Thread #650838
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3D Kanojo Real Girl Bermuda Triangle --Episode 4-8 Boogiepop wa Warawanai Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue --Episode 8-9 Egao no Daika --Episode 6-9 Go-toubun no Hanayome Grimms Notes --Episode 3-8 Meiji Tokyo Renka W'z --Episode 5-9 Yakusoku no Neverland Kakegurui XX --Episode 5-8
i've got meiji neverland boogie gotoubun and dokyounin
We could also do an episode of Kakegurui maybe. In any case we got OPTIONS.
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 651x706, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 12 [(…).jpg )
okay neverland boogie kake dokyounin gotobun
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so neverland okay lets start
Oh yeah Mama totally went all-out on crushing their hopes and dreams.
>>650853 and bones
Well I think she went a little soft on them in that aspect. As far as bone-crushing goes a single leg is pretty light.
>Let's all break our legs and avoid getting shipped out!
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I guess they're getting ready for the last arc.
Well this show's a single cour so if they're gona -gonna end on that climax they've got to get moving.
I feel that's kind of a stretch but okay.
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normans not gonna do it he's too nice
Oh Norman inherited Sister's gift.
Over the wall. Out of the frying pan. Into the fire.
Wow he looks really dead inside, walking to his death.
Oh shit they've got a moat.
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Ah there it is. I knew there was a catch.
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surely they could have foreseen this
They're kids. Might be brain smart but they've probably still got that childlike naivity.
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
I was expecting desert. boogie which ep anyway? 15? lpay ;ets start
Most recent episode. Should be fourteen? Is there even a fifteen? Yeah most recent episode is fourteen.>>650875 Ew.
15 hasn't aired yet as far as I am aware. >>650872 desert would have been at least somewhat hopeful. but a cliff like that is just a sad painful death you don't even get to hallucinate while your brain bakes in the heat with a cliff
This woman has a rather long face.
The kid's had the most rational reaction to the weird chuuni talk EVERYONE in this show seems to say.
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>What are you, stupid? i would have said the same thing
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even this sweater vest kid is fucking weird
No one wearing a sweater vest is ever anything but weird.
Muun Tempuru
they're all gonna get sibyl'd
Boogiepop is such a fucking creeper.
Oh it was just an impostor this time. Boogiepop's still a creeper though.
This girl should probably trust her gut instinct more yeah.
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I love the way japanese people say boogie
Buugii poppu
OOF Augh my ears.
This is some Kara no Kyoukai fifth movie shit.
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Called it
I guess people are getting re-united with dead people. Ah yup here's the serial killer guy.
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Search [iqdb] (259 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Boogiepop wa Wa(…).jpg )
wow the machine is just forcing people to come to terms with their repressed memories
Maybe not quite repressed memories but repressed emotions. Though I guess the line gets blurry once you get down deep enough.
Every new arc in this series really kicks off with some wild opener.
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Satan Himself is performing some kind of weird experiment and boogiepop is like >finally a real challenge
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im fucking tired let's move it ready for kake>>650898 i woke up 26 hours ago
Yeah I'm pretty drowsy too. Been napping in the evening pretty much every day the past week and I didn't get that today. So my brain's kind of confused right now. I can do five but promptness would be appreciated.
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa (…).jpg )
wanna 4 or 5? kake 5 okay lets start
>>650897 Yeah I saw you pulled what's your equivalent of an all-nighter. It sure is exhausting.
Search [iqdb] (316 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Boogiepop wa Wa(…).jpg )
>>650901 almost over though i probably can't watch anime tomorrow so i figured i should watch these shows today for sure they are really wringing this scene out for all it's worth
I bet the only people on this top ten that aren't going to be from the ~bami families are that nails girl and Mary.
Oh I was wrong the aidoru girl placed on it too. I wasn't expecting her to still be relevant.
>>650904 power of fanbois
Search [iqdb] (464 KB, 1280x720, [Nauti] Kakegurui XX - 05 [5AB(…).jpg )
the look of ABJECT WONDER on these side dealers at seeing the prez #1
>Japanese actresses aren't all that rare in Hollywood these days I dunno about that.
Search [iqdb] (314 KB, 1280x720, [Nauti] Kakegurui XX - 05 [5AB(…).jpg )
>>650907 yeah she's just digging at her i think
i hope the ego idol gambles her life away
Oh this guy is ruining the council president's fun. How rude.
That's still one ridiculously horrible name for an aidoru group.
Wow that was a hook out of left field I wasn't expecting.
I'm more fond of the gambles in this series that are more traditional games. Like the card game from the last gamble. Or other ones that depend on cards.
This B-plot of Mary and the shy twin is really funny to me.
vice pres is cute
Oh I'm always down for some Amazing Grace.
Yeah there's no way a two-bit Japanese aidoru set can match a performance like that.
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idol getting wrecked
>Think you'll win because you bribed people
Judging from the English title of the next episode I thought they were breaking their pattern of having the episodes be "The Woman Who X". But the Japanese form still remains the same they've just changed the English title this time around? Though to be fair there really isn't a good way to sound "The Woman Who Hollywoods"
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 680x692, kotori1.jpg )
okay douk okay lets start!
douk nyoukem
I'm jealous of the flooring they use in Japanese houses that makes lounging on the floor so comfortable. Like even when it's not tatami mats they seem to value having sufficiently comfy floors. That or the Japanese are immune to the muscle soreness that comes from laying on hard floors for extended periods of time.
This guy had no sense of personal space or privacy respect even as a kid.
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Doukyonin wa Hi(…).jpg )
i bet you could sell a really spaghetti autographed book for a good price
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They write the names in it so it's a little harder just to resell.
This is some advanced book autism. The worst I've done is almost walking into a pole when reading a book.
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shocking truth!
Search [iqdb] (366 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Doukyonin wa Hi(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (307 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Doukyonin wa Hi(…).jpg )
Oh no Jan we're on episode eight. Have you been watching episode nine too, Rika?
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shocking truth
Man I don't care how bad of a cold I have there's no way I'm using an ice pillow. That sounds like a horribly unpleasant experience.
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s p a g h e t t i
I guess I'm the only one watching episode eight then huh. I'll go and watch episode nine on the off time.
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>>650938 yeah looks like we're both retarded
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oh no did I screp it up?
Yeah, we hadn't watched episode eight yet. I mean this show's episodic so it's not like it matters. I guess we could just watch in sync the episode we didn't watch next time.>>650944 I'd written two episodes for the show on the list!
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well shoot We were watching this fairly regularly so I thought we were current.
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i only half read the list and didn't process it
Man I live for these side-B chapters from Haru's perspective.
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you said that right as it started in the other episode now i don't know who to trust
No mine's been running now for a minute or two Plus you're posting snapshots from episode nine which is -definitely- not what I'm watching right now.
Search [iqdb] (256 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Doukyonin wa Hi(…).jpg )
>>650948 how do i know you're not one of the demons with mama
When have I EVER lied to you, Jan?
The Japanese's belief in the cold-curing power of green onions is always funny to me.
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blep>>650950 uhhh i'm not sure this might be a loaded question
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okay go toubune okay lets start
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Kyampu faiya
Search [iqdb] (196 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Go-toubun no Ha(…).jpg )
this is a good image
Uesugi really is kind of dense to the whole identical trick.
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suki de sukide
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This delinquent-y guy is pretty perceptive for being a, well, delinquent.
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That's going to cause some problems for the real her.
>If you were dating you'd be able to hold hands Hah hah what an innocent guy
>>650965 Honestly it's going to cause problems for almost everybody.
Oh normally it's the girl in the party that gets dressed up. It's rare that the guy gets to be the dress-up doll.
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>i'm ichika right now this is some advanced roleplay
Maybe she's a method actor.
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UESUGI-SAAAN looks really nice in this outfit
Yeah, as expected of the social butterfly girl. Nino knows how to dress up.
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wow i'm surprised he isn't going to stay home and take care of imouto instead
>they both ran in the front door screaming "RAIHA"
Aren't they such a doting family.
Search [iqdb] (345 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Go-toubun no Ha(…).jpg )
wow she absorbed so much onii-chan power she recovered from the japanese cold in one night hes not gonna have enough onii-chan for the quints
Hah hah oh shit Nino that was clever.
raiha is so cute
>I'm not worried if it's Ichika Famous last words
harem ending
Search [iqdb] (360 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Go-toubun no Ha(…).jpg )
he's refilled on onii-chan power from the imouto bracelet everyone watch out
Uesugi's pretty great when he gets the chance to hit back what he takes.
I'd say their hair lengths and waviness would kind of deter an uncertainty like that. But Uesugi has been pretty consistently dumb to them once they start replicating each other.
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He's so serious he just went to sleep, haha.
Oh no.
Well that's awfully convenient. They're reunited with their school now.
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wow they're all in overdrive too.
School trips are events of high excitement potential! Got to have some enthusiasm for it.
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thanks for anime!
Yup yup Time to conk out.
Search [iqdb] (243 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Go-toubun no Ha(…).jpg )
sweet release
thanks for anime