Ace of Diamond Assassins Pride Black Clover Chihayafuru Episode 3-5 Choyoyu Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Episode3-5 Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 14-18 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-5 PSYCHO-PASS (Double Length) Rifle is Beautiful Val x Love Episode 4-5 Beastars Episode 3-4
After that first episode all the Chihayafuru episodes have been coming out in batches of two. I wonder if they're doing a two-cour in one-cour thing or if there's just something else weird going on.
>>767202 Well we can do an episode of Chihaya or two. Maye Beastars or Chuubyou. Or just go into an episode of the shounen shows after one.
Arata kind of drags a lot of his end-of-sentence syllables. Reminds me of that one member of the Black Bulls in Black Clover.
Using "Grade" to localize the Japanese "Dan" ranking throws me off. I'm familiar enough with Dan that having it substituted with Grade just feels weird.
That seems like a much more elegant way to play Karuta anyway. All these grand sweeps feel a bit much at times.
well no moon still so lets hop to 4 okay let's start!
Okey dokes
sorry i'll still be a while
I hope Arata gets to beat this smug-ass king bee he seems up against. Though he seems to have the skill to match his awful attitude.
I think returning the cards to their precise locations makes sense anyway. You can get a sense where each card is ahead of time and know exactly where to swipe. Instead of having to relearn after you move the cards around.
Yeah but it's nice to have an ace in the pocket for the future. Plus I don't know if this double-episode a week thing they've been doing will continue.
I'm ready.
Oh yeah Furuya is roughing it out in the field for once.
Oh geez that was not the kind of voice I was expecting out of that face.
Well I'm sure a trip like that would make for a nice down-the-line goal, eh.
Especially since I'd have my doubts you'd be interested in travelling with /moe/s on a trip like that.
Seems like Furuya's fast on his recovery though. Sawamura's window to stake his claim grows narrow!
This guy really does look like a blonde Sawamura. Slightly sharper eyes but a lot's pretty similar.
And this first year of Seido's seems to me the kind of guy that doesn't actually want to work hard at playing baseball but wants all the advantages that come of it.
I guess they've settled this show in for the adaptation long haul. It doesn't even show up on seasonal anime tracking websites anymore.
From what I've guessed looking at the chatter about the show on /a/ we probably still have quite a lot of content in the manga left for them to adapt before they start running close too. So if they want to keep having this series animated, there's still plenty of canon content left.
It's been so long I've even forgotten what they'd always call it when they made an anime-original arc to make space for the manga to get ahead. Oh yeah, filler.
It's really fallen out of fashion to do filler arcs lately.
What unpleasant older siblings.
I feel it hard to believe he was able to decide she'd join the Black Bulls though. Like Yami's a pretty contentious guy. Especially from a prissy guy like this I'd imagine Yami would just want to tell him to eat shit.
Hah hah I guess that's a good use of Noelle's unstable magic control
Yeah but he's also a contrarian. Like if he told Noelle's onii-sama he wanted her and he assented then I'm sure it would be fine. But if Noelle's onii-sama told him "Take my useless imouto she's garbage" I feel Yami would just get pissed.
Black Clover's grimoires really are the perfect asspull device though. They literally just told us "In any sufficiently tense situation mages can develop new abilities" justified through the grimoires.
Take one out and six more rise up Elves are really coming out of the woodwork
Unsurprisingly Zola takes this very excellent chance to chew the shit out of the nobility.
I wonder if there's actually a giant elephant like that in Kabuki-cho. I've been in Shinjuku before but I don't think I've been near Kabuki-cho.
This seems less like a public bath and more a spa location.
Watson is being a real bakagaijin in the baths here.
I'm a little perplexed to why they've got the kid assistant this series' Moriarty. Moriarty was Sherlock's rival and the only man in the classic series that could be considered his equal.
Especially since this Moriarty is acting as the head kid of the Kabukicho Regulars and I'm pretty sure there was a named kid at the head of the Baker Street Regulars they could have used too.
yeah it's a little odd maybe they'll spin it later
I'd say performing your lives with silly masks like those on is probably a pretty exhausting choice But MAN WITH A MISSION does their lives with their big furry wolf head masks so maybe it's bearable for a couple hours or so.
Plus these guys are obviously freaks going into baths with them on anyway.
I still don't know if it was Ph- Oh well here we see them in both the masks and the clothes outfits so I know which one was Pheasant and which one was Momotaro in that opening scene.
This episode's playing a bit of the genius of Moriarty at least. He was on the same conclusion Sherlock was while interrogating these two.
Er these three.
Well this is probably a pretty surreal Rakugo performance hah hah
Wow dude you can't just interrupt a performance like that.
I wonder how the law would judge this though. It wouldn't be intent to kill so not murder, right? Though maybe the Japanese legal system would judge otherwise. And Dog's implicit in the crime so he has to be judged too.
Poor Monkey though, he seems kind of unaware of this whole situation. And in one night his entire band is either dead or a criminal.
sorry for being quiet but ive been here for all of it i didn't have a lot to comment i want to go to the spa though
It looks pretty nice, yeah. An onsen resort like the one in Maou-sama, Retry! would probably be the number one choice but one using less fantastical water like this one would be nice too.