara ππ€‘
what the fuck i thought i was almost done with death stranding but im less than halfway through which makes sense given how much of the story is unresolved but fuuuuck jfc it's a great game but there's so much to do
Sounds like there's at least plenty of C O N T E N T
you are now
>>771678 At least puts all that time spent developing it into perspective. Good to know they weren't twiddling their thumbs or running in circles while they were making it.
by the way ton and kirara are here to tell you that the Marnie pokemon girl is cute
>>771681 17 Low Roar songs and I'm only halfway done. This is a nightmare! Is this going to include their whole discography?! Including their new album which came out last week and is definitely their best work?!
>>771686 Yeah, it's a long wait but it will be a superior experience to playing it on ps4. I hate how difficult it is to use my headphones with ps4, and how loud my ps4 is.
And it's not like there's a shortage of games to play otherwise.
>>771692 To be honest I don't really care about spoilers. I've been watching /v/ here and there and have seen lots of threads about it but don't really feel like I've been spoiled at all. I think the story is too dense and too kojima for people to be really spoiled easily... You can't really boil a game like that down to something like snape kills dumbledore
>>771684 thanks rika fortunately besides the clot stuff all i gotta do is recover from surgery they did have to cut my chest open though so thats why im particularly out of comission >>771687 i was hopefully supposed to be discharged yesterday and then today but im putting out a little too much for my chest tubes im trying to do my breathing exercises good and stuff though
>>771699 Oh hey just like kimetsu no yaiba They'll only release you from rehab after you perfect Focused Breaking I always knew you were an anime protagonist
Dating is pretty hard since I'm not a normie. I can pass as a normie, but I can't keep up that mask with someone I'm hoping to have a relationship with. I can ease them into it, but it's kind of a pain.
And everyone is obsessed with smoking pot or drinking. Every normie's personality is smoking pot now.
Maybe I should try attending AA meetings or something.
It's hard to find quality people who aren't normies because like me primarily work low wage dead-end jobs and where I am in terms of professional success, everyone is a normie. If I want someone with similar interests to me, I have to date down, but I don't have any exposure to those people because of where I am professionally. It's quite the conundrum.
>>771713 Which makes me even more bitter. It makes me feel like maybe she didn't actually love me and was just sticking with me because I was nearby and have a dominant personality.
Oh I've got four days straight of shifts starting next Saturday. That'll be exciting.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
How long is each shift
They range. In order, five hours, three, three, seven. Then I've got another five later in the week. It'll be nice to rack up the hours, though it does also come pretty close to the end of my semester, hah hah. I'll be pretty busy.
>>771714 I think it may be something that's hard for you to understand since you have such a strong willful personality. Have you ever felt overwhelmed and like you couldn't act even if you wanted to? Imagine if you were a lot weaker and less capable and felt that way most of the time. I think she did have feelings for you, but I think most things with her were probably overwhelmed by her passivity.
That said, I only had casual conversation with her. I'm sure there were things in her mind and her heart she didn't tell me about. I was puzzled by some of the decisions that she made from time to time.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>771717 See You just had to prove that you were useful Now they know
>>771718 Even if she felt like she couldn't oppose her father, she could have communicated with me without him knowing or something. I don't know. I don't get it. It's unreasonable and unfair.
I think that if you really love someone, you find a way.
Well that's in part the goal. I'm only on a seasonal contract that run out at the end of January. I need regular work though so them wanting to keep me on after that will be nice.
hope you get it renewed or something i've mever had luck with extensions on year end comtracts
From some probing questions I've asked, the store chain I'm working for likes to use these seasonal pick-ups to replenish the employees they lose throughout the year. And my store in particular is working with a bit of a skeleton crew of normal employees because it went through renovations last year that had them cut loose a lot of employees they literally didn't have space for. But there's apparently also some weird corporate stuff involving scheduling hours that is dependent on the store's profitability from the year previous, of which this store's was kind of low ... because of the renovations, hah hah.
So it feels like it'll be a toss-up maybe. So the best I can do is just work hard and enthusiastically.
>>771720 Well, I can't say I know the answer regarding her but I can tell you I've had relationships blow up because I was too weak to act despite having feelings.
>>771724 book store skeletons wasn't there an anime about this
>>771729 But then why did she want to marry me? If she wasn't thinking about the future what was the point of it all? To slum it up with a poor person?
I'm still waiting to hear back about that research job at the library I think the interview went well But they said they'd call within two weeks It's been two and a half.
It won't be the end of the world if ii don't get it but it would be a good job to have.
>>771730 Hmm, I think she wanted to marry you because she wanted to continue to be with her. One of the things I don't understand about her is why she got weird about marriage later.
>>771732 It sure doesn't seem like she wanted stay with me. She told me she'd be gone for a few weeks, but then she just got a job and all that.
She probably just got tired of living in a run down apartment with a guy living off student loans. Even though I'm about to be a doctor who will have money.
I wish I had some better answers for you. Try not to be too bitter at her though, I think she is/was just weak and confused other than malicious or duping you. Girls are very difficult creatures.
>>771735 It's hard to not be bitter about it. I really got the short end of the stick. That was a two year relationship that she just ghosted! I could have been out there working on a relationship that would actually end in marriage with kids or whatever.
>>771737 It's pretty demoralizing, you know? I've almost gotten married twice and lost it both due to what seems like bad RNG. And there was even a miscarriage. I've wanted to start a family for a long time. I mean, the reason I worked so hard to get myself flying straight was to do that!
It's just really hard. Modern society is to blame. It's hard for people to get together. Our ancestors were long married by the time they were at the points in their lives that we are now.
Yeah but they were also dying not long after the points in their lives that we are at now.
i spent six years with a girl i was going to start a family with, and when we made our big move out to san francisco that we had been planning for so long, she started swaying. i think there's something about moving and starting a new chapter that makes people yearn for something different or to shed things that are too familiar.
Reports regarding life expectancies of people who lived in the past are a little overstated. They were overall shorter than they are today, but lots of people lived to be good and old during those days too.
Interestingly, life expectancy has actually been going down over the past couple of decades...
Well with the way things are going, society could collapse. There's always hope.
tfw want cutie vaguely but not interested in babby
I'm sure there'll always be some kind of society to get in your way.
where would we live without a society, after all
wars, infant deaths, and child deaths push the statistics of Γ₯ast life expectancies down by a lot especislly tge kid deaths
>>771749 Maybe the future will have us all isolated in our own immersive VR pods with the process of exchanging and incubating genetic material all handled automatically.
I bought the remastered Doom on steam cus it was only about $10 And i never played it But holy shit it's like a 70GB download How is it so big Witcher 3 is like 30 gigs and that's a gigantic open world
The classic Doom or the more recent iteration? I think the new Doom downloads a bunch of community maps or something that really bloats the download on PC.
Maybe there's a way to get it without that stuff then I just want the single player
Oh sounds like it might be uncompressed textures instead.
It's funny, the game's like a third of the size of PC release if you get it on the Switch. Not that it's something you could do to resolve your problem it's just kind of funny.
For once the quality of PC gaming kinda comes 'round to bite in the ass.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Yeah. Hilarious
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I guess the move is to download it, beat it, then uninstall
>>771768 is still somethinh like 50 gibs cause what is packing,bethesda
>>771785 beat the crap outta higgs with your rope (he has a gun and a knife) and then it culminates in an awesome one-on-one fist fight with blocking, weaving, punching, grabbing, etc while talking shit. it was amazing
>Biden says he won't legalize marijuana because it may be a 'gateway drug' what fuckin year is it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>771807 It gets below zero at night here. Besides, 10C is perfect hoodie weather. >>771808 Yeah same. Although not old and slow enough quite yet to justify buying a new one. >>771809 I don't know but we need to kick those Commies out of Vietnam
The battery in my phone is starting to get a bit unmanageable. It lasts maybe five hours on a full charge with moderate usage, less in this frigid weather. Once the battery UI reads 30% charge it might as well be at 1%. I could get the battery replaced but since I don't intend to use this phone forever it just feels like a sunk cost. So I'm hoping there's a decent sale on one of the few phones I'd be interested in upgrading to around Black Friday this year.
watchin norman reedus and the funky fetus is givin me an idea >>771814 time to start // kickstart a phone incubator that keeps it toasty and charges it
>>771808 if you can save your data somewhere a factoty reset helps a lot if the battery is dying welp
Yeah, my battery is not in good shape anymore. I carry a little portable battery charger unit for it.
I've used the phone probably three years now anyway, about time for a new one.
Yeah that's about the length I've had mine. ... Actually it might be more like almost four? I got it during Boxing Day sales, had it for the first Philly Trip which was in 2016 I think? So I've have owned it for four years by the end of this year.
Though honestly that's still a weak-ass length to own a device.
Probably one of the Pixel phones. Ideally the 3a XL but I'd need to get it through an indirect buyer since they're not sold directly through my cell provider. The Pixel 4 is coming out soon so I'm hoping it'll push the 3a XLs on a good sale for Boxing Day. In lieu of that I might settle for the Pixel 4 if they go on sale too? I doubt they'll be for a decent price considering they're not -considering they've only recently been released.
I just have liked my time with the Nexus 6p so I'd be happy with another Google brand phone. Also compared to a lot of the other Android mainstays like Samsung the install bloat on Google phones have generally been lightweight and I'm not too excited about settling with Huawei with how they keep stock of data for the CCP.
That's interesting you say that because I was thinking about getting something Google for my next phone for that exact reason. I'm completely over all the useless bloatware that comes with Samsung.
My biggest issue with the pixel phones is that there's no microsd support
>>771824 Yeah, I've got a Samsung tablet that has all that junk on it and it really ruins the UX for me. I had a Samsung Galaxy Nexus which was kind of like a merging point between the Samsung Galaxy line and the Google Nexus line for my first phone and it was pretty nice, so I know it's not a problem with Samsung's hardware. But their bloatware obsession really annoys me.